#Peace Miglow
seenalready13 · 3 years
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I want to thank @grilledsquids for the amazing work on Cortney's best friends Peace Miglow on top and Axel Gallivancer. Hero costumes on the left and normal on the right.
Peace's quirk is Fire dragon slayer, Axel's is data reader.
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seenalready13 · 5 years
Can I ask who's Cortney's best friend?
That would be Peace Miglow, her fiery friend that she’s known since elementary school. The future head of the Miasma agency, a yakuza clan turned hero agency. 
The friendship first started when Peace forced Cortney to be her bodyguard, Peace was determined on this and followed Cortney until she said yes. It did have its advantages as Cortney now had a place to train, one day Peace challenged Cortney to spar with her and during the fight Peace’s quirk awakened and set the place they were fighting in ablaze. 
Cortney then had to knock out Peace and get her out the burning building, which also gave Cortney the scar on her arm. 
Somewhere through it all, they became best friends. Being best friends with Peace gave Cortney a very interesting childhood including another near-death experience. 
Peace is on her way to becoming a hero with Cortney.                        
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seenalready13 · 5 years
What do you feel inspired you to make Cortney, meaning her Quirk, appearance, and backstory?
God, it’s been almost two years since Cortney creation, so bits and pieces are going to be missing.
It first started when I wanted to write a fanfic, and I needed a character so I guess that where Cortney first came to be. 
I based her personality using bits of myself and wanted her to a tough, heroic female that doesn’t back.
Her quirk, I forgot where I got the idea from, it wasn’t from Yang’s semblance since I wasn’t into rwby then, so it’s lost on me. The pink skin and steam part came when I wanted to give her quirk something flashy, Kim is the embodiment of Cortney's strong spirit and anger and is something past through the family. the name from Viking warrior's love of battle and never going down and she based her hero costume on them.      
Her appearance though, that’s where Kannra comes in, I had an idea on what Cortney looked like, but it was only where Kannra drew Cortney that’s when everything came together. And she had some influence on Cortney, she was the one that gave Cortney her red highlights, and the one that pointed out Cortney was albino, I didn’t know. Also fun fact, the reason her last name is Tan is because everyone her mother side tans really easily, so it common for her carry a black umbrella when she’s out for more than an hour.       
Her backstory just kinda happened, I wrote and that’s how it came to be. Her best friend Peace Miglow came in the picture when I wanted something to happened during Cortney’s childhood and she was the one that gave Cortney her scar. Her family is the same way.       
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seenalready13 · 5 years
Peace Miglow Profile
Name: Peace Miglow • Gender: Female • Age: 15 • Birthday: October 10th, 20XX • Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual • Occupation: Student • Height: 165 cm • Weight:168 lbs. • Hair Color: Blonde • Hair Type: Straight • Eye Color: Orange on the bottom and slowly turn Red going up.   • Skin Color: Cream with a light hint tan • Nationality: Japanese • School: U-A High School • Year: Year 1, Class B • Distinguishing Features: Her yellow gauntlets on her arms. • Personality: Playful and kind of an airhead when it comes to education, but has a more serious aura to her. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Hero Profile
• Alias: Igneel's Daughter • Hero Name: Ever Burn • Costume: a light Purple scarf, a sleeveless Gold trimmed, Black waistcoat with a giant zipper, a Black cloth around her waist reaching her knees, held by a leather Brown belt with an oval-shaped silver buckle. Two ammo pouches on Yellow utility bags, White knee-length trousers with light Blue ribbon ties and open-toed sandals. • Quirk: Dragon Slayer • Weapons: Arm-mounted shotgun gauntlets. (Basically an exact copy of Yang’s from RWBY)   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
• Name: Dragon Slayer
• Description: Peace secretes a substance from her skin that is very flammable to air and use it to light herself on fire, she has control over when the substance is ignitable, anything Peace will not burn, also increases her strength a little bit.
• Strength: Peace is immune to all fire even explosions, can regain stamina by eating fire. Peace’s flames will not spread unless she wills it to, her flames can currently reach 4,000० Celsius. After her internship with Endeavor, Peace learned how to with her quirk, but can’t carry someone.
• Weaknesses: Her quirk has no ranged potential except shooting it out her mouth and flames are limited to just her skin. Overuse of her quirk will put her into a state her friends call Burn Out, while burned out Peace will almost act drunken until she eats fire.    
•Age when it appeared: Seven
• How it activated: Her quirk first activated during a fight against her best friend Cortney, Peace burned down part of her family complex.  
Super moves
• Grand Flash- Peace fires a round out her gauntlet generating a bright light to blind someone.
• Fire Dragon Born United: Peace needs her quirk active to use this move. Peace fires both her gauntlets at an opponent which fuse into one powerful attack.
• Fire Dragon Roar: Peace takes a deep breath and unleashes a wave of fire from her mouth, she can interact with this mid-attack. Examples: By cupping her hands Peace can focus the attack into a small beam to only hit one thing, or attack a much wider area.
• Fired Up- Peace puts her quirk to the limit and turns her flames blue, the drawback is that this quirk will quickly burn through her reserves and leaving her burned out.   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Hero Stats: Power: 5/5 A Speed: 3/5 C Technique: 3/5 C Intelligence: 2/5 D Cooperativeness: 5/5 A
Fighting Stats:
Leadership: 4/5 B Physical Strength: 3/5 C Stamina: 3/5 C Observation: 4/5 B Agility: 3/5 D Mental Strength: 3/5 C Willpower: 3/5 C
• School Uniform: The normal U.A uniform with no modifications • Normal: Peace prefers clothes based around and/or have an actual fire theme • Winter: A thin jacket and gloves ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
• Likes: Eating fire, spicy foods, and guns. • Dislikes: Baths, or being soaked in generally • Habits: Banging her fists together when activating her quirk, being obvious to the heat.   • Fears: Watching her friends die in front of her.
• Family: Amallie Hydro (Mother), Kurou Miglow (Father) [Married to Amallie], Hina Koharu Hayashi (Mother’s bodyguard) • Romantic Interests: Katsuki Bakugo (Boyfriend) • Allies: Cortney Tan, Pony Tsunotori, Axel Gallavancer (Friends and teammates): • Physical Weaknesses: None   • Mental/Emotional Weaknesses: Ever letting her flames go wild again
• Before her quirk activated, Peace had pink hair like her mother but it was burned blonde.
• Peace’s mother is the head of the Miasma Clan, a peaceful gang organization that controls the last remaining gangs in Japan, they work like a community center helping people out, but use their quirks without licenses. They're currently switching on becoming a hero agency. 
• Due to Peace fire immunity, a side effect is that she is unaffected by spicy foods, people have to be careful when Peace for a bite of her food as she can eat something spicy enough to kill someone.  
• She was supposed to run the Clan after High school but became a hero instead due to Cortney.
• Peace hand-makes all her ammo, which currently is Buckshot and slug shells.  
• She is secretly much smarter than she looks when it comes to combat. She is as smart as Deku when it comes to combat information gathering and knowledge.
• One day during lunch in Junior high, Bakugo bumped into Peace and knocked to the ground and fought later and won. After the fight Peace unknowingly fell in love with Bakugo and she asked him out. They've been going out ever since then.
• Her house is so big that it is a tree reserve.
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