#Orelia Mezeni
monstersofsilence · 2 years
Exposition | Catalyst: Directory
1. On The Beach
2. Cilrus... My Name is Cilrus
3. A bad idea... very bad idea
4. Unlink
5. Premonition
6. Seeking J1NX (includes Orelia)
7. Possession
8. All things...
9. ... Must...
10. ... Die
11. Back to my life
12. ... J1NX (Cilrus excluded | Orelia and Anyssa included)
13. Enigma
14. To become a lich (Cilrus excluded | includes Cylion)
15. Things that were meant to be discovered
16. Let’s just chat
17. You were not supposed to find that... (includes Orelia and Anyssa)
18. Let’s talk...
19. Almost there
20. The End is Near (includes Cylion)
21. The Hunt (Cilrus’ past 1 of 3)
22. Some R&R (Cilrus’ past 2 of 3)
23. Screwed up... (Cilrus’ past 3 of 3)
24. Where loyalty lies beyond (Cilrus excluded | includes Cylion)
25. Is it over? No... Not yet (Revival part 1 of 2)
26. Discovery (Revival part 2 of 2 | includes Merlee and Alexandra)
27. The second chance
28. The Angel | The Demon (excludes Cilrus | includes Cylion)
29. Give up...?
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[Judge Meme Replacement for @monstersofsilence ]
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Have a rebel leader (Orelia Mezeni)
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and the smol baker (Galenu Corfee) ;o
For Orelia: Greetings, Imperial Citizen [#248388], I am Imperial Drone [#2727]. If you were to put any more disgusting mutant colors on you, I think we could see you from space. As it stands, I suppose you’re lucky that I am not allowed to cull trolls that don’t strike at me first, but then, you’re just a lucky person, I’d wager. The odds of a rebel leader living as long as you have are as high of you ever finding your way out of the squalor you live in. 0/10. Don’t reproduce. Also, I am legally required to tell you to stop being a rebel.
For Galenu: Greetings, Imperial Citizen [#921493], I am Imperial Drone [#2727]. Your poor horn, are you okay? You look happy, but I would suggest maybe getting one of those horn replacements, you know? A horn cap, or some other way to make it not look so broken. You have good fashion sense otherwise, and my file on you says that you are gainfully employed. So. Good on you! 8/10. Your stockings are gorgeous, according to my operator.
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monstersofsilence · 4 years
Choices... they are difficult to make, aren’t they?
The same nightmare. The same internal struggle of wanting to escape the past. It eats away into the skin until it eventually devours one whole and their life is forever changed. Screams echoed in the distance as the girl kept running, panting with each step she takes as her foot makes contact to the ground. Where she’s running to? She doesn’t know. An escape is all she wants. Eventually, something bright shined in front of her vision, getting closer and closer as it appears to be a doorway. Not making any thoughts on whether it’s safe or not, she’ll take it over anything and ran towards it, entering it.
As she made it through, she noticed her surroundings to be a white room. Looking around, it doesn’t seem to be a room she recognized. Looking at herself, she noticed that her body has changed to her normal look instead of her past self. Seeing a mirror, she walked up to it to seeing her reflection. No face paint.
“Ah! You’re finally here.” A voice said out loud as the troll turned to look at a woman next to a piano that was not there before. “Please, Orelia, is it? Come sit down on that chair and have a chat.”
The girl wore a white suit that matched the whole setting of the room. Even the color of the piano was white. “How... h-how did you know my name?” the indigo blood questioned.
“I’ve been keeping a close eye on you for quite a while. You intrigued me.”
“Where... are we?”
“You are dreaming. I have an ability that allows me to look into people’s dreams. Why I have that ability is beyond me but I have been using it to try and help those that are troubled.” Soon, the woman began to play the piano, a simple symphony and continued to speak. “You... are going down a dark path, dear.”
“What the hell do you mean? Who are you?” Orelia snapped back.
“No need to be hostile, my dear. I am here only wanting to help.” She smiles. “My name is Varani Xolphi. I am half-troll, half-ghost.”
“What are you? Like some kind of... thing in dreams?”
“Oh no, no, no! I am indeed in the real world. As I said, I have the special ability that allows me to see into people’s dreams. In the real world, I am blind but I am able to utilize my telekinesis to see people’s forms by their aura. Does that answer your question, dear?”
“Um... I guess... but that doesn’t answer as to why you think I’m going down a dark path or whatever?” Orelia says, crossing her arms in front of her chest.
“Orelia, my dear, do you know what vengeance is?”
“Of course I do.”
“And do you know that often times seeking vengeance can have dire consequences? You may succeed but what will it cost to finally get to that goal?”
Slowly, hearing this more and more caused a burning fire to build up inside Orelia and already she was fed up with it and grabbed Varani by the collar, lifting her up. “You have no idea what shit I went through! You don’t know! You don’t know what that bastard clown did to me!”
“Even so... is it all worth it?” Varani questioned back, unfazed by the other picking her up against her will. “Orelia... I do not know what may have happened to you, I do not know what you look like, but you building up your rebellion, an indigo blood, no less, making others believe in a cause against their oppressors... it’s inspiring.” She merely gives a small smile which only left Orelia a bit shocked with how this girl is handling this. “You’ve done so much... but letting your past eat you up inside... it’s not healthy for you... vengeance is a one-way street, dear.”
“Shut up!” Orelia lets the troll go, taking a few steps and turns away from them. “I’ve suffered... so long by his hand... to the point that I wasn’t the same person anymore when I finally broke free... and ran... still... he haunts me... even though I escaped... I feel like I’m in an endless corridor... stuck with him behind me chasing after me...”
“Orelia... I’m only warning you, it’s not too late to stop this. You’re trying to become a vigilante, luring out your abuser, while at the same time being the rebel leader that people look up to you to be. You can’t become both.” Varani sat back down on the piano chair as Orelia teared up, not wanting to hear anymore of this but can’t help only to accept it. “You said... that you became someone that even you couldn’t recognize. What about now?”
From those words, it caught Orelia by surprise and turned to look at them, wiping away the tears going down her face. “Wh-what do you mean?”
“Who are you? Are you Orelia? The rebel leader that many look up to and eventually will bring freedom to those oppressed by a dictator? You... being one of the beacons of hope, strength, and courage to bring down the evil and have Alternia be equal? Or... are you The Silenced? The Clown Killer... The Carnival’s Reaper... taking out every subjug until you finally get to find your abuser? Can you answer that question, Orelia? Do you... know who you think you are?” Varani finished.
Orelia was speechless, trying to come up with an argument but felt... scared to. If anything, she’s now thinking about that question to herself.
The blind troll merely lets out a sigh. “Very well then.” Standing up from the piano chair, Varani lets the down the cover to protect the keys of the piano, ‘looking’ back at Orelia. “I want you to keep my words in mind. You’re a good person, dear. I can feel it. Not just as a person but also as a respectable leader. There’s not many rebel leaders that are high bloods... many low bloods are often times skeptical. Again... I do not know what happened to you in the past, but I can sense immense hate for the person that put you through the pain and suffering you’re still going through. Even if it’s not physical but psychological. That I can understand... still... just... remember what I said. Don’t throw your life away, dear. I will say this, people on the side of evil... don’t get to live for very long. Eventually, karma will come. Death is very persistent on that notion.”
The indigo blood became quiet. Something that she hasn’t been for so long and she’s usually very chatty. Now though... Orelia is at a lost for words.
“Well, I should let you wake up.” The red blood says with a bright smile. “It’s a pleasure speaking with you, Orelia. I do hope I come across you one day in the real world. For now though, just remember my words.”
As Orelia closed her eyes and opens them, she was staring up at the ceiling of her room. Blinking a couple of times, being sure it was real, the indigo blood shot her body upwards, sitting herself up and looked around, reassuring her first confirmation but even noticed that her hand is trembling. The words that was told to her has been on repeat in her head since then and it still is as she just sat there. Alone. Causing her to rethink what she has been doing all this time.
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monstersofsilence · 4 years
“... Why should I join if the leader of her rebellion group is more focused on one life that wronged her in the past… than the lives of many affected by the system?”
Those words echoed in Orelia’s mind. It’s all she thought about the last couple of days. It’s now haunting her. The indigo blood looked over at the TV screen as the news came up. “In recent news: The capture of culprit that have been doing these brutal murders of subjuglators have not been caught yet and Fleet officials are still investigating on who is doing these crimes. So far, the only pattern has been indigo bloods that are part of the Dark Carnival. We will share more when we have more information.”
“You’re famous.” A voice said in which Orelia became alerted. She turned around to see no one in the room. “What is this all for? For one man?”
“Show yourself!” Orelia said, looking all around as she picks up her bat, being ready. Soon the figure appeared out of the dark, walking forward until stopping. The Ring Master. “You fucker!” Instantly, Orelia charged forward to him ready to swing her bat in which he just grabbed the end with one hand. She struggled to jerk it away from his grasp but couldn’t.
He snatched it away from her hand, throwing it away with the only sound was clanking against the floor. “You can’t let go of me... you can’t let go of the Ring Master.”
“You motherfucker! You screwed me up! You ruined my damn life!”
“And what have you been doing?”
“Getting my way to you so I can bash your fucking skull to pieces.”
“And how long would you be willing to do this?”
“For as long as I’m fucking alive!”
“Really? And what could you sacrifice to achieve this goal?”
“Everything you say?” He slowly began to circle around her. “Sacrifice anything... just to get to me? Your rebellion? Your friends? Your family? Even yourself and what then? Become just The Silenced? That’s what you’re doing. Silencing your whole life until you’re just nothing.”
The indigo blood couldn’t think of anything to say. She wanted him to shut up. “Shut the fuck up...”
“You just want me dead and you are willing to give up your rebellion for it.”
“Shut up...”
“You are obsessed.”
“SHUT UP!” Orelia screamed.
The Ring Master stopped, giving a sigh. “Me, as a leader of my part of the Dark Carnival, I have one goal. And the Ring Master ensures to keep those goals and executing them. You, on the other hand, have conflicting goals, my dear sister.”
“Don’t you dare fucking give me a lecture.”
“Why do you wish for me to die? Because I wanted you to become what you were meant to be. To open up your full potential.” The moment she blinked he was right in front her which startled her and caused her to stumble back a bit. “I warped your mind so you can see my vision, execute that vision, and be a part of my inner circle. But you...”
“You... y-y-you didn’t want any of that! I-I didn’t want what w-was happening in the Dark Carnival...!” Orelia stuttered.
“You... went against me. The Ring Master and all of your loyal brothers and sisters.” He grabbed her by her throat as she struggles to break free, hitting his arm with her fist. “And you left us... but not truly. The Ring Master foresaw the day that you would come back... and by the signs, you just cannot leave my sight... nor the thought of not thinking to having your obsessed revenge on me.” His eyes began to change to purple, glowing as Orelia continued struggling, closing her eyes. “For that... dear Orelia... you failed.” He used his other hand, slowly closing his grip on her grip to cause her to open her eyes and she couldn’t resist it. “Welcome back... sister.”
Her whole vision turned purple, feeling numb.
Until she woke up screaming, flinging herself up on her bed as she frantically looked around the room from where she in on her bed. Sweating, Orelia noticed her left robotic arm shaking. Placing a hand to calm it down, she began sobbing, tears falling down her face.
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monstersofsilence · 4 years
Catalyst: ... J1NX
It has been tricky trying to find the hacker that Orelia wanted to recruit to her cause. Luckily, through many trials of elimination, Orelia and her own team of hackers finally found the person’s location. The purple blood headed to the coordinates, along with some help. She’s not sure what to expect. The three trolls stopped at a hive apartment complex. Seems odd for a hacker, as famous as J1NX, to be in the middle of the city. “I guess this is the place.” Orelia says
“Out here?” One troll next to her said, obviously confused as Orelia was. “Didn’t this hacker exposed a lot of Fleet trolls for their misdeeds? Also, caused a big black out on the most secure Imperial Army base known to this planet? This guy is wanted.“
“Maybe something the Imperial Fleet or the empress must’ve overlooked?”
“Overlooked?” The other troll chimed in. “Look at this area! There’s barely anyone out and about here!”
Orelia couldn’t make out this whole scene but before she was about to say something, the front door suddenly opens on its own. Not expecting it, Orelia and her two rebels stepped back. Then a hologram image of J1NX’s calling card appears on the side and a distorted voice spoke. “Do I have to do everything here?” The voice said. “Perhaps instead of discussing the logic on my location, just walk inside like any normal troll. With that said, I have been expecting you, Orelia.”
The purple blood looked at her two friends and they all three headed inside, walking down an empty hallway as the door behind them closed. “I’m going to guess that you’re watching us?” Orelia asks.
“Always watching.” The distorted voice said. “Head down the hall and reach an elevator. I’m at the top. Head down the hall and to the left door.” Orelia and her two friends walked down the hall, entering the elevator as it goes up on its own.
“You think this the best idea?” One of the trolls said. “Just listening to this guy? What if it’s a trap?”
“You do know I can hear you, right?” The distorted voice interrupted. “May I tell you that this is no trap at all. If I wanted to, I could’ve released information on each and every one of your members in the rebellion you have formed to the Fleet. But since I hate the Fleet, as much as you guys and gals do, I won’t do that... but at the same time, I don’t side with you either.”
“How come?” Orelia asked.
“I will answer that when you arrive.” They answered, the elevator stopped and the opening. “Come on in~” The three trolls slowly walked down the hall and stopped at the door that was to the left. Orelia stood in front of the door, hesitating as she extended her hand to the door knob and slowly twists it, opening the door. It was a dark room with the only thing illuminating light was a bunch of monitors of all sizes. Orelia steps inside and was startled by someone coming by from a hovering chair. “What’s up! Whoa! WHOA!” Who appeared to have underestimated how they they would’ve gone and crashed somewhere off their line of sight.
The troll did it again, sliding by on their hover chair, arms extended out and a big grin on their face. “What’s up! Again! Nice to finally meet you.”
In front of Orelia was a girl who looked like she just stays in their room for the whole day every day. “You? You’re J1NX?” Orelia says, still wondering if this is real.
“What? Expected someone else?” The girl stood up from their chair and began to slide around on her hardlight roller blades. “You know, a lot of hackers aren’t dudes hunkered over to their computers, having sunglasses, for some reason, and a hoodie. That’s just weird expectations right there!”
“But still... you?!”
“The same one that exposed The Ship Master? And all that?”
“Yes! Do I have to paint a picture for you!? Computers, codes, and other technological junk has been my specialty since I was a kid.” The girl answered with her arms crossed.
“I guess I expected... someone that isn’t... you? N-No offense or any-”
“Don’t worry about it! It’s cool. Trust me. I’d expect someone else, too, if I were to have met myself... if I invented a time machine to meet my past self. Anyway, name’s Anyssa Hanell. You went on a lot of trouble to try to find me.”
“Yeah... it’s for something.”
“I’m not joining your rebellion.”
“It’s not that... though... I still want an answer for that.” Orelia paused, reaching into her pocket and pulled out a bag. “This is what we’re here for. A troll came to me with a situation... and she believes that these could help her in some way. But...”
“They are encrypted to all hell that your own hackers can’t decrypt it so you came to me.” Anyssa stood where she is, thinking for moment and letting out a sigh, extending her hand out. “Alright. Hand it to me and let me see what I’m dealing with.” Orelia tossed the bag of flash drives to her and the orange blood grabs it. She slides over to her hover chair, going to her “work place,” randomly grabbing one of the flash drives and plugged it into her computer, looking over what she’s going to be working on. “Hmm... damn. That is some heavy encryption. This is like... Fleet levels of encryption.”
“Meaning?” Orelia chimed in.
“Meaning ‘I don’t want anyone to see this shit unless they’re a god hacker’ kind of encryption.” Anyssa replied. “It’s that serious. It has a crazy firewall that I have never seen before. This is literally something I have not seen before. Who did you get these from?”
“A girl named Cilrus Xonova.”
“Cilrus Xonova...” Anyssa thought for a moment, turning back to her computer and typed in the name, seeing if anything could come up. No search results came in which is surprising. “Nothing... that’s odd.”
“What do you mean?” Orelia says as she walks up behind the troll to look at the screens.
“It’s odd... that there’s nothing of her. Nothing. Zero. Zilch. Nada. Which is uncommon since I’m able to find out everything about a person by just their name. It’s almost like someone doesn’t want to know that she exists... it’s literally like she doesn’t exist! No history! Not even any relevance of her ancestor! I can’t even find anything of her ancestor if there was one! Not even a name or a title! She’s literally off the grid!”
“Well... that’s why she’s wondering the same thing.”
“It was part of the reason I set out to find you. I saw her having some issues on something and... basically, she doesn’t remember who she is or what happened to her.”
“Apparently she died but was revived much later on but losing her memories in the process.” One of her friends said.
This was an interesting but perplexing thing for Anyssa to hear. She never had to deal with this. “So what you’re saying is... in these flash drives...”
“Could be the answers Cilrus needs to figure out her past and why she died.” Orelia added.
“Hmm... then I’ll help. Cause now I’m curious as to why her whole life is a secret that needed to be buried... poor girl...”
“Yeah...” Orelia merely said until she remembered what Anyssa had said. “So you said you know... everyone?”
Anyssa turned to look at Orelia slowly, knowing full well what she’s talking about. “This is the part where I tell you why I will not join your cause... but I think it’s something you need to hear.”
The purple blood turns to her friends, both nodding their head. “We’ll just see you back outside, Ori.” One of them said as they both exited the room, closing the door behind them as it was only Orelia and Anyssa now.
“So... how has life been treating you? Leading a rebellion and everything. Must be nice... how about having a double life?” Anyssa questioned as Orelia’s heart dropped from the mention of that. “The Silenced... most common name I’ve heard. The Clown Killer, The Adversary of the Messiahs, so many titles. All this just to go after one person... The Ring Master.”
“You shut the hell up right now! You have no idea what hell I have been through!”
“Of course I don’t know... but what I do know is that will this affect you?” Anyssa questioned as she raised a brow at her. With that, Orelia had no other words to say to counter the orange blood’s argument. “Revenge is a one-way street. And I’m certain only you, and you only, know about this. No one else. There’s a reason I cannot join your cause... because why should I if the leader of her rebellion group is more focused on one life that wronged her in the past... than the lives of many affected by the system?”
“It’s... not like that... you just... you can’t understand what I fucking went through... what I lost of myself to the point where I couldn’t figure out if I was ever the same person as before... you just... can’t understand. He needs to fucking pay. He HAS to die for the shit he put me through!”
“And of your rebellion group?”
“That is also important to me! It will still be my priority of trying to rise against the oppressors all trolls alike face!”
“I hope you are right.” Anyssa says, turning to face her computer screen and changed the subject. “The decryption will take me a while. I’ll contact you so you can call Cilrus to let you know when it’s done for her to come get whatever is in these flash drives.”
“Right... thanks.” Orelia finally says as she was about to head out.
“Orelia...” Anyssa said as it stops the purple blood. “Think about what’s important. You have many people counting on you to lead them. Keep that in mind.” Orelia said nothing but still listened. Figuring there was nothing else to be said, the purple blood finally left, closing the door as the orange blood let out a sigh.
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monstersofsilence · 6 years
Screams. The wailing of pain and agony. A troll is tied up to a chair; a subjug. Bruised, face paint smeared, and bloodied to the point that there is a puddle of blood forming underneath them. They were in a room. Dark with the light source coming from a single window that pointed toward them. "Please... just stop this..." The subjug said. "What in the Mirthful Messiahs do you want from me?!"
A troll was hidden in the shadows, finally coming out to confront them once more. The troll had on a mask and had their entire left arm bandaged. "Tell me, have you ever looked yourself in the mirror and wonder... what have you done to get to the point you are now?" They said, slightly distorted to hide their actual voice. "But you keep on doing it and then realize you're not who you really are on the reflection. So you break the mirror. To not see the person you've become."
"What... what the hell does this have to do with me?" The subjug said.
"Ah, ah, ah... I'm not done." The troll said, slowly pacing back and forth as they continued. "Days go by... weeks, months, maybe sweeps and you figured that maybe you are different. You go back to the broken mirror, hoping to gather up all the pieces to put it back together. Once you are done, you take a look at yourself again... realizing that even though it's the same reflection, it's still it's still shattered. It isn't... whole. You see only a mere shell of your former self."
"Wh-what do you want?! Just fucking tell me?!"
The troll stopped, taking a good look at the subjug and letting the mask slowly fade away into black dust in the wind, revealing themselves to them. "How's it going... brother." Orelia said as the subjug's eyes widened from the reveal.
"O-Ori...?" The subjug said. "Wh-why me?!"
"Because I trusted you. I put my trust in the whole god damn Dark Carnival. But because of one thing, one fucking thing that I knew was wrong and everything that I learned, he used me. He used me like a marionette. When I finally escaped... there was nothing left of me. I couldn't see myself for who I really am. All I see the person he MADE me out to be."
"You knew better than everyone that not fulfilling your duties or being against them is-"
"SHUT! UP! Shut the hell up with your heresy crap!" Orelia walked to the corner, grabbing her bloodied bat, and went back straight to the subjug. "Now, where is he? Where's the Ring Master?"
"What are you gonna do? Kill him?"
"That's pretty much the extent of it, yes. Whenever I sleep, I have nightmares... reliving that day as if it just happened fucking yesterday. Those... trolls were helpless... and he... he ordered me to punish them if they don't fall back in line... whatever cult... bull crap he spouted to me! And then he overpowers me because I pissed him off and I know what happens next. Oh... I know so very well. My mind clouded in fog, not really knowing who I was or what I'm doing. But I can hear it... I hear the laugh and screams of innocents being hurt by me. Do you know what that's like?" Orelia looks at the subjug as they were silent. Frustrated, Orelia takes a swing, hitting the subjug's right leg to the point of breaking it. "DO YOU FUCKING KNOW WHAT THAT'S LIKE?!"
He screams in agony, sobbing and finally answered her question. "NO! NO! I DON'T KNOW WHAT THAT'S LIKE!"
"Tell me where he is. Tell me right fucking here, right fucking now."
"I-I-I don't know! Ever since you left, people switched around from one church to the next and shit like that! I haven't fucking seen the Ring Master since you left... b-but I know he was pissed."
"Heh... yeah, he has the right to be pissed because he knows I would be coming back for him when I get whatever is left of me back together." Orelia throws away her bat, walking off and stopping to have her back facing the subjug. "Tell me... brother... you still hold true to the Dark Carnival and the... great Mirthful Messiahs?"
"... Even hurting people with opinions that are against it... a juggalo or not?"
"... Yes..."
"Then I have every reason to kill you and every one that is on the Ring Master's side." Orelia pulled out her hand gun, turning to point it at the subjug's face as he tries to plead for her to stop. "Say hi to the Messiahs for me if they actually do exist." She pulled the trigger, shooting the subjug in the head, killing him instantly. Putting her gun away, she walks to pick up her bat she threw on the floor, walking out of the decrepit building she was in.
As she did, her mask appears on her face, slowly fading in from a dark mist until it finally covers her entire face as she pulled out a handkerchief to wipe off the blood from her bat then tossing the bloodied cloth on the ground once she was done. Another subjug with no leads on the Ring Master's whereabouts. Every day goes by and she doesn't know whether to focus on this or on her rebellion. Perhaps what the hacker said could be right, doing what she's doing could hurt her mentally rather than fixing the wrongs that has been done. As Orelia said, she's merely a broken shell walking on this planet.
And the one person that filled that shell with their sadistic machinations was the Ring Master.
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monstersofsilence · 4 years
Catalyst: You were not supposed to find that...
“How much longer do you think the ritual will take?” Morita said to the dark witch in front of her.
“Not long.” Cylion replied. “If you have the object in your possession that can transfer your soul, you will be able become a lich. Though you must know that you have to ensure whatever you’re using to transfer your soul into stays safe.”
“That will be no problem~ As you are able to give me what I want, I will get you what you want.” Morita chuckles until she felt a strange presence. As if something was uncovered. She then knew what was going on and faded away from Cylion’s hive. The witch turned to look but only to find them gone.
Cilrus and Yevine looked at the phone she had, following a GPS to a location that would lead them to wherever they needed to go. “What are you expecting they must have found?” Yevine questioned.
“Don’t know.” Cilrus merely answered. “I just hope it’s something that can give a straight answer.” Finally, they both finally made it to a what appears to be an abandoned hive apartment complex. “I... guess this is the place?”
“Are you sure?”
“Well... the coordinates doesn’t point anywhere else.” Cilrus merely let out a deep sigh, dropping the phone onto the ground and stepped on it as hard as she could, breaking it as she was told a while ago from a text from Orelia.
Both Cilrus and Yevine walked inside, heading down the hall until reaching the elevator, stepping inside and sent up to the top level. Once they reached the top, they went down another hallway and entering the only door that was wide open until finally meeting with Orelia and another girl win front of a very complex computer set-up. “It’s good to see you again, Cil.” Orelia says until noticing the troll Cilrus is with. “Who is she?”
“Yoooooo! I thought you were alone!” The troll in front of the computer said, facing towards them as she spins her chair facing them. “How am I supposed to keep a low profile if there’s some random schmuck tagging along side with them?!”
“Oh... um...” Cilrus stammered a bit. “This is... Yevine. She is my... ex... who I just met and... found out about.”
“Uh... hi...?” Yevine sheepishly smiled and waved to them as both Orelia and the other troll both looked at each other, not knowing what to make of the information being told to them both.
“Oh... that’s um... interesting to know.” Orelia merely said.
“Yeah... must have been weird hearing that after having amnesia.” The other troll said quietly.
Yevine overheard what the other said, pouted and crossed her arms in front of her and let out a muffled growl. “Sorry, she has to go.” Orelia said.
“Okay, no!” Yevine protested and walked in front of Orelia as the indigo literally backed up a bit, not expecting this. “I’m staying here. Whatever happened between me and Cil was in the past but she is still part of my life whether it was for the good or the worse. I helped her for as little as I got reunited with her right now and I’m sure as hell not gonna leave her side if it means helping her to become who she is or whatever! Try to fucking stop me. I dare you to!” Yevine and Orelia then had a staring contest for a moment until Orelia slowly walked away from her path. “Thank you. Now, show us what you got.” She merely said to the other troll in front of the computer and walked passed Orelia.
Cilrus stood next to Orelia as both watched Yevine in surprise. “Damn... she’s a keeper.” Orelia said.
“Was...” Cilrus responded. Inhaling deeply, preparing for whatever might come, she exhaled and walked to the troll. “Okay... what do you got.”
“Well, finally! We’re all paying attention.” The troll in front of the computer said. “But first! Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Anyssa Hanell. I am THE best hacker in the world. Reason why I wanted that chick to leave is because I am the notoriously wanted J1NX. The hacker that exposed the Fleet, and many of its members, of the things they have done. Just want to keep my identity a secret.”
“I guess that makes sense... sorry.” Cilrus says.
“Who cares!” Yevine yelled. “We just came to find whatever it is you uncovered.”
“I like this girl.” Anyssa grins and faces toward her computer. “Well, first things first, Cilrus, correct? Do you know anything about software? Malware? Firewalls or encryptions at this current moment?”
“No...” Cilrus answered. “If I did... perhaps my previous self. I’ve just been... slowly putting the pieces together.”
“Huh... you have suffered major amnesia.” Anyssa says. “I’m only saying that because, and I don’t know if maybe past you did it, the encryptions on these files is nothing I’ve ever seen. Well... getting the file to open all but one.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean that a lot these were preserved and one must have been important to the point that THE ONE was the hardest to encrypt. Seriously.” Anyssa then pulled out a USB drive and gave it to Cilrus. “This for you if you ever want to look into it at your own time... except for one. This one was a motherfucker.” Anyssa then brought up the video file. “This one HAS to be important. This one took a while to crack open and that’s a first for me. It utilized a lot of techniques I didn’t think were possible when encrypting a file. Whatever this is... I’m sure it’s important.”
Cilrus looks at the flash drive in her hand, then looking back at the computer screen as she places the drive in her pocket. “Play it.”
Anyssa pressed a key on her keyboard as the video played out. Cilrus, for the time, seeing herself, her past self, speaking and possibly talking about what could be going on. She and Yevine looked on until they noticed some bits of the video were missing but still, they continued watching on. It wasn’t until that moment that Yevine felt another presence. Looking to her left, she sees Orelia far off to the side also watching but not behind them. Looking to her right, where Cilrus is, she notices a figure behind Cilrus that looks attached to the goth troll. They looked transparent to her though they were fixated on the video as well but mouthing something. Yevine couldn’t tell what it was but she wondered if this is Morita that Cilrus mentioned. It was then she heard her name mentioned in the video, turning back to the screen and hearing what is being said. The pain from the voice of past Cilrus was enough to get her to tear up a little until the video kept going on where she sobbed, listening to every word being said. Finally, the video ended.
Cilrus stood where she is, looking over at Yevine as she cried. The goth troll honestly doesn’t know what to do but her only instinct is to bring Yevine in with a hug. “It’s okay... let it all out...” Cilrus says. Yevine buried her face onto her shoulder as Cilrus looked at Orelia and Anyssa as both them merely just nodded. “Thank you for this...” Cilrus said to them.
“I’m sorry the video was acting all fucky here.” Anyssa said. “I quadruple checked the file and it looked fine to me so it shouldn’t have had some bits of it missing.”
“It’s okay... I’ll be able to find that out on my own.”
“I-I’m helping, too!” Yevine said, slowly pulling away from the hug.
“You don’t have to...” Cilrus says.
“No... I want to. To help you to be whatever you want to be.” She wipes away the tears from her eyes and headed outside. “Come on.”
Cilrus smiled and followed behind her as she stopped, looking back at Orelia and Anyssa. “Thank you... both of you. You have no idea how much this means to me.”
“No problem.” Orelia replied.
Cilrus nodded as both her and Yevine walked down the hall and headed back into the elevator. The elevator got sent back down. The both of them stood in the elevator in silence until Yevine wrapped her arms around Cilrus and brought her into a hug, resting her head on the goth troll’s shoulder. Cilrus blushed but smiled as Morita looks down onto Cilrus with the devilish look in her eyes. “Soon...” She whispered.
“The Singularity will come back...~”
0 notes
monstersofsilence · 7 years
For peace! For equality!
"Everyone! Low bloods, high bloods! Muties and non-muties! Our time to bring peace is almost here! We will show those imperialist fucks that we aren't just trolls wanting to bring anarchy or chaos because we disagree with their crap. No. We are a voice! We are all one in the same! We are strength! I, Orelia, have been grateful to lead you all and the many places we have vandalized to send our message, but it's time that we start doing bigger things. If they think they haven't heard the last of us, they're fucking wrong. We will send a clear message soon! We will send them a message that we are tired of their shit! Tired of how they've been treating the weak, the innocent, and those that are different! We may all have different colors or possibly look somewhat different. But one thing that we all have is heart, soul, courage, dedication, and the fucking strength to show the Empress that we will fight for peace even if we have to die trying! When the time comes, I'll be sure to tell you all what we're gonna do next. For now, keep spreading the message! Keep spreading it all across the cosmos that those Imperial Fleet bastards can hear it from wherever planet they're possibly eradicating innocent alien species! Spread it far and wide my brothers and sisters!"
The message kept going on a loop from a tape recorder as Orelia listened to it to make sure that it sounded okay to her. Stopping the tape, she placed the recorder down and walked outside, appearing in an alleyway and then out into the city to see if her message is being heard. Staying hidden, she waited, counting down to when it will air on all the radios. Three... two... one... and it's on. Something that she did within the message is giving a subliminal message, mainly in code, to those that are a part of her little rebel group.
The codes leads to her safehouse and that's exactly where she headed. Making sure to keep herself hidden in the crowds walking through the sidewalk, Orelia maneuvered through, keeping an eye out on any drones or high bloods that are apart of the fleet. She's pretty much the most wanted troll on this planet because of the things she's done. Only if they knew what she has planned. Finally making it to farthest part of the city, the scenery, and overall setting, is a bit more grim, laid back. The Crack Lot. An area of the city that is possibly the most shadiest part of all of Alternia. Deals, robberies, gambling, every terrible thing from the kitchen sink and also including her little rebellion.
Gunshots fire, screams can be heard, as Orelia walks through another alleyway and then pressed a hidden button on the wall, opening up a secret door as she looks everywhere to make sure she wasn't followed or nobody is taking a peek to see. Heading downstairs, the hidden door closes and she goes to her central command that she calls home.
Right away, she's greeted with trolls that applaud her, screaming her name out as she waltz in with a grin on her face. "Orelia! We heard the message! We're ready with whatever you might have in store for us next!" One troll said.
Orelia raised her hand to calm everyone down and began to speak. "I will tell you in time. Just be patient, Wrench." She said. "Brothers and sisters... we have lost many good friends up to this point. A lot of them I didn't know, but I know that they were good people. They wanted the same thing that you and me want. Peace. I know you're getting tired as shit hearing me say this again, but I'm gonna say it anyway. I've been on the opposite side of peace. I've seen the things that didn't look like peace, equality. This is why I formed this rebellion ranging from low bloods, mid bloods, high bloods, and mutants. We may all bleed differently. We may all look different. And we may all speak differently or have super cool ass powers or whatever. But we all have a heart and soul. But I guess that's not enough for those fuckers under the Empress' leadership. No. No, no, no, no. They separate us in fucking castes, putting low bloods in the dirt and often times enslaving them and they deemed mutants liabilities, unworthy, to be purged off the face of this planet. Lime bloods are extinct and if there's one percent of a lime blood still alive they'll kill them off. I say fuck all that!" Orelia yelled at the top of her lungs as everyone cheered for her.
"Fuck what they say! Fuck what they think! We are going to bring peace! So that everyone can live together and not be at each other's throats and the only way to that, gather up and fight back in greater numbers! Everything that we have done were small things... but what I got planned later on is going to be the beginning of something great and those trolls that listen to that rich bitch on her high-ass-horse of a throne are gonna know us that we'll be a bad itch for them! For peace!" Orelia screamed.
"And for equality!" The rest of the group screamed. Orelia smiled. Despite the one thing she has planned, there is another thing she has in the works, but she rather keep that a secret. In due time, they'll know eventually. For now, they should just focus on what's ahead. Peace.
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monstersofsilence · 5 years
Catalyst: Seeking J1NX
"Excuse me? Do you know a hacker by the name Jinx?" Cilrus asks a random stranger as they shook no. "Oh... well... thank you for your time. Sorry for coming up to you very suddenly." She sighed, spending what feels like hours going up to random people with none of them knowing the person she's looking for.
"This is getting you nowhere, Cil." Morita butted in finally.
"I know..." She whispers, "but I need to find her! I need something to go my way for once! How the hell does no one know who this... Jinx person is when they're everywhere! On the news! On wanted posters! She's fucking everywhere and no one knows who or where to find them!" Cilrus quickly punched a wall, her knuckles bleeding from the impact as she let out a silent groan.
"Sheesh. Never seen you get this way before and I've been with ya for a while now." Morita added, looking up to see someone been eyeing on Cilrus from afar. "Psst, hey. Someone is looking at you."
"Huh?" The black blood troll turned to the direction of who might be looking at them to see what looks like a girl, seems to have a punk theme going with them. The troll from afar then looked around then straight at Cilrus, gesturing her to follow them. At this point, Cilrus has no other leads so this might be her best shot. The troll in front of her walked up ahead as she followed behind, keeping a good distance between assuming the troll doesn't want to act suspicious. It wasn't long until she was lead to an alley which the troll entered into a cellar-type door. A bit hesitant about this as Cilrus stopped in front of the doorway, she took a second to think over this but went inside, closing the door behind her.
Once inside, she was met into an enclosed corridor where the troll she saw leaned against the wall. "Sup. I walked passed you a while back and noticed you've been asking around for a certain someone." They said with a grin on their face.
"Yes! I've been looking for a hacker that is called Jinx... or... something like that." Cilrus responded.
"Hmm..." The troll got off the wall, walking towards Cilrus as they were a foot away from each other. The two stared at each other for a couple of seconds. It felt like an akward eternity of eyes looking at one another until the other troll just smiled and laughed. "Hah! Oh man! Sorry, dude! Did I scare ya?"
"U-Uh..." Cilrus was confused of what was going on.
"Ah shit! Sorry about that. I tend to do that to those that come in here. Sometimes it breaks them and sometimes it doesn't. Helps with me recruiting peeps into my rebellion. Anyway, name's Orelia." She extend her hand out, Cilrus slowly extending hers as they both shook hands.
"Excuse me... but you said you can help me?" The black blood troll asks.
"Well, sort of." Orelia quickly answers. "Though who you're seeking is kind of hard to track down. Follow me." Orelia lead Cilrus through her base of operations. Coming out of the cramp corridor, Cilrus was met by a spaced out room with multiple people working, walking back and forth, coming in and out of every door, all of them seemed to be busy. "Welcome to my rebellion! This is basically where I do all my shit. Planning, hiding, and some R&R. But mostly planning. Anyway, who you're seeking was someone we wanted to join my rebellion since, well, they are a great hacker. We have our own experts of hackers but nothing what Jinx has apparently."
"So... how does this solve my problem?" Cilrus asks Orelia as they both stopped at a large monitor.
The indigo blood leaned against the control console, pressing a button on it as a map appeared on the screen with a couple of blinking lights on different locations. "See those lights? Those are supposed areas that Jinx might be but they're pretty good hiding their location. They have a good firewall but if that gets broken through then they have a back-up to linking her known location to somewhere else than where she actually is. They're good. It takes us a while to break a firewall and when we do, it takes us a while to try and triangulate their position but when we do, it is a false triangulation and during that time, she rebuilt her firewall with strong codes and encryptions."
"So basically you're telling... you can't help me either..." Cilrus frowns, finding a chair and slumped down onto it, burying her face in her palms as Morita can't help but just watch, frowning down at the saddened black blood.
"Woah, woah, woah! U-Uh..." Not expecting this, Orelia slowly walked up to Cilrus, patting her hand on the other's shoulder. "How important is it for you to find this person?"
"It's really important!" Cilrus snapped up, looking Orelia dead in the eyes as she yelled. The room she's in that was busy suddenly stopped, overhearing Cilrus yelling. Even Morita was surprised by this. "I have amnesia! I don't remember a god damn thing about myself! Do you have any fucking idea how that feels?! Getting dreams and premonitions of someone you USED to be and you're someone who you're not?! Knowing these things are mocking you! Mocking the very person you are when you want to actually go back to who you really are!"
Orelia stepped back, feeling towered by the troll's inner fire until they finally stopped. Orelia gave a stern expression as everyone looked at the scene transpiring. "I know how you feel. Trust me." Orelia finally answers, taking a foot forward and crouching down to Cilrus' level as everyone else went back to their tasks. "Let me tell you something. I was part of the Dark Carnival. Subjug and all. It was good for the first half of me being a part of it but as I grew up, I discovered the horrible side of it. I wanted change it or just leave it entirely. But they didn't let me. They brainwashed me, made me become someone I wasn't and it haunted me for so long... it still does. I hear my laugh in my dreams, see myself doing things I don't want to do... but I know that THAT was not me. I finally left the Dark Carnival... though I felt lost... empty. I wanted to be who I was before though I can't ever bring that back. Now I'm who I am now."
Cilrus didn't know what to say as she listened and when they finished, she felt bad, turning away as the guilt run through her after she yelled at them. Orelia, on the other hand, sees that trying to find Jinx is really important to them. Letting out a sigh, she stands back up looking back at the map.
"Listen... I could never get back to my old life before I was turned into some monster..." She says, "but I don't think that's the same for everyone. Especially you."
The black blood slowly turned to look up at Orelia. "So... will you help me?"
"Well, it ain't easy but I'm sure that Jinx will bound to make a mistake sooner or later. So fuck yeah I'll help ya!" Orelia turned back to look at Cilrus, grinning at her.
"Thank you... thank you so much." Cilrus had a small smile until she just remembered that she never introduced herself. "My name is Cilrus. Cilrus Xonova."
"Nice to meet ya, Cilrus." Orelia smiled but then thought for a moment on the name. "Why does that name sound familiar...?" She whispered to herself.
0 notes
monstersofsilence · 4 years
Quadrant master post
making this to remind myself because I made one before in the past but I can’t find it ;w;
anything bold means that it’s filled
Claire Minola (hetero): <3 | <3< | <> | c3<
Nexono Seruex (bi): <3 | <3< | <> | c3< 
Linith Dimava (bi): <3 | <3< | <> | c3< 
Kalios Mashik (ace): <3 | <3< | <> | c3< 
Lensee Varous (bi): <3 | <3< | <> | c3< 
Ulyino Ulvikh (hetero): <3 | <3< | <> | c3< 
Protes Olmahk (ace): <3 | <3< | <> | c3< 
Verrex Varron (bi): <3 | <3< | <> | c3< 
Taline Nevaac (homo): <3 | <3< | <> | c3< 
Serena Cryone (bi/poly): <3 | <3< | <> | c3< 
Janyse Marcan (bi/poly): <3 | <3< | <> | c3< 
Jaisnt Rodnik (bi): <3 | <3< | <> | c3< 
Piocis Jonilh (bi): <3 | <3< | <> | c3< 
Fesira Oranaq (bi/poly): <3 | <3< | <> | c3< 
Mnacro Tahirr (ace): <3 | <3< | <> | c3< 
Elanti Atonia (hetero): <3 | <3< | <> | c3< 
Varani Xolphi (hetero): <3 | <3< | <> | c3<
Galenu Corfee (bi): <3 | <3< | <> | c3< 
Amorra Tarona (homo): <3 | <3< | <> | c3< 
Calrin Jozrei (hetero): <3 | <3< | <> | c3< 
Lidian Aoliaa (bi): <3 | <3< | <> | c3< 
Merlee Zodius (homo): <3 | <3< | <> | c3< 
Neonce Vilana (bi): <3 | <3< | <> | c3< 
Xanoys Talisa (bi/poly): <3 | <3< | <> | c3< 
Kiliko Hallow (homo): <3 | <3< | <> | c3< 
Keelix Venosa (hetero): <3 | <3< | <> | c3< 
Kaalin Venosa (bi/poly): <3 | <3< | <> | c3< 
Laxine Fenova (bi/poly): <3 | <3< | <> | c3< 
Manikin (hetero): <3 | <3< | <> | c3< 
Rinous Iinabe (hetero): <3 | <3< | <> | c3< 
Hexina Linali (bi/poly): <3 | <3< | <> | c3<
Tonila Travun (homo): <3 | <3< | <> | c3< 
Zenira Aracni (bi/poly): <3 | <3< | <> | c3< 
Leanie Cruziv (ace): <3 | <3< | <> | c3< 
Hirana Niirio (bi): <3 | <3< | <> | c3< 
Orelia Mezeni (bi): <3 | <3< | <> | c3<
Galina Dracor (bi): <3 | <3< | <> | c3<
Nixina Zmatra (bi): <3 | <3< | <> | c3< 
Jaxnyi Saneli (bi): <3 | <3< | <> | c3<
Anyssa Hanell (homo): <3 | <3< | <> | c3<
Zaiten Beltos (bi): <3 | <3< | <> | c3<
Cylion Cytone (bi): <3 | <3< | <> | c3< 
Axxiom Donovk (hetero): <3 | <3< | <> | c3<
Cilrus Xonova (bi): <3 | <3< | <> | c3< 
Kalikn Dimeve (bi): <3 | <3< | <> | c3<
Vivily Hammon (bi): <3 | <3< | <> | c3<
Kalikn Dimeve (bi): <3 | <3< | <> | c3< 
Lemoru Xenett (hetero): <3 | <3< | <> | c3< 
Vexias Calisi (bi/poly): <3 | <3< | <> | c3<
Aileen (bi): <3 | <3< | <> | c3<
Denala Fawnox (bi): <3 | <3< | <> | c3<
Xariva Lagomo (bi): <3 | <3< | <> | c3<
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monstersofsilence · 6 years
Fracture (Orelia’s back story)
My name... is Orelia Mezeni. I was once part of the Dark Carnival, a place where subjuglators are together in a religion, under the guidance of the Mirthful Messiahs. I believed in it once. I thought I was truly part of something.
Growing up as a kid within the Carnival was odd. Waking up, putting on the face paint, then joining up with the other subjugs that I once called my friends, my family. Every Carnival has their own church where we worship the Messiahs. It always amazed me. Our leader, in my Carnival, was a very tall subjug, very intimidating. He is called the Ring Master. He told his sermons to us each day and we followed it. I followed it once before.
Though... day by day, I was starting to worry of the ways of the Dark Carnival. Us indigos, at least ones that are subjugs, have a "gift" that apparently was given from the Mirthful Messiahs themselves. Voodoos. Each one is different depending on the person. I never knew how to use mine, but I've seen others... I've seen how others use theirs.
Bending people to their will, brainwashing them, putting them into some kind of hypnosis. It didn't look right. Even then, us indigos have a thing with rage and I've seen some going as far as killing others just for fun. I never joined for this. I didn't become a subjug just for this... this cruelty! This Brutality on others that aren't like us or disagree with our ways! I never asked for this...
Every day grew more dark. Even more so with some subjugs hesitant to wanting to leave but not wanting to be seen as "heretics" and then hunted down. Those that are caught of such thoughts, are either put back into their place through painful, tormenting methods, or are never seen or heard from again.
I have nightmares of this moment. Every time I sleep, I still have this nightmare as if it just happened yesterday. The Ring Master ordered me to put some "heretics" into their place, fall back in line. He wanted me to use my voodoos, but I never knew how and I refused because of how wrong it was... how wrong everything was. He was pissed. The most pissed off I have ever seen from him.
At that point, he overpowered me, using his own voodoos against me. I hate... HATE remembering this. I wanted to end everything for even remembering this. I was under his whim... everything didn't feel right. My vision was a purple hue fog. My mind felt blank. But I can hear it. I hear those shrills of laughter that were my own.
He uses me every time he gets the chance to... as if I'm some kind of puppet to him. I never felt so horribly violated in my life. there's been times that he kept me under his "spell" for days... even weeks.
It was then I finally decided to just wanting to end it all... I wanted it all to go away. I hated it. I hated every minute of being in the Carnival to the point that I didn't know who I am anymore. I wanted the silence... the relief from everything to just fade to black so I won't have to deal with it anymore... but I couldn't do it. I've tried so many times to off myself, but I could never do it.
At that point, I left the Carnival. I started a new life that isn't clouded by the the Dark Carnival's vision... a life without Ring Master using me for his sinister deeds. It was hard. It was hard trying to figure out who I am now. I tried so many things, but nothing felt like the person I wanted to be for the rest of my life. It wasn't until I saw a news report of conflict between the empire and the whole caste of trolls regarding equality. In that moment... I knew what I wanted to do... what I know would change my life around.
I became a rebellion leader for my own group. It... took some time to gain publicity considering there was popular ones that were taking the stage. But eventually, I made it to where I wanted to be. The day that I thought I wanted to be a rebel leader felt odd, I should've been a rebel leader a long time ago with the problems going on in Alternia. Even then, I've seen the divide back when I was in the Carnival. I've seen the cruelty high bloods can be, and I've seen how the empire can be towards the lowest caste.
This point forward, I'm gonna do my best to make sure that the empire don't put us to the ground. And as for the Ring Master... one day, I'm going to find him, and I'm going to fucking kill him for everything he's done to me.
0 notes
monstersofsilence · 6 years
Purple lights
The Dark Carnival. Filled with indigo bloods and all of them subjuglators. All of this to worship the Mirthful Messiahs. An idea that is still something to get used to on Orelia's perspective. She looks herself at a mirror, seeing the face paint that she has on, which all subjugs have even if some go as far as putting on body paint, and all she sees is a different person.
Sighing heavily to herself, she was about ready to wipe it off until she heard someone opening the door behind her. "H-Hello!" She called out, quickly turning around and throwing away the handkerchief across the room.
"What the hell are you doing here?" The tall subjug questioned as they walked in.
"I-I was fixing my face paint. It was smearing off for some reason..." She lied, hoping the troll would take it.
The subjug squinted at her and finally nodded. "Well, that's good. Come. It's finally time for you to do the Messiahs' bidding."
Orelia complied and followed behind the subjug. Getting out of the small building she was in, she came out to finding the Dark Carnival as lively as ever. Some subjugs that seem to be off of some slime, others staring at Orelia with their glowing purple eyes. It made her uncomfortable. Enough that she had to look away until she was brought to a large tent that had some trolls in chains, struggling to break out. "Wha... what's going on here?
"These trolls are defilers, traitors, heretics! They dare speak fucking blasphemy under the protection of our Mirthful Messiahs!" The subjug yelled. "They deserve to be punished, to be put back into fucking line where they supposed to be."
"What do you mean?"
"The voodoos, my child. If they cannot go back to where they belong, then we will show them the way."
"But... I never used my voodoos... I just think it's... it's wrong!" Orelia closed her eyes, embracing for something bad to happened but she could hear the tall subjug's breathing getting closer and closer until she knew they were at eye level. Opening her eyes, she could see rage. Furious rage in the subjug's eyes.
"You think the gift that was given to you... is wrong?" The subjug said, trying their best to hold in their anger until Orelia slowly nodded, afraid of what's going on. The subjug only yelled, turning around and went after one of the trolls that was held prisoner, punching them over and over until they were finally dead. Panting, the subjug turned around, covered in blood and slowly walked over to Orelia. "Well, do it."
"Put the last few back in line by beating them until they submit... or use the gift."
"What?! No! That's... that's wrong! They deserve to be judged fairly! Not savagely..."
"Are you calling us savages?!"
"No! No!"
"You are nothing more than a fucking pathetic weakling. Using the gift that was given to you is fucking wrong? You must be fucking with me. If you won't use it, then I will make you use it." The tall subjug began to slowly walk towards Orelia's direction as she backs up.
"What... are you doing? What do you mean... by that?" She's scared, there's no where else for her to run to.
"Just give in, child. Just... give in." The subjug was already close enough that they grabbed Orelia's wrists, holding her down onto to the ground. The indigo blood was trying desperately to break free, kicking at the tall subjug that had her restrained. "Just stop. Listen to my fucking voice. Do as I say and you shall continue on the path you were strayed off from."
Orelia is struggling, trying to jerk her hands free until she can hear voices all around her. "No! No! I don't want this!" She screamed, trying to not give in as difficult as it may be. Her vision is fading, a purple hue shrouding around her until all she could see is blackness. She then hear screaming, but not her own as it was followed off by sinister laughing.
It wasn't long until Orelia woke up from being poked for a couple of minutes. Looking around, panting, she sees one of her rebel followers. "Orelia, are you okay? Were you having bad dreams?"
The indigo blood didn't say anything, getting up from the chair that she fell asleep on. "What do you need?"
"We intercepted a transmission that the cruiser ship Vengeance and Redemption has finally landed. It is docked in sector 17-B on this map."
"Good. Have you spread the word yet?"
"Not yet, ma'am."
"Then do it. Let everyone know and I'll tell everyone why that ship is important." The troll nodded and left Orelia alone. As soon as the troll left, Orelia grabbed hold of something as she collapsed on her knees to the ground. The days at the Dark Carnival are still haunting her. She felt like crying, but she can't. She can't show weakness. Not right now.
Breathing in and out slowly, she tries to focus on the task at hand. She's a leader. She can't let the past overtake her. Getting up from the floor, she is then greeted by another troll. "Hello, ma'am. I have some reports coming on another rebel leader."
"Another? What's their name?"
"Vereni. A sea dweller with... a very neat hair style." The troll says, handing Orelia the file that shows the picture of the troll that was mentioned.
Orelia takes a look at it, grinning to herself. "She does have nice hair. Thank you mentioning this to me."
"If I may, there has been rumors going on that she has been recruiting and needing more help from other rebel groups, like us. Maybe we can join her, get some allies. I have looked into her and she has quite a following even outside of Alternia. Joining her, we gain more allies than what we currently got."
"Hmm... I'll think about it. Thank you for this." The troll nodded and left Orelia alone once more. The indigo blood sat back down on the chair and looked at the file in front of her, thinking over on this decision. Her trust for certain allies is quite scarce, but maybe having another rebel leader on her side isn't a bad idea.
Perhaps she'll arrange something to meet this troll. At least she hopes this'll go better than trying to recruit the hacker. She hopes.
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monstersofsilence · 5 years
🍼 Orelia / Pendra?
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- name: Qozete Mezeni
- likes / dislikes: 
LIKES: setting random stuff on fire, destroying random objects with her bat, BATS [not the animal =w=], guitar, punk rock music, her band, causing havoc with her moms
DISLIKES: subjugs, some music genres, girly dresses, chocolate
- first word: "ANARCHY!"
- appearance: ^^^^^^
- which parent they look more like: Orelia
- which parent they like more: both!
- height once fully grown: 6'3"
- job ambition: going all over Alternia playing with her band in front of thousands of people
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monstersofsilence · 7 years
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another new troll
a punk, ex subjug troll with a robo arm, a rebellious rascal and a whole of hitting and swinging heads off
Orelia Mezeni
she does have dyed streaks, but I’ll do that much later on
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monstersofsilence · 7 years
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Orelia Mezeni
Age: 11 1/2 solar sweeps (24 Earth years)
Height: 6′5″
Interests: Rebellion, starting fights
Bio/personality: You are not the hero Alternia deserves. Seriously. You're not. You've caused a lot of trouble growing up and that's usually a good thing, in your eyes. You got away from the Dark Carnival at a young age after learning how screwed up it can be and therefore have become disgusted even meeting any other subjugs. That's when your rebellious phase began and has kept going on growing up. More and more you've learned of the injustice going on in Alternia, how low bloods are treated and, generally, how mutants are treated. That's where you caused more trouble. You've damaged businesses that are owned by high bloods and even drew graffitti the sides of building to let the people see. Hell, during one of the times you started a riot and lost your left arm in the process. Luckily some people that were with you helped you out and one of them built you a robotic arm that works like a charm. You also have powers. Dark powers, to be exact. Almost like something from a video game or those anime shows. The neat thing about the power is that you can use it to have a replacement arm if you need to. If your arm were to ever fall off, boom. Dark mist arm. Pretty handy and another neat thing is your able to disguise certain things of your body with the power, either having extra horns or mocking some creature. It's pretty helpful in situations where you need hide from the authority when things get out of hand. Your trolltag is risenAnarchy [RA] and You pretty much are chill ₩hen speaking to peeps if they're level headed ₩ith ya
Blood color: Indigo
Ancestor: The Maniac
Lusus: Large pelican with extra pair of wings [Deaceased]
||Quadrants|| <3 <3< <> c3<
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