Simon and Betty, Change, and Acceptance - my thoughts on their story
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(F&C and AT spoilers under the cut!!) (long post warning)
So obviously a big thing throughout the finale was learning to understand just how important letting the past go is.
Simon and Betty were no doubt hopelessly in love with one another, and though it's freaking adorable, you begin to notice how all the Simon and Betty-centric episodes of the main series, without fail, feature Betty making some kind of sacrifice or bending herself over backwards for Simon's sake. And it wasn't as clear back then, since Simon wasn't himself for majority of the episodes (I think the only time where he wasn't Ice King in the present day would be in "Betty"), but it's definitely something that settles in the back of your mind. This is a pretty nice setup for what happens in F&C.
Now fast forward to F&C's eighth episode "Jerry", where we get a LOT of Petrigrof scenes in the form of flashbacks. When I first saw it, I thought it was adorable and wonderfully ideal. But even then, there were still a couple things that rubbed me the wrong way, though I couldn't quite place it then. During my second watch, I started to pick up on hints that maybe their relationship wasn't as perfect as the show previously portrayed it to be. There may be more, but here are the ones I can think of off the top of my head:
Betty readily tossing her 6-month trip aside in a momentary decision to go on an expedition with Simon (who, let's be honest, invited her in a semi-joking manner and didn't expect her to say yes) despite really only being acquaintances at best at the time
She also gave Simon all the credit for finding the Enchiridion, and I actually expected him to insist on Betty getting some credit a little more than he actually did
She tosses her 6-month trip away AGAIN the moment Simon shows up- her roommate(?) also placed a lot of emphasis on not letting her miss her bus, and yet she did in the end anyways
☆When Fionna asks if Simon went on the trip with her, Simon's surprised and confused. He didn't seem to consider it as a possibility at the time, not out of malice, just that it never actually crossed his mind
And throughout all of these, notice that Betty's essentially throwing her research opportunity and even her career's future away over and over again because she wants to be with Simon, and Simon never objected or told her that she should go for that trip, so why not? And you can see from the fourth point that Simon kinda just never thought about it like that, so if he didn't notice, then of course he didn't stop her. In this subtle way, Betty was unintentionally encouraged to sacrifice more and more things for him.
This is still reflected even as she to loses herself to MMS (magic, madness, and sadness), continuing all the way until her ultimate sacrifice of merging with Golb at the end of AT.
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That was Betty's side. Now let's look at Simon's progress throughout the finale a little more. I think that Casper and Nova (the storybook, not just the episode) was used really well to represent Simon and Betty's situation, specifically from a third-person point of view. It served as a major factor towards Simon's epiphany moment, especially since it bore so many similarities to him and Betty, allowing him to finally understand what it was like on Betty's end as well.
Casper and Nova was a choose your own story adventure novel (or at least the video gamey futuristic version of one), and the nice thing about that is how it lets Simon make his own decisions. And what he essentially does is repeat what he did with Betty all over again, even though he didn't realise it at first.
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"No do-overs with this book, I guess"
I'd like to bring your attention to this part. When Simon wants to pick the other option when his first choice didn't work out, the book doesn't let him, and what's done is done. Sound familiar?
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"I don't want any of those things to happen; I like Nova! There should be more choices!"
"Well, maybe there would be, if you hadn't picked Casper's options every time."
Aaaaaand cue epiphany. Simon realises that throughout the relationship, he was always put first. But just like Beth said, it wasn't necessarily Casper's (and by extension his) fault. Yet Simon agrees that he could have been more considerate.
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When he's given a chance to relive a crucial moment in their story, he acts differently due to his prior grand realisation. And yet, he never gets on the bus. He knows that no matter how he would have handled it in the present, that isn't what he did in the past, and that's that. Same as the story of Casper and Nova- no do-overs.
And yeah, that sucks. But look here.
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Simon's sending Betty- his Betty, not Golbetty- off, properly this time. This is their goodbye. And immediately after, he sees Golbetty on that bus instead of Betty. He's accepted that his Betty is gone.
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If he had just realised the extent of Betty's sacrifices, he would've intervened because the last thing he wants is to do that to her since he loves her dearly, and then things would've been different. Maybe if he had gone on that trip with her, he would've never even found the crown. But he didn't realise, and it's too late now. They've both made their choices and mistakes- not in loving each other, but in the sort of inequality of it all, even while wholly unintentional. But regardless, there's no way to undo them, and there's nothing else they can do about it but move forward.
This doesn't necessarily mean forgetting the past ever happened- they were a massive part of each other's lives. They'll still love each other, and think about each other, and miss each other. But the difference is that they've accepted that they're just no longer the same people they were before, and that's okay.
Simon won't get his fiancée back. Betty isn't really Betty anymore, and will never be again. They've both learned to accept that change. A fatal flaw in Betty's character back in the original series was refusing to accept the Ice King, instead viewing him and not just the crown as something that's stopping her from getting her Simon back. And we all know how that turned out.
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Simon and Betty won't ever be together like they were before again. Though devastating, things like these, at the end of the day, are a part of life. The important thing is that they were both able to learn from these experiences and continue on with the cards they have been dealt, and that's exactly what they did; with Betty's new duties as GOLB (or maybe even possible reincarnation as some have been theorising) and Simon finally seeking help (thank god he realised that being a living exhibition wasn't the best idea) and accepting the life he was put into.
Simon's not gonna just magically be better, and that's okay. Little by little, he's gonna move on from the past and learn to enjoy life again , and I think the realism in the way it's portrayed is absolutely beautiful.
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astragreenwoode · 7 months
♡Truest Treasure (Adventure Time Petrigrof AU)♡ PT 5/?
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(A/N: Part 5. Finally, we've gotten to the events of the main show. About to get really spicy, so I hope you eat it up like I have been writing this.)
♡ My AU where pretty much everything is the same as in canon except Betty is unknowingly pregnant with her and Simon’s daughter when she jumps through the portal.
Italics - A/N
Slashed Text - NSFW
Bold Text - Sensitive Topics
Part of the Madness
♡ Betty’s whole arrival in Ooo is such a blur for her: jumping a thousand years into the future, beating the absolute shit out of Bella Noche, and finding and losing Simon again all in one day. It's all pretty overwhelming.
♡ She finds refuge in Wizard City. She's gained a bit of a reputation since defeating Bella Noche and bringing magic back to those who it was stolen from. Also, Finn was the only human in Ooo up until now. So where exactly did she come from?
♡ As fascinating as this new world was, Betty had bigger problems to worry about; all her meds were back on the bathroom counter a thousand years in the past. Without them, her intrusive, and often dark thoughts returned frequently. The need for more repetition and counting was more strong. Her mood rapidly changed like a game of hot and cold. And the withdrawal symptoms hurt like hell.
♡ She takes shelter in a tall, hollow tree, not far from Wizard City. The entrance is hidden by curtains of leaves and moss. Huntress Wizard helped her find it and gave her a few things to get her settled.
♡ To get by, Betty goes on quests for lazy wizards. They're the wizards who are too weird, cowardly, or stubborn to get ingredients/artifacts for spells and whatnot. They pay her either with money, favors, magic lessons, or trade items she needs.
♡ Betty briefly crosses paths with the main cast; Finn and Jake, Marcy and Bonnie, etc.
♡ Without her meds, Betty is sometimes too adventurous and borderline suicidal whenever she goes on a quest for someone.
♡ She spends a lot of her free time in Turtle Princess’ Library, learning all she can about the history of this strange world she found herself in. Betty gets so lost amongst all the books that she sometimes spends the night or multiple nights there.
♡ Sometimes, she'll catch Simon loitering around. Betty avoids him at all costs, hiding in another room or section of the library. It's too painful to face him. She finds herself breaking down if she looks at him for too long.
♡ After being in Ooo for a month, she's close to completely going insane. Huntress Wizard mixed up an elixir for her to help her mental state when they first met. Unfortunately, it's difficult to make.
♡ She asks each wizard she works with and observes if they can help her cure Simon. Everyone turns her down, saying it's impossible. That is until Magic Man enters the scene.
♡ He knew next to nothing about who Betty was. Of course, he had noticed her around other Ooo with other wizards and going on quests and junk. Beyond that, all he knew was what others had been saying about her through gossip.
♡ Wizards LOOOVVE to gossip, btw.
♡ Magic Man finds out for himself one day what this mysterious human is actually like. Her general demeanor and personality reminded him of Margles; she was also impulsive and stubborn. A little bit crazy, too.
♡ But when he finally gets the chance to speak with her, Betty's brain is basically attacking her; she's talking non-stop about things that don't make sense to anyone, keeps laughing every once in a while for no reason, and scratches her arms so much that they bleed.
♡ He can tell she's pregnant right away with his wizard eyes. But more on that later.
♡ Completely weirded out (which is a hard thing to do to him), Magic Man suddenly decides he needs a little character development and NOT behave like a total dingwad for once. . .at least at first.
♡ He knocks Betty out with a spell and takes him to his house, putting her in a straightjacket and chaining her ankle to the floor of his bedroom just in case she does anything to harm herself again.
♡ Understandably, she freaks out when she wakes up. Magic Man lets her wear herself out when she screams and cries for like an hour or so before coming back in. He tells Betty he'll only let her out when he's sure she's not suicidal, anymore.
♡ After she calms down, he unchains her and takes off her straightjacket before offering a shower and fresh clothes..
♡ “Why?”
“Whaddya mean ‘why?’ Because you stink, dipstick! I traced your stench from Wizard City all the way to that Glob-damned tree of yours. That's why.”
“Fuck you, man!”
♡ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
♡ All the clothes he gives her were once Margles’, by the way. He thinks Betty's really cute and he’s kinda trying to get laid, okay? He's a weird fucking creeper like that. Don't act like he wouldn't do that.
♡ They spend three days together until he decides she's no longer suicidal. Magic Man plays therapist with her and teases and jokes about all her problems.
♡ When he learns about her connection to the Ice King (or is it ‘Simon’ now? He doesn't care which. He's a jerk), he agrees to help teach Betty magic. Not that he believes it's possible to cure him, although he is curious. It's fun to watch her try. And he likes having her around. My dude may be an ass hat, but he's lonely.
♡ After the three days are up, he gives her some supplies and sets her free. He even gives her a more enhanced elixir that lasts longer for half the dosage.
♡ Now that Betty has an okay lead on fixing Simon, she has hope again for the first time since arriving in Ooo.
♡ Oftentimes, Betty hovers over the Ice Kingdom and observes him. Even though it hurts, she pushes through it like she's punishing herself.
♡ She goes back to Wizard City to observe other wizards and do her own research on magic. Magic Man meets her for lessons once a day.
♡ Tiny Manticore tries to warn Betty how dangerously insane Magic Man really is. Obviously, she doesn't listen. They do become sort of acquaintances, though.
♡ After a couple weeks of teaching, Magic Man becomes a little too. . .comfortable with her.
♡ “Sooooo. . .I'm not sure if you noticed, but Ooo’s human population is in the single digits zone. But Ive read all about you and I heard you guys are. . .pretty sexual creatures.”
“What the hell is that supposed to mean??”
“It's whatever you want it to mean, Princess.”
“Yeah. . .we’ll see.”
♡ Even though he knows he's taking advantage of her vulnerability and her fragile state of mind, he still pursues her. He misses Margles'. Betty misses Simon. It would be beneficial for both of them to use each other in an attempt not to feel so lonely anymore. Right?
♡ Betty would be lying if she said she hadn't thought about it. She missed Simon so much. She missed being touched, too.
♡ Within a day of their last conversation, Betty experiences an intense drop in her mood. Overwhelmed by everything that she has been through lately, she turns to Magic Man in need of comfort, craving to be held and touched. He's more than glad to ‘help.’
♡ He lets her ride him before testing the waters further, pulling her hair and treating her like a ragdoll. she begs to be used, to be fucked harder and harder. It helps her forget everything bad for a while.
♡ This becomes their regular pastime.
♡ Since Magic Man’s also a total goofball, it shows during sex. Completely unprompted, as Betty’s close to cumming, he’ll wave his hands and say “Hey. Wanna see a magic trick??”
♡ He uses magic to make her orgasms more intense.
♡ Their relationship is. . .it's complicated. Let's just leave it at that.
♡ Betty's hair is a shade or two darker than the sand on Mars. It reminds Magic Man of home.
♡ Yes. Tiny Manticore can hear and occasionally see everything they're doing.
♡ He finds it hot in the beginning, just watching them like a total perv. Eventually, he gets tired and annoyed by it. They're both horny freaks, we know, but. . .how the fuck do they have that much stamina????
♡ No amount of therapy will ever make this bullshit okay.
♡ It’s no secret Magic Man is the biggest Jerk in all of Ooo. And he is just as bad in the sheets. He gets off on the power he holds over Betty, and how dependent she is on his company since she can’t be with Simon.
♡ Magic Man doesn't say anything to Betty about her unknown pregnancy until a month after they started their whole ‘friends with benefits’ dynamic when he saw her throw up for the first time.
♡ “What's the matter, Betty? Did the plague finally come back and take you as its first victim??”
“No, you asshole. It's just a stomach bug. Eating wild fruit will do that to you.”
“Yeah, sure. It could be a big. Or. . .”
“‘Or,’ what?”
“Maybe. . .you got knocked up???”
“That's. . .that's not funny.”
“Was it supposed to sound funny?? Am I laughing??”
“Nope. Nuh-uh. No way. Can't be.”
“Are you suuurre?? When's the last time Mother Nature visited and spilled red wine where the sun don't shine, Bethany???”
♡ Even though they're both irresponsible and nasty AF, they take precautions. Magic Man never finishes inside of Betty. But he's only genetically compatible with other Martians, so it doesn't matter either way.
♡ Over the next few weeks of studying magic, MMS, and fucking around with each other, Magic Man teases Betty at least once a day about being pregnant. She always brushes him off, thinking he's just messing with her like he normally does.
♡ At the same time, she can't deny that her mood swings are more intense than usual, her breasts are swelling, and she's craving odd combinations of food.
♡ Just the very thought of having a baby without Simon beside her was enough to send her into a panic attack. She couldn't be a parent if she wasn't properly medicated like she was a thousand years back in the past. What if she hurt her baby? What if she accidentally killed it? It hurt too much to think about. So, she didn't.
♡ It isn't until after she does the ritual with Magic Man to make him the king of Mars that she realizes he was telling the truth.
♡ Having MMS suddenly forced upon her, along with the overwhelming amount of knowledge of the universe now in her head didn't help. With her new Wizard eyes and awareness of her body, Betty could no longer lie to herself about what was happening to her.
♡ “LATERS!!!”
Reblog, follow me, and come back for Part 6!
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fruitylittledrink · 1 year
//contains Fionna & Cake e8 spoilers
I know nobody cares about my opinion but I've been seeing a lot of posts about Simon and Betty as either 'toxic' or 'perfectly healthy' and I wanted to write down what I think as a big-ass Petrigrof fan.
Betty is probably the biggest red flag for watchers because she's literally the definition of madness throughout AT. On Mars, she was shown how her life would change if Simon never stopped her from getting on that bus and her past self is like "it's too late to save YOU" but we could save Simon; Magic Woman was devoted to Simon with complete disregard for her own life - a situation that began long before the madness started. And that time she almost killed Ice King in Elements to try to bring back Simon, felt guilty about it, but was still going through with it before she was stopped - BE NORMAL.
I think the craziest part is when Simon used Hambo to talk to her about how she was about to leave him and she asked "But where would I go without you?" LIKE GET SOME FRIENDS??
And their LOVE SONG. She wanted him to succeed - she let him take all the fame for the Enchiridion (it makes me so happy they revealed why Betty was in that photo but hiding in the car - my GOD dude their lore is like years-in-the-making) cause she wanted him to achieve recognition. In a way it makes sense, her career barely even started, she's already admired him for years, she sees how others disrespect him, she likes working with him. Couple that with their chemistry and mutuality and I understand why she chose him over her trip. She must have fallen too fast too quickly. Then she gave up everything for his sake - he already had plans in his career, she hasn't even started.
Meanwhile, Simon is almost oblivious to this imbalance. I feel like the best example of this is the small pause after he says "I want you..." before "...by my side." The writers put specific emphasis on him saying he wants her by HIS side as he drags her in a hug away from her own life/career. He even says "What? No! Why would I-?" after Fionna asks if he went on the trip with her. I've heard people saying that he sees their story through rose-tinted lenses and I can see that. It's just a love story to him cause he didn't give up much in comparison - he just gained a companion. But what should he have done? Betty was so fucking down, she wanted him more than she wanted to go on that trip. He wasn't manipulative, he just found the love of his life (and BOY is it a damn long life) and didn't want to let her go. (He just found love with her too early really but it's better than never loving her at all (which might be a Winter King situation))
They both obviously love each other and I wouldn't even call it damaging, they support one another and want to keep each other safe (I mean I wouldn't say their mutual obsession is healthy but I gotta give these straight couples something or I won't be engaged). I don't think there's an age gap since you can start a Grad program at any age. Being called Doctor by a Grad student isn't the issue either - it's more of being an experienced researcher with an inexperienced admirer. Betty is a grown-ass woman but I think she should have let herself chase her own dreams instead of following her love's. She probably didn't even know what she wanted out of life before meeting him. And then they met each other and they found happiness together and it's like what more could you want without sacrificing what you have? And if you lose the ONLY thing that gives you happiness, why wouldn't you give up everything to get it back?
AT is depicting grief and loss from the view of blind devotion and I'm so /fucking/ for it.
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