#Percival Beaumont
storyofmychoices · 2 years
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SpreadJoy #659: spreading positivity with quotes and @playchoices characters.
Quote in edit by Charlotte Freeman
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Duchess Hana Lee
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Who else thought it was bull that Liam didn't name Hana as a duchess? She would make a far better duchess than mc, imo. In my hc, when Liam rewards MC with duchy Valtoria, he also rewarded Hana with a duchy of her own! The same duchy that House Aster owned centuries ago. I thought Hana was more Aster than Rosario and Everhart.
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manyfandomocs · 4 months
📅 + every Bridgerton oc?
Arabella: April 27, Taurus (or January 16, Capricorn if I decide the reason Arabella and Leticia look the same is that they’re twins lmao)
Harcourt: May 13, Taurus
Leticia: January 16, Capricorn
Percival: February 12, Aquarius
Sampson: December 2, Sagittarius
Theodosia: July 10, Cancer
Send me 📅 + an OC and I’ll tell you when their birthday is
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belencha77 · 1 month
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¡Maldita sea! Esto va a explotar en cualquier momento. No puedo soportar más estar encerrada en este lugar, atrapada en esta oscuridad tanto física como emocionalmente. ¡Desearía poder salir de aquí! De repente, Maxwell aparece detrás de Bertrand, curioso por saber qué está ocurriendo. Sus ojos se encuentran con los míos, llenos de preocupación.
|| Bertrand, ¿sabes cuáles son las últimas noticias? Encontré a mi hermana || exclama Drake, y tanto Maxwell como yo intercambiamos una mirada inquieta. Drake no puede estar a punto de revelar el secreto.
|| ¿¡Lady Savannah!? || La boca de Bertrand casi cae al suelo, pero rápidamente se recompone y se aclara la garganta || ¡Oh, vaya! Esa es una espléndida noticia... Supongo que ella está bien… ¿No? ||
|| Claro que está bien, pero no vengas ahora como si te importara || responde Drake con sarcasmo, alejándose de Bertrand con una mueca de ira. Puedo notar que está tratando de contenerse, y realmente se lo agradezco.
|| Pero claro que me importa, Drake. A todos nos importa. Su desaparición fue un misterio || replica Bertrand.
|| ¿Quieres saber algo más, Bertrand? Ella me confesó todo lo que pasó entre ustedes dos || dice Drake, acercándose más a Bertrand, enfrentándolo cara a cara || ¡Ella estaba tan enamorada de ti! ¿Cómo pudiste dejar que se fuera con el corazón roto? ||
Bertrand me mira, notando la preocupación en mi rostro, y luego dirige una mirada confusa hacia Drake.
|| Drake, yo traté de alcanzarla… Te juro que la busqué, pero Savannah se esfumó… ||
|| Pero no se esfumó para todos, Bertrand, porque Maxwell sabía dónde estaba || exclama Drake con rabia, mientras Maxwell deja escapar un grito de sorpresa.
|| ¿MAXWELL?... ¿Cómo es eso posible? || responde Bertrand asombrado, volviéndose hacia Maxwell con indignación y acercándose a él. Maxwell intenta retroceder, pero Bertrand lo atrapa en el proceso. Maxwell lo mira con temor || Maxwell Percival Beaumont… Dime que este hombre miente || exige Bertrand, pero Maxwell no encuentra las palabras para explicar, mientras la ira de Bertrand se intensifica.
|| Este… yo… || balbucea Maxwell, claramente nervioso, y antes de que pueda pensar en algo, Drake interviene.
|| Para que lo sepas, Maxwell tuvo el corazón para apoyar a mi hermana, y eso es más de lo que tú hubieras hecho || Drake se acerca a Bertrand con una mirada amenazante.
|| Pero no entiendo, ¿apoyarla? ¿De qué hablas, Drake? || pregunta Bertrand, visiblemente confundido. Maxwell lo mira y responde nerviosamente.
|| Mis “gastos excesivos” … La mayoría del dinero iba para Savannah ||
|| Bueno, es un alivio saber que no lo gastabas en cosas ridículas... Pero… no entiendo. Yo no sabía que ella estaba en necesidad... necesito saber por qué le enviabas dinero. ¿Qué fue lo que pasó? || Bertrand mira a Maxwell y a Drake, su rostro una mezcla de preocupación y confusión. Drake exhala lleno de enojo.
|| ¡NO LO SÉ! Tal vez porque necesitaba ayuda para criar a tu hijo ||
|| ¡¿Drake?! || exclamamos tanto Maxwell como yo. Nuestros ojos se agrandan al escuchar sus palabras. Comprendo su enojo y tiene todo el derecho a sentirse así, pero no debería haber revelado el secreto de su hermana. La situación se complica aún más. Drake me mira y lágrimas brotan de mis ojos mientras niego con la cabeza, pero ya es demasiado tarde. Ha soltado un secreto que no le correspondía divulgar. Bertrand retrocede un paso, casi perdiendo el equilibrio.
|| ¿Un... un hijo...? ¿Tengo un hijo? || Su mano se aferra a la mitad de su rostro, lleno de sorpresa y espanto || ¿Savannah estaba embarazada? Pero yo no lo sabía... Drake, tienes que creerme || Sus ojos suplican a Drake || Yo no lo sabía ||
Mi corazón se hunde más en la tristeza y sinceramente no estoy segura de cuánto más puedo soportar esta noche. Intento agarrar el brazo de Drake para sacarlo de allí, pero él se aparta de mí y se acerca de nuevo a Bertrand con pasos largos y decididos.
|| Claro que no lo sabías... || dice Bertrand, su voz llena de una mezcla de incredulidad y resignación || Savannah me dijo que le diste un largo discurso sobre cómo ustedes dos NUNCA podrían estar juntos ||
|| No entiendes, Drake... La última vez que la vi, lo que le dije fue por otra razón, no por el embarazo... Las cosas no fueron así... Ella debió haber entendido mal ||
|| ¡NO ME VENGAS CON ESA MIERDA! || La voz de Drake retumba en el espacio, casi un rugido de frustración, y la gente alrededor comienza a notar nuestra presencia. Con rapidez, Drake se lanza hacia Bertrand y lo agarra por el cuello. Suelto un grito agudo y me precipito entre ellos, desesperada por detener lo que parece inevitable.
|| ¡Drake, por favor! || imploro, intentando contenerlo mientras Bertrand, con los ojos entrecerrados, no muestra intención de escapar.
|| ¡Tú le rompiste el corazón! || exclama Drake, pero cuando intento rápidamente tocar su brazo para separarlos, él me empuja sin escucharme.
|| Porque ustedes, los nobles, piensan que pueden jugar con nosotros, los plebeyos, y desecharnos cuando se cansan o creen que no somos suficientes para ustedes. Pero, aunque no quieras, ¡tendrás que responder por ello! || Termina diciendo con notable furia en los nudillos, que se vuelven blancos por la presión de su mano.
|| ¡DETENTE, DRAKE! || grita Maxwell, saltando para contener la mano de Drake.
|| ¡QUÍTATE DE MI CAMINO, MAXWELL! || responde Drake con intensidad.
|| Basta, Drake || grito con fuerza, pero él parece estar completamente transformado. Ni siquiera me mira ni escucha, así que decido gritar con toda la intensidad que puedo: || ¡DRAKE, DETENTE! || Finalmente, logro captar su atención. Las lágrimas corren por mi rostro, pero mi voz permanece firme || ¿Crees que esto es lo que Savannah querría? ¿Verlos pelear entre ustedes? ||
Drake baja la mirada y abre la boca como si fuera a hablar, pero luego decide callarse.
|| Por supuesto que no le gustaría... || interviene Maxwell, con los ojos vidriosos por las lágrimas. Sebastián se mueve rápidamente para interponerse entre Drake y Bertrand.
|| Esto fue suficiente. Todos afuera || ordena Sebastián.
|| Gracias, Sebastián || responde Bertrand, ajustándose el abrigo y sonriendo || Ya era hora de que restablecieras el orden aquí ||
|| Esto incluye a usted, Su Excelencia... || agrega Sebastián, agarrando el hombro de Bertrand.
|| ¿Qué? ¡Pero si yo no he hecho nada malo! || reprocha Bertrand.
|| Quizás no, Su Excelencia, pero este incidente ya ha causado suficientes disturbios. ¿Realmente necesitan avergonzarse más frente a la mitad de la corte? || Dijo Sebastián. Rápidamente escudriñé a mi alrededor y noté los susurros entre los hombres, claramente sobre lo que acababa de suceder. Los ojos de Liam se encontraron con los míos, llenos de preocupación y confusión. Me miró con tristeza, pero rápidamente aparté la mirada y negué con la cabeza, sintiéndome avergonzada. Honestamente, me siento humillada por la escena que hemos creado; si no hubiera insistido en venir esta noche, esto no habría ocurrido.
No logré obtener las respuestas que necesitaba; esta noche fue un completo fracaso. Drake intentó tomarme del brazo, pero me solté bruscamente, mirándolo con ira. Necesitaba salir de allí, no podía soportarlo más.
Con determinación, me alejé del bullicioso club, encontrando mi camino hacia el solitario estacionamiento. Cada paso resonaba con la furia que ardía en mi pecho, mis ojos centelleando de rabia contenida. Drake, con la mirada llena de preocupación y remordimiento, salió tras de mí, tratando de alcanzarme antes de que me alejara demasiado.
Mis pasos resonaban en el pavimento mojado por la lluvia reciente, mi respiración entrecortada por la mezcla de emociones que me empujaba hacia la salida. El ambiente en el estacionamiento era tranquilo. Drake, con el ceño fruncido y el corazón latiéndole con fuerza, finalmente me alcanzó entre los coches.
|| Brown, espera || llamó, su voz llena de urgencia y remordimiento. Me detuve, girándome hacia él con los ojos centelleantes de furia contenida.
|| Déjame en paz, Drake || espeté, mi tono cortante y lleno de dolor. Drake vaciló por un momento, sintiendo el peso de mis palabras, pero luego dio un paso adelante, decidido a enfrentarme.
|| Maldita sea, Brown... Lo siento... fui un completo idiota || murmura Drake con pesar en la voz.
|| Drake, ¿qué rayos te pasó? Jamás te había visto comportarte así. Sé que han sido días muy difíciles, pero no se justifica tu comportamiento. ¿Cómo se te ocurre contar un secreto que no te corresponde? || exclamo con decepción y tristeza. Mis emociones están a flor de piel, pero me esfuerzo por mantener la compostura.
|| Lo sé, Brown. No debí decir nada y no tengo excusas... Yo... yo lo siento || responde Drake, su voz apenas audible mientras evita mi mirada.
|| Sé que lo sientes, Drake, pero debes tratar de controlar tus emociones. ¿Qué dirá Savannah al saber que se lo dijiste a Bertrand? || pregunto con un tono cargado de preocupación y reproche, buscando una respuesta que explique lo inexplicable. Drake agarra con sus manos sus cabellos sosteniéndose la cabeza.
|| No sé qué vaya a decirme… Qué decepción. Todo ha salido mal. Es desalentador saber que las personas en quienes confías te traicionan. Primero los Beaumont, luego Sebastián, y ahora yo decepcionaré a Savannah... Maldición, ¿podemos confiar en alguien aquí? || exclama con frustración, apretando los puños.Me acerco a él, un poco más calmada, tratando de comprender su reacción y sus sentimientos.
|| Tranquilo, Drake, no te preocupes. Lo hecho, hecho está. Será mejor volver || digo con tristeza, intentando consolarlo.
|| Si quieres, te acompaño para dejarte, pero yo no quiero volver aún || me dice con firmeza, mirándome a los ojos.
|| ¿Y a dónde quieres ir? || pregunto, intrigada por su decisión.
|| A un bar donde hay muy buenas bebidas, pero sobre todo, donde no habrá ni un solo noble. Ahí es donde iré || responde, y lo miro con preocupación. Nota mi expresión y añade || Brown, entiéndeme… Necesito escapar, quiero estar lejos de este mundo de dos caras y de todas sus malditas mentiras ||
|| Drake, ¿crees que huir mejorará la situación? || pregunto, con una mezcla de curiosidad y preocupación. Él solo levanta los hombros sin darme respuesta || Sabes qué, en ese caso, yo voy contigo. Me vendría bien un poco de tiempo para respirar también. Parece la cura perfecta para todo este drama ||
|| ¿Estás segura? || pregunta, sorprendido por mi decisión.
|| Completamente || respondo con firmeza, y su expresión se ilumina con una chispa de esperanza.
Ambos entramos en la limusina, y Drake le da la dirección al conductor para que nos lleve. Mientras nos dirigimos al bar, siento que, a pesar de todo, estamos juntos en esto y que, de alguna manera, encontraremos una salida a esta tormenta de traiciones y decepciones.
Momentos después, llegamos al Highlander Scottish Pub. Al entrar, el ambiente cálido y acogedor del lugar nos envolvió. Las paredes de madera oscura estaban adornadas con cuadros de paisajes escoceses y estanterías llenas de botellas de whisky. La tenue luz de las lámparas colgantes daba al bar una atmósfera íntima y relajada. Un grupo pequeño de clientes conversaba animadamente, y una suave música celta se escuchaba de fondo.
Nos sentamos en una de las mesas junto a una ventana con vista a la calle adoquinada.
|| ¿Has venido antes? || le pregunto, admirando el entorno.
|| Algunas veces, cuando me he quedado en Paris || responde Drake, ya mucho más relajado.
|| ¿Lo encontraste en una de tus expediciones en solitario mientras Liam se encontraba atrapado en fiestas elegantes? || bromeo, intentando aligerar el ambiente.
|| Así es, además me he acostumbrado a estar solo... Este bar es excelente para encontrar una bebida de calidad, que es justo lo que necesito. Además, sé que ningún noble se atrevería a entrar aquí, por eso es mi favorito || comenta Drake quien se dirige al camarero con elegancia y dice en francés fluido: || Une bouteille de whisky et deux verres, s'il vous plaît || mientras hace un gesto al camarero y ordena en excelente francés una botella de whisky. El camarero asiente con cortesía y se retira momentáneamente, regresando poco después con la botella de whisky y dos vasos. Drake toma la botella con decisión y sirve el licor en ambos vasos con destreza, mientras una sonrisa satisfecha se dibuja en su rostro. Al probarlo, el aroma exótico del whisky llena mis sentidos, trayendo consigo una calidez reconfortante || ¿Y qué opinas del sabor? || pregunta Drake, observándome con interés.
|| No puedo negarlo, está delicioso || respondo, sonriendo sinceramente.
|| Sabía que te iba a gustar... El whisky es una de las mejores bebidas, y de hecho, las bebidas son un lenguaje más universal que la comida. Solo hay que saber qué es lo que uno quiere y te lo servirán || explica Drake, balanceando el licor en su vaso con una expresión reflexiva y una mirada de complicidad || Aunque disfruto de mis aventuras en solitario, aprecio mucho que me acompañes y no me dejes solo, Brown ||
|| Drake, no necesitas agradecerme. Ojalá hubiera estado aquí antes para hacerte compañía... Cuando lo dices así, parece que no disfrutabas mucho de estar solo || comento con curiosidad e incertidumbre.
|| ¡Vamos, Brown! No empieces a sentir lástima por mí. Aunque también me hubiera gustado que estuvieras aquí antes || responde Drake mirándome fijamente y haciendo que baje la mirada. No sé por qué me siento nerviosa || Demonios, estaba bien por mi cuenta antes de que aparecieras || añade con un tono algo áspero.
|| ¿No me digas que te estoy causando problemas, Señor Walker? || pregunto burlonamente para aligerar el momento incómodo mientras sostiene mi mirada.
|| Pues déjame decirte que estoy aquí para quedarme un buen rato, y lamentablemente vas a tener dificultades para deshacerte de mí || exclamo, pero su mirada sigue firme en la mía.
|| Supongo que no es tan malo tenerte cerca de vez en cuando, y en cuanto a deshacerme de ti, Brown... creo que nunca lo haría || responde con certeza Drake.
|| Gracias || respondo sonrojada mientras coloco un mechón de cabello detrás de mi oreja, notando que Drake me observa fijamente por un momento antes de apartar la mirada. Decido rápidamente cambiar de tema || Dejando todo el drama de esta noche, debe haber sido un gran alivio encontrar a Savannah después de todo este tiempo. Aunque juzgando por lo que sucedió con Bertrand, supongo que has estado pensando bastante en ello ||
|| Honestamente... || exclama apretando el vaso || Ojalá pudiera dejar de pensar en eso, pero no puedo. En efecto, es un alivio haberla encontrado, pero me he preocupado por ella todos los malditos días desde que desapareció y nunca dejé de buscarla. Y enterarme de que la respuesta estaba delante de mis ojos duele... Pero más que dolerme que Maxwell supiera dónde estaba, me duele que ella no quisiera contármelo ||
|| Drake, sé que esto apesta, pero es lo que Savannah pidió. Trata de ponerte en su lugar. Tal vez solo quería evitar un problema mayor o evitar una pelea como la de esta noche || respondo, tratando de consolarlo. Drake simplemente alza los hombros y mira su bebida. Toco ligeramente su hombro, haciendo que me mire.
|| Tal vez tengas razón. Pero odio que ella pensara que necesitaba protegerse de mí. Sé que no siempre soy la persona más fácil de llevar... || comienza a decir, pero lo interrumpo rápidamente.
|| ¡Muy cierto, eh! || exclamo riéndome mientras tomo un sorbo de whisky || Tus actos explosivos no es que sean de gran ayuda || Él me devuelve una media sonrisa y pone los ojos en blanco mientras niega con la cabeza || ¿Contarle tú mismo sobre su hijo a Bertrand? Savannah va a matarte || añado.
|| Tienes razón. ¡Mierda! Ella va a sentirse fatal, pero no pude controlarme… Me gustaría pensar que podría haber estado ahí para ella de alguna manera, pero después de esta noche, siento que no puedo confiar en nadie || dice Drake con frustración.
|| ¿Hablas de Sebastián? || pregunto, y Drake asiente con la cabeza || Lo lamento, sé que él era como familia para ti ||
|| ¡Maldita sea! || exclama Drake, bebiendo el resto de su bebida y pasando el dedo por el borde del vaso || No es solo que estuvo con nosotros cuando éramos niños. Cuando mi padre murió, Sebastián lo dio todo. Se convirtió en el pilar de nuestra familia, incluso reemplazando a mi madre en muchos aspectos. Pensé que siempre podría contar con él. Y ahora descubrir que está involucrado en el complot contra ti... es una traición indescriptible. No entiendo cómo pudo hacerme esto después de todo lo que hemos pasado ||
|| Lo siento mucho, Drake || digo con sinceridad, estirándome a través del espacio entre nosotros y apoyando mi mano en su brazo.
|| Yo también, Brown, yo también lo siento… Aprendí hace mucho tiempo que no podía confiar en ningún noble, pero al menos teníamos a Sebastián cuidándonos desde adentro. ¿Y ahora? Pensé que lo conocía, y resulta que está involucrado en el complot contra ti. Maxwell ayudó a esconder a Savannah y Bertrand es el padre de mi sobrino… ¿Ves por qué no puedo confiar en nadie? || pregunta Drake con amargura.
|| Drake, no creo que hayan querido lastimarte a propósito. Sé que todo esto es difícil, pero quiero que recuerdes algo importante || digo, pero Drake me mira con confusión. || Quiero que sepas que estoy aquí para ti. Puedes contar con eso. No importa lo que pase, prometo estar para ti ||
De repente, su mirada se ilumina, aunque sus ojos están llenos de súplica.
|| ¿Lo prometes, Brown? || me pregunta.
|| Lo prometo… Además, ¿por qué crees que estoy contigo ahora? || le respondo con una sonrisa.
|| Tú… Tú significas mucho para mí, Brown. Muchas gracias || Drake levanta su mano y retira un mechón de cabello de mi frente mientras nos miramos fijamente. Luego, parpadea rápidamente, quita su mano de mi rostro y aclara su garganta || ¿Sabes? Me tranquiliza que sigas a mi lado a pesar de mis arranques y arrebatos ||
|| Siempre me quedaré a tu lado, Drake. Alguien tiene que hacerlo. No iba a dejar que pasaras esta noche deprimido y solo || Sirvo más whisky en nuestros vasos y levanto el mío || Declaro oficialmente prohibido todo drama cortesano hasta mañana. Esto es un bar y no vamos a desperdiciar el tiempo ||
|| Entonces eso significa… ¿Más tragos? || pregunta Drake con una chispa de emoción en los ojos.
|| Exactamente, y mucho trago. Pero podemos aprovechar el momento y jugar... ¡un juego de bebidas! || De repente, siento el efecto del alcohol aumentar en mi cuerpo cuando todo comienza a calentarse a mi alrededor.
|| No, no puede ser, Brown… No quiero ningún juego ||
|| ¡Vamos, Drake, anímate! ¡Ni siquiera sabes de qué se trata el juego! ||
|| Ya tengo la sensación de que estás a punto de explicármelo, ¿verdad? || dice con una sonrisa resignada.
A pesar de todas las bebidas que Drake ha tomado, parece mantener la cabeza fría mientras la mía empieza a dar vueltas.
|| Así es, mi querido caballero… El juego se llama… ||
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@tessa-liam, @kingliam2019, @choicesficwriterscreations
If anyone else wants to be tagged, just let me know. I hope you enjoy this wonderful love adventure.
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alj4890 · 1 year
Can't Take My Eyes Off of You
(Maxwell Beaumont x Olivia Nevrakis) in a Choices The Royal Romance Crackship AU
Song Inspiration for Series: Can't Take My Eyes Off of You by Lauryn Hill
Song Inspiration for Maxwell: Dance Alone by Blanks
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July twenty-fourth.
That date would always be special. Frankly, there was no better day of the year save for Christmas and New Year's. Maybe a birthday, but nah. July twenty-fourth was the day to celebrate.
At least, that was what Maxwell Beaumont thought.
Ever since he was a little boy, that particular day of the year was the event of his life. It was the one day where he used all his boldness and wild planning to shoot his shot. It was the one chance he took to win what had become the Holy Grail of Women.
He used that particular date each year to get Olivia Nevrakis to realize he was her true love.
It really was all her fault. He'd been a little boy, minding his own business, when she'd done something so incredibly awesome that he couldn't help but fall head over heels for her.
She, the coolest swords woman he'd ever seen in his seven years on this earth, gave him a sword.
Granted it was wooden, because who in their right mind would give a seven year old a real one, no matter how badly he longed for the ones at Ramsford? But still, she gave it to him. Not Liam. Not Drake. Him. Maxwell Percival Beaumont received a sword similar to her own Zenobia.
"Whoa!" He held it as if she'd handed him something incredibly precious. "Does it have a name like yours, Libby?"
"Uh huh." She beamed at him for knowing that swords should. "It's called Diavolos. He was Zenobia's brother.''
"Cool." He breathed, giving it a few practice swings.
She then placed her little hand over his to help guide him in a proper form.
Maxwell hadn't thought anything about her doing so. After all, she was his friend. They touched all the time playing together. But, Drake had seen them and began to taunt them.
"You'll get cooties, Max!" He shouted while running past. "Don't let her touch you!"
Olivia glared at him. Her sword trembled in her fist as she jerked her hand from Maxwell's. Color bloomed on her cheeks over being caught touching a boy of all things.
"Come on." She ordered, stomping further into the hedge maze. "We can practice over here."
In what would become a way of life for him, Maxwell eagerly followed her all while ignoring what anyone else said or thought about it.
Five years later...
"Effulgent?" Liam tilted his head as he read all that Maxwell had written.
"Yeah! Her smile is radiant! It always makes me feel like I'm glowing." Maxwell told him.
"Who is this for?" Liam asked.
"Oh." Maxwell's face flushed a bright red from the tips of his ears down to his neck. "Just um, someone."
"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to." Liam added.
"No, it isn't that I don't want to. It's just, well, she's special to me." Maxwell admitted.
"She must be." Liam flipped through the pages of poetry his friend had created.
"Do you think she'll like it?" Maxwell asked.
Liam glanced up at his friend's hopeful expression. "I don't see why she wouldn't. Most girls seem to love poetry."
"She isn't like most girls." Maxwell muttered. "She isn't like any of them."
He fought against his doubts. It was July twenty-fourth, after all. This was the day to give her something special he'd spent weeks on. That poem would show her that his heart was not only true, but also hers.
Liam handed it back to him. "Good luck."
"Thanks!" Maxwell beamed at him. "I'll let you know if it works!"
He dashed out of the prince's chambers and hurried off to find Olivia.
Thirteen years after that poem...
Maxwell took a long, deep breath then slowly released it.
"This is the year."
"You are correct." Bertrand grumbled. "This is the year everyone finds out that we are ruined."
"That's not what I meant." Maxwell grinned at him. "Good things are going to happen this year for us. I can feel it!"
Bertrand humphed. He couldn't feel anything but dread over the world finding out what a failure he'd been as a duke.
"Lady Bethany called. She refused our sponsorship."
Maxwell shrugged. "We'll find someone."
"How?! The season starts in three days! We won't find any decent woman to represent House Beaumont!" Bertrand shouted.
"Maybe we'll find someone indecent." Maxwell teased.
"Maxwell!" Bertrand pinched the bridge of his nose and took a few deep breaths. "I don't have time for your foolishness."
"Look. We'll be fine." Maxwell wrapped his arm around his brother's shoulders. "I promise we'll find a way out of this. Besides, Liam already has more women than he knows what to do with."
"I'm not as worried about Liam as I am our reputation." Bertrand grumbled. "I have no doubt with all the ladies taking part in this that he'll find the perfect queen. What will people think about us not having a suitable option for him?"
"Hold up." Maxwell's eyes widened. "All the ladies of the Court are participating in this?"
"Everyone that's single." Bertrand's brow furrowed. "What's wrong?"
"Oh nothing." Maxwell slumped down into a chair. "Just my whole world and future crumbling right before my eyes."
"Your whole world? What are you talking about?" Bertrand demanded.
"It's no big deal." Maxwell got to his feet. "I um, I have to go call Drake. We plan on taking Liam out for a bachelor party before all the craziness commences. Want to come along? It'll be like old times."
"No thank you." Bertrand began to head towards his study. "I've got some things here that require my attention."
Maxwell waited until the door was shut before he fell back in his chair. His mind whirled with the possibility of Olivia not only being a choice for Liam but in her actually being chosen.
"Who wouldn't pick her?" He mumbled to himself.
He rubbed his hands over his face. His only hope was that Liam would fall in love with someone. There was a good chance he might, especially if some new ladies were added to the mix. Then once the prince chose someone else, the field would be wide open once more for Maxwell to try again.
He usually waited until the twenty-fourth to go big.
Maybe I should mix it up this year. Instead of throwing everything I got on that one day, why don't I do something each day that makes her notice me.
They would be stuck together at all the upcoming events. Though she'd be there for Liam, it didn't mean that she couldn't have her attention stolen away from the prince every now and then.
Maxwell had never once been subtle with his crush. He thought Olivia appreciated blunt honesty, and maybe she did. Maybe if he wasn't overtly professing his undying love, it might shake her up some and want to know why he wasn't pursuing her like crazy.
He grinned to himself as a plan began to take tentative shape.
This is it! This is the year where she'll finally admit I am her perfect match.
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angelasscribbles · 2 years
Star Crossed: Epilogue
 Series: Star Crossed
Fandom: The Royal Romance
Pairings: Riley x Drake, Liam x Maxwell
Rating: G
Warnings: none
Word Count: 377
My other stuff: Master List.
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Crown Princess Eleanor Rys ran down the hallway followed closely by her younger brother Prince Alexander.
Riley sidestepped them as they nearly collided with her, giggling and shrieking as they chased each other through the palace.
“You okay there?” Drake laughed softly as reached out to steady her.
“I’m fine.” She replied as she watched them disappear around the corner.
She was the biological mother of both of Liam’s biological children and she loved them dearly, but Liam and Max were their parents. She and Drake filled more of an aunt and uncle role in their lives. She had willingly donated her eggs and let a surrogate carry them.
“I’m just surprised Jax and Jace aren’t right behind them.”
“Spoke too soon!” Drake chuckled, pulling her closer to him as his son Jaxon rounded the corner followed closely by Jace.
Riley and Liam had come clean about their arrangement in an exclusive interview with Ana De Luca a year after Constantine’s death. There had been some grumbles from the older, more conservative members of court, but for the most part, the public didn’t care, as long as they were good rulers. And they were.
Jax had been conceived after both of Liam’s biological children were born and cemented into the line of succession.
Liam had asked Riley for one more egg and she had been happy to donate again. This time, to be combined with Max’s sperm.
Prince Jason Percival Beaumont Rys had been fully and legally adopted by Liam, giving him two legal fathers. It had been precedent-setting for Cordonia and most of Europe.
“You sure you’re okay?” Drake asked, dropping his hand to her stomach.
“Yes, baby girl Walker and I are both just fine.” She told him before tilting her head back for a kiss.
“Okay then. Let’s get going,” he guided her down the hall, “Liam and Max are waiting and we’re going to win game night this time!”
Riley giggled. Liam and Max always won, but that didn’t stop Drake from being competitive. “Leo and Liv are coming too, right?”
“Yes, and Bert and Sav. Also, Hana and Madeleine.” He shuddered a little. That was still a pairing that he would never understand.
“Perfect!” Riley chirped.
She meant it.
Everything was perfect.
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harleybeaumont · 2 years
Bye, Bye, Bye
A silly Maxwell drabble where Max bleaches his hair. Written for @maxwell-beaumont-appreciation​ week
Day 1: Monday, January 23rd, Maxwell Appreciation Day: Appreciation and Headcanons! Tell us what you love about Maxwell, and/or tell us your headcanons. This can take the form of a fic that highlights it, artwork that depicts it, or even a simple list!
What do I love about Maxwell? The list is endless lol, but I’ll name a few things. I love his honesty, his playfulness, and how he is able to turn any situation into a good time. He loves with his whole heart and even though he doesn’t like confrontation, he defends those he cares about to the end. Maxwell Beaumont is unashamedly himself (unless he’s around Bertrand) and adorably naive to what others think about him.
(Also check out this edit done of Maxwell’s sprite!)
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Maxwell bleaches his hair-
-30 year old Maxwell stands in front of the mirror, considering. 
-Sure.. this is going to piss off Bertrand, but it's also going to look totally badass. 
-He’s been wanting to do this since he saw an NSYNC concert in grade school. It’s finally time. 
-He opens the box and mixes up the bleach and god it smells awful. 
-He rolls up his sleeves and gets to work, painting the bleach mixture all over his dark brown hair until his head is completely covered and itching like crazy. 
-I hope this doesn't make my hair fall out. 
-After he rinses and shampoos his hair a few times with purple toner, he looks in the mirror and his jaw drops. 
-He looks like a boy band member from the 90’s and IT. IS. AWESOME!
-For the final touches, he adds some sculpting cream and spikes his hair. 
-Just call me Lance FUCKING Bass. 
-That night, Maxwell throws open the doors to let in the guests for the annual Beaumont Bash.
-Everyone freezes, simply staring at him
-Bertrand rounds the corner, face pale from shock, before it turns a deep shade of purple
-”Maxwell Percival Beaumont!” is shouted loud enough to shake the walls.
-Max spins and runs out of the room but not before shouting..
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trrvisuals · 1 year
My Characters
Riley is always my MC, but I have given her different last names and different middle names in different stories. All of my character's personalities vary from story to story. And Riley is perhaps the most variable of them all.
All of the Riley Campbell Chronicles: Riley Beth Campbell (after her mother Elizabeth)
Savage Love: Riley Amalas Brooks (after her aunt, the queen of Monterisso)
Star Crossed: Riley Renee Brooks (after her grandmother)
Face Claim: Barbara Palvin
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Liam is almost always an LI for my Riley, if he's not with Riley, I pair him with Maxwell. In most (but not all) poly fics, she is married to Liam. Occasionally he's in a throuple with either her and Max or her and Drake.
I've written Liam as understanding of her torn feelings about him and Drake and as more jealous of it. I've written him as sweet and innocent and I've written him as possessive and controlling.
In the tradition of most royal houses, I have given him (as well as Leo and any of his children) multiple middle names.
Liam Nicolai Ulysses Augustus Rys
Face Claim: Daniel Henney
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Drake is almost always a LI for Riley as well, either as a rival for her affections or in a poly situation with Liam. Her relationship with him is often (but not always) a secret even when all involved are in a CNM situation, due to concerns about scandal.
I've written Drake everywhere from completely no jealousy in him to murderous jealousy over her and everything in between. Depends on the tone of the story I'm going for.
I've given him the middle name of Nolan, after one of the greatest pitchers of all time, Texas Ranger Nolan Ryan. His son is almost always named Jackson or Jaxon after his father.
Drake Nolan Walker.
Face claim: Daniel Di Tommaso
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I created more boards for him during Drake Walker Appreciation Week. Here they are:
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Max is a wild card. I've written him as her best friend and I've written him as her lover. There are a few one-shots where she and Max end up exclusive but I really love him with her and Liam as a throuple.
When not with Riley, I've paired him with Liam and once with Savanah. I also have two boards for him because I created a new one for Maxwell Appreciation Week.
Maxwell Percival Beaumont.
Face claim: Xavier Serrano
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Rashad is not a LI in canon, but I went ahead and made him one in Bad Romance and was surprised at how many people enjoyed his character and his relationship with Riley.
Canon didn't give him a last name, so I did.
Lord (and eventually Duke) Rashad Faheem
Face claim: Manish Dayal
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Leo really became a more filled-out character for me when I wrote him in Bad Romance Disney Adventure. I have only paired him with Riley once so far and it was in the past tense. I have almost always put him with Olivia until it occurred to me to put him with Drake and I'm shocked at how much I love that pairing.
Leonardo Tiberius Constantine Fabian Rys
Face claim: Trevor Donovan
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Hudson Rys, Leo's eldest child, who is forever salty that his father's life choices robbed him of being king.
Face claim: Jesse McCartney
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Olivia, aka Liv or Livvie to her close friends and family. I have paired her with Leo multiple times and once with Hana so far.
Olivia Vanderwall Nevrakis
Face claim: Karen Gillian
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Kiara Theron. Sometimes romantic rival for Drake's affections. Twice I have married her to Gordon Price, the prime minister of Terrana. I have yet to write how that comes about, but one of these days maybe lol.
Face Claim: Aja Naomi King
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Hana Lee. I have paired her most often with Riley. I have put her with Lena a few times. I have made her aromantic. I have given her a fling with Penelope. In my Drake x Leo universe, I paired her with Olivia. I have never paired her with a man other than Liam. I have made her queen twice. In Dark Elf she is escorted to social events by Rashad, but she hates it and only does it to appease her parents so they leave her alone and she can focus on her true objectives.
Face Claim: Angela Yeung Wing (stage name Angelababy)
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phoenixrising0308 · 2 years
Wacky Drabbles: Time of your life
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Books: The Royal Romance 2
Rating: M (18+) Sexual situation and adult themes.
Trigger Warnings in this chapter: None
Pairing: None
Wacky Drabble A/U: This story exists on its own and may or may not be a part of their journey together. Traits, personalities, and characters are all the same. Some canon characters may appear but in a different manifestation and by no means exist in that form in Agent Phoenix A/U this is not meant to be anything other than an A/U onto itself. Catch up on the wacky drabbles here.
The Wacky Drabbles from @emceesynonymroll​ prompt “Me? Scared? Never.”
Chapter Summary: Jessica returns to Ramsford to get ready for the Engagement tour
Song inspiration: I've had - Bill Medley, Jennifer Warnes
Word count: 2,265 according to google. As always forgive my typos and grammatical errors.
Average reading time: 8 minutes
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Beaumont Estate -  Maxwell’s dance studio
“This is fucken stupid!” Jessica shouted back in frustration.
“Blossom, come out, Maxwell said pleadingly, trying desperately to diffuse the situation.
“Fuck this, I am done!” Jessica yelled before she began to sob. The sound filled the Beaumont dance studio.
Maxwell ran to the changing room door and said, “Blossom, I hate when you cry but we can’t work on your dance moves from the changing room. Please! Pretty please with a cherry on top and a hand full of sprinkles!”
The doorknob turned and Jessica slowly opened the door, wiping away her tears. Jessica was dressed in her ‘Take it to the Max’ dance shirt, tights, and dance shoes.
“Now that this tantrum is over, let’s start again.” Bertrand shouted with frustration in his voice as he walked over to the sound speaker and pressed play.
And the song began to fill the studio.
“Now I’ve had the time of my life
No, I never felt like this before
Yes I swear it’s the truth
And I owe it all to you”
Maxwell started to mambo over to Jessica in the corner of the room.
“Lady Jessica, mambo to Maxwell”  Bertrand ordered. Jessica sighed and she started swaying her hips to the music, starting to mambo.
Maxwell and Jessica met at the center of the room. He held in his arms and dipped her effortlessly. Keeping in time before returning to the mambo steps.
“Blossom, salsa side steps, you know this!”
Jessica began to salsa sidestep and said, “My people created Salsa.. if I couldn’t do it my parents would be rolling over in their graves.”
Maxwell smiled and said, “ Well this makes the job easier.”
“So this is our plan to get Liam to notice me?” Jessica muttered, not feeling confident in the plan.
“We speak through dance Jessie,” Maxwell assured with a grin.
“I will be damned if we do not go down without a fight! There will be a Beaumont Queen!” Bertrand shouted as Maxwell and Jessica picked up the pace.
“Bertrand, this whole thing is about Liam noticing me and maybe seeing if he misses me or something like that,” Jessica said as she looked at the ground.
“Blossom, this is my box and that’s your box. Stay in your box.” Maxwell lightly scolded, his teaching the opposite of his brother’s aggressive side.
Jessica dramatically creased Maxwell’s body, Maxwell repeated the move on Jessica and put her into a half turn. He whispered “Ready?”
“I’m ready.”
Jessica danced backward as did Maxwell.
“I want to see that Goddamn lift! Maxwell Percival Beaumont. That Blonde-haired barrier is stiff as a rod! You have hips, Lady Jessica, use them!” Bertrand shouted, scowling at the dance.
Jessica ran to Maxwell and jumped, Maxwell, lifted her into the air effortlessly as Jessica struggled to keep her legs straight.
Bertrand walked over and got closer. “Lady Jessica…You look like you are a squid without water trying to get back in the ocean flapping about! Tighten that core!”
“Squeeze that New York apple bottom,” Maxwell added.
Jessica squeezed and was able to maintain her posture. Maxwell slowly let her down.
“Good job Blossom!”
“That was sloppy again.” Bertrand scolded with a frown.
“Bertrand, I got it! Why are you being so a fucken asshole?! I have been in Bertrand boot camp for a month! I know all the forks… and spoons. I can speak wine like a snob. What else is there to learn?! How to have a stick up my ass?! Because the clear winners here are Regina and Madeline!”
Jessica felt tears stinging her eyes again. “I want to go home, forget it! Liam doesn’t love me. He probably doesn’t even want to hear from me. Thanks to that fuck face Tariq. I totally will dick punch him when I get the chance. Why did I let you talk me out of going home?!”
Bertrand walked over and put his hands on the shoulder and shook them “Pull yourself together.”
“Jessie, maybe we should just have fun? He is my friend but it doesn’t always have to be about him.” Maxwell assured.
Jessica bit her lip and nodded her head.
“Alright…But only if the Sergeant silverware isn’t going to yell at me every 5 seconds!”
Bertrand scoffed, “I’m simply instructing you on how to properly carry yourself. You’re a Beaumont now, your image is our image. I-”
Maxwell interrupted him, “Bro… it could be worse. She is getting it. Maybe you should just sit this one out? Blossom is a quick learner and everyone learns differently…Maybe she’d do better if she didn’t feel like she was being judged?”
Bertrand let out an offended huff. “Fine. If you think you can teach this New Yorker how to be proper nobility better than me, be my guest Brother.” He scowled as he folded his arms.
Maxwell beamed as he went back to the stereo, turning it on again.
“This time, pretend it’s just you and me having fun!”
Jessica eyed him skeptically, her eyes looking to Bertrand before Maxwell called her back to attention.
“Eyes on me.” He sauntered over to her, easily gliding and swaying his hips with each step. Jessica slowly eased herself back into their previous dance.
Her hips moved a bit more fluidly as she got into it.
“Woah! That’s it, Blossom!” He cheered her on as they met, spinning her as her legs danced beneath her.
“Alright, take it home!” Maxwell lifted Jessica up, this time, she tried balancing herself. Sucking in her stomach to have better form.
“Ha! See? I knew that would help.” Maxwell smiled as he sat her back down. Bertrand raised a brow.
“Well, you looked slightly less awkward. Nothing to congratulate you on considering your form is still stiff.”
“Don’t worry, you’ll do great. I just know it!” Maxwell said.
Engagement tour Fydelia
Bertrand put his hands on Jessica shoulders “Now go have time of your life! No one slanders the name of our house without a tongue lashing. Or dance routine.”
“Don’t worry, I got this,” Jessica affirmed. “Heck yes! Show them how Beaumont’s do it!” Maxwell said.
The song changed and Maxwell and Jessica nodded at one another, slinking onto the dance floor. Everyone parted as they watched them stand to either side of each other.
At Regina and Constantine’s table
Regina said, “Constantine there are rumors circulating among the guards that Bastien did some research on Lady Jessica maybe more… why?“
Constantine said, “Very well, I wanted to know who this honorary Beaumont is.  She is studying to be a professor of sorts top of her class, a blue-collar family. Her mother died when she was 14 or 15 Ovarian cancer.  Her brothers and father raised her they are the New York equivalent to the King's guard. Her father was shot to death in the street when she was 19. Clearly, she is dazzled by our world she doesn’t fit into it. She isn’t refined like we are she never traveled anywhere outside of the United States before she came here. I am glad I was able to save Liam from the humiliation of a wife that will surely embarrass him with some missed step. Madeline is the perfect fit for Queen she would be doing it now if it wasn’t for Leo so I fixed it. Now she will be with Liam. He will grow to love her or bear it.”
Regina looked at Jessica smiling in Maxwell’s arms as they dance and said, “Well she certainly learned pretty fast look at her.”
Constantine rolled his eyes and said Regina “Survival I suppose. One last hope to marry into nobility. Let Lord Beaumont marry her if he pleases he has affection for her. Or she can just be passed around in court till the men have had their fun with her. Lady Jessica is nothing more than Liam’s lapdog a whore he will grow tired of her as the tour progresses.”
Regina whispered back “Well he is staring at her like a man in love. I don’t think this is a phase, Constantine. He has seemed very sullen as of late perhaps maybe he will come to an arrangement with her? Madeline is not opposed she suggested it.”
Constantine threw his napkin on the table and said, “Whatever gets it out of his system. Liam will exercise caution at all times! There will be no Rys bastard child from that union. Remind him of that! A child won’t be recognized anyway I made sure of that. However, Regina accidents happen all the time. It can happen now, later or when the situation dictates an unfortunate turn of events. I will get rid of it and her one way or another.”
Regina looked at Constantine in shock and said, “Surely you don’t mean-”
Constantine looked at Liam and said, “Regina the less you know the better but talk sense into him we can’t have him pining away for her in public look at him he hasn’t shown any affection towards Madeline and that simply can not be. Liam is in for a rude awakening. I signed several laws he won’t be able to overturn. I made it impossible for him to get out of this and get a divorce. Leo embarrassed me enough people will doubt the monarch with yet another broken engagement. Liam foolishly hangs on to hope and the idea of love. Liam is King and Madeline will be his Queen end of the story.”
Back on the dance floor…
Jessica’s hips swayed to the beat as her feet mamboed over to Maxwell who matched her movements. The whole room watched in interest as the dance partners met hand in hand. Gliding on the dance floor as the song progressed.
Maxwell spun Jessica before pulling her back in to whisper, “You’re doing great Jessie. Bring it on the home.”
Jessica took a deep breath, making her movements as strong and sensual as possible. Knowing damn well that Liam was watching. She leaped into Maxwell’s arms and was hoisted above his head with ease. She lengthened her body and activated her core.
She saw Bertrand give her a confident and proud nod. Right before her eyes met with the man of the hour himself…
“Hm…How…Commonly entertaining.” Madeline gave with a poker face as she danced. Meanwhile, Liam couldn’t take his eyes from Jessica the entire dance.
Liam and Madeline coldly graced the dance floor during their number. Madeline spoke up, “Now Darling, you are staring at her. Remember our agreement. See her if you must but remember who is the wife and who is the whore.”
Liam whispered in Madeline’s ear “I’m not your ‘darling’ and I never will be.” Liam smirked and said, “Whore… you forget my brother was once your fiancé he said you were very easy and actually very dull in bed. He also added it didn’t take much convincing and you gave yourself to him in less than an hour…that’s pretty loose behavior I think.”
“Your brother shared details about my relationship with him? Madeline looked across the room and saw Leo standing across who gave her a cocky smirk and mouth the words to her “Slut.” Madeline turns beet red as she glared at Leo who again flashed a cocky smirk and mouthed “Fuck you.” at her.
Liam laughed and said, “I believe his words were Madeline just laid there and was nothing more thing just a place to stick my dick in. I had to think of someone else to be done with it. That makes you sloppy seconds Madeline. What do you call a woman that sleeps with one brother out of interest and turns around and tries to do the same to the other because it will elevate her social status?”
Madeline whispered back ” Fine so intimacy between us will just serve one purpose to guarantee an heir get your fun elsewhere. Liam she common whatever could you possibly see in her that you can’t grow to see in me?”
“Jessica lights up a room with a smile. I see love and warmth in her. She would do anything to put a smile on my face and she never expects anything in return. She sees Liam the man, not Liam the king. Madeline, you are absolutely frigid and you do nothing without careful calculation.  You have no personality…no spark you maybe noble but YOU are the common one here.”
Jessica and Maxwell finished dancing and walked off the floor, a few nobles clapping at their display.
Jessica turned around and noticed Liam was staring at her and she was just about to smile at him when Madeline noticed they had locked eyes and cupped Liam’s face. Kissing him on the lips just to spite. Liam could see the hurt in her eyes and he was heartbroken and felt utterly helpless.
Madeline grinned and coldly said, “I have the counsel approval and she doesn’t. It’s in your best interest for you to understand Jessica will never really be yours that is unless the commoner agrees to be with you in secret.”
Adelaide clapped and loudly boasted, “Look at this happy couple! Finally, darling, if you didn’t kiss him I would have!”
“Madeline, you are pitiful,” Liam whispered.
Madeline smirked at Liam then said, “Don’t cross me, Liam. She must learn her place. Take what you can which is an affair I will turn a blind eye to. Make me look like a fool and I will go after her.”
Jessica turned face hiding the tears forming in her eyes. They moved off the dance floor with Maxwell and Bertrand walking behind settling in a corner.
Liam’s eyes began to water and he quickly walked off the dance floor and out to the fire pit.
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tincan4 · 2 months
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“As the night turns into day, the world will never been the same.”
Time: 18 hrs
I’m really proud of this :))
Left to Right: Ruth Velbond, Tiny Kitten Goose, Orion Mongrove, Percival Redmond, Ysabeau Beaumont
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identity-library · 5 months
Diverse Sexuality (Web Series)
Acception (Webtoon)
Bo (Aromantic, Asexual)
Casper (Gay)
Iris Bossman (Bisexual)
Always Human (Webtoon)
Austen (Lesbian)
Rae (Aromantic, Asexual)
Sunati (Lesbian)
Brimstone and Roses (Webtoon)
Ava Song (Unspecified WLW)
Beatrice "Bea" Rosario (Unspecified WLW)
Sofia Rosario (Unspecified WLW)
Daisy Brown (YouTube)
Daisy Brown (Lesbian)
Epithet Erased (YouTube)
Arnold Markdown (Gay)
Giovanni Potage (Bisexual)
Howie Honeyglow (Aromantic, Asexual)
Naven Nuknuk (Bisexual)
Percival King (Asexual)
Phoenica Fleecity (Bisexual)
Trixie Roughouse (Pansexual)
Zora Salazar (Bisexual)
Forever After (Webtoon)
Aladdin (Lesbian)
Badroulbadour (Lesbian)
Lea (Lesbian)
Mad Hatter (Gay)
March Hare (Gay)
Rapunzel (Gay)
Robin Jane Brown (Bisexual)
Tank (Bisexual)
Wicked Witch (Bisexual)
Foxglove (Webtoon)
Anna (Lesbian)
Ceridwen (Aromantic)
Einan (Gay)
Elisa (Lesbian)
Feno (Aromantic, Asexual)
Rowan Alberio (Demisexual, Panromantic)
Heartstopper (Webtoon)
Aled Last (Demisexual, Gay)
Ben Hope (Bisexual)
Charlie Spring (Gay)
Darcy Olsson (Lesbian)
Michael Holden (Pansexual)
Nathan Ajayi (Gay)
Nick Nelson (Bisexual)
Sahar Zahid (Bisexual)
Tara Jones (Lesbian)
Tori Spring (Arospec, Asexual)
Youssef Farouk (Gay)
Helluva Boss (YouTube)
Asmodeus (Unspecified MLM)
Blitzo (Pansexual)
Fizzarolli (Gay)
Moxxie Knolastname (Bisexual)
Stolas (Gay)
Leif & Thorn (Web Comic)
Annie Persil (Unspecified WLW)
Clover Estragon (Unspecified WLW)
Cress Fenouil (Unspecified WLW)
Ebony Muscade (Bisexual/Pansexual)
Elisa (Bisexual/Pansexual)
Florian Amande (Unspecified MLM)
Grassie Amande (Unspecified WLW)
Hedge Dubois (Unspecified WLW)
Katya (Asexual)
Laurel Cerise (Bisexual/Pansexual)
Leif of Sønheim (Unspecified MLM)
Marula Boatman (Unspecified WLW)
Matatuhi Kaihanga (Unspecified MLM)
Nigella Badiane (Pansexual)
Pania Kaitangata (Asexual, Panromantic)
Plum Estragon (Unspecified WLW)
Thorn Estragon (Unspecified MLM)
Violet "Vi" Fenouil (Unspecified WLW)
Marble Hornets (YouTube)
Jay Merrick (Gay)
Jessica Locke (Bisexual)
Muted (Webtoon)
Avaline Severin (Bisexual)
Camille Severin (Lesbian + Polyamorous)
Dendro (Lesbian)
Jazmin LeRoux (Demisexual)
Nyra Dupre (Bisexual)
Silvia Severin (Aromantic, Asexual)
Nevermore (Webtoon)
Annabel Lee Whitlock (Unspecified WLW)
Lenore Vandernacht (Unspecified WLW)
Prospero (Aromantic)
Out of the Blue (Webtoon)
Eddie (Gay)
Out With Dad (Web Show)
Nathan Miller (Asexual)
Rose Miller (Lesbian)
Serious Trans Vibes (Webtoon)
Stephanie "Stephie" Bondu (Bisexual)
The Four of Them (Webtoon)
Gaby Marquez (Unlabeled MLM)
Mariel Bemberg (Lesbian)
Marina (Aromantic, Asexual)
Micaela Grillo (Lesbian)
Total Drama Next Generation (YouTube)
Belinda (Bisexual)
Cosmo (Unspecified MLM)
Kate (Lesbian)
Stuart (Bisexual, Male Lean)
Unity (Web Comic)
Juni Melrose (Asexual)
Vindicaris (Tapas/Webtoon)
Arbo (Pan)
Sel (Pan)
Winter Moon (Webtoon)
Florence de Beaumont (Gay)
#Blessed (Webtoon)
Joanna (Unspecified WLW)
0 notes
Lucifarians: A Family Forged: Bios (1980) Everest Norris / Eve Lucifarian
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"I'm going to beat you, and then, I'm going to be better than you."
Full Legal Name: Everest Raleigh Norris
First Name: Everest
Meaning: From the English name for the world's highest mountain, itself named after the British surveyor George Everest.
Pronunciation: EHV-e-rist
Origin: English
Middle Name: Raleigh
Meaning: From an English surname that was derived from a place name meaning either 'Red clearing' or 'Roe dear clearing' in Old English.
Pronunciation: RAH-lee
Origin: English
Surname: Norris
Meaning: Means 'From the north' from Old French 'Norreis'.
Pronunciation: NAWR-is
Origin: English, Scottish
Ring Name: Eve Lucifarian, Envy
Commentary Nickname: Green Eyes
Nicknames: Eve, Ever, Leigh, Lee
Titles: Miss
Age: 22
Gender: Female. She/Her Pronouns
Nationality: Canadian
Ethnicity: White
Birth Date: April 7th 1958
Sexuality: Straight
Religion: Non-Religious
Native Language: French
Known Languages: French, English, Spanish, Italian, German, Polish
Relationship Status: Single
Astrological Sign: Aries
Entrance Music: 'Hanging on the Telephone' - Blondie (1978-)
Voice Claim: Catherine O'Hara
Geographical Characteristics
Birthplace: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Current Location: Unknown
Hometown: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Height: 5'10" / 177 cm
Weight: 140 lbs / 63 kg
Eye Colour: Emerald Green
Hair Colour: White Blonde
Hair Dye: Front Strand Dyed Green
Body Hair: N/A
Facial Hair: N/A
Tattoos: (As of Jan 1980) 4
Piercings: Ear Lobes (Both, Double)
Scars: None
Health and Fitness
Allergies: None
Alcoholic, Smoker, Drug User: Smoker, Social Drinker
Illnesses/Disorders: None Diagnosed
Medications: None
Any Specific Diet: None
Allies: Skull Lucifarian, Ven Lucifarian, Bel Lucifarian, Pat Lucifarian, Cas Lucifarian, Hel Lucifarian, Syd Lucifarian, Bret Hart, Jim Neidhart
Enemies: Moolah, Wendi Richter, Bob Backlund, Hulk Hogan, Lord Alfred Hayes, Hillbilly Jim, Brutus Beefcake
Closest Confidant: Ida Norris
Mentor: Beaumont Norris
Significant Other: None
Previous Partners: None of Note
Parents: Beaumont Norris (53, Father), Ida Norris (55, Mother, Née Weston)
Parents-In-Law: None
Siblings: Montgomery Norris (31, Brother), Sierra North (28, Sister, Née Norris), Elias Norris (25, Brother), Rocky Norris (19, Brother), Moriah Norris (16, Sister), Roland Norris (13, Brother)
Siblings-In-Law: Whitney Norris (30, Montgomery's Wife, Née West), Lambert North (27, Sierra's Husband), Vale Norris (24, Elias' Wife, Née South)
Nieces & Nephews: Aaron Norris (10, Nephew), Tenley Norris (7, Niece), Yale Norris (4, Nephew), Skye Norris (1, Niece), Slade North (7, Nephew), Savannah North (4, Niece), Ross North (1, Nephew), River Norris (4, Niece), Percival Norris (1, Nephew)
Children: None
Children-In-Law: None
Grandkids: None
Billed From: Hellview
Trainer: Skull Lucifarian
Managers: Skull Lucifarian
Wrestlers Managed: None
Debut: 1976 (WWF Debut: 1980)
Retired: N/A
Wrestling Style: Build Up Fighter
Stables: Daughters of Darkness (1976-)
Family Envy (Skull & Eve)
The Killer Barbies (Ven & Eve)
Jealous Lovers (Bel & Eve)
Reality Chic (Pat & Eve)
Want & Desire (Cas & Eve)
The Purely Insane (Hel & Eve)
The Valkyries (Eve & Syd)
Regular Moves: Standing Dropkick, Hangman's DDT, Exploder Suplex, Inverted Headlock Back Breaker, Powerslam, Jumping Knee Drop, European Uppercut, T-Bone Suplex, Give-Up (Diving Crossbody), Green Eyed Grab (Gut Wrench Elevated Neckbreaker)
Finishers: Wheelbarrow Suplex, Give-It-All (Inverted Overdrive)
Refers To Fans As: The Envious, The Envious Ones
Heel or Face: (As of Jan 1980) Heel
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manyfandomocs · 1 year
Bridgerton OC Masterlist
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Name: Ambrose Charles
Fic: Diamond Prince (or maybe Line Without A Hook)
Love Interest: Edwina Sharma
FC: Toby Regbo
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Name: Arabella Kingsley
Fic: I'm Not That Girl
Love Interest: Sampson Lockhart
FC: Meghan Ory
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Name: Arthur Honeyfield
Fic: Love's Sorrow
Love Interest: Francesca Bridgerton
FC: Guy Remmer
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Name: Cecilia Haskett
Fic: Not A Glass Slipper
Love Interest: Eloise Bridgerton & Cressida Cowper
FC: Abigail Cowen
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Name: Darius Peregrine
Fic: Painted Hearts
Love Interest: Benedict Bridgerton
FC: Matthew Broome
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Name: Elizabeth "Betty" Cowper
Fic: What A Girl Wants
Love Interest: Eloise Bridgerton
FC: Bella Heathcote
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Name: Harcourt Dastur
Fic: Line Without a Hook (potentially)
Love Interest: Kate Sharma
FC: Dev Patel
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Name: Leticia Beaumont
Fic: I'm Not That Girl
Love Interest: Colin Bridgerton
FC: Meghan Ory
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Name: Percival Michaels
Fic: Line Without a Hook
Love Interest: Anthony Bridgerton
FC: Jonah Hauer-King
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Name: Priscilla Barrington
Fic: Freedom To Be
Love Interest: Benedict Bridgerton
FC: Alisha Boe
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Name: Sampson Lockhart
Fic: I'm Not That Girl
Love Interest: Arabella Kingsley
FC: Aaron Tveit
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Name: Soloman Dowding
Fic: Heir of it All
Love Interest: Simon Basset & Anthony Bridgerton
FC: Callum Turner
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Name: Susannah Ramsbury
Fic: Lovefool
Love Interest: Anthony Bridgerton or Simon Basset
FC: Mia Goth
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Name: Theodosia Fortescue
Fic: Duty of the Heart
Love Interest: Colin Bridgerton
FC: Lily James
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soldier-requests · 8 months
Hello! I'm looking for some masculine name ideas for a Sniper-kin ; if you want to experiment with making it earth/forest/canine themed that'd be really swag
hello!! wasn’t too sure about how masc some of these names feel, but i hope you find something you like regardless!
there's not as much as i normally end up doing, but it's still quite the list so i put them under the cut 👍.
bo, boe
bushie, bushy
caelum, caylum
cane, kane
dakota, dakoda
denis, denys
fin, finn
finley, finnley
fraser, frazier, frasier, frazer
grey, gray
huntie, hunty
jackie, jacky
kippy, kippie
mossy, mossie
red, redd
reed, reid
rocky, rockie
samsun, samson
scruffy, scruffie
terry, terrie
woody, woodie
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beaumontbasher · 11 months
seeking choices: stories you play rp
i'm a simple gal. this dumb app has me in a chokehold, and i dare to be somewhat creative.
i'm down for most things & i'm happy to discuss with my partner. i'm semi-lit to adv. lit, and i only really ask for decent grammar/punctuation and that you're willing to add fuel to the fire when it comes to building a rp plot.
17+ please. i can do platonic and romantic rps alike. some of my favorite stories (and characters i can write) are: (just ask if you have a specific character in mind)
the crown & the flame:
kenna rys, dominic hunter, val greaves, sei rhuka, raydan lykel, annelyse adair, whitlock, tevan drammir, etc
the royal romance/the royal heir:
mc, "liam" rys, maxwell beaumont, drake walker, hana lee, bertrand beaumont, savannah walker, olivia nevrakis, madeleine amaranth, kiara theron, penelope ebrim, lena rys, etc.,
mc, adrian raines, kamilah sayeed, lily spencer, priya lacroix, gaius augustine, rheya, etc
immortal desires:
gabe adalhard, cas harlow, mc
arthur, lancelot, mc
most wanted:
dave reyes, samantha massey, pretty much any of the side characters
the royal masquerade:
"hunter" fierro, "kayden" vescovi, mc, annalisa, percival beaumont, theodosia nevrakis, cyrus vescovi, renza fierro, etc
if you have a book/character pairing in mind, feel free to ask! those were just a few of the ones that came to mind, but my rps aren't limited to them. i'm cool with canon compliant or divergent. we can also discuss more in dms. hope to hear from ya!
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ULTRAMagic Alternate Character Encyclopedia
Here's the Encyclopedia of Characters in UMAE. Click link and you will be taken to a relevant post about a character. You can read further posts from the point onwards.
All of these are in order of appearance and there are minor spoilers throughout this encyclopedia.
Alphabetical Encyclopedia
ULTRAMagic Prelude:
Blood-Wraith Raynot
Dragoslava Raynot
Desislav Robles
The Seer?
Leif/Tyrant (The Dragon of Old)
Kresimira Raynot
Valentina Pari
Proteus (The Ocean of Old)
The Forest of Old
Auda Willfort
Eleanor Albronda
Chief Sigmund Willfort
Tusk Willfort
The Lich of Old
Vlastimir Bartholomew Dracul
Corentin Marin Schindewolf
The War Machine of Old
Gustav Dahlberg
Sir Odo, Knight of the Unlight
Donia Albronda
Aureolus Schindewolf
The Ferro of Old (Metal Oasis)
Deimos (The Mage of Old)
Duke Radovan Raynot
King Englehart Schindewolf
Barna Schindewolf
The Beast of Old
The Evangelist of Old
The Crimson Abyss
The Screaming God
The Great Unspeaker
Ekaterina Moore
ULTRAMagic Interlude:
Brenna Thompson
Herman Lydon
Cordelia Willfort
Skari Willfort
ULTRAMagic Ultimatum
Duchess Rose Raynot
Thora Willfort
Captain Dusan
Dunja Schindewolf
Councilor Octavius
Councilor Caius
Councilor Theobold
Councilor Regnault
General Drazhan Thornefield
Ivar Thompson
Sven Thompson
Rowena Hayes
Olga Crowe
Mariya Radovich
Andelin Sylvia Lillemor Lindbek (Andelin the Doom)
ULTRAMagic Interlude: Shadowland
Gabriella Pari (Update pending)
Weaver Craddock
Claudius Alfieri
Allan Erkstrom/Albrecht Schindewolf
Prince Folkvar Haugen
Gummi Proch
The Rumbling Beast
Torunn Craddock (Torunn the Mountain)
Timothy Finnegan
Gratiana Arlotti (Gratiana the Glory)
King Sten Haugen
Logan Bonneville
Bjorn Henningsen
Brynhild Henningsen
Delphine, the Discordant God of Desire
Saul Bonneville
Milosh Proch
Sir Wolfgang Bramson
Red-hooded mage
Blue-hooded mage
Green-hooded mage
Spiritus Magni Maxima
Queen Yngvild Haugen
Severin Wheeler
Fyodor Aleksandrov
The Fear of Old
Boris Lazarov
Lucifuge Rofocale
Xavier Dufort
ULTRAMagic Interlude Bonus Chapters
Howard Bowen
Vilho Rinne
Zoltan Tenebrae Raphael Dracul
Morana Dracul
The God of the Abyss
Spiritus Magni Drusa
Tiberius Philipus Skull (ULTRAMagic Scholar)
Barry Esko Boyle (ULTRAMagic Hunter)
Cronus (ULTRAMagic Reaper)
Mal (The Malformed of Old)
The Hunger of Old
Alexia Lavoie (ULTRAMagic Vanguard)
Sir Erling Vang
Stolon's wife
ULTRAMagic Chaos
Chief Magnus Scully
Mainchín "Razor" Scully
Mizuki Kitagawa
Mayhem Highland
General Karnage
Hank Lyon
Ealdhelm the Destroyer
Waltheof the Shield
Cyneberht the Cunning
Osbeorn the Tempest
Beorhtric the Stalwart
Sir Gebhard Vestegaard
Arrogant Mage
The Madman of Old
The Automaton of Old
Wynstan the Storm
Randalph Theoprastus Scarfe
General Raisa Frankenstein
Adelheid, Discordant God of Blood
Ulrich, Discordant God of Gravity
Dr. Alfred Schwartz
Master Aeron
Helga Gertrude Arlotti
Magus Percival Clair Dan Beaumont
Kleitos, Discordant God of Knowledge
Karnage's Servant
Apothecary Gaius
Archibald Wallins
Agatha Allan
Murdoch Allan
Calvin Allan
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