#Péi Xiù
friedfriedchicken · 10 months
Y'know what? TGCF jumpscare
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hizerow · 5 years
镋tǎng, 镒yì, 镇zhèn, 镔bīn, 镕róng, 䥽pō镚bèng, 镖biāo, 镝dí, dī, 镜jìng, 镠liú, 镘màn,锦jǐn, 锯jù, 锩juǎn, 锞kè, 锟kūn, 锣luó, 锚máo, 锰měng, 锘nuò, 锫péi, 锖qiāng, 锬tán, 锡xī, 锨xiān, 锳yīng, 锗zhě, 锧zhì, 锥zhuī, 锱zī, 锜qí, 锠chāng, 锿āi, 锸chā, 镀dù, 锻duàn, 锷ě, 镄fèi, 锾huán, 锽huáng, 镌juān, 锴kǎi, 镂lòu, 镅méi, 镁měi, 锵qiāng, 锹qiāo, 锲qiè, 锶sī, 锼sōu, 镃zī, 锺zhōng,
镑bàng, 镈bó, 镐gǎo, hào, 镉gé, 镓jiā, 镏liú, liù, 镆mò, 镎ná, 镊niè, 镍niè, 镙luó, 锭dìng, 锢gù, 锪huō, 键jiàn, 镗táng, tāng, 镛yōng, 镞zú, 镟xuàn, 镩cuàn, cuān, 镫dèng, 镦duì, dūn, 镢jué, 镧lán, 镣liào, 镥lǔ, 镤pú, 镨pǔ, 镪qiǎng, qiāng, 镡xín, 镮huán, 镬huò, 镭léi, 镰lián, 镱yì, 镯zhuó, 镲chǎ, 镴là,金jīn, 釜fǔ, 鉴jiàn, 銮luán, 銎qiōng, 铽tè, 锑tī, 铻wú, yǔ, 销xiāo, 锌xīn, 锈xiù, 铸zhù,
锃zèng, 锛bēn, 锤chuí, 错cuò, 锝dé  鐾bèi, 钣bǎn, 钡bèi, 钚bù, 钞chāo, 钭dǒu, 钝dùn, 钫fāng, 钙gài, 钢gàng, gāng, 钩gōu, 钬huǒ, 钜jù, 钧jūn, 钪kàng, 钠nà, 钮niǔ, 钤qián, 钦qīn, 钛tài, 钨wū, 钘xíng, 钥yào, yuè, 钟zhōng, 铋bì, 钵bō, 钹bó, 铂bó, 钸bū, 钿diàn, tián, 铎duó, 钴gǔ, 钾jiǎ, 钶kē, 鑒jiàn, 鑋qīng, 鑍yīng, 鑫xīn, 鑾luán, 鑿záo, 钆gá, 钇yǐ, 钉dìng, dīng, 钌liào, liǎo, 钋pō, 钊zhāo, 针zhēn, 钗chāi, ��chuàn,
钓diào, 钒fán, 钔mén, 钕nǚ, 钎qiān, 钐shàn, shān, 钍tǔ, 钖yáng, 钑sà, 钯bǎ。铃líng, xiǎn, 铦xiān, 铏xíng, 铘yé, 铱yī,铆mǎo, 钼mù, 铌ní, 铍pí, pī, 钷pǒ, 铅qiān, yán, 钱qián, 钳qián, 铈shì, 铄shuò, 铊tā, 钽tǎn, 铁tiě, 铉xuàn, 铀yóu, 钰yù, 钺yuè, 钲zhēng, 钻zuàn, zuān, 铇bào, 铵ǎn, 铲chǎn, 铛chēng, dāng, 铖chéng, 铳chòng, 铞diào, 铫diào, yáo, 铤dìng, tǐng, 铥diū, 铒èr, ěr, 铬gè, 铪hā, 铧huá, 铗jiá, 铰jiǎo, 铠kǎi, 铐kào,
铑lǎo, 铝lǚ, 铓máng, 铭míng, 铙náo, 铨quán, 铷rú, 铯sè, 铩shā, 铴tàng, tāng, 铜tóng, 铣xǐ,铟yīn, 银yín, 铕yǒu,銐chì, 銞jūn, 鈭zī, 鋬pàn, 鋈wù, 鋆yún, 鋫lí, 銴shì, 鋚tiáo, 銺zàng, 錾zàn, 鋻jiān, 錖dú, 錅lí, 錃pī, 錱zhēn, 鍪móu, 鍙hù, 鍳jiàn, 鍫qiāo, 鍌xiǎn, 鏊ào, 鎏liú, 鎣yíng, 鎜pán, 鎥tiáo, 鏖áo, 鐅piě, 鏨zàn, 鏧lóng, 鐆suì, 鐜duī, 鐢uu,铡zhá, 铮zhèng, zhēng, 铚zhì, 铢zhū, 铔yā, 锕ā, 锄chú, 锉cuò, 锇é, 锋fēng, 锆gào, 锅guō, 锏jiàn, jiǎn, 锔jú, jū, 锎kāi, 铿kēng, 铼lāi, 锒láng, 铹láo, 锂lǐ, 链liàn, 锍liǔ, 锊lüè, 铺pù, pū, 锓qǐn, 锐ruì, 锁suǒ
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bx0032 · 8 years
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【工作英语】 Lesson 20:应聘金融工作 原创 2017-03-08 hanrenhanyu 汉人汉语
应聘金融工作 yīng pìn jīn róng gōng zuò
外资银行对许多毕业生充满神秘感,极具诱惑力。进入外资银行意味着可以拿高薪、出国,是择业的理想选择。随着我国加入WTO后,外资银行对人才需求扩张日益激烈,招聘大学毕业生时,更侧重于形象佳、身材好、气质高的优秀学生。 wài zī yín háng duì xǔ duō bì yè shēng chōng mǎn shén mì gǎn ,jí jù yòu huò lì 。jìn rù wài zī yín háng yì wèi zhe kě yǐ ná gāo xīn 、chū guó ,shì zé yè de lǐ xiǎng xuǎn zé 。suí zhe wǒ guó jiā rù WTOhòu ,wài zī yín háng duì rén cái xū qiú kuò zhāng rì yì jī liè ,zhāo pìn dà xué bì yè shēng shí ,gèng cè zhòng yú xíng xiàng jiā 、shēn cái hǎo 、qì zhì gāo de yōu xiù xué shēng 。
BASIC EXPRESSIONS 基本句型表达 jī běn jù xíng biǎo dá
1) Tell me about yourself and your past experience. 说说你自己以及过去的一些经验吧。 shuō shuō nǐ zì jǐ yǐ jí guò qù de yī xiē jīng yàn ba 。
2) For the past two years, I have been working in an investment banking. 过去的两年中,我一直在一家投资银行工作。 guò qù de liǎng nián zhōng ,wǒ yī zhí zài yī jiā tóu zī yín háng gōng zuò 。
3) My background and experience include working on a variety of projects and jobs in the financial industry. 我的背景和经验包括我在金融业参与过各类项目、做过不同的工作。 wǒ de bèi jǐng hé jīng yàn bāo kuò wǒ zài jīn róng yè cān yǔ guò gè lèi xiàng mù 、zuò guò bú tóng de gōng zuò 。
4) I have had to adjust my style to the new environment several times. 好多次我都必须调整我的方式以适应新环境。 hǎo duō cì wǒ dōu bì xū diào zhěng wǒ de fāng shì yǐ shì yīng xīn huán jìng 。
5) What was the most significant project you’ve worked on? 你参与的最有意义的一个项目是什么? nǐ cān yǔ de zuì yǒu yì yì de yī gè xiàng mù shì shí me ?
6) It was a challenge for a person with a finance background. 对于有金融背景的人来说,是一个挑战。 duì yú yǒu jīn róng bèi jǐng de rén lái shuō ,shì yī gè tiāo zhàn 。
7) I really need more information about the job before we start to discuss salary. 在讨论薪水之前,我希望能多了解这份工作。 zài tǎo lùn xīn shuǐ zhī qián ,wǒ xī wàng néng duō le jiě zhè fèn gōng zuò 。
8) Does the company have a five-year plan? 贵公司有五年计划吗? guì gōng sī yǒu wǔ nián jì huá ma ?
CONVERSATIONS 会话 huì huà (A=Applicant I=Interviewer)
Dialogue 1 I: Let's start the interview with some questions. Tell me about yourself and your past experience. I: 我们开始面试吧。说说你自己和过去的一些经验吧。 I: wǒ men kāi shǐ miàn shì ba 。shuō shuō nǐ zì jǐ hé guò qù de yī xiē jīng yàn ba 。
A: I have 10 years financial industry experience, working for several companies. For the past two years, I have been working in an investment banking. In addition to my analytical mindset, I have a background of solid accounting principles. I am a team player and have great communication and interpersonal skills. I thrive on challenge and work well in high-stress environments. A: 我有十年的金融行业工作经验,为几家公司工作过。过去的两年,我一直在一家投资银行工作。我不仅具有分析能力而且还有扎实的会计原理知识。我具有团队精神,善于和人交流,懂得人际关系的技巧。我善于应付挑战,也能在压力大的环境下工作很出色。 A: wǒ yǒu shí nián de jīn róng háng yè gōng zuò jīng yàn ,wéi jǐ jiā gōng sī gōng zuò guò 。guò qù de liǎng nián ,wǒ yī zhí zài yī jiā tóu zī yín háng gōng zuò 。wǒ bú jǐn jù yǒu fèn xī néng lì ér qiě hái yǒu zhā shí de huì jì yuán lǐ zhī shí 。wǒ jù yǒu tuán duì jīng shén ,shàn yú hé rén jiāo liú ,dǒng dé rén jì guān xì de jì qiǎo 。wǒ shàn yú yīng fù tiāo zhàn ,yě néng zài yā lì dà de huán jìng xià gōng zuò hěn chū sè 。
I: What finance experience have you had that qualifies you for this position? I: 你认为你具有什么样的金融经验使你能胜任这个职位? I: nǐ rèn wéi nǐ jù yǒu shí me yàng de jīn róng jīng yàn shǐ nǐ néng shèng rèn zhè gè zhí wèi ?
A: My background and experience include working on a variety of projects and jobs in the financial industry. Most of my experience has been behind the scenes, doing the calculations. I want to work with clients and continue to grow and be challenged. A: 我的背景和经验包括我在金融业参与过各类项目、做过不同的工作。我的大部分经验都是幕后做一些计算方面的工作。我想和客户打交道,不断完善自己,接受各种挑战。 A: wǒ de bèi jǐng hé jīng yàn bāo kuò wǒ zài jīn róng yè cān yǔ guò gè lèi xiàng mù 、zuò guò bú tóng de gōng zuò 。wǒ de dà bù fèn jīng yàn dōu shì mù hòu zuò yī xiē jì suàn fāng miàn de gōng zuò 。wǒ xiǎng hé kè hù dǎ jiāo dào ,bú duàn wán shàn zì jǐ ,jiē shòu gè zhǒng tiāo zhàn 。
I: Why did you leave your last position? I: 你为什么要离开以前的工作呢? I: nǐ wéi shí me yào lí kāi yǐ qián de gōng zuò ne ?
A: I am not finding the work as challenging as I used to. I want to find a job that is stimulating, where I can grow. A: 我发现这工作不像我原来认为的那么具有挑战性,我想找一份有刺激性的工作,这样可以进步。 A: wǒ fā xiàn zhè gōng zuò bú xiàng wǒ yuán lái rèn wéi de nà me jù yǒu tiāo zhàn xìng ,wǒ xiǎng zhǎo yī fèn yǒu cì jī xìng de gōng zuò ,zhè yàng kě yǐ jìn bù 。
I: What are your strengths and weaknesses? I: 你的优点和缺点是什么? I: nǐ de yōu diǎn hé quē diǎn shì shí me ?
A: One of my strengths is my ability to be flexible. I have seen companies go through many changes in structure and management philosophy. I have had to adjust my style to the new environment several times. As far as weaknesses, I really enjoy my work, and sometimes I put in too much time. But by being aware of my tendency to overwork, I have learned to pace myself more and work less overtime. A: 我的一个优点就是具有灵活性,我目睹了公司在结构和管理思想上的众多变化,而且好多次我必须调整我的方式以适应新环境。就缺点而言,我非常喜欢工作,有时投入了太多的时间,但我已意识到这一点,学会了调节自己,减少加班。 A: wǒ de yī gè yōu diǎn jiù shì jù yǒu líng huó xìng ,wǒ mù dǔ le gōng sī zài jié gòu hé guǎn lǐ sī xiǎng shàng de zhòng duō biàn huà ,ér qiě hǎo duō cì wǒ bì xū diào zhěng wǒ de fāng shì yǐ shì yīng xīn huán jìng 。jiù quē diǎn ér yán ,wǒ fēi cháng xǐ huān gōng zuò ,yǒu shí tóu rù le tài duō de shí jiān ,dàn wǒ yǐ yì shí dào zhè yī diǎn ,xué huì le diào jiē zì jǐ ,jiǎn shǎo jiā bān 。
I: How would your boss describe you and your work style? I: 你的老板会如何评价你和你的工作方式呢? I: nǐ de lǎo bǎn huì rú hé píng jià nǐ hé nǐ de gōng zuò fāng shì ne ?
A: She say I have a lot of initiative, I see the big picture and I do what has to be done. Second, I always meet deadlines. If I say I am going to do something, I do it. Lastly, I have the ability to focus on what I was working on I am not easily distracted. A: 她会说我很积极、顾全大局,会做完所有需要做的事情。其次,我总能在期限前完成任务。如果我说做某一件事,我就一定会做。最后一点,我能集中精力做事情——不会轻易受干扰。 A: tā huì shuō wǒ hěn jī jí 、gù quán dà jú ,huì zuò wán suǒ yǒu xū yào zuò de shì qíng 。qí cì ,wǒ zǒng néng zài qī xiàn qián wán chéng rèn wù 。rú guǒ wǒ shuō zuò mǒu yī jiàn shì ,wǒ jiù yī dìng huì zuò 。zuì hòu yī diǎn ,wǒ néng jí zhōng jīng lì zuò shì qíng ——bú huì qīng yì shòu gàn rǎo 。
I: What are your salary expectations? I: 你希望的薪水是多少? I: nǐ xī wàng de xīn shuǐ shì duō shǎo ?
A: I sure whatever you offer will be a fair amount for a person with my qualifications. Salary is not the most important factor to me. I am looking for opportunity. A: 我相信你会给我提供一个合理的数目。对我来说,薪水不是最重要的,我寻找的是机会。 A: wǒ xiàng xìn nǐ huì gěi wǒ tí gòng yī gè hé lǐ de shù mù 。duì wǒ lái shuō ,xīn shuǐ bú shì zuì zhòng yào de ,wǒ xún zhǎo de shì jī huì 。
I: Do you have any questions? I: 你有问题要问吗? I: nǐ yǒu wèn tí yào wèn ma ?
A: Yes, I do. What do you see as the future trends for the industry? A: 有,你如何看待将来这个行业的发展趋势? A: yǒu ,nǐ rú hé kàn dài jiāng lái zhè gè háng yè de fā zhǎn qū shì ?
Dialogue 2
I: Tell me something about yourself and your past. I: 说说你自己的情况和你的过去吧。 I: shuō shuō nǐ zì jǐ de qíng kuàng hé nǐ de guò qù ba 。
A: I was born and grew up in HeBei Province. I moved to Beijing, where I started taking courses for my MBA. When I completed my degree, I was offered an opportunity working for a financial services company. I have worked there for eight years. A: 我出生于河北省并在那里长大,后来搬到了北京,在这里我学习了MBA课程。完成学位后,我有机会去了一家金融服务公司工作。我在那里工作了八年。 A: wǒ chū shēng yú hé běi shěng bìng zài nà lǐ zhǎng dà ,hòu lái bān dào le běi jīng ,zài zhè lǐ wǒ xué xí le MBAkè chéng 。wán chéng xué wèi hòu ,wǒ yǒu jī huì qù le yī jiā jīn róng fú wù gōng sī gōng zuò 。wǒ zài nà lǐ gōng zuò le bā nián 。
I: What was the most significant project you have worked on? I: 你参与的最重大的一个项目是什么? I: nǐ cān yǔ de zuì zhòng dà de yī gè xiàng mù shì shí me ?
A: I was assigned a project to design a 360-degree performance system. It was a challenge for a person with a finance background. I met with the technical people and discussed the possibilities and obstacles. Based on that information, I selected a team and created a spreadsheet to manage the project. We got the project done on schedule. I was rewarded for outstanding results and was able to share the honors with the team. A: 在过去的八年中,我一直在银行业工作。我对账目的各种概念非常了解、具有分析头脑而且对各种细节都很注意。我参加过很多客户服务培训,也有很多这方面的经验,别人也曾说我在这个领域很出色。 A: zài guò qù de bā nián zhōng ,wǒ yī zhí zài yín háng yè gōng zuò 。wǒ duì zhàng mù de gè zhǒng gài niàn fēi cháng le jiě 、jù yǒu fèn xī tóu nǎo ér qiě duì gè zhǒng xì jiē dōu hěn zhù yì 。wǒ cān jiā guò hěn duō kè hù fú wù péi xùn ,yě yǒu hěn duō zhè fāng miàn de jīng yàn ,bié rén yě céng shuō wǒ zài zhè gè lǐng yù hěn chū sè 。
I: What finance experience makes you qualified for this position? I: 你具有什么样的金融经验使你能胜任这份工作? I: nǐ jù yǒu shí me yàng de jīn róng jīng yàn shǐ nǐ néng shèng rèn zhè fèn gōng zuò ?
A: For the past eight years, I have been working in the banking industry. I have a solid understanding of accounting concepts, an analytical mind and a strong attention to detail. I have had a lot of customer service training and experience, and I have been told that I excel in this area. A: 我被分派去设计一个360度业绩系统。这对一个只有金融背景的人来说是一个挑战。我和技术人员一起讨论了这个系统的可行性及可能遇到的困难。根据掌握的信息,我挑选了一个队伍,建立了一个表格程序以管理这个项目。我们按期完成了这个项目。由于结果很出色,我受到了奖励,而且也能和团队一起分享这些荣誉。 A: wǒ bèi fèn pài qù shè jì yī gè 360dù yè jì xì tǒng 。zhè duì yī gè zhī yǒu jīn róng bèi jǐng de rén lái shuō shì yī gè tiāo zhàn 。wǒ hé jì shù rén yuán yī qǐ tǎo lùn le zhè gè xì tǒng de kě háng xìng jí kě néng yù dào de kùn nán 。gēn jù zhǎng wò de xìn xī ,wǒ tiāo xuǎn le yī gè duì wǔ ,jiàn lì le yī gè biǎo gé chéng xù yǐ guǎn lǐ zhè gè xiàng mù 。wǒ men àn qī wán chéng le zhè gè xiàng mù 。yóu yú jié guǒ hěn chū sè ,wǒ shòu dào le jiǎng lì ,ér qiě yě néng hé tuán duì yī qǐ fèn xiǎng zhè xiē róng yù 。
I: How would your coworkers evaluate you ? I: 你的同事会怎样评价你? I: nǐ de tóng shì huì zěn yàng píng jià nǐ ?
A: They were say I was a hardworker and a real team player. A: 他们会说我是一个工作刻苦的人,是一个很好的合作者。 A: tā men huì shuō wǒ shì yī gè gōng zuò kè kǔ de rén ,shì yī gè hěn hǎo de hé zuò zhě 。
I: What are your salary expectations? I: 你希望得到多少薪水? I: nǐ xī wàng dé dào duō shǎo xīn shuǐ ?
A: I really need more information about the job before we start to discuss salary. I'd like to postpone that decision until later. A: 在讨论薪水前,我希望能多了解工作方面的事。我想迟些再作决定。 A: zài tǎo lùn xīn shuǐ qián ,wǒ xī wàng néng duō le jiě gōng zuò fāng miàn de shì 。wǒ xiǎng chí xiē zài zuò jué dìng 。
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【双语阅读】French artist to entomb himself in rock 原创 2017-02-28 hanrenhanyu 汉人汉语
Cracking story: French artist to entomb himself in rock for a week, then use body to hatch eggs 法国行为艺术家先住石头再孵鸡蛋 fǎ guó háng wéi yì shù jiā xiān zhù shí tóu zài fū jī dàn
法国有一个行为艺术家,曾经把自己塞在毛绒玩具熊肚子里过了两周,还曾经钻进一个巨大的软木塞瓶里漂流过河,这一次他要封闭在一块石灰岩里长达一周,还准备用自己的体温孵化鸡蛋。然而他表示最大的梦想是行走在云端,果然是敢做也敢想。 fǎ guó yǒu yī gè háng wéi yì shù jiā ,céng jīng bǎ zì jǐ sāi zài máo róng wán jù xióng dù zǐ lǐ guò le liǎng zhōu ,hái céng jīng zuàn jìn yī gè jù dà de ruǎn mù sāi píng lǐ piāo liú guò hé ,zhè yī cì tā yào fēng bì zài yī kuài shí huī yán lǐ zhǎng dá yī zhōu ,hái zhǔn bèi yòng zì jǐ de tǐ wēn fū huà jī dàn 。rán ér tā biǎo shì zuì dà de mèng xiǎng shì háng zǒu zài yún duān ,guǒ rán shì gǎn zuò yě gǎn xiǎng 。
A French artist is preparing to be entombed for a week inside a 12-tonne limestone boulder in a modern art museum in Paris, after which he will emerge and attempt to hatch a dozen eggs by sitting on them for weeks on end. 在巴黎的一家现代艺术博物馆,法国行为艺术家亚伯拉罕•伯安什瓦尔要在重达12吨的石灰岩里生活��周,一周之后,他会从石头里出来,然后用身体孵化12个鸡蛋一连数周直到小鸡出壳。 zài bā lí de yī jiā xiàn dài yì shù bó wù guǎn ,fǎ guó háng wéi yì shù jiā yà bó lā hǎn •bó ān shí wǎ ěr yào zài zhòng dá 12dūn de shí huī yán lǐ shēng huó yī zhōu ,yī zhōu zhī hòu ,tā huì cóng shí tóu lǐ chū lái ,rán hòu yòng shēn tǐ fū huà 12gè jī dàn yī lián shù zhōu zhí dào xiǎo jī chū ké 。
“I think of it as an inner journey to find out what the world is,” said Abraham Poincheval, who has hollowed out a hole in the rock just big enough for himself to fit inside. 他把这块石头内部凿出了一个仅够他容身的空间,并且表示:“我把这次表演当作是了解世界的心灵旅程。” tā bǎ zhè kuài shí tóu nèi bù záo chū le yī gè jǐn gòu tā róng shēn de kōng jiān ,bìng qiě biǎo shì :“wǒ bǎ zhè cì biǎo yǎn dāng zuò shì le jiě shì jiè de xīn líng lǚ chéng 。”
Poincheval is no stranger to bizarre and hair-raising performances. 另类惊悚的行为表演对伯安什瓦尔来说已是家常便饭。 lìng lèi jīng sǒng de háng wéi biǎo yǎn duì bó ān shí wǎ ěr lái shuō yǐ shì jiā cháng biàn fàn 。
He once spent a fortnight inside a stuffed bear, was buried under a rock for eight days and navigated France’s Rhone river inside a giant corked bottle. 他曾在毛绒玩具熊肚子里生活了两周,被埋在一块岩石下八天,还曾呆在一个巨大的软木塞瓶里沿着法国罗纳河漂流。 tā céng zài máo róng wán jù xióng dù zǐ lǐ shēng huó le liǎng zhōu ,bèi mái zài yī kuài yán shí xià bā tiān ,hái céng dāi zài yī gè jù dà de ruǎn mù sāi píng lǐ yán zhe fǎ guó luó nà hé piāo liú 。
He has also crossed the Alps in a barrel and last year spent a week on top of a 20-metre pole outside a Paris train station like the stylite saints of the early Christian church. 他把自己塞进木桶里翻越了阿尔卑斯山,去年,他在巴黎一家车站外20米高的电线杆顶呆了整整一个星期,像极了早期基督教教堂修行的圣人们。 tā bǎ zì jǐ sāi jìn mù tǒng lǐ fān yuè le ā ěr bēi sī shān ,qù nián ,tā zài bā lí yī jiā chē zhàn wài 20mǐ gāo de diàn xiàn gǎn dǐng dāi le zhěng zhěng yī gè xīng qī ,xiàng jí le zǎo qī jī dū jiāo jiāo táng xiū háng de shèng rén men 。
He also played at being a human mole, and crossed France on foot in a straight line with a friend. 他还曾像鼹鼠一样生活,也曾和朋友徒步直线穿越法国。 tā hái céng xiàng yǎn shǔ yī yàng shēng huó ,yě céng hé péng yǒu tú bù zhí xiàn chuān yuè fǎ guó 。
But curator Jean de Loisy, of the Palais de Tokyo museum where Poincheval’s “Stone” and “Egg” performances are being held, insisted that his work should not be regarded as stunts but as a series of mystical journeys. 伯安什瓦尔名为“石头”与“蛋”的表演是在东京宫博物馆开演的,该馆馆长让•德•路易西坚持认为,与其说他的表演是做秀,不如说是一系列神秘之旅。 bó ān shí wǎ ěr míng wéi “shí tóu ”yǔ “dàn ”de biǎo yǎn shì zài dōng jīng gōng bó wù guǎn kāi yǎn de ,gāi guǎn guǎn zhǎng ràng •dé •lù yì xī jiān chí rèn wéi ,yǔ qí shuō tā de biǎo yǎn shì zuò xiù ,bú rú shuō shì yī xì liè shén mì zhī lǚ 。
Instead they are profound meditations on “inner exploration, on modifying the self and of living in other realms beyond our own,” De Loisy said. 馆长表示:“这些表演谱写了一部关于心灵探索、自我修正、在异空间生活的沉思录。” guǎn zhǎng biǎo shì :“zhè xiē biǎo yǎn pǔ xiě le yī bù guān yú xīn líng tàn suǒ 、zì wǒ xiū zhèng 、zài yì kōng jiān shēng huó de chén sī lù 。”
The artist said he has spent months mentally and physically preparing himself for the practicalities of life inside the rock, where he will sit up with his arms outstretched. 伯安什瓦尔表示,到时候他将张开双臂坐在石头里,为顺利度过石头里的生活,他花了数月时间进行心理和生理上的准备与调整。 bó ān shí wǎ ěr biǎo shì ,dào shí hòu tā jiāng zhāng kāi shuāng bì zuò zài shí tóu lǐ ,wéi shùn lì dù guò shí tóu lǐ de shēng huó ,tā huā le shù yuè shí jiān jìn háng xīn lǐ hé shēng lǐ shàng de zhǔn bèi yǔ diào zhěng 。
Holes have been bored in the rock for air and cables for a heart monitor and emergency telephone line. 这块大石灰岩上已经钻了一些孔给伯安什瓦尔透气,也连好了电缆,以方便进行心脏监测和艺术家拨打求救电话。 zhè kuài dà shí huī yán shàng yǐ jīng zuàn le yī xiē kǒng gěi bó ān shí wǎ ěr tòu qì ,yě lián hǎo le diàn lǎn ,yǐ fāng biàn jìn háng xīn zāng jiān cè hé yì shù jiā bō dǎ qiú jiù diàn huà 。
Poincheval said all he will have to eat during his entombment will be a little dried meat and cartons of soup and other liquids. 伯安什瓦尔告诉我们,他呆在石头里的这一周,只会吃一点肉干和盒装的汤和饮料。 bó ān shí wǎ ěr gào sù wǒ men ,tā dāi zài shí tóu lǐ de zhè yī zhōu ,zhī huì chī yī diǎn ròu gàn hé hé zhuāng de tāng hé yǐn liào 。
The only mystery is how he will go to the toilet, with the artist becoming uncharacteristically evasive when pressed on the subject. 唯一搞不懂的便是他怎样解决如厕问题,但每每有人问及此,他就一反常态地闪烁其词。 wéi yī gǎo bú dǒng de biàn shì tā zěn yàng jiě jué rú cè wèn tí ,dàn měi měi yǒu rén wèn jí cǐ ,tā jiù yī fǎn cháng tài dì shǎn shuò qí cí 。
Loneliness should not be a problem, he said. When he was buried under a rock outside a gallery in the southern city of Marseille, former prisoners who had survived solitary confinement came to keep him company and a “young girl talked to me about the violin she had just bought for three hours”. 他说,孤独不是个问题。他之前在法国南部城市马赛的一家画廊外,被埋在岩石下面的时候,曾经被单独监禁的犯人过来陪他,有个年轻女孩还与他聊起了三小时前刚买的那把小提琴呢。 tā shuō ,gū dú bú shì gè wèn tí 。tā zhī qián zài fǎ guó nán bù chéng shì mǎ sài de yī jiā huà láng wài ,bèi mái zài yán shí xià miàn de shí hòu ,céng jīng bèi dān dú jiān jìn de fàn rén guò lái péi tā ,yǒu gè nián qīng nǚ hái hái yǔ tā liáo qǐ le sān xiǎo shí qián gāng mǎi de nà bǎ xiǎo tí qín ne 。
In fact, so many people came to “talk to the stone” that security guards had to be stationed around the rock at night so he could get some sleep. 其实会有很多人慕名前来与这块“石头”聊天,为了让伯安什瓦尔可以睡会儿觉,保安夜间还得在他附近驻守。 qí shí huì yǒu hěn duō rén mù míng qián lái yǔ zhè kuài “shí tóu ”liáo tiān ,wéi le ràng bó ān shí wǎ ěr kě yǐ shuì huì ér jiào ,bǎo ān yè jiān hái dé zài tā fù jìn zhù shǒu 。
The real wrench this time may be having to leave the rock after the week, Poincheval admitted. 伯安什瓦尔也承认,他这次表演最大的挑战,便是在石灰岩里呆了一周后重返正常生活。 bó ān shí wǎ ěr yě chéng rèn ,tā zhè cì biǎo yǎn zuì dà de tiāo zhàn ,biàn shì zài shí huī yán lǐ dāi le yī zhōu hòu zhòng fǎn zhèng cháng shēng huó 。
After previous performances, the end has always been what he called “delicate”, marked by a “day in the dumps... and a lot of turbulence inside. It takes several weeks to get back to normal,” he said. 他还告诉我们,以前表演结束后,他最终的感受往往是“脆弱”,“心情抑郁又躁动不安,要缓好几周才会恢复正常”。 tā hái gào sù wǒ men ,yǐ qián biǎo yǎn jié shù hòu ,tā zuì zhōng de gǎn shòu wǎng wǎng shì “cuì ruò ”,“xīn qíng yì yù yòu zào dòng bú ān ,yào huǎn hǎo jǐ zhōu cái huì huī fù zhèng cháng ”。
His next performance “Egg” will begin on 29 March, with Poincheval sitting on a dozen eggs for between three and four weeks until they hatch. 他的下一场名为“蛋”的表演将于2017年3月29日开始,伯安什瓦尔会坐在一打鸡蛋上,坐上大约三四个星期直到小鸡破壳。 tā de xià yī chǎng míng wéi “dàn ”de biǎo yǎn jiāng yú 2017nián 3yuè 29rì kāi shǐ ,bó ān shí wǎ ěr huì zuò zài yī dǎ jī dàn shàng ,zuò shàng dà yuē sān sì gè xīng qī zhí dào xiǎo jī pò ké 。
He will eat a special diet rich in ginger so he can keep the eggs at a minimum of 37 degrees Celsius, with only a half an hour break every 24 hours to keep him from cracking. 因为他得让鸡蛋保持在至少37摄氏度,所以他到时会摄入一种富含生姜的特殊膳食,而且他每天仅仅只有半小时的自由休息时间。 yīn wéi tā dé ràng jī dàn bǎo chí zài zhì shǎo 37shè shì dù ,suǒ yǐ tā dào shí huì shè rù yī zhǒng fù hán shēng jiāng de tè shū shàn shí ,ér qiě tā měi tiān jǐn jǐn zhī yǒu bàn xiǎo shí de zì yóu xiū xī shí jiān 。
The chicks that hatch “will go and live with my parents”, Poincheval added. 伯安什瓦尔补充道:“这些孵出来的小鸡将由我的父母来照看。” bó ān shí wǎ ěr bǔ chōng dào :“zhè xiē fū chū lái de xiǎo jī jiāng yóu wǒ de fù mǔ lái zhào kàn 。”
But his ambitions do not end there. 然而他的野心并不止于此。 rán ér tā de yě xīn bìng bú zhǐ yú cǐ 。
His big dream is to “walk on the clouds. I have been working on it for five years, but it is not quite there yet,” he add. 他解释道:“我最大的梦想是有一天可以在云端行走。我为此研究了5年,但目前还不成熟。” tā jiě shì dào :“wǒ zuì dà de mèng xiǎng shì yǒu yī tiān kě yǐ zài yún duān háng zǒu 。wǒ wéi cǐ yán jiū le 5nián ,dàn mù qián hái bú chéng shú 。”
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