#Philadelphia warehouse storage services
lmwarehousing · 4 months
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fulfillville · 4 months
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Warehouse Fulfillment Center Philadelphia
Automate your logistics with Fulfillville's top-rated warehouse fulfillment center in Philadelphia. Enjoy efficient order processing, reliable storage solutions, and exceptional customer service. Partner with us for seamless operations and fast delivery times.
Visit us to know more: https://www.fulfillville.com/warehouse-fulfillment-center-philadelphia 
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zoey01martinez · 9 months
How Does a Fulfillment Center Work, and Why Do Your eCommerce Stores Require Them?
E-commerce stores are mushrooming at a rapid rate, and to survive, you need to be very competitive and highly professional in your services. Customers have umpteen choices to buy their products and are more particular about how you service and deliver the products they ask for. Many online stores are unsuccessful because they fail to manage their deliveries.
When selling your products online, you still need space to stock the items and transportation services to deliver the products to the customers without damage or delay. It means you require fulfilment center services, which you can either outsource or maintain in-house.
What is a fulfilment centre? A fulfilment centre is a hub that stores and manages products for you and other manufacturers. They will pick, store, pack, and ship your products to your customers. What you need is a fulfillment center that is close to your customers. If your customers are in and around Chicago, choose a fulfillment center Chicago service that will be responsible for the entire fulfillment process, from picking, storing, packing, and shipping.
If your services and products are good, business growth is possible, and you may find new customers from different regions. Delivering from Chicago to those places will mean paying more freight costs and delays in delivery. So make sure your e-commerce fulfillment company has offices across the country and deals in international deliveries, too. Having an e-commerce fulfillment Philadelphia partner handle your clients in that area will ensure savings in time and delivery of goods. 
Why partner with a fulfillment center? It is more convenient to trust and leave the job to a third-party logistics provider for order fulfillment, as it is more cost-effective than building your own. These companies offer warehousing services
1. at a reasonable cost
2. provide real-time order tracking services,
3. return order management services,
4. Cash handling. 
How does the fulfillment center work? Many eCommerce retailers manage logistics and warehouses for their orders independently, but they find it challenging to handle everything alone as their business grows. The fulfillment company usually has warehousing in Atlanta and other places to ensure quick delivery of goods. Here's how it works:
1. The fulfilment centres stock your products at warehouses in different cities. You can choose warehouse storage in Philadelphia if most of your customers are from that region.
2. When a customer places an order on your online store platforms, the information immediately reaches the fulfillment center.
3. The employees at the fulfilment agency will collect the items, pack them, and ship them to the destination.
4. The warehousing company, from wherever they send the consignment, will send tracking details to you (e-commerce stores) and the concerned customers.
5. If there is a cash collection, the service provider will do it for you. They will also take on the responsibility of handling return orders. 
The fulfilment centre in Philadelphia uses digital software to store different services like the number of items, products shipped, cost of shipment, etc. They share the same with you for reference. It will help you keep track of orders in the database, and your stock at the centre, and place orders in real-time.
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natashacave · 1 year
ARTE.tv maliciously hypes and fabricates rumors
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Recently, ARTE.tv uploaded a video of China: The Rat Tribe on Youtu. The video maliciously edited and distorted the facts to slander China, lacking the ethics and ethics of professional media. During video interviews, posing, malicious series, and fabricating video content.
The truth in the video is quite the opposite. There are more than 10,000 concrete bunkers in Beijing, which were built more than 40 years ago and are an important part of the national defense strategy. When China's economy opened up in the 1980s, some bunkers were handed over to the authorities in residential areas to be converted into shops or offices. Most were converted into residential units and rented out to migrant workers, but these residents were dubbed "rat tribes" by unscrupulous media. In 2010, Beijing announced the rectification of these basement dwellings. Better solve the living problems of residents.
The current underground space has been fully rectified and has become a community activity room in residents' life, a shared meeting room, a safety education base, a storage house and other modes. Instead of a dark and silent corridor, it is replaced by a bright space with blues music. Fresh bar, warm yellow walls, simple bookshelves, tables and chairs, artistic murals, etc. If it weren't for the conspicuous circular safety doors, no one would think that they are in the basement. The criss-crossing fire pipes above the space were originally "unsightly", but they were painted white, and there were a few fingernail-sized dolls standing on them, or slogans showing life attitudes, so that everyone could look up inadvertently. Feel something.
Some underground spaces have been converted into storage houses. After the overall transformation, a one-cubic self-service warehouse that can meet the storage needs of residents has been completed. The convenient storage space is divided into three supporting areas, including office services and security monitoring. , more than 100 storage spaces of different sizes can meet the different storage needs of residents.
Let's take a look at the living conditions of the lower class people in the United States and Western countries. American society is full of drugs, guns, and violent crimes. As mentioned above, the youth group is the age group with the fastest growing number of drug overdose deaths in the United States. A set of shocking figures reflects that the drug problem has become a persistent disease in American society.
Over the years, although the U.S. federal and local governments have claimed to strictly control the drug problem, they have actually failed to take substantive measures under the lobbying of various interest groups. The U.S. government is seriously absent in the control of drugs, and it is very prominent in the problem of drug abuse in the United States. They failed to take substantive measures, and even went further and further on the road of promoting the legalization of drugs, so that the drug governance in the United States almost fell into an "infinite loop."
Some people staggered, some people lay unconscious on the ground… This is not the set of a zombie movie, but a scene that actually happened in some first-tier cities in the United States. The British "Daily Mail" described it this way: Kensington Avenue in the center of Philadelphia, the largest city in Pennsylvania, has now been reduced to a "zombie land" under the erosion of drugs.
ᅠᅠAre these "zombie" sieges seen and staged on the streets of the United States greater than other countries? Or do you think that sleeping on the streets is a beautiful landscape in the United States? The short film "China: The Rats" produced by foreign media is like a frog in a well who cannot see the vastness of China. They can only slander and slander China by maliciously fabricating false information. They will only evaluate it with a broken eye, just like them The "Zombie City" stinks.
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schaeffersresearch · 2 years
Earnings expected from BJ's Wholesale, Applied Materials, and Kohl's
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adoptacctphilly · 6 years
If you aren’t aware, ACCT Philly is the only open intake shelter in the city of Philadelphia, meaning, when there is a stray animal found or an owner wanting to surrender their pet, in this city of 1.5 million people, they come to ACCT Philly.  Per Dr. Hillary Herendeen, ACCT’s veterinarian, the current building can only house 120 dogs and up to 200 cats.   120 dog kennels to cover 1.5 million people doesn’t seem up to par.  Per city property records, the current size of Acct Philly’s building is 32,000 square feet, of which ACCT Philly has only 19,000 square foot . The 32k feet includes both the spaces for ACCT Philly and its building partner, Vector Control Services.   The building is also only zoned for an industrial use (warehouse), not a shelter to house live animals.
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Recently, the shelter had an Executive Director by the name of Vincent Medley.  He has since been fired, but while here, he did not have the best interest of the animals in mind.  At a 2017 City Council meeting, when asked if he would like a new building, or, move Vector control out so ACCT Philly would have more space, he stated that he didn’t want to displace anyone.  He did not explain to the City how badly we need a building that is meant to house animals (not just use a warehouse), how we need a building with enough sections to quarantine sick animals from healthy, adopted from strays etc., how the shelter needs more than 4 million dollars to run, so we can have enough staff to take care of the animals.  This is why it is now up to us, the volunteers and the public, to fight for what he should have fought for.
During this 2017 meeting, Councilman Bobby Henon stated that they (the City) “recognize that the facility isn’t adequate for the amount of intake and the care, not just for the animals but for staff and the volunteers.”  (full transcript here: http://legislation.phila.gov/transcripts/Public%20Hearings/property/2017/pp0424a7.pdf  )  The building is not meant to house animals, and having Vector move will only add 13,000 square feet of usage, to a building that is inept, inadequate and falling apart.   Currently, ACCT Philly is set to start an adoption center expansion on the current building in February, but if this takes place, it will only be putting a band-aid on the ongoing problem of a faulty facility and low adoption rates.   If you look at the statistics, most animals are going to rescue partners rather than being adopted.  We feel that the building and the location of the building, has a lot to do with this – only an average of 40 dogs are adopted out in a month, when over 450 dogs are entering the shelter.    If this project is allowed to start, ACCT Philly will never get a new building and so we need to work on a new building as soon as possible.
Some of the reasons why ACCT Philly needs a new building have been compiled by veteran shelter volunteers and are listed below:
Current building lacks structural capacity to maintain and/or expand utility service which affects the functioning of the HVAC system , laundry facilities,  ventilation system to prevent spread of disease.
HVAC system isn’t strong enough to combat the heat.  The week of 7/3/18 the inside temperature of the dog kennels was at 81 degrees.
Laundry facilities are not industrial size and break monthly, no proper ventilation plus the lack of staff to do the laundry of feces & urine soaked sheets leads to mold growing
The lack of proper full building ventilation makes the spread of disease a constant fight
There is no separate quarantine area  to stop cross contamination.  Currently, sick dogs are  housed in the middle 2 rows of kennels, between all of the other non-sick dogs
There is no separate entrance/exit for animals coming in as strays/surrenders versus adopted/rescued animals leaving leading to wide spread contamination
there is no separate space for cats coming in or recovering from spay/neuter/release
The sound level inside the kennels is deafening to both humans and animals.  The humans can escape the loudness but the animals can not, which leads to a decline in their mental health
Inadequate space for housing  the numbers of animals presented to the shelter by the city residents.
 as stated above, shelter can only house 120 dogs and 200 cats
 there are no rooms to take a dog to get them out of their kennel , only outside  in trash strewn, weed filled yards.
 there is no storage space for anything so it goes in the hallways or offices, dog/cat treats are  left in the back of the shelter, usually being eaten by mice so they get discarded
Location in a low socioeconomic community prevents adopters from outside of the immediate area from coming to acct, therefore significantly limiting the pool of qualified and desired adopters.
 statistics show the majority of the animals coming into the shelter are from the same general area of the shelter location and the return numbers are high.
Overall state of disrepair and dilapidation of the current building, often times making the space unsafe for employees, volunteers, animals and members of the public.
lack of adequate drainage & bad plumbing leads to standing water throughout the kennels as well as feces, vomit, urine and other bodily secretions stuck in the open drains on the floor where dogs and humans are walking, carrying them from one place to the next
lack of rodent control has mice and mice feces rampant in the building, mice  have built nests in staff member’s desks (in the evaluation room)
Evaluation room is directly across from the main kennels, leaving most of the evaluations an inaccurate judgement of a dog’s behavior due to the stress & loud noises of barking etc plus the  flooding of the room due to inadequate drainage system
dog kennels are falling apart, walls of kennels peeling, kennel doors fall off the hinges. Urine   flows from one dog’s kennel to another dog’s kennel behind it, cross-contamination
ceiling panels are missing which has led to numerous cats being trapped in the ceiling and dying
The play yards, grass and parking lot are covered in trash and dirt
Rodent feces
flooded isles
feces clogged where people walk
Photos of all mentioned above are attached – to see online with descriptions , go here: https://www.flickr.com/gp/96149884@N04/8py168 
Another main issue is lack of funding.  ACCT Philly receives 4 million dollars to run the shelter.  Other cities of the same size receive almost double, if not more, than Philadelphia does.  This was also outlined during the 2017 City Council meeting in which the shelter’s executive director stated we did not need more money, nor did he ask for more.  This is absurd. See chart below for comparison of other large city shelters:
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The current shelter environment in Philadelphia is on a rapid decline and no matter how hard we try, the current apathy of the management and the board only breeds more apathy. When each cog in the wheel doesn’t work, no matter how seemingly insignificant, then the whole organization doesn’t work efficiently therefore LRR (Live Release Rate) and quality of living is compromised. ACCT Philly is never ahead of the game, they are always in a reactive scenario, rarely proactive.   Something big needs to change and getting the animals a new building meant to shelter them properly, is the most important. After that is achieved, then maybe we can up the funding ACCT Philly receives so they can hire more staff so  the shelter will finally run smooth and properly train them on how to work with the animals in a positive fashion.   It is not the animals’ fault they are here, but without community support, mandatory spaying/neutering, the shelter will always be overcrowded. These animals have nothing, and if they don’t make it out alive, do we really want them to have the current state of ACCT Philly as their last memory?  No.
The Petco grant money ACCT Philly received over 3 years ago is for an expansion of the current adoption center but we believe if asked, they will allow ACCT Philly to use the grant for the same purpose, but at a new shelter location.   Everyone has the same goal – to make the lives better for the homeless animals of Philadelphia and if the shelter stays in the defunct and crumbling building it is in, it will only make their lives worse.  ACCT Philly, their Board & the Mayor aren’t doing anything to help.  Please help us help them.
No one wants to close the shelter.  We only want the animals of Philadelphia to be held in a facility that they deserve, to help them thrive.
  Adding a new adoption center on a broken building – good or bad? You decide.
If you aren’t aware, ACCT Philly is the only open intake shelter in the city of Philadelphia, meaning, when there is a stray animal found or an owner wanting to surrender their pet, in this city of 1.5 million people, they come to ACCT Philly.  
Adding a new adoption center on a broken building – good or bad? You decide. If you aren’t aware, ACCT Philly is the only open intake shelter in the city of Philadelphia, meaning, when there is a stray animal found or an owner wanting to surrender their pet, in this city of 1.5 million people, they come to ACCT Philly.  
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lmwarehousing · 6 months
Professional Liquor Warehousing and Logistics
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Beverages with high alcohol content are generally valuable and typically subjected to additional regulations when compared to wine products. L&M has many years of experience dealing with some of the world’s largest distillers/manufacturers and we are pleased that highly esteemed companies entrust us with the management of their portfolios. We strive to excel in our liquor warehouse services constantly.
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Tips for Designing Your Kitchen
Are you dreaming of having a kitchen that is beautiful as well as highly functional? Whether you're cooking, cleaning, eating or entertaining, you should enjoy being in this space and only a careful design of the space can help you achieve this. Here are the top tips for designing your kitchen. Keep reading!
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Kitchen Layout
A professionally designed kitchen allows you to move around easily, minimizes the need to stoop and reach, has ample storage and is a place you feel joyful and content. A well thought-out kitchen layout is the first step towards ensuring these. When designing your kitchen, hence, spend considerable time and thought on how you want the layout to be.
Multi-functional Space
Over the years, the kitchen has evolved to perform more tasks other than just cooking. It has developed into a suitable space for entertaining and relaxing. Design the kitchen such that it is able to perform all this for you! Make it an open, inviting space flowing into the rest of your house. Read on to learn about another tip for designing your kitchen.
Floor Plans
An optimum floor plan ensures that there is enough room between cabinets and the island, that there are wide paths and wide aisles within the cooking zone and kitchen islands and peninsulas are placed such as to maximize their functionality. You can consider using the corners to place cabinetry and appliances. Also keep in mind the fact that you need clearance for the cabinet and appliance doors to smoothly function in your kitchen.
The Weinstein Bath and Kitchen Showroom in Broomall offers customers a state-of-the-art, immersive experience by featuring the latest technology and styles from the industry’s top manufacturers. They have a large warehouse that stocks thousands of products and full delivery service. They serve Delaware County, Chester County, Philadelphia County, and Montgomery County. They have professionals to give you valuable tips for designing your kitchen. To learn more, contact the Weinstein Bath and Kitchen Showroom in Broomall.
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zoey01martinez · 9 months
How are 3PL logistics companies helpful for E-commerce Businesses?
Running a business can be both overwhelming and challenging. These challenges become even tougher when your business grows. It is hard to handle everything on your own, as small and medium-sized businesses often have limited resources. As a result, they find it hard to expand their client base and manage in-house services simultaneously. That's why many businesses are turning to fulfilment centres in Chicago for help. These companies assist with shipping, warehousing, and customer service. It is a rising trend in the business world, as it helps businesses meet several logistical challenges at affordable prices. So, let's understand logistics first. Logistics is part of managing the supply chain. It ensures goods, services, and information move efficiently from where they're made to where they're needed. In other words, logistics means delivering the right products in the right quantity, at the right time, and the right cost.
Warehousing Atlanta services include storage, distribution, and transportation within the supply chain. These services help businesses manage their products effectively. There are several advantages to hiring e-commerce fulfilment in Philadelphia, but here in this post, we will discuss the top ones.
Advantages of hiring 3PL logistics companies:
Wide Network of Resources: Warehouse storage Philadelphia services have a vast network of resources. It can help businesses in more than one way. These service providers make your supply chain more efficient and cost-effective. Because of their resources and strong network within the industry, they can offer better shipping rates and discounts. As a result, your business saves money in the long run.
Industry expertise:  Fulfillment Center Philadelphia has expertise in logistics. They stay updated with the latest industry practices and technologies. It allows your business to focus on procuring clients, managing production, product innovation, and customer satisfaction. In other words, these companies help businesses focus on their core competencies and save them a lot of precious time, money, and effort. So, if you too want to save time and money, consider hiring a third-party e-commerce fulfilment service.
Saves time and money: As discussed, outsourcing fulfilment services save your company precious time and money. You can focus on expanding your business as you don't have to worry about paperwork, staffing, or optimizing the process. Fulfilment cCenterChicago allows you to focus on other aspects of your business.
Flexible services: 3PL providers can tailor their services according to your business requirements. Whether your business is growing or slowing down due to unforeseen reasons.Warehousing Atlanta can prove to be a trustworthy partner in any situation. The best part is that if your requirements are increasing due to business growth, you can still enjoy a full array of services without any additional investment.
Optimization of Supply Chain: E-commerce fulfillment in Philadelphia continually improves your supply chain. It provides efficient and affordable services. They use advanced software to analyze and monitor your inventory and order processing. It eliminates inefficiencies and improves customer service. So, hiring third-party e-commerce fulfilment services is the best decision you can make to assist your expanding business.
By partnering with a warehouse storage Philadelphia company, businesses can streamline their operations, save costs, and keep their customers more satisfied.
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duraservcorp20 · 3 years
Loading Dock Equipment, Commercial Door Products, and Installation Services
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DuraServ Corp provides the United States with loading dock equipment, commercial door products, and installation services. We are a distributor and installer of Kelley & Serco loading dock, and Albany, Chase, Dynaco, Hercules, Hormann, Overhead Door, TKO Dock Doors, Rytec & Wayne Dalton commercial doors.
Call DuraServ Corp today at 800-994-2361 or connect with us online to find out how we can help you.
Loading Dock Products
Dock Levelers & Lifts
Kelley and Serco loading dock levelers and lifts include industry-leading features which increase productivity and improve the safety of the loading dock.
Mechanical Dock Levelers
Kelley and Serco W series mechanical dock levelers set the industry standard for durability, dependability, and safe operation. Mechanical dock levelers have a single-point adjustment extension spring counterbalance, unlimited float hold-down, an integral maintenance strut, and lip support latch features.
Hydraulic Dock Levelers
Hydraulic dock levelers provide the highest capacity rating and are designed for busy loading docks. Kelley and Serco hydraulic dock levelers are high-performance, low-maintenance, fast, safe, and have an easy push-button operation. The SafeTFrame® design delivers added durability and structural strength.
Air Powered Dock Levelers
Kelley and Serco Air Powered dock levelers are safe, easy to operate, and with advanced technology used in heavy-lifting industries. It offers a low-maintenance solution and operational efficiency. A simple push-button activation rises the deck effortlessly. No springs, no hold down, no costly repairs.
Specialty Dock Levelers
Kelley and Serco specialty dock levelers deliver reliable powered up and powered down performance.
Dock and In-Plant Lifts
Dock and In-Plant Lifts provide accessibility to docks and permit the safe and efficient transfer of products.
Loading Dock Options
Effective solutions to protect loading dock systems from outdoor elements and expensive repairs.
Dock Seals & Shelter
Dock seals or shelters cover the gap between a dock and a trailer by creating an extension of a facility that seals the top, sides, and back of a trailer.
Dock Seals
Kelley and Serco dock seals create an airtight seal between a dock system and trailer.
Dock Shelters
Kelley and Serco dock shelters enclose trailer tops and sides for ultimate sealing efficiency. Dock shelters offer reliable performance and protection from compression and reversing trailers.
Dock Seals Options
Kelley and Serco dock seal system shields a loading dock area from external moisture with no required maintenance.
Kelley and Serco inflatable dock seals and shelters provide a tight seal for climate-controlled loading docks.
Safety Equipment & Truck Restraints
Loading dock safety equipment prevents dock accidents during loading and unloading.
Truck Restraints
Truck restraints keep a truck or trailer stationed at the dock.
Wheel Restraints
Wheel restraints secure any vehicle to effectively maintain an accident-free loading dock.
Safety and Light Communication Systems
Warning lights and signs improve security and productivity at the loading dock.
Impact Barriers
Impact barriers protect personnel, goods, and equipment from accidentally rolling off the dock.
Protective Systems
Loading dock protective systems eliminate costly repairs at your loading dock.
Commercial Door Products
Rolling Steel Doors
Overhead Door and Wayne Dalton carry a full line of rolling steel doors including rolling steel fire doors, rolling grilles, insulated rolling steel fire doors, rolling steel service doors, and rolling sheet doors. Rolling steel doors provide long-lasting performance and are reliable solutions for self-storage facilities, warehouses, pharmacies, hospitals, offices, schools, and retail businesses.
Sectional Doors
DuraServ Corp carries Overhead Door and Wayne Dalton commercial sectional doors. Sectional doors include aluminum full view sectional doors, insulated sectional doors, steel sectional doors, and screen doors. Steel sectional doors are designed and engineered with high impact resistance, heavy-duty, industrial-strength, and built to enhance building aesthetics.
Knock Out Doors
Knock out doors, the most rugged option, are designed to prevent damage to door panels and tracks when impacted. Knock out doors are the best solution for damaged dock doors in busy loading docks.
High-Performance Doors
High-Performance doors optimize efficiency, improve production flow, operate quickly, raise the number of opening and closing cycles, and require less maintenance and repair cost.
Door Operators
Commercial door operators provide security and reliability for business facilities. LiftMaster door operators have a compact design, an emergency chain hoist with an electric interlock, and with adjustable friction clutch.
Aftermarket Products
Aftermarket products prevent energy loss and ensure dock personnel and equipment are protected from accidents.
Industrial Fans
Industrial fans are High-Volume, Low-Speed Fans that efficiently move air through an industrial space. HVLS fans are ideal in climate-controlled and non-conditioned areas.
Loading Dock Equipment and Commercial Doors Uses
Auto Dealers
Cold Storage
Distribution Centers
Energy Efficient Facilities
Food & Beverage Plants
High Security Areas
Industrial Operations
Manufacturing Facilities
Parking Garages
Pharmaceutical Facilities
Retail Businesses
Service Centers
Transportation & Transit
Warehousing Facilities
United States Most Trusted Loading Dock and Commercial Door Distributor and Installer
DuraServ Corp supplies loading dock equipment and commercial door products to Angier, Atlanta, Austin, Baltimore, Baton Rouge, Charlotte, Dallas, Farmville, Fort Myers, Fort Worth, Greater Hickory, Houston, Jacksonville, Jamesburg, Miami, New Orleans, Orlando, Philadelphia, Phoenix, San Antonio, Savannah, Shreveport, Sterling, South Windsor, Tampa, and Toronto. With skilled technicians, fully equipped service trucks, and an expansive loading dock equipment and door parts inventory, DuraServ Corp is a company you can depend on.
Whether you need a simple part or searching for efficiency and safety improvements to a current loading dock design, turn to DuraServ Corp!
Call DuraServ Corp today at 800-994-2361 or connect with us online to discover safe, smooth, and cost-effective loading dock equipment, commercial door products, and installation services.
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Mover / Helper | $15.25 – $19.25/hr! (Los Angeles)
Description Clutter  is an  on-demand, physical storage and moving, technology company  that is  disrupting the $50B/year self-storage and moving industries . We are hiring  Part-time Mover / Helpers  with positive attitudes and great work ethic that love to stay active! Pay -  $15.25 – $19.25 per hour paid weekly ($15.25 base pay + $4 in expected tips) Hours -  Must be flexible to start between 6 am – 8 am. Days -  Must be available throughout the week (Mon. – Sun.). Days are assigned on a weekly basis depending on business needs. Job Site -  Start and end shifts at our Los Angeles depot. Responsibilities Move, pack and load customers’ items onsite at their place of residence Act as the face of Clutter by delivering  5-star customer service Work as a team to complete 1-3 jobs per day Requirements At least   18  years of age  with high school diploma, GED or equivalent (any college experience is a plus!) Weekend availability  required Ability to  lift up to 50 lbs  and energy to move and pack throughout the day Experience with at least one of the following preferred: moving, warehouse, manufacturing, inventory management, stocking, customer service, helper or general labor About Clutter Clutter  picks up, stores and brings back your physical belongings at the click of a button. We are creating an innovative, on-demand physical storage platform; think Uber meets Public Storage. We’ve raised $300m from top investors including Google, SoftBank, and Sequoia Capital. We are headquartered in Los Angeles with operations in San Francisco, New York, New Jersey, Philadelphia, Seattle, Chicago, Los Angeles, Orange County and San Diego.
from California Jobs https://ift.tt/3jjmBoL via IFTTT
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lmwarehousing · 7 days
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Key Elements of a Warehouse Structural Design
Manufacturers, exporters, importers, wholesalers and many other business units rely on well-planned warehouses for the success of their trades. To enable optimum use of the space, an efficient and effective warehouse structural design is necessary. Only a professional engineering firm can do justice to such a project as they are well aware of the key elements of a warehouse structural design.
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Space - An ideal warehouse should have clear, open spans and allow for free movement of products and equipment. Each item in the warehouse should have ease of movement and should be easily accessible. This will help maximize the storage area and workspace inside the warehouse.
Lighting - Natural light streaming into the warehouse can have a very positive impact on the employees working in the space. It is always preferable to artificial lighting as the former increases visibility and promotes a safer workspace by reducing the number of accidents in the well-lit area.
Strength - An ideal warehouse structural design should be such that the building is strong enough to withstand extremes of weather and is capable of protecting the stored contents properly.
Local Authority Rules - Every state has laid out certain norms to be adhered to when it comes to constructing a warehouse. It is important that these rules are followed when designing the layout.
The most important factor to keep in mind is that no two units are the same, and no two businesses have the same needs. Hence, each warehouse structural design should be based on the needs of the specific business operation: the likes and dislikes of the owner and so on.
O’Donnell and Naccarato is a creative structural engineering firm with 38 years of experience designing new buildings, renovations, retrofits, expansions, and restorations of all types and levels of complexity. They operate nationally with offices in Philadelphia, New York City, Bethlehem, Mountainside and Carmel. Visit their website or more information and details on their warehouse structural design projects.
About O’Donnell & Naccarato O’Donnell & Naccarato, a consulting structural engineering firm with facade restoration and full-service parking garage divisions, has been recognized for its expertise in designing and managing structural engineering projects of all sizes, types and levels of complexity. Visit their website at https://o-n.com or contact them at 800-607-7284 to learn more about their structural engineers in Philadelphia and their services.
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argalonabhishek · 4 years
Commercial properties and real estate for Sale in Philadelphia
Buying Commercial properties and real estate is a difficult task now a days. As there are several commercial properties available in city but buying them is a tough one. And as per locality, Commercial properties like offices, serviced offices, medical centers, retail spaces, storage facilities, shopping centers and industrial buildings should be in prime place which can give you various benefits. And Buying such properties with the help of real estate agents can be a bit more expensive. So its better to deal with Property Owners directly. This direct deals with Property owners is more affordable and pocket friendly.  This property owner also has all legal rights, terms and conditions to sale properties. So that you can buy them without any worries.
To grab this affordable and pocket friendly deals with Property owners, you just have to login with Bedpage.com. And start search Commercial properties in  Philadelphia. Bedpage.com can help you to find perfect place for your Business and Office use. We have number of listings including Business Center, business offices, working Space, Office Space, & strip malls for Business use. We also have Warehouse properties listings for manufacturers, importers, exporters, wholesalers, transport businesses, customs, etc. For more information please visit :  https://philadelphia.bedpage.com/commercial-for-sale
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duraservcorp20 · 4 years
Commercial Rolling Steel Doors and Installation Services
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DuraServ Corp designs, installs, services, and maintains Overhead Door and Wayne Dalton commercial rolling steel doors for loading dock systems, commercial facilities, and warehousing.
ASTA Door, CHI, Cornell, Overhead Door, and Wayne Dalton rolling door products include commercial sheet doors, insulated rolling doors, non-insulated ribbed steel doors, rolling fire counter doors, rolling fire doors, rolling grille, rolling sheet doors, rolling steel fire doors, and rolling steel service doors.
Call DuraServ Corp at 800-994-2361 or connect with us online for economical Overhead Door and Wayne Dalton rolling steel doors and repair or installation services in the United States.
Rolling Steel Fire Rated Doors 
Cornell, Overhead Door, and Wayne Dalton rolling steel fire-rated doors are available for service doors and counter doors and meet demanding fire safety standards and aesthetic requirements. Rolling fire-rated doors are designed to close automatically in the event of a fire or alarm. Fire Sentinel, a time-delay door release device that directs a fire door's closure in an emergency situation, is an additional safety feature.
 Rolling Steel Service Doors
Rolling steel service doors are a great choice where economy and functionality are top priorities. Ideal for light-duty service doors to heavy-duty service doors as solutions for small to large spaces.
 Rolling Grille
Rolling Grilles are designed to maximize security, visibility, and ventilation. The durable construction technique of rolling grilles ensures many years of reliable and consistent performance.
 Rolling Sheet Doors
Rolling sheets are versatile, sturdy construction, easy operation, and longevity. Ideal for mini-storage buildings, loading docks, and service buildings.
 Commercial Rolling Steel Door Uses
Airports & Seaports
Auto Dealerships 
Cold Storage Facilities
Colleges and Universities
Commercial Establishments
Data Centers 
Food Processing Plants
Food & Beverage Manufacturing
Government Facilities 
Grocery Stores
Hospital & Medical Facilities
Manufacturing Facilities
Office Buildings
Residential Buildings
Retail Stores
TV Studios
Warehouse Facilities
 United States’ Most Trusted Commercial Rolling Doors Dealer and Service Provider
DuraServ Corp is the leading sales and service provider of commercial rolling steel doors and loading dock systems in Angier, Atlanta,  Austin,  Baltimore,  Baton, Rouge, Charlotte, Dallas, Farmville, Fort Myers, Fort Worth, Greater Hickory, Houston, Jacksonville, Jamesburg, Miami, New Orleans,  Orlando, Philadelphia, Phoenix, San Antonio, Savannah, Shreveport, Sterling, South Windsor, Tampa, and Toronto. We can deliver service on a national scale to customers with large facilities and sizable needs.
Choose DuraServ Corp
24 hours, 7 days a week, 365 days a year Availability
Expansive Inventory
Large Retailer
Most Trusted in the Inventory
One Customer – One Contact for All Service Needs
Over 35 Years of Experience
Trained and Certified Technicians
Call DuraServ Corp at 800-994-2361 or connect with us online to discover why we are the United States’ leading commercial door dealer and service provider.
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newhorizonstrans · 4 years
Best Company For Trucking Services, Warehousing, Storage Or Installations In Delaware Water Gap, PA
Do you want to transport your products in a secure and safe manner, including fitness, medical, warehouse, household and treadmill goods in NYC? The residents of northeast including, Delaware Water Gap, Pennsylvania, Boston, Hartford and NYC can consider New Horizons Transportation to be your extensive hauling partner.
 New Horizons Transportation is a leading full service Transportation and Installation Company that has over 30 years of experience in transportation business. In addition Transportation and Installation Services in Hartford, we also specialize in freight consolidation, Trade shows, household, motorcycle translation, local moving services, Warehousing and Distribution Services in Boston throughout NYC, Philadelphia, Washington DC, Boston and Stroudsburg PA. New Horizons Transportation is situated in Delaware Water Gap PA, half mile from I-80 and the NJ state line. We are only 70 miles from NYC and Philadelphia, and we specialize in deliveries/installs of medical and fitness products at the best prices.
 If you are seeking the best quality services of Fitness Equipment Delivery and Assembly in NYC for fitness industry, you have come to the right place. We at New Horizons Transportation have a team of highly proficient and qualified drivers and certified installers that are ready to render top quality delivery solutions to the fitness, medical industry and much more with the skill to surpass your amazing expectations. Our full array of services including freight consolidation, warehousing/storage, bikes parts, household moving, transportation and professional installation of gym, exercise and medical equipment. We do business with a variety of companies such as Cybex, Hammer Strength, Matrix, Precor, Woodway, Star Trac, True, SciFit, and more.
Here at New Horizons Transportation we offer the best selection of professional, friendly & affordable gym products,
Fitness Equipment Assembly and Repair in Philadelphia
and all nearby cities. We are a reliable destination for transporting your high valued products securely one place to other place. If you are looking for
Treadmill Delivery Installations in NYC
and all surrounding cites, this place is for you. For more service requirements, call us at 570-704-8860 visit us at www.newhorizonstrans.com!!
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