nicolae · 1 year
Despre calitatea de paroh-administrator în funcționarea unei unități parohiale moderne
Mazilu, Dumitru (2023), Despre calitatea de paroh-administrator în funcționarea unei unități parohiale moderne, Cunoașterea Științifică, 2:2, xxx,   About the quality of parish administrator in the operation of a modern parish unit Abstract The administration of the parish unit is also a civic obligation whose foundation we find in the Apostolic Tradition. This worthy occupation was attributed…
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f-ngrl · 2 years
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2022.09.26 parohgraphy 나 이런 사진 찍어ㅎ@ash.island@ambition_musikLONDON&PARIS, 2022.
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dragonbanexxi · 1 year
The Dragon Queen
Not Canon Compliant!!!!
Jaehaera Targaryen x Aegon III Targaryen
Chapter 11: Jaehaera
“Beloved cousin!” The mock in his tone as clear as day. “How lovely to see you again.” His smile oozing of cocksure arrogance.
The Green Princess doesn’t return his fake delight, in her best disinterested voice she simply says “Prince Viserys”
The Prince’s smile drops a bit, understanding what she’s doing. Making her boundary known. They maybe blood related; ‘cousins’ as he said, but he wasn’t her family.
Jaehaera wouldn’t outright proclaim him as an enemy either, that would be foolish. She’d have the ire of the whole of King’s Landing if she harmed him, that’s why she had a kitchen maid prepare bread and salt on try.
Jaehaera motions Paroh forward, and she coats the bread in the salt eating it infront of her cousin.
Guest rights, a Westerosi tradition that out dates both the Andals and Valyrians in Westeros. By eating the offering show vows no harm will come onto him by her hands, nor could he harm her.
The child walks up to the newcomer, who in return regains his arrogant smile once more. Jaehaera’s little translator blushes cutely at the Valyrian prince. Damn near swooning infront of him.
The Green Princess must admit her cousin was handsome. His pale silver hair cut neatly to his shoulders. A strong jawline, and his eyes the purest amethyst. He stood a good head taller than her.
Viserys chuckles as he finishes his offering.
“My cousin I’m surprised you still remember Westerosi customs.”
The Princess shares a look with Ser Robert. “Why do you say your grace?”
The handsome man steps forward, causing Ser Robert to tighten his grip on the hilt of his steel sword.
“Well seeing that you’ve been frolicking around Essos for the better part of a decade, I had assumed you had turned half savage.”
“Mind your tongue boy!” Ser Robert snarls “You’re not in Westeros anymore.” The gleam in the knight eyes dangerous.
The threat only works to make Viserys even more annoying. “Ahh yes, Ser Robert I presume?” The prince drawls. “You’ve gained quite the name back home you know. Ser Robert The Deserter.”
Ser Robert doesn’t react he simply says “A Kings Guard serves his King for life. My TRUE king…” the older man emphasizes the word true, “ordered me to protect the princess at all cost.”
Now it’s Viserys turn to snarl “The Usurper you mean, he was no King! Only a pretender! My Mother was the rightful queen!”
Ser Robert smirks just as arrogantly as prince did earlier “Not for some”
If looks could kill, her sworn shield would have been six feet under. Viserys face looks murderous like he could lunge at him any second now. The prince opens his mouth to retort something back but is interrupted.
“Alright that’s enough from both of you. I will not have you both come to blows in my courtyard.” She steps closer to her estranged cousin but faces her sworn shield.
“Ser Robert, Prince Viserys for the time being is my guest, he will be treated with respect.” The man nods, begrudgingly so. Though she knows he will obey.
“Prince Viserys, Ser Robert is my sworn shield. I will not have anyone in my council disrespected by you, while you’re here.” Her voice grows stern, “Both of you understand, yes?”
“Yes…” both men say in unison.
“Good” she hums. “Now, I will not beat around the bush Prince Viserys.” Their eyes lock, his face serious.
“What brings you to Meeren?”
The prince’s air of arrogance resurrecting once more. A small smile ghosting his lips. “Can’t a man pay a visit too his long lost cousin?”
He doesn’t get a reaction out of her. Her emotions were well kept to herself just as when she was a child.
“Seeing as how you or any of your folk haven’t visited before, one can only grow suspicious.” She sees his amethyst eyes travel from her collarbone to her neck slowly. She doesn’t like it. Oddly it feels like she his prey.
He interrupts her thoughts, “Our folk cousin. They’re your blood too.”
Jaehaera couldn’t help but sour her face at the comment. The remaining blacks meant nothing to her and she wouldn’t flatter herself in believing she meant something to them in return.
“Let us speak with truth Prince Viserys.”
He pouts at her feigning hurt. “Very well cousin, but let us speak over wine” his smile mischievous. “It’ll do me better to speak with truth over good wine and pretty company.”
Giving a dejected sigh she says “Very well, let us head inside.” Jaehaera turns walking towards the entrance. Her Unsullied guards close at behind. They make there way through the long hallway that was lit up by burning torches. The light of the flames and the bronze color of the walls made the hallway glow gold.
“It’s a nice dig you’ve acquired for yourself cousin.”
He didn’t see her eye twitch nor her nose scrunch up since she had her back towards him. It was absolutely insufferable how informal Viserys was acting towards her.
“Yes the Great Pyramid has its charm, as does the rest of the city.” Her voice neutral.
“The art is very erotic for my taste however.” His voice smug. “Harpy’s fucking mermaids… now that is just horrifying.”
“Do you ever keep quiet?” She says before she can stop herself.
“Yeah, only when I’m using my mouth for other activities.”
“Yes well the art of silence doesn’t hurt to learn.”
He lets out a childish huff. Jaehaera ignores it but smirks triumphantly.
They finally made it to her private quarters, it had a large living room to host company. She motions her cousin to sit in cushioned seat. Ser Robert standing outside her door loyally. The knight gives a reassuring nod, meaning he’s ready to cut the newcomer down if need be. Jaehaera smiles gratefully at him. She owes this man the world.
Viserys ignores her heading straight for the pitcher of wine.
“Finally!” He exclaims happily. “Red wine! I’ve been surviving on nothing but white Essosi and I’m tired of it.” Cheerfully filling up two goblets for he and Jaehaera. Handing it too her.
Looking at her expectantly to see if she drinks. Jaehaera mutters a quiet thank you, taking a ladylike sip. She allows herself to partake only because she saw him pour it. Had he been facing away from her, the wine would have been untouched.
Viserys sits down with his legs crossed, leaning back languidly. His pale hand swirling his wine in his goblet.
“You’ve changed Haera.”
Her Lilac eyes finding his at the mention of her nickname. Her palms grow sweaty, she grips her dress gently.
“Haera…” her voice quiet. A sad half smile gracing her face. “I can’t remember when was the last time someone referred to me as such.” It didn’t feel right however. Haera was too intimate, a nickname given to her by Jaehaerys.
“I think I told you once not too call me that when were children.”
It earns her an impish grin from the Targaryen Prince. “Yes you did, but when do I ever listen?” His tone playful.
Jaehaera only sighs with a small roll to her eyes. “Why are you here Viserys? What does your brother want?”
Her cousin drinks from goblet smirking a bit at her. “My brother wants peace cousin.” The vague answers irritating her but she keeps a civil face.
“Peace?” She repeats seeing him nod once.
“Peace, cousin. To end the war, and keep our family… united.”
Her pale brows fur. “The war has been over for almost ten years now. Surely there isn’t anything left for us to parley.”
“You’ll be surprised cousin dearest how much you’re missed back home.”
Jaehaera scoffs very unladylike. Westeros miss her? After ten years of self imposed exile. That’s pure rubbish.
“You’re full of shit Viserys”
His eyes sparking in interest, liking her off the cuff attitude. Viserys likes haughty women, and his cousin like him burns of dragon fire.
“Ahh there she is, I was beginning to wonder when my tart tongued cousin was going to appear!”
Jaehaera clenched her jaw not liking being called tart tongued at all. “You haven’t changed one bit, still as obnoxious as ever.”
The man snickers into his goblet, sipping happily. Gods he hopes he can convince her to return back home with him. Jaehaera’s dryness could give his sister Baela a run for her money.
“I’m not lying cousin. Aegon wants you to return home so the war can end once and for all.”
She gives him an incredulous look. The Dance of Dragons ended ten years ago.
“There is no war. Aegon is King now.”
“True, but his grace needs more stability.”
Her brow raises signifying that she doesn’t understand.
“The noble houses who supported your father are making Aegon’s life difficult at court.” He elaborates.
That makes Jaehaera snort. “And that is my problem because…?”
“Tis your problem because they want to replace my brother with you.” Blood pumps painfully through her heart now.
“The Lannister’s and Baratheon’s are not happy that they’ve been made to pay most of the reparations towards the Riverlands. They think by getting rid of us and installing you, you’ll make Lord Tully return the gold and money they gave him.”
“That’s ridiculous.” She mutters, “that contradicts the purpose of them siding with my father.”
The mention of Aegon the Second brings a small sneer on her cousins face.
“Yes well it doesn’t take away from the fact that it’s treasonous.” Viserys says flatly. “Aegon is the rightful King.”
That statement was true. Only because her uncles and brothers are no longer alive. Apart of her is whispering to defend her faction. “If Jaehaerys would have lived, he would have been the rightful King.”
Her cousin’s fingers grip the goblet tightly, “Let’s not do this Jaehaera.”
She gets a chill from how frosty his tone turned. Jaehaera doesn’t show it however, it’s her turn to be obnoxious.
“No I will speak with truth. My Father was the rightful heir by the laws of Seven.”
“I would prefer to speak of something else.”
She put on her best diplomatic face. “Fine,” she growls “Have it your way! Write to his grace and inform him that I have no plans nor any want to return to the Seven Kingdoms. I’m quite content here in Meeren.” She sets her goblet down on the well crafted table.
“I don’t think you understand cousin. He doesn’t want to make a hostage out of you.” His voice still serious.
“I don’t care what he wants!” Jaehaera roars. She stands up abruptly. Walks towards to window. Looks outside to her city. Everything looks so tiny from up where she’s at. Like a tiny ant colony.
“Aegon wants peace? Tell him to leave me be and find stability elsewhere.” Her heart racing like a stampede.
“Fuck Westeros! Fuck you! Fuck the King! Just leave me alone!” The anger in her voice was powerful.
“Now Haera we both know that is impossible.” His footsteps were light, Jaehaera notes. He was standing behind her.
His breath hot in her ear, “Not when you have three baby dragons in your possession.” He whispers, causing her to shiver. He traps her between the window seal and his body, encasing her with his long arms.
Her lilac eyes widening like those of an owl. How did he know about her dragons? Her thoughts turning to babies. Would they kill her and take them back to Westeros?
She turns to face him. The urge to slap the smugness off his face strong. Glaring up at her cousin, utterly annoyed that she only reached up to his neck.
She pushes him away from her, making space between them.
“If you even think about-“,
Viserys cuts her off. Taking her dainty hands in his large ones in a firm grip so she doesn’t pull away. His amethyst eyes sincere as they sought out her lilac ones.
“I’m not thinking anything Jaehaera, I want you to trust me and Aegon.” He pulls a piece of parchment from out his doublet handing it too her.
It’s warm in her hands, and smells of Viserys. Sandalwood and spice ash. It smells like a man. “It’s a letter written for you personally by Aegon. Read it later. We can speak more tomorrow.”
She nods in agreement.
“Good. Now I have an important request from you cousin.” His voice back to his normal smugness.
“Oh? How may I be of service?”
His feline smile gracing his face once more. “Well you see, I brought a whore with me from Astapor. Could she stay in quarters while I’m here?”
The shock on her face must have hilarious because Viserys busy out laughing. That was the last thing she expects him to say. Finding the humor in this, she too laughs along with him.
“Very well, that’s alright with me.”
“Try not to be jealous cousin.”
“Oh please, I pity the poor woman. She has to put up with your nonstop chatter.”
“Not when I’m using my mouth to-“
“Do shut up!”
Just the first glimpse of their chaotic friendship that’s soon to come :)
Thank you guys again ❤️ Comments are always welcomed!
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mathiastheannouncer · 3 months
[ Starlight assumes that the reason it's taking so long is cause of the cutting hair parOH MY GOF MYFUCKINF EDYSY]
// leaving that last part in as a joke (TV was bright at 3 in the morning) //
*who KNOWS what Elegy is up too.*
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lazysailor · 6 months
TW: emetophobia and violence
This is a short intro like story to my two Jujutsu Kaisen ocs I've been obsessed with lately and there's a good 50/50 chance I'll use these ocs more in the future. So enjoy :D
Word count: 1,760
How did this even happen?
This was a common question Akira asked herself lately. She was just an ordinary highschool girl, she had normal friends, she had a family. But all that changed for her when he came into her life.
Akira was hanging out after school with her friends, her friends weren't exactly rule followers but they weren't rebels either, just people getting through life. They were sitting at what they would call “The Hill” which was a place located over behind their school a ways away. Akira was watching her friends mess around and poke fun at each other while she was working on some late assignments since the semester was nearly ending.
Akira decided to take a break and lay in the grass for a bit, unbeknownst to her something had found her and crawled its way up her sleeve. The thing then found a cozy place on the back of her neck and bit into it.
“Ow!” Akira yells as she sits up in the grass.
“What happened?” One of her friends asks.
“Something bit me!” She yells.
“It was probably just nothing.” One of her other friends comments.
“Lemme see if something actually did bite you.” The friend who asked her says as they walk up to her.
“Where is it.?” They ask.
“On the back of my neck.” She says.
The caring friend then moves her hair away from the back of her neck and inspects it..But there was nothing there.
“Yeah I’d say it was just in your head.” The friend says as they move her hair back to where it was before.
“Told ya.” The other friend says.
Her friends then go back to messing with each other as she touches the back of her neck. She swears she can feel some kind of pain or bump there..
Later that night Akira wakes up in a cold sweat and she suddenly feels nauseous. She bolts out of her bed and storms into the bathroom, she then throws up into the toilet and the color of the sick is a shade of black.
“W-What the fuck.” She says as her voice quivers, she then throws up again but it's a normal color.
The sound of her throwing up surprisingly doesn't wake up her parents..Well they've both been out of the house lately..
“Wow, I didn't expect you to throw up so soon.” A voice suddenly says out of nowhere with a chuckle following it.
Akira looked around the bathroom in a panic trying to see who was talking to her, but it was only her in there.
“I’m in your head! Humans always look so funny when this happens.” The voice comments.
“Who the fuck are you!” Akira asks as she stands up.
“Ohoho I have a feisty human this time!” The voice says.
“Answer!” She yells.
She looks at herself in the mirror and sees a small insect-like creature sitting on her shoulder.
“You said you were in my-” She tries to say but she gets cut off.
“I’m making you hallucinate, my child, but my name is Parohs.” The insect-like creature introduces himself.
“That's a stupid name.” She tells it.
“Shut up.” He says.
“What are you.?” She asks Parohs.
“Wow I have a feisty and curious human, I’ll probably stick to you for a while!” The curse says.
“I'm a cursed spirit, a spirit made from negative emotions from humans. And I chose to live within you for now..” Parohs explains to her.
“What..Why me.?” Akira asks him.
“I won't tell you why..But let's say you're in for a ride now.” The curse ominously says to her as it begins to laugh.
After a few days from the throwing up incident she's walking home from school and she see’s someone from her school leaning against a building. She decides to ignore him and continues walking home..But the person had other ideas.
She suddenly felt a pocket knife against her neck.
“Give me all of your money or I swear I’ll slit your throat!” The classmate yells, his eyes were red so he was probably on some kind of illegal drug.
Akira looked at the guy with a panicked look, but she felt heard the curse, Parohs, tell her something.
“Trying looking into his eyes directly, it’ll be useful to you.” The curse says as it Snickers under its breath.
She hesitates but follows the curse’s words, Akira looks directly into his eyes and visions something she didn't expect. The vision was of the guy being covered in spiders while they were wrapping him in their webs, but the vision shortly ends. 
Out of some kind of impulse she suddenly touches the guy's forehead, the guy gives her a confused look but he shortly moves the knife away from her neck and starts to scream. He falls onto the ground and panics while still screaming like there was something on him. That's when she realizes she caused this and it wasn't just something random. Akira runs away from the hysterical man and makes it all the way home.
Her house was empty and quiet as she slammed the door behind her and locked it.
“What the hell just happened..” She says while she breathed heavily.
“That was a display of our power little Akira..You should be thankful you didn't die back there.” Parohs says to her.
“But what will happen to him?” She asks him.
“It all depends on what's in his hallucination.” He answers.
“Hallucination.?” Akira says as she sounded confused.
“Yes hallucination, the moment you saw that vision and touched his forehead you were able to make him hallucinate his worst fear!” Parohs explains with excitement in his voice.
Akira takes this information in for a few moments.
“So this is your power?” She asks.
“Oh no, no, no! Our power Akira!” He tells her, if he had a mouth he definitely would've been smiling at that moment.
“We have the power to make people see their worst fears and go insane.” Parohs says.
“But I don't want this power.!” Akira says as she starts to get mad.
“Too bad you'll have to get used to it, Akira.” The bug-like curse says in a cold tone.
After a week Akira woke up in a panic, but nothing seemed off around her at first. She got out of bed and walked downstairs only to hear her parents arguing over something in the kitchen..
“What the fuck do you mean she's missing?!” Her father yells.
“I tried to wake her up this morning since it was late, but she was gone!” Her mother yells while she seemed to be crying.
“Ooh, someone's parents are arguing!” Parohs says.
“Shut up..What's even happening?” She asks him.
Parohs lets out a deep chuckle before answering her.
“Well curses tend to be invisible to people who don't have that much cursed energy. And since you have me now you basically disappeared from anyone who lacks cursed energy.” Parohs explains to her before chuckling some more.
“W-What?” She says but she gets cut off by her dad's yelling.
“How could she possibly just disappear over the night?!” Her dad yells.
“I don't know!” Her mother says as she starts to cry more.
Her dad then slapped her mom hard making her fall onto the ground..
There was silence between all three of them until it was broken by her dad once again.
“You know what! Since you're such a bad mom, I may as well just leave you!” Her father says leaving her mom shocked.
“What?! You can't just do that!” Her mother yells.
“Where do you even plan on going?!” Her mother asks.
Her dad seems to hesitate before answering her.
“Your best friend's house, I've actually been sleeping with her for a couple months now!” Her dad tells her.
Akira stands in the doorway to the kitchen in shock for a few moments. But some kind of feeling comes over her telling her that her dad can't just get away with it, she had to do something about it. She starts to walk over to her parents who were still arguing with each other. 
She stops in front of her dad and stares into his dad's eyes, the vision he saw was of him being attacked by a dog which like her past one ended quickly. Akira touches her dad's forehead and uses more cursed energy than last time against her dad in a fit of anger. Her dad almost immediately starts to freak out and starts yelling at her mom for her to get away, while her mom stands there confused.
The situation quickly starts to escalate as her dad puts his hands around her mom's neck, Akira looks away from the scene as Parohs seems to watch it unfold.
After who knows how long the house is dead silent and Parohs looks at Akira.
“Good job Akira! My past hosts have never been able to get this far with their power!” He congratulates her.
She didn't look at the scene In Front of her.
“I ended up killing both of them didn't I.?” She asks him while knowing she probably did.
“Yup!” Parohs says as he looks at the messed up scene In Front and goes into a small laughing fit.
She stays quiet for a few minutes before she walks away from the kitchen and back up to her room.
“What exactly are you?” Akira asks Parohs.
“Hehe you may as well know! I'm Parohs the curse of chaos, I was formed from you little humans fear of chaos!” He tells her.
Akira now sits in a subway train in Japan, it has been a few months since that whole incident and now she doesn't really question anymore. She has accepted the chaos within her life and chooses to even cause it every once in a while.
The train is quiet like normal but unusually empty, probably because it was the middle of the day and lots of people were either at school or working. As the train stops to pick up more people, a girl around Akira’s age steps onto the train. The girl makes her way over to her and stops in front of her, which wasn't normal for Akira since most people couldn't see her.
“Is it okay if I sit here.?” The girl asks with a shy tone.
Akira stays silent for a moment taking in her presence since she seemed different.
“Of course.” Akira says with a small grin.
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However, we should still wonder, what has compelled G-d to make this promise to the Jews? Is their freedom an inalienable right, a value in itself? Further, for what reason do they merit a homeland? Is it nothing more than a prerequisite for nationhood? The movie presents an approach along these lines. At one point, Moshe tries to convince Ramses that “no kingdom should be made on the backs of slaves.” The tone of this statement suggests that from a human rights perspective, it is objectionable that the Jews be enslaved. Indeed, this is true. However, is the sole reason for freeing the Jews the fact that they deserve a life of dignity? The Torah adds more. In Shemot 6:7, G-d imparts to Moshe that the Exodus from Egypt does not end the story. Rather, it begins a new chapter. [7] And I will take you unto Me as a nation, and I will be to you a G-d, and you will know that I am the L-rd your G-d that brought you out from the suffering of Egypt.”
As a result of Yetziat Mitzrayim, the Jews will now be “G-d’s people,” a status that ostensibly carries duty and responsibility. In fact, in His original instructions, G-d commands Moshe to tell Paroh to set the Jews free “in order that they can serve G-d in the wilderness.” This idea of serving G-d is central to our understanding of Yetziat Mitzrayim. Without that component, the story becomes an episode of history. With that aspect, it assumes its true colors as a crucial point in the Jews’ religious development.
In fact, the Torah’s perspective does not allow for differentiating these elements.
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gagagrne · 2 years
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Manastir Tvrdoš kod Trebinja sagrađen je na temeljima crkve iz IV veka i spada u red najstarijih kulturno istorijskih spomenika u Republici Srpskoj. Tokom tursko-mletačkog rata manastir je porušen, a deo relikvija prenesen je u manastir Savinu (Herceg Novi) i manastir Duži, odakle je 1992. godine u Tvrdoš prenesena ruka Svete kraljice Jelene Anžujske, majke kraljeva Milutina i Dragutina. Manastir je poznat i po činjenici da je u njemu Sveti Vasilije Ostroški primio monaški postrig i sveštenički čin, nakon čega je izvestan period službovao kao paroh. To je razlog zašto se Sveti Vasilije naziva još i “Ostroški i Tvrdoški”. Unutar današnje crkve je stakleni pod, koji predstavlja svojevrstan “prozor u prošlost” kroz koji se mogu videti temelji crkve iz IV veka. . . . #gagagrne #manastirtvrdos #manastir #monestary #republikasrpska #bosnaihercegovina #orthodoxmonastery #putovanja #travel #travelgram #instatravel (у месту Manastir Tvrdoš) https://www.instagram.com/p/CiichlgLVXp/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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cmosneagu · 3 days
O farmacie sateasca a incetat vinzarea de anticonceptionale dupa discutii cu preotul paroh https://c.aparatorul.md/swrjk
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rollercoaster59 · 20 days
Meat parohe can... Androde 19...
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amicidomenicani · 3 months
Am rămas impresionat de unele cuvinte ale Sf. Paroh de Ars despre penitență și vă întreb ceva referitor la aceasta
Quesito Dragă părinte Angelo, pe 4 august citeam câteva referințe biografice despre Sf. Paroh de Ars și m-a impresionat mult această frază: „…diavolul acordă puțină atenție disciplinei (biciuirea personală practicată în semn de pocăință) și altor instrumente de penitență. Ceea ce îl învinge este privarea de a bea, de a mânca și de a dormi. Diavolului nu îi este frică de nimic mai mult și, prin…
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casmong · 5 months
Pharaoh of Egypt.
Understanding the Pharaoh of Egypt gives context to the circumstances from which the Israelites were physically rescued from, and why they had such a hard time escaping spiritually; and because they could not spiritually free themselves from Egypt, all the adults who left Egypt died on the wilderness journey [Numbers 14:29], and only a representative two survived to enter the promised land: Joshua son of Nun (Hebrew, tribe of Ephraim) and Caleb son of Jephunneh (Kenizzite) [Numbers 26:55]; which speaks of God not being partial, and of both Jews and gentiles inheriting the promised land the spiritual kingdom of God.
The word ‘pharaoh’ [Hb פַרְעֹה : Paroh - a title of Egypt kings] is actually a loan word from the ancient Egyptian language, which originally meant ‘great house’, of royal court, and (in new kingdom) of king. The word eventually began to be used metonymically to describe both the king’s palace as well as its resident Egyptian king. Pharaoh was the word the ancient Hebrews used to refer to the Egyptians kings, but it was never the Egyptians kings official title, nor was it the name Egyptians used to refer to their rulers. The YAHWEH and His inspired writers chose to use pharaoh instead of Egyptian rulers’ title, which among other things had several references to the idols gods of Egypt, which we know are nothing, and YAH was neither interested in nor wanted His people to keep on their memory. The full title of the Egyptian king consisted of five names, each preceded by one of the following titles: Horus, Two Ladies, Golden Horus, King of Upper and Lower Egypt, and Son of Ra.
Of special note is that the Egyptians believed their pharaoh to be the mediator between the gods and the world of men, that after death the pharaoh became divine and associated with Osiris ‘the god of the dead’, and that the pharaoh was all-powerful, all knowing and controlling nature and fertility.
While teaching about YAH’s power over the pharaoh and Egypt, and His authority to do whatever He pleases[Romans 9:15], Paul mentioned that “God, willing to shew his wrath, and to make his power known“[Romans 9:22], YAHWEH indeed made known His power over the pharaoh and Egypt, by controlling nature and fertility with the plagues of uncontrollable proliferation of frogs, lice, flies, livestock pestilence, locusts (fertility) that overrun their cities and homes; and also water turning to blood, boils, darkness, and the death of firstborn children (nature); all of which neither the Pharaoh nor their idol gods had any power to prevent, and revealing that the pharaoh (and the idol gods of Egypt) was not all powerful as claimed, neither was he all knowing, as he had to ask Moses to know what the name of the God of the Hebrews (slaves).
The pharaohs built grandiose and elaborate tombs, intended to immortalize their greatness, which ironically only served as monuments that testify to the fact that they are all dead, and are not coming back to life. YAH promises life and the dead coming back to life (viz resurrection), and while disputing with the Sadducees who don’t believe in resurrection of the dead, Jesus points out the contrast between YAHWEH ‘the God of the living’, and the pharaoh and the idol gods of Egypt, with strong allusions particularly to Osiris ‘the god of the dead’ when he said “now that the dead are raised, even Moses shewed at the bush, when he calleth the Lord the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. For he is not a God of the dead, but of the living: for all live unto him.” [Luke 30:37-38]
Paul further clarified who exactly was the true mediator between God and man, who unlike the dead and entombed pharaohs shackled to the grave, Jesus the Anointed demonstrated that he actually had power over death when he came back to life, and his resurrection attested to the authority he was given, which was the basis of the apostle Paul’s argument when he exhorted Timothy that “there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus”[I Timothy 2:5]
The pharaohs made many claims to power and greatness, but made no attempt at claiming immortality, as that can easily be proven false, and they spent most of their time and resources preparing for their death ceremonies, and their tombs, and made arrangements for their replacement after they were dead and gone. The death of the first born was therefore a major tragedy for them, as it threatened their family ‘name’, dynasty and legacy. YAHWEH is not a man nor a mortal nor is He even capable of death![I Timothy 6:16], but we understand that His son Jesus the Anointed “was delivered over to death for our sins and was raised to life for our justification.”[Romans 4:25], and now we see Jesus “Christ being raised from the dead dieth no more; death hath no more dominion over him.”[Romans 6:9]
“Who is he that condemneth? It is Christ that died, yea rather, that is risen again, who is even at the right hand of God, who also maketh intercession for us.” Romans 8:24
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f-ngrl · 1 year
2023.01.29 gist.the.artist 심심할때 이런거 하는 나 어때
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dragonbanexxi · 1 year
The Dragon Queen
Jaehaera Targaryen x Aegon iii Targaryen
***!!!Not Canon Compliant!!!***
Chapter: 18 Jaehaera
The Sovereign of Meeren had been given a chamber in Maegor’s Holdfast. It was a decent sized room befitting her station. Quite small compared to the chambers she had in the Great Pyramid of Meeren. Though the Green Princess wasn’t about to complain.
On the contrary she had quickly become enamored with the space when she realized the view she has to garden, was that of her late mothers wisteria trees. They stood tall and wide with their pretty lavender droopy flowers flowing beautifully in the wind. Jaehaera’s tears had been difficult to stop. The elation in her heart that her mother’s precious trees were still standing made her feel like Helaena’s ghost was close to her.
Her mama, her precious and kind; so utterly good hearted mama who was to weak for this barbarous world. To think just months prior she had cried into her cousin Viserys chest about how much Jaehaera grew to resent her mother.
‘She jumped out the tower without even thinking twice! She jumped not caring what would become of me! She didn’t stop to think that I needed her too!”
Her mothers suicide didn’t leave Jaehaera’s heart feeling like an everlasting void of sorrow and nothingness; the way Jaehaerys murder did. No her mothers death sprung a deep seeded anger taking root in her veins, that if Jaehaera could she’d resurrect her mama back to life just kill her again. Mama had left her open for the vultures. If it wasn’t for Ser Robert Oakheart, the vultures would have raptured her away and torn her apart.
Presently however as the girl stares into the garden. As the wisteria dances delicately in the cool breeze shinning that beautiful color of light lavender. Jaehaera’s heart allows itself to soften because like a brick, the memory of her late mama’s eyes in the sunlight were the same shade as the wisteria petals.
The chamber door behind her opens suddenly it’s her little translator Paroh.
“Princess, you have a guest who wishes to speak with you…” Paroh says in Dothraki.
“Whom is it Paroh?” Jaehaera replies in Dothraki as well.
Her advisors had petitioned to use the language within themselves to keep their plans and wishes private. One never knew when ears lurked behind the the brick walls. When in the Red Keep tis best to move and speak with caution.
“The Princess Rhaena.” Her voice mousy. Understanding her liege’s sudden hesitation flooding her face. Nonetheless she orders Paroh to let her in.
Jaehaera smoothes out her dress. It’s a Meerenese style gown. With a beautiful pink shawl wrapping across her shoulder in elegant pleats.
The older Princess walks in with all the grace of swimming swan. Her silver hair in regal tight locks cascading down her back. Indigo eyes shinning in quiet warmth and a polite smiling emerging on her beautiful face. Her dress made of the finest Westerosi cotton, dyed in expensive rich dark purple dye. Truly looking the part of a princess of the realm.
Never one to forget her courtesy, Jaehaera gives a quick curtesy locking eyes with her older cousin.
“Princess Rhaena”
The older princess gives an amused hum and curtesys as well.
“Cousin” she steps forward wrapping her arms around the younger girl tightly.
Jaehaera is taken by surprise wrapping her arms around the Princess Rhaena as well though not as tightly.
“By the Gods you are a beauty” she gushes caressing one of Jaehaera’s loose curls.
“Definitely inherited the Hightower curls” it feels like she made that statement mostly to herself.
Jaehaera gives nothing but an awkward ‘um’, making the other Princess laugh.
“Viserys wrote so much about you! Please let us drink some tea, he tells me you’re a fan of cinnamon.” She guides Jaehaera to the small table.
The Green Princess just let herself be herded by the other princess. Not really sure how to act towards her. The difference between the attitudes of the Twin Princess’s felt like night and day. Where Baela had been harsh and cold upon first meeting, Rhaena was proving to be cheery and warm.
They sit across from each other. Rhaena scans her warm eyes on Jaehaera’s lovely face, looking as if she has a million questions yet not sure where to begin.
“You look like her.” Rhaena says quietly. Almost sadly. “You look like Helaena…”
A small smile graces her lips. Helaena hadn’t been the most beautiful maiden in the realm but she had been Jaehaera’s entire world at one point.
“Thank you” she says quietly as Rhaena begins to pour tea for the both of them.
“All the stories you must have cousin” Rhaena begins. “Viserys wrote highly of you, you know.”
“Really? I felt like we argued half the time he was in Meeren.” The Green Princess says with a chuckle.
“That little shit is quite the handful” The beauty says “though he’s the only one Aegon trusted to convince you to return.”
She hands the steaming tea cup to Jaehaera. “A good portion of us at court were convinced he would succeed.” Rhaena stirs the sugar in her tea absentmindedly. “How did Serys convince you to return? Did he talk your ear off?”
“No” the younger girl laughs
“Did he beg?”
“I wish”
“Oh this must be a good story than!” Rhaena says cheerily with a conspiring dimpled smile. She and Aegon have the same dimples Jaehaera notes.
Aegon’s smile and deep voice comes into her mind making her shiver flusteredly.
Jaehaera licks her lips, shifting her weight in her seat. “It’s a long story…”
The Princess Rhaena smiled prettily. “I have all day.”
Hesitant lilac eyes meet warm indigo ones.
“Well it truly began when I had invited Viserys to dine in my personal quarters one evening…”
Next chapter will be a flashback! Thank you guys for all the support. I greatly appreciate all the likes and comments! ❤️ Comments are always welcomed. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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nicolae · 5 months
Cunoașterea Științifică, Volumul 2, Numărul 2, Iunie 2023
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Revista Cunoașterea Științifică este o publicație trimestrială din domeniile științei și filosofiei, și domenii conexe de studiu și practică. Cuprins: EDITORIAL Cunoașterea științifică – Metodologii, de Nicolae Sfetcu ȘTIINȚE NATURALE Drobeta Turnu Severin Heavy Water Plant: Functioning and Shutting Down, de Nicolae Sfetcu Pandemia: Women and Policewomen, de Albert Torma ȘTIINȚE SOCIALE Poziția statelor emergente în raport cu politica externă şi de securitate comună a Uniunii Europene, de Alexandru Cristian Parohia în textul sfintelor canoane și în practică bisericească, de Dumitru Mazilu Abandonul școlar în România, de Alexandra Mocanu Despre calitatea de paroh-administrator în funcționarea unei unități parohiale moderne, de Dumitru Mazilu Anime culture in Romania, de Alexandra Mocanu ȘTIINȚE FORMALE Identity and Artificial Intelligence in The Adventures of Pinocchio, de Nicolae Sfetcu FILOSOFIE Teorii cauzale ale referinței, de Nicolae Sfetcu RECENZII CĂRȚI Reconstrucția rațională a științei prin programe de cercetare, de Nicolae Sfetcu ISSN 2821– 8086 ISSN – L 2821 – 8086, DOI: 10.58679/CS33642 Cunoașterea Științifică (PDF, EPUB, MOBI pentru Kindle) https://www.cunoasterea.ro/revista/revista-cunoasterea-stiintifica-volumul-2-numarul-2-iunie-2023/ https://www.cunoasterea.ro/revista/revista-cunoasterea-stiintifica-volumul-2-numarul-2-iunie-2023/ Read the full article
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lazysailor · 6 months
I keep on seeing jjk Skyfall videos which made me go back into a small jjk phase (I don't know what to call it).
So I got bored and made some ocs I'll probably never use again :D
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Extra info about them:
Akira and Parohs are fine with each other and just both benefit from each other. Akira gets strength and powers from Parohs, and Parohs gets rest and a free host from Akira.
Akira's situation is a bit different from Yuji's which I'll explain in a later post (probably just write a one shot about her and Parohs).
Akira is American.
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inprimalinie · 5 months
De Crăciun, M. Sandu a vizitat biserica al cărui paroh a cerut transferarea la Patriarhia Română
Președintele Republicii Moldova, Maia Sandu, a vizitat, în ziua de Crăciun pe stil vechi, adică 7 ianuarie 2024, o biserică al cărei paroh a îndemnat să se treacă la Patriarhia Română. Georgiana Arsene Să fie vorba despre o alegere întâmplătoare?, se întreabă portalul Bloknot Moldova. Postul public Moldova1 a transmis în direct liturghia de la biserica Sfântul Dimitrie din Chișinău. Se pare că…
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