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``Oh Hanna..``
• Hanna !
• A Vermilion(FatalLavender) x Origami(PaperChill) child !
• Vermilion and Origami belongs to : @pepper-mint
- sweet summer child
- get scared easily and their minds and gears become animalistic.
- tail DOES hurt if you get it in your ribs.
- Lives with Augury(RavenStrel by me) and is paired with Flogli(StrelBluescren by @jayssillycreativitybox )
- Absolutely love eating flowers, it helps feeding the ones on their body !
- Currently undead, was brought back to life by a friend.
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pepper-mint · 6 years
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Okay so before I forget about this(¿) here’s my special child. Why is he special, well, I was commissioned from @little-noko senpai to made him! I wasn’t excpecting that and again, thank you very much! And sorry for posting this so late--
Keep in mind that his story, like all of the kiddo’s stories aren’t canon in their parent’s universes!
Anyway! This is my little baby, Origami. Born from his parents powers, he had to grow up alone since his parents aren’t the best at rising kids(?). He’s very shy and insecure, almost like Blueprint, since he lived alone moving from au to au until he was found by his best friend, Stärke. She took him to her place and they lived together until he decided to keep moving by his own. I wanted him to live in the Omega Timeline, but I prefer to give him a place in my own AU where the kiddos are going to live. 
He wants to get to meet his parents personally, but he’s scared of them hating him. So he prefer to live imagining possible futures were they love him(¿). He doesn’t have a parental figure, but he sees Stärke as his sister, even tho she likes to wrestle with him and uses too much force with him(?
He has a dragon/blaster(¿) form just like Crane but, he only can turns into it for a short time since it takes all of his magic.The only thing that always stay is that tail with that “save point” that must be “glowing” everytime. Why? because that is like Charmander’s tail. If it stops glowing, he dies. How can he recharge it? well...
Destroying things! Like his parents, he “destroys” every AU he’s in but in his own way. Ya see, Origami, absorbs the AUs with his mouth. He can’t talk or have his mouth open for too many seconds or he’ll start absorbing everything like a vacuum. So, to prevent that, he uses a sketchbook to talk or sign language. Stärke is his translator when someone doesn’t know sign language and he doesn’t have his sketchbook near. He also likes to write little things when he’s alone. Blueprint and him have this little club where they both share stories. But shh! don’t tell anyone!
About his romantic status: he’s with Kaiju. @andrewture‘s NightCross child! (I told u I was gonna post it(?))
There are other things about him that I forgot(?), but basically this is his main info. I still have a lot to investigate about his parents and their powers so maybe some info about him will change in the future. And no, his clothes desn’t change of colors whe he moves to another AU and that fluffy hood is part of his sweater, not of his pocho owo)9
Say hi to the new boy, guys!
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Origami(PapercraneChill) x Kaiju(CrossMare) childdd
Credits :
Origami belongs to : @pepper-mint !
Kaiju belongs to : @andrewture
Info :
- tails is often used in attacks, the end with the black star-cross can be used to stick in clothes, bones and etc
- sees the world in black and white when angry
- absorb people souls when he opens his mouth
- sees blurry on his left eye
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pepper-mint · 6 years
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Another Origami pic I made some time ago uwu
Isn’t he the cutest-- after Neón, of course(?)
Guys, I love you but I’m not taking requests. I have too many asks to answer and so many things I want to draw that I can’t take them. Not now, sorry ;~;
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