chromchill · 9 years
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What can I say? I really like butts =//u//=
This is kinda of a response to that thing that Nom did recently = u =
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kadesdb · 9 years
dad the ded dud
so many dad jokes i love this
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dragon-bunz · 9 years
What does gender really even mean? I just can never fully understand. Like, if we were to eliminate gender roles and the existence of "girl" things and "guy" things (like so many of us aim to do), what else is there? If everything were to be made gender-neutral, would gender identity just be arbitrary? Isn't feeling "masculine" or "feminine" just based on stereotypes? I don't intend to sound belittling or anything, I just really don't get it. Anytime I try to think about this, I just get lost.
Gender is kind of a weird concept to explain when you think about it as a term like that. I’ve done some thinking on it though, so it’s not a belittling question, its something that I see people getting confused about a lot.
The dictionary definition of “gender” is  “the state of being male or female (typically used with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones).” 
There’s a post somewhere that helped me understand “gender” a bit better, that basically said something like: “destroy gender roles, not gender identity”.
So if you think about it, it’s absolute bs that a girl should be shamed for wanting to play with an iron man toy or for a boy to be shamed for liking the color pink. THAT’S the way gender roles should be taken away. Even if we keep saying something is more “masculine” or more “feminine”, there’s no reason for it to be so “wrong” for people to LIKE THINGS. I hope that makes sense. 
Things should be gender-neutral in the sense that things are just that: things. Nothing is made SPECIFICALLY for boys or girls. You like what you like. If a boy likes playing with dolls, it shouldn’t make people freak out. The boy likes dolls. So what? 
When we get into gender IDENTITY though, it’s different. A trans-male will be more comfortable presenting as male, but you can still be a trans man and enjoy feminine THINGS. It’s more about how you present, in that case.
Even if we keep gendering THINGS, it would be pretty harmful for trans people (including nb folks), because if you’re trans...then what, should you only use the things that are “made for” your gender? And what would that mean for nonbinary people? They can only like both? Or they can’t like anything?? That’s ridiculous!
So yeah, basically: THINGS shouldn’t be gendered, and PEOPLE should only be gendered only by the gender THEY identify and feel comfortable with. Gender is a thing for PEOPLE, not things. THINGS don’t decide your gender, and people of ANY gender can enjoy ANY THING. And no one deserves to be shamed for liking something as simple as a COLOR. 
Going back to that first definition though, “the state of being male or female” can also include for example, not feeling male or female (agender) or feeling more than one (genderfluid, bigender) or feeling more one than the other (demigirl/boy), or strictly male or female (cis OR trans). In that way though, it’s also why genders you see on tumblr, like people identifying as a cat or a plant are really strange. 
It’s still a weird concept, but that’s basicallly how I’ve thought of it. 
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asexuallalligator · 9 years
I have at least three friends (one guy, two girls) who are all asexual, in addition to myself. One of the girls refers to us as her fellow ace cult members.
You have a whole SQUAD, that’s awesome! 
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rarilight · 9 years
I'm usually more of a Twidash guy, but I will totally agree that those scenes are very suspiciously Rarilighty. =3=
Pepci, there comes a time in every unpopular shippers life where they get so desperate they see shipping in everYTHINGAlthough, more than Rariight, I think the animators are just noticing that Rarity and Twi’s color scheme goes pretty well.
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dragon-bunz · 9 years
2011 was the end of 8th, beginning of 9th for me... ew
it was the end of 11th and beginning of 12th for me
my school years are easy to keep track of cus they match the year lmao
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dragon-bunz · 9 years
oh gosh you actually are smol, that's adorable
no you have to fear me im a dragon
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dragon-bunz · 10 years
whatever imagines your dragons
whatever gagas your lady
im laughing at that one because what even
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dragon-bunz · 10 years
are you saying you want a.... gayng
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dragon-bunz · 10 years
Do NOT listen to that fucking asshole. We love you, Twizz.
i gotta go to bed
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dragon-bunz · 10 years
poobpcoob-sooboobs.... apparently B or a vowel followed by another vowel yields boob
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dragon-bunz · 10 years
OH IS IT LOVE TWIZZU TIME? OKAY you're an awesome artist (duh) and I really look up to you, both as a fellow artist and as an all around cool dood
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dragon-bunz · 10 years
Oh it's love time? Twizzu, you are pretty much my favorite modblog and one of my few senpais. Just thought I'd throw that out there.
awwwwa wlehfdlfhklsf thank you ;u;
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