emsergipe · 8 months
PM apreende dois tabletes de maconha no Bairro Lamarão
Ação ocorreu durante checagem de denúncia Equipes do Batalhão de Polícia de Choque (BPChoque) apreenderam dois tabletes de maconha no Bairro Lamarão, na Zona Norte de Aracaju. O fato aconteceu na noite dessa quinta-feira (25). Durante rondas de rotina, policiais do Batalhão de Choque receberam a informação de que dois homens estavam realizando tráfico de drogas na Travessa 2. Enquanto averiguavam…
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baliportalnews · 10 months
PPN PMSE Terkini, 163 Pemungut dan Rp16,24 Triliun Hasil Pungutan
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BALIPORTALNEWS.COM, JAKARTA – Sampai dengan 30 November 2023, pemerintah telah menunjuk 163 pelaku usaha Perdagangan Melalui Sistem Elektronik (PMSE) menjadi pemungut Pajak Pertambahan Nilai (PPN). Jumlah tersebut termasuk 2 pemungut PPN PMSE yang ditunjuk pada bulan November 2023. Penunjukan di bulan November 2023, yaitu 1) Aptoide, S.A. dan 2) NortonLifeLock Singapore Pte. Ltd. Dari keseluruhan pemungut yang telah ditunjuk tersebut, 151 di antaranya telah melakukan pemungutan dan penyetoran sebesar Rp16,24 triliun. “Jumlah tersebut berasal dari Rp731,4 miliar setoran tahun 2020, Rp3,90 triliun setoran tahun 2021, Rp5,51 triliun setoran tahun 2022, dan Rp6,10 triliun setoran tahun 2023,” kata Direktur Penyuluhan, Pelayanan, dan Hubungan Masyarakat, Dwi Astuti, Jumat (8/12/2023) dalam siaran pers yang diterima Baliportalnews.com Selain dua penunjukan yang dilakukan, di bulan ini pemerintah juga melakukan pembetulan elemen data dalam surat keputusan penunjukan atas Tencent Music Entertainment Hong Kong. Sesuai dengan Peraturan Menteri Keuangan Nomor 60/PMK.03/2022, pelaku usaha yang telah ditunjuk sebagai pemungut wajib memungut PPN dengan tarif 11% atas produk digital luar negeri yang dijualnya di Indonesia. Selain itu, pemungut juga wajib membuat bukti pungut PPN yang dapat berupa commercial invoice, billing, order receipt, atau dokumen sejenis lainnya yang menyebutkan pemungutan PPN dan telah dilakukan pembayaran. Ke depan, untuk terus menciptakan keadilan dan kesetaraan berusaha (level playing field) bagi pelaku usaha baik konvensional maupun digital, pemerintah masih akan terus menunjuk para pelaku usaha PMSE yang melakukan penjualan produk maupun pemberian layanan digital dari luar negeri kepada konsumen di Indonesia. Kriteria pelaku usaha yang dapat ditunjuk sebagai pemungut PPN PMSE yakni, nilai transaksi dengan pembeli Indonesia telah melebihi Rp600 juta setahun atau Rp50 juta sebulan; dan/atau jumlah traffic di Indonesia telah melebihi 12 ribu setahun atau seribu dalam sebulan. Informasi lebih lanjut terkait PPN produk digital luar negeri, termasuk daftar pemungut, dapat dilihat di https://www.pajak.go.id/id/pajakdigital atau https://pajak.go.id/en/digitaltax (bahasa Inggris).(tis/bpn) Read the full article
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👉🏼 Um novo concurso PM SE (Polícia Militar do Estado de Sergipe) está em pauta para ocorrer ainda em 2023. A confirmação foi feita pelo novo comandante da corporação, coronel Alexsandro Ribeiro, em entrevista ao Jornal SE TV. "Nos próximos meses talvez anunciaremos um novo quantitativo e novos concursos para policiais militares, para somar ao nosso efetivo", disse. ✅ Novas informações devem ser divulgadas em breve. ✳️ Por enquanto, a PM SE ainda não tem confirmação de vagas e cargos para nova seleção. A expectativa é de que nos próximos meses a seleção possa ser oficialmente autorizada. Somente então poderá ser constituída a comissão responsável e iniciado o processo de escolha da banca organizadora. ⚠️ Após a assinatura do contrato poderá ser anunciada a data de publicação do edital de abertura de inscrições. Para mais informações⤵️ 📲 (87) 98108.5072 #fabiomadrugaconcursos #concursos #processoseletivo#pernambuco #estudos #aprovaçao #essenomeaprova #foco #motivaçao #garanhunspe #pmse #sergipe https://www.instagram.com/p/CnNcUWjO31u/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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gooselacom · 9 months
Ppn PMSE Terkini: 163 Pemungut dan Rp16.9T Hasil Pungutan
Ppn PMSE Terkini: 163 Pemungut dan Rp16.9T Hasil Pungutan
Jakarta, Goosela.com –  5 Januari 2024 – Menutup tahun 2023, pemerintah mencatat penerimaan dari pemungutan Pajak Pertambahan Nilai (PPN) Perdagangan Melalui Sistem Elektronik (PMSE) sebesar Rp16,9 triliun. Jumlah tersebut berasal dari Rp731,4 miliar setoran tahun 2020, Rp3,90 triliun setoran tahun 2021, Rp5,51 triliun setoran tahun 2022, dan Rp6,76 triliun setoran tahun 2023. Sementara itu,…
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femmefaggot · 1 year
been beyond tired recently
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candyyyyy00 · 5 months
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curso-online · 3 months
Curso Preparatório para Polícia Militar de Sergipe (PMSE) | Como Comprar
O Que É o Curso Preparatório para Polícia Militar de Sergipe (PMSE)? O Curso Preparatório para Polícia Militar de Sergipe (PMSE) oferecido pelo HD Cursos é um curso online destinado a candidatos que desejam se preparar para o concurso da Polícia Militar do estado de Sergipe. O curso é completo, abrangendo desde questões focadas na banca examinadora até aulas com dicas valiosas para garantir a…
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transpublikid · 6 months
Penerimaan Pajak dari Sektor Ekonomi Digital Capai 22,17 Triliun
Penerimaan Pajak dari Sektor Ekonomi Digital Capai 22,17 Triliun
JAKARTA | TRANSPUBLIK.co.id – 14 Maret 2024 – Hingga tanggal 29 Februari 2024, pemerintah mencatat penerimaan dari sektor usaha ekonomi digital sebesar Rp22,179 triliun. Jumlah tersebut berasal dari pemungutan Pajak Pertambahan Nilai (PPN) Perdagangan Melalui Sistem Elektronik (PMSE) sebesar Rp18,15 triliun, pajak kripto sebesar Rp 539,72 miliar, pajak fintech (P2P lending) sebesar Rp1,82…
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Zulhas Officially Implements Ministry of Trade Regulation “Permendag 31/2023”
Translated by Yulia
Source: https://www.kemendag.go.id/berita/pojok-media/zulhas-resmi-berlakukan-permendag-312023
The government has finally implemented Permendag 31/2023, a revision of Permendag 50/2020.
JAKARTA - The Minister of Trade (Mendag), Zulkifli Hasan (Zulhas), announced that the Ministry of Trade regulation (Permendag) number 50 of 2020 regarding Provisions for Business Licensing, Advertising, Guidance, and Supervision of Business Actors in E-Commerce Field has officially been revised and regulated into Permendag number 31 of 2023 regarding Provisions for Business Licensing, Advertising, Guidance, and Supervision of Business Actors in E-Commerce Field.
“The regulation have come into effect yesterday, but we have to announce it first. We will mail it tomorrow,” Zulhas mentioned during a press conference in Kemendag’s1 office on Wednesday (27/9).
Permendag 31/2023’s revision stemmed from many reasons, including the need to standardize the goods in the E-Commerce (PMSE2) platform, noticeable indication of unhealthy trade by foreign business actors, the weak competitiveness of local UMKM3 and domestic products, the lack of fair competition in the PMSE ecosystem, and the emergence of new business models that have the potential to disrupt the PMSE ecosystem.
The purpose of Permendag 31/2023’s establishment was to create a healthy PMSE environment by understanding the dynamic technological advancement, support UMKM’s and local PMSE’s business actors development, and increase local consumer protection.
According to Zulhas, the rise of digital technology in Indonesian marketplace has a different impact compared to the Chinese counterpart. “In China, offline merchants are not restrained by the digital platform. They have even developed a new market by 50%. Therefore it is a win-win solution. But for us, some might have been assisted, but more are dying,” Zulhas explained.
Main Points of Permendag 31/2023
There are six important points regulated by Permendag 31/2023, namely:
First, regarding the definition of business model run by PMSE such as online marketplace or social commerce to facilitate guidance and supervision.
In article 1 clause 13 of Permendag 31/2023, marketplace is a provider where part or all of its transaction processes are under electronic system such as commercial websites or applications that act as a forum for merchants to be able to place offers for goods and/or services.
Whereas article 1 clause 17 clarified that Social-Commerce is a social media administrator who provides features, menu, and/or certain facilities that may enable merchants to place offer for goods and/or services.
Article 21 clause 2 and 3 defined, PPMSE4 with business model of online marketplace and/or social commerce are forbidden to act as producers, in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations in the field of distribution of goods. Whereas organisers of PMSE (PPMSE) with social-commerce business model are forbidden to facilitate payment transaction in its electronic system.
Second, establishing a minimum price of US$100 per unit for overseas' finished goods that are sold directly by merchants to Indonesia via cross-border E-Commerce platforms, which is regulated in article 19 clause 2.
Third, providing positive list, which is a list of overseas’ goods allowed to directly enter Indonesia from across the border via E-Commerce platform.
Fourth, establishing special conditions for foreign traders to trade in the domestic marketplace. Meaning that foreign traders have to be able to prove the legality of the business from the country of origin, compliant with mandatory and halal SNI standards, and include Indonesian language in labels on overseas’ products along with the origin of the goods.
Fifth, marketplace and social-commerce are forbidden to act as producers.
Sixth, PPMSE and its affiliates are forbidden to monopolize data. PPMSE have the obligation to make sure there will be no misuse of user’s data for use by PPMSE or its affiliates.
1Kemendag - Kemendag (Kementrian Perdagangan) is Indonesia’s Ministry of Trade.
2PMSE -  Perdagangan Melalui Sistem Elektronik or E-Commerce.
3UMKM - Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah is indonesian for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises.
4PPMSE - Penyelenggara Perdagangan Melalui Sistem Elektronik or Provider of E-Commerce.
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admindilegalin · 1 year
Apa itu Pedagangan Melalui Sistem Elektronik (PMSE)?
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Apa itu pedagangan melalui sistem elektronik (PMSE)?
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gazeta24br · 1 year
SSPSE, Detran e PMSE realizam ações que visam conscientizar condutores, pedestres e ciclistas A Semana Nacional de Trânsito é comemorada todos os anos entre os dias 18 e 25 de setembro. A campanha tem como principal objetivo mobilizar o cidadão – condutores de veículos, pedestres e ciclistas -, sobre a importância do compromisso coletivo em compartilhar os espaços de circulação com segurança e gentileza, observando as regras de mobilidade e condutas prescritas no Código de Trânsito Brasileiro (CTB). No Brasil, entre 2010 e 2019, ocorreram cerca de 392 mil mortes em acidentes de transporte terrestre, incluindo atropelamentos, sinistros com bicicletas, motocicletas, automóveis, caminhonetes, caminhões, ônibus, veículos de serviço e fora de estrada. Em Sergipe, a situação também é preocupante. Dados da Companhia de Polícia de Trânsito (CPTran) colhidos entre janeiro de 2022 e julho de 2023, apontam um total de 2.080 sinistros de trânsito no Estado. Foram 1.253 no ano passado e uma parcial de 827 até julho de 2023. De janeiro de 2022 a 31 de julho deste ano, 175 ocorrências com vítimas fatais foram registradas em Sergipe. Já em relação às vítimas não fatais, durante o mesmo período, o número foi de 2.299. Em Aracaju, no ranking das 3 principais avenidas em número de sinistros de trânsito em 2022, a Avenida Tancredo Neves ficou em primeiro lugar, com 48 ocorrências; em segundo lugar, a Avenida Euclides Figueiredo, com 45 e em terceiro a Avenida Augusto Franco, com 31 sinistros. Já a parcial de 2023 apresenta as seguintes colocações: em primeiro lugar, a Avenida Euclides Figueiredo, com 39 desastres; em segundo, a Avenida Tancredo Neves, com 33 e em terceiro a Avenida José Carlos Silva, com 16 ocorrências. Dentre as principais causas dos sinistros de trânsito estão o excesso de velocidade, uso de bebidas alcoólicas, desrespeito às leis de trânsito, uso de celular ao volante, falta de manutenção do veículo, falta de atenção ao dirigir, inobservância de normas como usar o cinto de segurança e capacete, entre outros. Em função dos dados alarmantes e da necessidade de conscientização, o Departamento de Trânsito de Sergipe, a Policia Militar de Sergipe e a Secretária de Segurança Pública, promovem no RioMar Aracaju, nos dias 22, 23 e 24 de setembro, a ação ‘Eu Sou o Trânsito’, campanha alusiva à Semana Nacional de Trânsito. “A Semana Nacional de Trânsito 2023 visa mobilizar todo cidadão sergipano, para que ele possa refletir sobre o seu papel e compromisso na construção de um trânsito mais seguro e pacífico. Nessa tentativa, elegemos o tema Eu Sou o Trânsito, convidando cada cidadão para essa construção individual e a partir daí, inspirar esse cidadão a partilhar o espaço urbano, as vias e rodovias com gentileza e empatia”, explica o major Alysson Cruz, comandante da CPTran. No RioMar, a ação conta com exposição de carros, motos e bicicletas envolvidos em desastres violentos, para conscientizar o público da necessidade de observar e cumprir as leis do CBT. Durante o evento, agentes de trânsito dos órgãos competentes vão distribuir material educativo e esclarecer as dúvidas do público. A ação acontece na Praça de Eventos Rio, no Piso L1, no mesmo horário de funcionamento do shopping. “Durante toda semana idealizamos 3 vertentes a serem trabalhadas. Vamos apresentar dados alarmantes da violência no trânsito, buscando criar um estado de alerta para o cidadão e chama-lo à reflexão sobre o exercício do direito de ir e vir. A outra vertente é conscientizar sobre o respeito e gentileza com o outro, quando compartilhamos o mesmo espaço e a terceira vertente versa sobre a sustentabilidade. Como a gente pode exercer o direito de ir e vir, sem impactar tanto o meio ambiente? As catástrofes que assolam o planeta são decorrentes da forma como a gente usa os recursos naturais e os espaços urbanos. Então é preciso chamar o cidadão a repensar a sua maneira de ser e de se conduzir no mundo e na cidade”, pontua o Comandante.
Além das ações realizadas no RioMar, dentro do Cronograma da Semana Nacional de Trânsito aqui em Sergipe, há também a visita a escolas, para alcançar todas as faixas etárias e despertar nos futuros condutores o compromisso de construir um trânsito pacífico e tranquilo. "É necessário ir às escolas e universidades para falar sobre a combinação criminosa, homicida e suicida que é a direção e o álcool, além de discutir os aspectos psicológicos, o estresse e a intolerância no trânsito, entre outros aspectos”, ressalta o major Alysson Cruz.
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scholarhect · 1 year
well the good news is once i’ve made it through this i’ll only have 3 more pmses in this country. that’s half
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baliportalnews · 1 year
Tunjuk 161 Pemungut PPN PMSE, Pemerintah Berhasil Kumpulkan Rp15,15 Triliun
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BALIPORTLANEWS.COM, JAKARTA – Sampai dengan 30 September 2023, pemerintah telah menunjuk 161 pelaku usaha Perdagangan Melalui Sistem Elektronik (PMSE) menjadi pemungut Pajak Pertambahan Nilai (PPN). Jumlah tersebut termasuk tiga pemungut PPN PMSE yang ditunjuk pada bulan September 2023. Penunjukan di bulan September 2023, yaitu DeepL SE, Squarespace Ireland Ltd., dan Trendstream Ltd. Dari keseluruhan pemungut yang telah ditunjuk tersebut, 146 di antaranya telah melakukan pemungutan dan penyetoran sebesar Rp15,15 triliun. “Jumlah tersebut berasal dari Rp731,4 miliar setoran tahun 2020, Rp3,90 triliun setoran tahun 2021, Rp5,51 triliun setoran tahun 2022, dan Rp5,01 triliun setoran tahun 2023,” kata Direktur Penyuluhan, Pelayanan, dan Hubungan Masyarakat, Dwi Astuti. Selain tiga penunjukan yang dilakukan, di bulan ini pemerintah juga melakukan pembetulan elemen data dalam surat keputusan penunjukan atas Skype Communications SARL, Microsoft Ireland Operations Ltd., dan NCS Pearson Inc. Sesuai dengan Peraturan Menteri Keuangan Nomor 60/PMK.03/2022, pelaku usaha yang telah ditunjuk sebagai pemungut wajib memungut PPN dengan tarif 11% atas produk digital luar negeri yang dijualnya di Indonesia. Selain itu, pemungut juga wajib membuat bukti pungut PPN yang dapat berupa commercial invoice, billing, order receipt, atau dokumen sejenis lainnya yang menyebutkan pemungutan PPN dan telah dilakukan pembayaran. Ke depan, untuk terus menciptakan keadilan dan kesetaraan berusaha (level playing field) bagi pelaku usaha baik konvensional maupun digital, pemerintah masih akan terus menunjuk para pelaku usaha PMSE yang melakukan penjualan produk maupun pemberian layanan digital dari luar negeri kepada konsumen di Indonesia. Kriteria pelaku usaha yang dapat ditunjuk sebagai pemungut PPN PMSE yakni, nilai transaksi dengan pembeli Indonesia telah melebihi Rp600 juta setahun atau Rp50 juta sebulan; dan/atau jumlah traffic di Indonesia telah melebihi 12 ribu setahun atau seribu dalam sebulan. Informasi lebih lanjut terkait PPN produk digital luar negeri, termasuk daftar pemungut, dapat dilihat di https://www.pajak.go.id/id/pajakdigital atau  https://pajak.go.id/en/digitaltax (bahasa Inggris).(bpn) Read the full article
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👉🏼 Um novo concurso PM SE (Polícia Militar do Estado de Sergipe) está em pauta para ocorrer ainda em 2023. A confirmação foi feita pelo novo comandante da corporação, coronel Alexsandro Ribeiro, em entrevista ao Jornal SE TV. "Nos próximos meses talvez anunciaremos um novo quantitativo e novos concursos para policiais militares, para somar ao nosso efetivo", disse. ✅ Novas informações devem ser divulgadas em breve. ✳️ Por enquanto, a PM SE ainda não tem confirmação de vagas e cargos para nova seleção. A expectativa é de que nos próximos meses a seleção possa ser oficialmente autorizada. Somente então poderá ser constituída a comissão responsável e iniciado o processo de escolha da banca organizadora. ⚠️ Após a assinatura do contrato poderá ser anunciada a data de publicação do edital de abertura de inscrições. Para mais informações⤵️ 📲 (87) 98108.5072 #fabiomadrugaconcursos #concursos #processoseletivo#pernambuco #estudos #aprovaçao #essenomeaprova #foco #motivaçao #garanhunspe #pmse #sergipe https://www.instagram.com/p/CnNcUWjO31u/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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greenportfolioo · 2 years
Complete Overview of Portfolio Management System in India
Portfolio Management Service: What Is It?
A portfolio manager's online Portfolio Management Services (PMS) aim to achieve the appropriate rate of return while maintaining the desired level of risk. Shares, fixed income, commodities, property investment, various structured products, as well as cash can all be included in an investment portfolio. A portfolio manager is a qualified investment professional with an extensive understanding of the market's numerous instruments who focuses on examining the investor's investment goals.
What different services go under portfolio management?
A market index, such as the Nifty, is the benchmark for performance in the active portfolio management method.
By investing in the same assets with comparable weights, a passive portfolio management method like this one seeks to replicate the performance of an index. Indexing or index investment is the term used for this.
Flexible Portfolio Management service: The manager has total authority over the portfolio and is free to use any appropriate approach for the IPS.
Non-discretionary Portfolio Management: In this type of portfolio management, the PMS will simply make suggestions for investments; the investor will be in charge of selecting the ideas and the time.
Are PMS investments worthwhile?
If the investment management organization is reputable and delivers operational transparency, PMS is a viable solution for an individual with restricted time, expertise, and a high capital basis. As opposed to randomly investing in a variety of securities, PMS also aids in the better realization of the benefits of diversification. The correctness of the securities analysis conducted by the portfolio manager, and as a result, the competitiveness of the investment management institution, heavily influences the returns and performance of the portfolio.
Benefits of purchasing PMS:
Professional guidance
Risk assessment
Convenient trade execution
Individualized service
What qualities should a PMS have?
PMSes send out sample portfolios to prospective clients. The overall performance of the portfolio management system in India and in comparison to the market index can be evaluated.
The manager's ability to beat the market's performance determines how well the portfolio performs. Therefore choosing a PMS involves doing your research on the portfolio manager.The competence and skill that a portfolio manager brings to the fund are ultimately determined by their educational background and professional experience.
Another element that can provide PMS an advantage over other market-available schemes is the investing approach. Before investing money, it stands to reason for the buyer to comprehend the approach. If the tactics are complicated, their long-term viability should be openly explained.
The manager's performance-based PMS price structure should be advantageous to both parties. Normally, gains are divided by 20% of returns. Customers value openness and customer service, especially for discretionary portfolios.
Participation from customers enables PMSes to continuously and repeatedly assess the performance of their portfolios.
The market has been working hard to make the PMS industry as investor-friendly as the MF industry. The rise in PMS demand in India should go hand in hand with the regulatory framework to stop money from being missold or misappropriated.
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candyyyyy00 · 6 months
when i 1st watched please save my earth i thought issei looked like a shoujofied version of shigeo
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