#Phyllis vervain
cast-iron-bug · 4 months
Bringing back an oldie but a goodie- my serpentine oc, Phyllis!
They've gone thru a few revamps but this is the official one I've been using for quite some time now, so it seemed deserving of a real reference page.
...they're so stupid I love them-
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morro-ambassador · 2 years
here's my lovely serpentine necromancer, Phyllis Vervain!
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I have older photos on my account (maybe) but this full body design comparison (kid vs adult design) and this atmosphere test are the most recent drawings I have of her!
Feel free to ask for more references if you decide to draw her and I'll be happy to sketch some up!
very delicious thank you so much
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cast-iron-bug · 1 year
Kinda fell off the face of the earth but I'm BACK!
nothing much but have some exploration sketches of Phyllis and her final design!
If you are interested in some of her character lore and personality, feel free to read under the cut!
Otherwise enjoy these few doodles 👍✨
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I changed up the lore section to be Phyllis's backstory as my au lore is still under construction 🚧 so feel free to read under the cut to see the updates!
Phyllis has gone through a bit of development since I last shared her lore here and is now a finalized character!
Phyllis is very street smart and has the attitude to match...on the outside, finding it easy to taunt others and make sarcastic remarks.
HOWEVER, she is also very introverted.
Since both her parents died by the time she was seven, the tribes being sealed away shortly after, Phyllis was left all alone to fend for herself in the surface world, growing up in complete isolation. In response to that, she developed some...unique habits that come off almost creepy to others (like her bone collections and how her home defenses are literal corpses) and is incapable of socializing properly.
So while she loves to throw out witty comebacks and sarcastic remarks in the moment, she can get pretty socially awkward and even dismissive/mean to those she has prolonged contact with. She just isn't used to being around people for long and is used to hiding away from them.
Despite this, if someone is persistent enough and SOMEHOW earns her trust, Phyllis will turn out to be pretty loyal. This is a difficult task to achieve but if done she is dedicated to protecting you, even becoming overprotective because she's terrified of loosing another person she cares about.
So ye! In summary, Phyllis sarcastic, witty and mayyybe even a little insane, all with a hint of social awkwardness.
Now in terms of lore aspects, Phyllis is a character that i have written straight into the Ninjago timeline, meaning key points of her life actually line up with the show. For example the is born during the first serpentine war and is a young adult(serpentine age slower) by the time the serpentine are released, her true adventures beginning with the start of this au. These adventures are also affected realtime by events happening in the show, such as the fall of Ninjago city in seasons 8 and 9, or the great flood in season 15.
So Phyllis is the daughter of Victor Vervain, a venomari archer, and Amelia Vespertine, a fangpyre Nobel woman.
The two had fled from the war, living on the run as Victor was deemed a traitor and Amelia now being hunted down. Victor left for moral reasons, having frown up near a human village and even befriended some as he grew up. He felt that it was wrong to be fighting against them, especially when the armies would raid innocent villages. The fact that no one would tell him why they were fighting in the first place only made Victor feel worse, and he inevitably left. Amelia left for similar reasons, since even as a higher up she could not justify the war.
Because they were on the run, Phyllis was raised very nomadic and most often within nature. Constant moving became the norm for her, but she didn't mind. Even with the lack of contact with other serpentine, the only consistency Phyllis seemed to need was her parents.
Having said that, you better believe they get separated.
Amelia is killed when Phyllis is 5. She died while defending Phyllis and Victor, giving them time to escape.
Victor actually ends up dying to an elemental master, the master of ice. He and Phyllis are out on a hunting trip, hunting deer.
Victor armed with his iconic bow 🏹 is aiming for a stag when a patrol of elemental masters are patrolling nearby. The master of ice catches sight of the venomari archer with arrow drawn and skewers him on sight with an icicle, killing him almost instantly.
This occurs literally RIGHT before, or even during when, the serpentine are sealed away, so from this point on that Phyllis is truly on her own and won't see another serpentine until she's an adult.
From this point until the serpentine are released from their tombs, Phyllis grows up in isolation. She is still quite nomadic, living in more dense, woodsy areas as often as possible.
She even learns dark magic, having found an old spell book deep in the woods. She teaches herself different forms of magic, takin to necromancy quite quickly.
She is practically a cryptid at this point, with only rare sightings... Especially since as a hybrid with her magically abilities, she wouldn't be identifiable as a commonly known serpentine
Despite this though, there are occasions where she will make deals or take on jobs with others to get by. This practice becomes at lot more common when the Serpentine are released and become a more frequent sight.
The AU:
The au begins a good while after the serpentine are released, at the earliest after season four, when the Serpentine and humans are on relatively good terms.
You'll be seeing a lot more of them in Ninjago city, even a few in the police force! (I will elaborate of these characters in a future post!)
Because of Phyllis's paranormal connections, I do like the idea of this occurring in Ninjago city during season five, whilst the ninja are busy with Morro
Maybe a team of ragtag heroes hear of a mysterious masked figure who stole a powerful artifact. As they follow clues to track down this unknown villain, the find themselves in over their heads when they face her head on- their elemental powers rendered almost useless and the masked figure escaping.
When our heroes find out there are four of these artifacts in the series, a race to the second begins, both parties discovering more about the mysterious villain's plan along the way, and the true mastermind behind it all.
I won't spoil much last this point, as there are many elements I feel could be better portrayed in comic or written format! So that's all for now and feel free to ask questions about the au or characters, as I have many more to share and plenty of fun facts n details!
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cast-iron-bug · 2 years
The staff of necromancy
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A concept for my ninjago fanseason! As the main villain of this story, Phyllis Vervain (character pictured with the staff) is in pursuit of an ancient artifact that can help her, well achieve her goals.
One of the concepts I had for this mysterious ancient artifacts was a "Staff of Necromancy". Much like the staff if forbidden Spinjistu and Chen's staff of elements, this amplified Phyllis's already powerful abilities...but at a cost.
Pretty proud of how this turned out the lighting is so fun! Currently working on some concepts for the ninja and I am so excited to share them!
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cast-iron-bug · 2 years
Meet, Phyllis Vervain: my badass serpentine oc!
She's a Fangpyre-venomari hybrid and an occasional necromancer - I'll be sharing a lot more of her in the future so keep an eye out!
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