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donatellokinnersinner · 11 months
my gift for @miri-in-a-bottle for @rottmnt-secret-gifting
When Donnie was little, he was a little odd to his brothers. 
He took a while to start talking, and because of his soft shell, Splinter wouldn’t let him play rough. When he was a little older, he remained out of their play on his own, even with the pillow tied to him, and would often take it off because he didn’t want to wear it. 
He claimed his shell wasn’t a weakness, just a temporary setback. 
Raph didn’t know what that meant at the time, but he understood later when Donnie made his first battle shell. The beta test allowed him to roughhouse with his brothers and ended in the shell breaking, scratching up his shell some, and Raph promising himself never to play rough with his little brother again. 
The second version was sturdier, but his brothers refused to help him test it. 
The third was on for an hour before Donnie took it off and locked himself in his room for the rest of the night. 
Suddenly, he added padding on the shells, searching fervently with Mikey, who said his tastes were so refined that Donnie rejected almost every textile they found. It was like trying to find a needle in a haystack for Donnie, ending up on taking a mostly clean satin pillowcase and wrapping it around memory foam. 
Leo was the first to find him during a meltdown, and from then on, was the first to do research and offer as educated of help as he could manage. He explained everything to Raph and Mikey, so they could know and help if he was unable. 
They didn’t have to, not when Leo was always there first. Donnie would oh-so-easily go to Leo for help because he knew he didn’t have to ask for it, his twin would just know. 
On their way back from Staten Island, Leo passed out, and Donnie panicked. Leo was always the one to know the medical stuff, Donnie only knew the basics. 
“I’m an engineer, not a doctor.” 
They called Draxum, and he helped, and once Leo was all patched up, Raph realized that Donnie had disappeared. 
He found him in his room, curled up in the corner crying, with all the light off. 
Don’t try to touch him, and keep your voice low. Leo had instructed. 
Raph crouched nearby. “Hey buddy.” 
Donnie peeked at him from where he was curled up.
Check for any injuries, sometimes pain will send him over the edge, sometimes it’s just overwhelming situations. 
Raph took a breath. The situation had been overwhelming for all of them, so he couldn’t imagine how Donnie was feeling, and there were likely injuries on top of that. “Are you hurt anywhere?” 
He probably won’t outright say yes, but he will say no if he’s not hurt. 
Donnie shrugged, and Raph swallowed. “We need to make sure you get cleaned up, bud. We can make it quick, and then you can rest, I promise.”
Donnie sniffled, nodding.
He likely won’t talk, he might sign if he needs to say something. 
“Do you need help walking?” Raph asked. 
Donnie didn’t respond, moving to stand up on his own, but Raph could see him shaking. He offered his hand, allowing Donnie to make his own choice in taking it, which he did, putting his weight against his arms, both pushing against his biggest brother’s hand. 
Raph slowly led him to the bathroom, helping him take off his battle shell and getting him into the bathtub. He tried not to touch Donnie as much as possible, and made sure the water was a perfectly moderate temperature, so it wouldn’t feel like much. He tried not to panic at the mess of his brother's shell, looking like roots had been torn out of soft dirt and small bits of white could be seen through the slowly oozing blood. 
“We gotta go get this stitched up, Dee.” Raph told him and Donnie nodded slowly, letting his eldest brother help him out of the bath and into the medbay where Splinter and Casey Jr took care of him. 
Once they were done and he was all curled up with a blanket, he stared half-lidded across the room at Leo, and Raph swallowed. 
He left the room, getting Donnies headphones and bringing them back to the softshell, who relaxed when they were given. He signed Thank you. 
You’re welcome. Raph signed back, then patted beside his hand reassuringly. 
Donnie reached out and squeezed his hand, humming. 
Raph squeezed it back, giving him a smile.
(hope you enjoy!!!)
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yes a thousand percent absolutely lets go
(firstly i am sorry my post put anyone to a point of feeling the need to apologize for or feel bad for being Very Into Leo’s character. as someone who is flagrantly Very Into Raph’s character, i promise i wasn’t trying to throw a stone in this glass house. i’ve gotten burnt out on a lot of fanon leo stuff but part of why im so !!!! about it is bc i too love leo’s characterization and potential.. i swear
catch me catching my brain and tone malfunctions behind dennys later, sorry again gang)
overall i honestly... totally get raph being hard to get a handle on in this respect. like it’s pretty difficult to pick where to start and how to express it even just in an informal tumblr analysis post, i still haven’t managed to put together any kind of fic myself LMAO. bear with me i will do my best!
so firstly there’s just the veritable gauntlet of “stuff raph experienced/was dealing with in the span of the movie” to consider, i think. 
- his fear and anxiety over his family’s safety, for which he always always feels personally responsible. when he called the retreat during that first fight with the krang, he was absolutely terrified-- and i can only imagine how much scarier it was after leo bailed on the escape pod. like, there’s no way raph was not hauling ass after leo the second he saw that happen.
= he takes a hit for leo, as in just barely stops it and loses a chunk of shell/plastron in the process. he sacrifices himself using his pod to get leo out of there safely (and there’s so much to be said about the fact that raph’s pod seems to be the only one that didn’t auto-activate. that only he and donnie seemed to know they even existed. there’s a whole talk they must have had right there, like raph would probably have had to ask specifically for this feature.)
- the krang try to intimidate answers out of him about the key, and when that doesn’t get them those answers, prime literally jams tentacles into his brain and roots around until he can find what they’re looking for. so that’s one bullet point on the list for outright mental violation. it looks/sounds very painful, not to mention terrifying. 
^^ and honestly, this point of suffering in particular is one that i think would be hardest for raph to actually bring up/talk about with his family. because none of them were there. none of them KNOW. and how do you explain that to them? how do you try to make yourself break that out when they’re already worried about the other stuff that happened to you and to everyone else? when part of you is guilty about it despite yourself, because so much of your identity is tied into being a protector that you can’t help but feel like you should have been able to wall that info off somehow and keep your family safe?
- gets infected by the krang and put into the big gross pod to... incubate, i guess? there’s so much unanswered about the point between brain torture and getting found by his family tbh. was he conscious and aware of being left alone in there? was that why he was so out of it even before the mutation?
- and then of course there’s said painful, grotesque body horror forced krang mutation that he has to go through once he’s out of the pod! thanks i hated it! like it seriously looks so gross and painful.
- ah yes and the mind control... being used as a tool and a puppet and specifically set out to hurt or even kill the family he loves and wants to protect. 
- the standard “we had our cool epic boss fight against the evil alien but he kicked our asses with one flick and then punched mikey and donnie all the way to staten island” physical roughage, too. leo portaled him after mikey and donnie so he could catch them. donnie took the brunt of the krang punch, and raph took the brunt of the hard landing (he is holding his side like he might have some rib issues, they all look rough af down there phew)
- leo’s sacrifice is leo’s sacrifice and definitely a leo development moment as an action itself, i’m never gonna say 'yep here’s how leo getting brutalized in prison dimension is all about raph’. i’m talking about the like, aftermath and pre-rescue emotional toll that that has etc etc etc. ftr.
point one there is obviously just the grief. like, raph is literally incapable of standing when it hits. he’s on all fours, he can’t open his eyes. i made a post comparing the caps of raph’s face getting stabbed and raph’s face when it was sinking in that leo was (apparently) Gone gone bc the expressions are nearly identical. like just. absolute agony. 
- and on top of that, i sincerely think that leo’s “you’re one to talk, hero moves are totally your thing” apparent last words are gonna stick with raph for a very long time. even after they save leo. the look on his face after leo says that... man. i think there’s a very real moment of raph going what have i done, what did i teach him? about the entire situation.
first and foremost. rip raph sufferer of some of the most intense eldest child syndrome i’ve ever seen. he feels bad that he got used to get his family’s location. he feels bad that he got used to harm and nearly kill his family. he probably feels bad that leo feels bad that his shell is damaged, smh. it’s guilt all the way down. the kind where he knows logically his family does not want or need apologies, that getting controlled was literally not his fault, but he feels bad anyway.
and like i said i get how it’s hard to get a handle on him for stuff, because raph is also... not super good at the emotional vulnerability sharing? it’s so wild because he’s very openly emotional and easy to read! he’ll cry during a sad movie scene and yell at a frustrating video game no problem, he’s very straightforward! but when it comes to sincere vulnerability and actually seeking comfort/closure about it, he has a big struggle vibe. good luck to the entire family bc every single brother is gonna be in a “oh but everyone else already has so much to deal with i don’t wanna pile more on with my problems” zone, i think. 
also just like. raph is a protector. that’s one of the core pillars of his sense of identity and worth. he takes care of his brothers. he keeps his family safe. and so so so much of what he went through or experienced in the movie went directly against that. raph, the big brother, the beating heart of the team, the one who takes hits, the overprotective mother hen, gets used to track down his family, and then gets used to hurt them. very nearly gets used to kill leo outright. isn’t there to take the hit for leo again at the end of the movie, is helpless as his little brother seemingly sacrifices his life to save them and the world. how does he come to terms with that? how does he feel like he still deserves the trust and faith that his family puts in him to keep being a rock? (they’re not scared of him, but he’s scared of him.)
and for real seriously how does he ever ever get around to dealing with that brain probe and the mutation specifically. his mind and his bodily autonomy got so deeply violated in the process of this movie. it’s scary! and painful! what kind of scenario would a writer even have to rig up to back him into enough of a corner to share those feelings with his family (who would absolutely want to comfort and support him)! it’s nightmarish stuff that’s gonna linger with him for the rest of his life. 
and in fact on the mutuation/mind control. i think the fact that leo was able to get through to raph just with words, that that was how he managed to break through the control, maybe means that raph was aware of what he was being made to do all along and just. unable to pull enough strength together to stop it before that point. woof.
idk idk if any of this makes real sense or helps for getting a handle on raph’s character at all tbh, it’s just a lot of me nonsensically putting him in a jar with a leaf and a stick for scientific observation ig. if ppl wanna hit me w questions or discussions about my personal opinions on my favorite boi feel free tbh
maybe the real raph character analysis was the hug and nightmare-free nap he probably desperately needs all along....... ah its too late hes dissociating on the couch. relatable.
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x-ceirios-x · 8 months
City of Bones, Chapter 19: Abbadon
please see the masterlist for notes about this series/collection of works
Really, Rowan only agreed to go on this mission to make sure the stupid mundie and the more stupid not-mundie didn’t get themselves killed. Unfortunately, about fifteen minutes later, they found themselves facing a warlock woman who was, now, apparently taken over by a Greater Demon. Who they had to fight in Clary’s lobby. Just great how life works, isn’t it?
“By the Angel. I knew Greater Demons were meant to be ugly, but no one ever warned me about the smell,” Jace quipped, sword brandished in one hand and a seraph blade in the other. Alec stood there, staring at the monstrosity in front of them, just as Isabelle did. They had to admit—even with all the reading they’d done on Greater Demons, this was worse than they imagined. 
Abbadon opened its mouth and hissed. They couldn’t see what its face looked like, all contorted and disgusting, but they could see over its shoulder that its jaw fell further down than it should have.
“I’m not so sure about this wind and howling darkness business,” Jace said. They sighed, knowing he was trying to antagonize the thing. That’s just what he did. “Smells more like landfill to me. You sure you’re not from Staten Island?”
The fight continued. It roared towards Jace, who did his best to parry but they could tell he was struggling with the size of the monster. The moment Isabelle was able to work herself out of the shock, she joined in with her whip. Rowan shook their head, clearing themselves of the daze they’d been in a moment earlier, and threw a dagger at its head. It moved suddenly and hit the wall behind it. 
They didn’t have time to curse, or even react, because Alec managed to pierce its shoulder. With a snarl it struck again, bone-talons catching Alec in a vicious blow that lifted him off his feet and hurled him against the far wall. He struck with a sickening crunch and slid to the floor. 
Isabelle screamed her brother’s name. Rowan’s eyes darted between the demon, Isabelle, Alec, and back to the demon. They wanted to rush to him, make sure he wasn’t dead, but their feet locked in shock. They watched as Isabelle went flying across the room as the demon struck her as well. 
It turned again, its eyes zoning in on Clary. The shock wore off enough to free their feet from the locked position on the floor and they jumped. “Clary, move!” they yelled, lunging for her as the demon’s arm came around to hit her as well. They landed on top of her and felt a searing pain near their hip where the demon had sliced at them. The curse words that left their mouth would have put a sailor to shame. 
They barely had time to roll off of her when the front door swung open, revealing Simon. Tears of pain welled in their eyes and they barely had time to process the arrow flying through the air, launched by Simon who stood at the door. It flew past the demon’s head and they were about to pull a knife out of their boot to try to hit it again when the skylight fell out on top of it and the demon singed in the daylight. It screamed as it turned to ash and disappeared. 
It was silent for a long moment, everyone catching their breath as they processed what the hell just happened. They gasped as the full pain hit them and fumbled for their stele. People moved around them as they tried to sit up. Clary bolted for Jace (no thank you—figures) to make sure he was alright, but he rushed for Alec. They were hardly paying attention, mind racing with all the what ifs that could happen in the next thirty minutes alone if they weren’t incredibly careful. 
Simon mentioned something about a hospital and it made them perk up. They were about to argue against it when Jace beat them to it. 
“He’s been cut by a Greater Demon. No mundane doctor would know how to heal those wounds,” Jace argued, a sense of urgency in his voice that Rowan rarely heard. Nice to know he still cared about something. 
They tried to stand and stumbled, feeling lightheaded all of a sudden as the blood poured from the gash. Pressing their hand over their hip didn’t help—the pain almost made them pass out there—they saw black spots in their vision and nearly crashed to the floor again. 
Someone rushed forward and caught them, slinging their arm over their shoulder. They heard Simon’s voice next to them saying “Let’s get him to the car.” Then, in their ear, he said, “I’ve got you.” It was with a warm, firm tone that almost made them feel better if not for the fact that they could barely walk. 
They hobbled out to the car, falling not entirely gracefully into the back of the van as Simon ran to the front to drive. Jace crawled in after them and slammed the van doors, ordering Simon to drive like hell. The van sped off and they felt themselves going in and out of consciousness, though they were fighting to stay awake. They had to make sure Alec was okay. 
Jace looked up for a short moment, then back to Alec, then stared them down. They were waiting for a sarcastic remark. Instead, he turned slightly, gently taking their wrist in his hand. He pulled out his stele. They’d always been shit at runes, to the point that they had Jensen or Alec draw most of them before missions most of the time. They winced slightly at the burning feeling, though didn’t put up a fight as they watched the iratze appear on their arm. 
“You stay awake too,” he muttered before turning back to Alec. 
It was around that time that they decided they couldn’t hold most of their weight anymore—the rune was helping, but it couldn’t do everything.
They slowly slumped over and they felt a gentle arm catch them, guiding them to lay down. Their head fell onto Jace’s leg. He didn’t comment, but instead caught their wrist and kept his fingers on the bone, just over their pulse point. They chose not to comment on that, either. It was reassurance for both of them—they were still alive. 
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lazypanartist · 2 years
Hi hiii! Im back! I got a wee bit ambitious and thought I could knock out 3 stories before it got to today, but I didn't prove so lucky. But, I did finish one, and on my birthday no less! So there's that! 😊 I at least managed that!
Anyways, as usual, I hope you enjoy. I took inspiration from the prompt you gave lol. As usual, lmk if your in the mood for something! Blindbox, continuations, I can even try some more Halloween stuff, even though itd be laaaaaate.
"I told you my top shelf movies were going to be a bit much for you."
Leonardo shuddered and looked away, his discomfort levels through the roof as he strained to pull a relaxed smirk. "It's nothing! Nothing, please, this is like…It's like watching VeggieTales! Pssh!"
You sighed and shook your head, turning the film off. "I warned you that Pontypool gets pretty rough. I thought that you learned to listen when I warned you about all the others. You flipped while watching Get Out. And Ginger Snaps made you squeamish."
"The transformations looked really painful…" your boyfriend grimaced sympathetically, before huffing and cleaning up the popcorn he knocked over, tossing the occasional piece in his mouth when he claimed the Five Second Rule.
"Yeah, that's why I like it, the whole process being something- nevermind, sorry. Leo, hun, it's fine if you can't handle the Top Shelf. They aren't for everyone."
Your boy in blue crossed his arms, peering at you like he was trying to crack a code. "How come you aren't scared by any of those movies? Not even the cheap jumpscares get you!"
You shrugged, cleaning up the pop cans and spilled soda on your table before getting to your movie shelf and taking the disc out of the dvd player. "I dunno. I mean, some of it scares me. Like the atmosphere puts me on edge and the concepts make my mind run wild, but…Eh, I guess I'm just not bothered by horror. It's why I have so many scary movies. Probably just used to it all. I can predict story beats too well now."
Cocking a brow, your lover lifted his head from where he was looking through the lower, tamer movie shelf. "Used to it, huh…? Oh, wait, can we actually watch Kubo and the Two Strings?"
"Yeah, no problem."
Neon💙Leon changed your name to Dreamboat 💞
Neon💙Leon: Hey! I have d8 nite nxt wk! 
Neon💙Leon: Meet up @ manhole n I'll walk u there. Want 2 surprise u✨
Dreamboat💞: Halloween night? okay u got it. What time?
Neon💙Leon: 7pm. make sure u bring ID.
Dreamboat💞: Hey champ, baby, love of mine, if it needs ID how are u getting in.
Neon💙Leon: Donnie made us fakes like 2 months ago. I'm sure it'll work.
Chuffed, you pocketed your phone while you finished doing the dishes. Once the last plate was scrubbed, dried and put away, you bid your roommate goodbye and off you went, grabbing your keys as you left. You made sure to grab your longboard and head off, kicking off on the ground and sailing your way through the streets. Your sneaker dashed against icky puddles as you moved, the dark wheels allowing you to cut your travel time down as you coasted along. It wasn't long before you swerved down an alley, a relaxed grin on your face as you waved to your boyfriend.
"Heyoo. How's my hunk doin?"
Leonardo snorted, looking amused but embarrassed at your words. "Pretty good, my- wait, why aren't you in costume?!"
You shrugged. "I'm dressed as a guy from Staten Island. Besides, you never told me to."
"Eugh. That IS scary. It's okay, it should be fine. Come on! ¡Vámonos!"
Chuckling to yourself, you picked your board up and carried it while holding a hand out, excitedly squeezing the scaled hand that gripped your own. You let Leonardo lead you on a walk, swinging your joined hands once in a while as the two of you teased or joked with one another. You were happy anytime you got a rise out of the Hamato, the blush you were rewarded with when you managed to fluster him being sweeter than any king sized candy handed out.
The two of you walked for a while, Leonardo dressed in his Jupiter Jim Alien look for the day and getting plenty of positive feedback for it. Before long, the blue-clad mutant pointed to a building with a small simple banner hung up outside. Your eyes widened as you locked onto the wording, reading out loud in excitement before turning back to Leo in wonder.
"The Hex House? Manhattan's most terrifying haunted house?! Oh my god, you didn't."
"Oh," crooned the slider, pulling two tickets from his fanny pack and fanning them out, "But I did, my charming partner. Two tickets to the biggest fright night of our lives. I had yours ordered special."
You blinked at that, curious to what he meant, but as you approached the booth and passed over your ticket and ID, the worker glanced at the different stub and sneered, grabbing a lanyard with a glow stick attached and handing it over.
"Put that on before you head in."
You nodded, confused but willing as you looped it over your head and let it dangle against your chest. Your mutant boyfriend smirked as well and threw an arm around you. "Prepare for the scariest thing you ever experienced, baby~"
Grinning, you waited a little while longer with your partner until a large man with a buffalo skull for a mask lumbered up while you two were laughing and chatting. He grabbed you by the shoulder and yanked you, dragging you over to a large double door before opening it and shoving you in. Baby Blue slipped in behind you, and the door was slammed shut, casting you both in darkness.
This was going to be great for you.
Things were not going great for Leonardo.
The terrapin had plans. Extensive ones. He had planned on the change of pace and scenery to wind you up. He planned on the frightful decor and costumes to make you scream. He planned on actors grabbing and shaking the bravery out of you like it was a loose marble.
He planned on getting you the special Hard Mode ticket, so you would be scared out of your wits, and cling to him for once.
Instead, he found himself jumping and yelping once again as a puff from an air cannon startled him into your arms, your slight flinch at the noise being the only reaction of shock. You chuckled slightly, and squeezed him. This was…well, not at all what he wanted. He was the brave leader of the Mad Dogs! The Face Man! He was better than this.
Grumbling some, the slider felt his bad mood coming off him in waves, which you seemed immune to. 
["-...just not bothered by horror. It's why I have so many scary movies. Probably just used to it all. I can predict story beats too well now."]
Did…story beats happen even here? UGH! Why didn't he think of that?! A rather upset chirp escaped your boyfriend as he crossed his arm, the exit coming upon you both far too soon. The two of you stepped out, and Leo took the polaroids they handed out at the end.
You looked thrilled.
Heaving a big sigh, Leonardo continued on at a brisk pace, you having to hurry to catch up to him.
"Babes! Wait!"
You almost tripped catching up to him, but you managed to pick up the pace and walked side by side. Leo looked away, unhappy.
"Babes? Come on, Hero, talk to me. What did I do?"
"More like what DIDN'T you do!! This whole-!" Leo corrected his tone, taking a breath and making sure not to yell. "Sorry, sorry, just…this whole date was planned so you could be scared! I wanted you to have a little bit of thrill!! Movies don't bug you and scary stories and youtube creepypastas and r/letsnotmeet shit doesn't work, I wanted you to just…!
"Look, I wasn't trying to like, be mean scare you. Okay, maybe a bit, but really! I just wanted you to experience shock! And, and and and surprise and be spooked for the season! You're just too…cool, and brave, and for once, I wanted to comfort you like you do with me all the time…" The mutant sighed, rubbing at his face. A civilian walked past you both, complimenting Leonardo on his Jupiter Jim alien costume and held a hand up. He didn't even look up as he gave the dweeby person a high five as you both kept walking.
You frowned, scratching the back of your head in confusion. "What do you mean? I was scared out of my wits in there."
Your boyfriend slowly turned and gave you a disbelieving look. "You laughed at a jumpscare and asked the actor where they got their chainsaw."
"Yeah, well, I didn't think you wanted to deal with me screaming and crying. I sorta…compartmentalized everything. Treated it like a movie and stuff." Picking the skin on your cheek, you looked away from Leo, who was straightening up the more you talked. "I just…I don't know. The lighting was disorienting and I was scared I would embarrass you or hurt myself. I was scared the whole time about something or other. Didn't exactly want you to think I was a pu-"
"Wait, so. You were SCARED. How come you didn't freak out at all??"
You thought quietly before smiling. "I had you there. I knew, y'know, no matter what, you would have my back if something went down. As long as you leap into my arms, I know it's something you know I can comfort you about. So it's not big and scary or going to hurt me." You gently patted his jaw with a cheeky grin. "After all, who can be scared while having a hero like you keeping them safe?"
Leonardo froze, watching as you kept walking. His eyes looked back down at the polaroid and, while yes, he was screaming at some scare not captured on the camera, he could see you behind him. Your eyes were wide with surprise and shock, but your smile was warm as you only paid attention to him.
The ninja quickly caught back up with you, holding a hand out which you took in your own. The two of you walked back to your place, already talking about ordering something in as  you bickered about either getting pizza again or ordering from the Jamaican patty place. You both kept an eye or an ear out for whatever lay in the shadows, knowing you both would be there to comfort the other no matter what scares may lie ahead in the dark, overcast night.
Happy birth!!
And this is so cute!! Reader not wanting to freak Leo out by panicking, Leo wanting them to be scared so he can comfort them.. idiots to lovers except they're already lovers 💕
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godfuckingnamehelp · 1 year
Description of Guillermo's thoughts and feelings during his stay in the UK and the first meeting with vampires in the fourth season. Written on emotions after watching the first few episodes 4s.
It was more than unpleasant to see the mocking looks of the vampires that Guillermo had called family a year ago. The rage caused by the neglect that lasted for years made itself felt. The anger towards Laszlo and Nadja was huge.
Upon arrival in the UK, away from home and Nandor, Guillermo was convinced that Nadja did not need the services of a bodyguard. And for the first time in a very long time, he had the opportunity to think about his life. For a decade, he gave all his strength, for the sake of ungrateful vampires who did not show him a drop of respect.
Guillermo always thought that when he became a vampire, and this in his dreams had to happen as soon as possible, everyone would treat him as an equal. He enjoyed imagining Nandor plunging his sharp fangs into his neck, and goosebumps ran over his skin.
Estranged from his real family and having almost no friends, Guillermo was ready to give himself up to the night every day and become like his neighbors, believing that he would really heal after death. But, when it wasn't long to wait for the dream to come true, he was left with nothing. Away from Nandor, who was undoubtedly the main being in Guillermo's life. It was very painful to realize that the whole path he chose, full of humiliation and suffering, was in vain and tears rolled down his face in the hotel room he rented in the UK with the money that had been set aside for a trip with Nandor, feeling SO pathetic and lonely for the first time.
The old house on Staten Island, with its annoying inhabitants, had been in the first place for him for too long to stop thinking about it. It was also hard for Guillermo to stop thinking about Nandor, as soon as his anger at Laszlo weakened and Guillermo recovered from the trip, he was covered with guilt. The idea flashed through his mind to go in search of a Master and justify himself, but realizing that it was simply impossible, Guillermo decided to allow himself to live a little. He even managed to have a relationship with a nice guy. Although the feeling of emptiness in his soul did not go away, Guillermo could ignore it.
But when Nadja called him with a demand to come to her as soon as possible, Guillermo left all without, and went straight to the address that she dictated to him. He ended up at the port, and then in a boarded-up box. Once again, years of grievances made themselves felt, and his thoughts were filled with colorful images of killing vampires.
Come to his senses, after opening the wooden box, Guillermo could not help but appreciate the care that Nandor gave him, which was rare for him. Of course, all feelings for the Master Guillermo passed as soon as he cried out all the tears a year ago. But being next to Nandor, the emptiness in his chest disappeared somewhere, and a pleasant familiar feeling came in its place, although anger and irritation undoubtedly remained. And he stayed.
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foryouthem00n · 2 years
since i mean you might be an actual fan of harry if you based a song off keep driving could you do a story based off matilda and the reader is basically rlly upset she has no family and sonny is like you have me. i’m your family and it’s cute sad and soft 🙏😩
also i’m a write who has severe writers block so prepare for many requests bc ur my. new fav
A/N: I’m a huge Harry fan!! I’m so happy that you enjoy my posts and I’d be glad to take any requests that you have!! Also sorry for the wait, life has been kicking my butt lately 😅
Matilda, you talk of the pain like it's all alright
But I know that you feel like a piece of you's dead insidе
You showed me a power that is strong еnough to bring sun to the darkest days
It's none of my business, but it's just been on my mind
You’ve known Sonny Carisi for almost your whole life. You both grew up in Staten Island, living right next door to each other. The two of you would play outside together as kids, and ride the bus to and from school, side by side. When your family decided to up and move to another state, you were absolutely devastated. What would you do without your best friend? Would you ever see him again?
You endured trauma and abuse from your family all of your life, and when you turned eighteen, you decided to leave them. You moved back to Staten Island, never seeing your parents again. You managed to go to college, get a job, and find yourself a place to live. It wasn’t easy, but you made a new life for yourself. One that was better than before. You were safe and you were free and that’s all that mattered to you.
One morning you went to a cafe nearby to get a coffee and something to eat. As you walked in, you saw a tall man in a gray suit standing in line to order. You thought maybe he looked familiar but you couldn’t tell. You watched as he ordered and took his coffee from the barista, turning around and heading for the door. It was exactly who you thought it was; Sonny Carisi. You could never forget that face, even if it had been decades later since you last saw him.
Sonny noticed you staring at him as he continued to walk towards the door, and he looked confused. You grabbed his arm as he walked past you.
“Hey, wait!”
Sonny stopped and turned to face you, still perplexed. “Uh, yeah?”
“Sonny, it’s me. It’s Y/N. From when we were kids?”
Sonny’s mouth dropped. “Oh my god, Y/N! I can’t believe it!”
Sonny brought you in for a hug before you could say anything else to him. You were so happy to see Sonny after so long. You thought that you’d never see him again.
When Sonny finally released from the hug, he sat down at the nearest table, motioning for you to sit. You did as he wanted and sat down across from him.
“I just can’t believe that we finally found each other. What have you been doing? Where have you been?” Sonny asked.
“I’ve been right here in Staten Island, ever since I turned eighteen.” You told him.
“Why didn’t you tell me or try to find me?”
“I just… didn’t want you to have to deal with all of my baggage..” You muttered.
“Y/N, we were best friends. Why would you think that any of that would matter to me?”
“I don’t know… it’s just not something that I wanted to involve you in.”
“Alright,” Sonny mumbled. “Well, what made you come back?”
“I needed to get away from my parents. I didn’t want to spend one second more than I had to with them. It was time to take control.”
Sonny looked straight into your eyes as he said, “I’m so proud of you for having the courage and strength to leave them.”
You started to tear up. It was nice to hear Sonny say that but a part of you has always felt lonely ever since you came back to Staten Island. You’ve been by yourself the whole time.
“I don’t have anyone anymore.” You spoke softly.
“Y/N, I know that it may feel like that, but you don’t need them. The way that your own parents treated you is unforgivable and they don’t deserve to have you in their lives,” Sonny insisted. “You had me before you left, and you have me now. Hell, you had me after you left too, I just didn’t know where to find you. But now, we have each other again. We’re family.”
You wiped your eyes with your sleeve, a small smile forming on your face. Sonny was everything that you ever needed. He knew just what to say to make everything okay.
“You’re so special to me, Sonny. You always have been. Never leaving my side, being there for me when I needed you. Remember when you’d let me hide in your backyard behind that huge tree to get away from my parents?”
Sonny’s face dropped. “I do, but I hate thinking about it. You shouldn’t have had to hide at all. It’s not right.”
You shrugged. “Things happen.”
“Yeah, well, they shouldn’t have happened. You’re the strongest person I know, Y/N.” Sonny told you as he grabbed your hand from across the table.
You smiled at Sonny. “You mean the world to me, Dom. I’m so glad that we found each other again.”
“You’ll always have me around, Y/N. Forever.”
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kelleah-meah · 1 year
My NYC Bucket List
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OK. So this August will be my 8th anniversary living on the East Coast in the U.S. During that time, a lot has happened (to say the least). But it occurred to me that despite all the life changes, growing pains, and never-saw-coming absurdities that is my existence, I've managed to do some pretty cool things since I've moved to the tri-state area.
So with that revelation, a part of me felt the need to write down all the things I've done that might fall in the "tourist-y" category over the past 7.5 years. Which then led to me thinking about all of the tourist-y things I've yet to do.
And here we are.
Below is a list of 80 (so far) things I've either done or hope to do while living on the East Coast of the U.S. You'll notice that I don't have some popular things on the list like "visit the Top of the Rock" or "visit the top of the Empire State Building." That's because I don't care for heights that much, so that's not something I would ever want to do. With that said, if my NYC Bucket List inspires you and you want to add more vertical activities to your own list, I say go for it!
Before we dive in, please keep in mind that I'm an arts & culture geek and lifelong literature & history nerd. So if most of this seems boring to you, well ... I guess I'm just a really boring person.
Now without further ado ...
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Walk across the Brooklyn Bridge ✅
Visit Chinatown and the Lower East Side ✅
Watch the NYC Pride parade during Pride weekend ✅
Eat at Sylvia's in Harlem
Drive across the George Washington Bridge ✅
Enjoy a show at Lincoln Center
Walk around Central Park ✅
Visit the Flatiron Building (outside or inside) ✅
Eat a slice at a pizzeria ✅
See a play during Shakespeare in the Park
Go on a walking tour of Greenwich Village ✅
Visit the Coney Island boardwalk ✅
Enjoy a stand-up show at a comedy club
Eat at a hot dog cart ✅
Hike in the woods at the New York Botanical Garden
Do a walking tour of Harlem ✅
See a movie at the Alamo Drafthouse ✅
Try an egg cream ✅
Enjoy a drag performance ✅
Visit that famous site-seeing spot in Dumbo near the Manhattan Bridge ✅
Take a tour of Grand Central Station
Enjoy a Broadway play ✅
Go to a NBA Knicks or Nets game
Eat at Sardi's
Drive across the Verrazano Bridge ✅
See an improv show at UCB (currently closed, but it's under new management so it may reopen soon) ✅
Visit the Statue of Liberty
Walk along 5th Avenue at Christmas time to see the department store windows ✅
Eat and people watch at Caffe Reggio ✅
Attend an art gallery opening ✅
See a show at Radio City Music Hall
Take the Staten Island Ferry
Be a part of a studio audience (ex: The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, the Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon, The Daily Show, Late Night with Seth Meyers, etc.)
Go thrift shopping or vinyl records shopping in the East Village ✅
Eat at Carnegie Deli or Katz's Deli (the former is now closed though) ✅ Carnegie only
Visit the Guggenheim, the Met, the Whitney or the MoCA ✅ Guggenheim only
Attend a performance of the New York City Ballet, the American Ballet Theater, the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater and/or the Dance Theatre of Harlem
Grab a drink at the Blue Bar at the Algonquin Hotel ✅
Visit the Bronx Zoo
Eat a black and white cookie ✅
Enjoy an Off-Broadway play ✅
Read a book in Bryant Park in the summer
Take a dance class at Steps on Broadway ✅
Watch the ice skaters at Rockefeller Center or Wollman Rink in Central Park (and go ice skating if you can) ✅ Watching only
Visit Little Italy in the Bronx
Go to a NHL Rangers or Islanders game
See a show at the Beacon Theatre ✅
Visit Tiffany's (and buy something small if you can afford it)
Enjoy High Tea at the Plaza
Attend the AfroPunk music festival ✅
Buy a book or two at the Strand ✅
Take a tour of the Apollo Theater
Ride in a NYC yellow taxi ✅
See a concert or show at Madison Square Garden ✅
Eat at Junior's after a Broadway show ✅
Attend a lecture or talk at the 92nd Street Y ✅
Visit the Nuyorican Poets Cafe
Read or write in the Rose Reading Room at the New York Public Library's main branch ✅
See a movie at the Roxy Cinema ✅
Enjoy a drink at the bar in the Hotel Chelsea
Get a playbill signed at the stage door after a play ✅
Go to a late night jazz concert at the Blue Note
Visit Washington Square Park ✅
Attend an event on the Columbia University or NYU campus ✅ Both Columbia and NYU
Grab a sweet at Magnolia Bakery
Buy a book or two at Greenlight Bookstore in Brooklyn ✅
See a concert or show at Carnegie Hall
Go to a MLB Mets or Yankees game
Have a drink at the historic Stonewall Inn ✅
Visit Prospect Park
Attend a film screening at the Tribeca Film Festival ✅
Buy a book or two at the McNally Jackson flagship store in Soho ✅
Dine at the Algonquin Hotel ✅
Go to a late night jazz concert or show at Birdland
See a play at the historic Cherry Lane Theatre
Enjoy a fancy milkshake at Black Tap
Visit the main branch of the Brooklyn Library ✅
Grab a bite or a drink at the White Horse Tavern ✅
See a burlesque show at the House of Yes
Visit the Albertine Bookstore on the Upper East Side
Take the ferry from New Jersey (Hoboken) to NYC
Believe it or not, I was hoping to come up with 100 items for the list, but I've run out of things to add. If anyone has any other ideas they'd like to suggest to help me get closer to 100, I'm all ears.
You'll probably notice that I have very little on the list for the outer boroughs, so I'd be especially interested in suggestions for Queens, Staten Island, BK or BX.
Oh, and I should also mention that I'm not really interested in visiting the High Line or anything happening at the Piers. They're just not my thing.
Of course, this list is for inspiration and gratitude purposes only. It's not meant to make me or anyone feel less than. I'm simply capturing what I've done so I can look at it when I'm feeling sorry for myself in the future about how poor I am.
But it's also a lovely reminder of what else I have left to check out when money and time are on my side. ☺️
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drlunaxu · 2 months
Eye Doctors in Staten Island
When it comes to eye care, finding a trusted eye doctor is essential for maintaining optimal vision and overall eye health. Eye doctors in Staten Island offer a range of services from routine eye exams to specialized treatments for various eye conditions. The expertise and personalized care provided by these professionals ensure that you receive the best possible treatment tailored to your specific needs.
Eye doctors, including optometrists and ophthalmologists, play a crucial role in diagnosing and managing eye diseases. They conduct comprehensive eye exams to detect early signs of conditions such as glaucoma, macular degeneration, and diabetic retinopathy. Regular visits to an eye doctor can help preserve your vision and prevent potential complications. In addition to diagnosing and treating eye conditions, eye doctors in Staten Island also provide vision correction solutions such as prescription glasses and contact lenses. Their extensive knowledge and state-of-the-art equipment enable them to offer precise and effective treatments.
Comprehensive Eye Care Services
One of the key services provided by eye doctors in Staten Island is comprehensive eye care. This includes routine eye exams, which are essential for detecting vision problems and eye diseases early. During these exams, eye doctors use advanced diagnostic tools to assess the health of your eyes and ensure clear vision. They also offer guidance on maintaining eye health, such as proper nutrition and eye protection tips.
Advanced Diagnostic and Treatment Options
Eye doctors in Staten Island are equipped with the latest technology to diagnose and treat a wide range of eye conditions. From digital retinal imaging to optical coherence tomography (OCT), these advanced tools enable precise diagnosis and effective treatment planning. If you experience symptoms such as blurred vision, eye pain, or changes in vision, scheduling an appointment with an eye doctor is crucial for timely diagnosis and intervention.
Cataract Treatment in Staten Island, NY
Cataracts are a common eye condition that affects millions of people worldwide, leading to cloudy or blurred vision. As the population ages, the prevalence of cataracts increases, making it essential to seek timely treatment. Cataract treatment in Staten Island, NY, is readily available, offering advanced solutions to restore clear vision and improve quality of life.
Cataract surgery is the most effective treatment for cataracts. During the procedure, the cloudy lens is removed and replaced with a clear artificial lens, known as an intraocular lens (IOL). Eye doctors in Staten Island use state-of-the-art techniques and equipment to ensure safe and successful outcomes. Modern cataract surgery is minimally invasive, typically performed on an outpatient basis, and has a high success rate in restoring vision.
The Importance of Early Detection
Early detection and treatment of cataracts are crucial to prevent significant vision impairment. Regular eye exams can help identify the development of cataracts in their early stages. Eye doctors in Staten Island use advanced diagnostic tools to assess the severity of cataracts and determine the most appropriate treatment plan. Early intervention can significantly improve the success of cataract surgery and enhance the overall quality of life for patients.
Post-Surgery Care and Recovery
After Cataract Staten Island Ny surgery, eye doctors provide detailed instructions for post-surgery care to ensure a smooth recovery. It is essential to follow these guidelines carefully to prevent complications and achieve optimal results. Most patients experience improved vision within a few days of surgery, although full recovery may take a few weeks. Regular follow-up appointments with your eye doctor will monitor your progress and address any concerns during the recovery period.
In conclusion, eye doctors in Staten Island offer comprehensive eye care services and advanced treatments for various eye conditions, including cataracts. Regular eye exams and early detection of issues can significantly impact your eye health and overall quality of life. If you are experiencing vision problems or require cataract treatment, consult an eye doctor in Staten Island, NY, for expert care and personalized treatment options.
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skin-doctor · 5 months
What is Cystic Acne?
Cystic acne is one of the most severe forms of acne, characterized by deep, inflamed and often painful breakouts. These breakouts occur when oil and dead skin cells build up and block pores, creating an environment where bacteria can thrive. The immune system's response to this bacterial growth leads to the deep, inflamed lesions known as cystic acne. This condition can be particularly challenging to treat, and many sufferers seek specialized acne treatment in the Bronx to manage their symptoms effectively.
Understanding the Severity of Cystic Acne
Cystic acne goes beyond the occasional pimple or superficial blemish; it involves large, red and tender bumps filled with pus. These lesions can be quite painful and are prone to scarring. Unlike other types of acne, cystic acne stems from infections that occur deep within the skin, making them more difficult to treat with over-the-counter remedies. Individuals facing this condition often feel self-conscious and seek professional help, like acne treatment in the Bronx, to find relief and improve their skin's appearance.
The Importance of Professional Treatment
Due to its severity and potential for scarring, cystic acne often requires professional intervention. Dermatologists can provide prescriptions for oral antibiotics, hormonal treatments or even isotretinoin, depending on the individual's specific situation. Additionally, professional treatments may include corticosteroid injections to reduce inflammation or procedures to remove and drain the cysts. Seeking expert advice and treatment early can prevent the condition from worsening and reduce the risk of long-term scarring.
In conclusion, cystic acne is a complex condition that can significantly impact an individual's quality of life. It necessitates a comprehensive approach to treatment, often involving professional care. For those living in areas like the Bronx, finding specialized acne treatment options can be a critical step towards managing this challenging condition, improving skin health and restoring self-confidence.
Read a similar article about OBGYN in Staten Island here at this page.
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conqueror4 · 1 year
Back Pain Specialists Staten Island: Finding the Best Care at Atlantic Sports Medicine
Are you struggling with back pain and seeking specialized care in Staten Island? Look no further than Atlantic Sports Medicine, where you can find the best back pain specialists Staten Island. With their expertise and dedication to patient care, Atlantic Sports Medicine is committed to providing comprehensive treatment options tailored to your specific needs. In this article, we will explore the importance of seeking professional help for back pain, the services offered by Atlantic Sports Medicine, and how you can benefit from their exceptional care.
1. Understanding the Significance of Back Pain Specialists
Back pain can significantly impact your daily life, making even the simplest tasks challenging to perform. It is crucial to seek the assistance of back pain specialists who possess the knowledge and experience necessary to accurately diagnose and effectively treat your condition. These specialists focus solely on back pain-related issues, ensuring that you receive specialized care that addresses the root cause of your discomfort.
2. A Premier Destination for Back Pain Treatment
Atlantic Sports Medicine is widely recognized as a leading institution for the treatment of various musculoskeletal conditions, including back pain. we are highly skilled specialists combines our expertise with state-of-the-art technology to deliver exceptional care to their patients. With a patient-centric approach and a commitment to delivering the best outcomes, Atlantic Sports Medicine has established itself as the go-to destination for back pain specialists Staten Island.
3. Diagnostic Services for Accurate Diagnosis
At Atlantic Sports Medicine, accurate diagnosis is the first step towards effective treatment. Their back pain specialists utilize advanced diagnostic techniques to identify the underlying causes of your pain. From physical examinations to imaging tests such as X-rays, MRI scans, and CT scans, they leave no stone unturned in determining the most appropriate treatment plan for you.
4. Non-Surgical Treatment Options for Back Pain
In many cases, back pain can be effectively managed without the need for surgery. Atlantic Sports Medicine offers a range of non-surgical treatment options tailored to your specific condition. These may include physical therapy, chiropractic care, medication management, interventional pain management techniques, and regenerative medicine treatments. The goal is to relieve your pain, improve your mobility, and enhance your overall quality of life.
5. Surgical Solutions for Complex Cases
For individuals with more complex back pain conditions, surgical intervention may be the best course of action. Atlantic Sports Medicine houses a team of skilled orthopedic and neurosurgical specialists who are well-versed in the latest surgical techniques. From minimally invasive procedures to more extensive surgeries, their experts will guide you through every step of the process, ensuring your comfort and well-being.
6. Rehabilitation and Physical Therapy
Rehabilitation and physical therapy play a crucial role in the recovery process after back pain treatment. Atlantic Sports Medicine offers comprehensive rehabilitation services designed to strengthen your back, improve your flexibility, and prevent future injuries. Their team of dedicated physical therapists will create a personalized plan tailored to your needs, ensuring a smooth transition back to an active and pain-free lifestyle.
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productivitybeauty · 2 years
The Value Of Pain Medications And Why They Will Work
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Chronic pain may be caused by back problems, joint injuries and trauma, arthritis, and many other ailments. Chronic pain can trigger depression, anxiety, or insomnia as well as the constant ache and throbbing.
Chronic discomfort can cause you to get angry and negatively impact your relationships with others. Work, home tasks, and social gatherings become difficult to bear.
Finding a solution that works to manage chronic pain is a difficulties for physicians and patients. We at Advanced Spine Care and Pain Management We offer complete, customized pain management plans that include physical therapy injections, and pain medication. While pain medication is often criticised for its side negative effects, they are crucial to any pain management program. You may get additionalinformation about relief of pain by visiting https://www.mid-day.com/brand-media/article/kailo-patch-reviews-clinical-trial-reveals-amazing-results-23266095 site.
When we suggest a type of medication frequency, dosage and duration, we take into account your medical history, diagnosis as well as your personal history and your biology. We'd like to share with you why pain medication is often an essential part of the treatment for pain.
In the case of pain medication, it can improve your ability to perform activities
For some people, tasks that seem routine, like washing dishes, shopping for groceries, or even climbing stairs, can be challenging. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), acetaminophen, or opioids, are used to relieve pain and allow you to live a normal life.
You can lessen your dependence on others through taking pain medications. This will help reduce anxiety and depression that are caused by pain, as you are in charge of your life again.
Physical therapy possible
Physical therapy exercises which stretch tight muscles and improve movement patterns that cause discomfort are usually a part of your treatment program. In some cases, however, you may be so ill that it's impossible to complete these exercises. There are painkillers that you can take to reduce the pain so that you can go into exercise more effectively and with ease.
Medicines for pain can help improve your health
Pain can make you avoid social events or family gatherings. Physical activity, even something as simple as enjoying an evening walk in the warm spring evening is now difficult. Due to the pain, you could find yourself unable or unwilling to work. The financial burden can be a result.
Pain medications can help ease discomfort and restore your health. You'll feel healthier and more capable of returning to work, enjoy socializing, or be more active as your symptoms ease.
How pain medications work
Pain medications work in different ways. NSAIDS hinder the release of certain enzymes that are produced when you suffer an injury, and can cause inflammation. Your body's natural painkillers, endorphins, use opioids to reduce the signals that cause pain throughout your body. They also reduce nerve cell functions.
Advanced Spine Care and Pain Management doctors will work with you to identify the best pain medication for you. To ensure you live a happier and more fulfilled life, we establish the partnership.
Medications aren't the only solution to chronic pain However, they can aid in getting relief. Visit one of our locations in Staten Island or Hartsdale, New York, or schedule an appointment online to be evaluated and receive a customized treatment plan that will help you restore your life.
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tylerpossey · 2 years
CBD as well as Exercise: Risks and Benefits
Professional skateboarder Andy Macdonald has actually invested nearly 35 years skating, and virtually as lengthy dealing the remaining discomfort of injuries. He's currently a spokesperson for Extract Labs, a CBD business, and also promotes the compound's healing advantages for athletes.
Brittney McGuire, a Spartan Pro Group professional athlete, credit histories a CBD cream for helping her run further and also longer without hip discomfort. The item's supplier, Boost CBD, has actually partnered with Spartan, a barrier course competing business.
NFL players, martial arts competitors as well as day-to-day athletes are also counting on items claimed to contain CBD-- among the numerous chemicals located in the cannabis plant that, unlike medical and leisure cannabis, doesn't supply the "high" that's attributed to THC-- to relieve post-workout soreness, rate recuperation from injury as well as or else up their video game.
" I use it during the night after I work out since my feet and also legs obtain truly sore as well as I can not sleep," states Gloria Yang, a charm publicist in Los Angeles, that also made use of CBD with her physiotherapist's true blessing to help her sprained knee recover much faster. Isa Herrera, a pelvic flooring physical therapist in New york city City, discovers "it's outstanding for IT band pain," or exercise-induced irritability of the tissue that runs from the outside of the hip to the outside of the knee. And Danielle Jenkins, a nonprofit manager in Telluride, Colorado, credit ratings CBD for maintaining her leg muscles after getting hurt having fun hockey.
" Over the previous 3 years, I've seen an enormous rise in public awareness as well as approval of CBD," says Sean Kuechenmeister, a licensed athletic fitness instructor at the Sports Scientific Research Laboratory in Staten Island, New York.
CBD, which is short for cannabidiol, is popular in the clinical area as a reliable therapy for certain uncommon seizure disorders. Pet research has revealed promise for its prospective to relieve pain. Some even see it as an option to the opioid epidemic or at least a safer option to those effective discomfort narcotics, in addition to better to non-prescription painkiller like ibuprofen, which feature dangers to the kidneys, digestive system and heart. Still, Kuechenmeister mentions, "many of the studies that recommend discomfort modulation are performed using animal researches or include dosages a lot higher than frequently suggested by brands you can get in a store."
Other initial research recommends it might be utilized in the future to deal with a selection of clinical problems, including anxiety, Alzheimer's condition, cancer, psychosis and Parkinson's illness. Much of its allure in all such cases are its minimal adverse effects as well as, according to the Globe Wellness Company, non-addictive nature.
" Those who get on long-term pain management routines or long-lasting antidepressant treatment can attest to the fact medicines lose strength after time," claims Scott Keatley, a signed up dietitian as well as track as well as field trainer in New York City. "CBD oil has been located to minimize this loss in strength."
here's no specific research yet, though, on just how CBD can improve workout recuperation or health and fitness outcomes, though there's factor to believe it would certainly assist. If it can alleviate discomfort, why not sore muscles? If it can battle inflammation, why not the swelling that running, weight-lifting, high-intensity interval training or other sorts of exercise reasons?
CBD for Skin: What to Know
" Athletes are restricted by the level to which they can educate as well as how much time their muscles require to recuperate," states Dr. Murdoc Khaleghi, an emergency medicine medical professional by training that acts as senior clinical consultant for Elevate CBD. "CBD, with its capability to decrease pain and also swelling, it assists increase recuperation."
below's no particular research yet, however, on how CBD can improve workout recovery or health and fitness outcomes, though there's reason to believe it would certainly aid. If it can alleviate discomfort, why not aching muscular tissues? If it can fight swelling, why not the swelling that running, weightlifting, high-intensity period training or other sorts of workout reasons?
" Professional athletes are limited by the level to which they can educate and just how much time their muscular tissues require to recover," says Dr. Murdoc Khaleghi, an emergency medication medical professional by training who functions as elderly clinical advisor for Elevate CBD. "CBD, with its capacity to reduce pain as well as swelling, it assists accelerate recuperation."
Health and wellness specialists also caution that the CBD sector is not well-regulated, and also a CBD item might not even be legal in your state if it's stemmed from marijuana, not hemp. And also, there's no other way for consumers to truly understand if what they're buying truly consists of the quantity of CBD it says it does. Worse, it might have unsafe compounds. "We have actually seen reports now of non-prescription CBD items infected with hefty metals and pesticides, as well as even adulterated with opioids, benzodiazepines or various other chemicals," says Dr. Jordan Tishler, a Harvard physician and also chief executive officer of InhaleMD, a Boston-area technique focusing on marijuana therapeutics.
A CBD item might likewise possibly contain greater than trace amounts of THC, which in addition to safety worries related to its psychedelic effects, might jeopardize some athletes' careers, Kuechenmeister says. "Because many professional athletes' source of incomes count on their capacity to compete in their sport," he states, "I can not ethically recommend making use of CBD items at this time."
What Athletes Ought To Learn About CBD
If you are committed to offering CBD a shot, Keatley recommends getting in touch with your medical professional initially given that the chemical can communicate adversely with other medications. Do as much study as you can, too, to find a trusted brand name, while bearing in mind that the market isn't well-regulated. "One of the most accountable way to (experiment with CBD) is to ensure the firm you're choosing is American-made, notes the specific milligrams of CBD per offering and also includes no mystery proprietary blends," Kuechenmeister states.
Can CBD Treat HIV?
Finally, take into consideration a trial round with CBD specifically that: a temporary experiment, not a long-lasting solution, considering that the compound's lasting results have yet to be seen. "There are much more economical and evidence-based techniques to improve your recovery, consisting of taking every step to maximize your rest high quality, being attentive about hydration, eating a diet plan that fulfills your micro as well as macro nutrient needs and handling stress and anxiety," Kuechenmeister says.
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Tips To Enhance Bone and Joint Health
It’s never too late to be thinking about your bones.
 In childhood and adolescence, most of our bone growth and bone density happens. Girls achieve their maximum bone density by age 18. For boys, this happens by age 20. It is important to retain bone density and try to slow down the rate of bone loss. As we mature, our body loses bone density. In women, after menopause, they are at risk for osteoporosis
 How to keep bones strong –
Pick calcium-rich foods like, Milk, Yogurt, Cheese, etc.
 Select non-dairy sources of calcium as well, such as fortified soy and rice beverages, canned salmon with bones, leafy green vegetables, beans, nuts, seeds, and fortified orange juice.
 Take vitamin D to keep your bones strong -
Vitamin D aids you absorb calcium in foods. Vitamin D can be found in: Milk, Fortified soy and rice beverages, Fortified orange juice, Fatty fish like salmon and sardines, Margarine, Egg yolks, Fortified yogurts.
 Get enough nutrients to keep your bones strong -
Potassium, vitamin K and magnesium assist your body absorb and use calcium. Get these nutrients by taking a variety of healthy foods like vegetables and fruit, legumes (beans, peas, lentils), nuts, seeds, whole grains, and fish. Protein makes to build muscle, which helps keep bones strong. Take protein-rich foods such as meat, poultry, fish, shellfish, legumes (beans, peas, lentils), nuts and seeds.
 Be active to keep your bones strong -
Target to be active for at least 30 minutes daily. Here is the list to keep your bones strong.
Do weight-bearing exercises like running, walking, hiking, low impact aerobics, dancing, tennis, and golf. Endurance exercises like lifting weights or push-ups to help build muscle, which keeps your bones strong. Stretching exercises like yoga and tai chi to help improve balance and coordination, which will reduce the risk of falling and breaking bones.
 Say no to caffeine or intake in small quantity -
Taking too much caffeine can lessen the amount of calcium you absorb. Put a capping of 400mg of caffeine per day for adults (about 2-3 cups of coffee per day). Pregnant and breastfeeding women should not take more than 300 mg caffeine per day.
 Excess Alcohol weakens your bones -Drinking alcohol can cause bone loss.
 Smoking a barrier in keeping bones strong – Smoking cause faster bone loss and a higher risk of bone fractures.
  There are various other reasons for Neck Pain, Shoulder pain and other pains. Where you need to see a good
orthopedic specialist Staten Island,Pain Management Staten Island,
Neck Pain specialists Staten Island,Shoulder Pain specialists Staten Island. Do visit the expert without delay.
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borispolonskiy · 3 years
4 Ways Physical Therapists Manages Pain in New Jersey
4 Ways Physical Therapists Manages Pain in New Jersey
Many Physical Therapists use various techniques to reduce or manage pain. These techniques include cold compression, ultrasound, light, sound, and massage. These different techniques have varying degrees of success. If a Physical Therapy patient does not respond to cold compression, for example, she may be referred to an orthopedic surgeon, an audiologist, or a neurologist, all of whom may use…
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atlanticorthopedics · 2 years
Pains that always need an orthopedics’ attention
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Competitors, wellness buffs and tenderfoots the same all know the expression: "No aggravation, no increase." somewhat, this is valid. However, for that you need to see a Chiropractor Brooklyn regularly.
Yet, how can you say whether the aggravation you feel after practice is a typical or good indication of the work you've done, or whether you have really done something to harm yourself genuinely? It can be Back pain Brooklyn, or Knee pain Brooklyn.
It very well may be difficult to be aware for each situation, yet you can get familiar with a things to search for to assist you with realizing the contrast between torment coming from working your body in a sound manner, versus torment that outcomes from injury.
As indicated by Atlantic Orthopedics, while there are cases when you can expect torment because of activity, ensure that you focus on it's term, or on the other hand assuming it changes from dull to sharp, longing to pulsating, or comparative. In the event that it endures longer two or three days after exercise, see your primary care physician.
You ought to constantly be careful about torment, particularly in the event that it is extreme or endures subsequently on the grounds that serious wounds could be an offender, Atlantic Orthopedic & Sports Medicine. These incorporate a pressure break or tear, or they can be indications of other medical problems.
Torment you ought to never overlook
There are numerous sorts of aggravation that show something different could be off-base. Try not to overlook any of the accompanying sorts, and most certainly see your PCP if your aggravation:
Diminishes your scope of movement
Sharp torment that keeps you from moving a body part, diminishes your scope of movement, or keeps you from moving out and out.
Is in a space of a past physical issue or medical procedure
Torment in regions where you've previously gone through a strategy or therapy might be an indication that something is setting off one more issue around there.
Any time something appears to be unique than typical, you ought to counsel a specialist.
Doesn't disappear in spite of care
On the off chance that you don't encounter help following a few days off rest, ice or over the counter mitigating medicine, call your PCP.
Assuming that torment never stops or deteriorates in seriousness you ought to constantly have it investigated.
Includes pressure and swelling
Sweep to check whether this occurs by any means, particularly in the event that it happens habitually. Frequently swelling is an indication of another issue that needs clinical consideration.
Is serious — Assuming agony is extraordinary to the point that it causes queasiness as well as heaving, see your primary care physician.
Is related with fevers and chills
There are numerous ailments that can be inferred assuming agony is joined by fever and chills, and these frequently should be treated with clinical consideration.
In the event that you experience any of these torments, you ought to look for therapy from a Orthopedic surgeon Brooklyn. The sooner you settle an issue with torment, you might be preventing further injury — and the sooner you can return to being your better self.
Wrapping up, these are a few pains that need orthopedics attention. Now that you know the pains, visit orthopedic when you witness the same.
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