#Persona 5 The gaybreakers
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Don't talk to me or my son or my son's son ever again.
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The main menu screen is all done! :D The info on screen like the date update as well! Most of the menus this leads to are functional, with the exception of Persona and Confidant, so next is drafting the look of working ones while I continue to figure out how make custom scenes.
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Made a collage mock up and inserted it as the menu background so I could figure out the information's placement. Finally getting somewhere with the look...hopefully now I just have to draw it and the first piece of the menu will be done.
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You have no idea what bullshit I went through to get this to animate smoothly in-engine.
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Happy Valentine's day, everyone! Here's a little sketch preview of something you can do in the next build. ;3
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What she drawin'? You'll find out in the next build. ;3
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Didn't get a whole lot of drawing done for this since last month, but there's good news. First draft of the opening cutscenes are nearly done, and confidant outlines are getting there.
I'm going to skip and update again on June 21. I SWEAR I'm not lying when I say those commissions are nearly done, it's just a big project that needs lots of time and attention lol.
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I have been so sick since the last update, so I downed a bunch of nyquil and threw this meme together in one day.
(Un)Happy 2/2 everyone!
(Meme; this will not actually be in the game sdfghjgfds)
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Lately I've been working on the backgrounds and how they'll look. I feel like this thick line art style is quite nice. It's based on the date change graphics from P5 (included below).
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I'm still working on how to approach the coloring. I'm going to do a few studies. Might also do a poll as the next update to get some feedback from the court of popular opinion.
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I'm still working on the new build, but in the meantime I can show off a sub menu I finished a while ago. This is the Persona menu, for checking on what Personas you're currently carrying. It's a lot simpler then in P5, but still necessary to include, I think.
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I haven't gotten a whole ton of art done on my sort-of-hiatus, but a script for a new build was recently finished and beta read!
Otherwise, here are some sketches of some new and improved character portraits (still need to clean up those outlines tho lol).
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Sub menus I finished this week. Option and Close Game were easy to complete.
Stats isn't technically finished because it doesn't change based on the player's social stats yet, but I wanted to get it done visually so I can move forward with something else.
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If you've been keeping up with my recent posts, you've probably noticed there was a mysterious triangle in some screenshots. I'm happy to officially say that the game's control scheme has changed. It's now a point-and-click! You can use the mouse to interact with things! I've wanted the game to play this way since the beginning. I found a great plugin to do it with.
The arrow keys no longer work in standard scenes, though you can still navigate Mementos with arrow keys if you wish. Otherwise, as seen here, you can use the mouse to move around.
I was hoping to show this off in a standard scene before I posted more about Mementos, buuuuut pixel art has been easier to get done as of late, haha.
Last week I was pretty depressed about having to drop some art I spend quite a bit of time on. It was related to the game's cursors. The plugin I'm using has a built in way to change them when hovering over interactables. Long story short, because I'm using pictures for dialogue, they don't work properly. These three are the only cursors that survived in the end.
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Mementos, Default, and the Battle Cursor
Under the Read More are the cursors that were cut from the game. I need to mourn all that lost work somehow.
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The Go cursors are the ones I'll miss the most. I made one for each scene transfer in the game, and there were a lot of them. Sometimes you just have to let it go and move on though. That happens a lot in game dev, haha.
Instead, I plan on doing some color theory on the standard scenes to make it more obvious what the player can select in each scene. I already applied this idea to Mementos, since I knew I would never be using the hover cursors in the area. Everything you can interact with uses cool, bluish colors, to contrast the warm reds that make up everything else.
That's all for now! Next update I'm hoping to get more progress done on finishing the background of a scene. I want to show off a fully functional standard scene sooooo so badly.
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Though it isn't exactly the same, I'm a sucker for a figuring out how I could execute Persona 5's animations in RPG Maker MV. Studies are fun, and a big reason why I've stuck to the project for so long. It's helped me learn a lot about the engine too. I was going to do it almost exactly as it was in P5, but decided instead to reuse the date graphics I already had. It'll reduce the game's overall file size, so I think I can be forgiven.
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Would YOU give him a gift?
Working on items as of late. Just when I get comfortable thinking dialogue is finished, I was forced to realize I forgot to make assets for gift giving lol
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There aren't a lot of new visuals to show off for this update. I received another commission that takes priority over this project. But I've done a good chunk of eventing lately, something that's easy to do when I can't draw at my dayjob.
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I did do a touch more color work though, and I'm nearly done with Café Leblanc. I wanted to make it as obvious as possible what can be clicked on, so I put a white border around the items and used brighter, more saturated colors when compared the background. They kinda look like stickers, and I like it. All that's left for this area are animations. Animating the white borders around characters will probably be a nightmare, but I'm feeling up to the challenge.
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I'm SO CLOSE to getting this area's art done, but I need another day or so to finish the line art and color. So small update today, I thought I'd show everyone how things function in standard areas with the test assets. There have been some touch ups to the dialogue art as well!
I made a post talking about redundancies in the UI after last week's update. Now I've made it so you can select the MENU and MAP UI highlighted in red, or use the right click on the mouse to open the main menu. I'll have a more thorough example of how this all works once I have the café area ready.
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