#Pheo and Pen are lovely I adore them!!!
emile-hides · 4 years
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@syalin-deerfox and I are working on a combined OC story called Monster and Man,
Zayne’s Chimera OC, Domino, is the main character, and these are the scientist who created him
Penelope Domingo
Typically goes by Pen or Penny
Pen is an ex-convict, wanted for genocide for the complete annihilation of his village and surrounding farming families. But he’s really not a bad guy.
Due to an extreme head trauma as a child, Pen can no longer feel pain or fatigue. He’s incredibly smart, and used his lack of feeling, used himself as a test subject under the wing of doctors in his local village.
When he grew tired of being just a lab rat for these doctors, Pen decided he knew enough to “fix” himself, and return his sense of pain and fatigue. The self-lobotomy didn’t go quite as he hoped. Instead of returning his senses, Pen turned off his humanity, no longer feeling any emotions for the family and friends around him.
However, something drastically changed after Doctor Scylla Phoenix paid Penelope’s bail, and took him into his home high on the hill above the town. Penelope is now full of nothing but love for his son, Domino, and his (not official) husband, Phoenix. 
Doctor Scylla Phoenix
Doctor Phoenix (Pen calls him Pheo)
Doctor Phoenix is a well renown scientist and medical professional. He is the richest man possibly in his entire country, and lives in a large almost castle like house high above a small town.
It’s widely believed the Doctor only paid Penelope’s bail to use the main as a test subject for wild experiments. These rumors only grew after sightings of a strange, beast like creature in the woods surrounding the manor.
Pheonix treats Domino like nothing more than a beast. Though he educates the chimera in science and math, even going so far as to teach Domino sign language so they could communicate, he refuses to see himself as one of Domino’s father, or acknowledge Domino’s human tenancies.
Despite his cold exterior, Phoenix is truly, deeply in love with his house mate, Pen. It probably takes him a long time to realize his own feelings, and even longer to act upon them, if he ever does.
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Part of Monster and Man universe featuring the characters of Penelope and Scylla owned by my ever closest friend, @emile-hides
Thunder cracked through the skies as lights filled the clouds, rain pouring down outside the old laboratory hidden amongst the massive pines and evergreens of the forest just outside of town. Water pattered down from the skies on the glass roof of the observatory where Doctor Scylla Phoenix stood, looking into the skies alight with electric currents, a storm like no other. Truly facinating, this storm. In it, electric currents jolted and danced in the clouds, performing a brilliant light show unlike any other in nature.
The only other noise in the room apart from the rain was that of pen on paper as the doctor scrawled out the various data readings from the tools set up around the observatory. The readings of this storm were incredible, even the doctor’s fine salt and pepper hair stood on end with the electricity in the air, filling every breath with a sharp, electrified air. Another gunshot of a crack filled the air as lightning struck the greenhouse, glass shattering from the heat of natural electric current soaring through air molecules at such a great speed and intensity. Exhilarating.
Doctor Pheonix scrawled down more data in his notes, his stern expression not leaving his face as he was filled with facination at this unique weather phenomenon. As he wrote more data onto his clipboard, a crash interrupted his thoughts, turning his stern expression into a scowl as he swiftly turned around.
“Penelope, I thought I told you not to disturb my research tonight with your frivolous-“ The Doctor’s voice stilled as his cold gray eyes laid upon a beast rather than his eccentric roomate.
The beast stared back, only one wild eye while the other half of its face covered by dark, black hair, two goat-like ears peeking out from the messy mop, decorated with white dots and white fluff peaking from the insides. As it inched out even more, Doctor Phoenix could see the rest of its mangled, sewn together body. Its upper body was mostly human, patches of skin of all different races sewn together and hands that ended in sharp, glinting claws. As for the creature’s bottom half, there was no humanity in that. With one leg of a horse and the other the upper half human and the lower half of a goat’s, it was hardly a surprise that a long reptilian tail snaked out from behind it’s body, most likely that of a gator. The beast growled a most agressive snarl, barring its rows of jagged teeth for the doctor to see.
“Penelope!” The doctor shouted out, retreiving an invention of his that shot metal, for self defense of course. “Get in here immediately!”
With another loud, clumsy stumble into the observatory, a tall man entered with firey red hair and crisp golden eyes, his darkened, tan skin glistening with blood from an unknown source with every shock of lightning that brightened the room.
“Yes Pheo dearest?” The man teased with a ditzy smirk before looking around, his eyes laying upon the creature. “Oh my creation! I-it’s alive! It’s walking! It’s fantastic!” He exclaimed with a beaming grin, running towards the likely dangerous creature.
“You made this thing Pen?!” The Doctor shouted with facination seeping into the edges of his voice. Perhaps this was the reason he had saved this hick of a man’s life from death row, though it seemed to be a mystery to the both of them how this creature was alive and breathing.
“Oh indeed I did, but I didn’t intend for this beauty to be alive!” Pen said with a giggle, watching as his beast flinched away from him, backing up against the wall, cornered by the two humans. “It’s okay little one! I made you! I suppose this makes me a father of sorts doesn’t it?”
“Don’t call yourself a father, this is a creature, you didn’t birth-“ The Doctor was unfortunately interrupted by a sharp, amazed gasp from the redhead.
“I’m a dad. I’m. A dad.” Pen began in a fatherly mantra. “I’M A DAD!” The creature flinched at the loud exclamation with a dog-like whine, lielly having sensitive hearing. “Apologies my son, my darling.” Pen apologized lovingly, gently petting down the creature’s ears.
“It is not human, it does not have a gender and you are not the father-“ The Doctor tried to reason, no information getting to the tall man he shared a bed with.
“Oh what should we name him? Ronnie perhaps? No, heavens not thats a ridiculous name for such a majestic creature of my creation!” Pen gently carressed the creature’s ears, eyeing the pattern on the ears with adoration. “Oh the way his ears have such a lovely pattern on them... I reckon we call you Domino! How does that sound my lovely, lovely creation?”
The creature gave a purring growl, half nervous, half accepting Penny as his father figure and leaning into the touch, very tired from his newfound oxygen in his sewn together lungs and the life that the freak electrical storm that had just finished its dramatic showing in the skies gave to him. And thus began Domino’s new life, a freak of natured but loved by one.
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