#PLEASE send more messages in spanish they r so fun
h3xt0r · 10 months
Tenemos que esterilizar a Elon Musk de una vez por todas y hacerlo fiesta mundial
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Storytime of a 'fan' partying with Louis and Oli in Los Cabos, Mexico on the night of Jan 18-19 2023
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[I copied the google translation of his tweets bc the story is too long for screenshots. For the original in Spanish check his thread here.]
I was born here in Cabo, so I know very well, my friends are not from here, but a friend had told me that she had never been to a bar called "The Jungle" and I took her to meet her and say hello. to some friends who work there that I love them (René and Yen)
We got to jungle and everything was shido, there was a live band and as always very full and we had to be outside, for this we realized that Louis was there, total, I was with my friends having fun, dancing, singing and so on
Anyway, they were already closing and Louis and Oliver left, we stayed until jungle closed and we went to other bars that we like, especially one called "Dice" but it was very empty and only I went to the bathroom and we turned back, when we saw him again
My friend came to talk to Louis (it should be noted that we are not fans) and while we were entertaining the night I bought some beers to which I gave Oliver one, we were talking for about 10-15 minutes and obviously people asked him Photos
My friends talked with Louis and I with Oliver or we made jokes about how it is difficult for them to pronounce the "R" in Spanish and I explained to both of them that they should use the language more, that they needed more practice and they laughed, they understood the double meaning hahahaha
I didn't have much battery on my phone, I think 6% and since I'm not a fan of Louis, I was talking with a person that I "met in the peda" (met while drunk) something typical here in Los Cabos or nightlife in general (many will understand )
A boy came up to talk to Oliver while we were still joking with Lou, and he looked angry and I heard Oliver say "I don't want problems" so I approached with Lou and put myself in the middle of the boy and Oli in case he wanted to do something or something
(I forgot to mention, when we were joking he asked me something about my phone and I said "do you have WhatsApp?" To which he said yes, I take my phone, he added himself and told me to send him a message and I sent him a sticker, typical of meeting someone in the peda [while drunk])
Anyway, they told us to go to another place, I suppose they liked us, and we went to a bar that was nearby, that to enter there was a bouncer and my friends are friends of the bouncer and we went by, we sat at a table and because people realized
We asked for a bottle, they brought it to us at the table and I told Louis not to drink too much, also trying to make them full (not too drunk), we were singing, dancing and well, many came up to say hello, he would greet anyone who came near without problems, photos It's not understood)
Oliver took a lot of photos, with all of us, the truth was that we were having a great time, until someone asked for a one direction song and he asked Oliver please to tell the dj to change it, I saw Louis's face and he smiled, someone must have recorded that I guess
I told them I was going to the bathroom, I went, I came back and I had about 2% battery, it was already like 3 in the morning I think, I sat next to Louis and that's when I took my phone to take some selfies, I helped him turn on the flash and the photos came out I don't know how they got them
For this, Oliver saw when Louis took the photos with my phone and applied the law of ice to me, how do I explain that Louis asked me? 🤣🤣
My friends went out to smoke together with the two of them and I waited for them at the table, I don't smoke and I'll tell you, I was at my party and I'm not a fan, when they returned Louis saw a shirt that a very special person gave me and he liked hahahaha
We ran out of juice, we stayed a while longer dancing and it was time to leave, I paid for everything we had consumed and we went downstairs
This is when we stayed for about 5 minutes, since we were saying goodbye and that's when my taxi driver friend came up to me to tell me if it was Louis and I said yes, he asked if he could take a picture with him and I asked him I said ask Louis, for me ahead
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Here we were saying goodbye (it should be noted that I have many friends and I received more photos of why or what he was doing with Louis hahahaha) and well I promised him that once we left with Louis I would post something, which I would rather than anyone else I knew for that night
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It should be noted that I'm not a fan, I'm not telling them to offend by any means, I enjoyed my night with my friends and with them and that's not going to change the fact that I continue what I do, I think we spent 3 hours with them, such again if you count the time since we were in jungle
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Lastly, I want to say that he is a super warm, fun, energetic person, he likes the riot as much as I do, if you are a fan of Louis I want to tell you that I enjoyed a great night for you and seriously if you approached me to tell me that You wanted a photo and I told you no, 1/2
It wasn't because I didn't want everyone to have his photo, but he just wanted to enjoy the night like anyone else, like you or I enjoyed it, I'm really sorry! It was a bit of luck that my friends and I had 🤘
And now yes, how do I explain that I ended up really drunk with Louis? I hope they enjoyed it as much as we 🤞🤞🤞
And that's all, I was looking at my messages and I'm not telling you so you can believe me or not, just my experience with them, the whatsapp is Oliver's, but my friends have Lou's, do you think if I send a message to Oli to pass me the photos, he'll tell me no?
Annexed when he called with my phone and I sent him a message, I still wonder if he would get mad if I ask for the photos 🤣🤣🤣
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Good night babe! It was a pleasure to share my anecdote with you, please, don't hate me, I told you with all my heart 🙋‍♂️ have a nice night anyway!
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louisupdates · 2 years
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JonathanGOrozco: Do you want StoryTime of how we ended up riding with Louis in Los Cabos? It should be noted that I am not a fan. [translated- please click on links for the original Spanish]
It was a normal day like any other. We had gone to eat sushi and go to the movies with my friends, very delicious by the way
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I was born here in Cabo, so I know very well, my friends are not from here, but a friend had told me that she had never been to a bar called "The Jungle" and I took her to meet her and say hello to some friends who work there that I love (René and Yen)
We got to Jungle and everything was shido, there was a live band and as always it was very full and we had to go outside. Because of this, we realized that Louis was there, anyway, I was with my friends having fun, dancing, singing and so on
Anyway, they were already closing and Louis and Oliver left, we stayed until Jungle closed and we went to other bars that we like, especially one called "Dice" but it was very empty, and only I went to the bathroom and we turned back, when we saw him again
My friend came to talk to Louis (it should be noted that we are not fans) and while we were entertaining the night, I bought some beers and gave Oliver one, we were talking for about 10-15 minutes and obviously people asked him for photos
My friends talked with Louis, and I with Oliver, or we made jokes because it is difficult for them to pronounce the "R" in Spanish and I explained to both of them that they should use the language more, that they needed more practice and they laughed, they understood the double meaning hahahaha
I didn't have much battery on my phone, I think 6% and since I'm not a fan of Louis, I was talking with a person that I “conocí en la peda" something typical here in Los Cabos or nightlife in general (many will understand )
A boy came up to talk to Oliver while we were still joking with Lou, and he looked angry and I heard Oliver say "I don't want problems" so I approached with Lou and put myself in the middle of the boy and Oli in case he wanted to do something or something
(I forgot to mention, when we were joking he asked me something about my phone and I said "Do you have WhatsApp?" To which he said yes, I take my phone, he added himself and told me to send him a message and I sent him a sticker, typical of meeting someone in the peda)
Anyway, they told us to go to another place, I suppose they liked us, and we went to a bar that was nearby, that to enter there was a bouncer and my friends are friends of the bouncer and we went by, we sat at a table and because people realized
We asked for a bottle, they brought it to us at the table and I told Louis not to drink too much, also trying to make it full, we were singing, dancing and well, many came up to say hello, he would greet anyone who came near without problems, but no photos (it was understood)
Oliver took a lot of photos, with all of us, the truth was that we were having a great time, until someone asked for a One Direction song and he asked Oliver please to tell the DJ to change it, I saw Louis's face and he smiled, someone must have recorded that I guess
I told them I was going to the bathroom, I went, I came back and I had about 2% battery, it was already like 3 in the morning I think, I sat next to Louis and that's when I took my phone to take some selfies, I helped him turn on the flash and the photos came out I don't know how they got them
For this, Oliver saw when Louis took the photos with my phone and [gave me an icy stare], how do I explain that Louis asked me?🤣🤣
My friends went out to smoke with the two of them and I waited for them at the table, I don't smoke and I'm telling you, I was at my party and I'm not a fan. When they returned Louis saw a shirt that a very special person had given me and he liked it hahahaha
We ran out of juice, we stayed a while longer dancing and it was time to leave, I paid for everything we had consumed and we went downstairs
This is when we stayed for about 5 minutes, since we were saying goodbye and that's when my taxi driver friend came up to me to ask me if it was Louis, and I said yes, he asked if he could take a picture with him and I told him, I said ask Louis
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Here we were saying goodbye (it should be noted that I have many friends and I got more photos of why or what he was doing with Louis hahahaha) and well I promised him that once we left I would post something, which I preferred more than anyone else I knew for that night
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It should be noted that I'm not a fan, I'm not talking about them to offend by any means, I enjoyed my night with my friends and with them and that's not going to change with what I continue what I do, I think we spent 3 hours with them, if you count the time since we were in Jungle
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Lastly, I want to say that he is a super warm, fun, energetic person, he likes to mess around as much as I do, if you are a fan of Louis I want to tell you that I enjoyed a great night for you and seriously if you approached me to tell me that You wanted a photo and I told you no, 1/2
It wasn't because I didn't want everyone to have his photo, but he just wanted to enjoy the night like anyone else, like you or I enjoyed it, I'm really sorry! It was a bit of luck that my friends and I had 🤘🏻
And now yes, how do I explain that I ended up drinking with Louis? I hope and they enjoyed as much as we enjoyed 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻
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emthesinger · 6 years
An Unlikely Lover
Chapter 6
I wake up, with Luka next to me. But I’m still a little tired. He’s already awake, and he starts kissing my neck.
“Good morning.” I mumble, still with my eyes closed. Then I realize that he’s kissing my neck and décolletage, so I open my eyes all the way.
Oh my god. Luka is a freak. What else did he do when I was sleeping?
“Morning.” He says, running his fingers through his hair.
He then gets on top of me, and gives me kisses everywhere. All I can do is laugh like a little girl.
“Stop, that tickles.” I managed to say in between laughs.
But I flip over, so I’m on top of him.
“Even when you just wake up, you still look divine.” He tells me.
His lips meet mine, a short but passionate kiss. I feel like if we kept going, we’d end up having sex again.
I pull away, and he whines.
“No, keep kissing me.”
His fingers rub my temples, and I close my eyes and sigh.
“But I have to go back to my room. I brought my best friend.”
“She can wait. I want you.”
“Luka, I have to go. I’m sorry babe.”
I get off of him and off the bed.
Even from last night’s shower, after the sex, my hair is still a little damp. So it doesn’t look too good.
I’m putting on my t-shirt and jeans from last night.
He’s in his boxers, standing behind me, holding me tight so I can’t walk away.
This man is too cute.
“Stay! Please!”
“I have a meeting with my best friend and your team’s organization.”
I attempt to take a couple steps forward, but he’s really strong. This isn’t bothering me, it’s just that I didn’t want to be late. I turn around to face Luka, and kiss the top of his nose. He smiles shyly and I run out of the room.
“Hey!” I hear him say.
My phone has a ton of calls and messages from Rachel.
As quickly as I could, I get my shared room with her in the level above. I open the door and walk in.
“Where the hell were you last night and this morning?” She asks.
“I was just taking care of something.”
I don’t think she believes me.
“Yeah. Sure. Tell me the actual truth.”
“Fine! I was with Luka.” I say, with a small smile. When I think about last night, all I can do is blush like crazy.
“Doing what?! You left me alone.”
“I’m sorry. I kinda slept over in his suite.”
“Oh.” A smirk is on her lips.
“What?” I ask.
“YOU GUYS FUCKED?!” She yells and I cover her mouth with my hand.
“Shh, I didn’t say that.” I reply.
“Yes you did. Oh my gosh, you totally did!”
I roll my eyes and look into my suitcase for some clothes.
To change the subject, I ask her about my outfit.
“What should I wear?”
“I don’t know, something cute for Luka. Duh!” She teases.
“And what’s that?”
She hands me a yellow plaid tight fitting dress with spaghetti straps.
“No. I’m too fat.”
She walks up to me and touches my stomach.
“Nope, I just feel abs. Stop whining and change.”
“Fine!” I say and walk into the bathroom.
When I walk out, Rachel is wearing a black tight dress, showing some of her cleavage.
“What do you think?” She asks, posing around.
“Perfect. Can we go now?”
The two of us are wearing our black converse for shoes, so we’re comfortable. We don’t know how long this meeting will go for.
Rachel looks super pretty, way prettier than me. She has light brown hair, green eyes and a stunning physique. I’m just your average mixed girl. The long black hair, black eyes, sharp jawline, the “thick” body and weird accent.
“I’m tired.” I complain in the elevator.
“Well no one said you had to go fuck Luka a couple times last night.”
“Oh my god, Rachel, what the actual fuck! What’s wrong with you?”
“You know I’m right.” She winks at me.
We’re stuck in the meeting, which isn’t taking very long. They’re explaining many rules and things we’re supposed to do as apart of the Croatian National football team association. Many people from FIFA are there as well. They give us many guidelines, and tell us exactly what we’re supposed to do.
My job is to write articles about the games, players, and everything that has to do with their team. I can interview them as well. Rachel is the photographer. She has to take pictures at practices, friendly games, the fans, the team, and the actual matches.
We have to do this for a month and a half in Russia. Of course, we have little breaks and things like that, but they are being pretty serious about this. They give us VIP passes to get first row seats to all the games. Think of it like a backstage pass as well.
“Do your best. Have fun, and represent Croatia with your talent in journalism and photography; Ms. León and Ms. Urdenta.”
Rachel and I nod in unison. They give us warm smiles and tell us that it’s ok for us to leave now.
“Oh my god, I felt like I was in the principal’s office.” Rachel comments, when we walk out of the huge board room.
I can’t help but laugh.
“You’re too crazy, Rae.” I say.
“What? I didn’t know.”
As we walk out of the building, we encounter the players. The team has practice today.
“The guys have practice.” 
“Oh my god, where is Ivan Rakitić?” Rachel whispers frantically. 
“Next to Ivan Perisić, do you not see?”
“He’s even cuter in real life.” She replies.
“Wait, I think we’re supposed to go to their practice.” I tell Rachel. 
“Okay, then, what are we waiting for?”
We’re in the stadium, where the team is practicing. Rachel is taking pictures, but mostly of Ivan R. I’m typing on my laptop, updating my website. My blog is obviously about the team. And my website is where I practice my journalism. Rachel went to college in England for photography, while I went to the US for my classes in journalism. I’m doing my best to avoid Luka, as much as I like him and have feelings for him. The organization strictly states that we cannot have anything other than a professional working relationship with the players. One of the reasons being: they want the players to focus on the World Cup. The other reason is that if Rachel or me are in relationships with any of the players, our articles and opinions on the team would look biased. If they find out anything involving being more than friends with the players, they’ll send us back home and basically fire us. And this is really important to me as a journalist. So I  have to let him go. Sadly, that’s just the way it is.
“Why are you not drooling over Luka?” Rae asks me, before taking a picture of the team doing pushups. 
“Did you not hear what they told us at the meeting?” I said, and continued typing.
“They don’t need to know that you two are a thing. It could be a secret.” 
“I can’t take that risk. The two of us are getting paid to do what we love.”
“You’re right, but he is definitely worth dating.”
I sighed, and kept updating my blog. Just thinking about being away from Luka, makes me upset. And obviously, I am still upset about my stepfather’s death,  my dad never coming back and so much more. I am just a mad person I guess.
Out of the cut, a soccer ball lands and hits me in the shoulder. My first instinct is to curse in Spanish.
“Alagranputa! Vete a la verga!” I yelled. (What the fuck, die motherfucking bitch)
The second I say that, I mentally slap myself. Maybe a little too vulgar?
I grab the ball and throw it. It hits Mario in the back. Dejan was next to him and he turns around and raises his hands. 
Shit. Someone kill me already.
And as you all know, Mario is literally Super Mario.
“You’re gonna die. He will strangle you, and probably Dejan too.” Rae tells me, frightened. I reply with a nod, in fear for my life. 
Luka turns around from doing jumping jacks and looks at me. He understood what I said, because he knows Spanish. 
“Jebote.” Mario says to me. (Fuck you)
“Jebem ti mater u pičku!” Dejan yells. (I fuck your mother in the cunt)
Out of pure anger, and annoyance of literally everything in life, I reply, in English since they understand that.
“Why don’t you curse at me in English?” I yell back, and shut my laptop. 
Šime looks shocked as to what is happening. Dejan and Mario cursing to me in Croatian, and me replying ten times meaner. Good thing the coach wasn't there to see this. 
“Okay, then, what is your damn problem?” Dejan asks me.
“I don’t have one.” 
Luka then gets involved in this stupid argument. 
“Guys, stop this.” He says. 
I roll my eyes and leave to go to the bathroom. Rachel follows me. 
“Hey, are you okay? What’s wrong? You can tell anything.”
“I miss him okay. I miss my stepdad. If I had a bad day or wasn’t feeling well, he was the first to call. Other than you. Now he’s not here. I can never talk to him again. EVER.”
I cannot believe I am going to have a breakdown here, right now. All I can do is cry and feel angry.
Rachel, being her amazing self, and my best friend; calms me down. 
We go back to the seats in front of the field where they are practicing, and sit down. They only had a couple minutes left until the practice was over. 
The minutes pass, and Rachel runs after Ivan to “take pictures of him.”
Luka walks over to me, and I’m putting all my stuff away. 
“What’s wrong?” He asks and his hands grab my ass. I mean, I do not blame him, this is a tight dress. 
The Croat is all sweaty but I don’t care. He’s hot either way. 
‘Just let anger get the best of me. I’m okay now.”
He’s standing behind me, kissing the back of my neck. My arm wraps around him and I sigh. This just feels right, but in my head, all I can think about is the meeting. 
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dasakuryo · 8 years
If you live somewhere where everyone speaks Spanish why are you so worried about people with thick accents when they speak English if you live somewhere where you aren't required to speak English?
Translation: I amentitled gringx who can’t wrap their head around how English imperialismfunctions.
Sorry for not coming back to you sooner,
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I live in a country wherepeople are required to learn English since childhood, I live in a country whereEnglish is a mandatory subject in schools since primary school (that’selementary school, in some provinces as early as first grade). I live in acountry where even kids in kindergarten have to learn English.
You know, unlike yougringxs who learn a language in high school to add it to your credits orwhatever, we actually HAVE TO learn English since we’re children. Parents knowthat their kids learning English is extremely important because as ourcollective unconscious dictate “if you want to go far in life and besomeone, you’ve to learn English, you need to know English,” this is whyparents will go out of their way to send their kids to English institutes orfind a teacher who can give them private lessons since an early age, evenparents who struggle with income and are not in an advantageous economicsituation will save money so their kids can learn English and “aspire togreater horizons”.
Our collectiveunconscious, regardless of the efforts and reassurance of teachers of tellingus the exact opposite, immediately connects accuracy and fluency withnative-like accents. Since we’re children we feel our thick, clearly non-nativeEnglish accents, are inadequate, we feel inadequate. And that’s why? Becausenative-speakers have consistently looked down on people who have a non-nativeEnglish accents, and in the USA and Europe, Latinxs accents have always beenfrowned upon and considered as a sign of our backwardness, ignorance andinferiority.
Media reflectssociety, and also has the power to pose discussions and change it. When peoplemake fun of thick accents, of non-native English accents, of Latinxs speakingSpanish, they’re making fun of Latinxs. So the fact that USA media making funof accents and using them as the punchline of a joke, or a joke in and ofthemselves, it’s problematic, is wrong, it adds to Latinxs (particularly KIDS)self-loathing of their own accents and, what’s even worse, it teaches them thatin order not to be mocked by native English speakers they have to sound likenative speakers. So kids will struggle, refuse to speak, try to mask theiraccent, try to become this carbon-copy of the native English speaker they’veseen on TV… because, nobody is mocking them.
It takes a toll onyoung people and adults learning English as a second language, the very firstthing anyone says is “I don’t speak right”, why? Because the ‘speakingright’ is synonym with native accents, because our accents are ugly, laughableand a sign of our backwardness. You know, what we get from what English nativespeaker say and perpetuate about us with their representations and mockery.
What’s that? Youthink learning English in Latin American countries ends in high school? Thinkagain, it goes on in universities, it goes on all throughout your studies ifyou want to get any higher education degree, and in many fields keeps on beingpresent when you’ve already acquired your degree. Over 90% of reference andtext books used in Universities are only available in English, there’re notranslations unless some students does it, which means that you’ve to knowEnglish in order to study. Want to get your degree? Yeah, you’ll have todemonstrate you can read and translate a whole text in English. Want to applyfor a scholarship? If you know English your chances are better? Oh, you’repursuing a career in STEMs, for example, oh well… all publications and papersare available in English, so you have to know, understand and have some degreeof proficiency in English if you want to keep up with new discoveries andtheories. You have made a breakthrough and discovered something important andwould like to present it to the scientific international community? Oh, well,guess you can only do that in English.
Which prompts thefollowing in more than a handful of people: Oh but… you don’t know English, notquite… and your accent is thick and clearly non-native, are you sure you can dothis? Remember what we all know about them, they don’t like our accents, ourskills, knowledge and qualities will be questioned as soon as we open ourmouths… are you really sure you can do this?
That’s why one of mybest friends, with one of the best GPAs has downright been telling me for yearsthat she won’t even bother to apply for a scholarship abroad. She’s brilliant,but she’s taking her accent as an obstacle instead of as an asset. You know, adirect consequence of what ill-intended, biased representations and mockery ofnon-native English accents from native English-speakers can do EVEN TO PEOPLEWHO DON’T LIVE IN AN ENGLISH SPEAKING COUNTRY.
Oh, and please, I amnot even talking about all the multinational companies which operate in LatinAmerican countries and which demand their employees with a university/collegedegree to give their job interviews in English.
We’re constantlybombarded with the message from native speakers that our English is not goodenough, that we have to pass as natives if we want to aspire to something,particularly if we come even remotely close to study and/or work with USAmericans,Europeans, and the like –if we want to better our chances and not being mockedthat’s.
Non-white Latinxsalso experience this in a whole new level, because not only does theirappearance will grant them suffering discrimination and racism, but on top ofthat they have to add their discrimination towards their accent because it isyet another sign of their otherness. Non-white Latinxs have it even harder.
Furthermore, in caseyou think I am making shit up, linguists have talked about English as animperialistic language, like Phillipson expresses:
Linguicism: the ideologies and structures which are usedto legitimate, effectuate and reproduce an unequal division of power andresources (both material and non-material) between groups which are defined onthe basis of their language (i.e., of their mother tongue). This condition isbest seen within the broader context of linguistic imperialism - an essentialconstituent of imperialism as a global phenomenon involving structuralrelations between rich and poor countries in a world characterized byinequality and injustice.
Language expansion isconsidered an essential part of a core country’s policy of extending its powerand influence in order to achieve its imperialistic strategies. Phillipson holdsthat the legitimization of English linguistic expansion has been based on twonotions: ethnocentricity and educational policy, with‘ethnocentricity’ being the “practice of judging other cultures by standards ofit own.” These two practices have been used to impose a distinction betweenlanguages. It has also been a way topromote the notion of the assumed inferiority of secondary languages withrespect to the norms determined by the dominant culture.
Phillipson takes thisnotion one step further with ethnocentricity transformed into that of ‘anglocentricity’ with the consequencethat the dominance of English isjustified in terms of such oppositions as superiority/inferiority,civilization/backwardness, progress/regress, the first element of which isconstantly attributed to the dominant English language.
According toPhillipson education serves the imperialcenter by having three functions: ideological, economic and repressive. Theideological function serves as a channel for transmitting social and culturalvalues. In this role English is regardedas a “gateway for better communication, better education and higher standardsof living.” The second function – economic – legitimizes English as a means of qualifying people to contribute totheir nation and operate technology that the language provides access to.The third function – repression –serves to dominate languages.
Linguisticimperialism calls attention to the potential consequences of English teachingworldwide when center country ideologies are embedded in instruction, having the effect of legitimizing colonialor establishment power and resources, and of “reconstituting culturalinequalities between English and other languages.”
[Cited and paraphrased from
Phillipson, R. 1992.Linguistic Imperialism. Oxford. Oxford University Press.
-Phillipson, R. 1988.Linguicism: structures and ideologies in linguistic imperialism. In J. Cumminsand T. Skutnabb-Kangas (eds.), Minority Education: From Shame to Struggle.Avon: Multilingual Matters.]
So when someoneperpetuates the idea that thick accents and non-native English accents are tobe mocked of, which ties directly to the First-World perception of Latinxs (inthis case) as ignorant, backward, unqualified people, I have every right to bemad as hell about it. Because as a non-native English speaker and Latina I amdirectly affected by its consequences, even though living in a non-English speakingcountry.
Unlike USAmericanswho actually get to choose whether to learn Spanish or not (who cares thatthere’re more Spanish speakers in the American continent than English speakers,right?? Why should you ever have to be forced to learn that backwardlanguage??), Latin Americans don’t have a choice, we have never had a choice.That’s how linguistic imperialism functions, besides forcing us to learn aforeign language, is telling us that we won’t be taken seriously if we don’tadjust to the GoodEnglish™.
By the way, I have a non-native English accent,and I am extremely proud of it.
And finally,
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premierdetroit · 8 years
In May  2016, you first met Gboard, our app that let you search and send information, GIFs, emoji and more, right from your keyboard. In July, Gboard went global. And today we’re upgrading your Gboard experience on iPhone by adding access to 15 additional languages, Google Doodles, new emoji, and—by popular demand—voice typing. New languages and new emojiGboard will now work in Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, Greek, Polish, Romanian, Swedish, Catalan, Hungarian, Malay, Russian, Latin American Spanish and Turkish. To get typing, searching and sharing in these new languages, open the Gboard app and go to “Languages” > “Add Language.” We’ve also increased support for the universal language—emoji. Now you can search and send all of the latest emoji from iOS 10.👏🕴 💁 Google DoodlesDoodles are one of the Googley-est things about Google. These fun animations honor holidays, anniversaries and notable people, and often teach you about a little slice of history. Now you can access them right from Gboard. On days when there’s a Doodle, you’ll see the “G” button animate, cuing you to  quickly tap to open up the day’s Doodle and search for more information about it. Say it fasterWith today’s update, we’ve added voice typing, which allows you to dictate messages directly to Gboard. To tee up your next text, just long press the mic button on the space bar and talk. To enjoy these updates to Gboard for iPhone, head to the App Store and make sure you’re running the latest version of the app. We’re always working on new features and languages, so please keep sharing your feedback in the app store—we’re listening!
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