hazel-of-sodor · 6 months
I wasn’t originally a fan of the GG1, but after I found a model of it in a thrift store, it’s grown on me
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One of the best electric locomotives of all time. The GG1's are iconic for a reason.
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I love these. its a shame we may never see one run again (their electronics are long shot, and would need complete redesigning to be allowed to run under modern railroad safety)
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postsofbabel · 10 months
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tumimmtxpapers · 6 years
IFN-γ synergism with poly I:C reduces growth of murine and human cancer cells with simultaneous changes in cell cycle and immune checkpoint proteins.
IFN-γ synergism with poly I:C reduces growth of murine and human cancer cells with simultaneous changes in cell cycle and immune checkpoint proteins. Cancer Lett. 2018 Sep 08;: Authors: Guinn ZP, Petro TM Abstract Previously, we reported that IFN-γ and poly I:C, a TLR3 Pattern Recognition Receptor (PRR) agonist, reduces growth of and induces Cleaved-Caspase-3 (CC3), ISG54 and p27Kip in B16 melanoma cells. Here, analysis of IFN-γ/PRR synergism was expanded with UM-SCC1 and UM-SCC38 human squamous carcinoma cells and other PRR agonists. As in B16 cells, poly I:C plus IFN-γ synergism reduced UM-SCC1 and UM-SCC38 growth, and no more than 24 h was needed for significant growth reduction. IFN-γ synergism to stem B16 growth also occurred with TLR7, TLR9, TLR4, and STING agonists, but not TLR2 agonist. IFN-γ synergized with TLR3 and TLR4 agonists reducing UM-SCC1 growth, and with TLR7 and TLR3 agonists reducing UM-SCC38 growth. IFN-γ plus poly I:C, which had the most pronounced effect, decreased cyclin-D1, increased G1 cell cycle arrest, and increased Cleaved caspase-3 in B16 cells, as well as RAW264.7, a virus-transformed murine macrophage cell line. Finally, IFN-γ plus poly I:C modulated protein but not cell surface expression of immune checkpoint protein PD-L1, as well as cell cycle checkpoint proteins in B16 cells. Thus IFN-γ plus poly I:C, and other PRR agonists, may well be effective adjuvants to cancer immunotherapy against several tumor cell types. PMID: 30205169 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher] http://dlvr.it/QjwwSW
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g1noticias · 7 years
Câmara aprova prorrogar prazo de adesão ao Funrural
A Câmara dos Deputados aprovou nesta quarta-feira (28) a medida provisória (MP) que prorroga o prazo de adesão ao programa criado pelo governo para renegociar dívidas com o Fundo de Assistência ao Trabalhador Rural. O texto vai agora ao Senado. A MP aprovada estende de 28 de fevereiro para 30 de abril o prazo para que produtores e empresas rurais façam adesão ao chamado Programa de Regularização Tributária Rural (PRR). Também conhecido como Refis do Funrural, o programa foi lançado no ano passado, por outra medida provisória. A proposta abrange dívidas relativas à contribuição social dos trabalhadores rurais. A contribuição incide sobre a receita bruta da comercialização da produção e é paga pelos empregadores para ajudar a custear a aposentadoria dos trabalhadores. Pelo texto, aprovado pelo Congresso no último mês de dezembro, poderão ser quitados os débitos vencidos até 30 de agosto de 2017. source https://g1.globo.com/politica/noticia/camara-aprova-prorrogar-prazo-de-adesao-ao-funrural.ghtml
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hazel-of-sodor · 2 months
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Ah yes, the PRR G1 Electric...more seriously who sliced the poor engine in half.
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