#Paik's Cuisine
ultrakdramamama · 2 years
온두부가 만드는 요리에 리액션을 잃은 백종원🤐 짠하다 온유야.. 우리 집 놀러와|바종원 ep.01
Baek Jong-won lost his reaction to the food made by Ondubu 🤐 So sad Onew. Come to my house, Ba Jongwon ep.01
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shineemoon · 2 years
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220407 Star Bridge Universe
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220408 백종원의 요리비책 Paik's Cuisine
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thelinguaphilelady · 3 years
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shawolseurope · 2 years
(220408) @백종원의 요리비책 Paik's Cuisine Youtube update
Caption: 온두부가 만드는 요리에 리액션을 잃은 백종원🤐 짠하다 온유야.. 우리 집 놀러와|바종원 ep.01
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magazynkulinarny · 3 years
Kimchi Buchimgae
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I znów wracam do Azji, konkretniej do jej wschodniej części, na Półwysep Koreański. Odkąd robię kimchi, chętnie odwiedzam ten zakątek świata i poszukuję sposobów na wykorzystanie go w różnych potrawach.
Brzmi jak fragment książki kulinarno-podróżniczej Fuchsii Dunlop, Grahama Hollidaya, Jeta Tili, czy Anthony’ego Bourdaina? Trochę mrużę do Was oko. Nigdy nie byłam w Korei, ale przecież non stop zwiedzam glob czytając, oglądając i słuchając. Żadna pandemia mnie przed tym nie powstrzyma.
Kraj Porannej Ciszy - jak pięknie nazywa Koreę w swojej książce “Tradycje kulinarne Korei” Magdalena Tomaszewska-Bolałek - posiada cały zestaw dań z kiszoną ostrą kapustą pekińską. Jest ich naprawdę dużo! Zaczynając od zup, przez ryże, makarony, placki, po warzywa faszerowane kimchi, a nawet kanapki (widziałam niedawno taką jedną u Maangchi i Aarona & Claire - z topiącym się serem - to musi być odlot, zrobię na pewno!) i Bóg wie, co jeszcze.
Placek z kimchi nazywany jest Kimchijeon lub Kimchi Buchimgae. Podstawowa wersja zawiera dojrzałe kimchi, dymkę, niewielką ilość mięsa (parówkę, boczek, mieloną wieprzowinę) lub coś z owoców morza (krewetki, kalmary, ośmiornica), specjalną mąkę do placków (którą zastępuję zwykłą mąką pszenną) oraz przyprawy (gochugaru, cukier) i wodę. Smaży się je podobnie, jak naleśniki, oczywiście dłużej, ponieważ mają wilgotne dodatki i są grubsze. 
Moim głównym przewodnikiem po kuchni koreańskiej od jakiegoś czasu stał się Baek Jong-won, popularny w Korei Południowej szef kuchni, gospodarz programów kulinarnych, autor książek i biznesmen. Na YouTube.com znajdziecie jego kanał Paik's Cuisine. Facet strzela słowami, jak karabin maszynowy, podejrzewam, że nawet gdybym znała język nie zrozumiałabym ani słowa z tego, co mówi. Ale uwielbiam patrzeć jak włada tasakiem, czy smaży na głębokim oleju, chętnie też dzieli się praktycznymi radami i jest niezwykle swobodny. Widać lata praktyki w kuchni!
Przygotowanie ciasta na Kimchi Buchimgae nie jest trudne, warto jednak zastosować się do kilku rad, aby placek wyszedł chrupiący na zewnątrz, a nie miękki, ciapciaty i przesiąknięty tłuszczem.
Po pierwsze trzeba użyć kapusty, mąki i wody w takich samych proporcjach. Po drugie nie mieszać ciasta zbyt długo i intensywnie, aby nie wytwarzał się nadmiernie gluten. Po trzecie smażyć na stosunkowo dużej ilości dobrze rozgrzanego oleju. I po czwarte podczas smażenia poruszać patelnią cały czas, aby placek równomiernie się usmażył.
szklanka sfermentowanego kimchi z kapusty pekińskiej 2 łyżki soku spod kapusty 2 gałązki dymki 1/2 cebuli  zielona papryczka 2 cienkie plastry boczku łyżeczka guchugaru łyżeczka cukru szklanka mąki uniwersalnej szklanka wody ok. 3-4 łyżki oleju
Kimchi pokroić na małe kawałki. Cebulę obrać i pokroić w kosteczkę. Dymkę posiekać dość drobno, podobnie papryczkę (jeśli nie lubicie zbyt ostrych potraw, usuńcie pestki). Boczek pokroić w kosteczkę.
W dużej misce połączyć powyższe składniki z mąką, gochugaru i cukrem. Wlać wodę i delikatnie wymieszać. Jeśli masz młode kimchi, niezbyt mocne, dodaj do masy łyżeczkę octu winnego lub ryżowego. Masa będzie dość luźna i tak ma być.
Rozgrzać mocno olej na patelni. Musi być go więcej niż dalibyśmy zwyczajowo. Rozprowadzić go dokładnie po całej powierzchni, żeby placek nigdzie nie przywarł. Zmniejszyć ogień do średniego, wlać chochlę masy i nieco rozprowadzić, aby wszędzie uzyskać podobną grubość (plus minus jak placek ziemniaczany). Chwilę poczekać, aż dół lekko się zetnie i zacząć poruszać patelnią, aby placek kręcił się dookoła. To pozwoli mu się dokładnie usmażyć od dołu i zapobiegnie przywieraniu. Smażyć do momentu uzyskania złoto-brązowych podsmażeń, 3 do 5 minut.
Odważnym ruchem przerzucić placek na drugą stronę, jak naleśnik, podlać odrobiną oleju i znów smażyć do zrumienienia. Można jeszcze raz odwrócić, aby mieć pewność, że jest chrupiący. Jeśli boicie się podrzucania, użyjcie drugiej patelni (jak przy smażeniu tortilli).
Wyłożyć na duży talerz, pociąć na kawałki i podawać. Świetnie smakuje z prostym sosem z mieszanki sosu sojowego, wody, octu ryżowego, cukru, oleju sezamowego, prażonego sezamu i siekanego szczypioru.
Koreańczycy lubią wychylić do tej przekąski szklankę makgeolli, u nas sprawdzi się np. pszeniczne piwo.
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wogaimshik · 2 years
Day 9: Cho Sun Ok
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Our final lunch of our May Project was at the restaurant Cho Sun Ok near Lincoln Square. Cho Sun Ok is a restaurant that lets its patrons cook their own meat with tongs in a large grill at the center of their table (the famous Korean BBQ experience!!) This is what we ordered today:
Haemul pajeon
Mul naengmyeon
Kimchi bokkeumbap
Loren was in charge of cooking the chadolbaegi, which is the thinly sliced beef brisket, with garlic cloves on the central grill. The banchan, which are many assorted side dishes, included small plates of cucumbers, kimchi, potatoes, beansprouts, acorn jelly, and various sauces.
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The mul naengmyeon, which are cold Korean noodles, came in a large steel bowl with a hard boiled egg and cucumber garnish. Its refreshing taste and chilled temperature was a great dish to have during the hot day. 
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Once we were done eating, the ahjummas (the Korean aunties who work at the restaurant) came to our grill and mixed in kimchi, the remaining sides, and added white rice to create a delicious fried rice known as bokkeumbap. The rice became quite crispy at the bottom (this burnt rice is known as nurungji) and was the perfect way to end our lunch.
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The haemul pajeon, which is a seafood scallion pancake, was quite filling and savory. It was Tenzin’s personal favorite from lunch today at Cho Sun Ok. Loren’s favorite was the chadolbaegi and the kimchi bokkeumbap, and Kara’s was the kimchi bokkeumbap as well. As for this week of Korean cuisine, Loren and Kara’s favorite restaurant was Cho Sun Ok and Tenzin’s was Paik’s Noodles.  
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To those keeping up with this May Project blog and our Instagram, thank you! We’ve had an awesome time this month sharing the Asian cuisine of our respective cultures and learning about some of the diverse communities throughout our city from each other. Now finally, here’s some further historical information about Korean barbeque and banchan:
KBBQ KBBQ traces back to the Goguryeo era, and its earliest form was called “maekjeok,” which were skewers roasted over a fire. Overtime, maekjeok became seoryamyeok (marinated beef roasted and soaked in water), and then seoryamyeok became neobiani, which consisted of thinly sliced beef served to Korean royalty during the Joseon dynasty. As beef became more commercialized, neobiani eventually became bulgogi, which is the signature dish found at many Korean restaurants. 
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Source: https://foodworthwritingfor.com/2018/07/24/the-history-of-korean-barbeque-banchan-and-dry-aging/ https://nextshark.com/korean-bbq-history/#:~:text=Ancient%20history%3A%20Molded%20by%20eras,who%20lived%20in%20that%20era. 
Banchan Banchan plays an important role in Korean cuisine, accompanying every meal. The term “banchan” translates to side dishes, and there are a diverse variety of banchan, such as kimchi and oi muchim. Banchan has a long history, and stems back to when Korea was originally an agricultural-focused country with fermentation being its method of preservation. It is often believed that banchan was influenced by Buddhism, which spread to Korea during the mid-three Kingdom period (57 BCE-668 CE). Buddhism led to the prohibition of meat, which in turn led to the creation of vegetable-based dishes.
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Sources: https://foodworthwritingfor.com/2018/07/24/the-history-of-korean-barbeque-banchan-and-dry-aging/ https://www.afar.com/magazine/in-seoul-exploring-the-culinary-origins-of-korean-banchan
Thank you! - Loren, Tenzin, and Kara
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star1ent · 4 years
YouTube에서 '크리에이터 스포트라이트: 백종원의 요리비책 편 (Creator Spotlight: Paik's Cuisine)' 보기
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basic121sun · 4 years
YouTube에서 '백종원의 요리비책 Paik's Cuisine' 보기
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tonyduncanbb73 · 6 years
A Popular Jamaica Plain Sushi Spot Gets a Diner Sibling
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Evergreen Eatery is now open in the former La Rana Rossa space
In Jamaica Plain, a longtime neighborhood favorite for sushi has a new sibling: Evergreen Eatery is now open in the former La Rana Rossa space (154 Green St., Boston), courtesy of the JP Seafood Cafe (730 Centre St., Boston) team — Phil Paik, his wife Kristen Hunter, and his sister Karen Paik.
While JP Seafood Cafe has been serving Jamaica Plain outstanding sushi for over two decades, the team’s new restaurant focuses on classic American diner dishes with some influences from Latin, Caribbean, and Asian cuisine, as Phil Paik previously told Eater. At the time, he also said that the restaurant would have the “same energy and friendly environment” as JP Seafood Cafe.
Early visitors have shared photos of banana pancakes and avocado toast (not to mention a leafy mural and nice-looking cafe setup), while Phil Paik noted in a Facebook conversation with fans that the restaurant has a variety of vegan-friendly and gluten-free options. Menu-testing photos from a few months back indicate that the menu might includes dishes like BLT spring rolls, chicken and waffle sandwiches, and more.
In addition to serving breakfast and lunch, Evergreen Eatery has an express coffee and juice bar for on-the-go drinks, sandwiches, pastries, and more. The restaurant has room for about 50 inside and almost as many on a seasonal patio outside.
To start, Evergreen Eatery is serving breakfast and lunch on the diner side from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. (closed Mondays), and the cafe side is open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. daily.
In other Jamaica Plain diner news, space-themed Centre Street Cafe replacement Little Dipper is set to open any day now at 669 Centre St.
• Evergreen Eatery [Official Site] • Evergreen Eatery [FB] • Evergreen Eatery Coverage on Eater [EBOS]
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philmax2018 · 5 years
'You are outdated on YouTube. Listen to Millennials': Top star Korean YouTubers [VIDEO]
During YouTube's roundtable discussion, chef and TV personality Baek Jong-won from channel "Paik's Cuisine," "Workman" producer Ko Dong-wan, and "GiantPangTV" producer Leeseul Ye-na creators shared their experience in finding their individual content style in such a competitive business. YouTube Korea organized the event, Friday, in Samsung-dong, Seoul. from Korea Times News https://ift.tt/2H1Ppkc via IFTTTDiigo Blogger Tumblr Evernote
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mystylesmagazinetn · 6 years
Style Inspiration : Wearing Charlie May S/S 2015, Photo by Christina Paik // slouchy oversized jeans…
Style Inspiration :
Wearing Charlie May S/S 2015, Photo by Christina Paik // slouchy oversized jeans & sneakers #style #fashion #denim
L’article Style Inspiration : Wearing Charlie May S/S 2015, Photo by Christina Paik // slouchy oversized jeans… est apparu en premier sur Styles.tn | Styles Magazine Inspiration Mode, Beauté, Déco, Cuisine et Shopping.
from Styles.tn | Styles Magazine Inspiration Mode, Beauté, Déco, Cuisine et Shopping https://ift.tt/2MkHEtK via IFTTT
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tonyduncanbb73 · 7 years
Evergreen Eatery Will Take Over La Rana Rossa Space
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The owners also operate JP Seafood Cafe
A Jamaica Plain restaurant space that previously housed a pizzeria will get a new resident soon: Evergreen Eatery is slated to take over the former La Rana Rossa Space at 154 Green St., according to Boston Restaurant Talk, and the owners are well acquainted with the neighborhood’s restaurant world.
Evergreen Eater will be run by Phil Paik, who operates JP Seafood Cafe at 730 Centre St. Along with his wife, Kristen Hunter, and sister, Karen Paik, Evergreen Eatery will take over for La Rana Rossa, which closed down mid-June, as previously reported.
“We are very excited to open another restaurant in JP where we live and have business for more than 20 years,” Phil Paik told Eater, adding he hoped to create the “same energy and friendly environment at our new location as JP Seafood Cafe has done.”
Evergreen Eatery will be a farm-to-table restaurant serving classic American diner dishes, for breakfast and lunch on weekdays and brunch on the weekends. The menu will also draw influence from Latin, Caribbean, and Asian cuisine, Paik said. For commuters and diners on-the-go, there will be an express coffee and juice bar, which will serve organic coffee, pastries, sandwiches, and more. Karen Paik will serve as the restaurant’s pastry chef.
Evergreen will seat 50 inside and will have an outdoor patio for 46, with hours from 6:30 a.m. to 10:30 p.m., according to the Jamaica Plain Business & Professional Association, which has recommended approval for the restaurant’s common victualler beer and wine license. The Evergreen team will continue to meet with neighborhood and business groups as it works towards opening.
• Evergreen Eatery May Open in Former La Rana Rossa Space in Jamaica Plain [BRT] • Jamaica Plain Will Soon Be Down One Pizza Place [EBOS]
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tonyduncanbb73 · 7 years
Evergreen Eatery Will Take Over La Rana Rossa Space
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The owners also operate JP Seafood Cafe
A Jamaica Plain restaurant space that previously housed a pizzeria will get a new resident soon: Evergreen Eatery is slated to take over the former La Rana Rossa Space at 154 Green St., according to Boston Restaurant Talk, and the owners are well acquainted with the neighborhood’s restaurant world.
Evergreen Eater will be run by Phil Paik, who operates JP Seafood Cafe at 730 Centre St. Along with his wife, Kristen Hunter, and sister, Karen Paik, Evergreen Eatery will take over for La Rana Rossa, which closed down mid-June, as previously reported.
“We are very excited to open another restaurant in JP where we live and have business for more than 20 years,” Phil Paik told Eater, adding he hoped to create the “same energy and friendly environment at our new location as JP Seafood Cafe has done.”
Evergreen Eatery will be a farm-to-table restaurant serving classic American diner dishes, for breakfast and lunch on weekdays and brunch on the weekends. The menu will also draw influence from Latin, Caribbean, and Asian cuisine, Paik said. For commuters and diners on-the-go, there will be an express coffee and juice bar, which will serve organic coffee, pastries, sandwiches, and more. Karen Paik will serve as the restaurant’s pastry chef.
Evergreen will seat 50 inside and will have an outdoor patio for 46, with hours from 6:30 a.m. to 10:30 p.m., according to the Jamaica Plain Business & Professional Association, which has recommended approval for the restaurant’s common victualler beer and wine license. The Evergreen team will continue to meet with neighborhood and business groups as it works towards opening.
• Evergreen Eatery May Open in Former La Rana Rossa Space in Jamaica Plain [BRT] • Jamaica Plain Will Soon Be Down One Pizza Place [EBOS]
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tonyduncanbb73 · 7 years
Evergreen Eatery Will Take Over La Rana Rossa Space
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The owners also operate JP Seafood Cafe
A Jamaica Plain restaurant space that previously housed a pizzeria will get a new resident soon: Evergreen Eatery is slated to take over the former La Rana Rossa Space at 154 Green St., according to Boston Restaurant Talk, and the owners are well acquainted with the neighborhood’s restaurant world.
Evergreen Eater will be run by Phil Paik, who operates JP Seafood Cafe at 730 Centre St. Along with his wife, Kristen Hunter, and sister, Karen Paik, Evergreen Eatery will take over for La Rana Rossa, which closed down mid-June, as previously reported.
“We are very excited to open another restaurant in JP where we live and have business for more than 20 years,” Phil Paik told Eater, adding he hoped to create the “same energy and friendly environment at our new location as JP Seafood Cafe has done.”
Evergreen Eatery will be a farm-to-table restaurant serving classic American diner dishes, for breakfast and lunch on weekdays and brunch on the weekends. The menu will also draw influence from Latin, Caribbean, and Asian cuisine, Paik said. For commuters and diners on-the-go, there will be an express coffee and juice bar, which will serve organic coffee, pastries, sandwiches, and more. Karen Paik will serve as the restaurant’s pastry chef.
Evergreen will seat 50 inside and will have an outdoor patio for 46, with hours from 6:30 a.m. to 10:30 p.m., according to the Jamaica Plain Business & Professional Association, which has recommended approval for the restaurant’s common victualler beer and wine license. The Evergreen team will continue to meet with neighborhood and business groups as it works towards opening.
• Evergreen Eatery May Open in Former La Rana Rossa Space in Jamaica Plain [BRT] • Jamaica Plain Will Soon Be Down One Pizza Place [EBOS]
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tonyduncanbb73 · 7 years
Evergreen Eatery Will Take Over La Rana Rossa Space
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The owners also operate JP Seafood Cafe
A Jamaica Plain restaurant space that previously housed a pizzeria will get a new resident soon: Evergreen Eatery is slated to take over the former La Rana Rossa Space at 154 Green St., according to Boston Restaurant Talk, and the owners are well acquainted with the neighborhood’s restaurant world.
Evergreen Eater will be run by Phil Paik, who operates JP Seafood Cafe at 730 Centre St. Along with his wife, Kristen Hunter, and sister, Karen Paik, Evergreen Eatery will take over for La Rana Rossa, which closed down mid-June, as previously reported.
“We are very excited to open another restaurant in JP where we live and have business for more than 20 years,” Phil Paik told Eater, adding he hoped to create the “same energy and friendly environment at our new location as JP Seafood Cafe has done.”
Evergreen Eatery will be a farm-to-table restaurant serving classic American diner dishes, for breakfast and lunch on weekdays and brunch on the weekends. The menu will also draw influence from Latin, Caribbean, and Asian cuisine, Paik said. For commuters and diners on-the-go, there will be an express coffee and juice bar, which will serve organic coffee, pastries, sandwiches, and more. Karen Paik will serve as the restaurant’s pastry chef.
Evergreen will seat 50 inside and will have an outdoor patio for 46, with hours from 6:30 a.m. to 10:30 p.m., according to the Jamaica Plain Business & Professional Association, which has recommended approval for the restaurant’s common victualler beer and wine license. The Evergreen team will continue to meet with neighborhood and business groups as it works towards opening.
• Evergreen Eatery May Open in Former La Rana Rossa Space in Jamaica Plain [BRT] • Jamaica Plain Will Soon Be Down One Pizza Place [EBOS]
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tonyduncanbb73 · 7 years
Evergreen Eatery Will Take Over La Rana Rossa Space
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The owners also operate JP Seafood Cafe
A Jamaica Plain restaurant space that previously housed a pizzeria will get a new resident soon: Evergreen Eatery is slated to take over the former La Rana Rossa Space at 154 Green St., according to Boston Restaurant Talk, and the owners are well acquainted with the neighborhood’s restaurant world.
Evergreen Eater will be run by Phil Paik, who operates JP Seafood Cafe at 730 Centre St. Along with his wife, Kristen Hunter, and sister, Karen Paik, Evergreen Eatery will take over for La Rana Rossa, which closed down mid-June, as previously reported.
“We are very excited to open another restaurant in JP where we live and have business for more than 20 years,” Phil Paik told Eater, adding he hoped to create the “same energy and friendly environment at our new location as JP Seafood Cafe has done.”
Evergreen Eatery will be a farm-to-table restaurant serving classic American diner dishes, for breakfast and lunch on weekdays and brunch on the weekends. The menu will also draw influence from Latin, Caribbean, and Asian cuisine, Paik said. For commuters and diners on-the-go, there will be an express coffee and juice bar, which will serve organic coffee, pastries, sandwiches, and more. Karen Paik will serve as the restaurant’s pastry chef.
Evergreen will seat 50 inside and will have an outdoor patio for 46, with hours from 6:30 a.m. to 10:30 p.m., according to the Jamaica Plain Business & Professional Association, which has recommended approval for the restaurant’s common victualler beer and wine license. The Evergreen team will continue to meet with neighborhood and business groups as it works towards opening.
• Evergreen Eatery May Open in Former La Rana Rossa Space in Jamaica Plain [BRT] • Jamaica Plain Will Soon Be Down One Pizza Place [EBOS]
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