80s-romantic-dreamer · 2 months
“Oh,” They giggled, cheeks pink.
“Oh!” They gasped, hands to their mouth in horror.
“Oh,” they whined, gripping their hair in frustration.
“Oh,” they breathed, head back and lashes fluttering.
“Oh,” they mumbled, shifting awkwardly.
“Oh,” they deadpanned, arms crossed.
“Oh?” they asked, brow arched and smile bitter.
“Oh,” they chided with a smirk.
“Oh?” they asked, head tilted curiously.
“Oh!” they hissed, scrambling away.
“Oh,” they mumbled, rubbing their neck.
“Oh,” they uttered, eyes wide in awe.
“Oh,” they muttered with an ill-impressed frown.
“Oh!” They cried, throwing their arms around them.
“Oh,” they goaded, smiling mischievously.
“Oh,” they taunted, skipping backwards.
“Oh,” they snarked, hands on their hips.
“Oh,” they breathed, putting it all together.
“Oh,” they said softly, hugging themselves.
“Oh,” they whispered, holding back tears.
“Oh!” they gasped, ducking out of the way.
“Oh,” they uttered, and smacked their forehead.
“Oh,” they laughed, brows wiggling.
“Oh,” they tittered, batting their lashes.
“Oh,” they hissed, gritting their teeth.
Tag your dialogue.
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80s-romantic-dreamer · 2 months
Perhaps some dividers relating to Stardew Valley? 🌳⭐️ or farm related? xx
ahh I was so excited to see this, I love Stardew Valley so much! I put together some dividers using game sprites - I hope you like these! Thank you so much for this request. 🌲💖
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[Free] Masterlist Headers & Dividers!
Please consider liking or reblogging if you use 💕
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80s-romantic-dreamer · 7 months
Hiii, it's me again! You really did well when you wrote about Maeglin and reader.
This time (of course only if you feel like it), would you be willing to try your hand at one-shot piece about Rog and a F!reader who is secretly and deeply in love with him (and Rog learnt about it first in Mandos). They meet again in Valinor (F!reader being a survivor of the first age), maybe during some festivities, and the reader finally confesses? It's all up to you if it will lead into something nsfw-ish or not :)
A/N: When I saw this request, I was simply gripped by motivation. I think I've rarely written something that long that quickly😅. I hope you like what I've done with it! I have to say I really love your requests so far and it's a lot of fun to write them. Also, I wanted to write something for Rog for a long time now but had no idea what, so you request was just perfect!
Warnings: slightly nsfw but only at the end, the rest is safe
Pairing: Rog x fem!reader
Rog had stared at Glorfindel in disbelief when he had told him you had always loved him.
You weren't in the halls of Mandos, so you had probably survived, but Rog didn't know where you were now, he just hoped somewhere safe. He hoped Morgoth hadn't gotten his hands on you. He didn't even want to imagine what it would be like for you in Angband. Your gentle smile erased from your face forever.
"I do not know if she would want me to tell you this," Glorfindel continued, "but you have seen how quickly the world can change. And- and if I can help in any way, I will at least try to help you both to a happy life. Because by Eru, you deserve to be happy. So much."
Glorfindel had been your very best friend, and now stood before Rog with a desperate look on his face, he did not know if Glorfindel was so distraught because of everything he had seen during the fall of Gondolin or because of what he had just revealed about you. Rog himself had sunk to the ground and wept tears beacause you had never confessed your feelings to each other, and now you were so far away from him.
Because the truth was that he had always loved you too, but he had always assumed that the other lords like Ecthelion or Egalmoth were more to your liking. He had never thought you would like him of all people.
Back in Gondolin you had met for the first time because you wanted to ask him if he could forge a hair clip for you. It had been a gift from your mother when you were little, but when you had crossed the ice with the others, you had lost it, much to your own regret.
You had made a neat drawing and asked him if he could replicate it for you.
"Of course I understand if you have more important things to do, Lord Rog. I apologise if I have only disturbed you," you had murmured quietly and instead of looking at him directly, you fixed your gaze on a point behind his head.
Rog's heart had immediately beat faster. The very fact that you had told him such a personal thing about yourself meant that, unlike many others in Gondolin who tried to hide it well but couldn't quite manage it, you weren't sceptical about where his loyalty lay. In fact, it seemed to him that you saw his time in Angband and his escape from it as completely separate from him, and that made him feel something he had only read about in books before.
Because you didn't know him, and yet you didn't judge him. It may have been a small thing to others, but Rog had always appreciated this honesty in you.
"Do not worry," he had said as gently as possible, taking the drawing from your hands, his calloused fingers brushing yours. "It would be an honour, my fair Lady."
And that had marked the beginning of your story together.
When he'd finished your hair clip, you'd gifted him a bunch of flowers you'd picked yourself as a thank you. And even though Rog wasn't the biggest on flowers, he put them in a vase on a cupboard next to his bed and looked at them every morning when he got up and every night before he went to bed, smiling gently as he thought of you.
After that, you came around more and more often, not because you wanted him to make something for you.
"I just like your company," you said with a shrug when he asked you about it.
And Rog wouldn't admit it, but that simple sentence had more power over him than a whole heavily armed army would have had.
Over time, he had started to forge a sword for you. You had often remarked how beautiful and elegant you found his swords, even if these were not necessarily the words he himself would have used for his creations. He wasn't quite sure if you had ever been in a battle, but somehow he had the feeling that you could use it. And how right he had been.
When Gondolin had fallen, he had seen you fight with it. He had watched you strike down three orcs to protect Idril and Eärendil, who had been with you. It was the very sword he had forged that saved your life several times that day.
He actually wanted to run over to you, but at that very moment a Balrog noticed him. Orcs were one thing, but even some of the best fighters couldn't take on a Balrog. Not that he didn't think you could, but he really didn't want to take the chance. So he ran in the opposite direction to lure him away from you. So that you were safe, if only for a few more minutes.
If only he had dared to tell you how deeply he felt for you. What could have been then. How many years could he have woken up not to the sight of slowly wilting flowers that you had given him, but to the sight of your face? Maybe you even would have had children?
But that was impossible now. He had no idea where you were, and if he saw you again, you might have found someone else who made your heart beat faster. It would be fine with him as long as you were happy. But he knew that he would never forget you, that he would only ever love you. Because he would see you in everything. Your smile in the rays of the sun, your laughter in the chirping of the birds and your hair in the gentle breeze of the spring air.
Glorfindel had sat down next to him, sighing heavily, and wrapped him in his arms, and together they had cried. For everything that was and could have been.
You never thought you would see Valinor again. After all these years, it seemed like a dream to see the shores of your homeland again.
You clutched the hair clip in your hand tighter. It was a reminder of this home and, more importantly, your real home, Rog.
Glorfindel, who had sought you out during his time in Imladris and had persuaded you to take the chance and sail back, put an arm around you.
"Do not worry too much, my friend. I sent a raven to Turgon just before we sailed out of the harbour. It just returned and in the letter he send me he said he is waiting for us at the harbour. You are not alone anymore."
And indeed, as you entered the shore of Valinor, Turgon, Elenwë and Idril came towards you, beaming with joy. Idril gave you a big hug and said that Elrond, who had arrived a few days before you, sent his greetings.
"Atar also wants to hold a celebration tonight because all of Gondolin is finally together again," she said happily.
You weren't quite sure if you were ready for a party, but you went to throught trouble of picking out a nice dress in the evening and braiding your hair in pretty little plaits anyway. Because you hoped that he would be there.
Rog had never been to the festivities in Gondolin, so there wasn't much chance that he would be at this party, but you were still hopeful.
But as you entered the large hall where Turgon's extravagant celebration was taking place, your heart sank a little. Not only the people from Gondolin were there, but also many others. You were immediately besieged by Finrod and Argon, both of whom you hadn't seen for so long that you had a lot to talk about.
But you didn't really have time to keep an eye out for Rog for the first few hours of the evening.
When everyone started to dance, you stood a little apart on the side, holding a glas of elven wine in your hand. Everything tightened in your throat, because now that you were here, in Valinor, your longing for Rog grew immeasurably.
You longed for the smell of the forge, smoke and flames, for the touch of his rough fingers, for his voice that sounded more beautiful to you than any music and for his laughter, loud and clear.
You could still remember the many parties in the past that you had left earlier to visit him in the forge and tell him everything that had happened that evening.
You sighed heavily.
"Shall we dance?" someone asked and for a moment you were under the illusion that it was Rog, but it was-
"Ecthelion?" you asked in surprise. He had also been a friend of yours, but you hadn't seen each other since the fall of the city.
"The one and only. "He grinned. "So?" He held out his hand to you. "But only on a friendly basis. I am married now." He winked. "Although I can imagine you would rather dance with Rog."
"I-" you frowned.
"Oh come on," Ecthelion said, "anyone with eyes in Gondolin knows you loved him more than anything."
You swallowed hard. "But- "
"Besides, he is standing there and looks like he does not quite know whether to talk to you or not," he said casually, which is why it took you a moment to realise what he had said.
You whirled around and-
"Rog!" you squealed, and the wine glass slipped out of your hand. However, it didn't Hit the floor. Ecthelion had caught it and said with a grin: "What are you waiting for?"
Your knees trembled as you walked towards Rog. So much time had passed that you couldn't remember his whole appearance vividly and now that you saw him in front of you, it seemed so unreal.
His hair fell over his shoulders in exactly the same way as it had done back then. His eyes still radiated that wonderful kindness that had totally captured you when you first met him. It was Rog. He was really there. He-
"I love you." It just slipped out as you stood in front of him and had to raise your head a little to look him in the face. His eyes grew wide.
There was no turning back now, you realised, so you said with a slightly trembling voice and a pounding heart: "I love you, Rog. I have always loved you and I cannot stand another day without you by my side. You are- "you swallowed, "you are all I need to be happy, because for me you are happiness itself. Would you- would you consider marrying me? Because I do not think I can live without our fëas connecting with each other."
Rog stood frozen for a while, then reached out with his large hands and placed them gently on your cheeks. "Oh, my love," he said softly, and just hearing his voice gave you goosebumps. "I want to- I love you too. All those years of not knowing if I would ever see you again were worse than any torture."
He leant forward a little and whispered: "Can I kiss you?" You could already feel his warm breath on your lips and nodded trembling.
So he leant forwards further until he finally pressed his lips lightly against yours.
His lips were softer than you had expected and when he tried to pull away from you again after a short time, you let out a protesting noise, because you didn't think you had ever felt anything so wonderful. You wanted to feel more of Rog, it just wasn't enough.
Rog obviously understood this because he gently slid one of his hands into your hair and pulled you softly into a deeper kiss than before. His other hand wandered away from your cheek and the tips of his fingers stroked your neck and arm until he finally placed his hand on your back to pull your body against his. His warmth enveloped you gently and you knew that this was where you belonged.
Your own hands stroked over his shoulders and through his hair. His familiar scent, which you had never quite forgotten, filled your nose and you couldn't suppress a soft giggle. Your heart, which had felt very heavy just a few moments ago, now seemed to be floating.
When Rog heard your giggle, he smiled softly and lifted his lips from yours to nuzzle his nose gently into your cheek.
You laughed a little louder and wrapped your arms around his shoulders, hugging him tightly.
Then you heard someone clear his throat as you two looked over you recognised Glorfindel who had stepped out of the crowd and was grinning happily. "So you finally did it, huh?"
You sighed. You loved your best friend but that was absolutely bad timing.
"Glorfindel- "
"Do you not want to get a room?" He winked.
You lifted your leg a little, pulled your right shoe off your foot, and threw it after your best friend. Glorfindel bent down, giggling, and then turned to Rog: "Thanks to you, she seems to be back to her old self, I see. But if you hurt her, then- "
"Glorfindel, what are you doing?" Ecthelion had also emerged from the crowd and looked at his friend indignantly, "Please give them both their time."
You didn't hear what Glorfindel said because Rog leant over to you, kissed you on the cheek and whispered, "I think we should find somewhere a bit quieter, right?"
"Sure. "You smiled at him and stroked his cheek gently. You could have stood there for hours and just looked at his face. You slowly ran your index finger along the contours of his face. Then you shook your head and blushed a little. "I- I just need to get my shoe."
Rog glanced over at Glorfindel and Ecthelion, who were still playfully arguing, and at your shoe lying behind them. "I am sure we can still get it tomorrow."
And then, without warning, he had lifted you into the air. One arm under your legs, one around your shoulders. "If you walk with only one shoe, you could hurt yourself."
He carried you through the crowd. Your face was scarlet, but you couldn't remember ever being so incredibly happy. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Idril winking happily at you.
"That with- " Rog had blushed a little. "About getting married, when- when would you- "
"We should get married tonight- "you paused for a moment. "But only if you- well, if that is too quick for you, that is fine too. But I would like to connect our Fëa now. We have already lost so much time, Rog."
"Then let us do it right now," he whispered. "I have a small house not far from here. If you want, it could be our home."
You nodded gently. "That would be nice. But you are sure this is not going to fast for you?" you asked cautiously, wanting to be sure.
"I want you." he whispered softly. "So much."
Rog really hoped you liked his - your - home. It was just a small house he had built next to his forge, nothing special. He really hoped you would-
"It is truely wonderful." you said softly. You were standing on your own two feet again. He had carried you over the threshold of the house and then set you down carefully.
Seeing you in his house, where he thought he would never see you again, felt so special.
The cute face you made as you looked around just melted his heart.
"You can change as much as you want," he said a little more shyly than he had originally planned. The thought of what you were about to do made him a little nervous. He wanted to be close to you, but he was incredibly nervous. He had dreamt many times that you two would make love, but to be on the verge of it was just different.
You smiled. "Why do we not wait until tomorrow with that?" you said quietly, biting your lower lip. "Where should we - well, if you still want to - "
"Absolutely." he breathed and gently took your hands in his. "Absolutely. Let us just take do this very slowly. No need to be nervous." He kissed your forehead, then your cheek and finally your lips again. Then he nodded towards a small fireplace with a fur in front of it. "I thought we could- I mean, we would not get cold there, you know."
"Sounds good to me." you replied gently and pulled lightly at his arms and lead him towards the fire.
You layed down on your back and he carefully climbed over you. Seeing you under him like this made him feel a heat he had never felt before, especially when he saw your red cheeks and nervous smile. Carefully, Rog slipped one arm around your waist and placed his other hand on your cheek, stroking it gently as he kissed you again.
Again and again his lips found yours and his hands carefully stroked all over your body. You tried to push yourself up a little to press your body more firmly against his, because the heat was now spreading through your body too.
Soon he wasn't just kissing your mouth. His lips found a way down your neck and kissed their way into the plunging neckline of your dress, eliciting a soft whimper from you.
Rog swallowed as he realised that his trousers were slowly getting tighter. The soft sounds you made when his hands ran over your still-clothed breasts or his lips kissed you where no one else had ever touched you before made him see stars.
He carefully unbuttoned your dress and helped you take it off. His clothes soon followed until you were finally completely naked.
Rog's eyes travelled briefly over your body before he whispered softly, "Oh Melda, you are so beautiful."
You could feel yourself blushing, but you returned the compliment.
Then you felt his rough hands on your bare skin, leaving you with goose bumps as they gently stroked you.
His lips started just above your breasts, where they had left off, and kissed their way up to one of your nipples, which he gently cupped with his mouth, while his other hand massaged soothing circles into your hip.
You let out a loud moan and clung to his strong arms as Rog kissed gently across your chest to the other breast.
Feeling his touch on your body was better than you could ever have imagined. The way his fingers and hands gently caressed your soft skin and his lips explored every inch of your body.
Soon he pressed his hand gently against your clit, eliciting a surprised sound from you. Slowly he began to massage along your entrance as he pressed his lips against yours again, this time a little harder, to catch the soft moans that were now constantly escaping your lips.
He carefully stroked gentle circles with his fingers before slowly pushing them in through your entrance.
You whimpered into his mouth and he felt the pressure he was feeling become almost unbearable. He wanted to feel you closer, but it was still more important to him that you were ready for it and that it was a wonderful experience for you.
You felt how he moved his fingers deeper and deeper and then carefully spread them apart to spread your walls a little. This movement alone felt so unfamiliar and yet so good.
Very soon Rog pulled his fingers from your wet heat, leaving you feeling strangely empty.
Carefully, he leaned his whole body a little further down and gently pressed the tip of his cock against your entrance.
"Is that okay?" Rog asked quietly, stroking your now tousled hair with one hand.
"Yes." you breathed, trembling. "I- " you swallowed. "I need you."
He pressed soft kisses to your face and gripped your hips as he slowly pushed his length into you. Immediately, your walls clenched around him. The sensation was unfamiliar, but you wouldn't have called it uncomfortable, because it wasn't. The way he slowly filled you was wonderful, as if you were finally complete.
Soon Rog's entire cock was submerged inside you and your walls were slowly getting used to the feeling of having him inside of you.
Rog himself could barely hold back, but he wanted to wait for your confirmation that it felt good before he moved. Your walls clenched around his cock and it drove him crazy to hold himself still inside you. Feeling you so close was already almost too much, but being inside of you and feeling how wet you were already was something else entirely.
Eventually, however, you nodded. "It- it feels good Rog. We can continue."
So he started in to thrust into you in a slow rhythm.
Very early on, he realised how quickly he was approaching his climax. It was just too much. Your warm skin pressed against his, your soft breasts he felt against his strong chest, the sound the movements of his cock made inside you, your walls tightening around him and the soft noises falling from your lips.
At the beginning of the day he hadn't thought he would ever see you again, but now you were lying here, under him, moaning and whimpering with pleasure.
You inhaled sharply as you came and trembled slightly, a reaction that also led Rog to his climax. He finished deep inside you and shuddered as he poured himself into you.
You were practically half unconscious under him, and when he slowly pulled out of you, there was a soft pop. Carefully he layed down next to you. Even though he would have liked to lie on top of you to feel the closeness of your body even more, he was afraid he would crush you.
You needed a while to catch your breath and just lay next to each other, half dozing. At some point, Rog's hand found its way to your cheek and gently stroked it with his knuckles.
"You are just perfect," he whispered softly, his voice husky.
You turned towards him and, seeking his warmth, and cuddled up against his big, warm chest.
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I'm not good at drawing.🙀🙀
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Maurice Gibb edit
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"Stand by me"
BEEGEES fan fiction
Robin Gibb/Barry Gibb
The story is pure fiction.
Setting time: mid-60s
Recording Studio ·9:00 p.m
"Well, I've had enough! Robin, what the hell is wrong with you? This is the third time you've missed it
Beat it! What's the matter with you tonight?" The sound engineer took off his headphones, ruffled his already mixed hair, frowned and said, "Oh my God, let's take a break."
Vince and Colin exchange glances and look at Robin: he's got his headphones in his hand, he's frowning, he looks preoccupied.
Maurice walked past them, glanced over and said, "He's been like this these days, not eating, listening to records in his room all day." Leave him alone."
Robin doesn't know what's wrong with him. It's like a cloud is hanging over him. He left his headphones and walked out of the studio alone to smoke.
He's been afraid to look at Barry for days. It's as if there's a strange throbbing in the two of them like quicksand, which makes Robin feel wrong, and he reminds himself that this feeling is wrong. However, the more he forgets, the more he is remembered. Robin's dream is always filled with Barry's shadow. In the last dream, Barry and he stood together in the moonlight and hugged.
"That's normal, isn't it? I mean, I love my brother." Robin was talking to a friend about it a few days ago. "I love my brother so much, that's why he appears in my dreams. Isn't that normal?" Robin nervously repeats these words, his voice trembling more and more.
"Possible? I recently met several homosexual people who love their close friends and dream about them a lot."
Robin is falling apart. homosexual? ! Those groups are not even legal in the UK!
"I can't be homosexual! I can't be!" Robin lay awake for several nights, haunted by the thought as a nightmare, his voice hoarse, unable to cry out for mercy.
After several times of doubt and negative mental pressure, Robin went to his mother Barbara to pray for enlightenment, Barbara just touched his face and said softly, "Son, don't worry about unnecessary things."
This does not bring Robin mental relief, but only makes his crumbling spirit more dangerous. After a thousand times of doubt and denial,
Robin was convicted of a felony by the “court”.
He's a homosexual
And he's in love with hisbrother,Barry gibb
The moonlight shines mercilessly on Robin, like a chain.
Soot fell to the ground, followed by sour tears. Robin shakes and cries, clutching the wall with her right hand, bends over and cries, "This shouldn't have happened, this shouldn't have happened."
"Robin, what's wrong with you?" Robin lift and found that Barry looked at him with concern in his eyes and Robib felf mixed feelings in his heart, as if he had been torn apart. He fell to his knees feebly. Barry quickly comes up to help Robin.
"Barry, I have to tell you something." Robin pulls Barry by the collar. "I want you to listen. It's important.
Although Barry is puzzled by Robin's avoidance of him, he whispers, "Robin, my brother, I love you and you can tell me anything, isn't that?"
Robin gathers his courage and says in a voice hoarse from crying, "Barry, i am a homosexual,and I am fucking in love with you!" After a lifetime of courage, Robin looks at Barry and says, "Please! Please forgive me,please. "In the back, his voice gradually drowned by sobs, Robin grabbed Barry's shoulder and began to cry.
Barry stood still, unable to bear the news. They just stood there, and time passed very slowly. After what seemed like a century, Barry finally said, "Robin, you're kidding. But that's not funny, don't ever do that again. "With that, Barry holds Robin tightly in his arms, only to realize that his brother has grown up so much more than he thought, and they're not kids anymore.
This time Robin did not cry, and his small sobs were buried by the night. He realized he had to cherish
This moment; The moonlight shines on these two men who embrace.
The moon that night did not shine in Australia, nor in Manchester. It stopped only briefly for these two.
And the moon is the only light we'll see
No I won't be afraid,oh I won't be afraid
Just as long as you stand, stand by me
Stand by me
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