#PLEASE if yoi dont agree with me then have a conbersation about it and let me know how you feel!
rose-skunk · 1 year
Am I the only one who doesn't really like the new Mother Mother song? Ever since Inside Deluxe version came out with Hayloft 2 (and even a bit before that) there's been a change to their music that I'm not a big fan of. I feel like they've gone the Weezer route, the lyrics themselves used to portray how quirky, charming, and different they were but in their current songs they just spell that sentiment out for you instead of letting you infer it from the lyrics. ESPECIALLY with a new song thats basically just "look at how abnormal and out of the box we are", what made O My Heart so great was the same sentiment but it wasn't spelled out explicitly, the entirety of Eureka does the same exact thing as Normalize but way more effectively.
This isn't to say that the song is bad! Musically it's great but the lyrics on their newer songs and albums leave something to be desired that their past songs accomplished. The bridge or hook or whatever you want to call it is so grating on me, a word shouldn't lose its meaning because it gets repeated so many times in one song. Musically the song is great but it's also overproduced, I can hardly hear what they're even singing in the verses because of the mixing of audio and all the effects put over their voices. The music is good as I keep saying but it also sounds like 3 different songs smashed together and sometimes it works but other times it's like "what are you guys even doing here?" It goes from alt pop rock to horror soundtrack, I like the horror soundtrack vibes, I wished they leaned into that more.
And the part at 2:28 when Jasmin screams "Die!" sounds so awkward, it picks up pace so suddenly like it's going from a 25 all the way up to 100. I wouldn't mind that if it wasn't such a sharp jump from one part of the song to the other, it just doesn't really work. (Don't even get me started on the fact that they used the word "unalive" in this song. Tell me you're writing for a tiktok audience without telling me you are) It just feels like they went from writing songs for themselves, or people their age, to writing songs for teenagers going through puberty. They used to sound so real and relatable but it doesn't feel natural anymore. It feels to me like they're trying to capture the resurgence of success O My Heart had in 2020 with their new albums. We will never have another OMH because it already exists and they made it! I really liked the use of violins and horns in OMH because you don't hear that in many rock songs, I just wish their use of it in this song didn't sound like they were trying to make OMH 2 (like they did with a certain song off of OMH.....)
It feels to me like MM is trying to capture the past and live it differently this time rather than moving on with the future. One of their older albums that reminds me of OMH a lot is The Sticks and that still sounds different! A lot darker and more mysterious, I wish they'd reinvent themselves rather than reinvent the past. I'm still a fan of them and I always will be but I'll be a fan of them the way Weezer fans still like Weezer: I'll listen to stuff past Pinkerton but the first two albums are the best. Which album of MM's is their Pinkerton? That's debatable but most tracks off Dance and Cry are still a hit for me, Inside and beyond has me cringing a bit
If you disagree then please feel free to have a convo with me about it! I'd love to talk about MM in depth with someone else! I don't mean to say these things in a needlessly pessimistic way, when MCR came back from their hiatus they managed to make a song that sounded like their old songs while feeling fresh, creative, and new. I know MM could do that too, I'm not opposed to bands changing up their sound from album to album either, The Sticks, Eureka, and Touch Up are some of my favorite albums by them and they all sound so different from each other, the newer songs and albums just sound like most of the alt pop stuff playing on the radio. I don't want them to make a radio hit, I just want them to make songs I like again
Who knows, maybe the new album will come out and I'll change my mind but I have a feeling this will be like the release of Inside for me: all the good songs will be put out as singles
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