Things That Went Unspoken || Ollibastian (Closed starter)
After cleaning himself up from the long trip, and the even longer welcoming chat he had for the last hour or so, Sebastian headed up to where the local bar was, thinking only then that he hoped it was still there, since so many years had gone by. So many years. If there was a moment when that expression held its bigger meaning, that was at that particular one, when he was walking to meet his brother, after a long time.
Even though he looked around and encountered so many familiar faces from the past, there were also some points there where he found it difficult to make pait of the person he had met, and the one he was seeing now. Everybody around was either married, with children, living happy little lives which almost seemed way too perfect to believe. But on no one was that difference more obvious, than his own brother.
It was fair to say the sweet, free-spirit loving boy was no more, and in his place there stood a completely different man. Some would say changes are good, or that people changes with time and that would be the truth; but what striked him the  most from talking to Ollie, what shook him to the core with fear, was how frighteningly similar he was now to their father. Obviously, them being closer had rubbed on his former sweet baby brother in more ways than one, and Sebastian could only guess what had that monster done to his brother’s head, or worse, the many ways in which he could had put Ollie against Sebastian.
Wearing black jeans and a simple white shirt with a black jacket on top, he was glad to see the bar actually stood there still as he turned the corner. He went in and walked up to the bar, ordering himself a scotch, while he waited for Ollie, not knowing at all what should he be prepared for.
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jack--valentine · 3 years
Where: The Valentine House
Who: @oliverxvalentine
Jack had just finished eating his brunch, and was heading into the kitchen to clean off his plate. He hadn’t been super hungry, but he ate enough to keep his mom happy and that was really all that mattered. Walking through the doorway, he could hear the family chatter still going on behind him, but he spotted Oliver already in there. “Hiding from family time are we?” Jack joked, going over to the sink. He washed off his plate before sticking it into the dishwasher. “Hiding in the kitchen is a fair tactic, but it doesn’t work nearly as well as it would if everyone was done eating and you could claim to be helping clean up” He said with a light laugh. “But, how’s it going Oli?” 
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submissivelynick · 5 years
Lunchtime | 1/10/20
Nick held up a tray of brownies when Oliver opened the door. “I hope you don’t mind... I brought dessert?” he offered. “I don’t know how much Noah’s told you about our parents, but I’m pretty sure my mom would kill me if she ever found out if I didn’t bring something with me to someone who was hosting me for a meal. Um, can I do anything to help out?” He glanced over the other sub’s shoulder, trying to get a glimpse of the newest member of the family. @olliexsmythe
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jasonpal-blog1 · 7 years
(Flashback )/ Jason & Oliver
He stood there, watching both guys sucking on each other’s faces. He couldn’t believe it, Oliver would never do something like that, maybe it was just his imagination. When Oliver told him he was going to buy some food, Jason found it weird since they just ate an hour before so he went out to follow him. Yeah, it wasn’t something good to do but he was getting a bit suspicious. And there he was, kissing another guy, someone he didn’t even know and who knows where they met, did the guy know Oliver had a boyfriend? His heart hurt, his legs hurt, his whole body hurt, why was Oliver doing that? why was he kissing someone else? He didn’t know what to do, was that the end? NO. He loved Oliver, he was the only person who was there for him, he just couldn’t leave him. What was he going to do? Tears started to fall from his eyes, did he deserve this? he felt like someone just stabbed him and he was there, vulnerable, letting them stab him a bunch of times. As soon as Oliver and the other guy stopped kissing, they just said goodbye and walked their separated ways. Was that something Oliver used to do? Kiss someone while he was out and then just walk away?  He stared at him, and when Oliver looked up and stared back at him, his heart hurt even more, his lips were swollen and it looked like he enjoyed that kiss. Maybe he didn’t enjoy Jason’s and that’s why he did what he did. He felt small, and he didn’t know what to do so he just looked at him and managed to say, “Oli, please, c-come here.”  @olivermilesx
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kane--sharpe · 7 years
Awkward Encounter || Kane & Oliver || Closed
Kane was just about to leave for work when Oliver showed up at his door. He didn't know who the boy was but he was almost immediately annoyed by his presence. Rolling his eyes, he opened the door and looked him up and down. "Is there something I can help you with?" He asked, knowing he was probably just another helpless sap in love with his sister. Oliver started to ramble on about how he was supposed to meet up with Kelly for a date on Sunday and she didn't show up. Kane wasn't surprised, he'd stood many dates up before. He was slightly intrigued by the fact that Oliver said he was her boyfriend and he remembered back to a conversation he had, had with Kelly about a guy that was her friend that she had thought there might be something there with. Maybe he was her boyfriend. He scoffed as the boy continued on about how he was worried about Kelly because she wasn't answering his messages. "Look, I love Kelly more than anyone in the world, but she probably blew you off and just doesn't want to see the look on your little puppy face when she says she's not interested. She can be a bit flaky." He wasn't listening to anything else Oliver said lost in his own thoughts about how he would probably be late to work until he said something about Imogen missing too. Kane looked into Oliver's eyes trying to figure out if he knew anything about the Hannah conversation that he himself had just had with Kelly. She had been acting weird the past few days. But if something was going on with Kelly and she was hiding, he didn't think there was anything Oliver could do about it. "You know what mate, I think you spend too much time at the bar and you're probably just having some wicked hangover and imagining a relationship between you and your dream girl. No one would blame you. Sometimes it seems like the whole town has a boner for Kelly." Giving him an insincere smile, he pushed Oliver out the door. "I'll be sure to tell her you stopped by when I see her, but I doubt it will change things for you." He closed the door in the boy's face but wondered if their really was something he should be concerned about.
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rein-smh · 9 years
Road To Where || Oliver & Delilah
Delilah's head rested against the car window, staring blankly at the scenery passing by, the world they were leaving behind. The bushland beside them had transcended into parallel lines of colour and they sped past along the highway and she became transfixed. It was peaceful, most of the others around them had fallen asleep, and those who were awake were in contemplation. It was funny how nostalgic this was to her- the long weekends where Delilah, her parents and two brothers would travel up the coastline brought moments much like this one. Snapping out of her daze, she glanced to her right at Oliver before turning back to the window. It felt so surreal, the two of them here together. Not too long ago, they were plotting their escape from their miserable lives, just as they had done almost every day prior to then for years. They had always fantasised about leaving, and yet, a fantasy was all it ever seemed to them. And now here they were, no longer part of a home; runaways. It was weird, though. Having him around brought her a sense of solace, Oliver meant familiarity- home. A part of her was still home. 
Yawning, she propped herself up, stretching as she turned and leaned her back against the window she had been so invested with for the past few hours. Bringing her legs up from the car floor, she slumped them across Oliver’s lap in an effort to make herself comfortable and stared out of the rear window instead.
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Of The Night || Oliver & William
William thought this was really strange. He had for some reason said yes to join this Oliver (which he had just met) to go out on a club. He had just arrived in L.A and the first thing he do is go out to get drunk. He had to change clothes before though, he was still wearing his warm and wet suit, so he was on his way to quickly change clothes. He found a simple T-shirt and shorts before going out again, he was going to meet Oliver outside where the waited with his limo. The prince of England and the model were going in style. 
He came outside again and didn’t spot Oliver at once. One of his body guards made a sign towards a limo nearby where Oliver was sticking his head out of. William laughed at him and ran over to him, opened the door and sat inside. “You didn’t have to look like a dog,” William laughed and the limo started to drive. They were going to a nightclub called Avalon Hollywood which Oliver had decided. William looked out the window when they were driving through the city, it wasn’t dark and sleeping even though it was late. It was more alive then ever. 
When they arrived at the night club and gotten out of the limo they came to the front door. They hadn’t called beforehand and said they were coming, but apparently Oliver had tweeted or something and it seemed like the guard already knew who they was. He nodded to them and let them in. The music was loud inside, but it looked pretty cool there. William looked over at Oliver. “So, what do we do now?” he almost had to yell to be heard over the music. “Is there a VIP place here or is the whole place VIP?”
( ffs-oliverhart )
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submissivelynick · 5 years
FTF: He creeped through the corridors, carefully avoiding another slushie incident. He’d opted to hit Nick with one that didn’t involve a ridiculous amount of dye that would ruin his clothes, and had packed up more than a few New Year treats which he hoped would soften the blow. He was sure Noah would understand, and he felt better about having got Nick’s permission beforehand. He knocked the door to his suite and announced himself. ‘It’s Oliver!’ He called.
Nick swallowed nervously as he made his way to the door. He was just wearing a pair of boxer briefs--navy ones that hopefully wouldn’t stain too badly. He hadn’t told anyone but those already in the suite who he’d agreed to let slushie him, so he was fairly confident no one would trick him by calling themselves Oliver. “Stay back,” he ordered Coco, keeping him out of the line of fire, and he opened the door wide, his heart beating rapidly in his chest. “Hey,” he said softly, looking warily at the man in front of him. @olliexsmythe
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cosmicliving-blog · 9 years
serenade # rollie
Oliver was beyond nervous. He didn’t do this sort of thing. This sort of thing being turning himself into a public spectacle. He took a deep breath and rolled his lips from outside the cafeteria as Riley pressed the microphone into his sweaty palm. “All you have to do is turn it on Archie said. He’ll take care of the instrumental and have it fed into the caf speakers. Good luck, bro,” Riley egged him on, clapping him on the back. Oliver smiled nervously back at him as he wiped his palms on his jeans before getting a better grip on the mic.
“Show time, I’m gonna go announce you. Try not to pee your pants, Matthews. You’re looking a little skittish,” Riley said and Oliver glared at him. He knew he wasn’t a horrible singer so at least he wasn’t making a total fool of himself. It was his senior year, Ramona’s too and he knew she wanted a big promposal. As Riley’s voice boomed through the cafeteria asking for everyone’s attention for an important announcement, her wish was about to be granted as he swallowed his heart as it flew to his throat as the music blasted. Taking a deep breath he flipped the switch on his mic before charging into the cafeteria with all eyes on him. At least he had the football team to back him up with shaking hips as he started “I stay out to late,” he sang. “Got nothing in my brain.” He kept going as he walked -- more like strutted -- through the caf with the football team following close behind, gaining confidence as he went until he reached the table he knew Ramona was seated at. 
Oliver wasted no time, climbing on top of the table and singing right to his probably super surprised girlfriend as the football team kept up their moves on the floor. As the music died down, the football players rolled out the banner that read “will you ‘shake it off’ at prom with me?” 
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remuswilliams-blog · 10 years
I'm Actually Kinda Cool
This wasn't going according to plan, not with two valedictorians from his academy lying dead from being impaled through the chest. Remy watched the panting mutant in front of him, the tendrils shooting out from his body reminding the man of a boss from a Final Fantasy Game. One tendril, with an edge as sharp as steal, shot forward to grab Remy by the throat. He sliced the scythe downwards, severing the tendril with a hiss. Was it from a video game? Oh, maybe he was thinking about severing the snakes on medusa's head! They sparred around the parking lot, Remy twirling the scythe to both defend an attack. The attacks were so strong that sometimes it was all Remy could do to hold up the scythe against a tendril's weight, his feet skidding back on the gravel. Twirling the scythe with one hand, Remy generated knives -- one by one -- and threw them towards his target. They lodged in the mutant's side. As the enemy bent over, Remy hacked the scythe down the mutant's back and pulled upwards. Immediately, the tendrils turned to stone and the mutant slumped forward.
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thatpromqueen · 10 years
make it right || chloe & oliver
Chloe didn't know why she had decided to come early to the small coffee shop, She knew herself. Chloe had a tendency of being a neurotic, nervous mess and it got even worse in tense situations - such as this. After tearing the napkin in front of her into a million pieces, she gave the clock on the wall another impatient look. All she wanted was to finally resolve things with Oliver, to be able to move on or.. Move forward, in any kind of way. Ever since their break up that happened a billion years ago, what had went down between them was still something that had been left lingering. Of course, most of that had been because Chloe had  - up to this point - believed that her High School sweetheart had broken her heart. And now, she wasn't sure if she was happy to be proven wrong or devastated to be taking the blame for it all.  The blonde girl still hadn't gone to bed after her highly drunken induced adventures the night before and had done her best to freshen up. Her locks in a messy bun and a severe amount of under eye-concealer, Chloe tried her best to go unnoticed by the rest of the customers in the shop in fear of terrifying them with her underwhelming appearance. Grown up or not - She was still a Prom queen through and through, carrying the same values as she did in High School.  Grimacing at the slightly bitter taste, Chloe finished off her second cup of coffee. The loud chatters by the girls at the nearby table were banging her head in and there was nothing but very strong willpower that kept her sitting calmy in her chair. "He's late." She muttered under her breath after another look at the clock, starting another stare-off with the front door. She knew very well that she was in no position to be annoyed, but she'd like to think that she still had some dignity left. If Oliver would stand her up, then there definitely would be a problem - not that she could blame him if he did. Just as Chloe had decided to stop her own humiliation and leave, a very familiar face sat down in the empty chair in front of her. "Oh.. You're here." Chloe couldn't help but light up, a smile beaming at him. "I.. I'm sorry, I ordered without you." She gestured towards the empty plate in front of her, a few crumbs left as evidence. "I still stress-eat, just like High School. Do you remember the week before Homecoming? I was a complete me- ." Suddenly realising what she was doing, she shut herself up quickly. "And, clearly, I still talk to much when I'm nervous... Both are things that I'm working on."
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jack--valentine · 4 years
Jack wasn’t a huge fans of events like these, and so once in awhile, he needed a break from all the excitement. Jack grabbed a drink and went to stand outside, where it wasn’t as crowded or noisy, and he could hear himself think. He let out a deep breath and took a sip of his drink before looking around. It seemed most people were inside, and there were only a few people milling around outside, probably due to how it was chilly out. However, Jack spotted his cousin, Oliver, hanging near the corner. Deciding this was a valid excuse to be outside for longer, he wandered over. He was getting ready to say hello when he noticed that Oliver wasn’t alone, and that he was talking to someone else. Jack squinted, trying to see better in the darkness, but it looked like the two of them exchanged something. It was probably just payment for something Oliver had bought or something, Jack decided. “Hey Ollie!” Jack said getting closer, which apparently spooked the other person since they dashed off. “Who was that?” Jack asked, raising an eyebrow
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submissivelynick · 6 years
Dinner & Conversation 2/27
It was weird to be back in the sub dorms after having officially moved into Mateo’s suite, and it was even weirder to notice how weird it was to be back. Nick shifted awkwardly from foot to foot after knocking on Oliver’s door. He adjusted the strap of the bag holding all of his cooking supplies and chewed on his lip. He wanted to get to know this guy who was so important to Noah, but part of him wanted to make a good impression on him, too. @olliexsmythe
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cosmicliving-blog · 10 years
valentine antics ♥ rollie
Oliver smoothed the wrinkles out of every single blanket and comforter he'd laid out on the floor. Everything for tonight had to be perfect. It was his way of... apologizing and trying to make amends for everything he'd done. Or rather didn't do. He sprinkled rose petals across the area before quickly moving to light the rest of the candles and dimming all the lights. Ramona was supposed to be there at any minute and he couldn't have her showing up before everything was absolutely prestine. He placed her wrapped presents on the arm chair, turning them until they were aesthetically pleasing. Oliver was in the middle of his third final once over when the sound of the doorbell caused him to jump. Smoothing his shirt and his hair before taking a deep breath and rushing to the front door and pulling it open. 
Oliver smiled at the sight of Ramona, his heart taking off embarrassingly in his chest. "Hi," he whispered before pressing his lips to hers in a chaste kiss. "Happy Valentines day, Mona." God did it feel good to be able to call her that again without snide remarks. Oliver took her hand in his before leading her inside. "I hope you still like chinease because I ordered a lot of fried rice." 
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foxschneider-blog · 10 years
Let's Talk Passion → Fox and Oliver
Like many of the streets in the city, the noise was loud and filled with the moments of everyday life. The honks of taxi cabs and cars, the engines from the buses, and the voices of everyone walking along the sidewalks and crosswalks; all of it was just normal. What wasn’t normal in the mass of it all was the nervous pitter patter of feet that traced the front of the flower shop for the sixth times since they’d reached their destination.
It was curiosity that brought him to the flower shop, wondering about the man in love with the flowers. It had taken a long time before he’d gotten the nerve to come down to the shop, but now he was stuck pacing the front of the building. He was sure he was scaring some people, especially considering he kept mumbling to himself about not being an idiot and just going inside.
“You’re an idiot…an idiot…” Fox paused, his fingers that had been in his hair for quite a while now tugged on the strands like always when he was frustrated. He was worried about actually talking to Oliver. Really, he was just an awkward idiot who had no confidence and wasn’t sure how to talk to people without being too blunt. The last thing he wanted was for Oliver to decide not to talk to him anymore.
After another minute of arguing with himself, he finally went into the shop and looked at all the flowers that were on display while trying to keep his head down. Fox didn’t want anyone else to talk to him, but he also didn’t want to hold a sign above his head with the other’s name over it. Hey, he’d at least stepped into the shop. So until he could spot the other, he looked at the flowers with brown eyes peeking up in search of Oliver.
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