#KHR Sawada Tsunayoshi
grey-eyed-menace · 2 years
"Here's the fact of the matter, Tsunayoshi-kun, you can scream, thrash, and beg all you want, climb to the rooftops and wail, but you cannot force Harmony with any Flame if they have any opposition to it in them."
Tsuna quietly absorbed that info, parsed through it, and quietly sank into a crouch as it all came crashing down.
What he knew of Sky Flames, and his own Seal, and the entire incident with Nono and Xanxus, the pure resentment in Viné's tone whenever she spoke of the man he vaguely remembered calling 'Jii-chan', what little he knew of other Cloud's, Hibari-san and the few subordinates Viné kept on hand.
"Your Flames find my Sky sickening, don't they? They stifle you." He pieced together, picking his words carefully, making sure that he didn't insult her in an implication that his Flames didn't find hers appealing.
They didn't, they never would, Viné burned and burned and burned with such intensity that his own quiet Sky, the Harmony he was trying so hard to establish, was practically hiding in the metaphorical corner.
(Tsuna's Flames were desperate, he knew that distantly, acknowledged it in a way that few would, he wanted Harmony while only just barely grasping what it meant.
And he knew, in a way that ached and festered, that it wasn't just the sheer incompatibility between them that made Viné's Cloud leave scars every time it brushed against his Sky.
Something Wrathful and ugly had seeped into her Flame's so deeply it was as though they were one and the same, and yet, never once did it seem as though it weighed on her...
If anything, it was as though it aided in the airy quality of how she moved.)
"I know your kind Tsunayoshi-kun," she said, approaching something almost gentle, "and I have spent my entire life under men who thought themselves so much better then the last one, who thought I was glass, something to be put on a shelf to look pretty until I gave them an heir," she wets her lips, her revulsion not quite escaping him despite her desperate attempt at kindness, "at which point I would do nothing more then waste away in a bed, die, and be remembered as some great tragedy by them and their sons, I watched it happen with my mother, I refused to live it myself."
Here she sunk to his level, hands clasped over her knees.
"Your Sky treats me like fragile glass even now Tsunayoshi-kun, you still see me as I appear, this frail ghost that's barely there."
Her hands cupped his cheeks.
"My Sky was not subtle in his Courting of my Flames, less was he interested in subtle flirtations," she explained easily, thumb smoothing over the curve of his cheek, "he wanted the parts of me that were serrated and jagged, ugly and hidden, bloody and rotting."
A smile, a cruel turn of the lips, so very sharp.
"And so, I decided I wanted to cut hard enough to make him second guess it all."
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tsuna-sama-simposting · 3 months
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mochidoodle · 7 months
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I gave high school Hibari a haircut and now he’s a delinquent heartthrob 💕 🐥 🏫
(We never saw the gang go to high school so I made them brand new uniforms, too)
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kos-tyan · 11 months
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gojuo · 9 months
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pepsiprophecy · 6 months
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zombu7 · 5 months
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my childhood... gokutsuna
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stormsthatrage · 11 months
Some rando: Why does a person like you follow someone like Sawada?
Hibari, casually: Sawada is physically capable of destroying all life on planet earth in a matter of seconds.
The rando:...
Hibari: Fortunately for the human species, he is not psychologically capable of doing so.
Hibari: I'm working on it. He'll get there someday.
The rando: ... wait what
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minkufu · 1 year
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Have had this sitting in my WIPs for quite awhile cause I didn’t like it, but figured may aswell toss it on here anyway ┐(´~`)┌
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ketchup-chup · 8 months
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what-the-fuck-khr · 19 days
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all photos came from listings on Mercari Japan, but here are the main Vongola Tenth’s selfie cards!
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grey-eyed-menace · 2 years
"I am not a kind person, Tsunayoshi-kun."
Tsuna jerks sideways, eyes blown wide, and scrambles up onto his feet, "Don't say that about yourself Sensei! I'm sure-"
Viné's eyes sharpen, and suddenly Tsuna isn't on is his feet so much as he's pushing against a wall, his arm secured behind back painfully.
"Let me rephrase that Tsunayoshi-kun," she all but drawled, grin bearing down on him, "I'm refashioning this into a lesson."
She moved his arm so that even more pain flared through the socket.
"If you want to survive the Mafia, don't ever discredit a single person's capabilities simply because of how they look. We've all killed to get to where we are, we've all had to slit someone's throats to stay there."
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incorrectkhrquotes · 5 months
Timoteo: You must understand, Tsuna, Xanxus had a very terrible childhood.
Tsuna: I understand. I’m having a very terrible childhood right now.
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mochidoodle · 14 days
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happy 20th anniversary to my favorite series!! katekyo hitman reborn you will always be my true love ✨ 🐟 🦎
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lightofthedeep · 6 months
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the one meme where you draw your comforts as the steven meme AISOPJDOPAISE katekyo hitman tartaglia
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fanartbympka · 8 months
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Some Reborn fanart I did over the years, I hope we do eventually get an anime adaptation for the final few arcs, or even a reboot
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