#Paul Schmitthenner
lokaleblickecom · 11 months
Moers - Weißer Hirsch auf Baumarktparkplatz
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Moers (ots) - Ein weißer Hirsch hat heute Nachmittag Polizei, Feuerwehr und einen Tierarzt auf Trapp gehalten. Gegen 12.20 Uhr meldeten Zeugen einen weißen Hirsch auf dem Parkplatz eines Baumarktes an der Franz-Haniel-Straße. Das Tier bewegte sich in Richtung Paul-Schmitthenner-Straße. Versuche, das Tier einzukesseln, scheiterten. Ein Tierarzt mit einem Gewehr konnte den weißen Hirsch schließlich betäuben. Zwei Landwirte aus Repelen wollen sich vorläufig um das Tier kümmern. Wem der Hirsch gehört, ist unklar. Der rechtmäßig Tierhalter wird aktuell noch gesucht und soll sich bitte bei der Polizei in Moers melden, Tel.: 02841 / 171-0. Foto: Polizei Read the full article
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pdfsayar · 1 year
Paul Schmitthenner
10 sonuç Boyut Önizleme İndirme “a Small Flock Of Female Students” Paul Schmitthenner’s …AğPaul Schmitthenner’s Meisterklasse in Tübingen, 1944-1945 Wolfgang Voigt Today, in the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG), the enrollment at architec-ture faculties reveals a …Kaynak: https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.1515/9783839456309-005/pdf 906 KB Önizle İndir 07 03 Schmitthennerirene:wen-.qxd…
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veredes · 5 years
La planta y la ruina | Miguel Ángel Díaz Camacho
Recuerdo la primera vez que tuve un original ante mis ojos. Aquella planta dibujada a lápiz contenía toda la información necesaria para la ejecución del proyecto: cotas, niveles, acabados, materiales, tipos de muro, altura de techos, programa, soporte, relación con el entorno inmediato…Más que una planta podríamos decir que se trataba de un mapa, una estructura latente de una manera muy concreta y determinada de ordenar el mundo: era un proyecto en forma de atlas, era una planta de Javier Carvajal, del que se decía que llegaba a poner cotas al agua
“para expresar su precisa precisión”.
Miguel Ángel Díaz Camacho. Doctor Arquitecto Madrid. Marzo 2016.
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wrathofgnon · 7 years
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“Between Goethe’s house and the ‘machine for living’ there is an unbridgeable abyss; It is not a temporary taste or a question of fashion... on the one side:  a calculating mind, machine, mass, collectivism, on the other: sentiment, blood-warm life, man, personality.” — Paul Schmitthenner
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germanpostwarmodern · 3 years
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Literally for decades one of Hans Schwippert‘s (1899-1973) designs has been on television every day: the Bundestag, Germany‘s federal parliament and arena of heated postwar political debates. Schwippert had transformed the former Paedagogic Academy into the Bundeshaus, the political center of the new capital of Germany, Bonn, and with the Bundestag designed an incunable of German architecture after WWII: transparent, elegant and with a particular sense for the detail. The latter pervades Schwippert’s entire career as he was more than „just“ an architect but also a holistic designer of furniture, fixtures and all sorts of appliances. Trained at the Technical Universities of Hannover, Darmstadt and Stuttgart, where he graduated in 1923 under Paul Schmitthenner, Schwippert from 1927 on became a key member of Rudolf Schwarz’s atelier and was involved in the Fronleichnamskirche project in Aachen. During the years of the Third Reich he taught at RWTH Aachen where in 1946 he also became full professor. A year later Schwippert was one of the major promoters of the re-establishment of the German Werkbund and naturally was elected its first president. These posts between architecture, design and cultural policy made him one of the key figures of the reconstruction of Germany, a position that the present monograph illustrates and comments on: „Hans Schwippert - Moderation des Wiederaufbaus“, edited by Gerda Breuer, Pia Mingels & Christopher Oestereich and published by Jovis Verlag in 2010, provides an all-encompassing account of the architect’s career, his architectural and design oeuvre and also his theoretical reflections. Informative essays juxtaposed with his key buildings plus a comprehensive work catalogue and the reproduction of essential texts by Schwippert round out this massive yet highly readable book. Through the countless photos and drawings included the reader receives a profound insight into his decidedly modern yet never effect-seeking architecture that is quintessential for German postwar architecture. A true reference work!
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(vía Paradise Backyard: Paul Schmitthenner)
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madc-arquitectos · 9 years
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Sobre el origen material de la arquitectura. Con Paul Schmitthenner y Peter Zumptor entre otros.
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leaerostat · 10 years
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Gebaute Form - Das Thema der Längsseite. 1943 -1949. Paul Schmitthenner
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veredes · 6 years
Lecciones del arquetipo | Miguel Ángel Díaz Camacho
A principio de los años 20 en Alemania, un notable grupo de arquitectos tradicionalistas establecen -de manera individual- un modelo sachlich, objetivo, para el proyecto de arquitectura. En realidad, la objetividad surge desde la común aceptación de un arquetipo, un origen simbólico que forma parte del inconsciente colectivo en un determinado contexto.
Miguel Ángel Díaz Camacho. Doctor Arquitecto Madrid. Febrero 2016.
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