knox-jpeg · 4 months
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Arthur, Ex-Vault Dweller
Beautiful template made by: @jennystahl @vitosscaletta ! (I apologize if i completely butchered it, this is one of the first times ive ever done something like this!)
Also the unnamed dweller is @vdka-mutini Tysm for letting me use ur goober here!
Also heres my playlist for him if anyones interested :3
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whispelanix · 3 years
Gameplay features we should have in a future Fallout title
Based on what we’ve had in previous games. Just some random storyline stuff and game stuff I’ve enjoyed so far:
Regions (Fallout 4, 76): Yes, I know every game has regions, but I'm talking about the difference in how life grows in certain areas and the level of radiation in said area kind of thing. The regions in 76 have so much personality. Fallout 4 only had the Commonwealth/Glowing Sea as its base game regions in how nature has evolved, but in 76 it's so diverse. Different mutated creatures are more native to different areas, and it has the flora to go alongside with it.
Plans (Fallout 76): Yeah, most of the 3D Fallout games has a few schematics for some weapons, and maybe a small variety of unique consumables, but I like how 76 makes you actually work and spend caps for Plans in order to know how to make something new. Not just weapons, but food, drinks, armor, workshop, etc. Because if this was real life, you wouldn't magically know how to make everything all of a sudden. They keep basic knowledge food items like deathclaw steak, which you can just cook up, as recipes you already know and you find recipes for more "advanced" dishes, and I really enjoy that.
Consumables System (Fallout 76): The amount of variety you have in regards to consumables in this game is amazing. There's so many mutated animals to cook up, so many plants to make soup, and you can make tea and even make juice out of something like mutfruit. I also love the additions we can put into consumables now (sugar, salt, pepper, honey, and we FINALLY have milk). So what they gave us in Fallout 4 with the better cooking aspects has been taken to new heights. Your food spoils now, and boiling water doesn't purify it, it just makes it boiled, which means you NEED a purifier to make it clean.
Eating/Drinking consumables without using Pip-Boy (Fallout 76): This is extremely useful, especially in an online game, and I think it'd work well in single player as well. You no longer have to hoard a bunch of stuff to just eat it, you now have the option to eat it on the spot as well, and move on with your life.
Layered Armor System and the ability to wear costumes over them (Fallout 4, 76): Fallout 4 introduced to us the layered armor system, which is one of the greatest things we've been given in regards to customizing outfits in the game, and now with Fallout 76 we have two different outfit options, armor and clothing. Now, not only can we wear underarmor and armor over it to protect us, but we now have coveralls as well to do so in style whilst retaining the effects of whatever else we wear underneath it.
Distant Weather Systems (Fallout 76): Pretty self explanatory - the ability to see storms coming from a distance as well as nuclear explosions along the horizon is pretty great if you ask me.
Faction Reputation (New Vegas, Fallout 76): I really like these features, because let's be honest, you can't stay on everyone's good side forever. There was only one case of this in Fallout 4, and that was the "You are now enemies with X faction". That ain't good enough. If we could get a mix of the faction reputation system in NV/76, I would be very pleased.
Karma and Affinity (Fallout 3, New Vegas, Fallout 4): The ultimate decider of good and evil. While in NV you had reputations amongst different factions, the karma system is the ultimate decider of where you stand in the wasteland. I like the individual Affinity system with companions as well, because it gives you the chance to either be a certain way, or pretend to act a way to gain trust. I can see why Karma was removed in 4 though, because Karma is based upon what everyone in the wasteland knows of you, so that would've limited the ability to stay on all the companions good sides if your Karma was at a certain level. If there was a way to balance it out though, that would be great. Or maybe they could find a way to make Karma separate from companions, and still make it work out nicely with their individual Affinity.
Maybe Karma in regards to companions could be the determiner of "first impressions", and then the Affinity you develop with them is the determiner of who you really are. They did a reversal of this in Fallout 4 where companions such as Cait, MacCready and Hancock have a more badass reputation when you first meet them, but as you get to know them you find they've been through a lot of suffering. But they still keep their initial reputation among outsiders. If it can be done with NPC's, who's to say it can't be done with the player?
"You are now dressed as a member of X" (New Vegas): The ability to disguise ourselves as members of different factions was a great addition, and really should be bought back. You can get into places you couldn't before, amongst people you normally couldn't, but I think if it's bought back, then factions you work alongside with should be able to detect whether or not it's you, unless you wear a mask or a facial covering.
Clothing is as clothing does (Fallout 4, 76): Suits shouldn't just magically turn into dresses just because you decided to play as a female. If you wanna alternate between "male" and "female" versions of an outfit, then let there just be suit/dress versions of certain styles of clothing. I liked how 4/76 did this, because now, if you wanna be a guy in a dress. Guess what? You can be a guy in a dress.
Workshops and C.A.M.P features (Fallout 4, 76): I doubt we're going to get the ability to make an obnoxious amount of settlements again (maybe), but I admire the chance we're given to build and really make a part of the wasteland our own, and I even more so love how 76 really gives us all those buildings and furniture and decorations to really personalize what you have. Who knows, maybe a future title will give us a combination of workshops you naturally have in place for construction, settlements to help build up (because saving the day always seems to be the job of the player), and then C.A.M.Ps that we as the player can move wherever we like. Maybe we could be given the option to build campsites for other NPCs as a temporary or permeant home. Maybe what we build up will have the ability to be destroyed like in 76.
Grey Morality/Politics (A bit over all titles, talking especially about New Vegas, The Pitt, things of the sort): The factions we were given in NV all had good and bad sides to them, making it sometimes difficult to have a truly perfect utopia. I hope we get back more morally grey choices as well as factions and politics, or instances in where there is no right answer other than wrong and a little less wrong. I don't really need to explain in detail, you've seen how things have played out across titles.
Old Dialogue System (Every game but Fallout 4): Options yes, no, no but actually yes and sarcasm aren't good enough. I love the cinematic aspect FO4 had, don't get me wrong, but conversation is so limited. I also loved the ridiculous way the camera would zoom right on someone's face (I feel sometimes in 76 you can just be way too far from someone talking sometimes) and I'd like to be able to walk out of the conversation whenever I want as well.
Certain Perks/Stats result certain outcomes (Most of the old titles): I wanna be able to get away with low intelligent speeches, flirt with people to get my way, things of the sort. Pretty simple.
That's all I've got for now since I've been working on this list for hours but yeah. Feel free to add things you'd like to see. Personality I'd just like to see the best features and aspects taken from all the games to create the "ultimate Fallout experience".
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dtohl · 5 years
Quakecon vid notes
This got a lil messy cause they reuploaded and cut the video and I'm too tired to retroactively fix things as the video is no longer two and a half hours long so y'all can just watch the 37 minute video if you really want to
I'm not sure if I can make a spoiler cut on mobile so uhhjhh,,,,, long post here we go!
Actual start of presentation 24:30
E3 nuclear winter recap 26:25
NW future plans 35:55
- new map Morgantown
- grafton monster
- larger map?
Vault Raids 37:40
- first one is vault 94
- rewards
-- "some of it might actually help you hide a little bit"
- should be coming out in the next few weeks
- designed for 4 players
- can use less players if wanted
- 3 difficulty levels
- novice is easier but still hard
- next two levels add a timer
- "its very puzzle based"
- can farm legendaries in the vault
- both mid vault and end rewards
- if you get mid reward and die you keep it
- end reward is mossy/fern-covered armor and power armor
(one piece per run?)
- set bonus
- armor is usable in nw
- second vault raid comes out in the "not too distant future"
WASTELANDERS recap 41:00
(overseer sounds,,, tired, let her rest please)
(bow <3)
(panning for gold)
(space station base has captured my heart tbh)
Wastelanders new info 42:00
- settlers and raiders factions
- all throughout the map
- new random encounters
- new points of interest
- tavern with npc bartenders
- can run into hostile raiders
- mothman cult npcs!
- factions arent just good/evil but rather shades of grey
- settlers might have dome shady shit going on too
- reputation system!?
- can play both factions owo
- double crossing uwu
Dialogue trees 47:30
(Gonna scream, they re-uploaded the video after editing breaks out, so uh, my timestamps are wrong now, might fix em in post who knows. Going forwards gonna use the new timestamps tho.)
Some character concept designs at 21:25
I love the lady at 21:44
Dialogue trees 22:50
- affected by your S.P.E.C.I.A.L.s
- diff levels of diff S.P.E.C.I.A.L.s will give you more or different dialogue options
-diff chars will have diff options available to choose
- some choices will appear depending on your reputation with diff factions
- not the fallout 4 dialogue system
- more like fallout 3 dialogue system
- list based (like this poorly formatted mess ur reading)
- "this is just the begining of that, these are the tools we're building to create all future content as well"
- still working on the mechanics
- can bring back to your C.A.M.P.
- they take you on certain quests
- "can do things with them that are very specialized"
(What does that mean holy shit do we,,, uhhh nvm)
- mainly going to stay in your C.A.M.P.
- only join for very specific quests
-- will help/hinder/surprise you with things
- can definitely romance them
- go up and down in favor with them
Other wastelanders stuff 25:36
- 25:52 some weapon concept art
- new gauss weapons
- 25:56 oh god the centaur thing is a wendigo collossus
(However you spell it,,,)
- 26:05 more plasma weapons
-- including the return of the plasma caster
- 26:12 oh no floaters from fallout 1
- 26:35 confirmed bows
- more stealth/hunter perks to support the bows <3
(Skyrim stealth archer build here we go again)
(Im genuinely smiling about this shit y'all )
- maybe dynamite arrows
Wastelanders currently targeting November for release
28:15 changes to the event system
- fast travel to events will be free
- active events will be very visable in the UI
- making the rewards more reliable/predictable
- can see event times/rewards from map
- seperate public events from regular events
Nuclear winter change 29:23
- perk choosing
-- if you get a duplicate perk card in NW you instead get a ticket to buy perks with
More wastelanders 30:07
- some level normalization stuff
(I dont get it too much but ehh)
- this might change
- approx every 50 levels you can "choose a S.P.E.C.I.A.L. to get legendary in and then within that S.P.E.C.I.A.L. you're gonna have an array of Perk Cards you can choose from just for that slot"
- can use these perks on new characters as well as the one that earned the perk
32:25 community questions
- they check the bethesda forums and the reddit for feedback
- working on a public test server or some other thing
- if they nerf something they're gonna try to buff something else
- looking at ways to increase the C.A.M.P. budget
(ran out of room on a single memo thingy)
- looking into private servers <3
-- "coming in the near future"
---"they're coming sooner than you think"
(They uhhh look like they're in trouble for saying ANYTHING about private servers)
(Started talking about faschnaught type events but the official vid got cut off here?)
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More about the GreatCanadianTeddyBear
BabyTeddyBear Always Supports FetLife.com, other AB/DL & BABY FURS web sites & Kink Community!
Updated Jan 10th , 2018. Happy Padded New Year's to everyone! Welcome to BabyTeddyBear's aka Teddy's profile thanks for stopping by. I’ve meet a lot of amazing AB/DLs, Biggs, Middles, Little’s, Mom’s, Daddy’s, Baby Furs & Pups over the many years and formed amazing long term friendships from all over the world thank you for this! If you have any questions please message me any time! Hope you enjoy my pics, profile and the event’s I’ve been a part of! Hope everyone has a Happy Padded day Eh! Teddy
-----///\\\-----Please ----///--\\\----Put This ----|||----|||----On Your ----|||----|||----Account If ----|||----|||----You Know ----\\\--///----Someone -----\\\///-----Who Died ------///\------Or Is Suffering -----///\\\-----From ----///--\\\----Cancer
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L218XwnsUzs Mary Tyler Moore was a roll mode for Baby Teddy Bear! See the video of the opening theme song to her show. Remember (you’re going to make it after all)
-----------«::::::::» «:::A:::» «:::B:::» «:::D:::» «:::L:::» «::::::::»----------
Wanted to share this with everyone and thank you to everyone I have amazing friendships!  
Just wanted to stop by and tell you what a wonderful person you are and how valued you are in my life... Bubby is a much better person because of you! I hope and pray every day that you have a great day and week! Know that you are loved!
Daddy Cee and Bubby
Another local friend posted this on my profile wall thank you again:
I will be thinking about you and wishing you an awesome experience, cause that is what YOU give people...opportunities to be what they soooo want to be without fear. You have this admirable ability to help people in this community and your example is inspiring me to be Switzerland. ..the neutral party in Calgary...one without obligation or bias...maybe. ..if I try as hard as you have I can unite a community that should not be separated. I want that, because i am an outsider and i hate it. There is NO reason for people like us to hate. I have said it before...anyone that can accept diaper wearing adults can't be bad! There exists in this fetish the capacity to be better than societal norms. Physicality should never determine friendship _____________________________________________________________ **BULLYING/ BAD BEHAVIOR**:
Due to my past, I am extremely against bullying in all of its forms, and will not tolerate it.  I don't care if I have been friends with a person for 10 years or 10 days, I do not put up with anyone I know bullying others within any community. Please feel free to join the movement to end Bullying in all communities (Kinklepants) a good friend of mine has a campaign: (BULLYING IS BOGUS) show your support guys & girls by passing the word on and letting people know that we will not put up with this behavior within all communities & please know this behavior is not welcome in the AB/DL community! We are here to help each other and do positive things within the AB/DL community let’s work together to make an awesome SAFE AB/DL community where people can trust one another and have a blast in making friends & par-taking in local AB/DL events!
Please also know that it takes a lot to get me upset and if by any chance I have done something to upset you, please feel free to contact me and we can sort out the indifference out over coffee. I am on FetLife to make long term friends in the community, not enemies!
Something a good friend posted: When A Toxic / Bully person can no longer control you, they will try to control how others see you. The misinformation will feel it’s unfair. But stay above it, trusting that other people / friends will eventually see the truth like you did!  
This is so true guys!
I am who I am and those who don't like it are not worth my time or energy there is no one I’d rather be then myself because I am pretty awesome and I don't care who thinks otherwise because the only view that is important is how I view myself.
A quit from Oprah that inspires me within: What I know for sure is that speaking your truth is the most powerful tool we all have. --------------------------------------------------------------------- What dose AB & DL stand for: (Teddy version on those meanings)
AB stands for Adult Baby. A person over the age of 18 here in Alberta Canada may acting like a baby full time, part time or from time to time and under the age of 4 years old they my use a Diaper for just wet or pooping in, wear adult Baby like cloths, use a soother, use a adult baby bottle and may use other adult baby like stuff and have adult like baby future.  
A DL stands for Diaper Lover. A Diaper Lover may just like to wear a Diaper they may like to Pee and Poop in it and it may be sexually for them as well.
I hope this helps for all my amazing friends into Bondage, Flogging, Rope play & Spanking. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Goal’s for Teddy in 2018:
Teddy has simple goals I try not to set the bar to high I set realistic goals I also challenge myself in many areas (how can I do better) I do not want to be perfect but I like to do software upgrades each year on my life + having my best friend do an appraisal on you letting you know your weakness & strengths and where you can improve as a person is amazing to have happen. I’ve worked hard to improve many areas of my life I’m very proud of myself from 10 years ago to today how I have changed in so many positive ways!
Few 2018 goals work on:
My weight I plan to join a gym and work on this, budgeting another area I see work is needed, going out to more events to help the community grow in a positive way, making new friends with in the local community + painting more rooms in the townhouse & organize the office area. Those are just a few goals for 2018!     ---------------------------------------------------------------------        
Local Canadian Distributor for ABU Diapers in (Edmonton):
My best friend is the Canadian distributor for ABU Canadian I'm so proud of him for taking on this role so far his second year he is doing an outstanding job and he has also done some amazing art work for ABU again I’m very proud of my best friend keep it up! So all my Diaper friends in Canada please feel free to order your Diapers thru him and support a local Canadian AB/DL!
--------------------------------------------------------------------- **Conventions that Teddy attends throughout the year** Please also have a read of Teddy’s writings on CAPcon & TeddyCon.  
Fur Eh 2018 (Local Alberta Convention):
Teddy will be in Edmonton for Fur EH 2018 Thursday June 14 to Monday June 18th. I'm super excited about going to this Furry con a 3rd year in a row! Link to their web site: Http://www.fureh.ca/ Please have a look and hope to see you there! This con is close to a Hotel Takeover which is amazing to par take in nothing like it!         ________________________________________________________________
CAPcon (Chicago Age Players) Convention (Located in Chicago):
My pic was used on http://chicagoageplayers.tumblr.com/ to promote last (30) tickets for 2015 CAPcon. It was so much fun taking those pics and I felt very much honored that they used my pic!  
Each year I travel to Chicago to visit friends, Sightsee and go to CAPcon an Age Play Con / Diaper con. This Con has opened so many amazing doors for me awesome friendships! CAPcon is hosted in a private Hotel they keep the hotel location private so it's safe for everyone! At the con they have classes, Coloring area, Play area, Ball pit area, talent show and much much more! You can find the group / any info on here Fetlife: https://fetlife.com/groups/27245 & even more info on their web site: http://chicagoageplayers.com/. I would like to encourage all my friends in going to this con! I hope to see some of you at the 2018 CAPcon Hotel take over! This will be CAPcon first Hotel Takeover I’m excited to be a part of this!  
Chicago traveling dates for 2018 my 5th year going is: Wednesday March 22nd to the Monday March 27th ticket are on sale register: http://chicagoageplayers.com/ I go 2 days early to take my time to unwind get the lay of the hotel and get lots of sleep before the con! You get very little sleep during the con due to all the room parties & hanging out with friends as you only see them short time every year! Then after the con I love to sightseeing and visit AB/DL friends so I’m staying 1 day after the con is over to see Chicago! --------------------------------------------------------------------- **Teddy Con another amazing Age Play Convention in Allentown Pa.**
This fall I’m off to Teddy Con again my 3rd year going Tuesday Oct 09th 2018 to Tuesday Oct 16th. I'm excited about going to TeddyCon Hotel takeover Again that’s right they are taking over the Hotel Again! Being a part of this amazing con is magical! I see that 75% of my friends from CAPcon are going to Teddy Con Yayaya so it will be a blast for sure and I'm look forward to opening new doors meeting new AB/DLs for sure and volunteering! If you’re going I look forward to giving hugs / hanging out!
Link to their Fetlife page: https://fetlife.com/groups/75248 Link to their Fetlife event: https://fetlife.com/events/388602
I will also be doing the Annual (Great Canadian Pre Con AB/DL Room Party) I looking forward to this party! It will be: Wednesday Oct 10th roughly around 9PM to 1AM suit Room? I'll post room number once checked into hotel. Room party will be from 9pm to 1pm with music, finger foods, drinks & annual Great Canadian Game with awesome prizes: Canada Souvenirs, Diapers, Candy & T-shirts so on!     --------------------------------------------------------------------- **ALBERTA C.A.M.P. (Local Alberta Camp outing for AB/DL)**
The 13th year of the Alberta C.A.M.P. is coming in 2018 Friday July 20th to Sunday July 29th 2018 Group meal is on Saturday July 22st and July 29th. If you like more info on camp here's the link to the website: http://cadageplaymeetplay.ddns.net/ and fetlife group: https://fetlife.com/groups/141515. This camp is a great way to get out into the local Alberta Community and meet like minded AB/DLs, Biggs, Middles, Little’s, Moms, Daddy’s, Pups & Baby Furs. See yourself getting into little mode for 9 days in a private group camping site with little event’s planed each day + AB/DL prizes. I’m looking forward to seeing everyone! Registration will be opening soon please keep an eye on web site and I’ll be posting ads around Fetlife and other web site!             --------------------------------------------------------------------- **Little Scouts** First and only international Little Scouts group outside USA here in Calgary.
Teddy was horned when he was approached by other local kinksters to be an Officer of Little Scouts Troop #403 they said that they couldn’t think of anyone else more deserving for the job! This again has opened so many amazing doors / friendships for me! Teddy has helped in running events, Hosting events & setting up events I love it I’m being a positive role model within the community that I live in which is amazing feeling.
Link to Fetlife group: https://fetlife.com/groups/153690 Check that link for month events!     --------------------------------------------------------------------- **Local Munchies / events I go to and support:**
(Stitch & Bitch Sunday Bust Munch):
Guys I want to tell you about an amazing munch that I go to every Sunday. As my work week winds down to the weekend I so look forward to the Stitch & Bitch Sunday Bust Munch that goes from 2pm tell around 5pm to 6pm this happen each Sunday at Dickens Pub. The people that go there are super awesome and supportive this has opened so many amazing friendships / doors for me! Some people color, draw or work on Leather work most people eat and talking about whatever! It’s a great way to open new friendships I encourage everyone to go once I’m sure you’ll you come back! Thank you to all my friends from the (Stitch & Bitch Sunday Bust Munch) you guys rocked my world! Big hugs! --------------------------------------------------------------------- C.L.I.T.O.R.I.S North Munch:
Another munch that I go to is C.L.I.T.O.R.I.S North Munch this has been awesome munch! This munch is every 2nd Wednesday of the month at Tipperary’s Pub on 16 ave and 19st starts at 7pm I look forward to seeing you there! Link to the event is https://fetlife.com/events/357053 there is all the info there if you need more info! --------------------------------------------------------------------- Kinky Karaoke: This event happens each month at a place called: CAPC (Calgary's Adult Playground Club) it's loads of fun! If you want more info about this event go to: Fetlife under events. --------------------------------------------------------------------- CCSPC another local place that holds event’s in the Calgary area https://fetlife.com/groups/145722 and web site http://ccspc.ca/ I encourage all my friends to check out their web site and Fetlife page it’s a great way to get out and partake in events ever weekend. ---------------------------------------------------------------------   **About Me:**
I'm currently in an open but loving relationship with Tobytigercub for 5 years +. I've known I was gay for well over 30 years and I've not only come to accept it as part of which I am, but also learned to embrace it. Being gay in today's society has had its' hardships, but I feel that these hardships have helped me to become a better person.  
Over the past year I’ve been going thru a software upgrade on my life! I’m working hard to lose weight, keeping myself on budget and few other goals and travelling! Last year we moved into a new town house this has been awesome thanks to my family, Vanilla and many AB/DL friends that have been there in helping us over the year! You guys rock and we don't know what we would have done without you guys!!! Town House has way more space and the renovations we did the whole upstairs looks awesome! With a biggie space I can host a lot more Diapered movie nights and slumber parties.  
My goal is simple I know not everyone is going to like each here in the community but I can open my door create a safe space for AB/DLs to come over enjoy them self. I know it’s not easy some AB/DLs still live at home and can't wear at home with family around so they are welcome to come here diaper up hang out have a great time and knowing they are not going to be judge or teased about whatever they are into and knowing they can trust us as we always respect their space and with party's I host! I always hope friends meet other friends and always have a great time with what every event my friends are partaking in is always a win win for us!! I know as Mister positive in the community & always going the extra mile where we can help and do + friends know they can come over and set on the coach and we will listen give a hugs or just be there for them!! I’ve helped a lot of locals out over the many many years even at 3am I’ve had friends over crying sometimes all they just need is a hug Coffee & a diaper!  
Doing positive things in the community for Strangers, friends and family is always A+! I.E. helping out with ab/dl / Furry events or just helping out a good friend. Doing positive things so feel awesome! We would like to challenge everyone to do the same it's a WIN WIN for you and in the end you'll feel awesome!    
I have friends all over the world we again we are always doing positive things within the Kink community local or somewhere in the world that's very important to us and my friends & family 100%!!! Here my group of locals friends we help each there out whether it's oops I ran out of diapers and can I brow some diapers tell I get some in or trade so I can try that new diaper. It's positive feel knowing I’m always willing to help out a friend or stranger! We also have a lot of new friendships that have started over the last year and it's been just awesome getting to know you guys!  Once again you guys make me feel like I've won the lotto each and every day thank you!
I value my friends in the highest degree, as they are what keep me strong when times get tough.  I have an excellent group of friends that are always there for me, whether the times are good or bad.  They mean the world to me and I will love them, defend them, and enjoy every bit of my time spent with them. I’m proud of each and everyone one of you and you know who you are!
Family is also very important to me.  Without my parents, two half brothers, and aunt/uncle, I don't know where I would be today.  Lots of hugs to them for always being there for me!  I enjoy hosting family dinners and spending time with them!  Over the past 3 years I've lost three very important people in my life: my grandmother, my grandfather, and my aunt.  These people have helped me to become the person that I am proud to be today, and they will always be remembered in my heart. Also I’m dealing with my dad as he has Stage #4 Cancer and is a Care place within a few months we are told he my go. One never knows exact date someone will die and no matter how I be pair for this it’s hard for me. We sold his car other day I cried broke down crazy how selling a car can do that. When his day comes I need all the hugs I can get! I go and visit with him every 2 days I want to send as much time as I can before he goes!      
Music is a big part of my life.  It creates memories and fun times, and can remind you of people or events from your past or present.  I actually have a song for each of my friends that make me think of them whenever I hear it. Music makes me happy! In the last 6 months I found this amazing online website called (Radio Tunes) it has over 81 Channels of free music to choose from! My favorite channel is 80s Dance, but I like to listen to anything.
There web site is: http://www.radiotunes.com    
I'm not looking for another serious relationship, as I am happily in love with Tobytigercub.  What I "am" looking for is new friends, new experiences, and lots of fun.  I am open to a friend’s-with-benefits sort of scenario, but I would like to emphasize that Tobytigercub is my one and only boyfriend. --------------------------------------------------------------------- MY KINKS:  I love clean, wet, and messy diapers, as well as changing and being changed by other people.  I also enjoy bondage, sports gear (mostly Football and Hockey), water sports, spanking.  
Things I'm interested in trying are dressing up as a sissy, sensory deprivation and orgy. --------------------------------------------------------------------- WEB SITE I’M ON:
My Tumblr is: http://greatcanadianteddybear.tumblr.com/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Thanks for reading my profile look forward to hearing from you!  Hugs Teddy
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asfeedin · 4 years
Radio Flash Systems Made Easy | Slice of Pye, Ep. 19
Welcome to the IGTV series we’re doing every two weeks on Profoto’s Instagram called “Slice of Pye.” We’ll cover a myriad of topics, discuss lighting principles, and showcase a ton of Profoto gear in action over the course of the next year, so please join us over on IG.
Tune in to our next episode: May 13th at 2 PM PST!
In this episode, we make it easy to understand how to use radio flash systems, specifically the Profoto Air Remote TTL, as well as the B10 Plus and the A1x. Luckily, the Profoto menu is already intuitive and user friendly, and this video will break everything down into easy-to-follow tips. Watch the full episode below.
Video for Radio Flash Systems Made Easy | Slice of Pye, Ep. 19
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We wanted to create a series of reference videos for you to look back to if you had issues with your gear, questions about settings, and troubleshooting your flashes. This video is for portrait photographers who are relatively new to using radio flash systems for off-camera flash and looking to use it on-location, whether for engagements, weddings, or any other portrait sessions.
Tip 1: Understanding Radio Vs. Wireless
When it comes to flash technology, the terms “radio” vs. “wireless” (or even vs. optical) simply signify different ways of controlling off-camera flash. You have a camera and a flash that is set up away from the camera, and whether you’re using a radio or wireless system determines how you’re getting that flash to fire and light the shot. The difference in the technology is pretty significant in that wireless systems deal more with line of sight and other nuances that generally make them less reliable than radio systems, which are now built directly into the flash units. Radio systems can be triggered from long distances and line of sight is not an issue.
Profoto B10 used to capture the image above from hundreds of feet away.
In the image above, shot at Malibu Rocky Oaks, I was standing hundreds of feet away from the couple and my B10 fired reliably with every shot. Wireless, optical, and other flash systems in the past did not offer the same level of reliability, range, and flexibility found in today’s built-in radio systems.
[Related Reading: 10-Step User Guide to Setting Up Your Profoto Flash Gear]
Tip 2: Understanding Channels
A “channel” simply denotes a radio frequency. All of the flash units within a given area that are set to the same channel will communicate with each other. Adversely, all gear that is not set to the same channel will not communicate with one another. It’s that simple.
Here is how to adjust your channels on the Profoto Air TTL Remote:
Dialing in the channel on the Profoto Air TTL Remote
Toggle the button on the lower right side of the display on the remote to select one of the eight available channels (see the image above). You can do the same on a Profoto A1 or other flash that you can use as an on-camera remote to trigger off-camera flashes. For the A1 follow the steps below:
Press the center button
Scroll down and select Channel
Choose one of the available channels
Again, the remote and external flash units must be set to the same channel in order to communicate with each other. Here’s a simple analogy. Think of channels as a school building with classrooms inside of the building. Imagine there are four classrooms, as illustrated above, and each one is sealed off from the next. Nothing that is said in one classroom can be heard in the next classroom, and so on. These classrooms, then, operate like the channels in a flash. One channel will not communicate with another. What is communicated in channel four, stays in channel four.
Tip 3: Know When to Change Channels
By default, flashes are set to channel one. That’s fine if nobody else is around. However, if multiple photographers who are using the same brand of gear occupy a shared space, then having all of the flash units set to the same channel is going to cause trouble. Each time one photographer changes a setting or fires off his or her flash unit, it will affect the other photographer’s gear, changing their settings and triggering their flashes. It will feel like a ghost is controlling your system. Also, because multiple devices are using the same channel, there’s a chance you may lose a little of the consistency you would otherwise have in terms of flash performance. If this happens to you, it’s time to change the channel (on your flash, that is).
Tip 4: Know the Difference Between a Group and a Channel
To better understand the difference between a group and a channel, let’s return to our school and classroom analogy.
Whereas before we had four classrooms (or channels), we now will look at a single classroom/channel. Within a single room, imagine there are four students and each student represents a different group (A, B, C, and D). Students in group A can be told to do different things than students in group D, etc. For example, I might say, “Students in group A, I want you to speak louder,” which translates to setting a higher flash power for all units set to group A. At the same time, I may want students in group D to be quieter, or in other words, flashes in group D should fire at a lower power setting. Or, I may want everyone in the classroom to speak at the same volume, and I would set all of my flash units to the same power level. All of the flash units can be set to fire, but they don’t have to be set at the same power level. Having the ability to assign the flashes to groups makes that possible. As a reminder, make sure each flash is set to the same channel as your remote.
Here is how to adjust your groups on the Profoto Air TTL Remote:
Group settings for Profoto B10
First, press A, B, or C to select a group and then dial in the energy/power level and turn the head on or off (depending on whether or not you want a specific group to fire). If you want to change one of your flashes to a different group, you need to do so on the flash unit itself.
[Related Reading: Ambient Exposure vs. Flash Power | Slice of Pye, Ep. 17]
Tip #5: Practical Lighting Advice
Now that we’ve talked about how to set up your flashes and place them into groups, I’d like to share how I use flashes to enhance the photos I take. I use what is known as the C.A.M.P. framework, which you’ll find throughout our educational courses. Here’s what it means:
C = Composition: Start with your in-camera composition. Always decide on the shot you’re looking for before you choose to set up anything.
A = Ambient: After you decided on your composition, it’s time to dial in your ambient exposure. Do you want the scene to be brightly lit or perhaps something more dramatic? Set your ambient exposure in camera and take a test shot to see if you need to add or modify, light, which brings us to the next step.
M = Modify: Should you need to add light, do so by adding only one light at a time, which will usually start with your key light. I typically assign this light to group “A.”  Then, take a test shot to check your results in camera, and add or modify the light(s) as needed.
P = Photograph: Take the photo. If necessary, make additional adjustments and work your way back through the C.A.M.P. framework.
If you need to add more lights, ask yourself if the additional light adds to the key light or functions independently. If the light is in the same position and is used to boost the power of the first light, then it can probably go into group “A” with the first light. If, instead, it’s going to be placed in a different position and function as a rim light or serve some other purpose, then assign it to group “B,” and so on.
Bonus: For all of the wedding and event photographers out there, here’s how I like to set up lighting for a dance floor (see the image above). My main light keeps the designation of group “A,” while I set my other flash units to group B in order to provide a nice rim light to the subjects.
In case you missed our last episode, you can watch them all on the Profoto IGTV channel! We hope you enjoyed this episode of Slice of Pye, please feel free to share or re-watch the IGTV video at any time to reference the material we covered! For more tutorials and lessons on the fundamentals of lighting, check out our Flash Photography Training System!
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Tags: 19, Easy, Ep, Flash, Pye, radio, Slice, systems
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Where to Find Fallout 76
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