#Patriotic People’s Front Assam
newshourbd · 7 years
PPFA calls for healthy debate on citizenship bill in Assam
#PPFA calls for #healthydebate on #citizenshipbill in Assam
The forum of patriotic people in a statement pointed out that those motivated elements had been claiming, as if, the concerned bill is Assam centric and once it turns into a law, millions of Bengali Hindu people from Bangladesh would be dumped in the State and even the practice will continue for decades.
Expressing absolute annoyance over a section of Assamese intellectuals and civil society…
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sentinelseo · 4 years
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junayedmn1 · 4 years
223 https://is.gd/49Ryc ) (গল্প - 1 https://is.gd/tI67x ) আসামের জঙ্গলে - 15 (IN THE FOREST OF ASSAM - 15)।-Written by https://is.gd/sx3IU Junayed Ashrafur Rahman ✒
(RUNNING ✒ 🌈Google/ https://is.gd/Dahv0 🌟 FIRST PART ✒ https://is.gd/UDjV8)
After crossing the gate of the shrine, having breakfast at a hotel on the side of the main road, I (Ratul) went up to Laguna and went to Zakiganj. As per the information, I took a rickshaw and went to a Colony near side of the deep forest. The houses in that neighborhood are about three hundred meters away from each other. I have been told that only one person from this neighborhood works as an assistant to that weapons dealer. But I was only told the name of that person and the colony - so I started walking carefully through that colony.
I finally found a shop. Shop means, shopping for daily necessities like kerosene, muri (driedly fried rice), matches etc.
The shop owner is over sixty years old. I asked him to give me muri after sitting on the bench in front of the shop. While I was eating the muri , the shop owner asked me, "Here, Where are you wanting to go?" I said the man's name, "I came to meet with him."
Shop owner: - What do you need with him?
I: - He had an acquaintance with one of my grandfathers in Dhaka. My grandfather sent me to meet with him.
- You can't meet him.
- Why?
- He died a long time ago.
- Do you know him?
- He's my father-in-law.
- Is he your father-in-law?
- Of course. He is also my maternal uncle. My home is in Karimganj, Assam. During the partition of the country in 1947, my father, grandfather and great-grandfather moved to Karimganj in Assam. But my grandfather left me at our uncle's house to keep the property we left behind in Bangladesh. Later I married his daughter by him. You can tell me that you are in need with my father-in-law.
I stopped eating and said, "Can you help me with that need?"
The shop owner said softly in a little surprise, "What's the need, that I can't cooperate with the need?"
Then I said, "Your father-in-law had an affair with an weapons dealer. I want to know, who is that weapons dealer?"
He said in astonishment, "Who are you?"
I said, "CBI officer."
He said nervously, "What is the proof that you are a CBI officer?"
Then I started speaking Hindi and Assamese fluently. Then he also started speaking Bhojpuri language. I also spoke Bhojpuri language then. He said with some fear, "I can cooperate with you on one condition, that is - do not tell the administration or police of Bangladesh, even the police or administration of India - about me."
I: - I will keep your identity secret.
- In fact, even though my father-in-law is a Bangladeshi citizen, he was extremely pro-Indian. And he believed in his heart that in the future, Assam, Sylhet and Mymensingh would be united like before 1947. The extremists in Assam took advantage of my father-in-law's condition. They explained to my father-in-law that they were generous and true patriots. They also want to unite Mymensingh, Sylhet and Assam for the economic development of the people. In fact, they were illegal weapons dealers. But speaking of nationalism, they built an illegal weapons depot in Zakiganj with my father-in-law. Extremists used to buy cheap weapons from the rebels in the northern part of Myanmar and hide them in Zakiganj, Bangladesh with the help of my father-in-law. And my father-in-law also he cooperated with them without understanding the actual issue. At one time a man came from Dhaka and explained to my father-in-law that although his home was in Rajshahi, He is ready to cooperate with the people of the North-East. Some extremists from Assam were also present. The man has an agreement with them, he will also bring weapons and deposit them in Zakiganj. Since then, more illegal weapons have been imported. But due to increased security on the Bangladesh-India border and a slight increase in the Indian government's crackdown on extremists. For this reason, extremists in Assam and those weapons dealers in Bangladesh were forced to stop importing illegal weapons.
But by then my father-in-law had run out of money. Because, by bringing illegal weapons to Bangladesh, with my father-in-law's money, they used to hide those weapons and cover their own living expenses in Bangladesh.
But after their arms imports stopped, they also stopped communicating with my father-in-law. At one point, my father-in-law became a patient of hypertension while living in their hopes. After being admitted to Sylhet Hospital for two months, I was brought back home. That's when, I married his daughter by him. And a few days later he told me everything, but could not tell where the weapons were hidden in Zakiganj. Because, even though the extremists provided all kinds of cooperation, including money, through my father-in-law, he did not say where the weapons were being hidden.
- At what time were the weapons hidden?
- Between 1980 and 2000.
- Then I'm going to rescue those weapons.
- Be careful. Because, some peoples employed by extremists are still guarding them (will continue).
(চলমান https://is.gd/Dahv0 প্রথম পর্ব ✒ https://is.gd/UDjV8 )
মাজারের গেট পেরিয়ে মেইন রোডের পাশে একটা হোটেলে নাস্তা করে লেগুনাতে উঠে চলে গেলাম জকিগঞ্জে। প্রাপ্ত তথ্যমতে একটা রিকশায় করে চলে গেলাম গভীর বনাঞ্চলের পাশে মাত্র কয়েকটা বাড়ি নিয়ে গড়ে উঠা একটা পাড়াতে। ঐ পাড়ার বাড়িগুলো আবার একটা থেকে আরেকটা প্রায় তিনশো মিটার দূরে। আমাকে বলা হয়েছে এই পাড়ারই একলোক ঐ অস্ত্র ব্যবসায়ীর সহকারী হিসেবে কাজ করে। কিন্তু শুধু ঐ লোকের আর পাড়ার নামটা আমাকে বলা হলো - তাই সাবধানে আমি ঐ পাড়ার মধ্য দিয়ে হাঁটতে লাগলাম।
অবশেষে একটা দোকান পেলাম। দোকান মানে নিত্য প্রয়োজনীয় জিনিসের , যেমন : কেরোসিন , মুড়ি , দিয়াশলাই প্রভৃতির দোকান।
দোকানের মালিকের বয়স ষাট বছরের চেয়ে বেশি। আমি সেই দোকানের সামনে রাখা বেঞ্চে বসে মুড়ি দিতে বললাম। মুড়ি খাওয়ার সময় দোকানের মালিক আমাকে জিজ্ঞেস করলেন , " এখানে কোথায় এসেছেন ? " আমি ঐ লোকের নাম বলে বললাম , " উনার সঙ্গে দেখা করতে এসেছি। "
দোকান মালিক : - উনার সঙ্গে আপনার কী প্রয়োজন ?
আমি : - ঢাকাতে আমার এক দাদার সঙ্গে উনার পরিচয় ছিলো। আমার ঐ দাদা পাঠিয়েছেন উনার সঙ্গে দেখা করার জন্য।
- আপনি তো উনার সঙ্গে দেখা করতে পারবেন না।
- কেন ?
- উনি তো মারা গিয়েছেন অনেক আগে।
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dailydoss · 7 years
New Post has been published on Dailydoss
New Post has been published on http://www.dailydoss.com/dhola-sadiya-bridge-longest-country-named-bhupen-hazarika/
Dhola-Sadiya bridge, longest in the country, named after Bhupen Hazarika
The bridge, inaugurated by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday, will reduce the travel time between Assam and Arunachal Pradesh from six hours to just one hour.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday inaugurated the country’s longest river bridge — the Dhola-Sadiya bridge — across the Brahmaputra in Assam.
He named the bridge after iconic singer Bhupen Hazarika, after the Patriotic People’s Front Assam (PPFA) recently issued a statement saying that the “cultural icon can be identified as a man of assimilation, who connected various big and small communities of the region like a golden thread”. The Arunachal Pradesh Literary Society (APLS) too agreed with this statement.
Reducing travel time
The 9.15-km-long Dhola-Sadiya bridge will reduce the travel time between Assam and Arunachal Pradesh from six hours to just one hour as the distance will shrink by 165 km. “This is one of the most important infrastructure projects in our nation,” Mr. Modi had said.
Mr. Modi will also lay the foundation stone for two key projects — an AIIMS and an Agriculture Research Institute. “Both projects will quicken the development of Assam & the Northeast,” Mr. Modi had tweeted.
After inaugurating the Rs. 2,056 crore bridge at Sadia in Assam’s Tinsukia district, Mr. Modi walked a short distance over it.
A vehicle carrying the Prime Minister, Union Minister Nitin Gadkari, Assam Governor Banwarilal Purohit, Chief Minister Sarbanada Sonowal and senior government officials then passed over it.
Bearing in mind the necessity for quick movement of troops and artillery to the border state of Arunachal, the bridge has been designed to accommodate the movement of tanks, according to official sources.
It’s made of SAIL steel
The Steel Authority of India Limited has supplied around 90 per cent, or around 30,000 tonnes of steel, including TMT, structurals and plates, for the construction of the bridge. “The product mix offered by SAIL was one of the major criteria for selection of the company for this prestigious project. The construction of the bridge began in 2011 under the public-private-partnership, which is 3.55 km longer than Mumbai’s Bandra-Worli Sea Link, making it the longest bridge in India,” said SAIL.
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newshourbd · 7 years
PPFA bats for 1951 as cut-off year, opines for work permits to settlers
#PPFA bats for 1951 as cut-off year, opines for work permits to settlers
News Hour:
Patriotic People’s Front Assam (PPFA) reiterates its stand to detect all immigrants from the then East Pakistan and later Bangladesh with the national cut-off year (1951) and urges the Union government in New Delhi to think about offering work permits (without voting rights) to them in case their deportation becomes impossible because of serious humanitarian & international crisis.
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newshourbd · 5 years
PPFA insists on revitalizing Hinglaj temple in Balochistan
#PPFA insists on revitalizing #Hinglajtemple in #Balochistan
Patriotic People’s Front Assam (PPFA), a northeast India based forum of nationalists insists on revitalizing Hinglaj Mata Mandir, a Shakti Peeth connected to Kamrup Kamakhya legends and urges the Union government in New Delhi to pursue the Balochistan authority for necessary measures.
Mentionable is that Hinglaj temple in a mountain cave on the bank of Hingol river inside Hingol National Park,…
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newshourbd · 5 years
PPFA approves more honor to Bhupen Hazarika
#PPFA approves more honor to #BhupenHazarika
Patriotic People’s Front Assam (PPFA), while endorsing the demand for erecting a statue of Bharat Ratna, Dr. Bhupen Hazarika in the premises of Parliament, thanked AGP lawmaker Biren Baishya for adoring Bhupen Da (as he is affectionately called) in the Rajya Sabha.
“A legendary genius of our time,  Bhupen Da possessed many facets of creativity with a true commitment to the nation. After Jagatguru…
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newshourbd · 6 years
PPFA appreciates India's President for honoring INA veterans
#PPFA appreciates India's President for honoring INA veterans
Patriotic People’s Front Assam (PPFA) appreciates President of India, Ram Nath Kovind for honoring personally a group of INA (Indian National Army/ Azad Hind Fauj) veterans during his recent visit to Myanmar and continues its old demand to preserve all historical ruins related to India’s freedom struggles in the neighbouring country.
It may be noted that President Kovind in his 10-14 December…
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newshourbd · 7 years
Tibet bordering region supports anti-Beijing stand
#Tibet bordering region supports anti-Beijing stand @navathakuria
News Hour:
Amidst India-China disagreements in recent times, a patriotic forum of northeast India strongly endorsed the stand of Bhutan government crying foul against the Communist Chinese regime in Beijing for its illegitimate activities in Sikkim’s Doklam locality. The Patriotic People’s Front Assam (PPFA), in a recent statement, opined that China simply preferred not to recognize Bhutan’s…
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