#Owen relates to Marian
itsjusteds · 5 months
As we know, I cannot stop thinking about a Curtwen Music Man date (its gonna be a chapter in a fic I'm writing). While in canon, they couldn't have seen it together because opening night was in December of 1957, it's my fanfic so I control time, so I moved that day a couple years ahead and now it's possible.
Agent Curt Mega is a HUGE Robert Preston fan, and his bf Owen Carvour knows that. So Owen used his powers of persuasion (and a little bit of blackmail) to get Curt and him opening night tickets to Music Man
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mhaccunoval · 10 months
beloveddddd [gently cups your face in my hands] tell me about CIFL <3
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your ticket of admission is a kiss on the forehead <3 as i try to remember what developments have been made since i last talked about it on here...
mmm!!! one that's been haunting me lately (i probably won't actually get around to writing it so i'll share it here): i've been thinking about. well it's an intersection of inspiration from mawce by everybody's worried about owen and a troubled mind by noah kahan but. 22/23 year old maggie (pre-transition donny) going to eli (pre-transition ellie)'s college town— based on the a troubled mind lyrics 'i took a bus out to the city where you live / eaves dropped on strangers' conversations with their kids / in hopes that maybe they'd say something relevant / to ease my worried head'— while in a Weird Headspace (even a manic episode, but more on That later). doesn't get a whole hell of a lot out of it, other than more of The Weird Headspace, especially if (he) sees someone who looks vaguely like eli and/or gets spooked by any deep water around (another point to be elaborated). while somewhat Dissociated in the headspace, makes (his) way down to boston, then to new york, has a mini break in a new york hotel room including shaving (his) head. DOES, then, get home safely and shows up at the hurleys' door— the specificity of new york being important because the shaving of the head leads to (his) hat era and the hat (he) got first says NY on it. marian, god bless her, is a bit shocked at first but. she loves (him) like her own so she fixes the rough/uneven patches of hair, makes sure (he's) well-fed/comfortable, defends (him) when Joseph gets a bit prickly about the whole situation (I HAD ACTUAL DIALOGUE BUT I FORGOR; anyway, i'll elaborate on the prickle AS WELL). lets M— who does want to temporarily go by M since part of the break is gender shit— vent where (he) needs to. and. the part i'm gnawing on the most is, in the morning M's like 'hi annie...' and marian's like 'hi peach :)' because!!! dat baby's a fuzzy little peach right now!!! and. and. joseph, coming to made Some acceptance with the situation, puts a ballcap of his on M's head, probably a chicago cubs cap or something...
ELABORATION 1.) usage of 'manic episode' as i always do, i use the phrasing with careful consideration just because. i know it's not verbage to just throw around. and i use it apprehensively here just because i STILL have not determined whether donny is more bipolar or BPD, but i AM leaning BPD more so. probably in part because of pieces of him that are so very me. but i am also NOT ruling out the possibility just because in some scenes in my head, i can see things that could be a manic or could be a depressive episode. POINT BEING I'M STILL DOING MY RESEARCH AND I'M DOING MY RESEARCH AT ALL, I SWEAR.
ELABORATION 2.) fear of deep water something i really need to do is note all the music inspired lore, particularly the noah kahan inspired stuff. ANYHOW. noah's song fear of water inspired the lore that donny's scared of deep dark water, like any dark parts of lake michigan and for sure the ocean. the other side of the coin (because of course it's a coin) being that ellie was a swimmer in middle school / high school after getting over her own fear of water (inspired by 'you used to be scared of the water / you're safe by the side of your father' from glue myself shut). –– E2a.) naturally, there's a scene in my head related to all of this. in The Awkward Period after ellie moves back— another point for elaboration— what really ends the tension, besides hashing it out, is ellie making him face that fear of the water. not quite fear immersion with, like, going into the depths of the ocean, but taking a dunk in the lake, even against donny's better judgment. and grumbling about it just because it doesn't FULLY reduce the anxiety (just staves it) but he also can't fully complain because if following her word means he's regained some of ellie's trust and bond, then by god he'll do it
ELABORATION 3.) joseph prickliness it prickles me to forget the dialogue i had BUT the main subtext behind it is. prior to donny's transition, he's seen like a daughter to both of the hurley parents, so in some part joseph's always prickly about that, not because he doesn't Want a daughter but because he doesn't know how to have one (not that he knows much about having a son or a kid in general, between him & annie having ellie young-er AND his personality). and it's something he admits to ellie after She's transitioned, saying that he Still doesn't know how to have a daughter. BUT at least he's made an effort in both cases and continues to make an effort for his Blood daughter
ELABORATION 4.) The Awkward Period the awkward period is ALSO music inspired but it's more a conglomerate than anything. like the major components are two song inspired scenes i'll explain in a second but. the general notion with The Awkward Period is that it's a span of a couple months after ellie gets back where things are, well, Awkward. she's trying to handle her grief and readjust to being back home (after four years in vermont, four years in philadelphia) with whatever weird grudge she doesn't understand being held by donny as a cherry on top. and donny's still sifting through said grudge, still compartmentalizing his anger. so it's a lot of tension filled stares and cutting words for a minute –– E4a.) the major component is the Funeral stuff inspired by orange juice... which is particularly the first/last verse with the placing of the setting as a party. in my head it's the wake, everyone choosing to drown their sorrows are drinking, cue joseph & ellie in the kitchen, with donny walking in; the tension is thick as donny and ellie look at each other, and ellie, out of sheer politeness, wants to suggest that there's stuff to mix a drink with. only for joseph to interject that there's orange juice in the fridge for non-alcoholic drinking, which confuses ellie slightly but only because she doesn't know that donny's the lyric of 'and i haven't drank in six months / on the dot'. which does irk donny a bit more in stewing since that means his sobriety is yet Another piece of information that's been withheld from her / that she doesn't know and therefore another piece of him that she hasn't known –– E4b.) the other major component is the hashing out scene. which also has some orange juice inspiration but is mainly homesick (and even a hint of new perspective)... so Given homesick, it's set like two months after the funeral, donny coming over to the hurley (now just joseph's) residence to Try to make some amends, at least lure ellie out to talk some, in the VERY least go on a walk. tries to talk a bit, though superficially, about things she's missed while away, but that sours quickly. sours quickly because it easily falters into orange juice's talking of waiting so long for a homecoming that there wasn't a thought to ask where they had gone (but now asking Why they had gone). and more importantly into the fact of '[doesn't ellie] find it strange that [she] just went ahead and carried on? ... the last time [donny] drank [he] was face down passed out there in [her parents'] yard / are [they] all just crows to [her] now? / are [they] all just pulling [her] down?' WHICH. is where it turns into a hashing out because ellie bites back with the fact that her heart and her soul, more importantly her life, have changed— even the city had changed, but Somehow donny had not. and all of this continues the awkwardness and tension since now they've rubbed salt into each other's wounds, as much as they needed to hear what the other had to say (as general fact And for communication's sake)
because of being on my orange juice insanity, i'm thinking about 'you didn't put those bones in the ground' in relation to how it's worked into the story. and i forgot about 'now i'm third in the line-up to your lord and your savior'... BUT I'VE ALREADY SAID TOO MUCH IN ONE SITTING AS IS (and i haven't even touched other parts of the stick season album, like northern attitude and all my love, or anything else noah-turned-inspiration)... but do tell me if you want more insanity <3 i am willing and able to offer <3
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CHINESE HOROSCOPES 2020! Fruits Basket Style
The Rat - “You're done. Put that down and get out.” - Yuki Sohma
Other Rats: Lymantria Khan, Mateo De Alva
Congrats. It is the year of the rat. The Rat horoscope 2020 predicts that you may be filled with a vague feeling of dissatisfaction even though things will go quite well.He is loyal and devoted to his friends and rather protective of them. He is not really romantic and often is really good friends with his lover. At times he can be mean, stubborn, and narrow-minded in his view but it is merely his way of being a perfectionist and his need to live by his own rules.
Don’t listen, then, to the insidious little voice that will incite you to see things in black. Look at your life with serenity: You’ll realize that, in fact, you’ve absolutely no serious reason to complain or even to worry. Celebrate the many good things you’ve been given.
The Ox - “A mystery...” - Hatsuharu Sohma
Other Oxen: Perry Flynn, Merida Dunbroch, Berlioz Bonfamille, Mabel Pines, Dipper Pines, Charlie Little, Alana Triton, Keaton “Buster” Palmerteri 
2020 will certainly be a lucky year for those born in the Year of the Ox. You’ll be relaxed and feel good about yourself, The Ox chinese horoscope 2020 predicts that in order to amplify the good celestial influences of the year and lessen the negative impacts, it will be in your best interests to take stock of your life and to hatch out new projects. and this beautiful balance will have happy repercussions on your love life.
Some of you might accidentally encounter some supernatural events that are beyond one’s imagination. Whether such meeting is a good omen or not is to be established in the near future. But certainly it brings a new chapter into one’s life. As long as one has an open mind and does not keep thinking of negative consequences, then the situation should be under control. If still in doubt, then one can choose to totally ignore it.
The Tiger - “When I’m...with Onee-chan...I feel warm inside...” - Kisa Sohma
Other Tigers: Kanga DeRosa, Thomas O’Malley, Calliope Harper, Olafur Önnuson, Gregory Eeyore, Marian May, Sindri Dyrsson
Tigers are set to reap the benefits of the Year of the Rat; career and education, in particular, will be the areas to focus on for the next few months. Be confident in your abilities. Use your talents for good; loyalty and intelligence will get you far. On the other hand, health and relationships will not have such a positive outlook. You will need to be sensitive to your well-being and others’ if you want to have a good year.
The Rabbit - “But...I think...I want to live with all my memories. Even if they're sad memories.” - Momiji Sohma
Other Rabbits: Kiara Lyons, Shannon “Shock” Adamson, Bambi Basurto, Sora Hamasaki/Roxas, Reed Fisch, Elyon Brown
The Rabbit horoscope 2020 predicts that in general, the outlook is positive. However, the year will be marked with some tense configurations. In order to preserve your serenity, it would be in your best interest to adopt a well-balanced lifestyle at the very start of the year.Be careful about your diet, and think of getting more fresh air; indeed, you’ll tend to live too much indoors, forgetting to walk or to maintain contact with nature. There’s a whole world out there for you to explore.
The Dragon -  “No I was simply too amazed by your stupidity to say anything.” - Hatori Sohma
Other Dragons: Imelda Rivera, Sun Park, Roscoe Sykes, Jake Long, Marie Bonfamille, Deb DamselBu, Oliver Twistes, Fflewddur Fflam
The Dragon horoscope 2020 predicts that this year, you will become more sure of yourself and assert your originality, especially in your career, where your qualities will be acknowledged by your superiors and colleagues. But you’ll also have the tendency to adopt overly radical positions at times; try to be more moderate.Beware: By refusing to make concessions, you’ll antagonize even those who only want to help you! Expect luck to smile upon you.
The Snake - “So send me your desire. In the service of my fellow students, I am prepared to receive!” - Ayame Sohma
Other Snakes: Kristoff Bjorgman, Violet Parr, Isabel Flores 
The Snake horoscope 2020 predicts that your personal evolution will be highlighted by the Stars this year. You’ll discover new things that interest you and you’ll better understand the direction of your destiny. Many of you will be attracted by all that is related to spirituality. Your natural generosity will express itself usefully in the service of others. Think about this if ever you have an important career choice to make.
The Horse - “And if when everything ends, nothing is left in my hands...that's alright.” - Rin Sohma
Other Horses: Willis Tibbs, Marzel of Coronado, Marisa of Coronado, Gaston Lacarriere, Ralph O’Reilly, Lucius “Lock” Adamson, Ashley Spinelli, Mei Qin, Dash Parr, Haley Long, Urchin Owens, Ashle Boulet, Ashleigh Quinlan, Ariel Triton
The horse horoscope 2020 predicts that the year may be marked with important surprises. Now, as a native of this Sign, you abhor the unforeseen. Nevertheless, it will be in your best interest to act quickly if changes come to disrupt your career schedule. Given the favorable astral configurations of the year, such modifications will play in your favor, on the condition that you take up the challenge. Don’t be doubtful of your abilities; you’ll find the necessary resources within yourself to make the most of changing conditions.
The Goat - "STUPID WOMAN! Always stealing our alone time." - Hiro Sohma
Other Goats: Terra, Nala, Terence, Attina, Ella, Simba, Meg, Finn, Roo, Huey, Dewey, Louie, Ashlee T, Nemo, Wilbur
The year of the Rat will be full of highs and lows for Goats. Having enjoyed a relatively stable previous year, they should expect 2020 to be more dramatic.Goats will have to work harder than usual to capitalize on great financial opportunities during the first half of the year. These resources should then be saved to prepare for the difficult years of the Ox, Tiger, and Rabbit.
In the second half, Goats may face some serious problems that can last a while. These obstacles will require strong persistence and commitment from them. However, they should see this as an opportunity to grow and bring out the best in them. As long as Goats remain optimistic throughout the year, everything should turn out fine.
The Monkey -  "I'm a complete failure. At everything I do, I'm absolutely worthless. I know this, and yet I continue to burden the human race with my presence. “ - Ritsu Sohma
Other Monkeys: Celia, Henry, Jake Rogers
The Monkey horoscope 2020 predicts that this year, you’ll have to make concerted efforts in order to get what you want. Important changes can take place at home or at work, so you need to be prepared. It would be ideal if you could remain confident when you actually feel like sweating. If you act rather than panic, you’ll find brilliant solutions and you’ll triumph over difficulties. Be convinced that life is made of renewals and that upheavals are useful because they allow you to make progress.
The Rooster - “I alone am free. I could go anywhere I please. I could love whomever I wish.” - Kureno Sohma
Other Roosters:  Marlin, Iseul, Adella, Belle, Artemis, Apollo, Jim, Sally, Georgette, Chase
The Rooster chinese horoscope 2020 predicts that this year, your focus will be on the sectors related to relations with others. Thus, it will be in your best interest to think of other people more. Whether in your work, love affairs or family life, don’t make any decisions without foreseeing its consequences on those around you. Good fortune will smile upon you if you put your family and friends first.
The Dog -  “Sometimes I think the whole world is conspiring to destroy my house.” - Shigure Sohma
Other Dogs: Reza, Hera, Minnie, Sarina, Melody, John, Elena
People born in the year of the Dog won’t have to complain about the stars in the year of the Rat 2020, for they will have good luck in most areas of their life. You will need to be patient and tenacious at work. If you’re wise enough to adapt yourself to new challenges that arise, you’ll strengthen your character and develop two key qualities — the art of negotiating and the ability to make sensible choices.
The Pig - “I will forgive him right after I kill him!” - Kagura Sohma
Other Pigs: Hercules, Dodger, Mitte, Jane, Wendy
2020 will be an extremely lucky year for all the people born in the year of the Pig.The pig has the last position among the twelve animals of the Chinese Zodiac. The Pig horoscope 2020 predicts that the astral climate will lighten. After a rather chaotic year, you’ll begin to feel better about yourself. However, there are still lessons to learn. First of all, show yourself to be extremely reasonable in all domains of your life. Next, vow to be more selfless. Finally, the more willing you are to modify your plans at the last minute, the better you’ll fare in all aspects of your life.
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bluebirdofusa · 4 years
┏━ ॢ:🌱:ॢʚ   ҉ɞ ミღᘛ❪ ะ:t_rex: ะ ी❫ᘚღミʚ  ┇𝓦𝓮𝓵𝓬𝓸𝓶𝓮 𝓣𝓸 𝓙𝓾𝓻𝓪𝓼𝓼𝓲𝓬 𝓦𝓸𝓻𝓵𝓭┇ʚ:🦖 :ɞ ┗━ ॢ:🌱:ॢʚ   ҉ɞ ミღᘛ❪ ि ะ:💙:ะ ी❫ᘚღミʚ   ҉ɞ ॢ:🌱:ॢ┈┛                   ︙  ︙  ︙  ︙  ︙  ︙  ︙                    ✧  ︙  ︙  ︙  ︙  ︙  ✧                        :🌹 :   ︙  ︙  ︙  :💗 :                                           ✧  ︙  ✧
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〔:🐉:〕 ɞೋ✧▭▭▭✦ -ˎˊ The Park is loading  ̗̀✧ु•ʚ◌๑ ๑◌ɞ•✧ुˎˊ˗ ✦▭▭▭✧◦ೋʚ〔:🐉:〕ɞೋ✧▭▭▭✦
¸.  :💛:  ¸. 💎 .  :👑: ° :   ﹢     ˖ .Loading Completed! Enjoy the ride • . ﹢˖:👻 : · . 。 :💜: ゚ *  ¸ .    :💥:˖      ° :   ﹢     ˖ . • . ﹢˖:💫:
*Welcome to Blue's Paddock! Please be careful & proceed with caution. Keep hands & feet in vehicle at all times to avoid getting eaten or worse. She will be arriving soon so be on the look out for her & her sisters. Enjoy your ride at Jurassic World! See ya soon*
╭───»°•*๑◦:🚧 :❞ೃೀ:🦖: ೃೀ ❝:🚧 :◦๑*•°«───╮ ✧೫̥͙ೃೀ【Rules of the Paddock】๑ ╰───»°•*๑◦:🚧 :❞ೃೀl:t_rex:  ೃೀ❝:🚧 :◦๑*•°«───╯
#1: No harassment, bullying, childish insults, hacking, unnecessary name calls, insulting religion, LGBT insults, no judging I don't care if its the internet or not that's no excuse! No judging or insulting those who DO NOT support LGBT its uncalled for, rude & disrespectful. I don't judge you so don't judge me.
#2: Criticism must be spoken wisely without the need to be harsh or cruel. Its not that hard you just make it seem hard. Dont use the excuse of freedom of speech or opinion either. That's called abusing your rights to freedom by massive insults and unnecessary bullying so think before you speak words hurt. So unless you wanna be responsible for a suicide or death of someone REFRAIN from this please.
#3: Negativity is not welcomed either. I love everybody for who they are & I want to see them blossom & express themselves idc if they don't like me or hate me. My love for everyone is powerful than hatred. So i will spread positivity and conquer your negativity.
#4: LGBT; i do not hate you for being LGBT but I don't want you to judge me for not supporting because I really don't care for your gender. Your personality & talents mean alot to me & I love how understanding & friendly LGBT people are. I have friends who are LGBT and I care for them alot & try my best to be there for them. I give them advice, comfort, & lots of care because its who I am. So anyone who shows hatred, resentment, negativity for them get off my page!
#5: Be respectful, kind, caring, loving, & other things
#6: DO NOT ASK THE ADMIN OUT. I am not into online dating idc if you beg, whine, cry, fuss I will say no until you stop bothering me. Trusting people online is hard especially if you don't know what what they look like, what they are doing, and they can pretty much lie & tell you things about themselves that aren't true & I'm not having that. So find someone else.
#6: No stealing my edits or screenshot them. If you borrow or request an edit from me BE SURE TO CREDIT ME otherwise I won't make you any more
#7: Last but not least HAVE FUN
ೃೀ ू:🍇:ुೃೀ ┋ ७ू ◌ಾಿʚૂ( Things You'll See Posted )ૂɞ◌ಾಿ७ू:🌴: ೃೀ ू:🍇:ुೃೀ
Raptor Squad
Blue Speaks
Raptor Edits
Jurassic World
Admin Marianne
Shout outs (maybe depends)
Rp Stories
Blue x Owen
┋೫ ʚ:🌴:ɞ ೫⋮ ღThings You Wont Seeღ:🔥: ೃೀ ू:🍇 :ुೃೀ ┋*:🔥:- ̗̀
Name calling
Childish insults
And many other things
┋*:🌹 :- ̗̀ೃೀʚ❪Beta Raptor Blue❫ɞೃ*:🌸 : ೃೀ:🍇:ुೃೀ ┋*- ̗̀ ॢ〖:🍁:〗 ॢ ೃೀ❥ リンドゥラ.* ¸.      ¸ .    .   :❄️ :️° :   ﹢     ˖ . • . ﹢˖:👻 : · . 。 :🎗: ゚*¸ .     :🌹 :˖      ° :   ﹢     ˖ . • . ﹢˖:🤠: ╭
*The names Blue as you've guessed I'm a velciraptor but in human form, please don't ask how is too long a story & I'm not gonna waste my breath explaining so you'll find out eventually. I am the beta raptor meaning the female leader of the Squad the male leader is known as an Alpha. My Alpha is human but he had the talent & skills of a leader which is why I made him Alpha. I have three siblings they are Delta she is a teal raptor with navy blue on her eyes, Echo she's a brown raptor with black stripes, and then there's Charlie she's an olive green raptor with black stripes. I'm the eldest of the three, Delta the second eldest, Echo the third eldest, & the youngest is Charlie. We used to live on Isla Nublar but we were taken somewhere else due the volcano erupting we fled to Isla Sorna where a woman by the name of Alina takes care of us. (This is different from how the movie went so don't judge) that's it about me on to the admin.*
╭ೃೀ๑˚₊‧✩ੈੈੈੈ∙─⊰┊❪:🌈:❫┊⊱─∙ੈੈੈੈ✩‧₊˚๑ೃೀ╮          :🌹:➾ ๑°ღ:.◦❀Admin Marianne❀  ╰ೃೀ๑˚₊‧✩ੈੈੈੈ∙─⊰┊❪:🌈:❫┊⊱─∙ੈੈੈੈ✩‧₊˚๑ೃೀ╯ 〔:💐:〕➯┇ (゚ε^):🌸 : ───°•°❮:🕊 :❯・゚•◦۪۪̥ै:👑 :੭ु ゚•・❮:🤠 :❯°•°───       ೃೀ೫ stalk time ೫ೃೀ     ───°•°❮:💋 :❯・゚•◦۪۪̥ै:💥 :੭ु ゚•・❮:💙:❯°•°───                       ︙ ︙ ︙ ︙ ︙ ︙ ︙            :💗 : ︙ ︙ ︙ ︙ ︙:💫:                 :🐬: ︙ ︙ ︙ :🐊:                      :🐉 : ︙ 🌹                           💐
Hey y'all my name is Marian I am a 24 year old special needs woman that has Severe Borderline Anxiety & Hearing Impairment. I was born in South Carolina with a great outgoing, devilish, kind, friendly, & loving personality but I'm a hot tempered firey redhead who don't take sh** from nobody. I'm a down to the bone country girl that has a strong bond with Jesus & I'm proud of it too. Don't like me? You can kiss my country a**.
Other than that I'm actually a sweetheart with a kind forgiving soul so you make a mistake I'll forgive you for it but that don't mean I won't forget it tho. I have many people who see me as a mother/sister figure so I'll treat everybody as if they are my own children even if they aren't related to me or I don't know them cause its who I am. I love everybody for who they are not what they aren't. You are who YOU are & that's what truly matters. Its the heart that counts not what's on the outside
Anyways I hope you enjoyed this profile and y'all have a nice day
\`·.:💖: ✎... ❝ ʟᴏsᴛ ɪɴ ᴀ ᴡᴏʀʟᴅ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴅᴏᴇsɴᴛ ᴇxɪsᴛ.❞:🌙:
༴.       ༚   :🕊 :         .     ༚  :🌫 :️. I•˚̣̣̣͙     ❍。
•:💗 :•̩̩͙         :🌹 :         .     ༚        ·  •.   ✶˚  .
༴.                          .     ༚:🌷:
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Most Anticipated LGBTQIA+ Historical Romance Novels for 2019
Any Old Diamonds by KJ Charles
- In which we stick it to a duke. Any Old Diamonds is set in the late Victorian era and inspired by a number of things: a real historical crime (not telling you which, that would be a giveaway), the popular theatre of the time (hence the music-hall title), and my urge to find out what happened to some characters in my Sins of the Cities series, set twenty years earlier. I loved writing this one; I hope you enjoy a more-sociopathic-than usual hero.
How to Talk to Nice English Girls by Gretchen Evans (February 14 - @carnationbooks )(f/f)
- n the aftermath of The Great War, everything is changing. But not for Marian Fielding.Marian’s life is quiet and predictable in the solitude of the English countryside, where she plans to remain and care for her parents.But Marian’s world is turned upside down when she meets brash, confident Katherine Fuller. Katherine arrives at the Fieldings’ estate for the wedding of Marian’s sister and immediately shakes things up. Instead of keeping an eye on the ill-mannered American girl and keeping her out of trouble, Marian finds herself magnetically drawn to Katherine’s vivacious nature, and they are swept into a whirlwind romance that will change both of their lives.But will Katherine’s unconventional behavior ruin their chance at happiness? Can Marian leave her old life behind? Will two women from different worlds find a way to be together against all odds and expectations?
Royal Court (A Royal Romance Book Three) by Jenny Frame (January 14 - Bold Stroke Books)
- Captain Quincy is a steady and reliable Royal Marines officer, decorated for gallantry after a mission that nearly killed her and the men under her command. At a crossroads in her career, Quincy reluctantly accepts when her old comrade, Queen Georgina, asks her to join the Royal Protection Command as the Queen Consort’s new protection officer. Holly Weaver, Royal Dresser and self-confessed man-eater, starts to question her sexuality when she has a girl-crush on famous actor, Story St. John and, then, polo player and friend of George’s, Captain Quincy. The good-looking captain’s emotionless personality is the opposite of Holly’s exuberant lust for life. When a threat to the Queen Consort emerges, Quincy and Holly clash over the best way to protect her. As the fiery passion they can’t deny begins to melt Quincy’s heart, Holly must decide how much of her own she is willing to risk.
The Replacement Husband by Eliot Grayson  (January 4 - Smoking Teacup Books)
-  Goddess-blessed Owen Honeyfield is destined to enjoy perfect good fortune. The arrival of handsome and eligible Tom Drake in his country town appears to be the latest manifestation, and Tom’s whirlwind proposal is the fulfillment of Owen’s desires. When his betrothal takes a disastrous turn, Owen is left heartbroken and at the mercy of Arthur, Tom’s disapproving elder brother. His reputation ruined and his bright future shattered, Owen must choose between loneliness and a marriage of convenience, with love no longer in reach. Arthur Drake has always taken responsibility for Tom’s scandalous behavior, but this time is worse — it isn’t just the family name at stake, but his own happiness. When Tom’s impulsive selfishness threatens to ruin the lives of everyone involved, Arthur has only one honorable choice. He’ll need to repair the damage Tom has done and fight for his chance at love, knowing all the while he may never be able to take Tom’s place in Owen’s heart.
Deosil (Whyborne & Griffin series) by Jordan L Hawk (Second half of 2019)
Hexhunter (Hexworld series) by Jordan L Hawk (February)
- Finally, Isaac and Bill’s story in this wonderful series. Watching them work around each other, and hoping they would have an installment, has been one of my major reading wants for awhile now. 
A Place for Wolves by Kosoko Jackson (April 2 - Sourcefire Books) 
- Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe meets Code Name Verity in this heartbreaking and poignant historical thriller. (YA!!)
James Mills isn’t sure he can forgive his parents for dragging him away from his life, not to mention his best friend and sister, Anna. He’s never felt so alone.Enter Tomas. Falling for Tomas is unexpected, but sometimes the best things in life are.Then their world splits apart. A war that has been brewing finally bursts forward, filled with violence, pain, and cruelty. James and Tomas can only rely on each other as they decide how far they are willing to go—and who they are willing to become—in order to make it back to their families.
The Seventh of December by Garrick Jones (January 14 - Manifold Press)
- Even in wartime, London can still be glamorous, but for Tommy and his handsome American a secret mission for a Royal Duke puts life, love, freedom and the future of the world in desperate danger…
As bombs rain down over London during the Blitz, Major Tommy Haupner negotiates the rubble-filled streets of Bloomsbury on his way to perform at a socialite party. The explosive event of the evening is not his virtuosic violin playing, but the ‘almost-blond’ American who not only insults him, but then steals his heart.
The Seventh of December follows a few months in the lives of two Intelligence agents in the early part of World War Two. Set against the backdrop of war-torn occupied Europe, Tommy and his American lover, Henry Reiter, forge a committed relationship that is intertwined with intrigues that threaten the integrity of the British Royal Family and the stability of a Nation at war. Neither bombs nor bullets manage to break the bond that these men form in their struggle against Nazism and the powers of evil.
Diplomatic Relations (Si Regency series) by JL Langley (February 19 - Dreamspinner Press)
- Opposites don’t just attract… they sizzle.A lusty special forces soldier who lives by his own set of rules, Dalton Fairfax decided long ago to stop wishing for his father’s love, and he found his calling. Now that he’s back home and between assignments, he finds himself at loose ends. When the opportunity arises to play bodyguard and help out his country, Dalton jumps at the chance. Not only does it keep him busy, but it just so happens that his charge is the man he saw on leave last month and hasn’t been able to get out of his head.Heir to a dukedom and a conservative politician, Blaise Thompson strives to prove himself worthy of carrying on the family legacy as the next IN Councilman. However, his closest competitor keeps getting in the way and taking credit for Blaise’s ideas. Maintaining his stellar reputation isn’t easy to do while keeping his outrageous younger brother in line and foiling his rival’s personal attacks. He has no time for a guard and even less time for romance.When a priceless antique goes missing, Blaise and Dalton discover that Regelance has larger problems than just IN plots. Now the only way to stop a scandal that threatens both of them is to compromise, and they are forced to confront the risk of losing everything… even each other.
Slay Ride by Josh Lanyon (February)
- 1943 Montana. Wounded in the Pacific, Police Chief Robert Garrett was hoping for a little much needed Peace on Earth, but finds himself chasing after a “fiendish” killer on Christmas Day–aided by eager young reporter Jamie Jameson.
Nomad’s Dreams by August Li (January 29 - Dreamspinner Press)
- Two men, each with a hidden destiny. Can they defeat a web of deceit and dark magic to ensure their fates intertwine?Bedouin Isra al-Grayjaab’s dreams lead him to Janan, an amnesiac beggar on the street of Qena—one who steals his heart and starts him on a seemingly hopeless quest. With only their wits, Isra’s knowledge of the desert’s secrets, and the aid of a mercurial djinn, they must recover Janan’s past. But neither can predict his true identity or the lengths others will go to see that his mind remains broken and his true power out of his reach.In a sweeping romantic adventure that takes them across the Eastern Desert to the modern streets of Cairo and on to the luxurious Red Sea Coast, Janan and Isra seek a truth that will either bring them into each other’s arms or tear them apart forever.
An Impossible Distance to Fall by Miriam McNamara (June 4 - Sky Pony)(YA!)(f/f)
- When the stock market crashed in 1929, it took Birdie’s whole life with it. A year later, she’s still struggling with the collapse of her father’s bank and his subsequent disappearance, and she’s determined to find him. She finally gets a clue when she sees a picture of the Jenny biplane that vanished with him on a leaflet advertising a barnstorming circus. She heads to Coney Island to get some answers, and promptly falls in love with the majestic spectacle of it all, from stuntmen to lady pilots, and especially with pilot June. When signs point to her father having moved on to Chicago, Birdie decides to hitch a ride with the circus. But while the circus folk might be the best thing that’s ever happened to her, a privileged girl who doesn’t understand how things work in the real world might be the worst thing that’s ever happened to them.
Moonwitch by MJ Willow (January 30 - @lessthanthreepress )
_ When several soldiers are attacked by wolves in the Duchy of Kamare, Prince Athanes travels north to solve the mystery. But the more he learns of the attacks, the more he realizes there is far more at play than hungry, desperate animals looking for food. He finds an unexpected ally in Faelan, a local hunter, but even he seems to have his own secret agenda…
A Shimmer In The Night (Dark Is The Night 2.5) by Kelley York and Rowan Altwood (January 1 - x-potion designs)
- Benjamin Prichard has spent much of his life feeling like an outsider. Growing up, his odd behaviour and visions of ghosts left him isolated, not to mention being the child of an immigrant mother and an absent father. Benjamin walks the line between not being Chinese enough for one community, and not English enough for the other. Whisperwood School for Boys changes everything. More specifically, Preston Alexander does. Drawn into a close circle of friends for the first time, Benjamin finally feels as though he’s found somewhere he belongs. But life is never simple; his feelings for Preston are hardly platonic, and Benjamin doesn’t need one more reason to stand out—which means the option of pursuing those feelings is off the table. But after graduation, when tragedy flips his world upside-down, Benjamin will need to decide which path he wants to chase: the one his mother always wanted for him, or the one that follows the boy he loves.  
Ones to Watch (Up and coming authors I follow on Twitter that are winning awards in their own regions, some published, but I would like to see more of their work!)
Isabelle Adler - working on an arranged marriage, fantasy plot to be published by Nine Star Press - Frost?
Tamara Allen - has published some lovely works, and now that she has recently released something new, I’m hoping she has something else for us in 2019
Cristina Bruni - published the charming Hearts at Sea from JMS Books, and I like her work with the sweet plot line
Blake Ferre - working on a series based in Revolutionary France - The Scarlet Crest - The King’s Secret 
Drew Marvin Frayne - his The Bibliophile novel was one that should have been on my Best of 2018 list, but I wasn’t able to read it in time - a sweet May/December with a western them, but it also tackled the subject of US government’s mistreatment of Native Americans and the consequences it caused
Jude Lucens - author of Behind These Doors, one of absolute favorite novels of 2018, and indeed many years before it - must see a second full novel in the series
Aleksandr Voinov - writes so many beautiful stories, but hoping for a new historical this year; his talent shines with the details
Lee Welch - received a lot of acclaim for Salt Magic, Skin Magic, and though I am not a rabid reader of fantasy, I want more…
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vampireadamooc · 7 years
Friendly reminder that the FBI Files are publicly available - updated weekly as FOIA Requests are processed.
Direct Links to A-P (August 4th 2017)
The Vault Index
The FBI has converted many FOIA documents to an electronic format (PDF), and they may be viewed below. In the case of voluminous pages, only summaries or excerpts from the documents are online. Subjects are sorted alphabetically by first name. You can also use your browser's find feature to locate subjects on the page.
Al Capone Animal Mutilation Ali Hasan Al-Majid Al-Tikriti (Chemical Ali) Albert Anastasia ACLU Aristotle Onassis American Friends Service Committee Aryan Nation Anna Nicole Smith Anthony Blunt Alfred Kinsey Abner Zwillman Albert Einstein Anthony Spilotro ABSCAM Arthur Flegenheimer (Dutch Schultz) Alcatraz Escape Alcoholics Anonymous Al Gore, Sr. Amerithrax Anwar Nasser Aulaqi Amelia Boynton Abbie Hoffman Adolf Hitler Asian American Political Alliance Amelia Mary Earhart Andrew Phillip Cunanan Anthony Salerno All American Anti Imperialist League American Nazi Party Arthur Rudolph Aryan Brotherhood Atlanta Child Murders Aryan Circle Almighty Latin Kings Abe Fortas Arthur R. "Doc" Barker Arnold Palmer Armando Florez Ibarra Alvin Francis Karpis Attempted Assassination of President Ronald Reagan Alger Hiss Ariel Sharon Art Modell
Black September Bertolt Brecht Billy Carter Bishop Fulton Sheen Bonus March Barker-Karpis Gang Summary Bloods and Crips Gang Bonnie and Clyde Black Dahlia (Elizabeth Short) Basque Intelligence Service Bugsy Siegel Bayard Rustin Benjamin Hooks Benjamin Crowninshield Bradlee Black Guerilla Family Black Mafia Family Bernard Baruch Black Panther Party BOMBROB Betty Shabazz Bureau Aviation Regulations Policy Directive and Policy Guide Bernard Julius Otto Kuehn Bettie Page Billy Martin Barker/Karpis Gang
Caryl Chessman Cardinal Francis Spellman Cambridge Five Spy Ring Carmine John Persico, Jr. Custodial Detention Clyde A. Tolson Clark Gable Charles Manson Council on Foreign Relations Charles Lindbergh Clarence Smith (aka 13x) Clarence Darrow Carl Sagan Carmine Galante Conference Cost Reporting and Approvals to Use Nonfederal Facilities Policy Directive 0927D Charlie Chaplin Casey Kasem Cartha DeLoach Christopher (Biggie Smalls) Wallace Charles "Chuck" Wendell Colson Contract for Assistance Regarding Syed Farooks iPhone Charlie Wilson Courtney Allen Evans Claudia Johnson Carlo Gambino Christic Institute Cesar Chavez Clergy and Laity Concerned about Vietnam Charles Rebozo Charles Kettering Claudia Jones Christian Identity Movement Carl Sandburg Charles (Sonny) Liston Columbine High School Criminal Profiling Coretta Scott King Charles Arthur (Pretty Boy) Floyd Custodial Detention Headquarters Carlos Fuentes COINTELPRO Custodial Detention Security Index
Danny Kaye David Koresh Daily Worker Dinah Shore Dorothy Dandridge Duquesne Spy Ring Director Comey Letter to Congress Dated October 28, 2016 Diversity and Inclusion Program Policy Guide Policy Directive 0842D Daniel David "Dan" Rostenkowski Daniel Inouye Daniel Schorr Demonstrations against Lyndon B. Johnson Desi Arnaz Diana, Princess of Wales D. Milton Ladd Dr. Samuel Sheppard Dwight David "Ike" Eisenhower Director Comey Letter to Congress Dated November 6, 2016 David Hahn Debbie Reynolds David Howell Petraeus Daniel Patrick Moynihan D. B. Cooper
Erich Fromm Emmett Till E. B. (William) Dubois Extra-Sensory Perception Eliot Ness Electronic Recordkeeping Certification Policy Guide 0800PG Edward Irving "Ed" Koch Elizabeth Taylor Everette Hunt Edward Abbey Elizabeth Arden Edward Kennedy (Duke) Ellington Elvis Presley Eugene McCarthy Eddie Cantor Eleanor Roosevelt Evelyn Frechette Eric Wright (Eazy-E, EZ E) El Rukns Elijah Muhammad Ernest Hemingway Eugene “Gene” Curran Kelly Explanation of Exemptions
FBI Miami Shooting, April 11, 1986 Frances Perkins Fred Hampton Frank Capone FBI History Francis Gary Powers Frank Sinatra FBI Technical Surveillance Countermeasures Classification Guide Fred W. Phelps, Sr FBI Ethics and Integrity Program Policy Directive Policy Guide FBI Student Programs Policy Guide 0805 PG Fannie Lou Hammer Frank Rosenthal FBI Domestic Investigations and Operations Guide (DIOG) FBI Undercover Operations FBI Terrorist Photo Album Five Percenters Frank Wortman FBI Use of Global Positioning System (GPS) Tracking Frank Malina FDPS FBI Sign Language Interpreting and Reading Program 0889D FBI Seal Name Initials and Special Agent Gold Badge 0625D FOIA DISCLAIMER Fidel Castro Freedom Riders FBI Assistance Provided to Local Law Enforcement During the Black Lives Matter Movement FBI Recreational Association(s) 0465D FOIA Requests Containing the Word Trump Fritz Julius Kuhn Fred G. Randaccio Fred C. Trump
George (Bugs) Moran Greenlease Kidnapping George (Machine Gun) Kelly Groucho Marx Guy Hottel Gov. Edmund Gerald (Pat) Brown, Sr. Gene Siskel German American Federation/Bund Geraldine Ferraro Gangster Disciples Grace Kelly Greenpeace George Jackson Brigade Guantanamo (GTMO) George Burns George Lester Jackson General Douglas MacArthur General Telecommunications Policy 0862D George S. Patton, Jr. Gay Activist Alliance Ghost Stories: Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) Illegals Gamergate Gregory Scarpa, Sr George Orson Welles George Steinbrenner
Hugo Black Henry Louis (H.L.) Mencken Henry A Wallace Herbert Khaury (Tiny Tim) Highlander Folk School Hanns Eisler Henry Miller Howard Zinn Huey Percy Newton HEARNAP Honoraria Policy 0867D Herman Barker Harold Glasser Hubert H. Humphrey Helen Keller Harland David "Colonel" Sanders Hindenburg Harry S. Truman Hillary R. Clinton Howard Robard Hughes, Jr
Interpol Irgun Zvai Leumi Irving Berlin Impersonation of Bhumibol Adulyadej Imperial Gangsters I Was a Communist for the FBI (Motion Picture) Irwin Allen Ginsberg Ian Fleming Irving Resnick
Jack Soble Jefferson Airplane Jack Benny Jack the Ripper Jesse James James Cagney John F. Kennedy Jr. John Murtha Joseph Aiuppa Jonestown (RYMUR) Summary Joseph Lash John Ehrlichman John L. Lewis John (Jake the Barber) Factor Joseph P. (Joe) Kennedy, Sr. John Steinbeck John Arthur (Jack) Johnson Janis Joplin Jimmy Hoffa Jessica Mitford Jeffrey Lionel Dahmer Jack Anderson John Wilkes Booth Joe Paterno Jay David Whittaker Chambers John Joseph Gotti, Jr James Marshall "Jimi" Hendrix James Baldwin Joseph Losey John Siegenthaler Jeannette Rankin Jack Roosevelt Robinson Judith Coplon James Joseph Brown John Wayne (Marion Robert Morrison) Jerry Garcia Jane Addams John Chancellor John Wayne Gacy Jack Roosevelt (Jackie) Robinson John D. Rockefeller, III John Dillinger John (Handsome Johnny) Roselli John Profumo (Bowtie) J. Edgar Hoover Julius and Ethel Rosenberg J. Edgar Hoover Appointment and Phone Logs Jesse Helms Jonestown J. Edgar Hoover Official and Confidential (O&C) Files Joe Louis Joan Alexandra Rivers Jack Dempsey John Denver James Farmer James McDougal John Updike Jerry Heller Josephine Baker Joseph Paul "Joe" DiMaggio John Winston Lennon
Kent State Katherine Oppenheimer Kent State Shooting Ken Eto Kansas City Massacre Kiss
Lady Bird Johnson Louis Allen Leander Perez, Sr. Legal Handbook for FBI Special Agents Louis (Lepke) Buchalter Liberace Lyndon B. Johnson Laboratory Reference Firearms Collection Policy LD0020D Louie Louie (The Song) Louis Francis Costello Lucia Stepp Lewis F. Powell, Jr. Lillie Belle Allen League of Women Voters Lillian (Lily) Hellman Lester Joseph Gillis (Baby Face Nelson) Lenny Bruce Lucille Ball Luis Buñuel Louis Terkel Langston Hughes Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev Leon Trotsky Leonard Bernstein Lloyd William Barker
Marilyn Monroe Motion Picture Copyright Infringement Mississippi Burning (MIBURN) Case Michael (Mike) Royko Martin Luther King, Jr. Melvin Purvis Malcolm X Muriel Rukeyser Marilyn Sheppard Madalyn Murray OHair Mack Charles Parker Mexican Mafia Mafia Monograph Morris and Lona Cohen Medgar Evers Moorish Science Temple of America Mary Jo Kopechne (Chappaquiddick) Majestic 12 Marian Anderson Michael Jackson Machine Gun Kelly Murray Humphreys Michael Hastings Michael Whitney Straight Melvin Belli Marvin Gaye Marlene Dietrich Malcolm Little (Malcolm X) Meir Kahane Mario Savio Mohammed Khalifa MAOP Margaret H. Thatcher Myron Leon "Mike" Wallace Miami Boys Mario M. Cuomo Muammar Qadhafi Mattachine Society Meyer Lansky Mickey Mantle MIOG Mark Felt Martin Dies, Jr. Muhammad Ali Marcus Garvey
Nikola Tesla Norman Mailer Neil Armstrong National Rifle Association (NRA) New Alliance Party Nuestra Familia National Security Letters (NSL) National States Rights Party NAACP National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena (NICAP) National Organization for Women (NOW) Nation of Islam Nelson Mandela National Gang Threat Assessment Next Generation Identification Monthly Fact Sheets Non-Retaliation for Reporting Compliance Risks Naming and Commemorating FBI Buildings and Spaces 0910D
Osage Indian Murders Owen Lattimore OKBOMB Original Knights of the KKK
Pearl Buck People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) President Richard Nixon's FBI Application Purple Gang (aka Sugar House Gang) Project Blue Book (UFO) Philip Ochs Protests in Baltimore, Maryland, 2015 Pablo Escobar Patriot Act Paul Harvey Paul Robeson, Sr. Pulse Nightclub Shooting Personal Services Contracts Policy Directive 0957D Percy Sutton Pentagon Spy Case Policy: Custodial Interrogation for Public Safety Policy Directive 0481D Physical Fitness Program Policy Directive and Policy Guide 0676PG
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poetryatrest · 7 years
Music Monday: Queer Tunes Edition
Aaaaannnndddd we’re back with some music-related goodness. I have a pretty lengthy Spotify playlist of songs from LGBTQA+ artists, and I figured I’d compile it all here for accessibility. I’m constantly adding new artists to the playlists (below), so give those a follow if you want to be up to date.
2) This one is a (constantly updated) playlist of all my favorite songs from these artists.
Allison Weiss
Like The Front Bottoms (Allison was actually featured on “Cough It Out” and a few other songs off of the newest Front Bottoms album), but just a single person writing kick ass indie pop/orck songs.
Songs to check out: “Motorbike” and “I Was An Island”
Gay, uses both female (she/her) and neutral (them/they) pronouns.
My friend Frank recommended this band to me by calling them “the gay Death Cab for Cutie,” so I guess they’re the gay Death Cab for Cutie.
Songs to check out: “Waitress” and “Boris.”
Brendan Maclean
Wonderful poppy songs about heartache and stuff.
Songs to check out: “Stupid” and “Hugs Not Drugs (Or Both).”
Camp Cope
Really good indie rock music with fantastic lyricism. They’re also Australian, kind of have a Courtney Barnett vibe.
Songs to check out: "Jet Fuel Can’t Melt Steel Beams” and “Flesh and Electricity.”
I can’t find a source anywhere, but lead singer Georgia McDonald is on the spectrum somewhere, and the band is vocal in its support of LGBTQA+ issues.
Chris Pureka
The queer, more laid back Shakey Graves.
Songs to check out: “Burning Bridges,” “Cynical” and “Back in the Ring.”
Courtney Barnett
Singer/songwriter with a cool garage rock flair.
Songs to check out: “Pedestrian at Best” and “Pickles from the Jar.”
Cyberbully Mom Club
Lo-fi indie pop. Normally not crazy about lo-fi stuff, but this band does it really well and the lyrics are great too.
Songs to check out: “Drunk Text Romance” and “Life Time Warranty.”
Lead singer Shari Heck has been open about gender identity and the “boxes” of binary genders, but hasn’t assigned themselves a label from what I’ve seen.
Des Ark
Chill acoustic/indie music.
Songs to check out: “Peace to You Too, Motherfucker” and “You Pregnant Motherfucker.” Both are pretty relaxed despite their titles.
Front woman Aimée Collet Argote identifies as queer.
Young singer/songwriter, very sad and very Julien Baker-esque. I want to protect her.
Songs to check out: “I’ll Never Be the Man for You” and “Some of My Friends.”
Hurray for the Riff Raff
Imagine Johnny Cash. Now imagine him as a queer female fronting a band. That’s kinda what this band is like.
Songs to check out: “I Know It’s Wrong (But That’s Alright)” and “Jealous Guy.”
Frontwoman Alynda Lee Segarra identifies as queer, fiddler Yosi Perlstein is trans.
Jenny Owen Youngs
Jenny Owen Youngs is like the musical equivalent of the first person you ever had a crush on and I want to hug her a million times.
Songs to check out: “Born to Lose” and “Last Person.” 
Bonus: Her cover of Jukebox the Ghost’s “Good Day,” her cover of Weezer’s “Getchoo” AND her cover of Nelly’s “Hot in Herre.”
Gay, plus she’s married to the Queen of Gay Kristin Russo (one of the founders of Everyone is Gay).
Jesse Thomas
Just say yes to more women making cool indie music.
Songs to check out: “Use Me Up” and “Leather Jacket.”
Julia Weldon
A good mix of some folky sentiments with indie rock flair.
Songs to check out: “Marian” (I like the version from the self-titled album better) and “Same Games”
Identifies as queer and “definitely not a lesbian folk singer.”
Julien Baker
Sad, acoustic music. Like a female Bon Iver or something.
So sad, so many feels. 
I want to love her.
Songs to check out: “Everybody Does and “Something.”
Gay, and also transparent about being a gay person that is 1) Christian and 2) from the South, if that’s enticing.
Mal Blum
The purest, sweetest cinnamon roll in the entire world making really good, relatable music.
Songs to check out: “New Years Eve” and “The Bodies, The Zombies!”
Non-binary and pansexual.
Mo Kenney
More swell folkish music (more of an indie rock vibe on the latest).
Songs to check out: “I Faked It” and “The Happy Song.”
Natasha Negovanlis
Because that chick from Carmilla everyone loves also makes some pretty good music.
The only three songs on her Bandcamp are pretty spotty in terms of genre (”Nothing” has a more pop/rock vibe while “Green” is a slower, more straight pop song and “27″ is weirdly jazzy).
Songs to check out: All of them, but “Nothing” is my favorite because I just dig the whole vibe.
Unspecified, label defying queer. The queen of my heart.
No Girlfriends
Swell punk music.
Songs to check out: “You’re Impossible” and “Proposition.”
They’re literally all crushworthy lesbians and the name is a pun because they’re...all single BUT ALSO because they were apparently getting sick of people just assuming they were “the girlfriends” of dudes in bands.
Very nice lo-fi rock. Sometimes verges into grunge territory.
Songs to check out: “Dixie” and “Molly,” just so you get the full spectrum of sounds in there.
Ellen Kempner is queer.
MORE indie rock music, because that’s what the world needs.
Literally this band has a song about Ellen Page AND they straight up just use the word “lesbian” whilst referring to themselves/Ellen Page in said song.
Songs to check out: “The Ellen Page” and “Hot Knives.”
Porch Cat
Lo-fi, bedroom rock/folkish punk music.
Songs to check out: “The Haircut Song” (I like the acoustic version from “Little Songs” best) and “If Yr Not Happy.” Bonus: “Want to Be Free (I’m An Asshole Too)” with accompanying band The Fair-weather Family. 
Motherfucking Sleater-Kinney.
Songs to check out: All of them, but also “Surface Envy” and “You’re No Rock N’ Roll Fun.”
Members Carrie Brownstein and Corin Tucker are bisexual.
Soulful folk music (literally, hence “SOAK”) from Ireland. The accent is endearing.
Songs to check out: “B a noBody” and “Hailstones Don’t Hurt.”
For the most part folky/poppy, but charted into some rockish territory on the newest release.
Songs to check out: “Who Wears the Pants??” and “Why Don’t You Eat Me Now, You Can.”
Gonna put her down as pansexual/bisexual, ‘cause in an interview she said she preferred girls but had been with guys before, so.
(She also ended the aforementioned interview by saying “I love pussy,” so there’s that.)
Kind of like Modern Baseball but with a female lead singer, ya feel?
Songs to check out: “Getting On in Spite of You” and “GDP.”
St. Vincent
Excellent, poppy indie rock.
Songs to check out: “Paris is Burning” and “Actor Out of Work.”
Unspecified queer/pansexual/dates a lot of hot women, so she’s just kinda winning at life.
Tegan and Sara
Motherfucking Tegan and Sara.
Songs to check out: Their entire discography, but also “Shock to Your System” and “Frozen.”
Gay times two.
Indie singer/songwriter.
Songs to check out: “Jealousy And I” and “New Skin.”
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kartiavelino · 5 years
The Scholar Mortgage Debt Disaster Is Hitting Black Households Arduous
Written by Donna M. Owens When Marcel Jules met his spouse, Marian, he was immediately smitten. “I do know what God gave me,” he says. “She’s stunning in and out.” Married in 2014, the Austin, Texas couple is now elevating their three-year-old daughter in a family crammed with laughter and love. But one factor they’ve in abundance that’s no laughing matter: huge pupil mortgage debt.   Marian Jules, 41, graduated in 2003 from South Pacific College. At present a advertising strategist at a tech firm, she instructed BET her faculty debt exceeds $100,000. Because of this, her loans are in default, and her wages have been garnished.  Marcel, who’s 33 and earned a level from Texas State College in 2010, additionally amassed a sizeable pupil mortgage tab. Right now, the hospital IT staffer says his mortgage accounts are closed, having been written off as dangerous debt.  Says Marian, “I need to be honorable about my loans, however paying it off does not appear attainable, at this level. We’re present on every little thing else with our payments. It is the loans which might be killing us.”  They’re not alone: Individuals have racked up $1.6 trillion in pupil mortgage debt, in line with the Federal Reserve Board. A number of components underscore the coed mortgage debt disaster. Consultants blame declining state and federal funding, predatory for-profit colleges, plus rising increased training prices. And a number of other current studies level to structural racial inequalities that form experiences for college students of colour. Marcel Jules and spouse Marian Jules with their daughter RELATED: BET News Special – Young, Gifted & Broke In July 2019, the NAACP and the Center for Responsible Lending launched “Quicksand: Borrowers Of Color & The Student Debt Crisis.” The report cites vital variations throughout racial and ethnic teams, with some notably reliant on pupil loans. Greater than half of younger Black households (with heads of households aged 25–40) have pupil debt. And in line with a 2016 U.S. Division of Training examine, African American graduates borrow in 85 % of instances. Outcomes have been dire. Black debtors who entered faculty in 2003–2004 as undergraduates, almost 49 % had defaulted on their loans by 2016.  Members of the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) are among the many policymakers who’ve cried foul in regards to the pupil mortgage debt situation. Rep. Bobby Scott (D-VA), Chair of the House Committee on Education and Labor, has held bipartisan hearings on Capitol Hill, which he says will inform work on a reauthorization of the Increased Training Act and reforms. “If we don’t tackle the rising prices, not solely will [America] lose our financial competitiveness, however a rising variety of college students and households will lose out on the advantages of school diploma,” he mentioned.   Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA), Chairwoman of the House Financial Services Committee, presided over a current listening to about pupil mortgage debt. “Greater than 44 million individuals carry pupil debt averaging nearly $33,000. Round 9 million debtors with federal pupil loans are presently in default,” she mentioned in opening remarks. “The burden of pupil mortgage debt is stopping younger individuals from saving for retirement, beginning small companies, beginning households, and changing into householders. This disaster is affecting individuals throughout the nation, and finally it negatively impacts our whole financial system.” Regardless of the hardships they’ve confronted, the Jules’–who each hail from immigrant roots (Marcel is Haitian-American; Marian is African-American and Filipino)– nonetheless need to attain the American Dream for themselves and their youngster. Using household assist and different assets, they’ve launched a faith-based clothes line, Cross Reflections Apparel, in hopes that entrepreneurship shall be their path to wealth. Marian has few regrets about her determination to attend faculty, regardless of the prices. Nevertheless, Marcel is much less sure.  “I’d be mendacity if I mentioned it was all roses. However the place there’s a will there is a means,” he mentioned. “God at all times gives.” RELATED: The Connection Between Student Loan Debt And The Racial Wealth Gap Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA), Chairwoman of the House Financial Services Committee, presided over a current listening to about pupil mortgage debt. “Greater than 44 million individuals carry pupil debt averaging nearly $33,000. Round 9 million debtors with federal pupil loans are presently in default,” she mentioned in opening remarks. “The burden of pupil mortgage debt is stopping younger individuals from saving for retirement, beginning small companies, beginning households, and changing into householders. This disaster is affecting individuals throughout the nation, and finally it negatively impacts our whole financial system.” Regardless of the hardships they’ve confronted, the Jules’–who each hail from immigrant roots (Marcel is Haitian-American; Marian is African-American and Filipino)– nonetheless need to attain the American Dream for themselves and their youngster. Using household assist and different assets, they’ve launched a faith-based clothes line, Cross Reflections Apparel, in hopes that entrepreneurship shall be their path to wealth. Marian has few regrets about her determination to attend faculty, regardless of the prices. Nevertheless, Marcel is much less sure.  “I’d be mendacity if I mentioned it was all roses. However the place there’s a will there is a means,” he mentioned. “God at all times gives.” Picture credit score: Getty Photographs Get the newest from BET in your inbox! Join now for the newest in superstar, sports activities, information and magnificence from BET. By clicking submit, I consent to receiving BET Newsletters and different advertising emails. BET Newsletters are topic to our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. Customers can unsubscribe at anytime. BET Newsletters are despatched by BET Networks, 1540 Broadway, New York, NY 10036. www.bet.com OR JOIN US ON http://feeds.guess.com/~r/AllBetcom/~3/8yT8-1bebG8/the-student-loan-debt-crisis-is-hitting-black-families-hard.html The post The Scholar Mortgage Debt Disaster Is Hitting Black Households Arduous appeared first on Kartia Velino. https://kartiavelino.com/the-student-loan-debt-crisis-is-hitting-black-families-hard/
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