#Patrick L. Schmitz
bauerntanz · 8 months
Heute wieder ein Schelm! Die Heinz Erhardt Revue.
Heute wieder ein Schelm! Die Heinz Erhardt Revue mit Patrick L. Schmitz & Ensemble! Lingen (Ems) – Theater an der Wilhelmshöhe, Willy-Brandt-Ring 44 Rosenmontag, 12. Februar  2024 – 20 Uhr Rest-Karten ab 62,95 Euro Die Rosenmontag-Alternative im Theater an der Wilhelmshöhe: Die Heinz Erhardt Revue ist eine großartige Verbeugung vor dem zeitlosen Jahrhundert-Komiker Heinz Erhardt. Wer…
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rheinsiegmagazin · 5 years
Kreis verleiht Siegel „Interkulturell orientiert“ Auszeichnung für Stadt Troisdorf, Gemeinde Swisttal, Jobcenter Rhein Sieg und Siegtal Gymnasium Eitorf
Kreis verleiht Siegel „Interkulturell orientiert“ Auszeichnung für Stadt Troisdorf, Gemeinde Swisttal, Jobcenter Rhein Sieg und Siegtal Gymnasium Eitorf
Rhein-Sieg-Kreis(an) – Integration beginnt in den Köpfen der Menschen, beide Seiten müssen den Willen haben, aufeinander zuzugehen. Um das zu stärken, vergibt der Rhein-Sieg-Kreis zusammen mit den Integrationsagenturen des Caritasverbandes Rhein-Sieg e.V., dem Diakonischen Werk des Ev. Kirchenkreises an Sieg und Rhein sowie der Kurdischen Gemeinschaft Rhein-Sieg/Bonn jährlich das Siegel…
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anticattocomunismo · 6 years
Appello ai Cardinali di Santa Romana Chiesa. Errore del papa sulla pena di morte
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Il sito statunitense “LifeSiteNews” promuove un appello, ripreso da numerosi siti cattolici, firmato da numerose personalità del mondo accademico, religioso e culturale, rivolto ai cardinali della Chiesa romana perché consiglino il Pontefice regnante di ritirare dal Catechismo la variazione aggiunta qualche giorno fa in tema di pena capitale. Anche noi lo riproponiamo ai nostri lettori insieme alla lista dei primi firmatari, tra cui la mia.
Nota: gli studiosi, sacerdoti e laici, che desiderino firmare l'Appello possono presentare il loro nome e le credenziali a questo indirizzo email: [email protected]. Una volta verificati, i nomi verranno aggiunti all'elenco dei firmatari.
Papa Francesco ha modificato il Catechismo della Chiesa cattolica nel senso che «la pena di morte è inammissibile perché attenta all'inviolabilità e alla dignità della persona ». Questa affermazione è stata compresa da molti, sia dentro che fuori la Chiesa, come un insegnamento che la pena capitale è intrinsecamente immorale e quindi è sempre illecita, anche in linea di principio.
Sebbene nessun cattolico in pratica sia obbligato a sostenere l'uso della pena di morte (e non tutti i sottoscrittori la sostengono), insegnare che la pena capitale è sempre un male intrinseco contraddirebbe la Scrittura. Che la pena di morte possa essere un mezzo legittimo per assicurare la giustizia retributiva è affermato in Genesi 9: 6 e in molti altri testi biblici, e la Chiesa sostiene che la Scrittura non può insegnare l'errore morale. La legittimità in linea di principio della pena capitale è anche insegnamento coerente del magistero per due millenni. Contrastare la Scrittura e la tradizione su questo punto metterebbe in dubbio la credibilità del magistero in generale.
Preoccupati per questa grave e scandalosa situazione, desideriamo esercitare il diritto affermato dal Codice di diritto canonico della Chiesa, che al canone 212 afferma:
§2. I fedeli hanno il diritto di manifestare ai Pastori della Chiesa le proprie necessità, soprattutto spirituali, e i propri desideri. §3. In modo proporzionato alla scienza, alla competenza e al prestigio di cui godono, essi hanno il diritto, e anzi talvolta anche il dovere, di manifestare ai sacri Pastori il loro pensiero su ciò che riguarda il bene della Chiesa; e di renderlo noto agli altri fedeli, salva restando l'integrità della fede e dei costumi e il rispetto verso i Pastori, tenendo inoltre presente l'utilità comune e la dignità della persona.
Siamo guidati anche dall'insegnamento di San Tommaso d'Aquino, che afferma:
"Quando ci fosse un pericolo per la fede, i sudditi sarebbero tenuti a rimproverare i loro prelati anche pubblicamente" e, citando Agostino (Glossa ordinaria su Galati, 2, 11), prosegue:  "Pietro stesso diede l'esempio ai superiori di non sdegnare di essere corretti dai sudditi, quando capitasse loro di allontanarsi dalla retta via". ( Summa Theologiae, Parte II-II, Domanda 33, Articolo 4, ad 2)
Pertanto il sottoscritto formula il seguente appello:
Alle reverendissime eminenze, i cardinali della santa Chiesa romana. Dal momento che è una verità contenuta nella parola di Dio, e insegnata dal magistero ordinario e universale della Chiesa cattolica che i criminali possono legittimamente essere messi a morte dal potere civile quando ciò sia necessario per preservare il giusto ordine nella società civile, e dal momento che il presente pontefice romano ha più di una  volta manifestato il suo rifiuto di insegnare questa dottrina, e ha invece portato una grande confusione nella Chiesa sembrando contraddirlo, inserendo nel Catechismo della Chiesa Cattolica un paragrafo che farà sì, e già sta facendo sì che molte persone, sia credenti che non credenti, suppongano che la Chiesa consideri, contrariamente alla parola di Dio, che la pena capitale è intrinsecamente malvagia, noi facciamo appello alle Vostre Eminenze affinché consiglino Sua Santità che è suo dovere porre fine a questo scandalo, e ritirare questo paragrafo dal Catechismo, e insegnare la parola di Dio senza adulterazioni; e osiamo dichiarare la nostra convinzione che questo è un dovere che Vi impegna seriamente, di fronte a Dio e di fronte alla Chiesa.
Elenco dei firmatari
Hadley Arkes
Edward N. Ney Professor in American Institutions Emeritus
Amherst College
Joseph Bessette
Alice Tweed Tuohy Professor of Government and Ethics
Claremont McKenna College
Patrick Brennan
John F. Scarpa Chair in Catholic Legal Studies
Villanova University
J. Budziszewski
Professor of Government and Philosophy
University of Texas at Austin
Isobel Camp
Professor of Philosophy
Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas
Richard Cipolla
Diocese of Bridgeport
Eric Claeys
Professor of Law
Mason University
Travis Cook
Associate Professor of Government
Belmont Abbey College
S. A. Cortright
Professor of Philosophy
Saint Mary’s College
Cyrille Dounot
Professor of Legal History
Université Clermont Auvergne
Patrick Downey
Professor of Philosophy
Saint Mary’s College
Eduardo Echeverria
Professor of Philosophy and Theology
Sacred Heart Major Seminary
Edward Feser
Associate Professor of Philosophy
Pasadena City College
Alan Fimister
Assistant Professor of Theology
St. John Vianney Theological Seminary
Luca Gili
Assistant Professor of Philosophy
Université du Québec à Montréal
Brian Harrison
Scholar in Residence
Oblates of Wisdom Study Center
L. Joseph Hebert
Professor of Political Science
St. Ambrose University
Rafael Hüntelmann
Lecturer in Philosophy
International Seminary of St. Peter
Fr. John Hunwicke
Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham
Robert C. Koons
Professor of Philosophy
University of Texas at Austin
Peter Koritansky
Associate Professor of Philosophy
University of Prince Edward Island
Peter Kwasniewski
Independent Scholar
Wausau, Wisconsin
John Lamont
Fellow of Theology and Philosophy
Australian Catholic University
Roberto de Mattei
The Second Vatican Council: An Unwritten Story
Robert T. Miller
Professor of Law
University of Iowa
Gerald Murray
Archdiocese of New York
Lukas Novak
Lecturer in Philosophy
University of South Bohemia
Thomas Osborne
Professor of Philosophy
University of St. Thomas
Michael Pakaluk
Professor of Ethics
Catholic University of America
Claudio Pierantoni
Professor of Medieval Philosophy
University of Chile
Thomas Pink
Professor of Philosophy
King’s College London
Andrew Pinsent
Research Director of the Ian Ramsey Centre
University of Oxford
Alyssa Pitstick
Independent Scholar
Donald S. Prudlo
Professor of Ancient and Medieval History
Jacksonville State University
Anselm Ramelow
Chair of the Department of Philosophy
Dominican School of Philosophy and Theology
George W. Rutler
Archdiocese of New York
Matthew Schmitz
Senior Editor
First Things
Josef Seifert
Founding Rector
International Academy of Philosophy
Joseph Shaw
Fellow of St Benet’s Hall
University of Oxford
Anna Silvas
Adjunct Senior Research Fellow
University of New England
Michael Sirilla
Professor of Dogmatic and Systematic Theology
Franciscan University of Steubenville
Joseph G. Trabbic
Associate Professor of Philosophy
Ave Maria University
Giovanni Turco
Associate Professor of Philosophy
University of Udine
Michael Uhlmann
Professor of Government
Claremont McKenna Collegre
John Zuhlsdorf
Diocese of Velletri-Segni
Dame Colleen Bayer DSG
Founder, Family Life International NZ
James Bogle Esq.
, TD MA Dip Law, barrister (trial attorney), former President FIUV, former Chairman of the Catholic Union of Great Britain
Fr. John Boyle JCL
Judie Brown, President, American Life League
Fr. Michael Gilmary Cermak
Fr. Linus F Clovis
, Ph.D, JCL, M.SC., STB
Hon. Donald J. Devine
, Senior Scholar, The Fund for American Studies
Dr. Maria Guarini
, editor of the website
Chiesa e postconcilio
John D. Hartigan
, retired attorney and past member, Public Policy Committee of the New York State Catholic Conference
Dr. Maike Hickson
, journalist
Dr. Robert Hickson
, Retired Professor of Literature and Strategic-Cultural Studies
Fr. Albert Kallio
, Professor of Philosophy at Our Lady of Guadalupe Monastery, New Mexico
Fr. Serafino M. Lanzetta
Dr. Robert Lazu,
Independent Scholar and Writer
Dr. James P. Lucier
, Former Staff Director, U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations
Dr. Pietro De Marco
, former professor of Sociology of Religion, University of Florence
Dr. Joseph Martin
, Associate Professor of Communication, Montreat College
Dr. Brian McCall
, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Associate Director of the Law Center, Orpha and Maurice Merrill Professor in Law, University of Oklahoma
Fr. Paul McDonald
, parish priest of Chippawa, Ontario
Dr. Stéphane Mercier
, former lecturer in Philosophy at the Catholic University of Louvain (Belgium)
Fr. Alfredo Morselli
, SSL, parish priest in the diocese of Bologna
Maureen Mullarkey
, Senior Contributor,
The Federalist
Fr. Reto Nay
Dr. Claude E. Newbury
M.B., B.Ch., D.T.M&H., D.O.H., M.F.G.P., D.C.H., D.P.H., D.A., M. Med; Former Director of Human Life International in Africa south of the Sahara
Giorgio Nicolini
, Writer, Director of Tele Maria
Dr. Paolo Pasqualucci
, retired Professor of Philosophy, University of Perugia, Italy
Prof. Enrico Maria Radaelli
, Philosopher
Richard M. Reinsch II
, Editor, Law and Liberty
R. J. Stove
, Writer and Editor
Fr. Glen Tattersall
, Parish Priest, Parish of Bl. John Henry Newman, archdiocese of Melbourne; Rector, St Aloysius’ Church
Dr. Thomas Ward
, Founder of the National Association of Catholic Families and former Corresponding Member of the Pontifical Academy for Life
Fr. Claude Barthe
, Diocesan priest
Donna F. Bethell
, J.D. Washington, DC
Prof. Michele Gaslini
, Professor of Public Law at the University of Udine
Brother Andre Marie
, M.I.C.M., MA (Dogmatic Theology), Prior of Saint Benedict Center, New Hampshire
Fr. John Osman
, diocese of Birmingham, England
Fr. Alberto Strumia
, retired professor of Mathematical Physics, University of Bari, Italy
Guillaume de Thieulloy
, PhD in political science, editor of the French Blog Le Salon Beige
Marco Tosatti
, Journalist, Vatican observer
Christine Vollmer
, former member of the Pontifical Council for Family and the Pontifical Academy for Life
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johnaculbreath · 6 years
At ABA JusticeHack Chicago, community policing collaboration talks through potential tech solutions
Daily News
At ABA JusticeHack Chicago, community policing…
Annual Meeting
At ABA JusticeHack Chicago, community policing collaboration talks through potential tech solutions
By Stephen Rynkiewicz
Posted August 5, 2018, 2:00 pm CDT
At the ABA JusticeHack Chicago workshop, Alice Schmitz (left) and Ketura Baptiste examine issues with doctors, caseworkers and their clients adopting technology to alert first responders. Photo: Stephen Rynkiewicz/ABA Journal.
An app is unlikely to solve complex trust issues in community policing, and hackathons have their own challenges simply in turning good ideas into workable prototypes. Getting a finished tech product in the hands of wary citizens would be a tall order. But Saturday’s daylong JusticeHack during the ABA Annual Meeting in Chicago pointed at a winning approach to this dilemma.
The ABA Coalition on Racial and Ethnic Justice brought Chicago police officers, lawyers and community members together at the John Marshall Law School to talk through the issues and present solutions to a panel of judges—without the frantic coding of a sleepless weekend hackathon.
The winning ABA JusticeHack Chicago team proposed an app to encourage and assist children in avoiding gangs on their walk to school. The prize was a modest $550, and the day’s work was not designed to produce a working design. But even though JusticeHack involved more yakking than hacking, the involvement of many stakeholders make the Safe Passage app an idea more likely to get further consideration.
“Everything in the world starts with an idea,” said CPD Sgt. Carl Hattula, who sat on the six-person judging panel. Hattula asked participants to tell fellow professionals they found the approach worthwhile.
A grant this year from the American Arbitration Association brings COREJ closer to delivering results from its five JusticeHack events and forging connections between the legal community and the public.
“What we would like to do is develop a framework of local-based resources that have a commitment to creating prototypes and potential pilots with local law enforcement,” said Leigh-Ann Buchanan, chair of the ABA’s Coalition on Racial & Ethnic Justice and founding executive director of Venture Café Miami, a weekly business event series. The 70 participants drew from the Chicago citizen, criminal justice and law communities, Buchanan said. Two JusticeHack events were conducted in Miami, and others in New York City and Durham, North Carolina.
“This type of program should be instructive to the ABA about how it can continue to be more relevant in a changing environment in the legal landscape, not only within the practice of law but the way that lawyers interact with community,” Buchanan said. “I’m encouraged through the time I’ve been involved as chair and as a member has continued to push the boundaries of how we achieve racial and justice through incremental gains using disruptive practices and innovative solutions.”
Five self-selected teams organized around specific aspects of community policing and proposed how an app could address them. Each team split into groups that identified technology, marketing and compliance issues, then collaborated on a slideshow to present their refined concept. Organizers assigned to the teams kept the short schedule on track. “Electronic systems can keep justice systems more honest,” said retired judge Arthur L. Burnett Sr., one of the volunteers. “The ABA can support use of technology that can be an equalizer.”
Judges responded to the focus and viability of the winning presentation from Brian Barnes, Carmichael Lewis, Bridget Mitchell, June Norfleet and Kevin Rose. Second- and third-place teams also were awarded money prizes for their concepts: Aware, a wearable device for people whose health or language issues put them at risk in police interactions, and the Exchange, an online community with police participation. The ideal solution would be intuitive, innovative, impactful and collaborative.
“The more you know, the more sensitivity you can bring to a confrontation,” said Ketura Baptiste, a lawyer and manager of the Kankakee, Illinois, office of Prairie State Legal Services, who was on the team for Aware—an acronym for Accessible, Wearable, Active Real-time Expression. The team had to grapple with the complications of producing their device—what technology could alert police from a distance, who would input user data, and the consent and privacy issues that would follow.
“We’re getting people to talk,” said Rachel Patrick, retired COREJ staff director and a volunteer team captain. “We need to spend more time looking at the solutions than the problems.”
Melvin Flowers, Accenture’s North American legal lead for transactions and contracting, noted as a judge that the most diverse and inclusive teams produced the most robust solutions. Other judges were Emily Drevets, software engineer and co-organizer of Chi Hack Night; Terrence Neumann, data scientist with UChicago Urban Labs; Evelyn Padin, president-elect of the New Jersey State Bar, and Thomas H. Prol, a partner in the Sparta, New Jersey-based law firm of Laddey, Clark & Ryan.
“I thought it was a really interesting exercise trying to use everyday ordinary people to solve serious, critical issues of how communities of color are engaging or being engaged by their local police,” Flowers said. “One of the common things we saw identified in projects today is lack of communication. The real problem is, how do we re-establish relationships, humanize the process of policing and humanize the people who are being policed as well?”
Follow along with our full coverage of the 2018 ABA Annual Meeting.
At ABA JusticeHack Chicago, community policing collaboration talks through potential tech solutions republished via ABA Journal Daily News - Business of Law
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kayawagner · 6 years
One Page Dungeon Compendium 2018 Tenth Anniversary Edition
Publisher: Shattered Pike Studio
The 2018 Tenth Anniversary Edition One Page Dungeon Compendium contains 161 "one page" dungeons and adventures! This is the largest compendium to date, with entries ranging from post apocalyptic village raidsand an alternative history 1950's town to classic fantasy dungeon delves and everything in-between.
A retropective on the contest, written by Michael Curtis, is also included.
Two files are included: An optimized PDF, and a much larger PDF with 300 dpi image quality.
Each PDF file is fully hyperlinked for ease of navigation, with the orientation (portrait/landscape) of entries preserved.
Credit for the content contained in this compendium includes the following:
Michael Richards, Michael Curtis, Aaron A. Reed, Aaron Thompson, Kelly Ellerbrook, Aidan Oos-MacFadden, Alan MacPherson, Alejo Silos, Alexander Hobsbawn, Alex Schroeder, Alex Welk, André Bogaz, Camila Morais, Andre Lindenfelser, Andrea Batacchi, Andrew Durston, Heleen Durston, Andrew Bailey, Andrey Plisko, Andy Robinson, Nicole Robinson, Anna Anthropy, Beatrix Urkowitz, Anton L.C., B. Pierce, B. Reid, Ben Chaplin, Ben Green, Benji Dike, Bloodmoon, Bodie Harley, Brad Fiore, Brett Jackson, Brian Koplek, Brother Juniper, bygrinstow, Carl Niblaeus, Carlos Pascual “Azifran”, Caroline Berg, Carolyn Leagues, Chris Hall, Christian Sahlén, Chris Walton, Clark B. Timmins, Connor Roberson, Cooper Graetz, Dan D., Dan Smith, Tisha Parti, Dan Wesely, Daniel Comerci, Daniel F. Walthall, Daniel O’Hare, David Brennan, Derek Ruiz, Dirk Detweiler Leichty, Donald Lamont, Duamn Figueroa Rassol, Eldadres, Eri, Eric Lyonford, Eshan Mitra, Gabriel Perez Gallardi, Gabriel Schrock, Kristine Yabut, Garrett Norman, George Cassie, Glyn Seal, GM Lily, Gregorious21778, Gregory Vangilbergen, Harrison Swift, Herr Zinnling, Lina, Hendrik, and Joaquín, HillbillyDM, Ian Shears, Idiomdrottning, Irvin J. Morales Esqueda, J.D. McNichol, JD Thornton, James Hirst, Jann Rippstein, Tobias Bottger, Jeff McKelly, Jennevieve Schlemmer, Jeremy DS Marshall, Jess Cowrd, Jesse Davidson, Jmar, Joakim Andersson, Joel Russ, Johan Nohr, John Love, Matthew “Ogrebeef” Seagle, John R. Capps, Johnathan Castle, Matt Henderson, Joran Heimering, Karl Stjernberg, Keith Echevarria, Keith “indi” Salamunia, Ken Demarest, Ken Moore, Kevin D. Lintz, Kezle, Khelren, Kosmic Dungeon, Larry Z Pennyworth, Laruen Neuburger, Lowlama, Luiz Comassetto, Luke E. Dodd, Marco Conti, Markus Linderum, Ahn  Sanders, Matt Sanders, Matthew Ficken, Nathan Schmitz, Matthew Harvey, Katie Logan, Sylvia Gallagher, Mattias Lejbrink, Max White, McGravin, Michael Perry, Michael Raston, Michael Wenman, Mike O’Regan, Mobralrox, Moritz Fornoff, Nate Treme, Nathan Byrd, Buddy Caperton, Ned Hugar, Nical, Noah Lloyd, Matt Ryan, Olobosk, Pasquale Camuso, Patrick Kelly, Ian Andrews, Philadelphia Hanson-Viney, Hamish McIntyre, Pyry Qvick, Quinn L., Rebecca “Sithel” S., Richard Grzela, Robert Standridge Jr., Roger SG Sorolla, Rose Szabo, Tamora Raze, Ruune Magick, Ryan MacKenzie, SM Hillman, Sadhbh Brennan, Sash Steele, Zachary Cox, Scott Marcley, Sean Ritner, Lisa Healey, Sean Smith, Seth Paxton, Seth Piercey, Shane Starkey, Sharang Biswas, Ben Morgan, Simone Biagini, Simon Forster, Spaghetti Quester, Spencer Hudson, Devin Carey, Sterling Heibeck, Steve Kilian, Stephen Thompson, Stuart Kehoe, theinfamousmrmeow, Theo Olsen, Tim Shorts, Toby Lancaster, Tony Eakes, Travis Cook, Bryan Wuest, Trenton Anderson, Urbini Cristian, Dawei Yao, Vance Atkins, Vincent Raitt, Wilmer Dahl, Wind Lothamer
Price: $3.00 One Page Dungeon Compendium 2018 Tenth Anniversary Edition published first on https://supergalaxyrom.tumblr.com
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kayawagner · 6 years
One Page Dungeon Compendium 2018 Tenth Anniversary Edition
Publisher: Shattered Pike Studio
The 2018 Tenth Anniversary Edition One Page Dungeon Compendium contains 161 "one page" dungeons and adventures! This is the largest compendium to date, with entries ranging from post apocalyptic village raidsand an alternative history 1950's town to classic fantasy dungeon delves and everything in-between.
A retropective on the contest, written by Michael Curtis, is also included.
Two files are included: An optimized PDF, and a much larger PDF with 300 dpi image quality.
Each PDF file is fully hyperlinked for ease of navigation, with the orientation (portrait/landscape) of entries preserved.
Credit for the content contained in this compendium includes the following:
Michael Richards, Michael Curtis, Aaron A. Reed, Aaron Thompson, Kelly Ellerbrook, Aidan Oos-MacFadden, Alan MacPherson, Alejo Silos, Alexander Hobsbawn, Alex Schroeder, Alex Welk, André Bogaz, Camila Morais, Andre Lindenfelser, Andrea Batacchi, Andrew Durston, Heleen Durston, Andrew Bailey, Andrey Plisko, Andy Robinson, Nicole Robinson, Anna Anthropy, Beatrix Urkowitz, Anton L.C., B. Pierce, B. Reid, Ben Chaplin, Ben Green, Benji Dike, Bloodmoon, Bodie Harley, Brad Fiore, Brett Jackson, Brian Koplek, Brother Juniper, bygrinstow, Carl Niblaeus, Carlos Pascual “Azifran”, Caroline Berg, Carolyn Leagues, Chris Hall, Christian Sahlén, Chris Walton, Clark B. Timmins, Connor Roberson, Cooper Graetz, Dan D., Dan Smith, Tisha Parti, Dan Wesely, Daniel Comerci, Daniel F. Walthall, Daniel O’Hare, David Brennan, Derek Ruiz, Dirk Detweiler Leichty, Donald Lamont, Duamn Figueroa Rassol, Eldadres, Eri, Eric Lyonford, Eshan Mitra, Gabriel Perez Gallardi, Gabriel Schrock, Kristine Yabut, Garrett Norman, George Cassie, Glyn Seal, GM Lily, Gregorious21778, Gregory Vangilbergen, Harrison Swift, Herr Zinnling, Lina, Hendrik, and Joaquín, HillbillyDM, Ian Shears, Idiomdrottning, Irvin J. Morales Esqueda, J.D. McNichol, JD Thornton, James Hirst, Jann Rippstein, Tobias Bottger, Jeff McKelly, Jennevieve Schlemmer, Jeremy DS Marshall, Jess Cowrd, Jesse Davidson, Jmar, Joakim Andersson, Joel Russ, Johan Nohr, John Love, Matthew “Ogrebeef” Seagle, John R. Capps, Johnathan Castle, Matt Henderson, Joran Heimering, Karl Stjernberg, Keith Echevarria, Keith “indi” Salamunia, Ken Demarest, Ken Moore, Kevin D. Lintz, Kezle, Khelren, Kosmic Dungeon, Larry Z Pennyworth, Laruen Neuburger, Lowlama, Luiz Comassetto, Luke E. Dodd, Marco Conti, Markus Linderum, Ahn  Sanders, Matt Sanders, Matthew Ficken, Nathan Schmitz, Matthew Harvey, Katie Logan, Sylvia Gallagher, Mattias Lejbrink, Max White, McGravin, Michael Perry, Michael Raston, Michael Wenman, Mike O’Regan, Mobralrox, Moritz Fornoff, Nate Treme, Nathan Byrd, Buddy Caperton, Ned Hugar, Nical, Noah Lloyd, Matt Ryan, Olobosk, Pasquale Camuso, Patrick Kelly, Ian Andrews, Philadelphia Hanson-Viney, Hamish McIntyre, Pyry Qvick, Quinn L., Rebecca “Sithel” S., Richard Grzela, Robert Standridge Jr., Roger SG Sorolla, Rose Szabo, Tamora Raze, Ruune Magick, Ryan MacKenzie, SM Hillman, Sadhbh Brennan, Sash Steele, Zachary Cox, Scott Marcley, Sean Ritner, Lisa Healey, Sean Smith, Seth Paxton, Seth Piercey, Shane Starkey, Sharang Biswas, Ben Morgan, Simone Biagini, Simon Forster, Spaghetti Quester, Spencer Hudson, Devin Carey, Sterling Heibeck, Steve Kilian, Stephen Thompson, Stuart Kehoe, theinfamousmrmeow, Theo Olsen, Tim Shorts, Toby Lancaster, Tony Eakes, Travis Cook, Bryan Wuest, Trenton Anderson, Urbini Cristian, Dawei Yao, Vance Atkins, Vincent Raitt, Wilmer Dahl, Wind Lothamer
Price: $3.00 One Page Dungeon Compendium 2018 Tenth Anniversary Edition published first on https://supergalaxyrom.tumblr.com
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