twilightdreams Β· 3 years
Pharmacist, I am.
I never thought I'd push through with the board exam. But I did, and it was the best decision I've made last November!
Last month was craaaazy. Started with Halloween break where my little girl and I finished watching all Narnia and Pirates of the Caribbean movies. Then on the 3rd, I decided to enroll sa final coaching.
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Now that I think about it, I enrolled 3rd of November and I became a pharmacist on the 3rd of December. Exactly one month!
After enrollment, I wasn't able to attend since I had to prioritize medical school, and it was our midterms from the 8th-12th. Then they said everything is recorded, so I thought ok, catch up na lang.
After exams, I checked the LMS and honestly, I didn't expect each video to last from 3-5 hours. Also drills were 200 items each, but I didn’t take them since the rationale were already discussed in the videos.
I felt weak and I lost all hope. I thought it was already impossible to catch up with everything. I mean, I had a full time job, I'm in medical school, I'm a single mom and I don't have a yaya, and although every single thing on my list is a priority, I couldn't sacrifice the time I spend with my daughter, because she is my number one priority. After all, everything I'm doing is for her.
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Then 14th of November came, and my sister messaged me about the reviewers I wanna borrow from our friend's cousin. I took it as a sign na I should take the exam. Maybe this is God reaching out na don't lose hope and that I can do this. Imagine, I got the reviewers like 11 days before the exam!
I scanned through each of them that day but for some reason, I wasn't able to use them immediately. I tried watching the recordings pa together with work and almost everything haha! I remember, my airpods were stuck on my ears almost all day. I was playing with my kid and listening to the recordings. I was working and listening to the recordings. The only time I didn't was during med classes.
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But I realized final coaching is more of testmanship than review, so I made this schedule. I just randomly typed this on notes before bed, after I prayed. Although I tried my best to follow this sched, I wasn't able to. It was easier typed than done πŸ˜…
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And then 24th of November came and I wasn't done with all modules yet. I haven't even touched 4, 5, and 6. So this time I searched on Twitter transes, and I found this. I purchased all modules, even if I felt like it was no use since one day na lang before the exam but it really helped! I read module 1-3 transes while travelling. Although I skipped the biochem part, and I did regret it a lot. I had the lowest mark on module 2. Then D-day came.
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1st Day (Nov. 25)
I had a rosary (given by mom) inside of my pocket and also an Our Lady of Fatima pocket prayer (given by Lola Lils). Also, each time I didn't know an answer or I panicked, I stopped and prayed.
Of the three modules, I was only really sure that I passed module 1. I wasn't very confident with module 2 especially with the pharmacognosy part. Then module 3, aaah this was the hardest for me. There were so many calculations, I was literally sweating πŸ˜… I was the last one to finish, I think.
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After the exams, I was hoping to study only the remaining transes. But module 4 wasn't available yet. Tough luck right? So I read Katzung instead. But not all of it! Only the tables at the end of each chapter and I just memorized the autonomic nervous system by heart. Also the last names of drugs from common drug categories. The only regret I had was that I slept early and didn't study module 5 and 6.
2nd Day (Nov. 26)
Prayers and rosary, still. Always.
I woke up 4 am and reviewed module 4 before heading out. I really thought this module saved me that day. Since it was the first exam, it felt like my day started out right. Then module 5 was the hardest. I had to eliminate and match every choices since I wasn't really able to study it. I consumed the entire two hours! And after taking it, I ate half a chocolate bar.
Also, for future takers. Don't bring notes, useless lang gid. I tried to bring module 5 and 6 notes hoping I can study in between exams during the break but we were not allowed to go out of the room or study. They were super strict.
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The day after, we were supposed to go home but I had a Pathology long exam at 8am, so we extended our stay.
I felt like crying that day, I don't know. I just felt like I wasn't prepared for anything. Like if I could turn back time, I would've reviewed longer. But then again, I also gave it my best given the situation I'm in.
Then the waiting game began. I prayed, as I did everyday, and hoped for the best. I also visited the church and lit a candle. My faith only grew stronger as I waited.
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Then 3rd of December came, and I still couldn't believe it. After a looooong, craaaaazy, tear-filled and sleepless November, I am finally a Pharmacist by God's grace. He truly works wonders and in mysterious ways. I will forever be thankful and grateful to the Lord. He has done so much for me. He has straightened my path and has truly given me a future despite of my past πŸ˜­πŸ™
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I only really prayed for a 75, but God is so great sobra sobra pa gin hatag ya. Thank you thank you thank you Lord! ❀️
Faith over fear, I say. Faith over fear, amen πŸ™
Special thanks to:
My work supervisor, Mint, and our boss, Harry, for letting me go on leave from Nov. 24-26
My workmate, Gwen, for helping me wrap up work the night before I travelled
My family and kid who always believe in me πŸ₯Ί I love you all ❀️
And to everyone who helped me since day 1 and who prayed that I would pass
Thank you so much! It really means a lot.
What helped me the most:
Prayers, rosary, and the bible!
I really honestly prayed more than I studied. So don’t lose hope. God is always good. He listens to our prayers and grants it at the right time. Thank you so much Lord God of Abraham! I love you so much!
Two weeks review, two days exam, six modules, six hundred questions β€” one license.. To God be the glory!
Jeremiah 29:11 πŸ™β€οΈ
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