bookworm-14 · 4 years
Reminisce of the Golden Age
The dictator and martial reigns
In the innocent Pearl of the Orient
Where change is the main intent
A defense against communal insurgence
Thus, peace and order implements
Makes our economy immense
The public view is optimistic
As erstwhile administration substantially prolific
An equilibrium among pauper and aristocratic
Where Agrarian monopoly breaks
Social discipline commend by the critiques
As mankind become docile and holistic
As Iron Rule conquers, fluctuation transpires
Injustice nor violence acquires by the ruler
Were rape, torture, and unlawful acts makes us suffer
Society wakes up from being a serf
Society inflames, turns into fire
Converge to demolish the entrenched empire
A poem about the reign of Martial Law in the Philippines during the late Marcos Administration.
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