#Photos: Karen Rose Photography
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Progress shots of the beautiful log home we're building up at the log yard for a great client up in Sunshine Valley, Hope BC!
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Design: RCM CAD Design
Photos: Karen Rose Photography
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jancys-blue-bayou · 7 years
Jancy and all of the numbers honestly?? Lol
Lmao I got two asking for all the numbers at the same time and a couple of more asking for specific ones so here we go with all of them!
1. Which one is the better cook
Covered this before, it’s Jonathan since he’s helped his mom out with cooking and other stuff since he was a kid and cooking is something he enjoys doing. Breakfast is his specialty. Nancy is potentially hazardous in the kitchen. Since Karen loves to cook she has tried to teach Nancy but Nancy has never been into it. At most she can boil water or make grilled cheese. In college she feels bad that Jonathan does all the cooking for them so she makes him teach her some and from then on she cooks a bit too, even though Jonathan continues to make most of the food since he enjoys it. He really loves cooking for Nancy.
2. What their love letters look like
Well I don’t know about proper love letters but Nancy definitely leaves little notes in Jonathan’s locker at school all the time telling him how much she loves him and giving him weirdly specific compliments because he’s so shy and modest all the time and she wants to remind him that he’s awesome. Plus she loves how he blushes and smiles every time he finds a note. (Also sometimes the notes have little messages relating to what she wants him to do to her that night……..) Jonathan on the other hand as always prefers photography to express himself, sometimes he’ll just randomly give her a photo he took of her that he loves, sometimes with a scribbled declaration of love on a note with it.
3. Which one outlives the other, and how they cope
LALALALA DUSTIN INVENTS A POTION THAT GIVES THEM ALL ETERNAL LIFE LALALALALALA seriously what is this question alternate is they’re one of those couples where both live to be a hundred and then dies within an hour of each other next to each other holding hands but LALALALA ETERNAL LIFE
4.What they do on date night
They don’t really have like a proper date night often (like calling and asking the other one out for Friday night like I bet Steve did with Nancy during their relationship) because they just hang out together all the time, doing everything or nothing together. Like after school just hanging out at his or her house (mostly his), talking, listening to music, watching movies, doing homework, doing… other stuff. They’ll go on long walks in the woods, sometimes they’ll just go for a drive to get out of Hawkins for a while. A date night is usually going to a diner and going to the movies. And Nancy will surprise Jonathan with getting tickets for a concert in Indy or Chicago to see some cool band.
5. How many kids they’ll have
One or two, and the two being close in age. My small little close-knit family.
6. How they decorated their bedroom
It’s definitely a joint effort. Nancy goes full into planning mode, making lists and asking for Jonathan’s opinion on everything, and he gives it happily (Jonathan is the farthest thing from the bullshit boring guy response of “Whatever you want is fine with me babe”). They agree on most, but if they disagree on something like the color of the duvet Nancy will inevitably win that argument and Jonathan is fine with it. He mostly cares about what goes on the walls and that everything is nice and soft and that Nancy is comfy. As for how it actually looks I think it’s very personalized, lots of softer earthy colors and a lot of stuff on the walls, a lot of photos that Jonathan took but that it’s Nancy who insisted on hanging there, and then most of the time it’s a bit of a mess with clothes and books and stuff laying around everywhere.
7 Which one is the worse driver
Nancy. We haven’t seen her drive in the show, I h/c that she has a driver’s license but don’t like driving that much, she prefers to let Jonathan do it. Jonathan is a very good, attentive driver, checking everything, Nancy is not bad but she gets anxious driving and has a tendency to speed more. She prefers letting Jonathan drive so she can kick her feet up on the dashboard and relax, she feels safe with Jonathan behind the wheel. Jonathan likes driving, likes the sense of control. Nancy doesn’t like driving alone, being alone in the car for a longer stretch triggers a bit of anxiety, being alone in this little space for so long. Jonathan of course loves it when Nancy is with him in the car but doesn’t mind driving alone either since it gives him time to just relax with music and clear his head.
8. What they argue about
Not a lot, really. They bicker for fun about stuff like music, Nancy teasing Jonathan when he’s being a bit pretentious. But they’re in sync on all the important stuff that matter, like how they’re totally in sync when it comes to monster hunting and taking down the lab, both just being fuck yeah let’s do this. I just have a really hard time seeing them having a big serious fight about something. At most Nancy could get frustrated with Jonathan not giving himself enough credit until the point that she yells a bit at him about how he’s awesome and should realize that.
9. Which one swears more
Totally Nancy lol! Here it’s like Jonathan and Will are both so soft-spoken while Nancy and Mike are not lol. Nancy would curse a bit over little things all the time like dropping stuff or forgetting something etc, and then curse a LOT if she like loses at a board game, which doesn’t happen often. Jonathan would curse at Lonnie if he ever shows up, and Nancy would too. I can also see Jonathan suddenly losing it and cursing if something happens logistically that’s out of his hands but that screws up his/their plans, like getting frustrated when it’s out of his control. Like I don’t know, problems with a moving van or something and he suddenly curses a lot and Nancy is totally bemused and then he’s like “Sorry, sorry” and Nancy just laughs.
10. What TV shows they watch together, and which ones they hide from the other
A bit tricky this, I don’t have super-good knowledge of US tv in the 80s. But like imagine them cuddled up on the couch lazily watching Cheers and both calling out “Norm!” at the same time. I don’t think they hide anything from the other but like Nancy watches a lot of trash tv if she’s sick or on her period just laying on the couch in front of the tv, that she normally doesn’t watch and Jonathan is bemused and sits and watches it with her even though he can’t stand that reality tv or day time tv (all those people yelling and fighting! Can’t they just get along?).
11. What their first impression was of each other
Little kids in first grade, Jonathan is super shy and barely talks to anyone and the other boys tease him and Nancy mostly just plays with Barb but thinks Jonathan seems seems nice and walks up to him in the sandbox and asks if he wants to play one day when Barb is sick and Jonathan nods because he’s thought that Nancy seems really nice too. Then when Will and Mike become friends they see each other around a lot and Nancy is always nice to Jonathan and invites him to her birthday parties when they’re little kids and even if they’re never really that close because Jonathan is shy and always taking care of his family so he doesn’t have much time to socialize, there’s always a liking there.
12. What they do for their anniversary
Dodge questions from others regarding what the anniversary is of (First kiss? First date? First time? like um yep) and celebrate in their own way. Both saying it’s not that important but Jonathan being a sappy dork getting Nancy a flower and Nancy tries to make his favorite food to surprise him but it gets burnt and so they order in. (And then they fuck, ahem).
13. Which makes a bigger deal of birthdays
Oh god, both! Both of them totally go all in to make it the best possible day for the other. Maybe a slight edge to Jonathan though since he’s like basically throwing rose petals at Nancy’s feet every day anyway so her birthday is very important. Nancy knows that Jonathan doesn’t like being the center of attention that much and takes that into consideration while making sure he has the perfect low-key birthday (totally scheming with Will and Joyce for it).
14. What nicknames they call each other
Well let’s start with the great classic headcanon of Nancy calling him Thumper because he’s her fluffy bunny. Then there’s of course Nance, and Nancy will say Jon sometimes for short but she prefers Jonathan because she thinks the whole name is so pretty. That’s really the most common, I don’t think they’re that much of a Sweetie/Honey couple. Oh, but Jonathan blurts out “Babe” once during sex and Nancy really likes that and so that continues, and sometimes “Baby”, for both of them.
15. What they would change about each other
Nothing, really. Well, again Nancy would like Jonathan to not sell himself short. She loves how comfortable he is in himself, who he is and what he likes, but she’d like for him to admit to himself that who he is, is an awesome person. Jonathan wouldn’t change a thing about Nancy. Well, maybe a little thing like we see in S2 when Nancy hears a mysterious sound in the dark woods at night and her instinct is to just march towards it and Jonathan runs after and tugs her back, putting himself in front of her, he absolutely loves her fearlessness but sometimes would like for her to maybe think for a second before charging right towards danger, because he’ll always protect her.
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travelingtheusa · 4 years
2021 Mar 17 (Wed) – We took a tour of the Rose Lawn Museum, a Victorian house built as a 2-story cottage in 1860.  In 1885, Sam Jones bought the house and in 1895, he raised the house and built another story underneath it on the first floor.  This is the first house that I have ever seen that. Usually, a story is added ON TOP of an existing building, not under it.  It was a beautiful home.  Samuel Proctor Jones was a Methodist evangelist who toured around the country, drawing thousands of people to revival meetings.  They say he was the Billy Graham of his time, before Billy Graham.
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     We then drove to the Booth Western Art Museum.  That was a wonderful place.  It had 3 stories and was full of old west pictures, sculptures and artifacts. They had two original stage coaches from the Butterfield Overland Company.  There was a section that exhibited pictures/photos of every president along with a brief 4 or 5 point summary of what set that president aside as special.  One was noted for his big feet (size 14) and another for his weight (337 pounds). Most were noted for being the first of something.
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     After the museum, we drove into Cartersville and had lunch at the City Cellar and Loft.  We were seated in the basement with brick and heavy dark wood.  It felt very Irish but they had no corned beef and cabbage.  I had steak and Paul had fried chicken. Everything was very good.  In fact, the potato soup was so good that we bought a quart to take home.  Then we had to go to Kroger Supermarket to pick up a nice crusty bread to have with the soup for dinner.  While there, we picked up some wine and filled up the truck.  We had thirty cents off a gallon earned in points.
     When we got back to the campground, we drove around to look at some of the cottages for rent.  They are in the process of building new cottages.  It looks like campgrounds everywhere have discovered they make more money by renting cottages than campsites.
 2021 Mar 16 (Tue) – It was a cold, rainy day.  We went to the Southern Museum of the Civil War and Locomotive History in Kennesaw.  It was quite a museum.  The Civil War was retold in detail and in dispassionate accuracy.  It was not maudlin or depressive.   The story was simply told as the war happened.  There was a lot of locomotive history interwoven with the Civil War as well as the growth and reconstruction of the south.  We spent about 3 hours touring the museum.
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     After the museum, we went to The Nest for lunch.  It was a barbecue place.  There was no one in the cafe.  When I asked the waitress about it, she said everyone was in earlier in the day.  We were late for lunch – it was after 2:30 p.m.  The food was OK.  My ribs were tough and leathery.
     As we were headed back to the campground, we decided to peel off and see the Allatoona Dam.  The visitor’s center was closed.  The base of the dam was not that impressive so we decided to drive around to the other side of the dam.  The route was over ten miles but we got there and it was a lot more impressive.  There was also the remains of a furnace from the Cooper Iron Works.  It was a massive stone structure that had been used to smelt iron.
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2021 Mar 15 (Mon) – We drove into town to Etowah Mounds.  The visitor center had a very nice introductory film about the Southeastern Indians.  Without being maudlin, apologetic, or accusing, the film told the story of what happened to the Indians over the years from the first Spanish explorers to the white settlers that forced them away from their homes to reservations.  Outside, there were three large mounds that were part of a large village hundreds of years ago.  We climbed one of the mounds and looked over the area.  There was a river that ran along beside the village area.  It was certainly a perfect place to have a living area.
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     After the mounds, we went to lunch at Moore’s Gourmet Market.  It was a small restaurant with a strong vegetarian bend.  We ordered fried Brussel sprouts for an appetizer and sandwiches for lunch.  My chicken salad was very mushy; I couldn’t taste any chicken.  Paul’s pork tenderloin was very dry.
     Following lunch, we made stops at Pet Smart to get dog and cat food, then at Kroger to pick up a few items.  When we got back to the campground, Paul wandered around picking up wood for a campfire.  There are a lots of trees down in the area.  It looks like the park got hit with a strong windstorm and knocked a lot of trees over.  We enjoyed a nice campfire until it started to sprinkle.  The forecast for the next 3 days is rain.  Guess it’s about time to start getting rain.  We are coming into springtime.
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2021 Mar 14 (Sun) – I sat working at the computer looking out the window and watching all the RVs pull out one by one.  The place was about 2/3rds empty by the time we left at 11:30 am. We headed north to the Red Top Mountain State Park campground in Cartersville.  The drive was about 3 hours and uneventful.  The campground itself was challenging.  The roads are narrow and winding with lots of trees bordering the roadway.  We got turned around, wound up going to the visitor center, turning around, driving to the campground entrance only to find it gated, drove back to the office to check-in, got the gate code, and returned to the entrance.  The gate did not open right away then the road to our campsite was narrow and winding.  We finally got set up around 3 pm.  It’s a nice site.  Lots of woods around and we actually have a fire pit if we decide to have a campfire. Sheba likes the change in geography. The ground is covered in dead leaves and broken sticks and lots of dirt.  No concrete or pavement.
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2021 Mar 13 (Sat) – RVs are starting to slip away.  I’ve been watching them drive away little by little. I guess they were right.  All the RVs will just disappear.
     We hung around the campground for most of the day.  At 11 AM, we went to the RV exhibit to see the most expensive motorhome on display.  It was gorgeous.  The salesman said it was sold for about a million dollars.  After drooling after the beautiful rig, we went food shopping at Kroger to pick up groceries.
     At 6 pm we went over to Bo & Karen’s rig to say good-bye to them and John & Kathy but no one was home.  Guess they went out for dinner.  We then went to the evening’s entertainment for the night.  The Grapevine, a 10-piece band with horns, was playing.  They were pretty good.
 2021 Mar 12 (Fri) – I went to a seminar about genealogy this morning. Paul and I went to lunch at the restaurant in the fairgrounds and had a bologna sandwich (tastes like Spam).   At 3 PM, I took a 3-hour assignment to drive an activity cart.  It was busier than the last two times I drove but I was glad when it was over.  It was not as fun this time as the last time we did the driving.  
     At 7:30 PM, we went to the arena and watched a Josh Turner concert. It was good but we were tired and left after an hour.
2021 Mar 11 (Thu) – We went to a seminar on Smartphone Photography at 9 AM.  It was interesting but we knew most everything they went over.  After the seminar, we walked over to the exhibit area where there were many motorhomes on display by dealers.  We wandered in and out of a few motorhomes but weren’t that impressed.  There were a couple of Class C motorhomes (smaller RVs) that we looked through in order to get an idea of what the RV would look like that we will be renting in Australia.  
     I went to the Ladies Luncheon and Paul returned to the camper.  They had a guest speaker – Rosy the Riveter – who told us stories of what women did on the homefront during WWII.  She was quite entertaining.
     I met Paul on the way to the next seminar – RV Retirement Options. The speaker was so monotone that we were both falling asleep.  We left in the middle of the seminar and went back to the RV for a nap.  At 6:45 PM, we went to the arena for tonight’s entertainment. The Malt Shoppe Memories sang 50s and 60s songs for an hour.  They were very good.
 2021 Mar 10 (Wed) – We went to an orientation for First Time Attendees.   It was intended for anyone who is attending an FMCA International Convention for the first time.  It’s pretty much like other conventions we have been to.  
     At 11:30 AM, we went to a seminar on How to Watch TV in My RV.  The speaker covered all the different antenna and satellite options that are out there.  Wifi remains the big issue for anyone who lives full-time on the road. Campgrounds won’t let you stream shows on their wifi signal and hot spots are usually limited to 15 GB which gets eaten up fast with just one show.  
     At 2:30 PM, we went to a seminar on RVing in Australia and Africa. We wanted to get some ideas for the Australia trip we are planning for January.  At 5 PM, we met at the RV of Bo & Karen with other SMART members. Since there are so many of us in FMCA, it was suggested that we start a chapter in FMCA of SMART members. Conversely, we would form a chapter of FMCA members in SMART.  Jack volunteered to be the Secretary/Treasurer and to put together the bylaws.  He passed around a form we signed as new members of the chapter.  We agreed to meet again tomorrow to finalize the plans. Everyone was to look for other SMART members who are here at the convention and invite them to the meeting.
      At 5 PM, we went back to meet with our SMART friends.  They held a vote on how to form the group and what the requirements should be for membership.  We left at 6 PM to grab a quick meal.  We drove the Activity Carts from 6:30 PM to whenever everyone was home. The Opening Ceremonies was at 7 PM and the entertainment (a comedian) was at 7:30 PM.  The carts were held in place until 7:15 PM then sent out to see if there were folks who needed rides to the arena.  We really should have gone out sooner.  After most folks were at the show, the drivers (there were 8 carts) were seated in a special section so we could watch the show.  We missed the opening ceremony.  Just before the show ended, they sent us back out to get the carts ready and to take people back to their RVs.
 2021 Mar 9 (Tue) – We both drove the Activity Carts this morning from 8 to 11 AM.  It was very cold and we wore coats and hats and gloves.  There were very few people who needed rides as coaches are still coming in.  The convention doesn’t officially start until tomorrow.  Our job is to just ride around and pick up anyone who wants a ride.  
 2021 Mar 8 (Mon) – We attended a Volunteer Meeting at 11 a.m. We volunteered to drive golf carts (called Activity Carts) during the convention.  We have both been assigned 3 time slots of 3 hours each over the next few days.  Paul starts off today with a 2 to 5 PM shift.  I rode with him so I could get oriented to the fairgrounds.
     While driving around, we came across fellow SMART members camped here. It turns out there are about a dozen of us here.
 2021 Mar 7 (Sun) – We packed up and moved 30 miles down the road to the Georgia National Fairgrounds & Agricenter.  We are attending the FMCA (Family Motor Coach Association) International Convention in Perry, GA.  We are among the first attendees to arrive.  The parking crews are working hard to direct all the big rigs coming in to the convention.  The FMCA is the largest RV club in the world.  They normally have about 3,000 RVs at their annual convention.  Because of COVID, they only have about 1,500 rigs here this year.  The club used to be restricted to only motorhomes.  They opened to other RVs (fifth wheels and trailers) a couple of years ago.  There are some others here, but by and large, the majority of RVs here are those big motorhomes.  I kind of feel like the redheaded stepchild.
 2021 Mar 6 (Sat) – We did laundry today and prepared to move to the Georgia Fairgrounds tomorrow.
 2021 Mar 5 (Fri) – We went out to dinner with the group to the Swanson Restaurant.  It was a historic building turned restaurant.  The food and company were very enjoyable.  
 2021 Mar 4 (Thu) – We went back to the Museum of Aviation and toured the remaining 3 buildings.  The building dedicated to WWII was quite interesting.  The display about the Vietnam War was also very well done.
     After the museum, we went to the Longhorn Steakhouse for lunch.  My steak was undercooked and I sent it back. When the waitress brought it back out, it seemed to be worse than went she took it.  She took the steak off the bill and gave me another baked potato along with the undercooked steak.  We’ll have it for breakfast tomorrow.
     On the way back home, we stopped at Kroger to pick up a few groceries. I have a couple of recipes I want to try. After dinner, I baked Hidden Secret Muffins.  As of bedtime, they appeared to be a big flop.  Ugh.  Hope the next experiment works better.
 2021 Mar 3 (Wed) – It was a do-nothing day.  We stayed in the campground all day.
 2021 Mar 2 (Tue) – It rained most of day.  The group has pastries and coffee together this morning then everyone went their own way.  Some of us are staying in the campground until Sunday when we leave for the FMCA Convention.  We drove to Robins AFB and toured the main building of the Museum of Aviation (there are 4 buildings filled with aircraft).
     At noon, we left and drove to the PX where we got lunch in the food court. Paul got a quesadilla and I got chicken at Popeye Chicken.  Neither of us was very impressed with our food.  After lunch, rather than return to the museum to tour the remaining buildings, we returned to the campground.
2021 Mar 1 (Mon) – We wanted to go to a few museums but they were all closed today.  So, we did the laundry and just hung around the campground all day.  
     Paul made the coffee for the rally and they provided breakfast this morning – waffles, pancakes, turkey sausage, orange juice, and coffee. Dinner was tossed salad, baked ziti, and garlic rolls.  They brought it in and then let it sit for over half an hour.  By the time the meal was served, the ziti was tepid and the rolls were cool.  That was disappointing.  Paul set the coffee pot up for tomorrow’s breakfast.
 2021 Feb 28 (Sun) – Church service streamed on YouTube and showed that more people were back in the church building.  We ran some errands today.  We stopped at CVS to get a refill on Paul’s prescription.  There was some confusion and the pharmacist didn’t appreciate Paul criticizing their computers but it finally worked out and he got his medication.  We stopped at Tractor Supply to pick up Bonnie’s pet food and at Kroger to pick up a few groceries.  Lunch was at The Perfect Pear in Perry.  They were clearly understaffed.  The two waitresses and a young man were hustling their butts off.  It took a while to get our food but it was all good.
     The rally provided dinner again today.  It was spiral ham, scalloped potatoes, broccoli casserole and dinner rolls.  
 2021 Feb 27 (Sat) – We took off from Lake Park at 9:30 a.m. The drive was almost 3 hours on the interstate.  We arrived at Twin Oaks RV Park in Elko around noon.  We stayed in the truck while the clerk checked us in.  One of the employees had us follow them in a golf cart to our RV site.  It is a pull through at the end of the row right next to the dog run.  We have full hookups and are also next to the community room.
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     We are here at a pre-rally for the FMCA Convention next week.  This is being called a Tri-Chapter Rally with members of FMCA Veterans group, Full Timers, and Elks.  There are only about 10 people here.  Dinner was provided by the rally and consisted of hot dogs, baked beans, and tossed salad.  
 2021 Feb 26 (Fri) – The UPS truck showed up around 1 p.m.  My medicine was on board.  We stayed in the campground all day.  Took the dog for a long walk.  Began packing up for tomorrow’s move.
 2021 Feb 25 (Thu) – We were confined to the campground today while I waited for UPS to deliver my medicine from Memorial Sloan Kettering. We took a one-mile hike around one of the lakes through old forest.  It was both beautiful and spooky at the same time.  I certainly wouldn’t want to be in there on Halloween at night.  The pharmacy called later and said the plane had been diverted to Philadelphia and is scheduled to arrive tomorrow.  
     We tried to do some laundry this morning but the washer was out of order. There are two machines in the building on site and both are defunct.  I traded some of my books for others in the swap library.  I didn’t find any new ones to take.
     At lunchtime, we drove to Raisin’ Cain, listed under Nature & Parks with animals in Trip Advisor.  It was a large farm with a building that served as a small café, a shop, and a register area.  We got our food at the counter and brought it to the table to eat.  I had fried chicken, again.  Paul had a hamburger steak.  The food was very good.  There were no animals around and no nature preserve or park.
     Following lunch, we stopped at Winn Dixie and WalMart for groceries and at a gas station to get fuel.  Then we went to a Camping World store to get a couple of items.  Paul examined the barbecues.  He is unhappy with the one we have.  It’s too hard to clean.  He will research brands online before buying.
 2021 Feb 24 (Wed) – We packed up and left Riddick at 9:30 a.m. It was about a 3 hour drive, all on the interstate, to Lake Park in Georgia.  We are camped on Moody AFB Rec Area campground.  There are two lakes and lots of trees in the campground. Everything is covered with the Spanish moss.  It is quite lovely.   Unfortunately, we can’t get any TV signal.  Paul found that a wire had broken on the TV antenna and he spent a few hours trying to get it fixed.  His legs will be sore tomorrow with all that up and down the ladder to the roof. After a while, he announced the antenna is kaput and we will have to buy a new one.  Bummer.
     We drove into town to get water.  Somehow, we managed to pick up $100 worth of groceries in the process. We stopped at the Farm Fresh Restaurant for lunch.  Their fried chicken was outrageous!
0 notes
webionaire · 4 years
Leaving his wife and studio business behind, photographer Edward Weston set off with a mistress for Mexico hoping “to start life anew.” A stimulating new exhibit at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, “Viva Mexico!” uses rarely shown images to explore the career-shaping impact of these years on Weston’s -- and his friends’ -- approaches to photography. Video: Viva Mexico!
Leaving his wife and studio business behind, photographer Edward Weston set off with a mistress for Mexico hoping “to start life anew.”
Over the course of extended stays in 1923 and 1926, his imagination was enflamed by the brilliant sunlight, mixed indigenous and Spanish cultures and revolutionary fervor that found expression in his photographs.
A stimulating new exhibit at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, “Viva Mexico!” uses rarely shown images to explore the career-shaping impact of these years on Weston’s approach to photography.
Curator Karen Haas described the exhibit as “a wonderful opportunity for our visitors to experience Weston’s stunning Mexican photographs firsthand.
“These rich, warm-toned prints, when seen in context with photographs by his contemporaries in Mexico during the 1920s and 1930s promise to be a revelation even to those who know Weston’s work well.”
Visitors will rediscover a major American photographer whose actual and artistic vision appears to have been rarefied by the land and its inhabitants, inspiring in him deep feelings that he expressed with admiring restraint.
Organized by Haas, “Viva Mexico” showcases 45 often striking photographs, including 30 rare shots by Weston, that provide illuminating glimpses into the way expatriate artists portrayed Mexico, often reflecting their own cultural baggage.
“I have always wanted to do this show,” said Haas, the MFA’s Lane Collection Curator of Photographs. “This period of Weston’s life has been underrepresented, under-researched and relatively unknown.”
Subtitled “Edward Weston and his Contemporaries,” this show runs through Nov. 2 in the Herb Ritts Gallery. The works on display are drawn from the museum’s collection and the prestigious Lane Collection which is on long-term loan to the MFA.
The exhibit examines Weston at a crucial career stage as he moved beyond earlier soft-focused pictorialism into the elemental clarity of the modernism that defined his mature work.
The photos on display are as sharp and exact as X-rays. Yet Weston imbued these platinum prints with such subtle contrasts of light and shadow they seem to shimmer as if seen through heat vapors.
In portraits such as “Galvan Shooting” and “Rose Roland,” his living subjects are depicted with the timelessness of sculptures. Though rendered with biological exactitude, his still lifes of plants and fruit, such as “Palmilla” and “Chayotes,” seem bursting with vital energy.
And his portraits of the shapely Modotti sunbathing nude on the roof of his home convey the barely subdued passion of an artist liberated from restricting conventions.
The exhibit also introduces Weston’s mixed bag of fellow bohemians, including expatriate artists such as Modotti and Paul Strand, and Mexican artists Manuel Alvarez Bravo, Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera.
An actress who developed into a serious photographer as evidenced by her striking “Worker’s Hands,” Modotti emerges as an intriguing artist and political activist worthy of her own show. Haas said Weston and Modotti first left for Mexico “strangely enough with the blessings of his wife who said, ‘Tina, take care of my boy.”’
While best known for his classic black-and-white photos of peppers and shells, Weston began shooting in Mexico what Haas called “monumental portraits” of friends and acquaintances, nudes of Modotti and sharp, precise photos of ordinary people, colonial architecture and spare landscapes.
Haas observed Weston created these “heroic” portraits by the technical innovation of aiming his Graphlex camera “slightly below eye level” to render their faces “sculpturally” in ways reminiscent of naturalistic statues of Mexico’s pre-Columbia Olmec culture. On an opening day tour, she quoted Weston’s biographer who observed “Mexico was (his) Paris.”
0 notes
wallpaperpainter · 4 years
12 Small But Important Things To Observe In Etsy Aisle Runner | Etsy Aisle Runner
An illustrator has been banned from Etsy afterwards he was begin affairs a Mother’s Day agenda featuring the London-born Isis helpmate Shamima Begum.
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Black and White Aisle Runner – Always and Forever – Personalised Wedding Aisle Runners – etsy aisle runner | etsy aisle runner
The agenda advised and awash by Samuel Hague shows the 19-year-old mother – who gave bearing to a boy in a refugee affected in Syria aftermost anniversary – with the slogan: “Thanks for never abutting Isis.”
The online exchange said the artisan had advanced been warned about some of his added cards, which accept additionally featured celebrities and accessible abstracts in the annual cycle.
Sharing the abounding story, not aloof the headlines
Mr Hague tweeted an e-mail from Etsy’s “integrity” aggregation answer why his annual had been revoked afterward his latest stunt.
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The bulletin said: “While Etsy encourages sellers to accurate their claimed angle and account in their listings, we do not admittance items or listings that promote, abutment or acclaim hatred.”
(Samuel Hague Illustration)
It added: “We additionally prohibit items that promote, abutment or acclaim acts of concrete or animal abandon adjoin individuals or groups.”
Last year the illustrator was accursed by the children’s alms NSPCC for his “thoughtless and irresponsible” assignment afterwards he produced a Father’s Day agenda featuring Jimmy Savile and a Mother’s Day agenda featuring Karen Matthews – the woman confined for kidnapping her own babe Shannon.
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It read: “Thanks for never ambuscade me beneath a bed.” The Savile agenda bore the slogan: “Thanks for never absolution Jim fix it for me.”
Colonel Tom Moore and his babe Hannah bless his 100th birthday, with an RAF flypast provided by a Spitfire and a Hurricane over his home in Marston Moretaine. Colonel Moore, aforetime a Captain, accustomed a advance in honour of his altogether and in acceptance of the funds, in balance of £30m, he aloft for the NHS by walking laps of his garden
Capture the Light Photography/Getty
Britain’s Labour baton Keir Starmer speaks during Prime Minister’s Questions, as associates of Parliament beam amusing breach due to the coronavirus, in the House of Commons, London, Wednesday, April 29, 2020
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UK Parliament/AP
NHS agents at the Mater hospital in Belfast, during a minute’s blackout to pay accolade to the NHS agents and key workers who accept died during the coronavirus outbreak
The sun rises abaft bombastic oil platforms anchored in the Firth of Forth abreast Kirkcaldy, Fife. All-around oil prices accept comatose afterwards the coronavirus communicable bargain demand, with analysts admonishing that the oil majors may be attractive at one of their better quarter-on-quarter
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Personalised Wedding Aisle Runner for Ceremony and Wedding Venue Decor | etsy aisle runner
The post 12 Small But Important Things To Observe In Etsy Aisle Runner | Etsy Aisle Runner appeared first on Painter Legend.
Painter Legend https://www.painterlegend.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/black-and-white-aisle-runner-always-and-forever-personalised-wedding-aisle-runners-etsy-aisle-runner.jpg
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Social Distancing Self-Care: Links
Being chronically ill, I am used to being at home for days and even weeks on end. But I know most of my listeners are not. The only change for me right now is that my doctors’ appointments and physical therapy appointments are being canceled, which does also mean not writing at Starbucks or Barnes and Noble. My anxiety, of course, is heightened by everything that is going on, but the actual social distancing aspect is normal life for me. I know most of you are feeling cabin fever (which is a great movie, by the way, and about a virus–more about using horror to safely experience real-life fears in the next episode), coming right up. My love goes out to you guys. As I wrote on the Facebook page, in the Facebook group, and in the Goodreads group:
I have such empathy and love for all of you. Being forced to stay home and act like the world might make you sick…I know how scary and uncomfortable it is. Please take a moment and sit in empathy, as you struggle with your new reality of social distancing. This is how I have been living for the last six years. Not as strictly. But still the same. Some weeks I only go out of the house for my therapy appointment and a coffee afterwards. Know that when I say this, I am remembering my first days and weeks home from work, and the first days and weeks after each new diagnosis, and how very difficult they were. I am so sorry; I don’t want anyone else to feel this way. I promise the cabin fever goes away. Take very good care of yourself and each other, see this as an opportunity. That’s the lesson it has taken me years to learn.
So I am working on the above-mentioned episode, and other future episodes, and also working on intense self-care. This self-care includes distracting myself with creativity and fascinating media I have been meaning to consume. I thought I’d share some of that media with you, in order to inspire and encourage you. Share some of your own in the comments, or wherever you post your own thoughts. Feel free to promote those links in the comments as well for my listeners.
Letterboxd: Carol Kane’s movies
A horror movie I’ve never heard of! And it looks terrifying. The Mafu Cage (1978), directed by Karen Arthur. It stars Carol Kane and Lee Grant (The Omen), and I can’t wait to watch it. It looks like true 1970’s horror grittiness mixed with the likes of Whatever Happened to Baby Jane and The Bad Seed: psychological horror movies where it really comes down to the interpersonal relationship between two people who may not be sane. And a la Clive Barker’s Lord of Illusions, horror of horrors, there’s a simian involved. Those Illusions scenes, short as they are, nearly do me in.
A terrifying love story.
Two strange sisters live in a crumbling mansion, where they keep a pet ape, which belonged to their late father, locked in a cage. While one of the sisters seems to be keeping her head on straight, as it were, the other appears to be sinking further and further into barbarism and insanity.
For lighter fare, and a good laugh, here’s a horror spoof I found: Pandemonium (1982):
Tom Smothers (of the Smothers Brothers) stars as the brave mountie, who along with his trusty horse and bitter deputy Paul Reubens (Pee Wee Herman!) must track down a killer who is stalking coeds at a nearby cheerleader camp.
Also stars Carol Kane, Edie McClurg (Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, Carrie), Judge Reinhold (Fast Times at Ridgemont High), Phil Hartman (Kiki’s Delivery’s Service, How I Got Into College), Eileen Brennan (Clue), Donald O’Connor (Singing in the Rain), and Tab Hunter (Damn Yankees, Grease 2). I am definitely going to seek this out, and will report back. I’m not normally a fan of horror comedy, but this looks so cute and funny. And Carol Kane! Letterboxd, Amazon (not currently available, but you can add it to your watchlist to let Amazon know you want to watch it). Just knowing this exists makes me feel better.
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A spoof of camp horror movies with Canadian mounties thrown in. Yes.
Then there’s Trees Lounge: Steve Buscemi, Carol Kane, Chloe Sevigny, Samuel L. Jackson, Debi Mazar, Io Tillet Wright. Directed by Steve Buscemi. What the what. How did this get past me?!
Tommy has lost his job, his love and his life. He lives in a small apartment above the Trees Lounge, a bar which he frequents along with a few other regulars without lives. He gets a job driving an ice cream truck and ends up getting involved with the seventeen-year-old niece of his ex-girlfriend. This gets him into serious trouble with her father.
One of my Letterboxd friends called this “Cheers without the happy”. I cannot wait to see this./> Letterboxd, Amazon
These are the movies written by my friend Eric Garcia–I met Eric at Yale Summer School 1989, between our junior and senior years of high school–he was taking Drama, I was taking Psychology, and Gender and Political Science; we initially bonded over our similar sense of humors and Goodbye Yellow Brick Road (oh oh whoa whoa whoa whoa): Letterboxd:
Matchstick Men (2003): Nicholas Cage, Sam Rockwell, Jenny O’Hara:
A phobic con artist and his protege are on the verge of pulling off a lucrative swindle when the con artist’s teenage daughter arrives unexpectedly.
(the novel: Matchstick Men: A Novel About Grifters with Issues)
Repo Men (2010): Jude Law, Forest Whitaker:
In the future, medical technology has advanced to the point where people can buy artificial organs to extend their lives. But if they default on payments, an organization known as the Union sends agents to repossess the organs.
(the novel)
Strange But True (2019): Greg Kinnear, Blythe Danner:
A woman surprises the family of her deceased boyfriend by telling them she’s pregnant with his child.
Yes, “Matchstick Men”, if you are my age, that should induce a half-remembered earmworm…
…inspired by the Camper Van Beethoven song, since we’re entertaining ourselves here. And guess what, o happy of happies? Ozzy Ozbourne covered it, with Type O Negative. Have fun!
As always, to follow what I am watching, here’s my Letterboxd diary. Feel free to follow me on there, and I will follow you back.
As for books…I just finished Ronan Farrow’s Catch and Kill: Lies, Spies, and a Conspiracy to Protect Predators. I will never give NBC any of my time nor money again. Also, excuse some brief vulgarity and anger, which is rare for me: fuck Matt Lauer, fuck Lester Holt for being an enabler and minimizer for Matt Lauer, fuck the legal team and highest management at NBC and MSNBC, and fuck Harvey Weinstein and everyone that helped, enabled and ignored him. I say all this as an aghast survivor and an aghast human. About Matt Lauer: that softpedal they gave us, with Savannah Guthrie crying that morning of his firing, reading a statement about “harassment” and “inappropriate work environment”, it was farthest from the truth. Matt Lauer is a violent rapist, and know that going into reading this book. It’s explicit, and much more that you will ever expect. Also, Weinstein is much, much worse than you even knew.
In better news, I posted about this book and how it helped me, and Rose McGowan posted a comment of solidarity on my Instagram post. I cried, and I cry every time I think about it, tears of happiness and healing.
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So, while we’re at it: Letterboxd: Rose McGowan’s movies
Rose McGowan: Instagram
Rose McGowan Arts: Instagram: her photography and videography art
Her book Brave is next on my list. According to Letterboxd, there’s an accompanying documentary in the works, about which I am very excited.
If you are into true crime, and i know many of you are, here’s the list of recent 5-stars I finished, including those by my talented friend Caitlin Rother:
Lost Girls * Caitlin Rother
I’ll Take Care of You * Caitlin Rother
My Daddy Is a Hero: How Chris Watts Went From Family Man to Family Killer * Lena Derhally (deep dive into this case by a therapist–the whole second half of the book is a thoughtful, intellectual examination of what might be wrong with Chris Watts)
Scarred: The True Story of How I escaped NXIVM, the Cult That Bound My Life * Sarah Edmondson with Kristine Gasbarre (narrated by Sarah, and the audiobook was directed by Kate Winslet)
The Five: The Untold Lives of the Women Killed by Jack the Ripper * Hallie Rubenhold (more history than true crime, incredibly moving and marvelous detective work)
My long-suffering library hold for Madeline Miller‘s Circe finally came through, and I am beyond excited. I loved her gorgeous Song of Achilles so very much. It was so luscious in its imagery and relationship, and its retelling of myth.
I am also reading, on my Kindle, His Garden, Conversations with a Serial Killer, by Anne K. Howard, about William Devin Howell. I’m listening to The Wild Heart of Stevie Nicks written and narrated by Rob Sheffield, the author of the thought-full and moving journal of essays Love Is a Mix Tape: Life and Loss, One Song At a Time. It’s only two hours long but it’s taking me forever because I keep having to pause it to listen to her music.
I’m also knitting a blanket for Wil Wheaton. It all came about from an Instagram conversation about coziness and Muppets last year. There’s been a reboot of this blanket; I won’t bore you with the details and carnage…suffice it to say I won’t be using chenille yarn ever again. I’ll follow up here and on Instagram with new photos. The concept is a warm Muppet hug, and the base pattern is the Elm Avenue Throw Blanket by Lauren Scungio. (Feel free to follow me at Ravelry, my user name is CarlaYarn.)
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Rebooting @itswilwheaton’s Muppet hug blanket. Why? It’s a long story involving many struggles, ending with the strong resolution that I will never knit with chenille again. Stitches kept gapping and stretching; it was a crime scene. Anyway! Revamped, and the end result is going to be much more joyous and colorful, and durable. I chose colors of @knitpicks Brava that corresponded to 19079’s old-school Muppets, including overlooked intrepid reported Prairie Dawn. The Muppets are Big Bird, Bert, Ernie, Cookie, Prairie, Kermit and Herry. The original yarn retained from the original plan is the fuzzy one—the Caron Latte Cakes—it adds the furry aspect as a carry-along. The pattern is the same: the Elm Avenue Throw Blanket by #laurenscungio and #loopsandthreads. I’ve making it on larger needles than called-for for extra squish. Wil, I hope this brings you and @annewheaton much coziness and comfort. Now that I have worked out the frustration (and my health is cooperating), this blanket should be “Movin’ Right Along”. If anyone wants to follow along or check it out. I made the project public on Ravelry at https://ravel.me/CarlaYarn/eatb. #knitpicks #knitpicksbrava #caronyarn #caronlattecakes #muppets #knitting #wip #ravelry #sesamestreet #prairiedawn #bertandernie #cookiemonster #bigbird #herrymonster #knittersofinstagram #knittersofravelry #knitstagram #knitting_is_love #knitlove
A post shared by Carla Hufstedler (@carlahaunted) on Mar 18, 2020 at 9:14am PDT
I shall return with, of course, the aforementioned podcast episode, and more links, more suggestions, and more photos, especially photos of the knitting. I hope this long collection has helped–I spent all afternoon aggregating it. As always, any of the books mentioned can be collected for free with a trial membership from Audible, which helps me out, through this link: http://audibletrial.com/mightbecupcakes. As well, using any of the links in this or any post on the site helps me out. Our family budget is on lockdown. You know I still do not receive disability, and now my husband cannot go out to work. So your clicks and purchases really help, thank you so much. I will also be uploading more scripts to the show’s Patreon, and updating the Patreon levels. Please consider joining, and thank you. If you are not a fan of Patreon, you can also leave me a tip at Flattr. Episode 59 is on its way. I love you, and I hope you find something in this post fun.
To leave this on the most possible fun note, puppies must be involved, right? Well, my parents have three dogs (to my two), and the youngest, still a puppy, is Olivia Benson, and she is a very rare full hermaphrodite. She is cute as as a button as well as fascinating (her vet is going to publish a paper on her). We (meaning me, prompted by my parents via text message as they send over pictures as well) have been chronicling her journey on Instagram at @oliviathespecialpug. Give her a follow. She’s cute and sassy and ridiculously smart. Her older brothers Spencer Reid the pug and Preston the long-haired dachshund show up occasionally as well, and they’re all just stinkin’ adorable. I’ll leave you with her most recent shots. This first one was from Sunday, I was watching 48 Meters Down: Unchanged (I know, I know, here’s my review), and she was falling asleep with her arm on my shoulder, like a human, then there were birdies! She pointed at the tv then looked at me with great confusion then pointed again. The next one was from her spaying + neutering–yes, she had to have both, in a compound, complicated surgery, and she is stoned out of her gourd. I laugh every time I look at these. To me, she looks like a furry toad. I hope they make you laugh, too.
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I heard birdies in @carlahaunted’s horror movie and pointed. #pugstagram #puglife #puglifechoseme #hermaphrodite #olivia #oliviabenson #detoliviabenson #svu #lawandordersvu #oliviathepug #oliviabensonthepug #oliviathehermaphroditepug #puppiesofinstagram #pugsofinstagram #pugpuppies #pugpuppiesofinstagram #pugs #pugchronicles #flatnosesociety
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Olivia Benson Pettigrew (@oliviathespecialpug) on Mar 15, 2020 at 7:54am PDT
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Teething pug = sleepy pug. #pugstagram #puglife #puglifechoseme #hermaphrodite #olivia #oliviabenson #detoliviabenson #svu #lawandordersvu #oliviathepug #oliviabensonthepug #oliviathehermaphroditepug #puppiesofinstagram #pugsofinstagram #pugpuppies #pugpuppiesofinstagram #pugs #pugchronicles #flatnosesociety
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Olivia Benson Pettigrew (@oliviathespecialpug) on Mar 15, 2020 at 7:40am PDT
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I am recovering from my complicated neutering/spaying surgery nicely, but my first experience with pain meds has me very confused and doing a really good Baby Yoda impression. @carlahaunted was dogsitting me, and I kept standing up stiff legged suddenly, like I had forgotten something (Carla said it was like I had remembered I had locked my keys in my car) and then standing up on my back legs like a meerkat. I finally slept with a good, juicy pain meds + pug flatnose snore. I figured out how to untie my stuffed cone of shame. I am one clever puppy, even on pain medication. My big brothers are worried about me, but being very gentle and very well behaved. I can’t wait to play with them again. #Pugstagram #puglife #puglifechoseme #hermaphrodite #olivia #oliviabenson #detoliviabenson #svu #lawandordersvu #oliviathepug #oliviabensonthepug #oliviathehermaphroditepug #puppiesofinstagram #pugsofinstagram #pugpuppies #pugpuppiesofinstagram #pugs #pugchronicles #flatnosesociety
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#babyyoda #babyyodapug #coneofshame
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Olivia Benson Pettigrew (@oliviathespecialpug) on Jan 23, 2020 at 10:27pm PST
The post Social Distancing Self-Care: Links appeared first on There Might Be Cupcakes Podcast.
from WordPress https://www.theremightbecupcakes.com/social-distancing-self-care-links/ via IFTTT
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hawleyk889-blog · 5 years
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A Peach and Rose Gold Marquee Wedding with a Harry Potter Themed Wedding Cake?! Yes please!!
Sarah is one of the nicest brides I’ve had the pleasure of working with and I was thrilled to be able to create her wedding cake. After a few months of emails she came for a consultation with her mum to discuss flavours and finalise the design for her cake. Sarah had pretty much already planned her cake and had asked for there to be a few golden snitches on the cake as a surprise for her fiance Luke, as he’s a big Harry Potter fan. The wedding reception was to be held in a marquee at Sarah’s parents house and was styled to PERFECTION. There was a definite theme of Harry Potter but everything was so coordinated and well styled – it was amazing! Here are a few images I took whilst setting up the cake of the marquee – doesn’t it look incredible?!
  Amazing Harry Potter themed sign made by one of the couple’s friends!
  Beautiful marquee setting…
Harry Potter themed photo booth!
The actual cake comprised a ruffled base tier, a rose gold lustre middle tier and some handmade sugar flowers in shades of nude, peach and ivory to tie in with the table settings. I added in a few rose gold snitches and Sarah and Luke had a rose gold topper for me to pop on when I set the cake up. I even baked some Golden Snitch (well, rose golden snitch!) shortbread cookies to act as wedding favours. These were iced decorated to look like the snitch.
  Spot the snitches!
Other suppliers included:
Love Lights The Way
Karen Ross Photography
Good Food Story UK
Vanessa at Wild Flowers
Blue Sky Events
I loved being a tiny part of this wedding, and I hope the weather (which was atrocious!!) didn’t put a dampener on things for the happy couple. Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Greenway xx
The post A Peach and Rose Gold Marquee Wedding with a Harry Potter Themed Wedding Cake appeared first on White Rose Cake Design.
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jodybouchard9 · 6 years
Think Pink! Savvy Ways to Use Rosy Hues in Your Home
On the eve of Valentine’s Day, odds are you’re seeing a lot more pink and red wherever you go—but if you’re tempted to use these rosy hues in your home, watch out! This romantic color is not for the faint of heart.
“Pinks, reds, and peach tones are either adored or abhorred,” reports Karen Gray-Plaisted of Design Solutions KGP.
Go too far, and it can make your home seem overly feminine or sweet. But done right, these colors can have a calming effect and enhance a room’s ambiance. So if you’ve always wondered how to add pink and red to your home decor, here are some rules to follow.
Bring red and pink to the bath
Photo by Chango & Co. 
Pink hues work well in bedrooms, baths, and living rooms, especially when complemented with red and purple accents in curtains, rugs, artwork, and pillows, says Gray-Plaisted.
You could also go deep red on a powder room. “This color creates visual interest in an otherwise small and boring room,” points out Liz Toombs, president of PDR Interiors.
Consider pink lighting
Photo by Malibu West Interiors
Want to light up your rooms and take 10 years off your face? Install pink lampshades.
Jason Oliver Nixon, co-founder of the design firm Madcap Cottage, creates custom shades in pale pink that harken back to old-fashioned, silk-lined cafe lamps in the same color. “They offer such a flattering glow,” he says.
Plus, pink doesn’t have to feel too feminine if you pick the right shade. Nixon’s fave? Fowler Pink from Farrow & Ball, named for the legendary English designer John Fowler.
“It’s a great pink that isn’t too feminine or sweet, and it works in just about any room,” Nixon says.
Use caution in bedrooms
Photo by Katie Scott Design 
If you love true fire-engine red, you’re in luck: It’s actually trending, according to Toombs.
“This red is making a strong comeback, along with other jewel tones, and you’re going to be seeing a lot more of it used in furniture in the coming year,” she says.
One red no-no? Splashing this rich hue where you’re trying to sleep. Red is energizing (lots of fast-food restaurants incorporate it in their logos), but it’s not a great choice in a room that’s supposed to be restful.
“This shade is just too bold for most folks to wake up to, but you could paint the insides of a bedroom cabinet bright red for some unexpected magic,” says Nixon.
But when it comes to the dining room or a foyer, red is tops.
“It’s fabulous for a dining nook, because this space should really have some theatricality and drama,” he adds.
Combine colors carefully
Photo by Francis Dzikowski Photography Inc. 
When introducing reds and pinks to your home decor, know that color trends are moving toward the warm end of the spectrum (think beige tones) so that they marry well with browns and soft neutrals, says Gray-Plaisted.
“And cooler or bluer reds, pinks, and peach shades would look nice with true whites and grays, which have also been so popular,” she adds.
Living in a traditional space? Formal living rooms benefit from a blend of deep red with gold and sage green, suggests Toombs. Brighter reds pair nicely with cobalt or navy for a nautical look, while playful spaces can embrace pink and green, à la Lilly Pulitzer. And blush pink, gray, and white create a soothing combination.
Embrace accents
Photo by DD Ford Construction 
Nixon’s own home includes a set of rose-colored Le Creuset cookware, as well as a pink refrigerator from Big Chill.
“It looks deliciously retro and everyone comments on it—why not make a statement with your kitchen fridge or range?” he asks.
Other colorful accents include burgundy bedding for a regal master suite and red chair seats to coordinate with traditionally colored Oriental rugs in a formal dining room, says Toombs. She also incorporates pops of red and pink with accessories, including vases and floral arrangements (both real and silk).
“And touches of red in artwork create a strong visual and command attention,” she notes.
Roll out red to welcome guests
Photo by Paul Davis Architects
Another small accent that packs a punch is to paint your front door red. Your real estate agent may even recommend a red door if you’re thinking of moving.
“Red is eye-catching and memorable, so it serves a homeowner well when trying to sell,” says Toombs. Just be sure to look to your siding, stone, and roof color so you can chose a coordinating shade.
But don’t continue your paint brush to the garage door, notes Toombs.
“This spot should blend into the home, rather than draw attention, as it’s utilitarian in function and not an architectural focal point,” she adds.
The post Think Pink! Savvy Ways to Use Rosy Hues in Your Home appeared first on Real Estate News & Insights | realtor.com®.
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handcraftedloghomes · 10 months
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Did you know that today is International Mountain Day?
We are fortunate to have the stunning view of Mount Cheam right by our log yard. Mount Cheam, also known as Cheam Peak, is an iconic mountain in Chilliwack, visible from as far away as Vancouver Island on a clear day!
Photo credit: Karen Rose Photography
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discovercreate · 8 years
Olympic Figure Skater Sasha Cohen’s Wedding Album!
Leave it to Olympic medalist, Sasha Cohen to take on the role of “bride” and incredible grace. She wed her love, Tom May oceanside on Cape Cod and the photos by Corinna Raznikov speak for themselves. “Tom and I both love the ocean. We wanted a non-denominational ceremony, something in nature,” Sasha said. “We were overlooking the water and got married just before sunset. It was absolutely lovely.” The Pink Polka Dot brought every detail to life and there’s more to see this way!
Share this gorgeous gallery on
Beach Club
From The Pink Polka Dot… When Olympic silver medalist, Alexandra “Sasha” Cohen wed Thomas May, all they truly wanted was “… Something small and charming.” said Sasha Cohen. The New York-based couple chose Cape Cod because their busy schedules made the East Coast more sensible than a location near Cohen’s Southern California roots. They picked a small country club, The Wianno Club, near where May’s parents have a summer house. May’s sister also was married in Cape Cod, so she was able to give some guidance when it came to planning. The guest list totaled 140. There were five bridesmaids, including May’s two sisters, plus the maid of honor, Cohen’s sister, Natasha. Among friends from the skating world were gold medal winner, Evan Lysacek, Tiffany Stiegler Stahl (who was a bridesmaid, just as Cohen had been for her in her 2014 wedding), Jennifer Markham and Christie Baca.
Sasha’s color palette vision was steely silver, muted blues, whites and peaches. She wanted to incorporate vintage, romantic elements as well.
“Karen, our florist, did an amazing job with the arbor, candles and lanterns and rose petals along the aisle leading up to the altar. It was transformed into a vision.” The white and peach florals were absolutely beautiful and helped create a romantic feel in the ballroom. Textured cream linens, lots of candlelight and menu cards with floral accents completed the tables. Lush floral pieces lined the unique horseshoe shaped head table to create an intimate seating arrangement for the wedding party. The escort cards were tied to antique keys and displayed in beautiful boxes of moss for a vintage look. Cohen met May at a birthday party in 2014 through mutual friends in NYC. They got engaged in July 2015 in Provincetown, Massachusetts.
“We explored the beaches of the Cape during the day and then Tom proposed at sunset on a tiny private beach right before we went out to dinner,” Cohen said. They were married by a justice of the peace and said traditional vows. Natasha’s sister read a poem. Cohen’s Galia Lahav-designed dress was beaded with antique-style accents and a dramatic cutout on the back with a brass zipper. One part of the day Cohen will never forget is getting ready to walk down the aisle with her parents. “That was a moment I took for myself – I wanted to really remember how it felt before all the commotion started,” Cohen said. “Our first dance was very special, (as were) the speeches and closing the night with a line of sparklers.” The newlyweds did a traditional first dance to “Stand By Me,” a favorite of May’s.”The lyrics are inspiring and very fitting for a first dance,” Cohen said. “We both felt it was the right message. “We took dance classes before, which was a lot of fun,” she added. “It was slightly choreographed. Tom was nervous. He’s not used to performing in front of people, but it went really well. I have to say the lessons paid off.”
The newlyweds honeymooned in Sydney, Australia and Fiji.”
Photography: Corinna Raznikov Photography | Coordination: The Pink Polka Dot | Floral Design: Lilacs | Cake: Artisan Bake Shop | Invitations: The Pink Polka Dot | Makeup Artist: Brandon Ward | Hair: Salon in the Mills, Sara Aspden | Band: Nate Bash Band | Officiant: Lucien Poyant | Ceremony Music: Bruce Abbott Music | Venue: Wianno Club | Paper Products: The Pink Polka Dot | Rentals: Be Our Guest
© Style Me Pretty, 2017. | Permalink | Comments | Add to del.icio.us Post tags: cape cod, Celebrity, Celebrity Wedding, Real Wedding, real weddings, Sasha Cohen Post categories: Nautical, Real Weddings, Romantic, The Blog
from Style Me Pretty http://ift.tt/2i5Qu0o
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aragatesfl · 4 years
Paulina Splechta Birth Photography and Films
We are here for you! You are not alone! ♥️ Expecting families, as you fall asleep tonight, there's one thing we want you to know ????? You're Not Alone. You have support far and wide, whether you live here or there, birth workers are wrapping themselves in a warm hug around Planet Earth, right now, and always. Birth Photographers. Doulas. Midwives. I can't even begin to tell you the amount of love that went into creating this video for you all today. I said "Let's do this..." and 40+ people showed up within 60 seconds. THAT IS SOLIDARITY. We are all in this together. You are not alone. We did this for you, expecting families. A major shout out to Położne dla Ciebie the amazing 40+ midwives all over Poland who inspired this message AND and ULTRA MEGA Shout out to the 40+ Birth workers from around the world that came together in solidarity to create this action and message for all expecting families around the world today. I'm going to attempt to every single business that participated in this video in the comments below! Look for your local city/country and give them a shout! Thank you team for trusting me with putting this video together for all expecting families of the world! PHOTOGRAPHY CREDITS & PARTICIPATION CREDITS: Paulina Splechta Birth Photography and Films, South Florida Maude Colin Photographe de naissance + Doula, Quebec, Canada Martha Lerner, Zenmamalove South Florida Twyla Ellis, Maple Hollow Photography Denver, Colorado Natalie Zepp Photography Pensacola, Florida Melissa Benzel, Benzel Photography Melbourne, FL Rachel McMillen, See Anything Photography Greensboro, NC Stephanie Parker, West Rose Media Alberta, Canada Karen Leuch Photography Minnesota Diana Hinek, ArtShaped Photography and Birth Services Los Angeles, California Carey Lippert, Carey Lauren Photography Phoenix, Arizona Jill Mills, Love Heart Photo Maryland Bree Minter, Pepper Mint Birth Services, Washington Jessica Maloney, Jessica Angel Photography Ottawa, Ontario, Canada Colleen Losse, TC birth photographer Michigan Samantha Meiners, Samantha June Photography Omaha, NE Norma Hess, Sojourning Birth: Birth Doula, Photos & Film Mcallen, TX Kathleen Van Vaerenbergh fotografie Belgium Crystal Chappell, Trout River Birth Photography Jacksonville, FL Tiffany Bonds, Tiffany Hudgins Photography Alabama Aurielle Whitmore, Aurielle Photography - Santa Barbara Birth Photographer Amanda Bradley Mcghee, Kimberlin Gray Photography Virginia Beach, Virginia Erin Stoneman Photography and Doula Services, Kelowna, BC Canada Samantha Steen Doula, Birth Photographer, CLC Kentucky Deborah Elenter, NEO Photography Montevideo, Uruguay Amanda Clendenen, Amanda Jackson Photography Texas Jessica Benson, Jessica B Photography Boulder City, Nevada Michelle Criss, Creating Legacies Sioux City, Iowa Lindsey Ellis, L.E. Ellis Photography Montana April Macarthur Newman, April Newman Photography New York Cyd Lapour, Bayou Rose Photo Louisiana Caroline Devulder, Caromama - Geboortefotograaf en Doula Belgium Lynette Sanders, @lyneLynette Sanders Photography Documenting the Magic of Birth and Motherhood Okaloosa, Santa Rosa, FL Brittney Hogue, Brittney Hogue - Birth, Baby, Family Photographer - Central IL Pekin, IL Camille Borba, CB Photography - Birth & Life Stories Sacramento, California Jessica Vink, VI-Photography - Jouw geboortefotograaf Netherlands Bella Shearhart, Bella Photography Texas Stephanie Entin, Little Plum Photography by Stephanie Entin California Liz Cook, Liz Cook Photography Director of iapbp.com, Virginia Gelena Hinkley, midwife, Peaceful Pregnancy Pathways ~P3, Natural Birthworks, South Florida Pauline Van Berkel, Pic-A-Boo, Netherlands Christa West, midwife, Coastal Midwifery South Florida Samara Andreaidis, doula, The Orchid Nest South Florida Angela Maria, Australia Nikki Weir Williams, Bedheadbirth: Nikki Williams Birth Services Mount Airy, Maryland from https://www.facebook.com/162245747262628_1577093065777882
from Birthing Tree LLC - Blog https://birthingtreefl.weebly.com/blog/paulina-splechta-birth-photography-and-films
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sierracortneyfl · 4 years
Paulina Splechta Birth Photography and Films
We are here for you! You are not alone! ♥️
Expecting families, as you fall asleep tonight, there’s one thing we want you to know 👉👉👉👉👉 You’re Not Alone. You have support far and wide, whether you live here or there, birth workers are wrapping themselves in a warm hug around Planet Earth, right now, and always. Birth Photographers. Doulas. Midwives. I can’t even begin to tell you the amount of love that went into creating this video for you all today. I said “Let’s do this…” and 40+ people showed up within 60 seconds. THAT IS SOLIDARITY. We are all in this together. You are not alone. We did this for you, expecting families. A major shout out to Położne dla Ciebie the amazing 40+ midwives all over Poland who inspired this message AND and ULTRA MEGA Shout out to the 40+ Birth workers from around the world that came together in solidarity to create this action and message for all expecting families around the world today. I’m going to attempt to every single business that participated in this video in the comments below! Look for your local city/country and give them a shout! Thank you team for trusting me with putting this video together for all expecting families of the world! PHOTOGRAPHY CREDITS & PARTICIPATION CREDITS: Paulina Splechta Birth Photography and Films, South Florida Maude Colin Photographe de naissance + Doula, Quebec, Canada Martha Lerner, Zenmamalove South Florida Twyla Ellis, Maple Hollow Photography Denver, Colorado Natalie Zepp Photography Pensacola, Florida Melissa Benzel, Benzel Photography Melbourne, FL Rachel McMillen, See Anything Photography Greensboro, NC Stephanie Parker, West Rose Media Alberta, Canada Karen Leuch Photography Minnesota Diana Hinek, ArtShaped Photography and Birth Services Los Angeles, California Carey Lippert, Carey Lauren Photography Phoenix, Arizona Jill Mills, Love Heart Photo Maryland Bree Minter, Pepper Mint Birth Services, Washington Jessica Maloney, Jessica Angel Photography Ottawa, Ontario, Canada Colleen Losse, TC birth photographer Michigan Samantha Meiners, Samantha June Photography Omaha, NE Norma Hess, Sojourning Birth: Birth Doula, Photos & Film Mcallen, TX Kathleen Van Vaerenbergh fotografie Belgium Crystal Chappell, Trout River Birth Photography Jacksonville, FL Tiffany Bonds, Tiffany Hudgins Photography Alabama Aurielle Whitmore, Aurielle Photography - Santa Barbara Birth Photographer Amanda Bradley Mcghee, Kimberlin Gray Photography Virginia Beach, Virginia Erin Stoneman Photography and Doula Services, Kelowna, BC Canada Samantha Steen Doula, Birth Photographer, CLC Kentucky Deborah Elenter, NEO Photography Montevideo, Uruguay Amanda Clendenen, Amanda Jackson Photography Texas Jessica Benson, Jessica B Photography Boulder City, Nevada Michelle Criss, Creating Legacies Sioux City, Iowa Lindsey Ellis, L.E. Ellis Photography Montana April Macarthur Newman, April Newman Photography New York Cyd Lapour, Bayou Rose Photo Louisiana Caroline Devulder, Caromama - Geboortefotograaf en Doula Belgium Lynette Sanders, @lyneLynette Sanders Photography Documenting the Magic of Birth and Motherhood Okaloosa, Santa Rosa, FL Brittney Hogue, Brittney Hogue - Birth, Baby, Family Photographer - Central IL Pekin, IL Camille Borba, CB Photography - Birth & Life Stories Sacramento, California Jessica Vink, VI-Photography - Jouw geboortefotograaf Netherlands Bella Shearhart, Bella Photography Texas Stephanie Entin, Little Plum Photography by Stephanie Entin California Liz Cook, Liz Cook Photography Director of iapbp.com, Virginia Gelena Hinkley, midwife, Peaceful Pregnancy Pathways ~P3, Natural Birthworks, South Florida Pauline Van Berkel, Pic-A-Boo, Netherlands Christa West, midwife, Coastal Midwifery South Florida Samara Andreaidis, doula, The Orchid Nest South Florida Angela Maria, Australia Nikki Weir Williams, Bedheadbirth: Nikki Williams Birth Services Mount Airy, Maryland from Birthing Tree (FB Instagram GMB) https://www.facebook.com/162245747262628_1577093065777882 from Birthing Tree LLC https://birthingtreefl.tumblr.com/post/614766950370918400
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davidferrerfl1 · 4 years
Paulina Splechta Birth Photography and Films
We are here for you! You are not alone! ♥️
Expecting families, as you fall asleep tonight, there's one thing we want you to know 👉👉👉👉👉 You're Not Alone. You have support far and wide, whether you live here or there, birth workers are wrapping themselves in a warm hug around Planet Earth, right now, and always. Birth Photographers. Doulas. Midwives. I can't even begin to tell you the amount of love that went into creating this video for you all today. I said "Let's do this..." and 40+ people showed up within 60 seconds. THAT IS SOLIDARITY. We are all in this together. You are not alone. We did this for you, expecting families. A major shout out to Położne dla Ciebie the amazing 40+ midwives all over Poland who inspired this message AND and ULTRA MEGA Shout out to the 40+ Birth workers from around the world that came together in solidarity to create this action and message for all expecting families around the world today. I'm going to attempt to every single business that participated in this video in the comments below! Look for your local city/country and give them a shout! Thank you team for trusting me with putting this video together for all expecting families of the world! PHOTOGRAPHY CREDITS & PARTICIPATION CREDITS: Paulina Splechta Birth Photography and Films, South Florida Maude Colin Photographe de naissance + Doula, Quebec, Canada Martha Lerner, Zenmamalove South Florida Twyla Ellis, Maple Hollow Photography Denver, Colorado Natalie Zepp Photography Pensacola, Florida Melissa Benzel, Benzel Photography Melbourne, FL Rachel McMillen, See Anything Photography Greensboro, NC Stephanie Parker, West Rose Media Alberta, Canada Karen Leuch Photography Minnesota Diana Hinek, ArtShaped Photography and Birth Services Los Angeles, California Carey Lippert, Carey Lauren Photography Phoenix, Arizona Jill Mills, Love Heart Photo Maryland Bree Minter, Pepper Mint Birth Services, Washington Jessica Maloney, Jessica Angel Photography Ottawa, Ontario, Canada Colleen Losse, TC birth photographer Michigan Samantha Meiners, Samantha June Photography Omaha, NE Norma Hess, Sojourning Birth: Birth Doula, Photos & Film Mcallen, TX Kathleen Van Vaerenbergh fotografie Belgium Crystal Chappell, Trout River Birth Photography Jacksonville, FL Tiffany Bonds, Tiffany Hudgins Photography Alabama Aurielle Whitmore, Aurielle Photography - Santa Barbara Birth Photographer Amanda Bradley Mcghee, Kimberlin Gray Photography Virginia Beach, Virginia Erin Stoneman Photography and Doula Services, Kelowna, BC Canada Samantha Steen Doula, Birth Photographer, CLC Kentucky Deborah Elenter, NEO Photography Montevideo, Uruguay Amanda Clendenen, Amanda Jackson Photography Texas Jessica Benson, Jessica B Photography Boulder City, Nevada Michelle Criss, Creating Legacies Sioux City, Iowa Lindsey Ellis, L.E. Ellis Photography Montana April Macarthur Newman, April Newman Photography New York Cyd Lapour, Bayou Rose Photo Louisiana Caroline Devulder, Caromama - Geboortefotograaf en Doula Belgium Lynette Sanders, @lyneLynette Sanders Photography Documenting the Magic of Birth and Motherhood Okaloosa, Santa Rosa, FL Brittney Hogue, Brittney Hogue - Birth, Baby, Family Photographer - Central IL Pekin, IL Camille Borba, CB Photography - Birth & Life Stories Sacramento, California Jessica Vink, VI-Photography - Jouw geboortefotograaf Netherlands Bella Shearhart, Bella Photography Texas Stephanie Entin, Little Plum Photography by Stephanie Entin California Liz Cook, Liz Cook Photography Director of iapbp.com, Virginia Gelena Hinkley, midwife, Peaceful Pregnancy Pathways ~P3, Natural Birthworks, South Florida Pauline Van Berkel, Pic-A-Boo, Netherlands Christa West, midwife, Coastal Midwifery South Florida Samara Andreaidis, doula, The Orchid Nest South Florida Angela Maria, Australia Nikki Weir Williams, Bedheadbirth: Nikki Williams Birth Services Mount Airy, Maryland source https://www.facebook.com/162245747262628_1577093065777882 from Birthing Tree LLC https://birthingtreefl.blogspot.com/2020/04/paulina-splechta-birth-photography-and.html
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birthingtreefl · 4 years
Paulina Splechta Birth Photography and Films
We are here for you! You are not alone! ♥️
Expecting families, as you fall asleep tonight, there's one thing we want you to know 👉👉👉👉👉 You're Not Alone. You have support far and wide, whether you live here or there, birth workers are wrapping themselves in a warm hug around Planet Earth, right now, and always. Birth Photographers. Doulas. Midwives. I can't even begin to tell you the amount of love that went into creating this video for you all today. I said "Let's do this..." and 40+ people showed up within 60 seconds. THAT IS SOLIDARITY. We are all in this together. You are not alone. We did this for you, expecting families. A major shout out to Położne dla Ciebie the amazing 40+ midwives all over Poland who inspired this message AND and ULTRA MEGA Shout out to the 40+ Birth workers from around the world that came together in solidarity to create this action and message for all expecting families around the world today. I'm going to attempt to every single business that participated in this video in the comments below! Look for your local city/country and give them a shout! Thank you team for trusting me with putting this video together for all expecting families of the world! PHOTOGRAPHY CREDITS & PARTICIPATION CREDITS: Paulina Splechta Birth Photography and Films, South Florida Maude Colin Photographe de naissance + Doula, Quebec, Canada Martha Lerner, Zenmamalove South Florida Twyla Ellis, Maple Hollow Photography Denver, Colorado Natalie Zepp Photography Pensacola, Florida Melissa Benzel, Benzel Photography Melbourne, FL Rachel McMillen, See Anything Photography Greensboro, NC Stephanie Parker, West Rose Media Alberta, Canada Karen Leuch Photography Minnesota Diana Hinek, ArtShaped Photography and Birth Services Los Angeles, California Carey Lippert, Carey Lauren Photography Phoenix, Arizona Jill Mills, Love Heart Photo Maryland Bree Minter, Pepper Mint Birth Services, Washington Jessica Maloney, Jessica Angel Photography Ottawa, Ontario, Canada Colleen Losse, TC birth photographer Michigan Samantha Meiners, Samantha June Photography Omaha, NE Norma Hess, Sojourning Birth: Birth Doula, Photos & Film Mcallen, TX Kathleen Van Vaerenbergh fotografie Belgium Crystal Chappell, Trout River Birth Photography Jacksonville, FL Tiffany Bonds, Tiffany Hudgins Photography Alabama Aurielle Whitmore, Aurielle Photography - Santa Barbara Birth Photographer Amanda Bradley Mcghee, Kimberlin Gray Photography Virginia Beach, Virginia Erin Stoneman Photography and Doula Services, Kelowna, BC Canada Samantha Steen Doula, Birth Photographer, CLC Kentucky Deborah Elenter, NEO Photography Montevideo, Uruguay Amanda Clendenen, Amanda Jackson Photography Texas Jessica Benson, Jessica B Photography Boulder City, Nevada Michelle Criss, Creating Legacies Sioux City, Iowa Lindsey Ellis, L.E. Ellis Photography Montana April Macarthur Newman, April Newman Photography New York Cyd Lapour, Bayou Rose Photo Louisiana Caroline Devulder, Caromama - Geboortefotograaf en Doula Belgium Lynette Sanders, @lyneLynette Sanders Photography Documenting the Magic of Birth and Motherhood Okaloosa, Santa Rosa, FL Brittney Hogue, Brittney Hogue - Birth, Baby, Family Photographer - Central IL Pekin, IL Camille Borba, CB Photography - Birth & Life Stories Sacramento, California Jessica Vink, VI-Photography - Jouw geboortefotograaf Netherlands Bella Shearhart, Bella Photography Texas Stephanie Entin, Little Plum Photography by Stephanie Entin California Liz Cook, Liz Cook Photography Director of iapbp.com, Virginia Gelena Hinkley, midwife, Peaceful Pregnancy Pathways ~P3, Natural Birthworks, South Florida Pauline Van Berkel, Pic-A-Boo, Netherlands Christa West, midwife, Coastal Midwifery South Florida Samara Andreaidis, doula, The Orchid Nest South Florida Angela Maria, Australia Nikki Weir Williams, Bedheadbirth: Nikki Williams Birth Services Mount Airy, Maryland from Birthing Tree (FB Instagram GMB) https://www.facebook.com/162245747262628_1577093065777882
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paysagesinterieurs · 5 years
Texte 306 - Femme misogyne
6/2/20 Los Angeles _ Écrire, limite pas le temps. Commencer par la fin. Et raconter ma soirée du 6. Verlan. Je me vois danser sur Off the Wall, fixant d’abord le sol en damiers lumineux, puis un néon rouge XOXO assez grand dans la discothèque. Cela doit bien faire deux heures que je danse avec mes nouveaux amis. Le grand qui danse voûté, large veste à fleurs pastels, collier en noix de bancoul, coupe au carré, cheveux gris noisette, c’est Aaron. Impossible de deviner son âge. Il a au minimum 48 ans et au maximum 68 ans. Je l’ai rencontré à l’opening de New Portraits de Richard Prince à la Gagosian Gallery, dès que j’ai vu son gros appareil photo, La Bambina m’a forcée à faire mine de ne pas l’avoir vu tout en me mettant dans son champ de vision. De toutes façons il l’avait d’ores-et-déjà photographiée La Bambina. Et puis il m’avait accostée, et parlare-parlare-parlare elle est comme ça La Bambina, elle met sur la table tous mes rêves, à cru, à vif, et ses interlocuteurs n’ont qu’à piocher. Aaron réalise des vidéos sur les vernissages à Los Angeles. Forcément, on va bosser ensemble. Il me dit qu’il y a le vernissage de Jeffrey Deitch le 8. Je lui réponds du tac au tac que je sais ça. Et que j’ai programmé d’y aller. Depuis un an en fait. À la Gagosian Gallery, je suis restée les deux heures d’opening : à me faire remarquer, photographier, à dessiner, et à me contorsionner dans la foule (il y a de la danse dans cette proposition et ça me met en transe systématiquement), juste pour être vue, pour être d’autant plus vue. Et ça marche. Je revois Karen, nous nous embrassons, comme si une amitié était née le 1er février au vernissage de chez Blum and Poe, puis solidifiée quelques heures plus tard au Hammer Museum, puis prendre une sorte de teneur émotionnelle particulière à la Gagosian Gallery, et nous commençons à comprendre que nous nous verrons très souvent. Je repars pour un tour, je discute avec Anthony, un gardien d’expo, qui félicite mon style. Et sur cet échange, je le vois arriver, élégant dans son costard, arborant des lunettes qui ont fait sa marque : Jeffrey Deitch. Extase absolue à Gagosian, l’impression que mon V8 est enfin en marche, et qu’il va me mener vers de nouvelles aventures qui vont encore me façonner. mais ce n’était qu’une mise en bouche, pardon Richard. Mon nouvel ami Aaron m’a proposé de monter sur son scooter pour aller à un Opening au Culver Hôtel. Sa jeune amie n’a pas apprécié. Mais qu’elle soit rassurée j’y vais en Lyft, à cause de la perruque. Je ne sais plus le nom de cette jeune femme aux cheveux longs, blonds ondulés, elle doit avoir 25 ans, elle est ronde, elle aime boire, articule peu, et réclame de la cocaïne partout où on passe. Étrange binôme. Cependant je ne préjugerai pas, je prends ce qu’il y a à prendre. Tout en donnant de ma personne. Dans la limite de ma propre sécurité. Pour le moment, j’aime bien. Et puis j’ai accès à des bons plans. Au Culver Hôtel, j’y serai pas allée, c’était pas dans mon planning, et ça aurait été dommage, non pas pour l’art, mais pour le champagne qu’on boit dans des petites bouteilles et pour ce que je m’apprête à vous raconter. Une jeune meuf vient à moi et me dit : Tu étais bien au Gala de Performa? Oui (yeux pleins d’étoiles d’être projetée quelques mois en arrière sur la scène du SIR Stage à New York pour Performa) On a dansé ensemble! Je suis Sea. Ton billet est toujours dans mon bureau. On se prend dans les bras et j’ai l’impression d’embrasser et New York, et Performa et Rose-Lee Goldberg et les États Unis tout entier par son intermédiaire. Elle ne peut pas imaginer le cadeau qu’elle me fait en me rappelant l’incroyable mois de novembre que j’ai passé à New York. Son boss à elle c’est le mari de Rose-Lee. Elle est amie du couple. Pour la Frieze, elle me révèle qu’il y aura une délégation de Performa. Je m’en doutais. Elle me demande si je me souviens de Job (Job Piston : le Special Projects Manager of Performa), je lui dis que oui bien sûr, je l’ai vu plusieurs fois durant Performa entre les workshops, les talks et les performances. Et bien Job sera à LA pour la Frieze. Joie. Puis on danse ensemble. Perso je tombe dans une nouvelle transe, et la danse est un bon moyen pour visualiser ses nouveaux objectifs, en faire une sorte de totem virtuel, et danser autour, avec Sea mon alliée qui vient de s’installer à LA. Puis la fête est finie, mes nouveaux amis me proposent d’aller danser au XOXO, boîte seventies. Aaron n’aime pas trop. Mais les filles sont très excitées, elles doivent avoir mon âge environ. Julia me propose de venir avec elles dans la voiture. Julia nous conduit chez elle, puisqu’elle veut boire, et on gueule toutes comme des hyènes assoiffées genre ouais t’as trop raison! On fait escale chez elle, grand appartement, aux murs hauts et crépités, on ne peut pas dire que l’appartement soit beau, mais il est énorme et plutôt bien situé me semble-t-il. Pendant que la jeune blonde, au nez retroussé et aux yeux entrouverts cherchent à finir les fonds de bouteilles de caïpirinha je fais une évaluation du patrimoine immobilier : 90 à 100m2, belle hauteur sous plafond, parking. Je m’y projette en train de bosser avec un beau coin atelier. Deux valises dégueulant des fringues témoignent de la vie mouvementée de Julia. Gennie me dit que la grosse valise c’était Palm Springs et celle-ci Paris. Julia rêve de vivre à Paris. Gennie et Julia m’aiment beaucoup. Boucle d’or ne m’aime pas, et comme elle sait que je ne comprends pas grand chose elle me maltraite verbalement auprès des autres. Mais La Bambina s’en fout. Moi ça m’aurait fait fuir direct. Dans le uber qui nous conduit en boîte, boucle d’or se plaint de sa mère qui la traite de boudin. Notre chauffeur rit. Pas moi, je n’aime pas les gens qui ne tiennent pas l’alcool. Si tu ne tiens pas l’alcool, bois pas. Pourvu qu’elle ne dégueule pas, c’est Gennie qui prendrait cher, elle est juste à côté. Ouais mais ça me ferait dégueuler. Mais j’ai rien à dégueuler. On arrive au XOXO, on me demande mon ID. Je danse comme une furie, l’impression d’être dans un film. Le film de ma vie, entre des vioks, quelques bimbo qui ne dansent pas mais passent et repassent, une pincée de beaux gosses, des jeunes qu’on se demande ce qu’ils font là, et des jeunes femmes magnifiques. Boucle d’or m’a dégoté un petit vieux, sorte de gros paquet bleu à lunettes qui sirote à la paille non-stop son cocktail. Elle fait d’étranges présentations en gestes. Écœurée par cette livraison à mes pieds, je me détourne du paquet. Pas de pitié pour les vioks désespérés qui suivent des gamines bourrées sur des terrains marécageux. Puis un jeune corps de femme me happe, elle doit avoir 23 ans, 1,75m, 55 kilos, cheveux bruns-noisette, courts ondulés, métissée. Génial, danser entre meufs, voilà qui sera léger et reposant. Mais elle est chaude, et bi. Elle fait un harcèlement corporel délirant, duquel il m’est difficile de m’extirper, grâce à elle je fais de grands tours de pistes, chose que j’affectionne particulièrement à coups de grandes enjambées bien rythmées, demi-tour, elle est juste derrière moi et me suis comme un toutou, elle me dévore des yeux, elle est affamée et de bites et de seins, tout, tout de suite. Effrayante ogresse au corps si fin et délicat. Ces petits bras parviennent à m’envelopper, ses petites hanches semblent se refermer autour des miennes. Je ne savais pas cela possible. Je ris, mais ne suis pas contente. Elle est d’un machisme incroyable. Femme misogyne. Comment a-t-elle pu sacrifier notre danse au temple de sa sexualité débridée. 2h, le xoxo ferme, je commande un lyft. Face au miroir, je retire mon dentier, je constate que le rouge à lèvres a bavé, que le fond de teint a craquelé et que mes cheveux sont sortis du bonnet.
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jodybouchard9 · 7 years
9 Gorgeous Spring Decorating Ideas to Usher in the New Season
Photo by Chloe Warner/Houzz
Spring is officially here, and the days are longer and lighter—if not warmer, in some places. And with the new season comes a chance to hit the reset button on your home’s decor. It’s time to stash away heavy throws and that snowflake-themed doormat and bring out a brighter look.
“Springtime is your chance to renew the spaces you live in and take them out of hibernation,” says Karen Gray-Plaisted of Design Solutions KGP.
To help you ease into the new season, we’ve gathered nine gorgeous ways to upgrade your interior and exterior style. The best part? They’re cheap and easy. So what are you waiting for? Go ahead and bring some spring fling into your home.
1. Add cheery wallpaper
Photo by Ed Ritger Photography 
Quick and easy peel-and-stick wallpaper is ideal for spring, especially if you choose a joyful, bright print. Seek out lively patterns, including pink and green branches, pastel polka dots, or bird themes.
And if you’re not sure you want to redo the entire room, put this temporary look on an accent wall. You’ll still have a pop of springtime color, but with less commitment.
2. Display rustic birds’ nests
Photo by Adrienne DeRosa 
What says “rejuvenation” more than the very structures that nurture life? Bring these natural elements inside by collecting old nests that you’re certain aren’t in use or by hitting up the crafts store for faux versions.
Place your nest collection under a glass cloche or fill it with fruit, flowers, or, as Easter approaches, colored eggs and bunnies.
3. Show off fresh flowers
Photo by Dreamy Whites 
Fresh flowers are a must this time of year.
“I love calla lilies, irises, and tulips in a bouquet placed in a nontypical spot such as your nightstand or bar cart,” says Sara Chiarilli, an interior designer with Artful Conceptions in Tampa, FL.
And in the yard, look to pansies and azaleas.
“Azaleas [can act] as colorful and well-behaved foundation plants on the east side of your house, where they’ll receive afternoon shade,” recommends Matt Michaels of Lowe’s.
“Pansies are a great springtime bloom because they’re hardy in cold weather and come in an array of shades, many with bicolor faces,” adds Rhianna Miller of RubberMulch. Plus, they thrive in both full sun and part shade and can be planted in pots, flower beds, and hanging baskets.
4. Change up your throw pillows
Photo by Mandeville Canyon Designs
The beauty of a neutral couch is that you can change out your accessories with every season, Chiarilli notes. Pack away dark throw pillows and accent blankets, and go for lighter colors.
“If you live in a warm-toned house, pick yellows, soft pinks, and orange—and for cool tones, select light blues, greens, and silvers,” she says.
5. Swap in brighter lampshades
Photo by Nick George | Photographer
Out with dark, tweedy toppers, and in with paler, more delicate shades. Pinks, lavenders, and lime greens herald the season, offering your living room a spring glow for not much money. Check out chain stores such as T.J. Maxx, HomeGoods, and Target for inexpensive lampshades for every room.
6. Switch to lightweight bedding
Photo by Roger Oates Design 
If you’ve been hibernating underneath dark, fuzzy throw blankets and heavy duvets, it’s time to strip the bed! With warmer temps and brighter days on the horizon, consider lighter pastels for pillows and throw blankets.
“Rose quartz, for example, is the perfect springtime color, and it mixes beautifully with gray paint tones that have become so popular lately,” Chiarilli says.
And remember, spring can bring on allergies. If you have special pillows and sheets (Allergy Asthma Technology makes hypoallergenic bedding), now’s the time to bring them out, says Julie Coraccio, the home organizing expert at Reawaken Your Brilliance.
7. Display fragrant herbs and fruits
Photo by Chris Snook 
Spring is all about the green. Line up small pots of basil, thyme, and mint on your kitchen or laundry room windowsill, and breathe in the fresh, vernal scent.
Or pile bright green fruits such as Granny Smith apples, limes, pomelos, or Anjou pears into a bowl or shallow platter on the counter or dining room hutch.
8. Change your bathroom linens
Photo by Habitat Architecture 
A zippy new shower curtain is an easy spring upgrade—and it’ll likely cost less than $30.
“And don’t forget to change out your hand towels and candles,” Chiarilli says. “It’s so important that your home smell like spring when you walk through the door, so try jasmine, the perfect soft scent.”
9. Paint the front door
Photo by Rick & Cindy Black Architects 
The entrance to your home deserves a little springtime love, too. Consider slapping a fresh coat of paint on your front door—and think vibrant spring colors such as a zesty coral, a tranquil aqua, or a bright lemon yellow.
“Get a new doormat, and add a pretty wreath or door basket with silk flowers and greens,” Gray-Plaisted suggests.
If you live in a cooler climate, try putting cold-hardy bulbs in your outdoor planters and then adding one to each side of your door or garage. Voila—a fresh entryway that makes it clear spring has sprung at your house.
The post 9 Gorgeous Spring Decorating Ideas to Usher in the New Season appeared first on Real Estate News & Insights | realtor.com®.
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