novamunarts · 5 years
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Colored in this sketch, despite how messy it is I like it. 
Delta belongs to @they-called-me-delta
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@stay-frosty-stay-loyal Continued from here
Couldn’t even speak- what had happened to them. Pappari was effectively some weird.... in-between of Xenomorph and Human. This wasn’t natural, humans don’t just change like that. Humans stay pretty consistent in appearance throughout their lives. Humans don’t suddenly and unexpectedly develop.... all this. And with as much as they knew about Pappari, something like this should be impossible in every way. Did someone experiment on them? When? How? It was all so confusing and they hated not knowing what did this.
Before they could say more and try to do anything, Pappari had made a run for it.
“Pappari wait- please!“
They quickly went after Pappari, it took nothing to catch up, humans couldn’t outrun them, not even.... horribly mutated humans. They tried to catch Pappari, to hold them still, they needed to get Pappari out of here and somewhere safe, but Delta couldn’t do much if their- if they were panicking.
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librionlinesvizzera · 8 years
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Vector – Minaccia mortale Jason Papparis, un commerciante di tappeti newyorkese, riceve un misterioso pacco, lo apre, ne inala la polvere fuoriuscita e muore.
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novamunarts · 6 years
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//  Between a mixture of overpowering maternal instinct kicking in around infants, and me just loving Brooklyn 99 references, we have this.
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novamunarts · 6 years
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- I n c o m p a t i b l e -
The future holds many things. Some will meld. Others will clash.
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Hell. Fucking. YES!!! Hope you didn’t care much for that shirt Pappari, because they are gonna lean into the pets and nuzzle them demanding more. The shirt is not spared in their need for affection, an unfortunate side-affect to petting something that drools near-constantly.
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A marine base, Delta and another Xenomorph, a runner in specific, seem to be having some kind of conversation, but not in the vents like one might expect, no, the pair is in a room together. There is no blood, no violence, its all surprisingly neat and tidy. It has a couch, a table and a few chairs, a TV, but nothing too fancy.“What if we went out a-”Someone walked into the room- Oh! It’s just Pappari. The two totally weren’t up to anything, sh.
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“And what about me?”
“Best siblings ever! Gives the best cuddles, both of you!“
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“I REALLY hope you guys aren’t gonna keep begging for that bastard’s life because uh, you can’t just threaten the hive like that and be capable of redemption. Just sayin’“
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Name one (or a few) people in your life whose death would ruin you & Who do you think would miss you most if you were gone?
“..... Six and Pappari. I don’t think I’d really miss one more than the other? But- Things probably wouldn’t end well without Six... I’ve been without a queen before, its.... Not good.“
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Delta, be honest- why do you hang around Pappari?
“I’ve known them since they were little... Their mother was my host- We’re practically siblings”
They didn’t seem thrilled to have to say that
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How does that marine understand you? We have our ways, but... Something seems strange about that.
“Our shrieks and calls aren’t just sounds, we speak our own language. Is it not that hard of a concept to understand that perhaps they managed to learn that language? Not like other humans try. They assume us as nothing more than mere animals. Pappari is different“
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