doctorbrown · 11 months
DOCTOBER '23 ⸺ 「 17 / 31 * EINSTEIN 」
May 30, 1979
❝Let's run through this one more time, Einie,❞ Emmett says, crouched down behind a small assortment of simple tools whose heads are turned away from him to face outward. ❝Then we'll leave it there for today and go out for our nightly walk; I think we both could use the fresh air.❞
Einstein sniffs at the air, wise to his master's tricks; the scent of his favourite liver snacks wafts from the pocket of Emmett's lab coat and he knows that if he solves every one of these problems satisfactorily, he'll get a treat for each and every right answer. So he sits and looks at each of the tools on the ground and waits expectantly for the first test.
❝Alright boy, grab me the Phillips head!❞ Einstein looks between the five tools laid out before him and picks up the second one from the left, prompting a joyous reaction from Emmett. ❝Well done!❞ He pulls a single treat from his pocket and tosses it at Einstein, who catches it expertly.
While he crunches his treat, Emmett rearranges the tools into a different configuration and gestures to the new layout. Einstein takes a moment to look at the new arrangement.
❝Now how about the torque wrench?❞ Emmett has to remind himself not to give anything away as Einstein considers the options laid out before him, for it would defeat the entire purpose of the training exercise. He needed the extra pair of hands while he was working and Einstein's ability to correctly identify and bring him the necessary tools would be an invaluable help.
As his first large dog, this presented opportunities previously unavailable to him in the amount of help Einstein could offer.
Einstein first sniffs at the vise grip before turning and grabbing the one just to the right of it. Emmett beams, once again pleased, and takes the tool back.
❝Excellent work, Einie!❞ He tosses another treat at him and Einstein's jaws snap shut around it.
The tools are rearranged once again.
❝Let's try something a little more challenging; the crescent wrench!❞ Einstein deliberates for a moment before returning to the vise grip and holding it up expectantly. Emmett takes the tool out of his mouth and pats him on the head encouragingly.
❝Almost, Einie, almost.❞ He holds it up like a professor demonstrating something to his students. ❝This one is a vise grip. Invented in the mid 1920s, they have a locking mechanism unique to them that allows it to remain clamped around an object without sacrificing pressure applied if you have to remove your hands.❞
Einstein looks momentarily put-out that he will not be receiving a treat for his efforts, but Emmett offers a few more encouraging words and rearranges the tools for one final trial.
❝Last one for tonight; can you get me the needle-nose pliers?❞
Emmett places his hands on his aching knees as Einstein takes longer to look between the instruments this time. He's too old now to be holding this position for long—the same way his body tries to remind him he's too old to be throwing himself so completely into his projects to the point where he neglects his own physical needs—but another five minutes, if that, won't kill him.
Einstein chooses wrong again, this time bringing him the crescent wrench, and Emmett makes a mental note of Einie's problem areas—the pliers seem to be tricky for him; more attention and practise will have to be given to those—but this was still a successful training attempt and half right and half wrong is still a marked improvement from when they started.
❝That one was the crescent wrench,❞ he says, holding it up again. ❝But you did exceptionally!❞ Again, Einstein manages to look disappointed that he hasn't received a treat for his efforts and stares longingly at Emmett's pocket; he's had practise already with two other dogs to-date, but Einie has mastered the puppy-dog eyes in a way that shakes even his resolve.
Still, he manages to avoid giving Einstein a treat and instead focuses on scooping the assortment of tools up to toss on the nearby table. He groans as he stands, his knees aching.
They still have that walk to go on.
❝We still have some work to do, but once you can correctly identify all the tools, we'll work on sizing.❞ Emmett scratches lovingly behind Einstein's ears and even though he only correctly identified two out of the four tools, he is beyond proud of his canine companion. He'll make a fine assistant with just a little more training.
Emmett walks over to the door and grabs the lead off the hook. Einstein bounds after him, tail whipping a mile a minute and barking excitedly. We'll work on some leash training instead. He's done exceptionally well with it so far.
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jokerfan99 · 6 years
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Wrath Behind The Crosshairs (RWBY/RVB) by Necroceph
*RVB Opening Theme*
0600 hours in the Michael J. Caboose's room
Caboose raises up from bed before stretching his entire body to start for another fantastic day in Blood Gulch.
Caboose: YAAAWWNN!!! Good morning galaxy, it's another wonderful day!
Caboose move his hand to pick his rifle up placed at the side of the bed as always. But when his hand make contacts with the weapon, he felt something strange with its shape. It felt blocky and somewhat bigger than it was before. He turned his head to the strange object he touched before his eyes widen by surprise. Next to his weapon is a large red rectangular like object that is twice as bigger than the sniper rifles everyone uses. He doesn't know where it came from but the first words he spoke after seeing for the first time was:
Caboose: Neat!
On the Blue Base's roof
Church cried out loud in a mix of shock and anger upon witnessing the first thing in the morning he sees outside. The entire base's concrete walls are riddled with large holes created by what seems to be made by a high caliber bullet so strong that it was enough shatter a large piece of concrete from one of the walls made to protect them from snipers. Heck, the tank is in an even worse condition, with its entire armor pierced through and driver seat no longer considered seatable for the human ass anymore. The tank was already in a bad condtion, but this just made it worst!
Tucker: Whoa! It looks like a tornado just passed through here. What happened?
Tucker too is suprised to see the mess around him as he climbs up the stairs.
Church: What the fuck do you think?! It must be those Red ASSHOLES who did this while we were asleep!!! Tucker: Huh, no kidding. They sure did made one hell of a mess around here and holy shit, the tank! Church: Ugh! Command's not going to be happy if they see this. Tucker: Why so worried? As long as we don't report this, we'll be in the clear. Church: Really? May I remind you that we have one teammate in this base who always report to Command daily? Tucker: Oh, right. Schnee. Command's not the only one who'll be reeeaaaally pissed off. But hey, she won't be back in another two days thanks to Command needing her for something! Church: Yeah, I guess you're right. Sigh, but still we can't just leave the base like this. C'mon let's go wake up Caboose and get cement bags downstairs, a lot of it. Caboose: CHURCH, TUCKER! I GOT A CHRISTMAS PRESENT!!! Church: Or we'll just get cement and... wait, christmas present?"
Church and Tucker turned to the incoming Blue heavy ascending from the stairs. What they see next surprises them. Within the Blue dimwit's hands is a large flat red object twice the size of a rifle.
Church and Tucker: Whoa! Tucker: Caboose, what the hell are you holding?!?! Caboose: It's a christmas present from Santa! Tucker: Uhh, Church? Church: Don't... say... a word. Caboose, where the fuck did you get that thing? Caboose: Well, I woke up and the first thing I found was this awesome christmas present sitting next to my bed. Thank you, Santa! Tucker: Uh, Caboose. I hate to tell you this, but Christmas isn't coming in another seven months. Church: Okay, okay, enough talk about Christmas! What's more important is what the hell is that thing and where it came from! Tucker: Looks like a Swiss army knife, except five times the size. Caboose: How can you tell? Tucker: See those slits between the red plates, might be tools so it's gotta be a Swiss. Caboose: Wow! Now we can open ten canned food without opening them one by one anymore! Let me get the knife out. Church: No! Caboose, whatever it is that you're holding, could be dangerous for all we know! Tucker: Dangerous? Come on. Caboose looks fine holding it. See?
Caboose is trying to find a way to open a knife out of the object.
Caboose: Ugh! Why won't you open! Church: Well not for long! That thing could be a bomb planted by the Reds. Tucker: A bomb? Caboose: A bomb?!?! This?!
Caboose quickly places his ear on the object to hear anything inside. He hears nothing silence, no ticking around.
Caboose: It's alright everybody! There's no ticking. It's not a bomb. Church: Regardless, it's still dangerous. Caboose, drop it down. But slooowly. Caboose:... Church:... Caboose: Okay. Hmm?
Caboose see something on the side of the object. It looks like button for something.
Caboose: What does this button do?
He presses it.
Church: CABOOSE, NOOOO!!! Tucker: Get down!
Tucker quickly grabs Chruch and both of them fall flat onto the floor.
Tucker: Are we dead? It's too quiet. Caboose: WOW! Guys, check this out!
Both look up to see the object still in Caboose's hands, now in a much different form. From a flat block of metal, to a large rifle like weapon.
Church and Tucker: Wooooah. Tucker: Caboose, what the fuck did you do? Caboose: I just pressed the button and then the thing turned into a giant gun. It really is a Swiss army knife! Tucker: So... I was right? Church: 'Coincidentally right' would be the correct term. Damn, that's a big gun. Could be a sniper rifle. Tucker: How can you tell? Church: See the scope on the top of it, Einstein? Caboose: I like this new gun.
Caboose starts looking for a target to try out the rifle. There he spots of large rock on the field.
Caboose: I'm wanna try blowing up that rock over there! Church: Uh... sure, give it a try. Hey, Tucker let's go stand behind there just in case.
He draws the weapon, aims it steadily and slowly pulls the trigger. The rifle then emitted a large blast from its muzzle and the recoil was so powerful that it pushed Caboose down. Church and Tucker ran toward the lied down Caboose.
Tucker: You okay? Caboose: Ouchie. Tucker: Yep, he's fine. Church: Guys? You might wanna see this.
Church points at the rock Caboose shot at with the strange weapon. A large chunck of it got shot off, leaving the debris lying on the dirt.
Tucker: Holy shit, a sniper rifle did that with one shot?! Caboose: Neat. Church: Tucker, are you thinking what I'm thinking? Tucker: Ohoho, something to attract the babes with. Hopefully, I'll get Weiss this time. Church: I'm not talking about that! I'm thinking that this rifle could be the thing that caused this fucking mess.
On the Red Base's roof
Sarge: Gentlemen, I have a great dire news to share with you. Last night, we have lost something valuable, something that is part of our poor Markswoman's heart and soul. Crescent Rose. Ruby: WAAAHAAAAAA!!! Lopez: ¡Deja de llorar tan fuerte! ¡Vas a oxidar mi revestimiento! Donut: If you mean by 'stop crying', no! Let Rose express her lost. Don't you think guys?
Donut turned to Simmons and Grif who are standing next to him. Behind their helmets concealing their faces, are extremely worried expressions. Both looked at each other before responding back.
Grif: Oh yeah... uh... let her cry, Lopez! Simmons: That's right, it's natural reaction for humans to be balling so hard till their eyes shrivel. Robots... haha... right Grif? Hehehehe... heheh... *gulp* Sarge: Crescent Rose was kidnapped by the diabolical Blues hours ago. Their plan maybe is to use it against us and possibly, forgive me for saying this Rose, reverse engineer it! And if they do, they'll supply their army with not one, but a thousand Crescent Rose rip-offs!!! Simmons: That's what I've been think...! Grif: SHHH!!! Simmons: Sorry. Sarge: BUT! There is still time to save her. Our mission today, is to rescue Crescent Rose from our enemies' dirty hands and show them not to steal Red property! We will leave no weapon behind!!! Ruby: Let's get those Blue bullies! Grif and Simmons: Uh... yahoo... Donut: HUZZAAAAHH!!!
All eyes turned to Donut.
Donut: Give me a break, I always wanted to say that! Sarge: Gear up boys and girl. We got a war to do. Simmons, Grif, Donut, you'll take the Warthog. Lopez, prepare the rocket turret! Rose. Use this sniper rifle for the time being.
Sarge takes the rifle from his back to give it to Ruby.
Ruby: Huh, I thought I'd be using a plain old sniper rifle again. But for Crescent Rose, I got no other choice. I hope my baby forgives me.
Ruby makes a teary puppy face, worrying for whatever fate lies before her beloved weapon. Ruby grabs the rifle, but as she begins to take it out off Sarge's hand, she couldn't pull it out. She looks up to Sarge who's head is facing to a different direction.
Ruby: Uhm, Sarge. You can let go! Uuugh! Boy, your grasp is tight. Sarge: Hold on. Lopez, what are you doing!
Lopez is standing at the edge of the roof, facing towards the Blue menace's home turf.
Sarge: This is no time for sight seeing! Get down there and put that rocket turret on the Warthog! Lopez: Lo esta sosteniendo Sarge: What? Lopez: El idiota azul sostiene el rifle de Ruby. Sarge: Lopez, I order you to 'installe rocketo' not ' stande arounde and looki'! Ruby: Hold on, Sarge. I think Lopez is trying to tell us something. What is it, Lopez, do you see something? Lopez: Mis sistemas ópticos están diseñados para ver hasta diez kilómetros y desde aquí, y lo que estoy viendo en este momento es el idiota azul que sostiene tu rifle. Ruby:.... Okay I have no idea what he just said. Sarge: Hang on a sec. He said 'idiota'. The only person he called with that word is...
Sarge looks through the sniper's scope to see what Lopez is looking at. He lowers the rifle, with a surprise expression behind his visors.
Sarge: Rose, I think I found your weapon. Ruby: REALLY?! Gimme, gimme, gimme! Sarge: It'd be best if you see it once we get it back. Ruby: Oh please, let me see Crescent Rose!
Ruby snatches the rifle from Sarge. She raises the rifle and looks through the scope. From here, she could see the enemy standing around and talking, just talking. From the way the two Blues are moving, it looks like they're having an argument. She noticed the third of the Blue's holding something. The shape looks familiar and its colors was too opposite to be blue. It's Crescent Rose! A wide smile formed on her upon witnessing her weapon still in one piece. But that happiness did not last long when she notice two arms wrapped tightly around it. Zooming the scope in a bit revealed the Blue cuddling it like a toy, seeing such a thing made her heart collapse. First thing that screamed out of her head is:
Ruby: Lopez... give me twenty magazines.
At the Warthog
As a singing Donut is preparing the armaments for the siege, Grif and Simmons discuss about their current 'problem'.
Grif: Phew, thank God that's over. Simmons: Not yet, we still need to get Ruby's rifle back. Grif: Which we put stole last night and put in the Blue base so that everyone think those pricks did it. Simmons: But what about the Blue's? What if they try to say that they didn't stole it? Grif: What about them? As long as we attack them, there's no way they'll have time to talk. Remember, Sarge isn't the negotiable type of guy. Simmons: But still we can't let everyone know. Grif: Pfft, how hard can it be? Donut: How hard can it what?
Grif jumped when he heard Donut behind with a box full of ammo.
Grif: Nothing. We're just... talking about how we'll attack the Blues. Donut: Ohh, I see. Well if you excuse me, I'll go get the flamethrowers. Simmons: Hard huh? Grif: Go fuck yourself.
Back on the Blue base
Caboose: I'm gonna call you. Sheila II!
As Caboose cuddles with his newfound friend, Church and Tucker began to discuss about the weapon.
Tucker: If what you're saying is true, then why did the Reds dump it here in the first place? Church: I don't know. Most of the Reds may not have more brain cells than us, but they aren't that stupid to give us this kind of firepower. Plus, I've never seen that kind of rifle before. Tucker: Me neither. Must be some kind of new weapon they made. Church: Or maybe a prototype they were ordered to test it, on our fucking base! Which may explain the fucking bullet holes everywhere! Tucker: That's sounds like a good theory. But why dump it here? Church: Hmm, I guessing testing the weapon isn't the only thing they were here for. And I doubt they're here for intel. Tucker: Maybe they stop by to get a snack.
Church: Goddammit, Caboose stop shooting! Caboose: But I didn't do anything! YIKES!!!
And he really didn't. A small blast suddenly explode behind the Blue idiot, causing him to jump forward near his teammates. An incoming whistle caught the attention of the three.
Tucker: DUCK!
All manage to duck before the round hits any of them. The shot hits the concrete, making another hole which doesn't help Church at all.
Church: OH COME ON! We have enough holes over here! Caboose: Whatdowedo?Whatdowedo?Whatdowedo? Church: Quick, behind that wall!
The trio rushes towards a wall facing towards the Red base from afar. They hid behind it as more explosive shots came flying pass them.
Caboose: We're all going to die! Brace yourself Sheila II.
Back on the Red base
Sarge and Lopez both witness Ruby shooting the rifle endlessly at the Blue base without even stopping aside from reloading a new mag.
Sarge: Rose, are you okay over there?
No response. Sarge is getting worried for his markswoman.
Sarge: Huh, I guess not. Lopez, see if she's okay. Lopez: Sí señor
Lopez walked slowly towards Ruby. As he reached beside her proned body, he moves closely towards her face before responding to her.
Lopez: Rose, ¿estás bien?
His response worked as she turned her face to him. But instead of seeing the innocent face that is Ruby's, is a demonic wrathful gritted teeth face with silver eyes burning bright with pure anger.
Lopez: Me parece que eres tu.
Lopez quickly moved back to Sarge.
Sarge: Well? Lopez: Ella es la hija de Mictlāntēcutli.. Sarge: Oh thank God, I was starting to get worried. Lopez: Realmente deberías estarlo.
Deviantart: https://www.deviantart.com/necroceph
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