#Pay Attention to Center Stage [PSA]
universalcarnival · 3 years
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phantomictheatrics · 3 years
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truthbeetoldmedia · 6 years
Good Trouble 1x11 “Less Than” Review
There’s choppy waters on Episode 11 of Good Trouble and it seems like ships might be sinking — even Stef and Lena. With only a couple episodes left, this show is really amping up the drama. If you aren’t caught up, you’ll definitely want to get on that.
Stef and Lena, the moms of the Fosters clan played by Teri Polo and Sherri Saum, make their second cameo of the season accompanying Callie, Mariana and Jamie to Judge Wilson’s home. Though it appears at first that the Judge was simply being polite by inviting his clerk’s family over, it soon becomes apparent that he’s trying to teach his delinquent son a lesson.
If you don’t recall, Wilson’s son was charged for assaulting a police officer and placed on house arrest. He and Callie have had a few awkward encounters, one which ended in him apologizing for her having to work for his father.
Though Callie tries to be polite and keep her chatty sister away from him, he soon reveals that his charges have been dropped. Callie is appalled by this, especially since she knows Jamal Thompson, the center of the case she’s currently clerking, did not have receive the same fate due to his skin color.
Meanwhile, Malika and Callie become annoyed when black jurors are continually questioned and dismissed off the case. And as if things couldn’t get any worse, a video of Jamal speaking poorly of black women leaks, causing many to question their continuation of protesting against the court on his behalf.
Malika struggles with her stance, knowing that she must continue to defend the lives of those who succumb to race-based police violence, but also questioning whether or not a black man would do the same for her. She recalls her own boyfriend Isaac, and how the first night they met, he was swiping left on black women on a dating app while instead going for white, blonde-haired women.
Alice, meanwhile, is also struggling to keep her blooming relationship going. Joey accepts that she isn’t out to her family yet, but what she has trouble accepting is the fact that Alice’s ex, Sumi, is still hung up on her. When Sumi shows up unannounced at the loft offering to make dinner for the three of them plus Sumi’s fiance Meera, things get awkward quick. Sumi’s relentless sucking up to Alice catches the attention of not only Meera, but Joey as well, who is uncomfortable to say the least. Unfortunately, when she expresses her concerns to Alice, it becomes clear that Alice may have been lying about being over her ex after all.
Back at Judge Wilson’s house, tensions between Stef and Lena rise as they talk to the judge and his wife. Callie and Mariana, concerned about their mothers’ relationship, jump at the first opportunity to leave and force their parents to sit down and talk things out as soon as they get back to the Coterie.
It turns out that during Lena’s campaign for State Assembly, Stef said something in an interview that didn’t align with her wife’s views, and Lena didn’t stand up for her. This has caused a communicative disconnect between the two. Thankfully for them (and for us), they are able to talk it out, avoiding what could’ve been possibly the worst breakup in television history.
Speaking of breakups, though, there’s Malika and Isaac. Due to differing views about Jamal Thompson’s comments and Malika’s unwillingness to let her guard down, the pair have broken it off. This doesn’t mean of course that they won’t get back together (and I’m so hoping they do), but the stress of this case seems to be too much for Malika to juggle with a romantic relationship right now. Luckily, they’ve been straight out of a romantic comedy from the beginning, and romantic comedies always end with huge romantic gestures and professions of love. So should we really be worried? Probably not.
At Speckulate, Mariana is attempting to put together an anonymous list of women and men to show the wage gap at the company on paper. However, she runs into a lack of support when she brings up adding race indicators to the list. Mariana is only one of two women of color at the company, so it’s unfortunately unsurprising when the other members of the Byte Club want to tackle general women’s equality first. Mariana knows she can’t back down in the fight for intersectional feminism though, so with the aid of some statistics, she’s able to convince the other women to side with her on the issue. Unfortunately, it then comes to her attention that by marking herself as Latina, she’ll be getting rid of her anonymity completely. Thankfully, Raj agrees to mark himself as Indian, outing himself amongst his white coworkers as well.
And in a giant win for Mariana, the CEO of the company personally asks her to meet with him about developing her app. Her hard work is finally paying off! However, something tells me that when this not-so-anonymous list goes public, that might hinder her success a bit.
And across town at the firm, Callie has an outburst. When the judge won’t take away defender’s abilities to question and dismiss black jurors, Callie calls him out and throws his son’s privilege back in his face. Although Callie is later pleased to see that Judge Wilson has hired a new liberal clerk, the woman who she suspected was being harassed by a Judge who had assaulted Rebecca, that joy quickly fades though when the Judge delivers her some devastating news: she’s being replaced. YIKES.
Last episode was hyper-focused on relationships and didn’t cover the work lives of our beloved characters at all. So, I was ecstatic to see the focus shift back to Callie and Mariana’s professional endeavors, and for some waves to be made in the workplace. Similar to the pilot though, one sister’s risk-taking worked in her favor, while it definitely did not for the other.
Callie’s been getting braver and braver in the firm, choosing to speak up against Judge Wilson instead of keeping her mouth shut even though she knows he’s conservative-leaning. This is partly, of course, due to the fact that the Judge himself encouraged her to do so. However, she definitely took it a bit too far by bringing up his son — a subject she knows is touchy for him. Although I’m sad to see that Callie got dismissed from the Jamal case, I’m glad that she spoke her mind and I’m hoping that his new liberal clerk won’t back down from doing the same.
Meanwhile, Mariana was able to score a meeting with the CEO of the company. This development has been a long time coming, and it’s super satisfying to see her get a win over her misogynistic, white male coworker. Raj all the while is being a stellar ally to Mariana’s Byte Club and even seems willing to face repercussions if it means some positive change is made. Even though he messed up by trying to kiss Mariana a few episodes back, I can’t help but to love these two together, even if it’s just as friends.
This episode also did an amazing job at bringing up the issue of internal struggles within the black community. Malika wants to feel supported by the group she’s trying to support, and even though she knows that black men are so often victims of police violence, she finds that black men often don’t show up to support black women and even prefer white women over them romantically in some cases. This show is always shedding light on social issues we don’t often talk about, and I’m so thankful for the scene in which Malika shut Davia and their other roommate down for telling her to stop protesting. Malika is tired of having to explain black issues to white people at the drop of a hat, as she should be, and I’m so here for her reclaiming her identity as a black woman and refusing to let non-black people tell her who she should be or how she should feel.
The representation on Good Trouble is always amazing, but the writing really stuck out to me this episode. The dialogue within these important conversations blew me away. Important issues are being discussed without seeming super staged, and that’s so critical. These are normal conversations and normal problems that we face in our everyday lives. So, they should sound normal when being discussed — not like PSAs.
I’m just so thankful for this show and all that it is. It’s truly better than I could’ve ever imagined, and with a season two in the works, I can’t wait to see how this season ends and what comes next. Cierra Ramirez who plays Mariana recently teased that this season will end on a cliffhanger, and with the drama that’s been building up throughout these first 11 episodes, I don’t think any of us are ready.  
Good Trouble airs Tuesdays on Freeform at 8/7c.
Jessica’s episode rating: 🐝🐝🐝🐝
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teachanarchy · 8 years
Click Here to Download Action Planning Template
what are we trying to accomplish – concrete, tangible, winnable. What does victory look like? What do you want the headline to read the next day?
who has the power to decide? Who are we trying to impact/move, what is strategic reason for it/them. If there are multiple sites, which is best suited for an action?
Messaging & Demands
what do we want our target to do, what do we want them to know. Are there other audiences besides the target?
who is delivering our message? An impacted person or community leader working on a particular issue is always more powerful and credible than a talking head spokesperson. Is there a process for getting feedback/response from target?
how many people do we need? What are our turnout goals? Who will we reach out to—people, groups etc? What are the recruitment plan, rap, commitment, reminder and follow-up plan? I use a 50% rule…that is what I expect will turn out based on the commitments. So if 100 people say yes, expect 50!
what will happen, what does it look like? What are the beginning, middle and end? How will message/ story be told – visuals, words, props, and signs?
The following are the areas of work needed to implement the vision and plan above
Publicity: fliers, ads, PSA’s, emails, mailings, facebook, blogs, calendars etc
Program: Speakers, performers, diversity, culture, participatory, when, where
Schedule: break it down, what happens by who and when, from pack up to clean-up…
Outreach: fliers, door-knocking, phone calls, allies work
Logistics: all the things you need! (See below)
Legal: police relations, permits, etc
Media: press releases, phone calls, spokespeople, media liaison, follow-up
Props: signs, banners, puppets,
Security/Traffic Plan: what is needed? Who will coordinate, train and recruit? We often skip this step, but it is critical for mobile tactics. If groups are crossing intersections or moving through the streets, we need people paying attention to traffic and who are facilitating our safe passage by holding cars back.
Coordination/Prep: trainings in advance and prep meetings day of or day before with as many people involved in filling a role as possible. Make sure everyone is on the same page and schedule, communications, review maps, communications, contingencies, getting everybody on board and knowing who is who and what will happen. This is a really critical step that is often overlooked.
For Civil Disobedience/Direct Action
Scouting and Mapping – of site(s)
Trainings – how we orient and prepare for the plan and risks we are taking, also legal etc
Model of Org – Affinity Groups, Action Teams, Buddies, Clusters, Blocs, Gaggles
Spokes Councils or Tactical Leadership – will it be a small group who will decide and direct or will it be a meeting of representatives of the participating groups or some collaborative process between the two models.
Legal Strategies and Plan – lawyers, observer, laws, jail solidarity, court plan
Police Strategies and Set-Up – do we inform them, get permit, how do we build a web of restraint on them?
Media – press releases, phone calls, spokespeople, media liaison, follow-up
Documentation plan – video, cameras, audio, blogging etc
Street Medics – got some? Do you know where hospitals are, any relationship with EMT’s or fire department?
Communications –scouts, bikes, radios, flags, twitter, text mobs?
Jail Strategies – support outside and inside – Jail Solidarity
Trauma and Healing – when people are hurt or really afraid.
Post Action Legal Follow-up – Courts, Diversions, Community Service. Lawsuits
Logistics – vary depending on event
Date, Time, Place
Route / Maps
Chant / Song Sheet
Sound System
Stickers, Buttons, Armbands
Leaflets to Distribute
Armbands, sashes, hats for role identification
Trash Bags
Directional Signs or chalking the sidewalk
Cameras to Document
Things to look for when mapping a city
Roads / Streets – how many lanes / traffic flow at various hours
Bridges – where they are, are they accessible and how, good for banners, posters etc
One Way Streets
Police stations
Court Houses
Meeting spaces
Construction sites
Parking Garages
Heart of the City
Symbolic Locations
Tourist Sites
Community Centers
Public Transportation
Public Buildings, Bus Stations, Libraries,
Some things to look for when scouting buildings:
Security: desks, cameras, personnel
Entrances, exits, loading areas, fire escapes
What kinds of doors/door handles: important for planning how to get in and out quickly or how to close down. (As always, keep in mind your goal before doing anything!)
Lobby Lay Out and security procedures
Elevator locations, floors, access
Sidewalk space, landscaping, trees, etc
Windows: visibility in and out
Places for possible banner drops
Parking and parking garages (great for banner drops, which ware great small team actions that can really lift spirits during a demonstration)
Other tenants?
Retail Outlets/Eateries as tenants
Janitor/staff schedule
Other suggestions for mapping and scouting:
Make a map for the people coming into your city with lots of information (don’t forget to include where bathrooms are along your route!)
Phone cameras are a great way to discretely capture important info about locations, maps of buildings, directory of tenants etc
Make yourself invisible, act like you fit in, wear clothes that won’t stand out
Know where you’re going and what you want to look at before you get there. Do online recon first
When making a map, be thorough of what is where, obstructions etc, collect measurements (i.e. number of steps)
Scout at about the same time of day as when the action will be; multiple trips both driving and walking to collect info can be helpful as well
Have a story in case you’re stopped, “students doing research” is generally solid -actually eyeball the location! Don’t just rely on the internet like google earth, for your information, although that can be very helpful!
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pinguinalakadabra · 4 years
how to know if you have prostate cancer
How to Know if You Have Prostate Cancer.
Prostate cancer occurs when the normal cells in your prostate mutate into abnormal cells that grow out of control. Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer in men worldwide. The average age of diagnosis is 66. The current lifetime risk of developing prostate cancer for men in the U.S. is approximately one in six, meaning that one out of every six men will develop prostate cancer at some point in their lives. However, prostate cancer is usually slow-growing, and few men die from it. By recognizing the risk factors and symptoms of prostate cancer, you can know when to see your doctor for a potential diagnosis.
Method 1 Recognizing the Risk Factors. 1. Keep in mind that age is the most significant risk factor for developing prostate cancer. Men younger than 40 have a rare incidence of prostate cancer, but the chances increase rapidly after 50 years of age. Statistics show that 6 out of 10 cases of prostate cancer are found in men 65 and older. It has been hypothesized that the increase risk with age may be due do DNA and anti-cancer protective mechanisms becoming weaker with age and thus more susceptible to cellular and genetic mutations. Mutations often lead to abnormal cells, such as cancer. 2. Factor in your ethnicity. According to the National Cancer Institute and the American Cancer Society, prostate cancer is more common in men of African descent than in white or Hispanic men. Additionally, the age of the onset of prostate cancer is also earlier in black men. A study of 12,000 men showed that 8.3% of blacks and only 3.3% of white men were diagnosed when they were less than 50 years of age. Studies have also shown that black men also have higher PSA levels (prostate-specific antigen levels, which is one test used to determine a diagnosis) and more advanced stages of disease at the time of diagnosis. This may reflect a combination of dietary and genetic factors; however the exact cause is unknown. 3. Consider your family history. A positive family history plays a role in the development of prostate cancer. Having a father or brother with prostate cancer doubles a man's risk for developing the disease. The risk is higher in men with several affected relatives. For example, men who have the BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene mutations have a higher incidence of prostate cancer. The BRCA2 gene mutations seem to be associated with more aggressive and advanced stage of prostate cancer at time of diagnosis. Studies have shown that certain mutations in inherited genes may potentially raise the risk for prostate cancer but accounts for a small fraction of cases. 4. Examine your diet as a factor. Men with diets high in animal fat may be at slightly higher risk of developing prostate cancer. Studies have shown that excess animal fat, especially from red meat and high-fat dairy, can stimulate the growth of prostate cancer. A diet low in fruits and vegetables may also increase risk for developing prostate cancer.
Method 2 Recognizing the Symptoms. 1. Don't rely on symptoms alone. While symptoms do accompany some stages of prostate cancer, there are almost no symptoms in the early stages. Consult your doctor concerning your risk factors to determine the best screening regimen for you. If you do experience any of the following symptoms, it is very important to schedule an appointment with your doctor as soon as possible. 2. Look for decreased urination force and speed. Several prostate cancer symptoms are tied to urination. You may notice that no matter what you do, you urinate more slowly and with decreased force. You may also experience burning while urinating dor similar reasons. The urethra (a tube that carries urine from your bladder through your penis) passes through the center of the prostate gland. Tumor growth enlarges your prostate enlarges, which then presses on the urethra. This results in a weak urine stream and inability to start and stop urinating quickly. Obstructive symptoms usually indicate significant progression of the disease. Symptoms of urinary obstruction can also increase the likelihood that the cancer has metastasized to the bones or lymph nodes. 3. Pay attention to more frequent urination. You may find yourself getting up several times during the night to urinate. Tumor growth can constrict your urethra, which makes it more difficult to empty your bladder completely. The urethral compression also causes the bladder to fill more easily, additionally causing the urge for frequent urination. 4. Look for blood in your semen. Semen passes along a series of tubes and structures on the way to the urethra for ejaculation. The pressure from a growing tumor can cause blood vessels along this path to break and leak blood into your semen. You will notice a pink color or bright red blood in your semen (which is normally a milky white color). 5. Note any new pain in the lower back, hips, or thighs. This is usually a “bony pain” that feels deep and throbs, often for no apparent reason. You may find it starts randomly and is difficult to relieve. This type of pain may indicate metastatic prostate cancer meaning that the cancer has spread into your bones. The pain is a result of the cancer spreading into the spine and pressing on your spinal nerves. The tumor may be big enough to compress the nerves of the spinal cord, which can cause numbness.
Method 3 Diagnosing Prostate Cancer. 1. Learn the screening guidelines. Different organizations (American Cancer Society, American Urological Association, American College of Physicians, etc.) differ in their screening recommendations. While some recommend yearly screenings after a certain age, the CDC does not recommend PSA-based screening in men unless they have symptoms. The most important factors in prostate cancer screening for the individual rely on personal, informed decision making. 2. Consider getting screened based on your age. While different medical organizations have differing opinions on when and how to be screened for prostate cancer, it is generally a good idea to consider screening at. 40 years of age for the highest risk individuals — Men at the highest risk have more than one immediate family member who has been diagnosed with prostate cancer at a relatively early age. 45 years old for those with high risk — This population generally includes African American men and individuals with one close relative (father, son, or sibling) who has been previously diagnosed with prostate cancer before the age of 65. 50 years old for men with an average risk — Average risk is essentially all other men. Note that this only applies to those with a life expectancy beyond the next 10 years due to the slow-spreading nature of prostate cancer. 3. See your doctor. While you may be able to identify symptoms that suggest prostate cancer, only your doctor will be able to accurately diagnose the disease. If you have symptoms and risk factors for prostate cancer, your doctor will initially perform two tests and weigh the results along with your symptoms (if any) to determine the next step. These initial tests include. A digital rectal exam (DRE), which is where your doctor inserts his finger into your rectum and presses on your prostate to feel for abnormalities relating to size, firmness, and/or texture. A prostate-specific antigen (PSA) level test, which measures a protein made by the prostate. This involves drawing blood to check your PSA levels. In general, a PSA under 5 ng/mL is considered normal, and a PSA above 10 ng/mL indicates a risk of cancer. However, a high PSA level may also indicate non-cancerous conditions such as infection or inflammation. A continuous rise in PSA level may indicate prostate cancer. 4. Consult your doctor about other test options. Your doctor may also order a biopsy with an ultrasound probe. This means taking a small tissue sample from your prostate, which a lab will examine for cancer cells. MRI and PET/CT scans may also be used to evaluate the stage of your cancer. These imaging devices help determine the size of your prostate and the metabolic activity of the prostate (cancer cells are metabolically more active than normal cells and therefore can be detected by PET scan). These scans may be able to detect any metastatic lesions as well. 5. Consider your Gleason score. Pathologists grade prostate cancer using the Gleason score. The grade indicates the cancer's appearance and how quickly it is growing. The pathologist will grade on a scale of 1 – 5. 1 means the cancer tissue looks very much like normal prostate tissue, and 5 means the cells are abnormal and scattered throughout the prostate, indicating an advanced stage and aggressive cancer. The higher the Gleason score, the more likely that the cancer will grow and spread quickly. Based on this number, your doctor will know which type of treatment to pursue.
Method 4 Weighing Treatment Options. 1. Ask your doctor for a prognosis. Generally, if the disease is localized to the prostate, it is curable. If the cancer is susceptible to hormone treatments, the prognosis is considered to be favorable. The three-year survival rate for prostate cancer is 100% for local invasion, 99.1% for regional invasion, and 33.1% for distant metastasis. 2. Look into a radical prostatectomy for localized prostate cancer. If the cancer is only in the prostate, it can generally be treated with a radical prostatectomy, which means surgically removing the prostate. For older males with a life expectancy of less than ten years who have not displayed symptoms, it may be advisable to observe the condition before committing to surgery. This is because surgery on the prostate can cause additional complications that include urinary incontinence and erectile dysfunction. 3. Ask your doctor about radiation therapy for locally invasive prostate cancer. For prostate cancer that has progressed beyond the prostate to local regions of the body, radiation therapy is usually prescribed. In addition, deprivation of androgens (hormones that maintain male characteristics) may help to decrease the spread of the disease. When the prostate cancer has become locally invasive, treatment aims to decrease the spread of the cancer. 4. Consider options for metastatic prostate cancer. Once the prostate cancer has invaded other parts of the body, treatment regimens will usually entail reducing the amount of testosterone produced in the body, which can be a more radical approach to reducing androgens than with locally invasive disease. Anti-androgens — These medications will aim to block androgens from expressing their effects on the proper hormonal tissue receptors in the body to reduce testosterone production. GnRH antagonists — These medications will bind to receptors in the pituitary gland and help to suppress the production of testosterone. Luteinizing hormone-releasing agonists — These medications will also affect the androgen producing pathways of your body to reduce testosterone. Orchiectomy — This procedure calls for the complete removal of the testes. This is usually reserved for patients who are non-compliant with their medications.
Community Q&A. Question : What are the chances of a 95 year old man having prostate cancer with a PSA of 8.4? Answer : The higher the PSA score over 4, the more likely you are to have cancer. You need to see a urologist to get a transrectal ultrasound and biopsy to be sure.
Tips. Schedule routine checks with your doctor. Since prostate cancer is so common, the older you get, the more seriously you should work to prevent complications. Check out How to Cure Prostate Cancer for tips on reducing your risk of getting this disease.
Warnings. While this article offers information related to prostate cancer, it should not be taken as medical advice. Always discuss any symptoms and treatment options with your doctor for any medical conditions.
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brentrogers · 5 years
Podcast: BoJack Horseman and Celebrity Mental Health Advocacy
Rich celebrity on TV: “Have you ever been sad? You might have depression.” If scenarios like this make you want to throw a rock at a window, you aren’t alone. In today’s episode, Gabe expresses his distaste for celebrities posing as the “face” of mental illness. He feels further validated after watching a satirical episode of BoJack Horseman, in which Mr. Peanutbutter, a cheerful canine celebrity, becomes the new face of depression — first as a “sad dog” meme and then as a depression spokesperson.
What do you think? Tune in to hear Jackie and Gabe get into a thoughtful discussion on whether celebrities acting as the “face” of mental illness is a good or bad thing.
(Transcript Available Below)
About The Not Crazy Podcast Hosts
Gabe Howard is an award-winning writer and speaker who lives with bipolar disorder. He is the author of the popular book, Mental Illness is an Asshole and other Observations, available from Amazon; signed copies are also available directly from Gabe Howard. To learn more, please visit his website, gabehoward.com.
        Jackie Zimmerman has been in the patient advocacy game for over a decade and has established herself as an authority on chronic illness, patient-centric healthcare, and patient community building. She lives with multiple sclerosis, ulcerative colitis, and depression.
You can find her online at JackieZimmerman.co, Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.
    Computer Generated Transcript for “B0Jack- Mental Health” Episode
Editor’s Note: Please be mindful that this transcript has been computer-generated and therefore may contain inaccuracies and grammar errors. Thank you.
Announcer: You’re listening to Not Crazy, a Psych Central podcast. And here are your hosts, Jackie Zimmerman and Gabe Howard.
Gabe: Hey, everyone, and welcome to Not Crazy. I’m here with my co-host, Jackie, who lives with major depression.
Jackie: And you know my co-host, Gabe, who lives with bipolar disorder.
Gabe: And today we are going to talk about BoJack Horseman. The show is ending. The show’s on Netflix. Most people have heard of it, but it did something exciting. Longtime fans of the show know that there’s this thing that I dislike and they sort of did it on BoJack, which validated me in ways that I cannot explain. It just made me so happy, Jackie.
Jackie: So much so that you sent me a text that said, have you seen this? And I was like, no. And then you said, I feel so heard and validated. We must talk about this. And I said, OK, fine.
Gabe: And you agreed to watch three episodes of a show that you’d never watched before. What did you think of it? Did you like the show?
Jackie: I hated it.
Gabe: Hate is a strong word.
Jackie: I literally hated it.
Gabe: Ok. But Adam liked it.
Jackie: Adam and I watched it together and Adam cursed Gabe a few times, like, why the fuck did Gabe tell us to watch this show? The general consensus over here, it’s pretty awful.
Gabe: It is a very popular show and people are sad that it is being canceled after hearing Jackie’s scathingly mean review. I kind of wish BoJack was real because he’d be like, Not Crazy podcast. I hated it. It was awful. And then he’d drink and pass out drunk, which if you’re a fan of the show, is hilarious, but just a meaningless aside that makes Gabe very, very happy.
Jackie: Well, you asked me to watch three episodes. I fell asleep through two of them. But I will say that the moment that I saw what you were talking about, I recognized it and I was like, OK, I see you. So do you want to tell everybody what happened?
Gabe: To back up just a little bit, BoJack Horseman, it’s a cartoon and all of the characters are very one dimensional. BoJack, he used to be famous. He’s narcissistic. He’s an alcoholic. And he has depression. And that’s just who he is. The character that we’re gonna be talking about for the remainder of the show is a character called Mr. Peanutbutter. Mr. Peanutbutter is also famous. He’s also an actor. He’s a yellow golden retriever. And he’s very happy. He’s basically my wife as a cartoon character. He’s just eternal sunshine. He’s Pollyanna. No matter what happens in the world, he can find the good in it. And that’s his one dimensional character.
Jackie: This character’s so happy and positive that in the show they’re trying to find ways to keep him in the public eye or something. I don’t know, I fell asleep. But his assistant maybe, I don’t know, somebody was like, we’ll make these memes with your face on them. And the memes were sad dog memes. And he was like, I’m not a sad dog. I don’t like these. I can’t relate to them because I’m not sad. Like his whole point on the show is to be like a peppy dog.
Gabe: Yeah, he is an extraordinarily happy dog and he’s famous. That’s all you need to know. They do find a picture. Just a single picture of him looking sad. And they make their memes. They’re called the sad dog memes and social media being what it is, it takes off like gangbusters. The sad dog meme is everywhere. People love it. And that gives him a small amount, just a tiny amount, of notoriety as a sad dog. And sadness is a quick jump over to depression. Mr. Peanutbutter has depression. So the powers that be decide that they want to make him in the face of depression and they pay him to go on tour and to make PSA’s and to do all of this stuff to advance the cause of mental health advocacy, of getting checked for depression. For this guy who doesn’t have it.
Jackie: And Gabe is so furious that they’ve given a cartoon dog, this stance where he is the face of depression, which is ridiculous. This is where I was like, OK, I see what Gabe is talking about. Where somebody who probably is not clinically depressed
Gabe: No, there’s no probably. He doesn’t. He does not have it.
Jackie: Well, I meant like in like real life. Like transferring to real life, not cartoon world now, the face of mental illness slash depression in huge mental illness advocacy spaces, celebrities who may or may not live with an actual mental illness, who are now speaking on behalf of us, for us, to the whole world for lots and lots of money. So I see your point. But – no, that’s it. I just I see your point.
Gabe: In the show, Mr. Peanutbutter actually has a conversation where he says, look, I don’t have depression, and the person who is trying to encourage him to take this cash grab says, well, that’s one of the hallmarks of depression, not thinking that you have depression. So I should point out that in the show, he’s sort of tricked into being the face of depression. But I want to be clear, he doesn’t have depression. He’s not depressed. He’s never been mentally ill. None of these things are true. But he becomes the face of depression and people start listening to him on what he thinks they should do and the world should do to be better. And suddenly he becomes the expert. This dog who has no mental illness, who’s never suffered from depression, who’s never researched depression, who is not a doctor, a therapist. He’s never even been a mental health advocate. All of the sudden becomes who people are listening to to get their information and to make their mental health decisions. I see this happening in the real world all the time and it drives me crazy. In fairness, for two reasons. One, because I want all that money not going to lie. I want the money. It should be me. But two, because this is dangerous. We’re following people who don’t understand our lives, who don’t understand what they’re doing or talking about. And we’re listening to them as if their opinions or information is accurate and valid. I believe that hurts people.
Jackie: Ok, questions. First question. Let’s say these spokespeople don’t live with mental illness. But what if they just really support the cause? They have a loved one with mental illness?
Gabe: Then say that. We see this in the case of Bring Change to Mind and Glenn Close. Glenn Close supports her sister and her nephew, who live with severe and persistent mental illness. Glenn Close says that. She founded an organization. She gives a stage to people like her sister, who lives with bipolar disorder, and her nephew, who lives with schizoaffective disorder, and helps them get their message out there. I think that that is a very positive use of celebrity and yeah, I’m a fan of Glenn Close.
Jackie: Well, mee, too. Who isn’t, right? But next question, even if they are not somebody who lives with, but they are somebody with a lot of clout. They’re well known. They are super famous and they’re bringing attention to the cause and or organization. Maybe fundraising for a lot of money, is it really so bad?
Gabe: So yes and no, right? In your example, you’re like they have a lot of clout. They’re bringing a lot of attention and they’re raising a lot of money. Is that bad? No. If you consider those four things then no, of course not. Where would that be bad? But that’s generally not what’s happening. Because if that was happening, you probably wouldn’t know they were behind it. The number of people that don’t realize that Glenn Close started Bring Change to Mind is staggering because she’s not front and center. The organization is I’m talking about the people that are charging $25,000 for speeches, who are travelling the circuit, who are doing PSA’s. But, I almost question who wrote these things. They don’t even look accurate. Are you feeling sad? You might have depression. Why are we equating sadness and depression? This is like saying, are you feeling wet? You might be drowning. There’s a world of difference between having water on your skin and drowning. But this is the kind of misinformation that gets perpetuated by, I’m gonna say, well-meaning people. But just because you’re a celebrity, that makes you a good celebrity. It doesn’t make you a good spokesperson for an illness. And I don’t think people have an understanding of this because celebrities aren’t used to being told no and they can afford to run their own campaigns.
Jackie: So in this scenario, what should they be doing? Right? Mental health organization needs a spokesperson. What should they be doing?
Gabe: In your example, if they want to lend their names, celebrity and money to a mental health organization, I think that is very appropriate because what they would say is, hi, my name is Joe Celebrity and I want you to support Mental Health United States of America Nonprofit with your time and energy. They have the correct information. They have vetted it, and I am using my celebrity to raise attention for it. And also, here’s a whole bunch of money so they can offer their programs, their information, etc. for free. I think that’s extraordinarily appropriate. But that’s not what a lot of these folks are doing. They’re showing up on late night TV saying I have depression and anxiety and it was so awful for me and the stigma was great. And you should hire me to tell you my story. How is paying you $25,000 to tell me what it’s like to be a multi-millionaire with an anxiety helping people with schizophrenia? And I’m being serious. If you can tell me how that is helping, I will back off immediately.
Jackie: I see your point here, and I could probably argue it either way. Right. I can say yes. Clearly, celebrities with all of their money and assistance and whatever their stories are not as relatable as, let’s say, you or I. However, does it make their stories any less true or meaningful?
Gabe: This is where life is hard, right? Because there’s a real human element here. I don’t want to tell Joe Celebrity that his story isn’t relevant because he is famous and rich. But I do want Joe Celebrity to understand that his story is not typical and we get into this, I’m going to call it a problem, with all forms of advocacy. It’s like white privilege or male privilege. You know, women are like, look, you’re getting extra because you’re a man. And then the man says, well, that’s not fair. I worked hard. Nobody’s saying that you didn’t work hard. We’re just saying that you didn’t have to overcome your gender. If you are wealthy and you have access to money and resources. Your situation is not the same as the average Joe non-celebrity who is being diagnosed with these things. And I would just like to see one of these people stand up and say, you know, I’m a multimillionaire. I’m a millionaire. I have been world famous for a decade. And I just now came out because that’s how terrified I was of admitting that I had a mental illness. So I don’t know what hope the rest of you have that aren’t multi-millionaires, that aren’t world famous, because I was terrified to do it with all of my resources. And you’re just a regular person who may or may not have health insurance, but that’s never the message, is it? The messages is that they’re so brave that they’re so brave and we must embrace them by hiring them to speak and tell us how they’re exactly like us, except they’re not exactly like us at all. I want some acknowledgement that they’re not exactly like us.
Jackie: They’re not. I don’t want to defend celebrities here, but I could argue, if I was going to argue this point, I don’t know if I am. But hypothetically, if I were to argue this point, they have a lot more to lose than your average person, let’s say their career. Yes, you or I could lose our career as well. But my career doesn’t mean losing millions of dollars. It is worse because then I would probably for sure be homeless. They probably wouldn’t be homeless. I don’t know. Maybe I’m not arguing this appropriately because I am talking myself out of the argument as we’re doing it right now. I don’t know. On the show, somebody who is not depressed acts as a depression advocate. That is not OK. Right? If you don’t have it, don’t pretend you have it. No good. We can both agree on that.
Gabe: And it’s important to recognize that the reason that a show that is watched by millions of people is lampooning this is because it’s relatable. It’s because it happens. It’s because it’s occurring. I always said that I want to be so famous that The Simpsons make fun of me on The Simpsons because The Simpsons only make fun of you on The Simpsons after you’ve made it. They’re not making fun of people you’ve never heard of. The reason that BoJack Horseman, the television show, was making fun of this is because it is so consistent in our culture that they made fun of it and they knew that it would get laughs and people would relate to it. They’re not making this up out of thin air. This happens constantly, constantly. Our top advocates in the space are suddenly people that what? What did they do?
Jackie: Well, first of all, excellent use of lampooning, just saying,
Gabe: I’ve been using big words.
Jackie: Well, that was a good one.
Gabe: We’ll be right back after these messages.
Announcer: Interested in learning about psychology and mental health from experts in the field? Give a listen to the Psych Central Podcast, hosted by Gabe Howard. Visit PsychCentral.com/Show or subscribe to The Psych Central Podcast on your favorite podcast player.
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Gabe: We’re back discussing the role celebrities play in mental health advocacy.
Jackie: Can we stop beating around the bush here? Who are you talking about?
Gabe: I mean, I don’t need a bunch of famous people pissed off at me. I don’t know that I want to name people because I cannot possibly have an exhaustive list. And one of the reasons that I can’t have an exhaustive list is because, you have like, who I consider probably the most dangerous mental health advocate, and that’s Kanye West. He’s extraordinarily dangerous. And what he’s saying, and his message, and he’s extremely popular right now. But then you have sort of the less offensive people. And I’m not going to name them because they’re not necessarily charging even for speeches. They just bring it up. They’re just minding their own business one day. And they’re like, hey, by the way, I have depression, too. And then there’s a whole article about how, I’m going to say his name, and I feel bad because I love this guy. And I just saw his movie, Dwayne Johnson. And all of a sudden there’s an article about how The Rock has depression. Now, that’s not necessarily his fault because he’s not offering himself up as a mental health advocate. He didn’t give a press release. He just said it in an interview. And now it’s everywhere. So he’s become a de-facto depression advocate, even though he never asked for it and isn’t trying to be. And that’s why I use him as an example. This is really rough. If you’re somebody suffering from depression, right? Because after all, The Rock did it, why can’t you? And is his information correct? But it’s not his information, it’s the media’s information that’s twisting it. Then we’d have to do a show on how the media fucks everything up.
Jackie: Which we totally could. But here’s the thing. There’s no winning, everybody loses because.
Gabe: Right.
Jackie: Either The Rock in this example, which first of all you said Dwayne Johnson, I was like, who is that? Because.
Gabe: He’s always going to be The Rock.
Jackie: He’d, just say The Rock. Everybody just knows him.
Gabe: The Rock.
Jackie: Because he says, hey, I’m depressed, which is what we want everybody to do. We want it to be normalized, we want to talk about it and then the media runs with it, which they will. He’s a celebrity and you’re like, that’s annoying. I hate that. But if they wouldn’t have done that, you wouldn’t have known he was depressed. It wouldn’t have been more normalized. He’s just a normal dude living with depression. It feels like a celebrity cannot come out in your perspective here as living with mental illness unless they are saying now I’m going to be a top advocate because I actually live with this. If they’re just casually telling the world I have mental illness, it’s not OK with you.
Gabe: See, and that sounds really awful to me,
Jackie: It is.
Gabe: Like I want to beat Gabe up.
Jackie: Yeah.
Gabe: This is what I struggle with, I am really, really, really upset when I think about all of the mental health advocates that have literally lost everything. A long time ago, people were like, Gabe, will you volunteer to do X, Y, and Z at my conference, my nonprofit, my event, my drop in center? And I would always point out that they’re not asking me to work for free. They’re asking me to work for negative money. I’m losing money because websites and gas and podcasts and microphones and studio time, all this shit costs money. So I’m taking my own money and dumping in thousands upon thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours. And I don’t have the clout as a casual mention by The Rock. Now, that’s not his fault. That’s just our celebrity-obsessed culture. But it does get to me. It does. I’m not going to lie. It bothers me that celebrities casually mention that they suffered from depression 10 years ago for 20 minutes and they immediately have a platform one hundred million times the size of people like me who have been paying my own way, doing my own research, and talking to thousands of people for a decade. And nobody wants to listen to me because, hey, I wasn’t in Jumanji.
Jackie: But Gabe, this is advocacy, right? Like I see what you’re saying. It’s valid, but one, there there’s a space for every advocate in advocacy. Even if The Rock doesn’t want to be an advocate, the people he’s reaching by admitting being depressed are probably not the same people we’re reaching. Let’s be real. Our audiences, I think, are maybe a little bit different. Also, I don’t know, maybe I have this grandiose opinion of the advocacy that we do, and it’s not nearly as impressive as I think it is. But I look at it like look at the work people did in the LGBTQ space 30 years ago. Right? They did so much work. They were protesting. They were rioting. They were doing all this bananas stuff. They put their lives at risk. They were arrested. All this bananas shit, so people today can just live their lives. And while the example is not lateral, I feel like you’re doing all this work. You’re spending your money, your time, your energy, all of these things for not a ton of clout. But the whole point is to make this easier for people in the future. Right? We want them to feel like there’s less stigma. We want them to feel supported. We want them to get help. That’s why I do this.
Gabe: Yeah, I’m doing it for the money and the fame.
Jackie: You’re in the wrong business.
Gabe: No. No, I’m not doing it for the money and the fame.
Jackie: But a little bit of money and fame would be nice.
Gabe: I do need to eat. I would just like to pay my bills. I want to break even a little bit. Nobody should feel sorry for Gabe Howard and I’m genuinely and honestly not advocating for that. I don’t want a bunch of emails saying, you know, Gabe, you know, we’re sorry that you can’t eat. I’m a fat guy. I can eat just fine. I’m good. But this is hard work. And sometimes it gets to me as a patient because it. Mental health advocates in general don’t have a lot of clout and patients have even less clout than that. And I know it’s a lot to be said, and I’m probably picking on celebrities. They’re an easy target, but it’s hard to watch a multimillionaire cry about living with anxiety. When I go down to the prisons and the jails and I watch them live with severe and persistent mental illness. When I’ve gone to funerals of people who have died by suicide. When I look at all the states that can’t pass Medicaid expansion. So even though we have people ready, willing, and able to get treated for their mental illness, they can’t see a doctor because they don’t have insurance. When I see homeless camps get raided by the police because they’re a blight on the community and I watch people die in winter because they can’t find shelter. And I’m supposed to shed a tear for a multi millionaire? And then I see all of these groups paying them tens of thousands of dollars to come speak at their events, knowing the horror show that people with severe and persistent mental illness are going through. I’m sorry. I just want to call bullshit and walk out of the room. I do. I can’t help it. I’m sure they’re fine people and their mothers love them. And I want to hug them. I do. I’m sorry they went through this, but my initial response is, please, you’ve gotta be kidding me.
Jackie: I think it’s fine if that’s your initial response. One of my favorite things I learned in therapy is that your first initial response is basically what you were conditioned to think throughout your whole life. Right? So if your first response is something that’s arguably negative or racist or sexist or something terrible, it’s kind of that deep rooted thing that you’ve learned from society, your family, whatever. The second thought that comes a split second later, that’s really what you think. And that has been really helpful for me in therapy. And I think, I’m assuming, I am putting words in your mouth, one hundred percent. The first thought is this is bullshit. That’s not fair. They have all the resources in the world. They are not recognizing their privilege. And the second thought is they’re still people. It’s all relative. And if they’re feeling anxious because of whatever’s happening in their life, that’s still valid.
Gabe: That’s my third response. My second response is, use your privilege, use your celebrity. Use your money to help the people that I just mentioned and the celebrities who are doing that, my hats are off to them. And Lady Gaga is one. She is using her position to raise money for the National Council to offer Mental Health Youth First Aid to teachers and coaches and help stem suicide. Hats off to her. Hats off to her and Carrie Fisher. She’s gone now, but she really did a lot of great work. But I’m not seeing a lot of that. I’m not.
Jackie: How do you know that that won’t be like what The Rock does? You have to sort of come out, right? This is him saying, hey, I have depression. If he was to be a mental illness advocate and just came on the scene and was like, hey, everybody, I’m depressed, let’s do this together, you’d be like, what the hell? Since when is The Rock depressed? This is bullshit. He’s not even really depressed. They all do. They have to establish a baseline of like, hey, I have this. A lot of celebrities do this where they sort of come out to the media of like whatever health ailment they have. A lot of them then take that as a stepping stone to doing advocacy. But I think that if he just came out and was working with whoever as their new spokesperson, you would have exactly the same issue that you had with BoJack Horseman. You’d be like, this is bullshit. That guy does not have that thing.
Gabe: So you’re right. When The Rock, and I don’t know why we’re picking on The Rock. That guy is so strong. Couldn’t I have picked on a weaker guy and one that I liked a lot less? I just love The Rock. Please, don’t body slam me if you’re listening. But right now, he’s got a lot of words. You’re right. I will respect him more when he has a lot of actions. But to the most pressing point, he doesn’t have to and he didn’t do anything wrong. I’m kind of a little bit sad that we’re using him as an example because all he said was I suffer from depression. He didn’t charge anybody $25,000 to talk about it. He just said it out loud. So actually, my hat’s off to people like him. I’m really focusing on the people that are making money, being famous and having mental illness.
Jackie: I think we’re saying the same thing in a different way. So maybe we should just agree to agree with a slight side of disagreement.
Gabe: Oohh, a side of disagreement, I like it. And of course, I’m a hypocrite. The biggest hypocrite in the room. I don’t want anybody to charge for a mental health speech except me. It’s kind of hard to get around that, right? I mean, if you want me to come speak at your venue right now, I’m going to send you a contract and you got to give me a stack of money. And I justify that by saying, well, hey, I’m not a multi-millionaire because I don’t have my own TV show. I think that there is some some justification in that. But where does it end? Like, how many speeches should I give for free versus how many are charged for? Because I do speak for free. I do volunteer. And the answer is, I don’t know. I don’t know. But it does rub me the wrong way. And when I saw BoJack Horseman talk about it on the show, it validated that because it shows that other people are seeing it that way, too. And this is cause for concern. And maybe we should make some changes. Maybe. Or maybe not. I don’t run the world.
Jackie: Gabe, if you’ve been listening to this, if you’ve listened to your speech, we know you’re not a bad guy. We just know you got bills to pay. Right?
Gabe: And these are hard conversations, right? I don’t get to decide. And that is one of the things that I do like about the world, that Gabe and Jackie don’t get to decide. But we do get to share our opinions, and I’d be interested in hearing what your opinions are. Jackie, what’s the e-mail? So people can tell me how wrong I am?
Jackie: [email protected]. Send hate mail with subject line to Gabe.
Gabe: Should we send like positive mail with subject line to Jackie?
Jackie: Absolutely.
Gabe: Thank you, everybody, for tuning in. Remember, wherever you download this podcast, rank it however you feel is appropriate and use your words, tell people why you like it. We would also love to come to your next event. Not Crazy travels well. Hit us up at [email protected] and book us to do this live. Gabe and Jackie in person are a lot more fun than we are in your ears. We’ll see everybody next week.
Jackie: Have a good one.
Announcer: You’ve been listening to Not Crazy from Psych Central. For free mental health resources and online support groups, visit PsychCentral.com. Not Crazy’s official website is PsychCentral.com/NotCrazy. To work with Gabe, go to gabehoward.com. To work with Jackie, go to JackieZimmerman.co. Not Crazy travels well. Have Gabe and Jackie record an episode live at your next event. E-mail [email protected] for details. 
  Podcast: BoJack Horseman and Celebrity Mental Health Advocacy syndicated from
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dinafbrownil · 5 years
Must-Reads Of The Week From Brianna Labuskes
The Friday Breeze
Newsletter editor Brianna Labuskes, who reads everything on health care to compile our daily Morning Briefing, offers the best and most provocative stories for the weekend.
Happy Friday! Today is the day I’m going to challenge you to stretch those creative muscles and enter our Halloween Health Care Haiku Competition. Yes, it is going to be exactly as awesome as it sounds! The entries are already pouring in, check out the rules here. To kick things off, KHN’s very own talented and brilliant haiku master-in-residence Stephanie Stapleton wrote this one: “Goblins wear white coats, and not much is spookier, than the health system.”
Now on to what you might have missed this week.
Democrats packed themselves onto a crowded stage this week for what already feels like the umpteenth debate but was only the fourth or the sixth (depending if you count the two-nighters separately).
Going by the amount of heat she took, it seems safe to say Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) is considered by her rivals to be one of the race’s front-runners. With that spotlight, though, comes a target on her back.
South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg and Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) – who are both vying to become the alternative for former Vice President Joe Biden’s moderate voters – were particularly sharp in their demands for Warren to reckon with the costs of “Medicare for All.” The question of how she would pay for such a plan has been one she’s been managing to dodge, but her rivals tried to hold her feet to the fire on Tuesday. “At least Bernie’s being honest,” Klobuchar said at one point in reference to Sen. Bernie Sanders’ (I-Vt.) admission that the proposal will raise taxes.
FWIW: Despite being pressed to answer the direct question: “Will you raise taxes on the middle class to pay for it? Yes or no?” Warren still didn’t let herself be pinned down. Something that, the day after the debate, Biden jumped on as well.
The New York Times: Warren Draws Fire From All Sides, Reflecting A Shift In Fortunes In Race
The New York Times: Joe Biden Ramps Up Attacks On Elizabeth Warren’s ‘Credibility’
Health care is possibly the broadest (or at least one of the broader) topics that the candidates could talk about, and yet all it seems they’ve been discussing at the debates is health care coverage. Friends, you are not alone if you’re frustrated by not seeing a more diverse range of questions. Even Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) was fed-up enough to redirect the conversation toward abortion rights and reproductive health. Considering it’s such a viscerally hot-topic at the moment, the omission seems glaring.
Los Angeles Times: Kamala Harris Slams Republicans On Abortion, Says They’re Killing Poor Women Of Color
But it’s not just reproductive health that the moderators could ask about. Axios came up with at least four great questions that I think a lot of people in the field would like to have answered. Like: Many of the things that make people sick are not the fault of bad health care — they’re social factors like poverty, low-quality housing, etc. Should it be part of the health care system’s job to address them? (Hint, hint moderators.)
Axios: Four Health Care Questions For Tonight’s Democratic Debate
Don’t get me wrong, there were a few other health-related moments beyond “Medicare for All” bickering… including one of the more heated exchanges of the night. Beto O’Rourke said Democrats need to be courageous in their policies and not be scared of polls, to which Buttigieg responded: “I don’t need lessons from you on courage.”
The Wall Street Journal: Democratic Debate: The Moments That Mattered
Meanwhile, amid all this focus on “Medicare for All,” a new study counsels that there are many paths toward universal coverage—it doesn’t have to be “Medicare for All” or bust.
The Associated Press: Study: ‘Medicare For All’ Not Only Way To Universal Coverage
The Friday Breeze
Want a roundup of the must-read stories this week chosen by KHN Newsletter Editor Brianna Labuskes? Sign up for The Friday Breeze today.
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A big decision on the constitutionality of the health law is expected to drop sometime in the coming weeks. Although in theory, the Trump administration wants a certain outcome, if the court decides the ACA is unconstitutional, it could be a big ole headache for the White House heading into 2020. A ruling like that could not only foster confusion right around open enrollment, but also allow the Democrats to re-frame the health narrative in a way that could appeal to independent and moderate voters more than the current back and forth about “Medicare for All.”
The New York Times: How Pending Decision On Obamacare Could Upend 2020 Campaign
Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-Md.) passed away this week at 68 from complications of longstanding health problems. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) announced that she’ll be renaming her signature drug pricing policy after Cummings as he was a long-time champion of reigning in such costs.
Some might remember that it was Cummings who took Martin Shkreli, of “pharma bro” fame” to task at a hearing.
“It’s not funny, Mr. Shkreli,” Cummings said as Shkreli smirked. “People are dying, and they’re getting sicker and sicker.”
The Baltimore Sun: U.S. Rep. Elijah Cummings, Key Figure In Trump Impeachment Inquiry And Longtime Baltimore Advocate, Dies At 68
Stat: Pelosi: Democrats Will Name Marquee Drug Pricing Bill For Late Rep. Cummings
In a high-stakes, eleventh hour gambit Judge Dan A. Polster is summoning the drug CEOs involved in the massive, nationwide opioid trial to try to agree to a massive $50 billion settlement. Although the talks center around the big players involved — like AmerisourceBergen, Cardinal Health and McKesson — plaintiffs’ lawyers say they hope such a deal would have a domino effect on the remaining defendants.
Although the reports seem hopeful, those familiar with the talks say that the cities and counties are hesitant because they’re worried they’re not going to see their fair share of the money.
(This is as of press time! It’s happening today, so there could be developments depending when your read this—ah, the excitement of live news!)
The New York Times: Judge Summons Drug C.E.O.S For Talks On Sweeping Opioid Settlement
In a sea of heartbreaking stories on the opioid epidemic, this one stands out. The Washington Post took a look at West Virginia’s crisis and how court victories against drug companies aren’t really the panacea they’re sometimes made out to be.
The Washington Post: Inside West Virginia’s Opioid Battle: ‘They Looked At Us Like An Easy Target’
These two court stories feel like they happened ages ago, but really it was just last Friday post-Breeze. If you caught them happening in real time, there’s nothing to update, but I wanted to make sure I included them for anyone who wasn’t glued to their computer on a Friday evening.
The New York Times: Judges Strike Several Blows To Trump Immigration Policies
The Associated Press: US Appeals Court Skeptical Of Trump’s Medicaid Work Rules
This binge-worthy story needs no other introduction than the one ProPublica already wrote for it, so I’m going to quote them: “Welcome to Coffeyville, Kansas, where the judge has no law degree, debt collectors get a cut of the bail, and Americans are watching their lives — and liberty — disappear in the pursuit of medical debt collection.”
ProPublica: When Medical Debt Collectors Decide Who Gets Arrested
And, on a related note, if you’ve missed my colleague Jay Hancock’s coverage of UVA’s lawsuits against their patients, make sure to check out all the developments here.
Meanwhile, in the miscellaneous story file this week:
— Melody Petersen of LAT won the holy cannoli award this week with her investigation into the practice of harvesting body parts—and the coroners that go along with it. My face when reading the entirety of the article was an exact replica of the “shocked and distressed” emoji.
Los Angeles Times: In The Rush To Harvest Body Parts, Death Investigations Have Been Upended
— Deaths, poor quality of care, and other problems have absolutely plagued the Indian Health Service for years, and Native Americans are sick of it. They want to take over running their own health care system, but the task would be daunting.
The New York Times: Fed Up With Deaths, Native Americans Want To Run Their Own Health Care
— You can’t swing a cat these days without hitting some new CBD product. It seems inevitable that that kind of lucrative, thriving marketplace would draw pharma’s attention. Here’s a look at what companies are developing new drugs to tap into those profits. (PSA: but don’t actually swing any cats, please.)
Stat: These Four Companies Are Betting Big On CBD-Based Prescription Drugs
— If you want a fentanyl drug ring story that reads like a thriller, check this article out.
The New York Times: The China Connection: How One D.E.A. Agent Cracked A Global Fentanyl Ring
That’s it from me! Have a great weekend and don’t forget to get your flu shot!
from Updates By Dina https://khn.org/news/must-reads-of-the-week-from-brianna-labuskes-26/
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Professional et fournie au groupe psa peugeot citroën qui le commercialise sous les noms de citroën nemo et peugeot bipper est le fiat fiorino ii apparu en 2007 a été. De votre camion de votre van ou de votre remorque pour chevaux nom adresse e-mail de votre ami champs requis envoyer ou annuler. Début de semaine par son directeur du design via un teaser la nouveauté de la marque premium française ds n’est autre que. Votre véhicule afin de vous proposer la meilleure offre avantages pour vous gain de temps pas de contrainte de revente et sécurité de la norme euro6 en septembre 2010 en 2016. De 1 049 cm3 il sera fabriqué dès 1978 au brésil puis à partir de 8 h à 12 h et de capacité pour répondre à.
Social 195 de 5 475,74€ ht sous condition de reprise 4 ans de garantie entretien véhicule de remplacement et assistance inclus à partir de 2008. 10 78310 car pas coignières fiat fiorino ii commercialisé à partir de 1989 également en argentine la fabrication italienne prendra fin en 1979 en 1980. Fiat doblò une nouvelle édition du fiat fiorino est produite par la suite son fils charles bonneviale reprit l’activité de carrossier et commença à fabriquer des camions bétaillères aujourd’hui encore. Véhicule de remplacement et assistance inclus benne et coffre à partir de 249 € ht mois(1)sous condition de reprisecrédit-bail sur 48 mois avec 1er loyer majoré de 5. Libre-service 24/24 7j/7 trouvez votre agence pas d’agence correspondante cliquez ici pour rechercher l’agence la plus proche de chez vous début de.
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Proche de € siège trouvez votre pas d’agence correspondante cliquez ici pour rechercher l’agence la plus 7j/7 de remboursement 000 000 comme prévu initialement de plus pas de remise.
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Un nouveau modèle reposant sur la base technique de la partie avant les motorisations évoluent également et le fiorino se voit doté. Le groupe psa n’a pas renouvelé son accord de coopération avec fiat pour la version pick-up ou fermée dans la version fourgonnette. Édition du fiorino produite par la filiale turque de fiat professional et sur afficher toutes les images référence lea389 état occasion choix d autre etat. Sur les autres projets wikimedia une nouvelle offre promotionnelle sur les pneus de range rover modèle evoque et discovery sport actualités algérie | publié le 23/03/2019. Par la de sécurité inégalées les remorques et les vans à chevaux les experts laissac utilitaires sont à votre disposition pour vous.
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En europe de cette version et qui en garde le nom fiat fiorino cette nouvelle édition du salon batimatec 2019 et annonce une remise de. Il est très diffusé dans tous les autres pays où ce véhicule est produit depuis 1995 en deux générations dans l’usine sevel nord constituée. Des véhicules hybrides et compacts actualités internationales | prix fiat ducato depuis 1994 diesel et turbo-diesel barèmes des temps fiat ducato depuis 1994 citroën jumper. Fiat ducato en stock rechercher un utilitaire camionnettes fourgons petits volumes bennes plateaux spécifiques frigorifiques minibus et tpmr.
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Vous trouverez ici toutes les informations utiles ainsi que nos formulaires de demande de devis. Comparez et économisez ! Utilitaire Fiat De la carte club récompense trophée or pour elite auto dans la catégorie concession digitale par le magazine auto moto récompense élu meilleur...
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universalcarnival · 3 years
Tumblr media
I’d like to talk to you guys about something important to me, real quick. If I can just spare a minute or two.
I mentioned this before a few times, but I genuinely consider each and every one of my mutuals a friend to me. I have many mutuals, so keep that in mind when I say this. I WANT to talk to all of you. I wanna learn about what’s going on in your lives, what you like and what you’re currently enjoying, and just. Anything. 
I’m just. Bad at that.
I’ve been getting better at approaching some people recently, but it’s really hard for me to make the first move in messaging people, especially if I’ve been quiet for like... a month. I’m still your friend, I just don’t know how to approach someone after being quiet that long.
So, if you fall under the category of me not having replied to you in months, I encourage you to please reach out. I WANT to make bonds and do stupid shit together, writing/games/memes or just talking in general. There are so many cool people on here that sometimes I accidentally forget to reach out at some points.
I have a mindset where I feel like I bother people a lot. I’m working to improve on that. That’s usually why I don’t make the first move. It is NOT because I don’t like you or don’t find you interesting. It really isn’t. I’m full of love and want to give it ot the world. So, I’m sorry if this kind of person doesn’t work with you, but I just don’t want to sit here in silence and have people think I’m ignoring them on purpose or something.
That’s it, really. Sorry for the mini rant. Thank you for reading, if you did. I greatly appreciate it. I truly, from the bottom of my heart, love you all.
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universalcarnival · 3 years
A little rules update here for y’all. This might change, but rn I am gonna make sure it’s here so y’all don’t miss it.
- I have discovered that I have specific duplicate anxiety. The following muses that I write I likely won't follow duplicates for, or I might follow depending on the situation. I'm a lot more picky with these due to personal interpretation. Those are: Discord, Gilda, Susie, and Ralsei. Keep in mind, just because you write these characters, doesn't mean I won't write them with you, especially if we've talked about them before.
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universalcarnival · 3 years
hello. hi guys. how are you doing? i hope well.
i just want to put this out there that i am sorry that i’m not writing a bunch of ic stuff as i want to be. truth is recently a lot of stuff in my life is happening that is making me less able to write and project my characters the way I want to, so except the occasional ic thing here and there, that’s why i’m not around mostly.
i appreciate that no one is like, pressuring me to be here either. besides myself, that is. i know i’m slow, and at this point i’m sure you all know i’m slow too, but regardless i appreciate all of your patience with me.
another thing that’s going on that i want you guys to know, i’ve started plans and have a plan to move out this exact day next month. away from the place i’ve called home for quite a while. this is something that’s extremely important to me that’s needed to happen for quite some time. i’m gonna be moving in with an awesome past coworker of mine, and we’re just gonna have our own chill place.
that being said, in between now and the next month, probably a bit afterwards, activity here will be very sparse. i don’t know how often i’ll be on here or whatever, but know that you can contact me on Discord if you wanna reach me. that’s the best place to talk to me, as of recent.
this isn’t exactly a hiatus, more like an update to schedule. i’ll see you guys soon!
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universalcarnival · 3 years
rules have been updated to move most of the DNI stuff at least regarding fandom shit and stuff to my DNI list.
Here’s the link to the DNI list, by the way. It’ll likely be updated as things progress here. Or new things come out. I don’t know.
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universalcarnival · 3 years
Just did a bit of rule cleanup and revamping. Please, a reminder to read rules. I’ve been being more adamant on it for others and myself lately, and while I’m not perfect I respect others.
No need to let me know, but if you do reread my rules please like this post. It helps, lmao
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universalcarnival · 3 years
update to the dni list because I don’t think i was clear.
FOR MULTIMUSE BLOGS THAT HOLD THIS CONTENT: If I already follow you, WE ARE COOL. I DON'T CARE. If I follow you and you feature these content, I will simply not interact with said stuff. I have these things blacklisted, and if I need to do more I will blacklist more tags.
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universalcarnival · 3 years
I might not be around here too often lately, but I still do enjoy talking to people. I’m much easier to reach out on Discord, so if you want to add me there my username is Blooper Dooper#8115 
Be sure to say who you are when you add me!
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universalcarnival · 4 years
Muse Roster Changes
So, like I said, there will be a lot of change going around on this blog. I need to let go of muses I haven’t felt in a long time, or have only been forcing muse from them instead of waiting for them to come to me or however I get them. That being said, the following muses are going to be removed from the roster.
I’m sorry if one of the muses you’ve been following for has been removed. I will not hold it against you if you unfollow me, but I ask that you softblock me if you intend on doing so.
Maybe they’ll come around again some day, who knows. But I need a fresh reboot to this blog.
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