#Orsola the Werebear
yearningaces · 5 months
Since you asked I’ve been really feeling like cuddling a big bear-esque monster lately. A big fluffy lady who just likes having a little something/someone to hold. Idk, something about how warm it’s been getting now is making me miss the cozy nights wrapped up in winter y’know?
One cuddly were-bear lady served sweet, sharky(No emoji's for me at the moment tbh) and can i say, i want to be cuddled by this woman already, thank you
It would be cheeky to call your home a den, much less a cave… However, as you looked around the room, coffee brown walls with plants growing in every corner, different pots either on shelves or hanging or upon the floor, paired with the dense and fluffy blankets you were currently bundled in, it wouldn't really be a strange description.
However, Orsola would most likely roll on top of you as 'punishment' as if having your wonderful were-bear of a partner could ever be anything short of preferred. Orsola's large arms gripped you closer to her chest, the patches of fur and fat providing the softest cushion as you were squeezed closer.
"You're squirming again, Pumpkin," Her voice growls softly in your ear, paired with a light nip of fangs, she has your attention back in the moment. "Y' gotta stop that now, sleep time is cuddle time, and I'm 'bout five seconds from using you as a bed if you cant keep still."
The thought isn't really threatening, but you still raise a hand to pet her soft, dark hair, gingerly stroking the base of her furry bear like ears. "Get a pillow if I move that much," Your lighthearted teasing is met with a low growl as Orsola grasps you tighter to her, curled up around your smaller form.
You can feel her nuzzling her nose against the top of your head, breathing in the familiar scent. "Never even suggest that again. You're the perfect snuggle buddy. Sweet little thing that you are, A damn pillow ain't able to replace that." One of her hands shift from your hip to the back of your neck, guiding your head to rest against her throat as she lets out a deep comfortable sigh. "Nah, pumpkin… This is all I want, You really can't just let me love on you while nappin'?" Her voice softens as she knows you'll give in to her cravings for cuddling.
And of course, how couldn't you? You throw your legs over her larger ones, pressing as close as you can while speaking, "No, I love napping together, I was just talkin', sweetheart. We can stay here as long as you'd like."
You only realize your words once you physically feel her mouth widen into a broad grin where its pressed against your skin. "No take backs." With that Orsola wraps both arms around you quickly, gripping you tightly to her chest as she rolls over on the bed, pinning you down to the mattress while laying halfway on top of you, her positioning dropping you between the wall and her so you couldn't sneak off without her knowing.
"Hey!" Your startled squeak rises as soon as you hit the mattress with a 'thud', "Orsola-"
The were-bear quickly cuts you off with a far too amused sound, pressing her lips to yours to muffle your mock complaint's. Once you settle, she leans back slightly to press another kiss to your cheeks, your forehead, your nose, your jaw, and finally the top of your head. All the while she easily maneuvers you into your new position, curled up among bundled blankets and cushions for no doubt the rest of the late afternoon, and possibly the night if she can convince you to stay.
"Cuddle bear," your huffed voice drips with adoration for her.
"Pumpkin, don't even act like you don't wanna be carried around and cuddled up to me at any given moment," Her own amusement and affection for you rings clear in her tone.
With a soft sigh, you rest your head against the broad forearm tucked under your head with care. "Yeah," You finally admit. "Yeah, I do."
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