cat-arsenal · 2 years
Playing through Pokemon SWSH again while full of Existential Adult Anxiety having forgotten that one of the themes(?) of Pokemon SWSH is Existential Adult Anxiety
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swishy-imagines · 5 years
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“yeah but what if there was a BAND” Doodle feat some of the aforementioned OCs! This is from An Ambiguous Number Of Years Ago because I didn’t feel like drawing all of Piers’ hair. All of them look mostly the same except maybe bottom right might have facial hair now I haven’t decided and Piers’ eyebags have worsened exponentially.
More info under the cut but tldr: punk rock band who manages a boys and girls club on the side, the names are Clarence (toothpick), Simon (roxie shirt), and Jim (bug-eyes). (And Piers is here too.)
The backstory got too long so I’m going to add it in a second post, probably coming tomorrow. For now here’s the characters.
Top-Right: Good ol’ Piers. Writes the words, does 99% of the vocals, and behind-the-scenes, he’s also the keyboardist but he doesn’t do that live because he thinks it’s awkward and lame. Used to be the token ‘I’m only in this deadbeat town because I have to be’ guy, but gained a new appreciation for his city through working with the band. Don’t ask him to talk about politics unless you want to be there for five hours. Somehow became the face of the band after several local kids started copying his hairdo. (Thomas Brown from down the street dying his hair half-white directly led to Piers’ gym leader career. Life is weird.)
Top-Left: Clarence. The guitarist. Smarmy showoff with resting cat-face. Refuses to add spikes to his outfit or to cover one of his eyes just because everyone else did. If you make fun of the toothpick he’ll stab you with it. Has haircare commercial hair. Various degrees of an asshole depending on what version of the universe we’re in. (Yes I make aus for my aus. There’s the door) Shockingly good listener given how much he talks. Blasts the Beach Boys to annoy the other band members. You can’t see most of the best parts of his face due to the chibi style but he’s. pretty
Bottom-Left: Simon. The drummer. Primary ‘music tech’ dude- in charge of the recording, mastering, et cetera. Why does he wear soda tab earrings? Because I was bored. Please be grateful I gave the widows peak to Clarence instead of him, he used to look like a shitty vampire. I don’t have much to say about him, I’d forgotten his name until five minutes ago. I should give him more thought. If anyone has input let me know. Was a straight-a student in grade school, so he’s got connections to lots of teachers, which is important for what they do.
Bottom-Right: Jim. The bassist. Real name James (no relation to the anime character), but he saw the opportunity for a punny stage name and seized it. The band’s social media manager, marketing dude, and PR person. Don’t talk about his eyes or he’ll cry. The shirt he has on right now is meant to evoke a zigzagoon-colored charlie brown, but I don’t remember why. Possibly to remind myself that their outfits now aren’t final or current. Opens every social media video with ‘Hey guys, it’s Spikemuth Jim from Spikemuth Gym’. Doesn’t let the other guys design album covers anymore.
Simon and Jim’s designs are definitely not final but their hairstyles pretty much are. Clarence has a ref but it’s got lots of empty space on it so I need to fill that before I post it. Piers is Piers.
They all have a couple of Pokemon, but Piers is the only one who’s anywhere near serious about it, so they’re all objectively pushovers, but in battle, each would have their own weird gimmick to make it at least a bit more interesting, like Piers (more on that later). No clue what they are, though. (Tempted to have Jim’s battle strategy be “have my pokemon grab and throw things” but that might be too comical and/or too fighting-type.) They also each have one pokemon along the Galarian Whismur-Loudred-Exploud line, even Piers because COME ON IT WAS SO OBVIOUS.
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