new-preddsworld · 1 year
Hhhhh I love thinking about Tord voring Tom-
Tord doesn’t exactly just gulp down every guy he sees (well, not anymore anyway) so why does Tord gulp down Tom whenever he gets the chance?
The answer is pretty simple. He loves messing with him. All the comments about how delicious Tom smells and tastes, and how nicely he fills up Tord, the very intentional hungry gazes he sends his way, the mouthplay, fearplay, occasional foodplay, the half-assed attempts at eating him just to scare him, and everything else, all of it is purely to mess with Tom. It works amazingly, and Tord is always satisfied with the result.
He loves squirming, and he knows better than anyone how wriggly Tom can be, especially when he’s unwilling to be eaten. Tord loves how even when Tom is trapped inside his stomach, he still believes there’s some form of hope for him to live. It’s great entertainment for the communist too.
Sometimes, Tord feels particularly cruel. He’s in the mood for his favourite squirming meal, and is bored more than anything. He'll tell Tom sarcastically that his parents would be so proud of him if they could see him. He'll tell Tom that he’s only good for a meal, and if he wasn’t such easy prey, the others wouldn’t care about him at all. You get the general idea. This gets a huge reaction out of Tom. He'll scream, let out a few sobs, punch and kick the stomach walls more violently than usual, and will usually beg for Edd and Matt to help him, and for Tord to let him out. Tord finds this very amusing, but tries not to turn it into a frequent thing so that Tom can’t get used to it. :)
I should post more of these ngl
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