#during the VIP acoustic show before my concert they said this new album was going to be centered around the theme of death
rose-skunk · 1 year
Am I the only one who doesn't really like the new Mother Mother song? Ever since Inside Deluxe version came out with Hayloft 2 (and even a bit before that) there's been a change to their music that I'm not a big fan of. I feel like they've gone the Weezer route, the lyrics themselves used to portray how quirky, charming, and different they were but in their current songs they just spell that sentiment out for you instead of letting you infer it from the lyrics. ESPECIALLY with a new song thats basically just "look at how abnormal and out of the box we are", what made O My Heart so great was the same sentiment but it wasn't spelled out explicitly, the entirety of Eureka does the same exact thing as Normalize but way more effectively.
This isn't to say that the song is bad! Musically it's great but the lyrics on their newer songs and albums leave something to be desired that their past songs accomplished. The bridge or hook or whatever you want to call it is so grating on me, a word shouldn't lose its meaning because it gets repeated so many times in one song. Musically the song is great but it's also overproduced, I can hardly hear what they're even singing in the verses because of the mixing of audio and all the effects put over their voices. The music is good as I keep saying but it also sounds like 3 different songs smashed together and sometimes it works but other times it's like "what are you guys even doing here?" It goes from alt pop rock to horror soundtrack, I like the horror soundtrack vibes, I wished they leaned into that more.
And the part at 2:28 when Jasmin screams "Die!" sounds so awkward, it picks up pace so suddenly like it's going from a 25 all the way up to 100. I wouldn't mind that if it wasn't such a sharp jump from one part of the song to the other, it just doesn't really work. (Don't even get me started on the fact that they used the word "unalive" in this song. Tell me you're writing for a tiktok audience without telling me you are) It just feels like they went from writing songs for themselves, or people their age, to writing songs for teenagers going through puberty. They used to sound so real and relatable but it doesn't feel natural anymore. It feels to me like they're trying to capture the resurgence of success O My Heart had in 2020 with their new albums. We will never have another OMH because it already exists and they made it! I really liked the use of violins and horns in OMH because you don't hear that in many rock songs, I just wish their use of it in this song didn't sound like they were trying to make OMH 2 (like they did with a certain song off of OMH.....)
It feels to me like MM is trying to capture the past and live it differently this time rather than moving on with the future. One of their older albums that reminds me of OMH a lot is The Sticks and that still sounds different! A lot darker and more mysterious, I wish they'd reinvent themselves rather than reinvent the past. I'm still a fan of them and I always will be but I'll be a fan of them the way Weezer fans still like Weezer: I'll listen to stuff past Pinkerton but the first two albums are the best. Which album of MM's is their Pinkerton? That's debatable but most tracks off Dance and Cry are still a hit for me, Inside and beyond has me cringing a bit
If you disagree then please feel free to have a convo with me about it! I'd love to talk about MM in depth with someone else! I don't mean to say these things in a needlessly pessimistic way, when MCR came back from their hiatus they managed to make a song that sounded like their old songs while feeling fresh, creative, and new. I know MM could do that too, I'm not opposed to bands changing up their sound from album to album either, The Sticks, Eureka, and Touch Up are some of my favorite albums by them and they all sound so different from each other, the newer songs and albums just sound like most of the alt pop stuff playing on the radio. I don't want them to make a radio hit, I just want them to make songs I like again
Who knows, maybe the new album will come out and I'll change my mind but I have a feeling this will be like the release of Inside for me: all the good songs will be put out as singles
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circuitdc · 2 years
Okay, now that I can collect my thoughts, I can now express how my experience of going to see Tears for Fears live was.
I saw them on Friday. It was my first concert that I actually wanted to go to and it was one hell of a show. I went with my dad whomstve got hooked on the new album because he played the CD in his car nonstop the week before. We were listening to it on the ride to the concert.
First, I should mention that I got the VIP pass where you can go see sound check before the actual concert. But it got delayed for some reason so the group we were with were baking in the hot sun until they called us into the amphitheater. In that time, I met some interesting people who followed the band around the country. There were two older women who were diehard fans. Another woman wore a vest that was comprised of little cards portraying the Songs From the Big chair album cover. She was very quirky but in a fun way. I was chatting with a couple of them and they all seemed impressed that I had so much knowledge of their discography, since I was one of the youngest fans there it seemed. From the Hurting, all the way up to The Tipping Point. The herd of people lost their way and ended up going into a small alleyway while the security was wondering what the hell they were doing. Very strange moment. So we go and find a seat and they were already playing. They advertised on the website that they'd play 2 songs but they really played 4. Long Long Long Time, Break the Man and Everybody Wants to Rule the World and to my extreme surprise and delight, Ladybird. A song they hadn't played live since 2004 when Everybody Loves a Happy Ending was a fresh album. Roland only played portions of it, with a different, more acoustic flare to it. It almost brought tears to my eyes. One guy shouted "Call me Mellow." Wrong song buddy. Fake fan alert!
So after that was done we pretty much waited around, bought some merch. I got a long sleeve golden sun shirt and an album cover shirt and a poster that I threw in my album cover tote bag. We ate overly expensive junk food until it was time to see the show where Garbage opened. From what I heard of their music, I wasn't really a fan of them. But after seeing them live and how they performed and how awesome Shirley Manson is, now I really like them. They went so heavy. She kicked ass that night! We also sang Happy Birthday to Curt!
After that about a 20 minutes before TFF came on, they played over the speakers the whole cover album of Songs from The Big chair by BrotherTiger, which if you haven't heard should totally check him out. That was cool until I looked down and realized that my feet and tote bag were soaked with beer from someone behind me. The true concert experience. Then some middle aged guy with long hair took his seat next time mine, complaining my hair was too long. I said right back at ya buddy. He kinda looked like me in 40 years. Hopefully not.
Finally Tears for Fears took to the stage and started playing their set. I sang every goddamn word throughout the entire concert, my throat was on the verge of dying by the end of it. During Everybody, I ended up dancing with that girl with the vest from earlier. Right after that, we'd sung Happy Birthday to "That guy from Tears for Fears." again, but with more feeling! During Break it Down Again, during the salute, Roland yelled to the people in front of me "Get off you're fucking phones!" Then returns hippie man and ends up knocking over my tote bag into the beer puddle, ruining the poster I just bought. Some of the other paper things survived but the smell of beer filled my car on the way home. Fun times overall.
The last thing to note that I'm both laughing at and pissed off about. When it came time for the last song, Shout. There was always a chance that Roland would pass the microphone to the audience to sing the chorus. I was in second row, but he passed the microphone to the people right in goddamn front of me! Like he was RIGHT THERE! I tried to reach over to at least try to get my voice to be heard, but I was just too far away. That would have absolutely made my night to be so perfect. Ughh!!!
So yeah, TLDR absolutely loved loved loved it. I would totally see them again.
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notdonesimpin · 4 years
Best Part ~a.m.~
timeskip!atsumu miya x reader
warnings: none?? fluff.
synopsis: it’s the first time that you and atsumu can’t spend an anniversary together because of your tour and his volleyball career, yet somehow you managed to have a concert in the right city at the right time.
a/n: inspired from best part by daniel caesar feat H.E.R. lyrics are bold! hope you enjoy:)
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“How’s everyone enjoying their night?” you ask, taking  a sip of your water as the crowd goes wild.
You grin, looking over at Atsumu and a small group of his teammates as he gives you a wide smile and two thumbs up from the VIP section.
“I’m so glad that you’re all having fun, but sadly we’re on the last two songs.”
The crowd awes, matching the pout you were making as the band walked offstage and the crew came on to fix equipment and your guitarist sat on the steps with their acoustic.
“I know. I never want this night to end, either. Especially since this is the first night I’ve seen Atsumu in months,” you gesture to him as you continue talking, “That’s my boyfriend of three years that plays on Japan’s Olympic Volleyball Team. He’s here supporting me with some of his teammates, since we couldn’t spend our anniversary on vacation this year. On three, let’s all wish them luck tomorrow! One! Two! Three!”
The crowd erupts as they all bow and wave to give their thanks.
“Well, I guess I should get into the next song. This is actually a new one. I finished a few weeks ago, and my team is very upset with me for making them fit a new piece just for this concert, but that’s what you do for love, right? This one’s for you, Tsumu. It’s called Best Part.”
As the song played, the screen behind you flashed a montage of photos and short clips that your friends had taken of you both over the years.
You don't know, babe
When you hold me
And kiss me slowly
It's the sweetest thing
You quietly walked into your shared home with Atsumu, glancing down at the time. 1:23 AM.
Atsumu was definitely asleep since he had practice early in the morning. You walked through the kitchen, hearing the faint noises of the tv to see Atsumu fast asleep on the couch.
You smiled to yourself when you took out your phone, snapping a picture of him and making a mental note to change your lock screen later. 
You squatted down to get eye level with him as you ran a hand through his hair softly. He grumbled and scrunched up his nose at the action. 
“Tsumu, let’s get in our bed,” you softly spoke. 
His eyes slowly opened and a lazy smile came across his face as his eyes met yours.
“Kiss first,” he requested.
You shook your head in amusement and leaned over to give him a soft kiss. He hummed in satisfaction. 
“Were you waiting for me?” you asked as he got up and let you lead him to the bedroom.
“Bed’s cold without ya.”
Your heart warmed at his statement as he climbed into the bed and pats the spot beside him for you.
“I have to take a quick shower.”
He shakes his head, “Don’t care. C’mere.”
You sigh, knowing that he wouldn’t go back to auto until you were in his arms. “I’m only listening because you have to be up in a few hours,” you state as you get in beside him. 
“Mhmm. Missed you, too,” he muttered as he wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you into his chest, giving you a soft kiss on your forehead before he quickly fell back to sleep.
You're the coffee that I need in the morning
You're my sunshine in the rain when it's pouring
Won't you give yourself to me
Give it all, oh
“Y/N! I got to pet a cute dog during my run today!” Atsumu yelled excitedly as he walked through the door and took off his shoes.
No response.
He shrugged it off, figuring that you were more than likely working in the office and writing for your album.
He opened the fridge, noticing that you hadn’t even eaten the breakfast he made for you before he left two hours ago. He sighed with a shake of his head as he pulled the plate out and stuck it in the microwave to warm up and refilled his water bottle.
He walked into the office with the plate in one hand and two drinks in the other. He laughed to himself at the scattered papers across the floor and the two empty coffee cups on your desk as he walked up behind you.
You paused when you saw the plate being set down in front of you. You pulled off your headphones as Atsumu gave you a kiss on the cheek. “You need to eat something, sweetheart. You’ve been in here for four hours without a break.”
“I’ll eat in a second. I really need to finish this song, Tsumu.”
You tried to push the plate out of your way but were met with a dissatisfied grunt as he sat on the futon across from you.
“You’ve been holed up in here for the majority of every day since I’ve gotten back. I think you’ve earned a break.”
You turn to face him, “I haven’t had any new ideas, so I put it off. Now, my manager is down my neck.”
“That doesn’t mean you can neglect your own health. You and I both know that you can’t write under pressure. First, you need to eat. Then, we can take a relaxing bath together. How does a trip to the beach sound?”
“Tsumu,” you started to protest.
He cut you off and said, “I don’t care what your manager said. I don’t like seeing you stressed, so you’re taking the day off, okay?”
You huff, quickly turning back to grab a piece of bacon. “Fine.”
“Do you always skip meals when I’m away?” he asked. 
“I eat dinner at Osamu’s restaurant since he’d be worried about me if I didn't show up while you were away.”
“I’m going to start making you call me whenever you eat because you need the nutrition.”
It's the sunrise
And those brown eyes, yes
You're the one that I desire
When we wake up
And then we make love
It makes me feel so nice
“Atsumu,” you whined, “We have already had two rounds. How much more could you want?”
His hands continued to roam over your body as he held you close, giving you small kisses on your neck and shoulder blade. “If I had a choice, we wouldn’t leave this bed for another week.”
“Well, I have an interview today, so that’s not going to happen.”
He huffed, rolling on top of you and propping himself up on his forearms, “Can’t you just reschedule? I think our quality time is a lot more important.”
“Don’t you dare,” you warned him, knowing that he was going to pout
His eyes widened, “I haven’t even done anything!”
“You’re going to use those pretty eyes of yours to convince me to stay. I’ll have to call my manager and lie about you being sick and have all my fans become disappointed.”
Atsumu grinned as you spoke, knowing you were right. He leaned down and gave you a soft kiss. “So you’re saying that it won’t work?”
“It would a hundred percent work, so I’m telling you that this interview is very important to my career, so don’t you dare.”
He pouted, moving beside you to prop himself on his elbow and look at you. “This is my first day off in so long, and I can’t even spend it with you. Do you know how frustrating that is?”
“Do you realize who you’re asking?” You sat up on the edge of the bed, glancing over your shoulder at him as you continued, “Why don’t you come with me? You can take me on a date afterwards.”
His eyes narrowed as he watched you walk into the bathroom. “I’ll think about that date.”
“Tsumu! We haven’t gone on a date in so long! Don’t you want to see me all dressed up?”
He cheekily grinned at you, “Do you want my honest answer?”
You're my water when I'm stuck in the desert
You're the Tylenol I take when my head hurts
You're the sunshine on my life
Atsumu heavily sighed as he laid across the couch.
“Tough day?” you asked, walking out of the kitchen.
“Yeah. The extra training is wearing me out. How about you?”
“The company is still on my ass about the album even though we just finalized the release date.”
“If you want me to fight them for you, I will,” his voice was muffled since he shoved his face into the couch, but you heard him perfectly and let out a small laugh.
“I'll keep that in mind. Movie night?”
“Just wanna talk to you,” Tsumu hummed in response, tilting his body and opening his arms for you to lay beside him.
You laid down, facing him and let him pull you close as he nuzzled his face in the crook of your neck. 
“Since we aren’t able to spend our anniversary together because of my tour and the olympics, I’m really trying to convince my team to get me a venue near you around the date.”
“Or you can just not go on tour and stay by my side the entire time,” Atsumu suggested.
“Or you can quit the National Volleyball Team and stay by my side the entire time,” you retorted, knowing he wouldn’t like the sound of that.
He grumbled, “You’re not allowed to have tours when I have games anymore. It’s not the same when you aren’t there.”
You softly laughed, bringing your hand up and running it through his hair. “I’ll consider it after you put a ring on my finger.”
I just wanna see how beautiful you are
You know that I see it
I know you're a star
Where you go I follow
No matter how far
If life is a movie
Then you're the best part, oh oh oh
You're the best part, oh oh oh
You motion for Atsumu to join you on stage and with the help of his teammates and the guards he successfully does. 
You continue to sing as a soft smile is on his face and his arms are loosely around your waist.
You gently place your hand on his cheek, watching him melt into your touch as you finish up the song.
As soon as you finish singing, Atsumu moves the mic in your hand and gives you a quick kiss.
The crowd erupts in cheers as everyone is recording this sweet moment between the two of you.
He speaks into your ear, “That was beautiful, baby. I loved it.” 
“You better have! It took me a month to write it!”
He laughs, pulling you closer to his chest, “You always amaze me at the most inconvenient times. I had a plan, you know?”
You pull back in confusion as he takes the mic away from you and begins speaking, “My Y/N, here, has given me such a great anniversary gift. I guess it’s only fair that I share my gift right now.”
He hands the mic back to you with a smirk on his face, digging his hand in his pockets. 
He leans down, looking right into your eyes and speaking directly into the mic, “You’ll sing that at our wedding, right?”
“Atsumu, what-” Your eyes widen as he gets down on one knee and pulls out a black box, opening it to show the prettiest ring you’ve ever laid eyes on.
“Will you marry me?” Atsumu looks at you with a soft smile.
“Atsumu, this better not be a fucking joke. Are you serious, right now?”
He laughs and nods, “I’m so serious. Let’s start our future.”
For the first time, you can’t hear the crowd. You know they are screaming at you to say yes, but the only thing you can focus on is Atsumu in front of you.
It feels like the world is stopping so that you could share this moment. A moment that only lasts for a few minutes but will be remembered for a lifetime. 
Lifetime? Atsumu wants to spend the rest of his life with you?
You’d never talked about the future with each other, since you both really like focusing on enjoying every moment that you do have together. It is comfortable that way. It is fun for you both.
If you were honest with yourself, you never thought Atsumu would even consider proposing until your lives had settled down a bit.
You nod as a few tears fall down your cheeks. “Yes! You fucking show off.”
He lightly laughs and puts the ring on you, standing up to give you a soft kiss. 
“I love you,” he mutters against your lips as he laces your hands together, basking in the joyous feeling of knowing you’ll be by his side forever.
Best part
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staywritten · 4 years
Sweet Chaos│Kim Seungmin
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Synopsis: Seungmin falls in love with a sweet stranger, but doing so may put his career in jeopardy. Is he willing to risk everything for love?
Genre: Slow Burn, Fluff, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, oneshot
Word Count: 7k
It started about a month ago when Seungmin met you outside of a Day6 concert. You were in front of the venue busking, singing along to acoustic renditions of their songs and he couldn’t help but join you. Who could resist singing along to Day6? It was his weakness. The two of you harmonized and found your synergy easily. His voice complimented yours, as you two practically sang their whole album. It was almost cliche how much fun he had. 
Originally he was going to watch it with his manager, but he had a family emergency last minute so he gave Seungmin special permission to attend the concert alone. It was a safe bet. He was well behaved. The venue wasn’t far from the dorms and it was a JYP event so staff would be nearby. However his singing did garner a bigger crowd, he lowered his cap regretting his decision and hoping you and the crowd hadn’t recognized him. Luckily for him a car pulled up escorting another idol to the concert and that was enough to distract the fans to see who it was.
He should have disappeared in the crowd, gone through the staff entrance and kept his head low until the concert started. But instead, he stayed back to talk to you. Because well, you were pretty and had a lovely voice and was a fan of Day6 so who could say no to hanging out with a Fellow MyDay?
“Where are you going to put your guitar during the concert?” he frowned seeing the line start to move as the fans were let in. 
You laughed nervously, scratching the back of your head. “Oh…” your voice trailed as you looked away, almost too embarrassed to tell this wonderfully adorable stranger the truth. “I’m not actually going to see the concert.”
“Are you not a fan?” he frowned
“Oh no-I am. A huge fan actually, it’s just by the time I got paid the tickets were sold out and the resell prices were out of my price range” you shrugged before standing up with your guitar. “You should probably get in line” Your heart melted seeing his lips go into a pout. “I’m fine really, don’t feel bad.” you waived your hands. “I’ll see them at the next concert”
“You can sit with me. I have an extra ticket” he smiled, digging in his pocket and pulling out the extra lanyard. “Here”
“Oh no- that’s a VIP ticket I can’t-”
“My Hyung was supposed to come with me, but he’s busy. If you don’t take the ticket it’s gonna go to waste”
You frowned looking to the line that was moving a lot faster into the building. You really did want to go, and maybe this was the miracle you prayed for? “Here let me buy it from you” you grabbed your wallet pulling out all the cash you had “I can send you the rest through-”
“No, I want to give it to you”
“Come on, we should hurry” he chuckled, grabbing your hand and guitar leading you to the VIP line. 
“I don’t even know your name” you giggled, you couldn’t help but mirror his puppy-like smile. 
“I’m Seungmin” he looked back to you, his eyes practically twinkling. You introduced yourself following his lead
And that was how you had the best the night of your life. Day6 delivering one of the best performances you’d ever seen. All from an amazing pit view. The concert was even more memorable with the new friend you’d just made.
After the show, you insisted on buying him dinner at your favorite hole in the wall restaurant near the station. You held his hand, leading him inside. “Hi, Auntie~” you chimed walking toward the back. “Order anything and everything you want”
“You don’t have to buy me dinner, really” he smiled, taking off his coat. 
“Are you kidding? You just gave me the most amazing night of my life, dinner is the least I could do since you won’t take my money”
“I would just feel bad making you pay, you’re so pretty and you took me out, I should be buying you dinner” he pouted.
“You think I’m pretty” you teased 
“You think I’m handsome” he shot back, his smile, tugging into a smirk. 
“You caught me” you laughed “How ‘bout next time you buy me dinner” you winked, catching how he had to do a double-take at you.
He blushed looking back at his menu, trying to ignore how flustered you made him. He was used to having women around him but he knew he was vastly inexperienced. There was a difference between having staff, other idols, and even Stays. Being with you made him feel like these were the experiences he would have had if he hadn’t debuted in highschool.  
You reached over the table to feed him a bite of the rice soup. “Ah~” you lightly blew on it before offering the spoon to him. He opened his mouth letting you feed him, all while keeping eye contact with him. You brushed the stray rice grain from his cheek. “Good right?”
He nodded, unable to find the words to respond to your advances. Especially because he liked them. 
“You’re so cute” you stared at him, almost in a dreamy gaze leaning on your hand. 
“Stop looking at me like that” he pouted.
“Like what?” you grinned.
He huffed before digging into the chicken, not knowing how to deal with that mischievous glint in your eyes. You couldn’t help but smile at him, Seungmin was just so sweet. Everything about him disarmed you, that gorgeous smile, his beautiful dark brown puppy-like eyes, even how his nose scrunched when he laughed. But it wasn’t that you were so physically attracted to him. It was how kind he was, like when you were at the concert he always made sure you weren’t pushed, even to the point of holding your waist to hold you close. 
The owner walked over with a refill of soup, a kind smile on her face. “You’ve never brought a boy here before~ Aigooo and he’s so handsome” she couldn’t help but squeeze Seungmin’s cheeks as he greeted her. 
“Ugh, Auntie please.” you rolled your eyes. “I’ve been coming here since I was a kid” you explained to him. “Seungmin took me to the Day6 concert it was amazing”
“Aww that’s so sweet, I’m glad you got to go” she looked him over. “You’re seriously so handsome, are you an idol?”
You scoffed before eating a spoon full of soup. “Auntie please, not everyone is an idol.” you rolled your eyes. “Seungmin isn’t superficial.”
She raised her hands in surrender “I was just asking” she smiled at him. “Don’t mind her she doesn’t like idols very much, I, however, think they’re adorable” the older woman cooed at him again. “Are you a student? Or a model or something?”
Seungmin looked back and forth between the two of you. What was he supposed to say? He didn’t want to lie and say that he wasn’t an idol, but judging from your reaction, you didn’t seem keen on him being an idol. And something about that made him want to keep that part of his life a secret. It wasn’t like he could go around telling people right? He was supposed to lay low tonight. “I’m a student” he chuckled nervously. 
“Which university do you go to?” you looked at him expectantly.
“Y-Yonsei” It was the first university to come to mind, he’d always pass it on his commute. 
“Wow you’re smart” you nodded, satisfied with his answer. “I’m a second year at Seoul’s Women University, we should study sometime.” 
And that’s how he got into this mess. It’d already been three weeks; it was taking everything in him to keep up the charade. But he’d be lying if he said he didn’t like feeling normal. The days that you’d go to the cafe, he’d usually pick one on the far side of town, or studying at your university library. The daily text messages, and late night phone calls. It was like the life he could have had.
Something he didn’t know he was missing. 
On his days off he’d get permission to, ‘visit his parents’ and be able to leave for the night, and secretly went to meet you. On days with schedules he’d just wait until everyone fell asleep and snuck out. If he got caught he’d make up an excuse that he was just going to practice. He felt guilty for lying. To you, his members, even his parents. He just kept convincing himself he’d find an opportunity to fess up. 
He knew that once you found out he was an idol, you’d want nothing to do with him.
Maybe that’s why he was stalling. 
Seungmin quietly made his way out of his bedroom. The two of you had a late night movie date planned. He’d been prepping for a comeback so he didn’t have as many opportunities to see you, and honestly he just missed you. It was a little past midnight when his members knocked out, dance practice was tough and they needed to recover. Chan and Jisung were still in the studio and Felix was gaming in the living room and he was almost out the door when he ran into Jeongin outside of the dorm. 
“Hyung?” Jeongin smiled “What are you doing out here?”
“I..” he faltered for a moment “I was just going to practice the new song a little more.” he eyed him suspiciously. “Why are you out here?”
Jeongin’s shoulders slumped before he looked around. “I snuck out to the convenience store to get snacks.” he shyly hid the bag behind his back “Don’t tell the Hyungs?”
He chuckled “Ok I won’t, I didn’t see you” he playfully motioned to zip his mouth closed and throw away the key.
Jeongin smiled brightly before thanking him. “Thank you so much Hyung! I’ll share my snacks with you later” he scurried back toward the dorm. “Oh, don’t practice too hard, remember to get some sleep too”
He watched, making sure Jeongin got into the elevator safely but feeling this sting that he had to lie to him. 
Your apartment was only a few blocks from the dorm, but he made sure to take back roads, and kept his cap and mask on before entering the building. He knew he wasn’t on Dispatch’s watch list but he knew he had to be careful.
When you buzzed him in he was greeted by your hug immediately. You motioned to the makeshift pillow fort you’d thrown together in front of your tv “Isn’t it cute?” You chimed. 
“It’s adorable,” he laughed taking off his hat, mask, and shoes at the door. “You didn’t have to go through this trouble” he left you drag him toward it, following you inside, careful not to hit anything. 
“I know but I wanted to do something, you’ve been so busy lately” you frowned. “I guess I just wanted to distract you from school”
And there it was another lie that he told to keep up this act. He pushed that feeling to the back of his mind. “Is it ok if we don’t watch a movie?”
“Sure” you frowned. “What did you want to do? Was the movie thing too cheesy?”
“No...It’s just...I really just wanna hear your voice.” he smiled watching your reaction. 
Your eyes widened at his sudden confession. The two of you had managed to flirt a little here and there and although you never explicitly stated whatever this was you knew there was something. He just wasn’t usually so forward. He was always pretty shy and you guessed that’s why you never had a problem being bolder. You felt your cheeks warm as you looked anywhere but him, when you grabbed your guitar and pulled it into the pillow fort. “How about a song” you laughed, nervously trying to regain your composure “I haven’t heard your voice since the Day6 concert and I miss it.” 
Everything about the setting was just so romantic, the soft lighting from your fairy lights, the pillows and blankets blocking everything out. It was like a dream. No pressure of his lies, or the outside world just you and him. 
You strummed the strings warming up your voice before humming before singing Day6’s Sweet Chaos. You looked up at him expectantly as he sang along. 
Because of you, I’m losing control
It’s a sweet chaos
Ever since you entered
My life, my dreams, my future
Everything has changed
He loved watching you sing, how you wore every single expression so freely. Nothing seemed calculated. It disarmed him. He lost himself in the moment just watching you. 
You looked up at him from under your lashes, your mouth parting as you struggled to find something to say under his intense expression. He leaned forward, taking your guitar and gently setting it down before holding your cheek. His eyes searching your expression for any form of hesitation before he pressed his lips against yours. You held the front of his hoodie, responding to the kiss. Leaning into him he gasped feeling your tongue brush against his lips. Feeling him stiffen you pulled back. “I’m sorry I-”
“No, I kissed you…”
“I liked it…” you mumbled biting your lip.
“Me too…” he brushed your hair back and pulled you back to him for another kiss. Pressing him back as you deepened the kiss, he wrapped his arms around your waist and laid back. You pulled back to catch your breath as you straddled him. “Is this ok to keep doing?” he laughed, tracing your skin just below where your t-shirt had rode up.
“Seungmin I don’t know if you’ve noticed this but I really like you” you cupped his chubby cheeks pecking his lips again.
“I like you too...a lot.” he felt a pressure instantly lift the moment he confessed. 
The softness of his gaze was so disarming and warm. He gently pulled you back to another kiss, his lips slowly becoming more aggressive as he tangled his fingers into your hair, smiling into the kiss. Any moment you chased his kiss he would just gaze into your eyes again, almost to make sure the moment was real and it melted your heart. 
He spent all night learning everything about you. Your touch, your taste, the sweet sounds you made for him. Somewhere along all your greedy touching the fort had fallen, covering you two in the blankets. You’d both lost your shirts but stopped before it could get too far. He didn’t want to rush things, and he still couldn’t shake the guilt he had for lying. Sleeping with you just didn’t feel right yet...Not until he was honest. 
You leaned on his chest drifting in and out of sleep. Hearing the lull of his heart was so soothing as he absently rubbed soothing circles on your back. 
He pecked your hair, tugging you a little closer. “You asleep?” he whispered, more so to himself. 
“Hmm?” you hummed sleepily. 
“On the first night we hung out you said you didn’t like idols...I just never asked why?”
You yawned peaking up at him curiously. “Hm? Why do you ask?” you furrowed your brows. “Oh is it because I’m a fan of Day6?” he nodded, trying to read your reaction. You smiled before going back to lay your head on his chest, lacing your fingers with his. “I just don’t like idols...I don’t actively hate them or anything I just feel like the whole thing feels a little superficial… The whole concept, dancing, company made songs...I’m just not a fan, like you can’t tell if they’re being genuine or if it’s their image…” you shrugged. “I hear songs here and there and a lot of girls in my school like them but I personally just like bands.” you smiled to yourself. “Like I can tell what’s going on in their life and what they’re going through with the songs they write.”
He just nodded, losing any nerve he had about coming clean. The thing you dislike idols for was the very thing he was doing. Being disingenuous. 
You could almost feel his heart begin to race more. “Seungmin? You ok?” you frowned. 
“I’m fine” he smiled, grabbing your chin and pulling you into a kiss. 
“Mmm…” you smiled looking at him with glazed eyes. “Seungmin it’s ok if you’re a fan of idols I won’t hold it against you” you giggled, brushing your nose against him, giving him eskimo kisses. 
“Promise?” he whispered.
“I promise” you gave him another peck before, settling against him. 
After another month or so the two of you had developed more of a routine. Seungmin was spending almost every night at your place, and sneaking back into the dorm before morning. He was working himself to the bone to keep up the double life but seeing your smiling face, or holding you in his arms made everything worth it. 
It was your one month anniversary and although you weren’t normally one to celebrate something like a one month, your time with Seungmin was always so limited. Every moment felt so special. You planned this big event for him filling your apartment with balloons and getting a cake. You waited at the cafe down the road to meet him, that way you could walk back to your apartment together. 
You smoothed down your hair and checked your reflection in the cafe window, straightening your dress. Seungmin always dressed so dandy and dapper you wanted to match him for once, so you opted on something girlier. It was a special occasion. You smiled at your phone seeing his text.
My Seungminnie  💗 : Sorry i’m running late! I’m on my way 💗 See you soon  
He said he only lived down the road from the cafe, so you chose to wait outside for him. He should hurry, it looks like it might start raining soon. You looked up at the ominous dark clouds rolling in. 
Seungmin showered after dance practice, and was getting ready to meet you. He fluffed down his hair, slipping on his hat and making his way to the living room. He frowned seeing his team all waiting in there, Chan looking particularly stressed. 
“What’s wrong?” he looked at them, reading the mood. 
“Where are you going?” Chan looked up at him, raking his hand through his curly hair. Seeing Seungmin look away for a moment, he could almost tell he was trying to think up something. “Seungmin please…”
“I was just going to a cafe…”
“Seungmin stop.” Chan stood up, frustrated and started pacing. “Sit.”
“But Channie-Hyung I have to-”
“I said sit.” 
Seungmin sat down on the chair across from the couch. Chan wasn’t one to look so angry, sure he got stressed a lot. But was very rarely angry. Jeongin looked over to him, giving him the most apologetic look. Individually they all noticed Seungmin acting a little strange, but didn’t put two and two together, not until Jisung mentioned seeing what looked like a hickey on Seungmin and then it hit them all like a wrecking ball. Everything made sense. 
“Before you even start lying again. I’ll save you the trouble” He crossed his arms over his chest. “We know you’ve been sneaking out, and we know you haven’t been going to your parents place. And for what? A girl?” Chan sighed heavily.
“She’s not just a girl…” you were everything to him, he was sure that at this point he was in love with you. That for the first time in his life he felt a romantic love for someone and it was reciprocated. 
“And what if she’s not? Did you stop to think what would happen? If Manager-Hyung caught you? Or Dispatch? Or worst if Stay’s caught you? What do you think would happen? Are you willing to quit and leave us...?” The pain and Chan’s eyes as his voice broke toward the end. “What about us..?”
Changbin sighed looking at Seungmin. “If you get caught we’re all screwed… We’re still under a dating ban Seungmin...JYP will fire you…And if we caught you than someone else could”
“We’d lose everything...” Hyunjin whispered. 
“What about your little girlfriend huh? What makes you think she won’t sell the story to dispatch herself? Or that she’s not posting this story somewhere?” Minho scoffed, angry that they were even having this conversation. 
“She wouldn’t…”
“And how could you be so sure huh?! Why are you willing to trust her and risk all of our hard work? It’s selfish!”
“Minho-Hyung calm down” Felix frowned, seeing Minho stand up hastily, kicking a chair. 
“Calm down? How can I calm down when we’re supposed to be working hard for a comeback? We’re still picking up the pieces from losing someone and then HE goes and does something like this?! How am I supposed to calm down?! Chan literally doesn’t sleep so he can finish our songs, or what about the countless nights we’re working on choreo? We’re trying to make the best comeback for Stays and he’s gonna throw it all away?!”
Seeing that Minho looked just short of swinging on Seungmin, Changbin stood in front of him. 
Chan’s whole team was falling a part right in front of his eyes. He had to reach Seungmin somehow, and get this resolved before the company found out.
“Seungmin I know you like her...and from what we could put together you’ve been doing this for at least a month…” Chan looked down. “But we can’t afford a scandal...we’re still getting our foot in the door...If she goes public with you dating then it’s over. Our career is over. Our families are affected and I know you trust her but I don’t, not with you guys. I’m not willing to risk my team anymore…” 
“She doesn’t know I’m an idol.” he whispered, the shame heavy in his voice from hiding something so major.
“She doesn’t know you’re-” Chan stopped himself, taking a deep breath and rubbing his temples. “You’re willing to risk all of our careers for someone who doesn’t even know who you really ar-”
“That’s great!” Jisung looked at Seungmin with bright pleading eyes. This whole time he’s been quiet. Honestly the confrontation kind of scared him. But this was the silver lining to this nightmare. Everyone looked at Jisung like he’d absolutely lost it. “Hear me out...If you break up with her...then that’s it right? You don’t have to keep doing this and she won’t go public...It’s the only way…”
This whole thing was tearing Seungmin apart. The guilt that he felt with every lie he told came crashing at him. The look all of his Hyung’s gave him. The look of heartbreak and disappointment. But the thing that finally made his tears fall was breaking up with you, because he knew that was the only future left. “I can’t hurt her…”
Chan shook his head. “I have to protect my team Seungmin...and if you choose to break your contract, risk us all. Then you’re not part of my team anymore...and i’m gonna need you to step down…” Chan sniffled looking up at him with desperation. “The choice is yours...but...you need to make it”
“Hyung...please don’t leave us…” Jeongin begged, his eyes glazed over as he pulled Seungmin into a tight hug. “Don’t leave us too…”
Seungmin stood stunned, Looking at Jeongin, his heart broke. They were right, he was being selfish. And his team had lost enough. They were only in the beginning of their career and he owed it to his team and to his fans to be dedicated. Dating bans weren’t forever so for now he just needed to focus on his career. “I won’t leave you guys...not ever…” he hugged him back tightly to reassure him. Felix, Jisung and Hyunjin immediately joining in the hug. Changbin released a relieved sigh before hugging them. 
Chan wrapped his arms around his family before looking back at Minho “Get in here.” Minho hesitantly joined them, apologizing into Seungmin’s hair.
You huddled against the awning of the cafe as the rain poured heavily, it was practically monsoon season in the blink of an eye. You didn’t want to go inside on the chance that Seungmin was close by, but he was an hour late and wasn’t answering your calls or texts. You could help but worry, afraid that something had happened to him. You felt so helpless. You didn’t even know where he lived. 
It finally hit you that there wasn’t a single person in his life that you could get in contact with to check on him. He’d mentioned his friends and roommates often but you never met any, he didn’t believe in social media so it wasn’t like you could search there. Just as you were about to say fuck it, and just walk down the road to blindly look for him you got a phone call.
The worry left your body as soon as you answered and heard his voice. “Seungmin! There you are, are you ok? Did something happen?”
He took a breath, trying not to cry hearing your voice. “I’m sorry...But I can’t see you anymore”
“What?” you looked at your caller Id, just to make sure this wasn’t some sort of prank. “What do you mean?”
“I’m breaking up with you”
“Why? Why are you? Why-” your voice broke as your tears fell. “What did I do wrong?” you sniffled. “Seungmin please just come...where are you? let’s at least do this in person…”
“There’s no need…” he took a deep breath. “I just don’t waste our time anymore. I’m tired of lying and I just can’t be what you want me to be…Please don’t try and contact me again” It was better this way. He had to convince himself that it was better if you just hated him. Because if it was hate then you could move on. Find a better love. 
You sobbed gripping your phone. “Please don’t do this...Seungmin I love you…”
“And I don’t...so let’s just stop this now… Have a good life...I’m going to be blocking you now so please don’t try and contact me again.” Before you could say anything else the line went dead. 
Really, I loved you
That’s how much harder it is
I want to hate you
But I can’t so I hate you even more
You tried calling him back, so desperately, but each and every time it would just go straight to voicemail. You fell to your knees, not caring if it got wet from the on coming rain, you just couldn’t believe it. What happened? It was all so sudden. And what did he mean? You never expected him to anything he wasn’t so why? You cried into your hands wondering, Which part of me just wasn’t enough? 
And that night you cried it out. With every fiber of your being you allowed yourself to be heart broken and sad. Calling over your best friend to vent. Because tomorrow you knew you’d have to pick up the pieces and try to continue with your life. 
Your best friend Minseo smoothed down your hair frowning. She’d never seen you so broken before and she wanted nothing more than to tell off your ex for breaking your heart. “Are you gonna be ok?”
“If he wanted to break up...I understand...That’s fine...but...it just hurt that I don’t really understand why…” you sniffled. “I don’t think I’ll ever know and that really hurts…” At least if you knew what happened you could grow from it, learn from it, but instead you were left wondering. 
Minseo scoffed. “Ok, no offense I’m sure the guy was nice but you dated him for like a month and never let me meet him.”
“He was just shy…” 
“Ok but he never let you go to his place either, you’re not shy so what does it matter if you met his roommates.” she crossed her arms. “The guy just sounds so sketchy, and that whole no sns thing? Seriously? You didn’t think that was weird?”
“I mean I did...But some people just don’t like sns.”
“They still make them even if they don’t use it.” she rubbed your back. “The guy was probably a two timer and got caught, didn’t you only see him at really weird hours too?”
“Did you always think that? He works and goes to school… it makes sense that he’s busy, even I got busy…”
“Where did he work?”
Your frown deepened “I...I don’t know” your time together was always so sparse you never wanted to drill him with questions, especially when you could tell that he looked uncomfortable when you brought it up. You always just figured he’d tell you eventually. 
I'd been holding on to you for so long
Now I must let you go
There's nothing I can do for you
It's the only way to make you happy
So I let go, let go, let go
So you can smile someday
So you can be happy
You took it one day at a time. Each one easier than the last. School started to get busier with exams and studying made for the perfect distractions. Minseo was always hesitant to leave you alone, so in your moments together you could tell that she was working over time to distract you from sadness. 
But you were ok. Not great-but ok. 
Soon enough a few months had passed, and Seungmin’s impression in your life almost felt like a fever dream. He was closer to a snowflake that had melted after the night. His presence fleeting, if you blinked you missed it. You hadn’t met his friends, he hadn’t met yours. The only photo you had together was a candid one you snuck at your apartment when he was playing your guitar and singing. Every so often you’d look at it just to remind yourself that he was real.
It still hurt like hell, not knowing. But despite everything you wished him well. 
Minseo pulled you through the busy streets of Gangnam to get some shopping done, retail therapy was her coping mechanism. “Wanna go to the record store? Didn’t Day6 just have a comeback?”
You smiled “That is the best idea you’ve had all day~” you chimed dragging her inside. 
“Hey I’m full of good ideas, you just don’t listen” she laughed. 
You grabbed an album from the front display, before following Minseo toward the back of the store to do some shopping of her own. On your way to the back, another display caught your eye. Normally you walked right by all of the idol stuff, but there was something on the screen that called to you. Your eyes widened as you stood in almost a trance-like state looking at it. You only saw him for a second so you waited and waited to see if you were just losing it. 
Minseo laughed seeing you watching the music video “Oh ho ho ho, look who fell to the dark side, I told you idols were mesmerizing, they’re pretty huh?” but her smile faltered seeing your eyes widened, she called your name again waving her hand in front of your face. “You ok?”
There he was again that fluffy hair, those soft twinkling eyes, and that gorgeous honey voice. “Seungmin...” 
“What?” Minseo’s eyes widened seeing how sad you suddenly look. “Your Seungmin? Is Seungmin of Stray Kids?”
“Of what?” you looked at her, your eyes glazed over. 
She walked over to the posters, flipping through the alphabetical catalog before turning it toward you. “Him?”
You set the Day6 album down before shaking your head in disbelief. “I...i need to go…” you stepped back, hurrying out of the store. 
“Wait!” Minseo followed after you, grabbing your hand. “Don’t run and talk to me please.”
You turned to her, tears running down your face. “He lied to me…” you ran your hand through your hair. “That’s why he wouldn’t let me meet his friends or tell me where he worked or-Ugh!”
“Hey...How about we go to Dispatch?” Minseo chimed, holding your shoulders.
“What?” you furrowed your brows “The gossip magazine?”
“They’d probably pay pretty well for a story, I mean Stray Kids is in JYP-”
“No. Oh my god, No” you sighed. “I don’t want to hurt him. I just want to forget about this whole thing to be honest.” you hugged yourself. “I met an amazing guy, fell for him and then he dumped me, and now I found out that he’s probably lied about every single thing he’s told me. I just want to be done with this”
“But you hate idols-”
“And I don’t hate idols. I'm just not a fan…” you stopped yourself remembering that time in your apartment that Seungmin had brought up idols, and any other time he’d mentioned them and just dropped the conversation. You always thought that he was trying to come out as some fanboy but he never did. “I’m so stupid…”
“I’m sorry...I didn’t mean to make you upset…” She frowned. “I was just trying to look out for you.” 
“And I appreciate it...But despite everything I did love him...Lies and all...I’d never want to hurt him.”
“But he hurt you…”
“Please...Can we drop this…?”
“Fine...As your best friend, I shall drop this” she smiled. “But in return, you have to buy me ice cream” she wrapped her arm around your shoulder, leading you to the ice cream parlor. 
“I get lied to and dumped but I have to buy you ice cream?” you laughed following along.
“Sucks huh? Well, I wasn’t the one who dated a hot idol, so ice cream is the least you can do to pay me for dealing with your drama” she grinned. 
And as quickly as the seasons changed you finished your degree and graduated from your university.  Over the past year, you had a lot of time to self reflect, often thinking back to your love. Admittedly you were pretty judgmental back then, and although you wouldn’t say you’ve become a fan of idols, you acknowledged their hard work. Occasionally you’d find yourself catching a Stray kids comeback or even adding a few of their songs to your playlist just to hear that beautiful voice that reminded you of a simpler time.
On this particular night, you and a few friends set up your instruments in downtown Hongdae for some Saturday night busking. Although you weren’t officially a band you all enjoyed playing together even if it was only a hobby. 
Minseo sat across from you with her camera ready. “Go best friend!” she cheered. 
You guys ran through a few songs, getting the crowd excited, loving just seeing the smiles on everyone's faces. But toward the end of your set you shifted gears a calmer song. You expected the crowd to disperse, knowing you were singing this song more so for yourself than anyone else. Your tone, heavy as you sang the heartbreaking lyrics. 
Really, I loved you
That’s how much harder it is
I want to hate you
But I can’t so I hate you even more
To be honest
No matter how much I try
To erase you
I know I can’t, yeah
Your little tip jar filling as the song carried on. You strummed your guitar harder as you got to the bridge. Tears threaten to spill, but you just carried on. The crowd only got bigger as people recorded your performance. 
Jeongin and Seungmin went down to Hongdae for dinner and to do some shopping when a familiar tune caught their attention. Jeongin smiled brightly “Hyung, someone singing Day6” he cheered, pushing him toward the crowd. 
Rather it was fate, serendipity, or just plain luck that Seungmin saw you. You were no longer just a girl with an acoustic guitar, singing in front of a venue. Your voice was stronger, more confident, he felt every single word you sang. You smiled singing the sad lyrics as a tear streamed down your beautiful face. 
 Loved you
Because I want to forget you but I can’t
That’s why I want to forget you
Jeongin noticed Seungmin’s solemn expression. “Hyung..?” It was how he was looking at you that just made something click for him. Seungmin had that same expression on his face whenever he looked at your photo. 
Watching as you finished your set you waived at everyone thanking them. You wiped your tears from your face, embarrassed that the song made you cry. You gave them the biggest and brightest smile, singing was always the most therapeutic thing for you to do, and they gave you that opportunity. 
As you were about to turn away from them, you caught his gaze. All this time you wondered how you’d react if you ever got to see him again, but you just mirrored his smile.  
“Hyung...Go talk to her.” Jeongin encouraged. 
“I don’t really deserve to” he smiled to himself. “But she looks like she’s doing well.”
“But you’re not…”
“Jeongin...I’m fine” 
Jeongin looked down and sighed. “Hyung...I’m...sorry...We forced you two to break up and you tried to smile and stuff but we knew you resented us for it.”
“You’re my family, I could never resent you...I was just sad I didn’t get to say goodbye properly. But she looks happy, and that’s all I wanted to know.”
“She just sang a heartbreak song while crying and you think she’s fine?” Jeongin sighed “You’ll thank me later” he jogged over to you.  
And that was how you ended up on a walk with Seungmin in Hongdae park. The two of you awkwardly walking in silence for far too long. “I’m sorry…” Seungmin looked over to you, making your steps halt. 
You fiddled with the wrapper of your finished ice cream cone. “For what? Dumping me over the phone while I waited for you in the rain? Or lying to me about being an idol?” you turned to him and raised a brow.
“I...Everything…” his shoulders slumped. “Hurting you was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do…”
“Can I just ask you why?”
He took your hand leading you over to the bench to sit down. “I owe you a lot...But I’m going to start with an explanation…” He watched you, gathering the courage to continue with his side of the story. “The night of the Day6 I got permission to go alone, but they told me to keep a low profile. You didn’t know who I was and I didn’t want to just tell you I was an idol...and you didn’t even like them and I...I just wanted to be able to see you again.”
“But when we started seeing each other you should have told me, I thought you liked me but you couldn’t trust me to accept you”
“I didn’t want to ruin it.” he looked down. “When I was with you, I just felt so normal...Like if I wasn’t an idol this would have been my life...Don’t get me wrong, I love being an idol, and I love my team and my fans mean the world to me...But if there was a chance to go back and make the same decisions. There’s a small chance that I might have chosen to be a regular kid, a regular student and have a regular life…”
“How small?” you gave him a cheeky grin.
“Honestly like 5%” he chuckled “I really do love being a singer and I’m 95% sure that I would choose the path that leads to Stray Kids almost every time.”
“But I’m the 5%?” you smiled. 
“You’re the 5%” he shrugged bashfully. “I’m digging my own grave aren’t I?” he laughed nervously. 
“No, I appreciate it you’re being honest” you placed your hand on his, giving it a comforting pat. 
“The path of Stray Kids still led me to you, so I’m sure I would always pick it.” he squeezed your hand. “And when we broke up…”
“You mean when you dumped me” you teased. 
“I’m sorry...I really was on my way to go see you. And let's just say my team had a whole intervention. They had to put things in perspective for me…” He looked out across the park seeing a group of kids doing a cover dance and smiled fondly. “I loved every moment I spent with you, but I was under a dating ban, and getting caught could mean risking my group's whole career. And as much as I love you, they’re my brothers and-”
“You never told me you loved me.” you whispered, a smile tugging at your lips.
“Of course I love you...I’m sorry you didn’t know that...:” he brought your hand to his lips, gently placing a kiss. 
“So what happens now?” you eyed him. 
“Well...My dating ban was lifted…” he inched closer to you. “And I haven’t stopped thinking about you”
You grinned “Bold of you to assume that I’m single” Seeing the look on his face was priceless, he let go of your hand and panicked.
Of course, you wouldn’t be single, you were charming, bright and beautiful. “I-” he stuttered up until he saw you break out into a laugh, holding your stomach and throwing your head back. “I’m kidding” your smile could brighten a room. 
“Let’s start over” he stood up and reached out to you “Hi I’m Seungmin, I’m an idol and my favorite band is Day6”
You took his hand in yours introducing yourself. “I just graduated, I like singing and Day6 is also my favorite band” 
“Do you want to grab dinner with me?”
“I’d love to” he pulled you up, wrapping his arms around your waist. “I know we technically just started over but…” you stopped just taking him in again. You didn’t think it was possible but he really managed to become more handsome. You stared into his deep brown eyes before your gaze dropped to his lips again. His tongue darted out for a moment before retreating back to his mouth. 
He smiled leaning him pressing his forehead against yours. “But what?” he smiled and pursed his lips playfully. 
“Stop~” you whined, laughing into him, pressing your hand against his chest. “Just kiss me already”
His cheeks began to hurt from smiling so hard. He cupped your cheek, pulling you into the kiss. Your small hands gripped the front of his sweater, tugging him closer. His hands spanned over your cheek keeping you close. His kiss almost becoming desperate to make up for all the lost moments. He missed the softness of your skin, the faintest taste of mint on your lips, how you had to tiptoe to reach his lips, how you held him so tight. He missed all of it. He pulled away, peppering small kisses against your lips, his lashes fanning over your cheek. 
You looked up at him, with the warmest and most loving eyes he’d ever seen. You were breathtaking. “I’m never going to let you go again…” he whispered, caressing your cheek. 
( ´ ▽ ` )ノ  Hey friends!
Oh boy that was a long one lol I got carried away but I was so invested lol I hope your guys enjoyed that, if you did let me know! :3 your messages always mean the absolute world to me
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carleencl · 7 years
Taeyang White Night in Manila 2017 Experience
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After 2 weeks of G-Dragon’s MOTTE in Manila concert, another BIGBANG member held a concert in Manila. This time, it is Dong Youngbae also known as Taeyang. Taeyang as I mentioned, is one of the members of BIGBANG under YG Entertainment and is known for songs like Wedding Dress and Eyes, Nose, Lips.
Last September 22 of this year, Taeyang brought his White Night concert in Manila held at Smart Araneta Coliseum in Cubao, Quezon City. The concert started past 8:00 in the evening as Taeyang himself said that it will be somewhat delayed since we will wait for other VIPs to come even if it is past 8pm.
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Around 8:15 in the evening, lights were turned off and “White Night (intro)” was played as sign that Taeyang will be out and will start the concert in a few. Then the music for “Ringa Linga” was played and Taeyang came out from the stage giving all the hype to us, VIPs. Everyone was screaming up to the top of their lungs for Taeyang and singing to the heart’s content as “Ringa Linga” was being played. He was in all white outfit reflecting his title’s concert, “White Night.” After the song, Taeyang said, “Mabuhay! Yeah, Manila you ready? You guys ready? Okay, here we go.” Every VIP were shouting because we are so ready for Taeyang. ❤
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“Body” and “Superstar” were the next songs, and every VIP was just having fun and partying together! And of course, he showed some of his dance skills again which made everyone amazed. During “Body,” we were jumping as he sings while for “Superstar,” we were waiving the crownstick with the beat of the song. For “Wake Me Up,” Taeyang was in a slightly elevatad stage at the middle and everyone was singing along with him. “Only Look At Me” and “Wedding Dress” were next, and usual everyone went crazy over the classic songs of Taeyang. Everyone was singing with him and our Youngbae showed his dancinig skills which of course, everyone loves which started all the screaming for him again.
After singing “Wedding Dress,” he had a little talk to us, PH VIPs. I’m not quite sure to some words he said but based on what I heard it is the following:
“Mabuhay! This is Taeyang, nice to meet you. What’s up Manila? White Night concert in Manila, I would like to say thank you for coming to the show. The first time I came to the Manila was for the BIGBANG Alive tour. Ever since then, I’ve been to Manila many times already. The people here are very passionate and amazing. And I am so happy to see you guys again. I miss you guys a lot. I miss you guys. I want you guys? You miss me? Did you miss me? Thank you, I miss you a lot.
I guess, I should talk about my new album. My album, “White Night.” Have you guys keep listening? I guess no one here who doesn’t know my album? Right? I hope not. *laugh* What do you guys think about my new album? It is good right? So tonight, you gotta here a lot of my new songs. Personally, I made most effort and fun making this album. I hope the messaged reached you and that ..
Tonight, should we play the next song? So you guys, can you guess what song is next? What song will be? *VIPs says random songs* The song is, the next song is amazing.”
During when Taeyang asked if VIPs missed him, every VIP was screaming “Yes.” and I really hope he feels that we really do miss our Youngbae. ❤❤
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“Amazing” was played followed by “1AM,” “Naked,” and “So Good.” After singing those songs, he said to the crowd: “So now, I hope we gotta sing along the next song. You’all ready? I want you to sing as loud as you can, okay? Ready, let’s go!” And “I Need A Girl” was next. He sang the song in acoustic version first then followed by the original one. Everyone were going crazy since it was one of Taeyang’s best classic songs of all time! ❤
Next songs were from his recent album which were “Empty Road” and “Ride.” His voice was just so awesome. It really does feel that Taeyang ate his own CD because his voice is just so perfect.
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And the stage that I liked the best was for the song “Love You To Death.” I just loved the stage where it seems there was a solar eclipse and Taeyang stood up at the middle. The effects were also great which made the concert more awesome!
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Next song made every VIP teary eyed since it was “Last Dance” by BIGBANG. Everyone was really singing with Taeyang singing ‘Last Dance’ and I really do hope he knows how we miss the five kings. After the song, we chanted “Dong Youngae! Dong Youngbae! Dong Youngbae!”
He said: “You guys having fun? That song is you just head. That song is BIGBANG’s song. What song? How is the song when I sing it alone? How is it?Whenever I sing this song, I miss the BIGBANG members. You guys miss them too? I think the biggest happiness and enjoying my life is having my BIGBANG members. We were to perform our music and last for 10 years doing our music because of you guys. You guys have always been our side.
Did you guys like my concert? From the new performances? Hope you guys can… my music. That brings to much joy to me and I dont i would ever forget tonight. I love you. So, I have to ask what time is it now? *everyone tells different time to him* No one’s telling me the right time.”
The last song before the encore was “Darling.” He was again in all white outfit having white long sleeves. Everyone was singing with “Darling youuuu” and still cheering for him.
Every VIP were shouting “Dong Youngbae! Dong Youngbae! Dong Youngbae!” waiting for his encore and after a few minutes he was out with a new outfit.
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For his encore he sang “Break Down,” “Good Boy,” and “Stay With Me.” Everyone was all hyped singing with Taeyang. Every VIP were singing loudly and chanting for him. It seemed the concert turned to a big party full of VIPs. ❤
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“Bang Bang Bang,” and “Fantastic Baby” were up next and as expected, every VIP went wild with the two songs. Who wouldn’t be, right? Everyone was singing with Taeyang even the parts of other BIGBANG  members. Even the fanchants were on point during those two songs. This just shows how VIPs truly miss BIGBANG. ❤
“Eyes, Nose, Lips” was the finale song for the White Night in Manila. Everyone was singing along with Taeyang again, as in word by word. It was an event worth to be part of and to witness it.
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Again, no regrets in attending Taeyang’s White Night in Manila. The concert is worth watching and it was really fun! It is another concert that I will never forget and am happy to be able to watch it. Also to be able to witness Dong Youngbae having his first solo concert in Manila. ❤❤❤
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To Dong Youngbae, VIPs will always support and love you (and BIGBANG too!). We will wait until all the five of you will comeback and be together again. VIPs will always be here until whenever! ❤❤❤
Ringa Linga
Wake Me Up
Only Look At Me
Wedding Dress
So Good
I Need A Girl
Empty Road
Love You To Death
Last Dance
Break Down
Good Boy
Stay With Me
Bang Bang Bang
Fantastic Baby
Eyes, Nose, Lips
💸This is not a sponsored/paid article.
For collaborations, sponsors, and other inquiries you may send an e-mail at [email protected]
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junker-town · 7 years
I watched Knicks owner James Dolan play a blues concert on the night of the NBA Draft
James Dolan and his band, JD and the Straight Shot, played three and a half miles away from where the Knicks were deciding their future.
MANHATTAN — James Dolan stood by the stage wearing a maroon, ill-fitting velvet suit jacket, an untucked white dress shirt, and a pair of black pants. The owner of the New York Knicks, executive chairman of the Madison Square Garden Company, and frontman of the blues band JD and the Straight Shot was about to play a show at City Winery, a venue and restaurant in the West Village. It was 7 p.m. Three-and-a-half miles away, at Barclays Center in Brooklyn, the NBA Draft had just started.
“Tonight we’re doing a bunch [of songs] that we haven’t done at all before,” Dolan told me, around the same time the Sixers used their first pick to draft Markelle Fultz. “So I’m very curious to see what the audience reaction is.”
“Nice,” I said. “Are you keeping an eye on the draft?”
“Nope,” he said.
“Nope?” I asked.
“Nope,” he said.
“Do you think you guys are going to trade Porzingis?” I asked. Rumors had been swirling that manager Phil Jackson was entertaining offers for forward Kristaps Porzingis, the best thing to happened to the franchise in years.
“Nope. I don’t know, you know what, if this tells you anything,” Dolan said, gesturing to the room. “Right? Right. It tells you how uninvolved I am with the basketball team.”
Whether it’s by neglect, design, or accident, Dolan and Jackson have seemed to be constructing a funeral pyre for their team in recent years. This season was particularly awful: Dolan had Charles Oakley removed from a Knicks game (security tackled the legendary Knick) and then temporarily banned Oakley from the Garden. Dolan got into it with a fan after a game. Jackson made the highly questionable decision to bring back the triangle offense. The team went 31-51.
Jackson recently began pushing the whole pyre out to sea. The Knicks president reportedly felt slighted when Porzingis skipped his exit interview at the end of the season, and said that Porzingis is injury prone. Jackson began entertaining offers from other teams. If the Knicks do trade Porzingis, it would be the equivalent of flicking a lit match onto the blue and orange timber.
You can imagine, then, that the news Dolan was playing a show with his passion project in the same city on the same night as the NBA draft felt like one more douse of lighter fluid.
It was also the reason I bought a ticket. On Thursday morning I secured a seat in the “Premier” section closest to the stage for $25 (“VIP” was also $25, “Reserved” was $22, and “Bar Stool” was $20), and showed up as soon as the doors opened at 6 p.m. for the 8 p.m. show. Any closer and I would’ve been sitting on the stage. No one else was there.
After about forty-five minutes, people started to straggle in. Most of them appeared to be connected to Dolan in some way, judging by the friendly way they all greeted each other, shook each other’s hands, and patted each other on the back.
But a few people sat apart, farther away from the stage, and looked less business-y. One couple, Michelle and John Sheldone, were there celebrating their wedding anniversary. They’d come from Rochester to see their daughter in the city, heard about this show, and figured they’d check it out after listening to a few of the band’s songs.
Michelle didn’t know that Dolan owned a basketball team.
“Owner of the Knicks, huh?” she said, looking around. “You’d think there'd be more people here.”
A few feet away, Doug Scebelo, a Knicks fan, sat at the bar by himself. He’s been to a few of JD and the Straight Shot’s shows before.
“I won't go out of my way for him,” Scebelo said. “I won't go out of New York or New Jersey. But Dolan’s interesting. He talks during shows. People think he's a terrible owner. My friends think he ruined the Knicks, but I don't know the ins and outs.”
At 8 p.m. the lights went down and I scurried back to my seat. At exactly 8:01, Dolan strode onto the stage, followed by two acoustic guitar players (one was his son), a violinist, a bass player, and a drummer. The room was probably one quarter full. The space filled with applause like a cardboard box that doesn’t have enough packing peanuts in it.
“This is the last show of our June tour,” Dolan said into the mic. He beamed. “City Winery reached out and said they had this date available. We didn't plan to have this concert on the same night as the NBA draft, for those of you wondering.”
He looked in my direction. The band launched into the first song, “Glide.”
Dolan’s voice isn’t terrible, but it’s not terrible the same way the voice of your coworker — the one who can kind of sing — isn’t terrible after three beers at karaoke. Dolan motioned with his hands a lot as he sang the blues. He smiled often, hammed it up, talked between songs about what each one meant (“I Know You Know I Know,” for example, is a song about forbidden love between next-door neighbors, or between a boss and a “worker”).
He looked like he was having fun.
He continued having fun as he introduced a song called called “Under That Hood,” about the police shooting of Trayvon Martin.
“This song is about a tragedy that happened in Florida,” Dolan said to the crowd, which had grown to fill about half the room. He stopped smiling as he addressed the matter, but started smiling again later when he held up some strange looking tube instrument. “And I get to play this thing!”
The band played the first chords of the song and Dolan blew into the tube. A windy howling sound came out of the amps. He put the instrument down to sing the lyrics: “There’s no good under that hood.”
The song ended and I checked Twitter. The Knicks were making their first-round pick, selecting French point guard Frank Ntilikina. The internet wondered whether a Porzingis trade was imminent. Dolan started singing, “It’s natures way of telling you something’s wrong.”
A few minutes later, during the final chords of another song that sounded the same as all the others, there was a commotion behind me.
“You’re a terrible singer!” yelled two guys in suits and shirts a table away.
“You’re a bad singer!” they continued, louder. “Don’t quit your day job! This is terrible! I want my money back! Who are you? How’d you get a job singing for a band?”
It reminded me of the heckling my friends and I used to do in college at baseball games: If we stuck to straightforward and somewhat devastating statements without any vulgarity, security couldn’t make us leave. But security apparently works differently at James Dolan concerts than at liberal arts college Division III sports games, and two bouncers swiftly arrived to escort the men out of the restaurant (neither man was Charles Oakley, for the record).
Dolan stood on stage smiling the way you smile when you’re trying to pretend you think something is funny. As the men left the building, he laughed into the mic.
"Okay,” he said to the crowd. “Let's just keep going. You guys like Johnny Cash?"
This show up to this point — the empty chairs in the audience, the flat singing, the repetitive, grating chords — reminded me of the Men In Tights re-enactments my cousins and I put on when we were little. Our parents had no choice but to sit through them, because they didn’t want to crush our dreams, and also because we were cute.
Dolan is a 62-year-old man with more money than God and an NBA franchise in somewhat of a free-fall. He’s not cute, nor is his band good. He’s not a little kid performing for his mom and dad (although his 90-year-old parents were in the audience, and he dedicated a song to them; the lyrics involved “running out of gas in the tank”).
The thought that kept running through my head as I watched Dolan was: Has anyone ever told this guy no? At one point, Dolan put on a top hat, a pair of aviator sunglasses, and draped a scarf over his blazer. His self-described “carnival master” outfit made him look like the legendary Muppet bandleader Dr. Teeth. To be fair, the lyrics he was singing did include: “everybody’s got a freak inside.”
If no one tells Dolan he can’t play NYC venues the night of the draft, they certainly don’t tell him he can’t open for big names: JD and the Straight Shot performs on tour with acts like Don Henley, The Eagles, and the Allman Brothers because of Dolan’s connections to the music industry. During the concert, he kept talking about how his band’s music makes it into films. Madison Square Garden Company is a corporate partner of The Weinstein Company.
Eventually, we made it to the title song off the forthcoming album, Good Luck and Good Night. It’s named after the reverse of “good night and good luck,” which is what Edward R. Murrow, the famous news anchor, would say to end his broadcasts.
Dolan told us he liked the saying better with Luck before Night, and since people say yes to this man, that’s the title of the album. The song, Dolan told the crowd, is a take on the fake news that has polarized our country. I found this interesting, given that most of the fake news during the 2016 was created to make Hillary Clinton look bad, and Dolan gave $300,000 to Trump’s campaign.
The last few songs blended together in a blur of sameness. Candles flickered on the tables; a few of them had burned out over the course of the show. Before the encore, I yelled out, “Play ‘Free Bird!’” and “Play ‘Fix The Knicks!’” (a JD and the Straight Shot classic). Dolan looked at me but played neither, opting for a song about moonshine instead.
The encores (yes, plural) finally ended, and people clapped, but not for very long. The lights came up. As I left my table I passed three young men, two of them in polo shirts, one in a full suit. I asked why they came to the show, and they said they read about it on Barstool Sports, checked out the band’s YouTube page, and decided to buy tickets.
“I came to get drunk, but, yeah,” said one of them. They all laughed. I asked if they lived in the city.
“Yeah, we’re interns,” said another. “We all go to Duke, we’re all interning at banks.”
“You may have heard of the one he works for,” said the guy in the salmon-colored polo, gesturing at the one in the suit. “It’s called Goldman Sachs.” They laughed again.
I asked if they liked the concert.
“It’s a good band,” said the first guy.
The third nodded.
“They’re talented,” he said. “I don’t hate Dolan. I mean, if they trade Porzingis I will. But I liked the show.”
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