#Oregon gay wedding venues
gaytravelinfo · 2 months
The Hotel Zags - Portland, OR
The Hotel Zags | 515 SW Clay St, Portland, OR 97201 | 1-855-523-6914 WELCOME TO THE HOTEL ZAGS — YOUR PORTAL TO PORTLAND  The Hotel Zags is situated in downtown Portland’s Business district, one of the city’s most vibrant neighborhoods. We’re truly close to everywhere you want to be — from delicious dining to hip shopping hot spots to cultural attractions. Most are within walking distance, but…
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astraphobe · 5 years
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[ LAWRENCE “LARS” MALKIN. 40. CISMALE. HE/HIM ] is here! They’ve lived in Silver Lake for [ 20 YEARS ] and are originally from [ OREGON ]. They are a [ MECHANIC ] and in their downtime love [ PLAYING HIS ELECTRIC GUITAR ] and [ WRITING MUSIC ]. They look a lot like [ CHRIS PRATT ] and live [ IN OASIS APTS ]. (ooc: otto, 19, he/him, cst)
hello !! i’m otto and this is my first muse here. he’s garbage but, like, good garbage ?? compost ?? idk. anyway. i hope you guys like your man-children middle aged and with two kids because if you expected anything else you’re gonna be dissapointed.
Name:  Lawrence Malkin. Nickname: Everyone calls him Lars, but his mom and dad used to call him Larry. He hated it. Gender: Cis-male. Sexuality: Gay (homosexual, homoromantic). Race: Caucasian. Age: 40 ( 01/10/1980 ). Zodiac: Capricorn. Hometown: Grants Pass, Oregon. Current residence: Oasis Apartments. Career: Mechanic.
Astra inclinant, sed non obligant !
this is the background bit. i didn’t want it to be long but it ended up being long, so if you don’t wanna read it you don’t have to. i did spend a lot of time on it, though. hopefully it isn’t shit. enjoy ( but only if you want ) !
world, meet lars. lars, meet world. he’s ... going through it right now. not a lot of things have gone right for him.
he’s the youngest of five in a strictly evangelical household. everything was about rules and if he didn’t abide by them, he’d be punished. he remembers getting hit with switches and belts and wires. he’d be locked in prayer closets and forced to confess his sinful thoughts. he recited every word of scripture, was slain in the spirit, proselytized to all of his friends, and he got nothing but fear and anger out of it --- it was all very ... carrie, but without the promises of superpowers.
when he started going to a secular public high school his entire viewpoint shifted. he made friends who snuck him into rated r movies to watch him squirm at things he’d never heard of before. he started smoking cigarettes, smoking grass, failing classes, and playing sinner’s music on his guitar. strict parents make sneaky kids, he used to be able to all of this in his church clothes.
after high school lars stopped talking to the rest of his family. he rented an apartment with his friends for a two year stint at community college ( he was an automotive specialist major ) and started a band with them in silver lake once he graduated. he never really wanted to talk about girls or stare at nudie magazines like the rest of them, no. he just wanted to make music. until he met margo and his life fell apart.
he only started to date her because it felt right and she promised to take care of him. no one else has ever made the effort to take care of him --- he’d been locked in closets and hit with willow tree branches for the duration of his adolescence. he just wanted comfort.
after he met her, she was the only thing on his mind outside of his band. it wasn’t love, though, even if that was what he thought it was. everything seemed perfect. it all seemed like a normal he could get used to. until she got pregnant and they weren’t ready. she was 24, he was 25, they were both fucked. this was the beginning of the end of them.
click ... click ... click ... boom ! shotgun wedding. as soon as he signed that paper he felt that straight man ball and chain around his ankle. he felt regret, he felt guilty, and, at first, an eighteen year weight stacked atop his shoulders. what more could he do other than ... grin and bear it.
he stopped talking to his friends, who were all busy having fun and playing music and doing everything he wanted to do and more. separating himself from the men he loved most, even if he didn’t want to say it, made him bitter. he stopped doing gigs to make more mechanic money. after the birth of his first daughter, yael, his life was boring and monotonous. five years down the line, margo threw out her birth control pills without letting him know. this was how his second kid, ruth, was brought into the world. it was also the straw that broke the camel's back.
the divorce was long and messy --- he’s glad his kids don’t really remember it too much. margo and lars ended up splitting custody with yael but because of the bullshit that came with ruth, she’s all his. he started meeting up with his friends for gigs again, rediscovering his passion for music. and also drugs. he’s reclaiming the youth he lost when he started dating margo, even though it’s a little weird. he’s happy but he’s not fulfilled, and his kids could see that, too.
the process ruined him financially, enough for the bank to foreclose his home only a few months after the split. he filed for bankruptcy, destroyed his credit score, and moved into a seedy two bedroom apartment ( which isn’t cheap in the city of angels ) that managed to be just a few blocks down from where one of his old friend lived. he came out while lars was married and he didn’t know until he saw the flag hanging in the window. he was curious about it, but we all know what that did to the cat.
lars doesn’t want to be gay, but everything he does makes him feel like he is. the way he talks, the way he sits, the way he cries while watching the notebook --- he knows these are all stereotypes now, but what would his younger self think ?? two kids, no money, AND he’s queer ?? he wants to push this all down, and he does, but he knows that it won’t do him any good either. he knows that everything will all implode, but that day isn’t today, and with any luck, it won’t be tomorrow. he’ll sit in his idea of normalcy until he can’t anymore.
Per angusta ad augusta !
bulletpoints and headcanons, baby !
lars loves his kids. like, a lot. when he was with margo he regretted them entirely but he doesn’t feel that way anymore. he wants what’s best for him, and he wants to give them everything his parents couldn’t give him. namely: love. he doesn’t want more kids, though. he’s saving up for a vasectomy.
he’s not a perfect parent, though. i wouldn’t even call him a great one because of how often he has to be away from them and how much he drinks his feelings. at least once a year he’ll go on a bender and he’ll have to pay a babysitter more than he can afford because of how long he’d be out for. now that his kids are old enough to pick up on these things, they’re becoming more and more concerned with his behavior. he can tell, it’s just another thing he’s trying to avoid bringing up. it’s just another thing that pushes him back to drink.
speaking of his kids. i love them. i love them just as much as i love lars. yael is fifteen and she’s a mini version of her father. when lars has the time, he teaches her to play the guitar on his old acoustic. she manages to make a’s and b’s and he could never be prouder, especially because he barely graduated high school himself. ruth, on the other hand, is an enigma and he doesn’t really understand her but he tries her best. she says a lot of things that ten year olds probably shouldn’t say, but he lets it slide because it’s funny. he’s had to raise her mostly by himself which has been a gigantic struggle for him, but it’s proving to be successful thus far. she really wants to be a teenager and she emulates teenagers to the best of her ability, but it’s what a ten year old thinks a teenager should act like, so it’s far from accurate. loves cleaning her room, though. it’s the most pristine part of their house and he has no clue why.
margo was jewish, so both of his kids are being raised jewish. he doesn’t really believe any of it himself, but his kids seem pretty happy. yael had a bat mitzvah and ruth is coming up on hers, but he has no idea how that’s going to work out because margo did 99% of the planning for yael and he doesn’t know how any of that shit works. ruth also decided that she wants to eat kosher now. she’s been like this for, like, a year and lars thought it would be a phase but at this point she’s in it for the long haul and there’s a pretty good chance she’s not going back on it.
when it comes to his sexuality ,,,, he has a lot of feelings. he acknowledges that being gay is a possibility but he’s definitely never thought enough about it to make a decision. at the same time, he’s hyper aware of anything that might make him seem gay so he dresses like a slightly grunge dad redneck and makes sure to never cross his legs when he sits down. despite all of this. he has had sex with men before. especially after margo. he fucked his gay friend, too. he doesn’t think they count because he was desperate. they count. don’t tell him.
he has five different guitars. the bulk of them sit in his closet, but he has names for all of them. they were his babies before his real babies. his first two were dr. jekyll and mr. hyde, an acoustic and an electric that took about six paychecks for him to finally buy. yael plays on dr. jekyll and he’s spent a lot of time thinking about how he wants to make it a family heirloom if she doesn’t smash it first. he got a white strat in college that he named angel because of how gorgeous she sounds. i'm gonna stop here because this bullet would be so fuckin long if i didn’t. i like guitars. he likes guitars. maybe i’m projecting. who knows ! not me.
it’s easy to assume that his band never really went anywhere. cause it didn’t. they play heavy, heavy, heavy rock and that’s incredibly out of the mainstream right now. their band, shit and sugar, did get a little bit of recognition in the local underground scene during the early 2000s. now they’re just older dudes that play in diy venues and bars sometimes. lars is pretty sure he’s been called a geezer a few times by teens yael’s age.
despite never really getting off of the ground in the music industry, he’s very good at what he does. there’s not a lot left for him to learn in terms of technique and his style of playing is very uniquely his. big inspirations for him include the likes of rivers cuomo, jimi hendrix, kirk hammett, and dimebag darrell.
all in all, he’s an extroverted ball of energy most of the time. he’s got a lot of ideas and he’s very goal oriented, even if he doesn’t end up achieving them. not the smartest tool in the shed, either. he’s childlike and playful in the best way possible. again, most of the time. this ends up biting him in the ass a lot. especially because of how impulsive he is.
Ars longa, vita brevis !
wanted connections ! i’m definitely going to put one or two up on the main but here are a few that i think would work nicely.
people he met through music ---- even though people don’t know about shit and sugar you’d definitely recognize him if your character frequents local bars and DIY venues in sketchy basements. from friends to enemies, i think this one has a lot of breathing room for ~ creativity ~ and all that.
neighbors ---- he’s a guitarist. it’s a loud hobby. he’s nice to everyone in the complex, but god, that’s gotta get annoying.
men he fucked that “don’t count” ---- some of these could’ve ended seamlessly. maybe they get beers now. maybe your character hates him. maybe your character pities him for being in so much denial about his own sexuality. maybe your character is trying to help him. this connection has, like, no limit and all of the plots can be different and unique i’m so excited for it. he’s a bottom, if anyone was curious.
unlikely pals ---- this character is probably the exact opposite of a fuckup. god knows why they even associate with lars. but they do, and they want the best for him. hey !! maybe lars can break them out of their shell a bit.
potential romance ??? owo ??? ---- i really want this to happen because i want lars to eventually come to terms with his sexuality. all he wants is mutual love and good sex. safety, stability, all that good stuff. shouldn’t come without hardship, though. if you have a good idea make sure to make it angsty because i live off of that shit.
someone he doesn’t like ---- i thought of this one because it’s incredibly hard for lars to not like someone. he finds amazing qualities in most people, but he’s prone to holding grudges. i want a character who he just can’t see any good in filling this connection. how fun would that be, right ??
a jewish friend that helps him out with his jewish kids ---- i’m the knowledgeable jewish friend in 99.9% of my friend groups. most people don’t have a knowledgeable jewish friend out of necessity, but he definitely needs one because he doesn’t know shit about some of the things his kids talk about. i swear, ruth mentioned how eggs are pareve and he short circuited please help this poor dude out.
ok that’s. that’s it. i’m done running my mouth on main, but if you wanna plot or just hear me run my mouth about dumb and unimportant shit hit me up here or on discord ( deus ex machina #2294 ) !!! i’m more active on discord because i don’t have this acc always up on my phone. i’m so excited to write with you all !!!!
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Arkansas student starts dress code discrimination protest with #PassTheSkirt movement
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Laura Orsi and Clara Mitchell. (Photo courtesy Laura Orsi)
Laura Orsi, a senior at Parkview Arts/Science Magnet High School in Little Rock, Ark., received a text from her friend Clara Mitchell earlier this week asking for help. Mitchell was having a panic attack in their school’s front office after being dress-coded for her skirt. The incident inspired Orsi to fight back.
“She had worn it to school before, and was sporting it again for the Science Symposium,” Orsi wrote on her website passtheskirt.com, about her friend’s outfit. “However, at 10 a.m., she was dress coded for it being ‘too short’ by school administration, who repeatedly made her turn around to ‘look at the back.'”
The unnamed members of the administration accused Mitchell of faking her panic attack and threatened her with suspension, because it was her third offense in two years — something Orsi says is not in their school policy.
“She lives half an hour away from school and both her parents work full time jobs, so I immediately texted my dad a few items of clothing of mine to bring to her, which he did,” Orsi explains to Yahoo Lifestyle. “It didn’t seem right, though, since she had a trench coat she could have put on and buttoned up to cover her legs, but they wouldn’t let her for some reason that they neglected to explain.”
Orsi felt all of this was unfair to her friend, who ranks third in their class and is taking six AP courses this year. She also suspected Mitchell was targeted because she’s Asian, and to prove it, Orsi wore the same skirt the next day.
“I made it through the whole day, made FIVE unnecessary trips by the front office in order to be seen by all administration, and no one ever said anything,” wrote Orsi, who is nearly the same height as Mitchell. “I was even alone in the hall with one of the people who gave Clara the violation, purposefully drew attention to myself, and still didn’t get coded.”
Like students across the country, Orsi and her classmates believe that the girls in her school are targeted for dress code violations more than the boys, and that students of color receive the most disciplinary actions for their attire. That’s why, with the help of her father, Jay Orsi, she built a website on Thursday. On Pass the Skirt, as well as on the Pass the Skirt Instagram and Twitter pages, she encourages other students in the Little Rock School District (LRSD) to wear skirts and shorts that are shorter than the dress code’s four-inch-above-the-knee limit, and then to pass on those items of clothing to another student of a different race or gender. She asks them to post photos with the hashtag #PassTheSkirt, to take her online survey, and to share their stories.
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Love it Franco! #passtheskirt
A post shared by Pass The Skirt (@passtheskirt) on Jan 25, 2019 at 11:11am PST
“Once I took the original problem to social media, it blew up like I never expected,” Orsi tells Yahoo. “I started getting messages from students from all around Little Rock School District, then Arkansas, and now the whole nation. I did something thinking it would just make a little splash that will ultimately be lost in the noise. I had fun and felt proud making that splash. But then, the dam broke, and now I’m flooded with information and people contacting me to help more.”
Orsi’s original goal was to gather enough evidence to get LRSD to change its dress code to something more fair. On her site, she posts what she believes to be a model dress code, which is one that was proposed by the Oregon National Organization of Women and has been adopted by districts across the country. That code dictates (among other things) that certain body parts should be covered, profanity should be avoided, and that “students should be able to dress comfortably for school without fear of or actual unnecessary discipline or body shaming.”
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Good morning! Today is the start of something powerful. Let’s show them the fire we have within us. Wear your skirt, the logo, and your passion for equality and change today. I’m so proud of everyone who is excited to join me in #PassTheSkirt. DM me here or reply in the remind of you have questions, comments, or concerns. Let’s do this. #PassTheSkirt
A post shared by Pass The Skirt (@passtheskirt) on Jan 25, 2019 at 5:13am PST
Orsi plans to give her school administration the data from the survey she created, which asks students about how often they’ve been dress-coded and whether they feel like they’ve been discriminated against because of their race or body type. She worries though that she will face an uphill battle.
“I think it would take a lot of angry people, boys, girls, others, as well as people of different races and body types, to raise their voices loud and proud and get their friends involved,” Orsi says. “I want people to shout so loud that the state can’t tune us out.”
At the same time, Orsi doesn’t want fellow #PassTheSkirt participants to get in trouble or miss out on their education for this cause. She encourages everyone to be respectful when they’re dress-coded and to bring a back-up outfit to school in case they’re told to change. She also added that if people don’t feel comfortable exposing their legs, they can write “PTS” on their hands to show their support.
Already, people have been sharing photos and stories, some of which Orsi published to her site so, as she says, we’re broadening the perspective beyond that of a “petite white girl from Arkansas.” Though she’s juggling school and preparing to audition for the Arkansas All State Choir next week, Orsi is determined to continue this work too.
“I’m here thinking, ‘How did I get here? How did I fall into this? I have other things I need to be doing, but a lot of people are looking to me to do something to help them,'” Orsi tells Yahoo Lifestyle. “And now helping them is exactly what I plan to do.”
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worldfootprints · 6 years
The cult TV show Portlandia pushed Portland, Oregon to hipster fame, but behind the city’s heralded “cool” veneer, lies a white supremacist history. Black people were explicitly forbidden from living in the city when the state entered the union in 1859. According to the 2010 census, the city still identified as 76.1% white resulting in The Atlantic magazine dubbing Portland the “whitest city in America” in a 2016 story that crunched the numbers. Despite that, African-American owned businesses and artistic offerings are flourishing in Portland if you know where to look for them. Here are some suggestions for exploring the unique contributions made by people of color to the city of Portland.
Hip-Hop Wine Tasting at Abbey Creek Vineyard
Bertony Faustin, the owner and winemaker of Abbey Creek Vineyard, in the northwest outskirts of the Portland metropolitan area, said one of the biggest challenges since he first launched his winery was convincing people he is the actual owner. “The wine industry paints a different picture of what someone in my industry is ‘supposed’ to look like,” he said in an interview.
Faustin has created a tasting room that has an experience tourists won’t find at other Oregon based tasting rooms. He’s designed it to be an unintimidating experience. The first thing you encounter is the music, hip-hop, which makes him likely the only hip-hop winery in Oregon. The next thing you’ll notice is his nonchalant way of tasting wine. He focuses less on discussing varietal and terroir and more on having conversations and connecting with guests on a personal level.
“I don’t need your validation on how amazing a winemaker I am,” Faustin said. “In fact, I don’t even truly sell wine. I sell love, magic, and cool shit, and there just happens to be wine available.”
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Art or Sneakers with Your Coffee
Bison Coffeehouse is owned by Loretta Guzman, a Portland native and a tribal member of the Shoshone Bannock tribes of Fort Hall, Idaho. Her coffee shop displays artwork exclusively by Native artists from across the United States.
Deadstock Coffee is the brainchild of Ian Williams, a former Nike shoe designer. His sneaker-themed coffee shop pays homage to Portland as the sneaker capital of the world. Williams roasts his own beans and serves up basketball themed signature coffee creations.
Deadstock coffee. Photo: Becky Garrison
Chocolate and Snowballs
At Cloud Forest, Sebastian Cisneros draws inspiration from his childhood in Ecuador in crafting his singular chocolate creations. When possible, he sources his cacao beans from local farms, and imports whole vanilla pods from Ecuador. Visitors to this shop can watch the chocolate-making process while savoring one of Cisneros’ designs or enjoying a coffee, tea, pastry or ice cream available through the business’ partnerships with local food artisans.
Hana’s Authentic New Orleans Snowballs and More is a family owned establishment that serves over 50 in-house made flavors of authentic New Orleans snowballs. These concoctions consist of flavored syrups poured over a ball of shaved ice and served in a paper cone. Some of Hana’s more unusual flavors include Bahama Mama, Tigers Blood, and Wedding Cake.
Ethnic Food From Around the World
Either/Or Café was launched when Ro Tam, a first-generation Taiwanese-American, wanted to replicate the community feeling she experienced at her parents’ Chinese restaurant in San Diego. Visitors should sample her craft chai concentrate titled Tanglewood Chai.
Nong’s Khao Man Gai has expanded from a downtown Portland food cart serving khao man ghai, a popular Thai dish made with chicken and rice, to two brick and mortar storefronts.
The Portland Mercado provides affordable retail space for businesses to launch and grow, and has emerged as a hub for Latino culture in Portland. The nine food carts there represent a diversity of Latin cuisine including offerings from Columbia, Cuba Puerto Rico, and Mexico.
Denim, Leather and More
Ginew, the worlds’ only Native American-owned premium denim collection, originated when Amanda Bruegl (Oneida and Stockbridge-Munsee) and Erik Brodt (Anishinaabe-Ojibwe) made a series of belts from a buffalo hunted by Erik’s father. This store offers “Native-Americana” heirloom goods and work wear made with selvedge denim, leather, brass, and wool.
Under the guidance of the Martinez family, the Orox Leather Co. features unique leather goods made using domestically sourced leather and sustainable (often even recycled) trappings.
At Project Object/Upper Metal Class, jewelry designer T Ngu melds art and activism in her storefront shop with a particular focus on supporting women, LGBTQ, people of color, artists, and designers.
Green Hop, the first historical hip-hop recreational cannabis dispensary in the world, offers customers an art and digital technology experience by seeking to link musicians, art, and cannabis. For example, their carefully curated collection of cannabis flower is displayed next to the records of specific hip-hop artists with hip-hop art adorning the walls.
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Multicultural Festivals
Those wanting to sample the vast array of multicultural offerings in Portland and the surrounding environs might want to check out My People’s Market. This day-long celebration features over 90 local vendors, live music, art, and activities, as well as ample selections of food and drink. The next marketplace will be held in November 2018.
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Feast Portland, an annual food festival in its seventh year, aims to represent diverse cultures in their lineup and schedule. This year’s festival held September 13-16, 2018 features a diverse line-up of chefs participating in numerous events throughout the city.
Held annually the last weekend in June, Good in the Hood Music and Food Festival is the largest multicultural festival in the Pacific Northwest. This three-day music festival opens with a community parade and features live music, vendors, and a beer and wine garden along with a kids’ space and a youth venue.
Good in the Hood. Photo: Becky Garrison
Good in the Hood. Photo: Becky Garrison
Karen Ward founded Portland Abbey Arts with the mission to foster a diverse and vital community through collaborative arts events and education in north Portland. Their offerings include The Round, an ongoing multicultural arts, music, and poetry experience. During this event, three musicians perform rounds of music with a poet performing ‘Spoken Word’ between song rounds. A visual artist depicts their experience of this interweaving of music and poetry, creating a singular collaborative experience shared by the audience and the artists.
Visitors looking to experience Portland’s many cultures and flavors can try these once-a-year festivals or everyday businesses. Those wishing to continue this exploration should check out this link from Travel Portland of PDX-area minority-owned businesses.
Exploring Portland’s Multicultural Offerings The cult TV show Portlandia pushed Portland, Oregon to hipster fame, but behind the city’s heralded “cool” veneer, lies a white supremacist history.
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gupse-blog1 · 7 years
Best outside fall wedding ideas in 2017
With autumn comes gorgeous autumnal leaves, cool, crisp weather, as well as the best chance for throwing a seasonal wedding. Informal or formal, modern or rustic, autumn favorites are flexible enough for almost any wedding—but how do you best adopt your late-September to late-December wedding date? If these real weddings are any indication, opportunities abound for the autumn-loving bride- or groom-to-be. Ahead, creative suggestions to assist you place a spin that is memorable on the season—not to mention perfect fodder on your personal genius thoughts.
Crab apples, pears, and Roses gave the wedding cake at Abbie and Marc's wedding an autumnal look that was unmistakably.
At Daniel's and Eunice West Coast wedding, guests were given blankets for his or her laps to ensure everyone remained cosy and comfy.
Follow the lead of those pre-ceremony cider donuts and get your guests hooked on autumn the moment they arrive.
The rehearsal dinner at Keating's and Caroline Thanksgiving wedding was a veritable autumn banquet, including turkey with stuffing and cranberries, glazed ham with mashed potatoes, cornbread pudding, and biscuits.
Wedding venues Toronto
Banquet halls
Guests warmed with mugs of hot chocolate rimmed with crushed graham crackers on a chilly October evening.
This couple finished their October wedding using a warm at-home all, fireplace and reception.
Maria and Robert's applications jump by brown taffeta ribbon and were festooned with cedar twigs.
Leaf designs in a flattering amber color were projected onto the tent ceiling at Caroline and Keating's tasteful wedding reception in Charleston, South Carolina.
The homespun dessert buffet at Liesl and Kevin's October wedding in Franklin, Tennessee, featured a charming three-tier cake covered with white chocolate maple and decorated with currants and organic apples.
Green napkins and a cream -and-brownish custom-made silk dupioni tablecloth complemented the hues at the reception of Matthew and Fraser. Centerpieces joined autumn-colored blooms with tree branches.
Vegetables and vibrant fruit graced the center of a lengthy table at Christopher's fall wedding and Jocelyn.
Veneer tags attached to red-hot candied apples functioned for the kids at Liesl and Kevin's Southern wedding reception.
Bridesmaids at Fraser and Matthew 's cool-weather wedding wore chocolate brown Vera Wang dresses and carved rose necklaces given to them from the bride.
Pinecones separated rows of the rustic autumn wedding of Robert and place cards at Maria; each dinner table—instead of getting an amount—was named after an Oregon coniferous tree that is different.
Each place setting at Quinn's reception in Jamestown, Virginia and Dana, was accentuated using a fresh fig.
Adam and newlyweds Melissa pose for portraits in front of an oak tree filled with fall colors in Glen Mills, Pennsylvania.
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gaytravelinfo · 6 months
The Hotel Zags - Portland, OR
The Hotel Zags | 515 SW Clay St, Portland, OR 97201 | 1-855-523-6914 WELCOME TO THE HOTEL ZAGS — YOUR PORTAL TO PORTLAND  The Hotel Zags is situated in downtown Portland’s Business district, one of the city’s most vibrant neighborhoods. We’re truly close to everywhere you want to be — from delicious dining to hip shopping hot spots to cultural attractions. Most are within walking distance, but…
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