#Organ Scholar
thegrimreaperisanerd · 8 months
Thinking about my first DE playthrough and the horror of going through the tribunal because I was *THAT* engrossed. And then the *greater* horror of, upon waking up, realising that that's a SHARED FUCKING BATHROOM.
So I've had some vodka. Here we go, piss poll;
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caspersscareschool · 8 months
might be a long shot but is anyone following me really autistic about turtles or just really into them and want to talk about them with me. i mean real turtles like actual real life reptiles not the cartoons. I'm having trouble finding opensource resources that go into detail on buccopharyngeal respiration in softshells and i don't go to college
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scurvyratt · 7 months
Although I didn't like the way Said died, I do think that the only way his story could have ended "happily" was with his own death.
So to explain, Said was a jihadist imo. I know that term has an extremely negative and violent connotation these days, but I don't think that he was a terrorist or extremist lol. Jihad has nothing to do with terrorism: "In its most general meaning, jihad refers to the obligation incumbent on all Muslims, individuals and the community, to follow and realize God’s will: to lead a virtuous life and to extend the Islamic community through preaching, education, example, writing, etc." Many Muslims also refer to jihad as a struggle against oppression. So not every Muslim is a jihadist, but I think Said is due to the fact that he is an imam and civil rights leader.
There are also the concepts of "lesser jihad" and "greater jihad". Lesser jihad is more of a physical battle against those who are oppressing you or committing wrong doings. We can see this in Said when he partakes in the riot for example. Greater jihad is an inward battle against oneself. The struggle against greed, lust, ego, selfishness, evil, etc. There's a ton of examples that can be used for this, especially in the last two seasons when he loses it after he kills Adebisi lol. Also when he gives up on pursuing Cutler's (ex) wife for his cause.
Nowww how does this relate to his death? Well, being a martyr is also a big deal in Islam. Muslims believe that there are seven levels of heaven, and that those who die as martyrs automatically go to the highest level. There are many different ways that one can die as a martyr in Islam, such as dying during child birth or dying while fighting for your independence (everyone who has been killed in the current Palestinian genocide is considered a martyr). But another way, is to die in the pursuit of jihad.
I don't even know what I'm talking about anymore lol, but I think that death as a martyr was like, the perfect death for Said since he was so committed to his jihad, his people, and fighting for civil rights. Also because he could be very self righteous and wanted to be seen as a hero (though I do think he changed in the later seasons, especially after Adebisi. Me doing a character analysis when I don't even remember what happened ijbol). I don't think that any other ending would have been satisfying for him because his ultimate desire was for liberation/equal rights/justice, etc. and like obviously that will never be achieved lol....
Also yes, I do think that Said would probably be considered a martyr since he mainly dedicated his life to Islam and educating/helping others (even tho he was kinda a flop tbh...) and he was assassinated. I mean he even gave up the opportunity to leave prison just so he could stay with his boyfriend Arif the other Muslims.
I know some people say that Said's death was fitting for the show (sudden, random, and by a stranger) but likeeeee. Idk I just did not gaf about that Idzik dude like come on they couldn't have come up with anything else?
Source: https://www.unaoc.org/repository/Esposito_Jihad_Holy_Unholy.pdf
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apollotronica · 1 month
i folloq too many losers and not nearly enough smarty pants academics majoring in some complicated bullshit
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heavywithplot · 1 year
Do you ever devise plots around the children your characters have? What their family life is like? How they raise these kids?
I'm just curious to know as I love your plots and they are so fun and intriguing.
it depends! for stuff like john and the harvester, there are no children involved, so there's nothing there to explore, but for things like the knock off ancient world narratives: absolutely! there's nothing messier than high stakes inheritance claims, and for stuff like that, you need to world build the family life otherwise it's. boring.
I have this one ancient-rome-but-I-filed-the-serial-numbers-off-it story where this one guy hooks up with general of his father (the emperor) (everyone's above 20 here btw), and a week later the emperor is assassinated, and the guy realizes he's pregnant. the general is making a play at assuming power, even though the main character is technically listed in the will as successor, and he hates the idea of the general taking advantage of the pregnancy to legitimize his take over for power, so his best friend comes up with an idea to get married and pass the baby off as his, and there's like. another 20 years of story I've built up in my head after that. there's parricide and everything!
also tysm!! 💞💗💖
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snickerdoodlles · 11 months
me: I don’t really care about chess
also me: *complains extensively about characters terrible chess playing in DMs*
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potatoesandsunshine · 7 months
they actually made me insane with this one. the inquisition has NO! AUTHORITY! HERE! what the FUCK!!!! they've got me joining the exalted council give me the mic i need to ask what the fuck they thought they were doing taking over part of the deep roads
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tenebsolis · 8 months
thinking about which bloodborne affiliation i would assign daan and him sacrificing an eye and being a doctor fits so much with the theme of the choir but im like. would he do all that tho….. mensis scholar wouldn’t make too much sense for him because he has a background with divine rituals (one that isnt too positive) im in a bit of a pickle. in terms of skills he definitely has what it takes to be a choir member but in terms of morality he isnt very aligned with the healing church at all. this is so difficult what would he be.
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haresvoid · 9 months
If anyone tried to offer to find a way to cure Ome, it would directly say something along the lines of "you do realize I am the tadpole / "parasite" and not the host, correct? A cure would be nothing short of death."
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The secret history summarised :
Gay scholars commit crime while drunk and with chronic lung disease
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kaoticshiba · 1 year
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 It DOES matter whats on the inside xd i can’t argue w that. Its just a lil chibi Marcellus from 4 am ;3
its cute gore so i dont need to censor it right ? 
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thinking about how the bridge of Heaven Help Us spends several lines mocking faith and Jesus' crucifixion ("I'll give you all the nails you need/cover me in gasoline") but ends with "and the punchline of the joke is asking/ Someone save us/ Heaven help us now..."
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hannie-dul-set · 1 year
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reblogsdogs · 1 year
im feeling insane about this history paper it was only supposed to be 2500 words but i think mine is going to be 4500-5000.... i cant stop myself im so into this topic and i want to make everyone talk about it with me but i cant so im just going to dedicate a ridiculous amount of time and energy to this paper
#i love being a nontraditional student so much#thank god i went back to school instead of forcing myself through when i was younger#anyways my topic is elizabeth keckley/keckly and she was so interesting and under valued#still undervalued#her life story is so interesting but theres so little really known about her#she had such nuanced opinions and publishing her memoir largely ruined her life#1860s america was not ready for what she had to say at all#she lost her son and her closest friend#idk fuck mary todd lincoln actually#but she ended up very alone#and she worked so hard for her business and for aid organizations in dc during the civil war and after#and so much more anyways she was a very multifaceted women and she faced so much backlash when she published her book#and now largely her book is a source for lincoln scholars#her book is so interesting to read because she calls it her memoir#but since it was published mortly for the purpose of defending mary lincoln#so much of keckleys life and opinions are somewhat watered down/censored#anyways i want to know more so bad#but no one knows more#not watered down or censored#she just hints at a lot of things#theres a lot of reading between the lines#but thats largely theory and not concrete#but she faced a lot of social backlash mainly from white people but her buisness really suffered#and she was really hurt by the loss of the friendship#and she died very heartbroken and lonely and regretting many things#and even though she saved carefully for her burial her grave was moved and lost#just like her mothers and her sons#and she was not recognized for the legitimate historian and activist that she was and she still isnt#because she was black and a women#literally someone tried to claim she wasnt a real person and just a pen name for a white woman
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beeapocalypse · 2 years
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cannoneer images
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renthony · 4 months
From the article:
NASA has released a free, original tabletop role-playing game, and it’s one part educational experience and another part sci-fi/fantasy epic with magic and dragons. The crux of The Lost Universe, the organization’s first TTRPG,involves a mystery: What would happen if the Hubble Space Telescope disappeared? It’s a simple premise and one that hides the complex backstory underscoring the events of the role-playing game. Without getting into the weeds, the game takes place on a planet called Exlaris, which was once thrown into chaos when a black hole moved too close and kicked it out of its orbit. The planet has since gone back to some degree of normalcy and is now almost completely dedicated to academia. In one city, a scholar named Eirik Hazn made a spell to connect with Earth to study the Hubble Space Telescope, which has famously collected data on black holes. However, the spell and telescope are stolen by a dragon, and researchers working on the project have been disappearing, so the players — Earthlings who worked on the telescope at NASA who were brought through a portal to Exlaris — have to save the day. The official 44-page gameplay book is available to download for free on NASA’s website. You can play it in a party with 4-7 players, but you may need to fudge a few things to graft this narrative onto your TTRPG system of choice. The book says it’ll take around 3-4 hours to get through the adventure.
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