elitist-asshole · 4 months
btw if you or someone you know needs an abortion in a restrictive state and can’t travel, please check out (on a secure browser and delete your history and cookies after!) the Massachusetts Medication Abortion Access Project, Abuzz, Aid Access, or Armadillo Clinic. they are currently (June 11, 2024) providing telehealth medication abortion services.
found through this somewhat annoying story about PPFA:
*link is a way back machine archive from today
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Why I call Abortion Violence a Genocide
The reason I stand by my use of "genocide" is because abortion violence follows "The Ten Stages of Genocide" as defined by Dr. Stanton of Genocide Watch in 1986.
To prove this, I will illustrate stage-by-stage how abortion violence meets the criteria of the framework below. Note that I am working from the reasonable premise that all human organisms are people by default, and burden of proof rests on those who claim a class of "human non-persons" exists.
1: Classification
"All cultures have categories to distinguish people into “us and them”. Bipolar societies that lack mixed categories, are the most likely to have genocide."
"Us" is the class of born people, "them" is the class of preborn people.
2: Symbolization
"We give names or other symbols to the classifications. We give the pariah class a name, or distinguish it by colors or dress; and apply the symbols to members of the group."
Born people gave the class of preborn people the name "fetuses".
3: Discrimination
"The powerless group may not be accorded full rights or citizenship. The dominant group is driven by an exclusionary ideology that deprives less powerful groups of their rights. The ideology advocates monopolization of power by the dominant group. It legitimizes the victimization of weaker groups."
The powerless group is The Preborn. They are denied the right to protection from aggressive violence, and they are not recognized as citizens by law. The dominant group, The Born, uses political power and custom to maintain this status quo. Their ideology excludes people with certain age-appropriate limitations of ability from human rights. It advocates for born people to have exclusive power to grant or deny the humanity of powerless preborn people.
4: Dehumanization
"One group denies the humanity of the other group. Members of it are equated with animals, vermin, insects or diseases. Dehumanization overcomes the normal human revulsion against murder. Hate propaganda is used to vilify the victim group. The majority group is taught to regard the other group as less than human. They are indoctrinated to believe that “We are better off without them.” The powerless group can become so depersonalized that they are actually given numbers rather than names. They are equated with impurity and immorality."
Born people deny the humanity of preborn people. The Preborn are equated with primitive animals, property, parasites, or tumors. The Abortion Industrial Complex (AIC) and its activist wing, the Pro-Choice Movement (PCM) uses propaganda to blame The Preborn for patriarchal oppression. The Born are taught to regard The Preborn as not yet fully human. They are indoctrinated to believe that "we are better off without unplanned babies". Preborn people usually are not given names. They are equated with sexual stigma and shame.
5: Organization
"Genocide is always organized, usually by the state, often using militias to provide deniability of state responsibility. Sometimes organization is informal or decentralized. Arms are purchased by states and militias to facilitate acts of genocide. States organize secret police to spy on, arrest, torture, and murder people suspected of opposition to political leaders. Special training is given to murderous militias and special army killing units."
The State sanctions elective feticide and organizes it under NIH population control programs (eugenics campaign by the 20th century elite), using the Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA) to provide deniability of responsibility (see: Alan Guttmacher.) Facilities are built and supplied to facilitate mass feticide. The State uses the DOJ & FBI to spy on, arrest, and incarcerate pro-life activists. The Ryan Residency gives special training to abortionists.
6: Polarization
"Extremists drive the groups apart. Hate groups broadcast polarizing propaganda. Motivations for targeting a group are indoctrinated through mass media. Extremists intimidate moderates, silencing the center. The dominant group passes laws or decrees that grant them total power over the targeted group. The laws erode fundamental rights. Targeted groups are incapable of self-defense, ensuring the dominant group control."
Pro-Abortion Extremists drive the PCM apart from the PLM (Pro-Life Movement). PPFA broadcasts polarizing posts and ads. Motivations for seeking an abortion are indoctrinated through social media. Pro-Aborts intimidate moderates, silencing the center. A Supreme Court decision grants born people total power over preborn people. The repeal of abortion regulations erode the right to life. The Preborn are incapable of self-defense, ensuring The Born have total control.
7: Preparation
"Plans are made for genocidal killings. Perpetrator group leaders plan the “Final Solution” to the targeted group “question.” They often use euphemisms to cloak their intentions. They indoctrinate the populace with fear of the victim group. Leaders often claim that “if we don’t kill them, they will kill us,” disguising genocide as self-defense. Inflammatory rhetoric and hate propaganda are used with the objective of creating fear of the other group."
PPFA plans to increase their abortion sales quota and expand their business into the global south. The AIC leaders plan the "Solution" to the unplanned fetus "epidemic". They call it "healthcare" to cloak their intentions. They indoctrinate the populace with fear of The Preborn. AIC leaders claim "without abortion, women will die," disguising feticide as self-defense. "Gestational slavery, forced birth" and "unwanted children, rapist's baby" are used in order to create fear.
8: Persecution
"Victims are separated out because of their class identity. Sometimes they are even deported or confined and starved. They are deliberately deprived of resources in order to destroy them. Programs are implemented to prevent procreation through forced abortions. Children are forcibly taken from their parents. The victim group’s basic human rights become systematically abused through killings, torture and forced displacement. They are acts of genocide because they intentionally destroy part of a group."
The Preborn class is treated as separate from the rest of humankind because they exist where and how humans do at that age. They are expelled from their literal place of origin, or held captive within it and slaughtered. They are deliberately deprived of oxygen or nutrition. Preborn babies are forcibly extracted from their parents with vacuums, forceps, and curettes. The basic human rights of preborn humans are systematically abused as they are lethally injected without due process and dismembered alive without anesthesia. The unplanned, imperfect, and unprivileged are intentionally destroyed.
9: Extermination
"The mass killing called “genocide” begins. It is “extermination” to the killers because they do not believe their victims to be fully human. Acts of genocide demonstrate how dehumanized the victims have become. Already dead bodies are dismembered. Destruction of property is employed to annihilate the group’s existence from history. They do not differentiate civilians from non-combatants. They result in widespread war crimes: mass rapes of women and girls, all men of fighting age are murdered."
Mass feticide began with industrialization. It is "termination" to the abortionists because they do not believe The Preborn to be fully human. Brutal later procedures demonstrate how dehumanized The Preborn have become. Already dismembered babies are burned for electricity. Disinformation is spread to eliminate the existence of The Preborn from serious consideration. They do not differentiate viable fetuses from unviable. They result in widespread social and economic coercion: the mass predation by the AIC upon vulnerable women and girls, the silencing of all men who would fight for the lives of babies.
10: Denial
"The perpetrators of genocide try to cover up the evidence and intimidate the witnesses. They deny that they committed any crimes, and often blame what happened on the victims. They block investigations of the crimes, and continue to govern until driven from power by force, when they flee into exile. There they remain with impunity."
The AIC covers up the inhumanity of abortion, malpractice at facilities, and extralegal fetal tissue trade. They intimidate PLM activists and deny the existence of abortion survivors. They lie about evidence and falsify data; they gaslight women who regret their abortions as "sensitive to stigma." They block legal investigations by colluding with corrupt officials. Dangerous abortionists continue to operate with impunity until driven out of business by force, when they flee to a vulnerable community and practice under the radar.
Further commentary:
Over the past few weeks, especially with current events between Israel (committing a genocide) and Palestine (Gaza is a death camp West Bank is apartheid), I've gotten more pushback than usual on using the word "genocide" to describe the mass killing of abortion.
And the critics aren't wrong: abortion doesn't fit the definition in the strict sense. If you are limiting genocide to the original meaning, then it refers exclusively to systematic extermination of the population of an ethnicity, nationality, or religion. In fact, in this sense, "holocaust" probably better describes abortion, as it refers to a sacrificial killing en masse; however, calling abortion "THE Holocaust" is anti-Semitic, so avoid the term altogether. Democide is another option, but it is limited to a mass killing executed by a government power.
And simply calling abortion a "mass killing" or "massacre" frankly doesn't communicate the extent, gravity, and urgency of the human rights violation. Some genocide scholars have generalized the term to describe any widespread killing of a targeted class of people.
When I say "abortion is genocide", I don't mean abortion fits the DEFINITION of genocide. I mean abortion violence fits the PATTERN of a genocide. I'm open to arguments against this, but it's where I stand for now, and I hope I have illustrated my argument well.
ps. The genocide of Gaza is NOT up for debate. FREE PALESTINE!
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anamericangirl · 1 year
I guess there's millions of super secret abortions that no one has ever heard about performed by planned parenthood to boost their revenue high enough that the super secret source you have knows about but has neglected to ever actually share anything that proves it. Unless of course you're looking at those prolife sites that show number of abortions a year and total revenue for every service and try and conflate em.
Yeah I guess I do have a source that's super secret to you since you don't actually research or use sources but my super secret source is Planned Parenthood themselves.
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jessie-lou · 7 months
FREE Virtual Event on March 6, at 3PM EST.
Join CPDA, PPFA, ACLU, and FL Rising for a webinar on upcoming reproductive rights cases that are set to be heard by SCOTUS in the coming months. Participants will hear about ways to get involved and take action against the corrupt courts, and what these cases will mean for them and their communities. Almost 2 years after the Supreme Court went against the people and overturned the federal right to abortion, they are still looking for ways they can strip away our reproductive rights. We are making sure these dishonorable judges hear us loud and clear: we won’t back down!
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Join us on #AmazonCrime day 🪧 Abortion Rights are Labor Rights picket day will be held outside Amazon HQ, w/ special guests including Caren Spruch (@ppfa), Maya Rupert (@ReproRights), Zoe Kazan, Gillian Robespierre, Alison Leiby, & Kuhoo Verma!
RSVP: wgaea.st/ReproRights
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I posted 16,108 times in 2022
That's 7,630 more posts than 2021!
262 posts created (2%)
15,846 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,166 of my posts in 2022
#art - 138 posts
#video - 104 posts
#the locked tomb - 61 posts
#the sandman - 60 posts
#us pol - 45 posts
#stories - 31 posts
#me - 17 posts
#fashion - 12 posts
#quotes - 11 posts
#people ask me things sometimes - 9 posts
Longest Tag: 136 characters
#although i don’t like the whole ‘people who don’t get vaxxed are selfish’ bc it’s useless and that’s what i’vee seen people push back on
My Top Posts in 2022:
Okay new rule: everyone’s dogs need to be fine and happy and healthy for the rest of the year
11 notes - Posted February 12, 2022
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Sir this is the no nft zone
13 notes - Posted October 3, 2022
The problem with sleeping in a single bed with two medium dogs is that these two dogs think we should each have a third of the bed length wise
14 notes - Posted August 3, 2022
How do you convince someone their computer is slow because they have like 200 tabs open?
22 notes - Posted February 10, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
If you or someone you know is seeking an abortion in a state that is banning abortion and looking to add liability for out of state abortions, you should know that Connecticut recently passed a law intended to protect out of state people seeking abortions here.
Among the things the bill provides for:
Your right to travel here for an abortion without restriction
Your right to countersue someone in a Connecticut court who has entered a judgment against you for seeking or providing an abortion, for damages including their judgment against you, your costs in that original case, and your costs bringing the suit in CT
Protection of your private medical information related to your abortions even if it is illegal in your state of residency
Blanket refusal to grant or honor subpoenas related to reproductive health for the purpose of holding you civilly or criminally liable for having an abortion
Blanket refusal to grant witness summon related to holding you or someone else criminally or civilly liable for reproductive heath services
Blanket refusal to honor extraditions for seeking reproductive health services
No public agency may provide any assistance to another state in prosecuting you for seeking an out of state abortion
The act also updates Connecticut language to be more inclusive as well as making it so many more health care providers may offer abortions
This is the actual text of the bill, signed into law in May: https://www.cga.ct.gov/2022/ACT/PA/PDF/2022PA-00019-R00HB-05414-PA.PDF
And information that is easier to understand from PPFA: https://www.plannedparenthoodaction.org/planned-parenthood-votes-connecticut/blog/learn-about-the-reproductive-freedom-defense-act
This law is unlikely to be overturned in the Connecticut court system or repealed by the legislature at this juncture
49 notes - Posted June 25, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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deblala · 2 months
Center for Medical Progress on X: "🚨▶️BREAKING: Newly-released undercover video shows @PPGulfCoast admitting they can sell organs from live-aborted babies missing just an arm or leg, calling it “f***ing evil” @PPFA asked @KamalaHarris to seize this video from @daviddaleiden 8 years ago. https://t.co/Jz7gqHtogd" / X
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newsriveting · 3 months
PPFA bats for correct NRC with 1951 base year
Representational image Team News Riveting Guwahati, June 30 Expressing distress over the recent debates about the voting pattern of Bangladesh-origin Muslims in favour of a particular political party in General Elections 2024 and a steady increase in aggressions over the original inhabitants  despite enjoying development benefits (including housing, sanitation, electricity, etc facilities)…
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masterofd1saster · 1 year
SCt cases to watch
SCt is considering Center for Medical Progress v. Planned Parenthood Federation of America, No. 22-1168 and Center for Medical Progress v. National Abortion Federation, No. 22-1135. These cases go back to David Daleiden secretly videotaping Planned Parenthood personnel discussing the sale of fetal body parts.
Beginning in July 2015, CMP began releasing videos of its encounters with PPFA and other members of the abortion industry. Each week, CMP published footage of the full conversations, as well as shorter “highlight” videos of the most salient excerpts. In addition, Daleiden and his team provided their findings to law enforcement before publication. - 1168 petition
PPFA didn't sue for defamation; it sued for expenses relating to vetting conference attendees so that such videos couldn't be made again. The 9th Cir. affirmed a judgment for $2M + $14M in attorneys' fees. The issue is whether the 1st Amendment allows people to sue for such damages for truthful speech.
In 1135, the petition says
on the motion of an abortion-industry trade organization opposed to Petitioners’ message, the district court entered (and the Ninth Circuit affirmed) a sweeping permanent injunction against the release of over 500 hours of further recordings, without applying any level of First Amendment scrutiny. Is the district court’s suppression of speech about a high-profile and highly charged issue of public debate an unconstitutional prior restraint?
SCt will grant a petition for certiorari - review a case - when four justices vote to grant the petition.
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best2daynews · 2 years
When Parag Parikh's wife stepped up to help him become a broker - today news
When Neil’s father, late Parag Parikh – a well-known value investor and the founder of PPFAS – wanted to become a broker in 1983, his wife Geeta Parikh offered to sell her jewellery to support him financially. Parag considered Geeta, who is fondly called bhabhi by the staff at PPFAS, as a sounding board, pillar of strength and an advisor. Neil recalled the above incidents on International Women’s…
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Cervical Cancer Screenings And Vaccinations Encouraged In January
@PlannedParenthood @PPFA
January is a cervical cancer awareness month. Healthcare, medicine and early prevention. January 10, 2023 Vaccinations and screenings can protect from cervical cancer . As the new year begins, many will make resolutions to improve or protect their health. While new exercise routines or healthier diets occupy people’s minds, there is another step to take in the new year: schedule a cervical…
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rocknrollcola · 1 year
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sarcasticcynic · 5 years
The Center for Medical Progress, an anti-abortion group, decided to try to prove that Planned Parenthood was “profiting off fetal tissue donations.” From 2013 to 2015, CMP’s president, David Daleiden, and several other employees sneaked into various Planned Parenthood and other abortion rights gatherings using false identities, claiming to be interested in buying fetal material. They surreptitiously recorded their interactions, and released “heavily edited” videos insinuating that Planned Parenthood was engaging in unlawful activity.
As a result of CMP’s videos, Planned Parenthood suffered “a documented, dramatic increase” in threats and incidents of violence. It also faced “three congressional enquiries and criminal investigations in at least 15 states.” CMP’s accusations were false, and none of these investigations ever resulted in any charges against the organization. (Quite the contrary, in fact: criminal charges against CMP are currently pending in California.)
Planned Parenthood sued CMP in federal court for “illegally recording and manipulating videos.” And also for fraud, breach of contract, invasion of privacy, conspiracy, trespassing on private property, and violation of other federal and state laws. While the matter was pending, the judge ordered CMP to stop releasing the deceptive videos. CMP appealed. It lost.
After a six-week trial, a unanimous federal jury found CMP liable and ordered CMP to pay $2,275,000 in damages for violating multiple federal and state laws, including $870,000 in punitive damages for CMP’s “malice, oppression, and fraud.” (See the jury’s verdict here.) CMP blamed the supposedly “biased judge with close Planned Parenthood ties,” and immediately vowed to appeal.
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ppauteens · 6 years
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2019 Opening Day!
It’s a wonderful winter here and a perfect start to this year’s Sundance Film Festival. The festival received over 1,400 submissions and only 112 of them are features that were selected to be shown. For this year, 10 teens from all three of Planned Parenthood’s Teen Council’s are participating in the festival. These teens will be watching films, conducting interviews, participating in panel discussions, and blogging about it all! This year the following films will be blogged about:
The Infiltrators
This Is Personal
Toni Morrison: The Pieces I am
Ask Dr. Ruth
Words From A Bear
Midnight Traveler Knock Down the House
Birth of The Cool
Some teens bloggers will also the chance to participate in the Vr cinematic experience that is featured in this year’s festival. These 10 teens come from a wide array of high schools within the Valley and Park City. To learn more about this year’s phenomenal group of teens, via the “Meet the Team” page on the website. Another way to keep up with bloggers is to follow the tumblr page or look for links on any PPAU website!
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tombedell · 5 years
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Way to @brattleboro #stopthebans #ppfa @PPFA (at Brattleboro, Vermont) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bxu0gBDAJVg/?igshid=z6haoa2fn73p
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Meet Planned Parenthood’s New President
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The president of Planned Parenthood Federation of America and Planned Parenthood Action Fund is Dr. Leana Wen, who will be leading Planned Parenthood through its next exciting, challenging chapter — the first physician in nearly 50 years to lead our organization.
Dr. Wen's resume speaks for itself — take a look.
Planned Parenthood was founded in defiance of unjust laws that prohibited women from basic information about their reproductive health. And we were forged with courage and commitment. We were built for this moment in history, when our rights are under attack like we haven't seen in generations.
As an immigrant who relied on public health programs, Dr. Wen knows personally the vulnerability of not having access to care. As a practicing emergency room doctor, she sees the consequences of people not having access to basic health care every day. For more than 100 years, Planned Parenthood has never stopped fighting to expand access to vital reproductive health care so that every one of us can live full, independent lives — regardless of race, gender, income, zip code, or immigration status.
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