#Pasta aglio olio e peperoncino
Spaghetti appetitosi aglio, olio e peperoncino alla calabrese.
Gli spaghetti aglio, olio e peperoncino è un primo facilissimo come sappiamo tutti e un favoloso salva cena. Alla classica ricetta ho aggiunto qualche ingrediente che rende gli spaghetti super appetitosi. Mia nonna li preparava così, aggiungeva una manciata di pomodori secchi (che lei in estate li faceva seccare al sole), capperi, alcune alici e una bella fetta di pane raffermo tritato…
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ascendentelamento · 2 years
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Storie di festeggiamenti finiti a tarda notte con una pasta aglio olio e peperoncino.
Risvegli traumatici, con rituali giornalieri per campare.
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dolce-tenebra-toscana · 11 months
La squadra's spice tolerance, from highest to lowest 🌶🌶🌶
1) Formaggio 🧀
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Cheese man has the highest tolerance among his teammates, can easily eat a whole chili withput breaking a sweat and actually enjoys spicy food. However he has to remember to control himself when he makes " Aglio olio e peperoncino ", last time he sent one of his friends at the er ( more on that later 👀 )
2) Pesci 🐟
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I know it's surprising, but pesci actually handles heat like a pro! His nonna and mamma are very fond on heavily seasoned cooking and they taught Pesci that a high tolerance to spices means you have a strong and warm heart.
He may not handle coffee, but he can easily eat a whole jar of 'nduja by himself!
3) Melone 🍈
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Now Melone is more fond on sweet and sour than spicy, but his tolerance is actually kinda high! He can't actually explain that to himself and other to be honest cause he rarely eats spicy foods but when he does, you won't hear him complain that much; just some " ooh, maiala scotta scotta!!" Or " Deh che gliè un piccantino sto troiaio?"
4) Illuso 🔍
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Now we are reaching the bottom of the pit, and illuso's sensitive tastebuds get a real kick in the shins whenever he eats spicy! Which is weird since he really likes pepper, but put even just a lil pinch of chili powder more than it supposed to be in his plate and he'll complain all night about how is tongue is " ruined forever "...such a drama queen
5) Risotto ✂️
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You want the big scary capo out of your way for 2 hours? Make thai food for dinner, or even just season his pasta with the blandest chili powder you can find; you'll see him caugh and cry in no time.
His iron deficiency and his low spicy tolerance are a deadly mix and the only thing it can help him in that case is a 2 hours nap after a good ice cream, poor capo he tries his best when he goes to resturants tho 🤣
6) Prosciutto 🍖
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No. Just no, take that f*cking devil dandruff away from him. Not only he can't handle spicy food, he hates it from the bottom of his heart! This includes both ethnic and italian foods, his refined palate only allows sophisticated and delicate flavours inside his mouth....and then smokes Malboro but that's beside the point! You'll never even see Prosciutto eating spicy food...but if you do prepare to see him run to the bathroom to throw up.
7) Ghiaccio 🧊
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Tastebuds of a 3 year old child? Y e s!
Ghiaccio can't even SMELL the chili powder in the air that he starts gagging and caughing like crazy!! Even pepper has to stay away from his plate, and no joke he'll straight up punch you if you even dare to put something like that nearby his plate. And yes, he is the poor guy who went to the ER after tasting formaggio's food; apparently the nurses were afraid cause he looked like a rabid dog screaming blasphemies, crying, salivating and spitting....not a good sight at all.
In conclusion, Ghiaccio will have " spezzatino e polenta " grazie~
Pesca has the highest tolerance of the group, the boys saw her eating whole chilis like popcorn and were kinda freaked out 🤣
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DIABOLIK LOVERS DARK FATE Imajin Webshop Tokuten Drama CD ”A Heated Cooking Showdown! ~The King of Founder’s Ultimate Cooking~”
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Original title: 灼熱のクッキングバトル!~始祖王の究極料
Source: Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE Imajin Webshop Tokuten Drama CD
Audio: Here
Seiyuu: Katsuyuki Konishi, Takahiro Sakurai & Morikawa Toshiyuki
Translator’s note: While it is nothing new for Reiji and Ruki to get all competitive in regards to cooking, it was definitely interesting to see Carla get thrown in the mix. I always assumed that Shin is the one who does all of the household chores - including cooking - so it’s very difficult to imagine Carla behind the stove. ...And those who have listened to this CD will probably agree with me that this might be for the best. :p
*Chop chop chop*
Reiji: The simplest dishes are often the most difficult…as well as most beautiful.
This time’s cooking shodown has been quite the hard-fought battle. However, I believe my victory is basically guaranteed. I simply cannot fathom that an uncivilized Mukami such as yourself will be able to deliver an elegant dish.
Ruki: What are you going on about, Sakamaki Reiji? I don’t want to hear that from the guy who has the nerve to be spouting nonsense all while handling such delicate ingredients.
Reiji: Wha…!? Hah…Ruki. I’d very much appreciate it if you would take back that statement.
Ruki: The answer is no. …Heh. How are you chopping your garlic? You have to make sure that each piece is equal, or else it’ll cook unevenly.
Reiji: Could you not call me out on my mistakes? …It seems like you have not even cut anything at all yet.
Ruki: Yes. My dish doesn’t require any chopping up of ingredients, hence why I haven’t. However, that does not mean I’m not skilled with a knife. Don’t assume I’m the same as you.
Reiji: Hahaha…I see. I suppose you must lower the difficulty of your dish, or else you simply have no chance against me. Heh. Well then…I suppose it is about time I show you the difference in skill between us.
Ruki: I suppose I shall do the same then. It’s on.
Reiji: …Hm? Who has dared set foot on this sacred battlefield?
Carla: …I thought this was the kitchen? When did it become a battlefield?
Ruki: Carla!?
Carla: However, now that I have heard that, I am afraid I simply cannot turn back. Very well. I shall participate as well.
Reiji: Hooh…? Then please shiver in fear as you lay your eyes upon my elegant cooking techniques.
Ruki: That’s my line. Right now you still have the chance to withdraw.
Carla: Hmph. Not a chance. Well then, who shall start?
Reiji: I will. …Well then, behold!
Reiji turns on the stove.
Reiji: To infuse the oil with the garlic’ fragrance, you have to simmer it on low heat for an extended period of time. Well then, let us add some chili pepper as well.
Reiji: The pasta as well…Mmh. Looks good. Now you add some of the pasta water to the infused oil and then add the pasta before mixing it all around.
Ruki: While your techniques are noteworthy, I doubt I will lose this showdown.
Reiji: Fufufu…Run your mouth all you want. …And then! Now you turn off the heat and plate it elegantly.
Reiji: Ah…Never before have I seen such a perfect aglio, olio e peperoncino.
*Twinkle twinkle*
Ruki: Hooh. Not bad. However, the pasta looks just slightly overcooked.
Carla: I see. While the fragrance definitely stirs up an appetite, can you guarantee the flavors are there with so little ingredients?
Reiji: Its simplicity is what makes it so difficult to get right. Although I hardly care about what you have to say when you have not even tasted it yet. Well then, why don’t you show us what you’ve got next?
Ruki: Of course. I’ll make sure to give you a good watch, so learn from it.
Ruki turns on the stove.
Ruki: First you thoroughly heat up your frying pan. Getting the right temperature is vital after all.
Ruki: Okay. Now you put it a chunk of butter.
Ruki: Next we take our mixture of eggs, fresh cream and salt and pepper. I’m afraid I cannot share the exact measurements as they’re the result of years of personal research.
Reiji: Hmph! Everyone has their own recipes, so I’m not sure what you’re trying to brag about.
Ruki: No. This is the crème de la crème. I have tried countless different ratios and this one came out as the best. I would even go as far as to call this my life’s work.
Reiji: You’ve done enough talking. Please get to cooking already.
Ruki: Heh. You must really be dying to lay your eyes upon my elegant handling of the frying pan. Very well. …Behold!
Ruki pours the egg mixture into the pan.
Ruki: You must start by quickly stirring the egg mixture around in the pan. Then you push the eggs to the back of the pan and swirl it around until you achieve the correct shape.
This is the secret to making a perfect plain, fluffy omelet.
*Twinkle twinkle*
Reiji: I have to give it to you. It does fit the theme of ‘a simple yet tricky dish’ perfectly.
Ruki: Oh? You are being rather vague? Could it be that you’ve realized that you stand no chance at victory after seeing this perfect omelet of mine?
Reiji: What are you saying? Perhaps you have become delusional from the fragrance of my peperoncino?
Carla: Are the two of you done?
Reiji: Exactly. …Will you participate as well?
Ruki: I assume he will offer to be the judge in this case?
Carla: No. I do not dislike a good challenge. My victory is pretty much set in stone already, so let me get to it.
Reiji: However, a Founder such as yourself should have very little experience with cooking, correct?
Carla: Believe whatever you please, but nothing is impossible for me. Well then, let me get started on my dish.
Ruki: What will you be making?
Carla: Is there a rule that says I must share the dish beforehand? Cooking is something you do based on your mood at the moment.
Reiji: While I agree that passion is a necessary component in cooking, to achieve a beautiful end result, one must first plan out the cooking procedure.
Ruki: No, there’s some logic in what Carla’s saying as well. I’m sure you’ve had times where you originally planned to make a tomato-based sauce, but then switched over to a cream sauce during the cooking process?
Reiji: Well…I suppose I have.
Carla: Heh. There you have it. The two of you are more understanding than I thought.
Ruki: However, it can also cause hesitation or doubt. I doubt you’ll be able to win against either of us with that kind of attitude.
Carla: I wonder. ....Well then, let me get started.
Carla turns on the stove.
Carla: I shall start by heating up some grapeseed oil. As you are surely aware, this type of oil contains double the amount of polyphenols as regular olive oil.
Reiji: Hooh…? Are you trying to test our knowledge by bringing up some miscellaneous facts?
Carla: No. This is basic knowledge. Part of cooking is showing off after all.
Ruki: Excuse me?
Carla: How come that the actual cooking process is seen as such an important factor of any culinary showdown, you think? Because the end result does not determine everything, obviously.
Reiji: Now that he mentions, I have to agree that the highlight of cooking is often what happens right before everything is put on the plate.
Ruki: Yes. I suppose we should include that as an evaluation criteria this time as well.
Carla: Well then. Let me pour in the oil. …Hoh!
Reiji: That is…!? A wolf…!?
Carla: Now go! Add in the oil from as high as you can!
Ruki: …Oi. Why does it need to be poured in from a high angle?
Reiji: One second, Ruki…Could this not be part of the beauty behind cooking which Carla spoke of earlier?
Ruki: Is that why he decided to order the wolf to pour in the grapeseed oil from up high…?
Carla: Yes, exactly. What do you say? I bet you want to imitate me after witnessing that just now?
Reiji: Tsk…Now that he mentions it, I have never seen such an artistic way to pour in cooking oil before.
Ruki: So this is…Show cooking?
Carla: Heh. It’s an absolutely necessary step to ensure that you capture everyone’s full attention. One does not cook solely for themselves after all.
Ruki: Reiji…I believe this might turn into quite the showdown.
Reiji: As frustrating as it is, I cannot deny that. I cannot believe that I am increasingly more drawn in, finding myself wanting to apply the same techniques.
Carla: Heh, right? Well then, next I shall prepare five different variants of Demon World tomatoes which every household should have in their pantry.
Reiji: I will have to disagree with that statement.
Carla: How so? Demon World tomatoes are some of the best because of their perfectly bitter and tangy.
Ruki: …Their bitterness is on point? However…When they’re right in front of my eyes, they look strangely delicious to me though.
Carla: Hmph! As for the other vegetables, it does not matter which world they came from, but you should try and go for the ones with the most vigor.
Reiji: …Not ‘fresh’ but ‘vigorous’...? What exactly do you mean by that?
Carla: Take this pumpkin for example. Look at its vines.
Ruki: …!? It moves!? …It’s still alive!?
Carla: Exactly. By using lively Demon World vegetables, it will enrich the flavor profile of your dish. Although those cooking at home must be utmost careful not to have their kitchen destroyed.
Reiji: …I have no idea who you are talking to but well…I suppose it makes sense that using fresh ingredients will enhance the flavor.
Ruki: That being said…Wouldn’t it be too overwhelming?
Carla: That is not an issue as long as you fry them in enough of this grapeseed oil.
Reiji: Wha…!? You’re adding even more of the oil!? The pot is filled with oil to the brim!
Ruki: Not even when making a dish fried in garlic oil do they use this large of an amount. …What on earth are you making?
Carla: Did I not tell you earlier? Cooking is all about following your intuition. You make it as you feel at the moment.
Ruki: However…It won’t come together at this rate.
Reiji: Exactly! This is just one big hodgepodge!
Carla: A hodgepodge, you say? I see. That has a very straightforward ring to it. I suppose I shall give it a try.
Carla continues his endeavors and keeps on adding more stuff to the pot.
Reiji: How noble…Could this be a new breakthrough in the world of cooking?
*Bubble bubble*
Ruki: Oi…One second. Did I just witness that guy throwing my omelet inside his pot?
Carla: Yes. Since it had both eggs and fresh cream in it, I used it.
Ruki: Excuse me…!? Oi…Give it back…! Don’t tell me…Was this your intention from the very beginning?
Reiji: Heh. How naive of you, Ruki. To ensure that nobody would get their hands on my peperoncino, I made sure to put it over heー
Reiji: Wha…!?
Reiji: What are you doing to my masterpiece!?
Carla: Well, I want to use this large plate as well. Don’t worry, I won’t do anything to your dish. I’ll simply plate mine on top.
Reiji: No way! Cut it out! I achieved the perfect balance of flavors with that dish!
Reiji: Ah…! My aglio e olio!
Carla: There we go. Now all I need to do is put dry cured ham on top and the dish will be complete. However…I do feel as if something is still missing. …Right!
*Drip drip*
Ruki: Wha…!? He’s sprinkling on even more of the grapeseed oil…!?
Carla: Yes. It will help bring out the fragrance even more. Remember that!
Reiji: Carla…You truly are unbelievable…
Ruki: We were fools to let our guards down around you for even one second.
*Cling cling*
Carla: Well then, dig in. No need to hold back.
Ruki: …Haah. I suppose I have no other choice. I doubt it tastes bad, considering my omelet which I shed blood, sweat and tears for is in there as well.
Reiji: Right…However, it gives off a very unfamiliar scent. I wonder if it’s okay to eat?
Ruki: Oi, let’s try it.
Reiji: Yes. …Well then, here goes nothing.
Reiji and Ruki try Carla’s dish.
*Nom nom*
Reiji: Mm…
Ruki: Hm…
Carla: What do you think? It’s sublime, isn’t it?
Reiji: Well…Even though the individual ingredients were all of the highest quality…The combination could not be any worse.
Ruki: …I can only taste oil. Why…? How did it turn out like this!? Kuh…!
Carla: Haah…This dry cured ham tastes exquisite. I suppose the two of you are simply not ready yet to appreciate it….
Reiji: …
Ruki: Wha…!? He’s only eating the dry cured ham part dipped in the oil!?
Reiji: This is a blatant insult to us! This cannot even be called a dish!
Carla: Now that is rather harsh of you. However…I do feel as if something is still missing. Ah. Right. I suppose I’ll try grilling it.
Ruki: Hah? …Wait! If you do thatーー!
Carla turns on the gas.
Reiji: Which idiot exposes oil to an open flame…!? Aaah…! What now…!? My kitchen…!
Ruki: Calm down! We have to extinguish the fire first! ーー Oi, Carla! Do something about this!
Carla: Hm…I don’t like too much ruckus. I suppose nothing beats a piece of dry cured ham by itself. Fufufu…
ーー THE END ーー
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stormyoceans · 3 months
Ok then top 5 pasta SAUCES!!
1. carbonara. love and light to all but carbonara is made with only 5 essential ingredients: guanciale, pecorino, egg yolks, black pepper, and spaghetti. you take out or change any one of these, then it’s no longer carbonara. i have no doubt it tastes great anyway, it’s just not carbonara. and carbonara is SACRED.
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2. pesto alla genovese. fresh pesto made with a mortar and pestle is quite possibly the closest thing to heaven i can imagine. it's absolutely perfect as a pasta sauce (you HAVE TO use trofie as a pasta shape), but my guilty pleasure is to simply eat it by itself on a bruschetta. it’s just THAT good.
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3. sugo al pomodoro. tomato sauce may sounds too simple considering all the different kind of ingredients you can pair with pasta, but sometimes nothing is quite as good and comforting as simplicity. this one is also the most versatile sauce of all because it goes well with pretty much any pasta shape.
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4. aglio, olio e peperoncino. even simpler than tomato sauce, you literally need only 3 simple ingredients to make this, as the name suggests: garlic, extra virgin olive oil, and red pepper. pair it up with spaghetti, pour yourself a glass of white wine to go along with it, and you basically have my go to comfort dinner.
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5. pasta alla norma. possibly named after the title character of an opera by vincenzo bellini, this pasta pairs tomato sauce with fried eggplant and salted ricotta cheese for an explosion of flavours that could make everyone swoon, even people who usually don’t like eggplants. TRUST ME.
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sarpedon · 5 months
ran out of leftovers to pack for lunch so i got up early and made a lil pasta to bring :3
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whole wheat farfalle rigate + mixed beans + spinach with aglio olio e peperoncino + balsamic vinegar + oregano + italian seasoning mix + chili flakes
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sentypurr · 10 months
Meow! Do you have a favorite food?
FOR SURE, I have a few! Pasta comes on top usually- Aglio Olio E Peperoncino is a very simple recipe I ADORE making all the time Sushi too...especially the spicy varieties And I've fallen very much in love with Thai Curries! Khao Soy especially. ANDDD I recently had a fantastic Lemon Salmon...
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askheartlift · 8 months
Main Dishes - Spaghetti - Spaghetti Aglio, Olio, e Peperoncino con Bottarga
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Mullet bottarga cured mullet roe is a traditional food from Sardinia-this classic pasta dish becomes a specialty by adding this ingredient to it.
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segretecose · 2 years
spaghetti aglio olio e peperoncino is the evilest pasta and it’s only good if someone evil makes it
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mermaidemilystuff · 1 year
Me to me at 4:30am: sai che mi faccio domani? Pasta aglio, olio e peperoncino
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roseaesynstylae · 1 year
Debut: Chapter 498/Episode 392
Origin: South Blue
Age: 25 (debut)/27 (post-time skip)
Birthday: February 2nd (shared with Vivi and Elizabello ll)
Height: 195cm (6'5")
Blood Type: X
Bounty (current): 200,000,000
Favorite Food: Aglio e Olio and peperoncino
Least Favorite Food: Curry udon
Animal Resemblance: Weasel
Flower Resemblance: Snowdrop
Real World Nationality: Scotland
Alternative Occupation: Pasta-shop owner
Hobbies: Playing drums and cooking
His helmet is similar to that of one of the members of Daft Punk.
His laugh is probably a reference to the chorus of the Talking Heads song "Psycho Killer."
Oda chose his name out of sheer laziness, making him the only one of the Eleven Supernovas whose name doesn't reference a real-life pirate.
He eats with his mask on, consuming alcohol through a straw.
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thesixthcrow · 1 year
aglio, olio e peperoncino pasta by chefmaxmariola
recipe below cut!
ingredients: (however much you like)
spicy peppers (dried or fresh)
exrta virgin olive oil
peperoncino cheese
cut parsley into small pieces. get a few cloves of garlic and slice them thinly.
heat up a pan and throw in some olive oil and the stems from a parsley. add the garlic.
when the garlic is golden, take the parsley and garlic out.
prepare your pasta: salt the boiling water and throw in the pasta.
grate extra garlic and add it to the olive oil. slice some red and green peppers and add to the sauce (if you don't have fresh red pepper, add dried pepper).
add the parsley and a spoonful of cooking water to the sauce.
when the pasta is al dente, add it to the sauce.
add some salt and some pasta water.
if you want (to be really happy), add the pecorino cheese.
serve and enjoy!
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barbaraincucina · 4 months
Ricettario di piatti leggeri per rimettersi in forma
Preparazioni base:
Aglio maturato / cipolla o scalogno maturati
Pulire gli spicchi di un'intera testa di aglio, togliere l'anima, metterli nel boccale del minipimer, versare olio di oliva extra vergine e frullare fino ad ottenere una crema. Versare in un barattolo di vetro sterile, passare nel microonde per 1 minuto a massima potenza (fino a quando “bolle”), lasciare raffreddare leggermente, mescolare, aggiungere se serve altro olio. Procedere allo stesso modo con lo scalogno. Utilizzare nei sughi al posto del soffritto avendo cura di togliere dal computo altrettanti cucchiaini di olio.
Brodo vegetale
Mettere in pentola sedano, carota, cipolla, porro, zucchina, una foglia di alloro, sale. Coprire di acqua, portare lentamente a bollore e far sobbollire per mezz'ora. Filtrare, togliere l'alloro e aggiustare di sale. Tenere sempre pronto in frigo per aiutarsi nelle cotture dei sughi e dei secondi. Frullare le verdure rimaste per ottenere un passato di verdura.
Concia per carne
Tritare finemente a coltello rosmarino e salvia, aggiungere a piacere aglio, sale, pepe, poco aceto bianco.
NB in ogni ricetta l’olio, se presente, deve essere misurato.
Idee per condire la pasta:
Sughi bianchi:
Prosciutto cotto e piselli
Cuocere i piselli surgelati con brodo vegetale, aglio e cipolla maturati. Frullarne la metà per ottenere una crema. Aggiungere in padella il prosciutto cotto sgrassato tagliato a piccoli cubetti. Sfumare se necessario con un goccio di vino bianco. Portare a cottura e aggiustare di sale e pepe, condire la pasta col sugo e la crema di piselli.
Speck e zucchine
Cuocere le zucchine tagliate a piccoli cubetti regolari con brodo vegetale, aglio e cipolla maturati. Frullarne la metà per ottenere una crema. Aggiungere in padella lo speck sgrassato tagliato a piccoli cubetti. Sfumare se necessario con un goccio di vino bianco. Portare a cottura e aggiustare di sale e pepe, condire la pasta col sugo e la crema di zucchine.
Funghi porcini secchi e prosciutto crudo
Ammollare i funghi porcini secchi, scolarli, strizzarli e cuocerli con aglio e cipolla maturati. Aggiungere il prosciutto crudo sgrassato tagliato a piccoli cubetti, sfumare se necessario con un goccio di vino bianco e portare a cottura bagnando con l'acqua di ammollo dei funghi. Aggiustare di sale e pepe.
Funghi misti surgelati
Cuocere i funghi ancora surgelati in una larga padella. Profumare con aglio e timo, aggiustare di sale e pepe. Condire le tagliatelle di semola (non all'uovo) direttamente in padella.
Funghi pioppini e speck
Pulire i funghi e spadellare in una larga padella antiaderente con lo speck sgrassato a striscioline, aglio in camicia e timo. Sfumare con vino bianco, aggiustare di sale e pepe. Terminare la cottura della pasta in padella col sugo mantecando con acqua di cottura.
Verdure e curry
Tagliare melanzane, zucchine, peperone, porro, carote a piccoli cubetti regolari. Arrostirli (separatamente se sono in quantità) in una larga padella unta (mettere un cucchiaino di olio e “spalmarlo” su tutta la padella con uno scottex). Profumare con aglio, paprika, curry, peperoncino, aggiustare di sale e pepe.
Cipolla rossa e lambrusco
Affettare abbondante cipolla rossa, salare e stufare in padella con un bicchiere di lambrusco. Far evaporare la parte alcolica poi cuocerla a lungo e lentamente col coperchio aggiungendo se serve brodo vegetale. Lasciare il sugo leggermente acquoso, lessare gli spaghetti e terminare la cottura in padella mantecando con la cipolla. Aggiustare di sale e pepe e finire con olio a crudo.
Broccoli e peperoncino
Cuocere i broccoli surgelati con brodo vegetale e aglio. Frullarne la metà per ottenere una crema. Aggiungere ai broccoli in padella il peperoncino e sfumare se necessario con un goccio di vino bianco.  Aggiustare di sale e pepe, condire la pasta col sugo e la crema di broccoli.
Ragù bianco light (coniglio e carciofi)
Tritare sedano, carota e cipolla e “soffriggere” con un cucchiaino di olio e brodo vegetale. Aggiungere la carne macinata di coniglio, cuocerla a fuoco vivo finchè butta fuori tutta l'acqua, sfumare col vino bianco poi aggiungere brodo vegetale e portare a cottura lentamente. Aggiungere sale, pepe e spezie (ad esempio pimento tritato). Aggiungere i carciofi affettati fini (ancora meglio se spadellati a parte, ungendo la padella con lo scottex).
Pesce spada e arance
Tagliare il pesce spada a piccoli cubetti, condire con un cucchiaino di olio, sale, pepe, aglio, peperoncino, basilico, scorza di arancia. Spadellare e sfumarlo con il succo di un'arancia, aggiungere uvetta sultanina (ammollata nello stesso succo di arancia), olive nere taggiasche (considerare 6 olive pari a un cucchiano di olio). Condire la pasta in padella col sugo aggiungendo se consentito lamelle di mandorle tostate. Terminare con aneto (o l'erbetta del finocchio).
Tonno fresco e melanzane
Tagliare la melanzana a cubetti e spadellare in padella unta con lo scottex, poi mettere da parte. Tagliare il tonno a piccoli cubetti, condire con un cucchiaino di olio, sale, pepe, aglio, peperoncino, basilico. Spadellare nella stessa padella, unire pomodorini, capperi e la melanzana. Aggiustare di sale e pepe. Condire la pasta in padella col sugo aggiungendo prezzemolo fresco tritato.
Sughi rossi:
Pomodoro, aglio e basilico
Versare la passata di pomodoro in un pentolino aggiungendo aglio, olio, basilico, sale e pepe. Far sobbollire col coperchio.
Tonno in scatola
Versare la passata di pomodoro in un pentolino aggiungendo aglio, olio, sale e pepe. Far sobbollire col coperchio. Aggiungere capperi dissalati tritati a coltello e il tonno al naturale sgocciolato dal liquido di conservazione. Terminare con prezzemolo fresco tritato.
Tagliare la melanzana a cubetti e spadellare in padella unta con lo scottex, poi mettere da parte. Versare la passata di pomodoro in un pentolino aggiungendo aglio, olio, basilico, sale e pepe. Far sobbollire col coperchio. Aggiungere le melanzane.
Versare la passata di pomodoro in un pentolino aggiungendo aglio, cipolla, olio, basilico, sale e pepe. Far sobbollire col coperchio. Aggiungere capperi e olive (togli 1 cucchiaino di olio ogni 6 olive taggiasche, ben asciugate).
“Amatriciana” con speck
Versare la passata di pomodoro in un pentolino aggiungendo aglio, olio, sale e pepe. Far sobbollire con il coperchio. Aggiungere lo speck sgrassato tagliato a cubetti (volendo spadellare prima a secco).
Ragù di manzo light
Tritare sedano, carota e cipolla e “soffriggere” con un cucchiaino di olio e brodo vegetale. Aggiungere la carne macinata di manzo (un taglio magro), cuocerla a fuoco vivo finchè butta fuori tutta l'acqua, sfumare col vino bianco poi aggiungere la passata di pomodoro, brodo vegetale e portare a cottura lentamente. Aggiungere sale, pepe e spezie (ad esempio pimento tritato).
Ragù di anatra e arancia
Tritare sedano, carota e cipolla e “soffriggere” con un cucchiaino di olio e brodo vegetale. Aggiungere la carne macinata di anatra (il petto senza pelle), cuocerla a fuoco vivo finchè butta fuori tutta l'acqua, sfumare col succo di un'arancia spremuta poi aggiungere una punta di concentrato di pomodoro, brodo vegetale e portare a cottura lentamente. Aggiungere sale, pepe e spezie (ad esempio pimento tritato). Terminare con scorza di arancia grattugiata e semi di papavero.
“Ragù” di moscardini o seppia al nero
Tagliare i moscardini a piccoli cubetti regolari, condirli con un ½ cucchiaino di aglio maturato e ½ di cipolla e spadellarli, sfumarli col vino bianco, lasciare evaporare poi versare la passata di pomodoro. Aggiustare di sale, pepe, peperoncino. Cuocere lentamente e col coperchio per mezz'ora. Allo stesso modo si può usare la seppia e aggiungere al pomodoro anche il suo nero.
radicchio rosso
funghi porcini secchi
Tostare il riso in casseruola a secco. Sfumare col vino bianco. Aggiungere aglio e cipolla maturati. Portare a cottura aggiungendo brodo vegetale bollente (o l'acqua di ammollo dei funghi per il risotto ai funghi) un po' alla volta e tenendo mescolato. Durante la cottura aggiungere le verdure scelte. A fine cottura “mantecare” con una mezza sottiletta light.
Per il risotto ai gamberi preparare un brodo con le teste dei gamberi, sedano, carota, cipolla, porro, gambi di prezzemolo, concentrato di pomodoro: tostare prima il tutto, sfumare col brandy poi coprire di acqua fredda. Aggiustare alla fine di sale e pepe. Procedere col risotto come spiegato sopra usando il brodo di gamberi per portarlo a cottura. Unire alla fine i gamberi tagliati a cubetti.
Insalata di riso parboiled o basmati/riso nero/orzo/farro/cous cous:
Tonno in scatola e verdure crude
Lessare il riso parboiled, scolare e freddare. Condire con olio, aggiungere il tonno al naturale sgocciolato dal liquido di conservazione e le verdure crude tagliate a piccoli cubetti regolari (pomodori, peperoni, zucchine, carote,...). Conservare in frigo fino al consumo.
“Cantonese light”
Lessare il riso basmati, scolare e freddare. Condire con olio, aggiungere i piselli e il prosciutto cotto sgrassato tagliato a piccoli cubetti regolari. Aggiungere un uovo strapazzato cotto a parte in padella antiaderente senza grassi (togliere l'uovo usato dal computo settimanale). Conservare in frigo fino al consumo.
Gamberi e zucchine (riso nero)
Lessare il riso nero, scolare e freddare. Sbollentare i gamberetti. Tagliare la zucchina a cubetti, sbollentare e freddare. Condire il tutto aggiustando di sale e pepe. Conservare in frigo fino al consumo.
Vongole e zucchine (riso nero)
Lessare il riso nero, scolare e freddare. Tagliare la zucchina a cubetti, sbollentare e freddare, poi mettere da parte. Spurgare le vongole, scolarle e metterle in una casseruola con mezzo bicchiere di vino bianco, aglio, gambi di prezzemolo. Accendere il fuoco, tenere il coperchio ben chiuso e cuocere qualche minuto finché non saranno aperte. Sgusciarle. Condire il riso con le vongole, le zucchine, l'acqua rilasciata dalle vongole (filtrata). Conservare in frigo fino al consumo.
Cous cous con verdure e curry
Tagliare melanzane, zucchine, peperone, porro o cipolla, carote a piccoli cubetti regolari. Arrostirli (separatamente se sono in quantità) in una larga padella unta (mettere un cucchiaino di olio e “spalmarlo” su tutta la padella con uno scottex). Profumare con aglio, paprika, curry, peperoncino, aggiustare di sale e pepe. Cuocere il cous cous come indicato sulla scatola aggiungendo un cucchiaino di curry all'acqua bollente. Sgranare il cous cous e condire con le verdure. Meglio se preparato il giorno prima.
Tagliare tutte le verdure a piccoli cubetti regolari e quelle in foglia a striscioline fini. Carote, zucchine, pomodori, rapa bianca, porro, finocchio, sedano, il verde dei cipollotti, zucca, bietole, spinaci, cavolo nero, fagiolini, verza, cappuccio, cavolfiori, broccoli,...Aggiungere piselli ma non patate né fagioli. Si può preparare il mix e poi conservarlo nel congelatore. Basterà versare in pentola l'occorrente, coprire di acqua e cuocere aggiungendo solo un po' di sale. Terminare con un cucchiaino di olio crudo e una macinata di pepe.
Brodo light con capelli d'angelo
Mettere in pentola petto di pollo, sedano, carota, cipolla, porro, una foglia di alloro, sale. Coprire di acqua, portare lentamente a bollore e far sobbollire per un'ora. Filtrare e aggiustare di sale. Cuocere nel brodo la pasta scelta (non all'uovo). Un'alternativa al primo di pastasciutta. La carne di pollo può essere sfilacciata e mangiata a cena in insalata.
Creme di verdura:
zucca e zenzero
finocchio e zafferano
sedano rapa e carote
sedano rapa e curry
Cuocere le verdure scelte tagliate a pezzettoni con aglio e/o cipolla maturati e brodo vegetale. Frullare e aggiustare di sale, pepe, olio e aromi scelti.
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strozzaprete · 1 year
just got walked home by a guy with black nail polish and bad eyeliner who asked me to come to his house to eat a pasta aglio olio e peperoncino to save him from killing himself. i told him no. obviously. i even laughed in his face a bit
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sarpedon · 10 months
back again with another fabulous dinner, i awoke with a burning desire for pasta so obviously i had to make some
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pasta with italian sausage meat, broccoli, mushrooms, and cherry tomatoes cooked in my #1 best friend aglio olio e peperoncino and balsamic vinegar. seasoned with oregano + black pepper. it was DELICIOUS.
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fakepriest · 2 years
according to SOMEONE pasta aglio olio e peperoncino (garlic oil and chili) is "some kind of catholic pasta alfredo fettuccini" i don't think I'll ever be able to forgive.
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