thechinars · 2 years
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🔸 Papermashi Kashmiri Shikara
⛵ Made up of Walnut Wood ⛵ Kashmiri Shikara (Boat) ⛵ Unique Gift Item ⛵ Authentic Handmade Product ⛵ Kashmiri Hand Crafted Shikara
🟤 CONTACT NO:- 97797-73573 (Yuvaansh Kumar) 98888 12947(Prabhjot Singh) 🏷WE DEALS #WalnutWood Handmade Wood carved FURNITURE🛋🛏 🔶 👥Meet Us:- 👇 🌏 Website: - www.thechinars.com 📧 E-Mail: - [email protected] 📍 Address: 2nd Floor, Plot no 1619, JLPL INDUSTRIAL AREA, SECTOR 82 MOHALI
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conformity soup
Why do people view some periods in the past through rose tinted glasses? There was still troubles back then, people still struggled for housing, struggled for food, struggled for equal rights but through all that, we still hold these times as somehow grater than our own. I feel like this sentiment is quite prevalent in people born in the 2000’s to the 2010’s. What almost all people from the 2000’s grew up with was struggle, the world has just entered into the 2000’s the hopes and dreams of the rise of technology has been carried into a new millennium. Great scientists have just prevented the computer error what could shut down millions of systems around the globe, but that hope for new advancement was swiftly stifled with the 9/11 terrorist attacks what sparked a 20 year long conflict that was a constant backdrop for the decades to come. What followed from 2001 was the London bus bombing in 2005 and the terrorist attacks in Mumbai 2008. Through all that, the growth of a generation of children who have only experienced terror.
In our interconnected worlds anything seems possible, you can meet friends, date, share your creations, watch movies, play games, kindle newfound hobbies, and organise mass global events all in the comfort and safety of your own home. This isn’t something we got for free though, researchers at Harvard have been seeing a worrying trend of young people starting to show signs of depression, 34.3%. Which unsurprisingly heightened due to the pandemic and the rise of online everything. This can in no way excuse the other causes of depression, but when almost all things you need to do to function in human society is online, it can’t improve things.
That’s why I think so many young people go back to past time periods to try and try to find something comforting. Those time periods had so much more people interacting with people face to face, you connect with people in your local area, find love in your own bubble, and foster your own little community of people you can finally connect with. When looking at the 80’s that’s all I really see, I forget about the hardships of that time and just see the interconnectedness of people; something I don’t think we can get to anymore. Something I don’t think we could get again in that from.
The 80’s, to me, was all bout bold fashion choices. You could wear a disgusting outfit and no one would care because ‘it’s the 80’s!’, comparing that to today, popular fashion is filled with bland white, cream, grey and black. We can see this unintuitive colour palette reflected in the sharp-edged hospital look of modern architecture. Less is not more in this sense, the stifling unoriginality and conformism of this outlook that encompasses the whole of our modern culture is suffocating. Bland sameness, conformity soup, nothing but ehhh, hhheees and hhhoowwwws.
The more we stray away from originality, the more we become disconnected from our very essence, our very humanity. Humans were made for art and community. Even in our base forms we made art and we cared for people. To take away from that and restrict people to a single colour palette, a single outlook, a single dish of soup, it is anything but human.
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meenal-artwork · 4 years
Recycled art.. papermashi
Home decor😍
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cosplayinamerica · 4 years
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General Franky from One Piece // Cosplayer : MaxedOutCosplay // Photo : a.q.photographs
Everyone that I interacted with was super hyped that someone made Franky Shogun. Apparently there weren’t many running around. I did make it to the Rave on Friday night and once I got in everyone started chanting “Franky ! Franky ! Franky !”
One awesome thing that happened outside of the con was that I got invited to a One Piece photo shoot at Anime NYC this November. A rep from the Funimation and Viz Media both reached out to me on Instagram and offered to fly my wife and I up to attend. So I’m pretty stoked about that.
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Honestly, I’ve been trying to complete Franky for the better part of three years and the only real inspiration to make him came from my love of the anime One Piece and my furious need to make huge cosplays. As for why I took him to Katsucon, it was purely because my wife and I are on staff each year and once I put two and two together I buckled down at the beginning of January 2020 and cranked him out in less than a month.
Franky was put together mostly with hot glue. My normal adhesive is barge contact cement but, I had limited funds after buying the eva foam so I had to make due with what i had on hand.
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The main soup can of Franky is constructed of 3 hula hoops with 8 sheets of EVA foam to make up the body. The frame inside is honestly a Jerry rigged harness made from a 2x4 and the remnance of a old tattered backpack. I didnt have a whole lot of time to make it comfortable so I settle on just making it functional, I have another con coming up soon and have plans to renovate the inside to make last devastating on my shoulders.
The shoulders I made out of papermashie using a one part water two parts wood glue mixture and bounty paper towels, I figured the absorbent nature of the paper towels would soak up the mixture better then paper and make for a rock hard exterior. The arms have a 2or base the connects at the elbow with a door hinge and the forearm is also made from EVA foam.
The hands were very tricky as I wanted them to be articulated, after watching a few dozen videos I realised there was no real inexpensive was to do it that had been uploaded so I ran to home depot and grabbed what I thought I could make work. I landed on springs, tiny hinges, string and tiny eyelets. It took a few hours but by the end I had two function hands that looked amazing.
I really wanted to work LEDs into him somehow so I put them in the center logo of the straw hat crew and hooked it up to a battery pack, then a simple LED strip behind the eyes. The head is detectable because of low doors and is just made from EVA foam and a styrofoam cone. Lastly the the back peice is simple made from EVA foam. All pieces were cut with a box knife and referenced by images I found on Google.
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Cosplay has really given me my dream job aspirations. After delving into cosplay my world of crafting has completely opened up and my love of prop making has flourished. I frequent Youtube videos like Evil Ted and Tested and have found that my dream job would be to make prop and costumes for Weta Workshop.
Weta Workshop has made the props and costumes for nearly every major blockbuster movie for the last two decades, movies ranging from the matrix to the lord of the rings and even all the marvel movies. If I was given a chance to work there it would be a dream come true and through cosplay i hope to one day achieve that goal.
I have truly learned to love myself through my craft. I never had many hobbies or talents growing up and that did a number on my self esteem. Now I have this wonderful hobby that let's me express my creativity and love for prop recreation and it helps me find like minded individuals that want to build each other up.
For a long time I was just going through life without a purpose or any any aspirations in life and now I have a life goal and a community full of excellent people that want to lift people up through their craft and that seems pretty life changing in my opinion 
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