#PLEASE tell me this is a universal experience and im not just being cyberbullied by kids šŸ˜­
labyrinthofcrystals Ā· 8 months
how come there's always that one little shit on roblox tycoons that make it their life mission to kill you as many times as possible
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since i can reasonably expect anon hate for those two asks
I would like to let any incoming tucutes know that I donā€™t give a fuck if youā€™re a tucute or truscum or what have you if youā€™re respectful of people with different opinions including not interacting or following people who specifically ask you not to. personally I think the ā€œdiscourseā€ is bullshit; I have an opinion, yeah, but iā€™m not about to align myself with one of two groups over it because my opinion is a bit more in the middle anyway and itā€™s not my right to tell people who are probably still in a gender identity crisis that theyā€™re wrong about themselves or to tell people who are probably told by others that all trans people are ā€œā€transtrendersā€ā€ that their opinions are entirely invalid and wrong, and iā€™m ESPECIALLY not going to tell people to kill themselves or send other hateful messages just because they disagree with me on that bullshit.
that was not the point of either of those asks, and youā€™ll notice I never mentioned anything about tucutes or truscum in either.
the point of those asks was to say that the person tumblr user twofcups was targeting (yes, I say targeting, because when someone changes their username multiple times to get away from you and you consistently continue to stalk their fucking blog like a creepy ass bitch, you are targeting them) is a young teenager with an anxiety disorder and they are my friend from another website entirely. they changed their username to try to avoid getting anon hate over this, not to avoid the ā€œcalloutā€ posts that honestly arenā€™t even a big deal because all they fucking said was for tucutes not to interact with them. they, like me, are actually fucking neutral on the whole tucute/truscum bullshit yall are so obsessed with, they just so happen to think the idea that you can be trans without experiencing gender dysphoria in one form or another is pretty stupid and they donā€™t want people who think itā€™s true and will fight others on the internet over it interacting with them. they have had negative experiences with truscum as well, usually relating to the fact they are nonbinary and many truscum donā€™t accept nonbinary people because they donā€™t realise nonbinary people are often dysphoric too. my point here being that all that sharing their username changes is going to do is allow people to cyberbully them through anonymous asks. already theyā€™ve gotten at least one ask telling them to die (and wrongfully accusing them of being truscum when really they think both sides have good points and bad points but just shouldnā€™t be fighting over it when we have bigger problems, which we absolutely do).
the point of those asks was that whoever the fuck that was, im assuming someone in their late teens or possibly early twenties by their tone and the general feel of their blog, though obviously I could be wrong, was stalking and sharing the tumblr of a younger teenager to people who are now sending them hateful messages and, in essence, suicide-baiting them, and then acting like thatā€™s entirely okay because they said they were sharing it ā€œif you want to block them,ā€ as if that means anything to the kind of people who send messages like that. if you have half a brain in your head youā€™ll understand why thatā€™s fucked. I sent them a second ask clarifying this, though iā€™m not sure if itā€™ll go through as it seems theyā€™ve blocked me. if it does and they answer it that may generate hate, or not, whatever, but iā€™m barely on tumblr as of right now anyway so itā€™s not about to affect me. regardless, iā€™m going to leave this up in the hopes that some of you will get it through your thick skulls that your cult mentality of ā€œif youā€™re not with me youā€™re against me and if youā€™re against me you should dieā€ will get you nowhere and will only cause harm. please, for the love of the universe, PLEASE donā€™t harass people within your own fucking marginalised community about their opinion on something. have the basic decency to just leave people the hell alone.
tl;dr: the point of those asks is that the original user whose url changes twofcups was stalking, who is a young nonbinary teenager with an anxiety disorder, is not involved in tucute/truscum discourse on either side, and is receiving messages telling them to die over not wanting tucutes to interact with them. that is cyberbullying and THAT is why twofcups is in the wrong by doing that, not because twofcups is a tucute or because iā€™m truscum (which I am not) or ANYTHING other than the fact a young teen is being told to die over pointless bullshit by people within the exact same minority as them as if there arenā€™t infinitely more important issues that we (the trans community) should be focusing on instead. pull your head out of your ass because youā€™re acting no better than a common transphobe or TERF at this point.
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