aemilius-cupero · 1 year
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How To Prevent Phishing Scams By Aemilius Cupero.
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osintelligence · 6 months
https://bit.ly/3RaVgr8 - 🚨 https://bit.ly/3GlIwJ0 Customers Targeted by Social Engineering Scam: Secureworks has uncovered a sophisticated social engineering campaign targeting https://bit.ly/3GlIwJ0 customers. Cybercriminals deploy the Vidar infostealer to access hotel credentials on https://bit.ly/3GlIwJ0 and then use this information to phish customers for their payment details. #CyberSecurity #SocialEngineering #Phishing 💻 Scam Mechanics Explained: The scam begins with hackers contacting hotel staff under false pretenses and sending them a link that downloads the Vidar infostealer. Once installed, this malware steals passwords, including those for https://bit.ly/3GlIwJ0 accounts. The attackers then use these credentials to send phishing emails to customers, often resulting in financial losses. #MalwareAttack #DigitalFraud 🔑 Rising Market Value of Stolen Credentials: The success of this scam has led to a surge in the market value of stolen https://bit.ly/3GlIwJ0 credentials, with prices reaching up to $2000 on cybercrime forums. This highlights the growing sophistication and profitability of such cybercriminal activities. #Cybercrime #StolenCredentials 🏨 Variations in Scam Tactics: In a disturbing twist, attackers have used emotional manipulation, like pretending to be guests with special needs, to trick hotel staff into downloading malware. This variation of the scam demonstrates the lengths cybercriminals will go to execute their plans. #ManipulativeTactics #CyberFraud 🔍 Effective Execution of Scam: The scam's effectiveness is attributed to its targeting of genuine customers and seeming legitimacy, as the phishing emails come from what appears to be a trusted source. The emails are well-crafted, with better-than-average English, increasing the likelihood of deceiving recipients. #PhishingScam #EmailFraud 🛡️ Protective Measures for Hospitality Sector and Customers: Secureworks advises hospitality organizations to educate employees about the campaign, implement multi-factor authentication for https://bit.ly/3GlIwJ0 accounts, and monitor system access. Customers should be cautious of any requests for payment information and verify suspicious messages through alternate communication channels. #CyberSafety #DataProtection The unfolding of this scam is a stark reminder of the constant need for vigilance in the digital realm, both for businesses in the hospitality sector and their customers. Staying informed and cautious is crucial in the fight against cybercrime.
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mfilterit · 9 months
Phishing Scam |mFilterIt
Phishing scam stands as a prevalent cybercrime, exploiting trust to steal sensitive data. Whether through emails, calls, or texts, impersonate trusted contacts or credible institutions, aiming phishing involves deceptive practices wherein attackers assume trustworthy roles in electronic communication. Their weapon of choice is often malicious emails with harmful links or attachments, designed to coerce victims into revealing personal information, including login credentials and account numbers. to extract vital information like account details, addresses, and passwords.For more info
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alrowaadlaw01 · 9 months
Secure Your Online World with Al Rowaad's Cybercrime Insights
Discover essential tips on safeguarding yourself from publishing scams in the UAE. Al Rowaad's legal blog delves deep into the world of cybercrime protection. Stay ahead of the game and protect your online presence.
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eosdesign · 1 year
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※注意喚起!😝💦なかなか巧妙なフィッシングメールが来たので、一応 #注意喚起 ネ😁👍 . ●一枚目画像 . なかなか良く出来ているメールですな...🤔 . ・しかし、そもそもこのメルアドで楽天カード作って無いし... . ・あと、カード作る時はワタクシMasterは選びませんので... . その時点で、何かしらの #フィッシング ということは既に分かるのですが...😝👎 . . ●二枚目画像 . 「ご利用明細」という赤いリンクボタンの部分にカーソルを合わせるとPCの場合、リンク先のURLがステータスバーに出たりしますが... . そのURLが.xyzドメインって!!!🤣❌w . それだけで、笑わせんなってカンジです . 楽天が、xyzドメインなんぞ使う訳がないwww . . ●三枚目画像 . そもそも送信してきたメルアドが.cnドメイン(チャイナねwww🤣やれやれ) . 見た目はナカナカ良く出来ているメールですが... . ぶっちゃけ、だいぶ雑かと...😓 . . ●四枚目画像 . メールを下の方にスクロールすると、米倉涼子の楽天モバイルのバナーとかわざわざつけてあったりして、見た目的には一瞬、ちょっと良く出来てるじゃん?というカンジでしょうか。。。 . . そんなカンジです。 . みなさん、身に覚えのないメールが来たら無視!🐛ですぞ。。。 . 一方、送信してきたメールアドレスが正しかったり、どう考えても「これは不正利用されたカモ🦆?!」って時には... . 当該メールの中の何かしらのリンクボタンやURLからサイトに飛ばず(誘導されず) . 別途ブラウザを立ち上げて、そのサービス(例えばこの場合は「楽天カード」)の公式サイトのお問い合わせから、問い合わせを入れてみませう!!!😁👍 . . 現場からは以上で~す! . . . #詐欺 #犯罪 #ダメ犯罪 #pishing #phishingscam #フィッシング詐欺 #フィッシングメール https://www.instagram.com/p/CoZaSoPrUlt/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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cirrushosting · 2 years
3 Warning Signs of a Phishing Scam
Phishing scams have become increasingly popular as technology becomes more readily available. All over the world, internet users are targeted by companies and individuals who seek to gain access to their identity and financial information via unsavory methods. Although firewalls and SSLs can help protect your information from hackers and other such cyberthreats, they won’t do much to help if you fall for email or website scams. Being able to identify these scams can help you avoid them, protecting you, your information, and your company.
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giordanodesigner · 2 years
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- Sito web MIDI GODZ di phishing, truffa ... voi acquistate un'offerta o semplicemente vi registrate inserendo i dati della vostra carta di credito dopo di che vi vengono addebitati importi senza che voi abbiate comprato nulla. Oppure ricevete una mail con una password per accedere e scaricare ciò che avete acquistato ma in realtà è una pagina web falsa ed ogni volta che inserite la password state approvando un pagamento e vi addebitano un'importo. OFFERTE A SOLO 1€ sono un tranello, per un euro proviamo ... e sei fottutto!
- MIDI GODZ website of phishing, scam ... you buy an offer or simply register by entering your credit card details after which you will be charged without you having bought anything. Or you receive an email with a password to access and download what you have purchased but in reality it is a fake web page and every time you enter the password you are approving a payment and they charge you an amount. OFFERS AT ONLY 1 € are a trap, for one euro I can try it ... and you're fucking!
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worldeaternyc · 2 years
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Watch yourselves folks-this person is texting (in FB Messenger) posting as a beloved friend and performer, @sabrinasaharashares I’ve already alerted Sabrina and provided her with all the information she needs. Make sure you check who’s communicating with you. I’m sure the real Sabrina will have her profile and FB messenger sorted soon, and she’s in the process of reporting all this to FB, Cashapp and Instagram. Watch yourselves, loved ones. ✊🏾🙏🏾🤘🏾 #phishingscam #troll #identitytheft #nycmusic #blackrockcoalition #punkblack #brooklynmusic https://www.instagram.com/p/CgruPlVuvsu/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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thedigitalhorizon · 9 months
10 Essential Tips For Keeping Your Data Secure
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Just two days ago, headlines blared about a significant data breach affecting millions of users of Johnson & Johnson Health Care Systems. You've heard it before, but it's a stark reminder: data security is more critical than ever in our digital age.
Importance of Data Security
In a world where data is the new oil, protecting your personal information isn't just advisable—it's essential. From social media to online banking, your data forms the backbone of your digital life.
This guide aims to fortify that backbone, offering you 10 essential tips to improve your data security in effective and actionable ways.
Tip 1: Use Strong and Unique Passwords
The Science of a Secure Password
Using a combination of upper-case letters, numbers, and special symbols makes it astronomically harder for hackers to gain access to your accounts.
Recent Breach Due to Weak Passwords
In the recent breach, the majority of compromised accounts had weak passwords like "123456" or "password."
Tip 2: Enable Two-Factor Authentication
What is 2FA and Why is it Essential?
Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) adds another layer of security by requiring a second form of identification beyond just a password. Think of it as a double-lock on your digital life.
How to Implement 2FA
Most websites and apps allow you to add a secondary email address, phone number, or other method of authentication that can be used at log-in.
Tip 3: Be Cautious of Phishing Scams
Signs of a Phishing Email
Look out for suspicious links, spelling errors, and unfamiliar email addresses.
Recent Phishing Scam News
Recently, a phishing scam masquerading as a popular e-commerce site compromised thousands. Be vigilant; double-check URLs and email addresses.
Tip 4: Update Software Regularly
Importance of Updates
Security patches are released for a reason; they fix vulnerabilities. Update regularly to fortify your digital walls.
Tip 5: Use Secure and Private Networks
Risks of Public Wi-Fi
Open Wi-Fi networks are a playground for hackers. Use VPNs when accessing public Wi-Fi to encrypt your data.
Tip 6: Encrypt Sensitive Data
Encrypting converts your data into a code, preventing unauthorized access. Use software solutions to encrypt sensitive data on your devices.
Tip 7: Monitor Account Activity
Alerts for Suspicious Activities
Set up notifications for new logins and transactions. Instant alerts can help you take immediate action.
Tip 8: Social Media Security
Tightening Privacy Settings
Limit who can see your posts and personal details. The less information you make public, the better.
Tip 9: Use a Secure Password Manager
Simplifying Data Security
Password managers generate and store complex passwords so you don't have to. Use one to make your life easier and your data safer.
Tip 10: Back up Your Data
Importance of Backups
Regular backups ensure that even if you're hacked, you won't lose your data.
To Wrap It All Up
From secure passwords to backups, these ten tips give you the tools you need to protect your data effectively.
Remember, data security isn't a one-and-done deal. It's a continuous, evolving process. But with these tips, you're not just a passive player in the digital world; you're an active defender of your own digital life.
By adhering to this guide, you're taking a crucial step to be not just a user but a responsible citizen of the digital world.
Thank you for reading! Stay tuned to The Digital Horizon for more insights, tips, and recommendations on navigating the digital world.
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thehackernewz · 2 years
Increasing Number of Phishing Scams Made Through Call Back Attack
A surprising technique of phishing that quite helping to make the victims be able to be coaxed into making the victims be fallen into the trap by making downloading malicious files onto their devices along with the ransomware included.
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sifytech · 2 years
8 Tips for a safer WFH experience
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Adarsh explores simple ways to stay safe and avoid data breaches while working remotely in a post-pandemic age Read More. https://www.sify.com/digital-transformation/8-tips-for-a-safer-wfh-experience/
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numlookup · 7 months
In this informative video, Sarah from NumLookup discusses the growing concern of phishing scams through text messages, especially those pretending to be from reputable companies like Amazon, Apple, or various banks. She dives into the tactics scammers use to trick individuals into clicking malicious links, and how these messages often mimic legitimate promotions or alerts. Sarah provides practical tips for identifying suspicious texts and emphasizes the importance of verifying the source before responding or clicking any links. With her expertise in digital security, Sarah aims to educate viewers on staying safe in the digital world and protecting their personal information from these deceptive tactics. Join Sarah for this essential guide to being cautious and informed in the age of digital communication. TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@numlookup Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/numlookup_official Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/numlookup.oficial Twitter: https://twitter.com/num_lookup Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/numlookup Visit us at https://www.numlookup.com Remember to like, share, and subscribe for more insightful content on digital safety and awareness. #CyberSecurity #NumLookup #PhishingScams #DigitalAwareness
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eastcrust · 1 year
Watch out for this scam in your email! #youtube #phishingscam
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#phishingscam #phishingphonecalls #staysafe #fyi https://www.instagram.com/p/CFiPCkZp9Gw/?igshid=4pg6dk6d1eta
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eosdesign · 1 year
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※注意喚起!!☠️ 最近 #アマゾン のアカウントが無効になる云々...みたいな #フィッシング詐欺 🎣のメールがちょいちょい来ますので、一応 #注意喚起 😁👍 . メールの見た目はご覧の通りもっともらしい見た目ですが... . ●そもそも、自分の #amazon のアカウントのメールアドレスじゃないアドレスに来てる🤣(アリエナイw) . ●メールアドレスのドメイン(@マークの後ろ)が vhicjk.cn っで思いっきりお隣の国のドメインwww🤣❌これはカナリ稚拙だと思うぞ . ちなみに、今回送られてきたメルアドは... . [email protected] . まぁ...バカかと...😝👎 . (※ホンモノのamazonからのメールならば、少なくとも@マークの後ろは、amazonの公式のドメインのメルアドから来るハズです) . これだけでも簡単に #フィッシング 🎣だということが分かりますので、一応ご注意下され👍✨ . あと「クレジットカードが無効になります云々...」ってメールも多いですので、そちらも合わせてご注意下さい . 「セゾンカードが無効になります」だの「UCカードが無効になります」だのって... . いや、そもそも、両方持ってねーーし🤘🤣🤘www . 年末に、詐欺師もタイヘンだな😝w . やれやれ . . #現場からは以上でーす . . . #詐欺 #犯罪 #ダメ犯罪 #pishing #phishingscam (Kisarazu, Chiba) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmPwVBfyTx7/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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taxcncmy · 5 years
So, tell me about SBURB.
TG: sburb is a interactive game meant to make you test the limits of reality with you and your best friend or more TG: spread your wings and flyTG: hehTG: at the challenges ahead and make sure to breed the seed of your sprite to guide you through unique lands and challenges fit only for you as a player and get that mad cash grab from the utter of echaladder prosperity to see how far you can goTG: collect fraymotifs and push on throughTG: reach the end and get your prize after making sure you beat the Final Challenge
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“Hey... Fuck you Hal.”
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