new-preddsworld · 1 year
(I mentioned that I was going to be making a fic based on one of my Tom preddcanons, and here it is!)
Seeking warmth
Tom really needed to stop falling asleep in his monster form. When he rolled over and woke up, the first and only thing he noticed was that he was freezing. Even curled up underneath his blanket, he was freezing. Tom tried to separate one instinctual thought from another, but nothing was helping. He rolled out of his bed, huffing quietly. He needed warmth, and he knew where to get it.
Once he had shrunk down, he slid underneath the door, then grew a tiny bit. Tom sniffed the air. The familiar scent of cat hair and cola wasn’t present. Just his luck. He was about to just go back to his room and suck it up, but then he remembered there was another housemate of his that would be more than happy to provide that warmth.
He waddled down the corridor to the room next to his, once again shrinking down to fit underneath the door then growing a tad again. Tord was sleeping, much to Tom's dismay. He had his arms wrapped around this long pillow with an anime girl Tom didn’t recognise on it. He wasn’t much of an anime watcher himself. That didn’t matter, though. He needed to wake Tord up somehow…
Tom was a decent climber. He began climbing the bed frame, swinging himself carefully onto the mattress. He then grabbed onto Tord's arm, pushing himself upwards and swinging his legs over. He leapt onto the sleeping norsk's chest, almost falling over but quickly regaining his balance, and began making his way up to Tord's face. Even all of this quick movement hadn’t warmed him up. Tom huffed again. Once he reached Tord's face, he began patting it to wake him wake up. Those pats quickly turned into slaps, and Tord cracked an eye open.
"Tom..?" The communist murmured, looking down at Tom with a confused expression. Tom made a soft hissing noise, placed one of his hands on Tord's lower lip, the other on his top lip, and began trying to prise Tord's mouth open. The norsk gently plucked Tom away from his mouth, slowly sitting up. He noticed how Tom kept trying to fling himself at Tord's mouth.
"What do you want, Thomas?" Tord asked, a little irritably. Tom made a low shrieking sound, then pointing at Tord's stomach. It was then that Tord noticed just how much the little monster was shivering, and then it clicked. Edd had mentioned this to him before. Tord supposed it made sense, as Edd wasn’t home currently. Late night cola-run. The norsk was abruptly snapped out of his thoughts when Tom tried to fling himself at his face again.
The communist sighed. At least he knew he wouldn’t have to get up for a night snack tonight. He brought Tom closer to his face. As he did, he noted just how much less intimidating Tom looked than usual. He opened his mouth, saliva dripping from the roof of his mouth and the sharp teeth that lined the cavern. Tord then placed Tom's head into his mouth, closing his lips gently around what he assumed to be Tom's shoulders, slurping him up like a noodle. He hadn’t fully processed just how long the monster was, but Tom was more than happy to help Tord fit him inside his mouth. Once all of Tom was inside, he closed his mouth. The norsk didn’t really feel like fearplay, as he was still quite sleepy. Just some simple mouthplay would do.
He began tossing Tom around his mouth with his tongue as well as occasionally wrapping it around him, sometimes even pinning him to the roof of his mouth to properly taste him. His lower jaw was borderline full of saliva. Tord took this as a sign to swallow Tom, which he did. He traced Tom's decent with a finger, down his oesophagus, past his chest and finally into his storage stomach. He couldn’t help the soft sigh and series of purrs that escaped him as he felt Tom squirm into a comfortable position: curled up against a stomach wall. Tord was careful laying down, as again, he was much too tired to even try to be a prick to Tom. His instincts that he never listened to, the ones telling him to store people more often, were celebrating. Tord supposed he quite liked the feeling as he placed a hand on his occupied gut, shuffling a little into a better sleeping position, and letting himself drift off.
Tord woke up the next morning with one of the worst stomachaches he’s ever had. He groaned loudly, pressing into his stomach to try and prevent Tom from completely obliterating his insides.
"Calm down, Thomas. Edd has explained this to you so many times."
"Why did it have to be you??"
"You tell me."
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predsworld · 1 year
shoutout to @new-preddsworld ! they inspired me to revisit this blog. if you like my stuff you'll like theirs too
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new-preddsworld · 2 years
Preddsworld headcannons
Tom - 1
I have so many ideas and yet so little ideas simultaneously…
He’s usually a pred, and usually isn’t willing prey, but there are some cases where he is.
He's a sizeshifter!! Woooo!!
You guessed it, he has a storage and he purrs!! It’s no surprise when you see my other preddcanons.
Tom can be a bit of a cruel pred sometimes. He likes a bit of fearplay. He doesn’t like to take his time, however.
When Tom is in his full monster form, he becomes very instinctual, both as a pred and as a prey.
As a pred, it’s pretty self explanatory. Someone will be safely nommed, despite the obvious lack of communication.
Oooo~ but as a prey.. often if he falls asleep in his monster form, he’ll wake up in the night really cold, and will shrink down to be nommed. Usually he’d go to Edd because Tom trusts him the most, but if that’s not possible for whatever reason, then Tord is the next choice due to his room being the closest to his, and also Tord's willingness to give noms. (Ik I said Tord would never safely nom Tom, but I lied. Also fic about this in progress~) However, Tom never remembers this happening.
Tom often goes for a nice taste in noms, hence why he barely ever goes for Tord (because he barely ever fucking showers).
If he’s bored, then sometimes he'll just nom Matt to irritate him.
He might not admit it, but he’s a sucker for a belly rub.
He doesn’t usually go for smaller prey, because he knows all too well how it feels to be the prey in that situation.
Tom was unwillingly eaten and digested by Edd once, though Edd didn’t realise it at the time. Tom still holds a grudge against Edd for it.
When he’s drunk, he’s quite the cuddly pred, nomming his prey then curling into a ball, purring comfortingly.
He can be good at providing comfort, but only when he wants to be. It also depends on who the prey is.
Has a very long, purple tinted tongue. With very sharp teef.
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new-preddsworld · 1 year
Oh right... could you try making a predsworld where matt "accidentally" devours tord or tom for breaking his mirror?
"You did what?!" Matt was infuriated that Tom had broken his mirror. Sure, he had plenty of other mirrors to endlessly admire himself in, but that was his fifth-favourite mirror! Even worse that Tom didn’t seem that bothered about it.
"Yeah, uh… but there’s glue somewhere around here. I don’t know, it’s your mirror." Tom handed Matt what was left of his mirror, then turning the other way, walking undoubtedly to the alcohol cabinet.
Matt was so pissed off about this. He loved each and every one of his mirrors! He was already thinking of ways that he could get back at Tom, here and now. His mind immediately picked out something, but here’s the thing. He hadn’t actually done it before.
As quietly as possible, he crept up behind Tom. The height difference was quite lucky. How had Tord taught him to do this again?
Maybe he could pick up Tom by the hood of his hoodie? That’d make it easier. So he did, ignoring Tom's confusion.
Matt stuffed Tom's lower half into his jaw, continuing to swallow from there. As Tord had told him, it only got easier as time went, and once Tom was fully in his belly? He regretted nothing.
(I did not proofread this cuz it’s been sitting in my drafts for months-)
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new-preddsworld · 1 year
What are the preferred swallowing method for the boys (feet first or headfirst) (prey on there back or belly) ,dose it change depending the situation and size of prey? Why do they prefer this way?
Preddsworld headcannons
✨BONUS✨ - 2
Im glad I received this because I have a lot of unfinished drafts I need to finish, and this reminded me 🤩
Edd - feet first, usually. This is because he likes to see the facial expressions of the person he's swallowing, and since he normally only eats willing people, if he sees that they’re worried or having second thoughts, he won’t hesitate to stop swallowing and throw the rest of them up. However, on the off-chance that he knows that the prey will be unwilling, he'll do it headfirst instead, so that he doesn’t regret it too much later.
Tord - headfirst. His logic is that if his prey's head is already inside his mouth or throat, they won’t be able to see, meaning that if they want to attempt to attack him, it’ll be more difficult for them to see where they should be hitting. They’d kinda just have to flail their limbs around in the early stages of being swallowed and hope for the best. Another reason is simply because it’d be near impossible for his prey to pull themselves out that way. You can tell Tord gave this a lot of thought.
Tom - feet first. Same reason as Edd: he wants to see the facial expressions, but for a slightly different purpose. He’s cruel. He wants to watch his prey cry, and he wants to hear every plea to be released, spared, properly, rather than through the stomach walls. Even if it be the case that the prey is willing, he'll still do feet first, mainly because he is a creature of routine and can’t be bothered to put more effort into eating people than he has to.
Matt - headfirst. Although, it is a very rare occasion that he eats anyone. The reason is simply because it’s just easier for him. Grabbing the prey and stuffing them in headfirst is so much quicker and easier than going through all of that effort just to pick the prey up, and gradually lower them in as they writhe.
Eduardo - feet first. You guessed it, exact same reason as Tom. Cruel bastard.
Mark - either way. He just doesn’t really mind. If he wants a quick meal, then it’s headfirst, but otherwise feet first.
Jon - neither. Does not eat people.
Paul - either way. Just like Mark, he really just doesn’t care, but he has the sorta mentality of 'food is food, so why does it matter so much? It doesn’t need that much thought, really.'
Patryck - headfirst. He likes things efficient and quick, and feet first doesn’t do that for him.
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new-preddsworld · 1 year
How about a story inspired by your 1 edd preddsworld headcanons where he noms all three to force them to get along,i can imagine Edd waking up to spit them out but only to find Tord with a stuffed gut because had vored Tom and Matt while Edd while asleep
(Ofc ofc! >:D)
Edd finally finished swallowing Tom's legs, sighing quietly as he did so. He could both hear and feel the muffled protests inside him, though he tried not to let that bother him too much.
"No. None of you are coming out until you can stop fighting each other to death all of the time." A particularly painful shove to his gut made him roll over onto his stomach, forcing his occupants to either be still or squirm uncomfortably. Edd could already hear Matt's obnoxious whining. The other two were having a go at him and beating up his insides at the same time. At least they weren’t beating each other up, Edd thought grudgingly to himself.
"Well, what if we just continue anyway? You’ll have to let us out either way." Trust Tord to come up with a smart yet cocky response. Edd had hoped he wouldn’t have to resort to this method, but he had to have them get along somehow.
"You don’t think I’d keep you there for as long as it takes?" Silence. All movements had abruptly stopped. He’d gotten all of their attentions.
"Y'know, I’m usually gentle, but I can easily change that just for you three if you choose to not get along," Edd continued coldly, though he was mentally smacking himself for saying these things, "so how about you all just behave yourselves." There was no response other than the three shuffling around to get comfortable; clearly Edd had shocked them into silence. He knew he’d have to apologise for that stunt eventually. However, he was getting quite tired, probably from being so full. He went to sleep after a few minutes.
Once Edd woke up, the first thing he noticed was that his stomach was a little smaller than before. When he focused on it more, he could only feel one person. Confused, he concentrated on getting that person out of his stomach, though it was proving to be more difficult than usual.
After a good few minutes of struggling, he managed to get Tord out of his stomach. Edd sighed in disbelief. Tord was absolutely stuffed, though asleep. He’d clearly gotten hungry while Edd was asleep, and ate Tom and Matt. The two didn’t seem to happy about it though, as he could see Tord's gut shift and squirm every few seconds.
"I’m going to give him the telling off of his life when he wakes up…" Edd grumbled quietly to himself.
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new-preddsworld · 1 year
Headcannons First time the characters vored someone and got vore, who where they
Preddsworld headcannons
✨BONUS✨ - 1
OOOOO! I hadn’t thought about that before, but I’ve been thinking about it all day…
First time voring: Tom. He wanted to try it out, and Tom was too tired to object.
First time being vored: Tord. They were in a situation where zombeh!Tord had to store Edd very abruptly to get them both out of a dangerous situation… very stress inducing for both of them.
First time voring: Tom. It’s to do with the second part of temptations, which I’m working on…
First time being vored: also Tom! He was kinda hungry in his monster form, and Matt happened to be the closest. Fair enough I suppose.
First time voring: some random guy that wanted to fight him after a few drinks.
First time being vored: Tord. Unsurprisingly.
First time voring: Edd. Same situation I mentioned in the first time Edd was vored. :)
First time being vored: Edd again. :) he was under a lot of stress, so he reluctantly let him.
First time voring: Jon. He got on his nerves more than usual.
First time being vored: Tord. It was a warning to stop threatening Edd. It actually did work for a while.
First time voring: Eduardo, as a punishment for being especially nasty to Jon.
First time being vored: also Eduardo. He just felt like it. He’s a prick like that.
First time voring: never! He’s very uninterested in it.
First time being vored: Eduardo, same as explained before.
First time voring: Patryck, he’s very fond of storing him. ^^
First time being vored: Tord. Punishment for crashing the plane. And he wasn’t let out for a good while…
First time voring: some random guy that recognised him as a red army soldier. He found it quite difficult, but he managed.
First time being vored: Tord. He accidentally disobeyed orders.
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new-preddsworld · 10 months
Has ringo ben vored or vored someone if so who was it and why?
good question…
i suppose if one of main four has been hungry enough (happens to the best of us, and has probably happened to them all individually), then they definitely would’ve tried to eat her… but that’s not to say any of them have ever succeeded.
but yk how many posts ago i said that Eduardo and Edd get into like… pred battles essentially n shit? yeah, i can imagine Eduardo voring Ringo for that cause. poor ringo 🥲
however, the question of if Ringo herself has vored someone? …we may never know.
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new-preddsworld · 1 year
Preddsworld headcannons
Tord - 2
Eats Tom so often that Edd literally had to beg Tord to stop doing it so much, or to store him rather than just eat him at the very least.
Tord managed to get in Edd's good books again by eating Eduardo.
Trying to get Matt into the habit of eating people, just because he’s bored and clearly wants to doom the household.
Once he ate a random prey on the street that had picked a fight with him. His stomach ended up getting sliced open from the inside. He’s told nobody about it, not even Edd.
This did at one point temporarily drive Tord away from eating people for a few months, or listening to any of his instincts at all. He kinda just isolated himself as much as possible until the wound healed and became one large scar, and even then refused to eat anyone.
Even Tom was a tad bit worried. Edd tried coaxing Tord into storing him, and when that failed, Edd literally just told Tom to shove him down Tord's throat. That worked very effectively, but scared the living hell out of Tord himself.
Absolutely loves feeling the squirms of his prey.
You know what he loves more, though? Belly rubs, especially (and mainly) from the inside. He completely melts when given belly rubs, and becomes and absolute purring mess. The cruel, fearsome predator façade disappears quicker than Paul can crash another plane.
Tord drools a lot. It makes it really obvious when he’s keeping up an act of niceness but suddenly the hunger and instincts hit hella hard.
Speaking of instincts, Tord has quite intense predatory instincts sometimes. Actually, a lot of the time.
If he suddenly becomes intensely hungry out of nowhere, he has visual images of swallowing the prey down. Next thing he knows, he’s actually doing it.
He's tried to have Matt, Tom and Edd inside his stomach at the same time on multiple occasions. Many occasions. He’s only ever succeeded once.
Will sometimes poke and prod prey if he feels like he’s not getting a good enough reaction out of them.
Finds it a lot easier to focus on work when full.
He likes to eat soldiers that have been slacking. He takes great pleasure in doing so, and even turned it into a monthly thing.
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new-preddsworld · 1 year
Coffee (g/t)
I put this off for so long only for it to be really short hhhhhhhh-
Paul poured himself a coffee. He was seething at the fact that Tord had woken him up to do a mission at four in the morning. It wasn’t anything too urgent in his opinion. He’d just been told to keep an eye on the couple that had decided to go camping "suspiciously close" to the base. Paul could barely see them from his watchtower, so he just couldn’t see what his boss was so worried about.
"Just because everyone and everything looks suspicious to him…" Paul muttered to himself before taking a sip. He winced at the temperature, proceeding to place the mug a small distance away from his feet. Bored of watching the tent, he lit a cigarette as he surveyed the sky. It was winter, so the sun hadn’t even begun to start rising at this time. Most of the stars had faded way, though. He couldn’t help but wonder when the couple would leave.
As boring as this shift was, it was better than attempting to figure out how to fly a plane while already being in the air, Paul thought to himself grudgingly. His eyelids kept closing without his will, so he picked up his coffee from the ground and began to sip from it again. It was then that Paul heard a faint noise. He stopped gulping down the caffeine for a second to listen. Yelling? Paul raised a bushy eyebrow, but his heart dropped once a hand emerged from the liquid. He gently squeezed that hand, pulling the person out of the steamy depths of the mug.
Oh shit. It was his boss. He was coughing up the coffee onto Paul's already partially wet palm.
"You moron! Do you not check what’s in your coffee before you drink it?" Tord yelled up at him. Paul resisted the strong urge to call him a drama queen.
"No, sir. I have never felt the need to. Now let’s get you sized up and dried." He replied in a monotone voice as his leader continued to lecture him. Anything to excuse him from this job.
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new-preddsworld · 1 year
Preddsworld headcannons
Edd - 2
(I’m so running out of ideas)
Tom once put Edd in a glass of coke before. He almost drowned.
Tord and Tom like to try to sneak up on Edd to eat him as a surprise attack. Needless to say, they’re not very sneaky about it, and so it never works.
Edd on the other hand, believe it or not, is very good at being sneaky.
Usually it’s Tom that experiences it.
Edd isn’t very sensitive on the inside. Kicks and punches don’t really hurt him, just annoy him. He just kinda huffs and either waits for them to settle down, or worst comes to worst sticks it out all the way up to digestion (if we’re talking fatally here).
He likes belly rubs mainly as an assurance that everything is fine, because if you’ve read my other Edd Preddcannons, y'all know he needs that reassurance.
Because he needs constant reassurance from a prey, he gives a lot of reassurance as a prey. It can be irritating for the others at times, but they deal with it.
Edd isn’t very fond of nomming Matt. He complains far too much in Edd's opinion.
It’s a bit difficult trying to sleep in Edd's stomach. He likes to talk. He will pester the prey.
When he was younger and not really hungry, he would dress up shrunken prey in tiny little doll outfits. It sounds messed up now that I’m typing it, but at the time when I thought of it it was an adorable idea.
He will sometimes randomly just lick one of the others just to get a taste of them, or just to make them react to it because he’s bored.
Adventures the main 4 have include noms at least half of the time, and usually it’s Edd who initiates that. He is the leader after all.
As long as he’s willing, he’s not much of a squirmer!
Edd is kinda a people pleaser, and when he’s willing, he doesn’t like to make too much of a fuss (if at all) for the pred.
If he’s unwilling though, he drops his "people pleasing morals", buries em six feet under and starts violently fighting for his life.
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new-preddsworld · 1 year
Hhhhh I love thinking about Tord voring Tom-
Tord doesn’t exactly just gulp down every guy he sees (well, not anymore anyway) so why does Tord gulp down Tom whenever he gets the chance?
The answer is pretty simple. He loves messing with him. All the comments about how delicious Tom smells and tastes, and how nicely he fills up Tord, the very intentional hungry gazes he sends his way, the mouthplay, fearplay, occasional foodplay, the half-assed attempts at eating him just to scare him, and everything else, all of it is purely to mess with Tom. It works amazingly, and Tord is always satisfied with the result.
He loves squirming, and he knows better than anyone how wriggly Tom can be, especially when he’s unwilling to be eaten. Tord loves how even when Tom is trapped inside his stomach, he still believes there’s some form of hope for him to live. It’s great entertainment for the communist too.
Sometimes, Tord feels particularly cruel. He’s in the mood for his favourite squirming meal, and is bored more than anything. He'll tell Tom sarcastically that his parents would be so proud of him if they could see him. He'll tell Tom that he’s only good for a meal, and if he wasn’t such easy prey, the others wouldn’t care about him at all. You get the general idea. This gets a huge reaction out of Tom. He'll scream, let out a few sobs, punch and kick the stomach walls more violently than usual, and will usually beg for Edd and Matt to help him, and for Tord to let him out. Tord finds this very amusing, but tries not to turn it into a frequent thing so that Tom can’t get used to it. :)
I should post more of these ngl
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new-preddsworld · 2 years
Preddsworld headcannons
Tord - 1
Tord has been my favourite character since 2015, so it’s only fair that I do him first.
Pred, like, 95% of the time.
He'll only WILLINGLY be prey if it’s for one of his experiments, and that’s quite rare.
However, that’s not to say he hasn’t accidentally shrunk himself and ended up in an unaware, extremely tired Paul's coffee… :) (yes that is a fic I will now begin working on)
Teases the living hell out of his prey.
Tord is human, so LOGICALLY he shouldn’t have a storage, but he does, both due to the fact he was once a zombeh and in my logic any form of monster = they have a storage, but also as a result of a successful experiment.
He rarely uses his storage stomach, however.
He can handle around 5 prey at a time. Any more than that and he practically passes out instantly.
Prone to long food comas.
He purrs a lot. Far more than he’d like to admit. And of course Edd likes to tease him for it.
The purrs sound a bit raspy.
He has TWO favourite preys.
Tom. He finds Tom absolutely delicious, and very fun to tease. He has said some… pretty nasty stuff to Tom after eating him. That’s only when he gets carried away, though. He really likes to exaggerate the fact that Tom is an "easy prey". Tord's stomach growls A LOT around Tom, which isn’t even deliberate. He makes very teasing comments towards Tom, commenting on how good he smells, how he’s the perfect size for a meal, you get the idea. Has never stored Tom before, and definitely does not plan to.
Edd, but for much different reasons than with Tom. Edd is Tord's favourite out of the other three, and with that comes the desire to protect. Tord only ever stores Edd, and they do it more often when Tom and Matt aren’t around, and that’s because Tord is quite gentle with Edd. Tord purrs SO MUCH with Edd inside him, sometimes they just fall asleep after. He accidentally scared Edd really badly once, but once he realised what he was doing, he profusely apologised afterwards and even let Edd store him as a physical form of apology rather than verbal ones. Edd is still pretty shaken about it though.
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new-preddsworld · 2 years
Hello people of tumblr (oh god i am awful at intros-)
My (online) name is Kenny (if we rp then I don’t mind telling my real name), i am not comfortable saying my age, i have autism + adhd, i use any prns except she/her, and I think that’s all you need to know about me!
What is this blog about?
To make a long story short, i post Preddsworld things! Mostly writing, but sometimes I post art! My art style is kinda inconsistent though.. :(
Are requests open?
Yes, requests are open! You can request eddsworld oral vore only. If you have a long idea, or one that you’re worried to send because you think it might be weird, don’t worry! Send it anyway, i don’t bite. At least not over the internet. As a side note, please no proship/comship requests.
What is Preddsworld?
Preddsworld is basically eddsworld vore. If you don’t know what vore is, good for you.
Anything else?
Hate/slander of my account is not appreciated. I get it, i have a different opinion to some. That’s no reason to be a dick to me. On a more serious note, please do not send any of my work to eddsworld creators. Please.
Anyway, have fun!
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new-preddsworld · 1 year
Hey new to your blog and I love it and your headcannons
Also I hot a question
What would the boys do even they all suddenly got different pred forms? (Like part dragon, naga etc) just something I always wondered
First of all, welcome to my blog!! I’m glad you like the predcannons!
Not sure whether you meant what species they’d turn into or what their reactions would be, so I did both :)
Tord - deffo a naga. No doubt about it. I reckon he’d be pretty annoyed about it since it would take a lot of practice for him to travel around with no legs, but he’d get used to it after a long while.
Edd - a centaur. He just gives off centaur vibes to me. He’d be absolutely horrified at first but he’d find it more fun to walk once he got used to it!
Matt - a mer. Again, he just gives off that vibe. His reaction would be the funniest though, since he’d start off the land. Probably cry and flop around all over the place while the others try not to cackle. He’d be the real reason they have a swimming pool inside the house.
Tom - a humanoid dragon, but one that's wings don’t properly function… probably because he wouldn’t be born with them and had no time to grow into them. So they’re mostly for show. He’d be surprised about it but not that bothered. Plus, as a bonus he could easily whack Tord around the head with them.
Eduardo - this one kinda stumped me… but I eventually decided on a werewolf. Just seemed fitting, though I doubt he’d ever be too happy about it, even with his superiority complex.
Mark - a fae/faerie? I think it’s spelt like that. But he’s one that can naturally sizeshift! He likes doing it mainly because it entertains Jon. And this may come as a surprise, but he got used to his wings pretty quickly.
Jon - a selkie. I’ll be honest, I wanted to make at least one of them a selkie, but I wasn’t sure who. So I decided Jon. He wouldn’t mind too much, as he'd think his seal form is cute! He likes his half-transformed form most. I need to draw this tbh.
Paul - a Mapinguari. I did some research on types of cryptids and found this, and it reminded me of Paul. Only specific references though that I may share. He’d be quite scared of himself for a while, and understandably so.
Patryck - a siren. He would adjust to his new life in the water quite nicely, though sometimes he'd miss the feeling of having legs.
I may actually draw some of these… I will reblog this post and show them if i do. Just bear in mind I haven’t drawn Matt or the neighbours since 2017.
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new-preddsworld · 1 year
Preddsworld headcannons
Paul - 1
Oof.. I do love Paul.
He's not exactly cruel… just not the most responsive of preds, shall we say.
Under no circumstances is he a prey. He will not allow it.
Because of his pink fluffy monster form (which I have doodled, if anyone’s interested) GUESS WHAT! HE PURRS! AND HE HAS A STORAGE >:D
He usually only stores Patryck. He enjoys the taste of him.
Is very embarrassed of purring as much as he does, and it doesn’t help that Patryck knows his weakness: tummy rubs.
Doesn’t like same-size all that much. He prefers g/t, simply because he finds it more comfortable.
Mainly noms people when he’s sleepy. This is inconvenient, as Tord has ended up in his coffee before.
Can be gentle or careless, depending on just how grumpy he is that day. He could never bring himself to be fully careless with Patryck, however.
He’s quite a controlled guy. As in, he doesn’t scarf people down just for the sake of it, or purely out of hunger.
Gives gentle licks occasionally. This could mean one of two things. One, he’s quite hungry, enjoys the taste, but really doesn’t feel like eating anyone, OR, he's doing his best to be comforting.
He's quite like a big dog. He certainly acts like one, anyway.
Extremely protective over Patryck. Once Tord nommed Patryck as a punishment, and Paul absolutely lost it. He had Tord fully pinned down to the floor, snarling, etc, and was literally about to eat him until Tord told him to stop being dramatic, and that he would let Patryck out. Paul kept Patryck much closer that day, and was noticeably a lot grumpier.
Just because he’s well controlled in some aspects and isn’t really cruel does not mean he hasn’t had intrusive thoughts about eating those close to him. This usually happens when Paul has had a bad day, and the last thing he needs is Tord's bs.
He once had a booth thingy where people paid him to eat them. God knows why.
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