sbknews · 8 months
2024 Aprilia Tuareg
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Aprilia Tuareg gets closer to returning to the African desert, to the places and competitions - the big rally raids - that made it an off-roading legend. Therefore, for 2024, Tuareg has an even sportier and adventurous outfit, thanks to three new colour schemes that complement its great off-road abilities and its unstoppable zeal for adventure. Aprilia Tuareg MY 2024 is available in the new Atreides Black and Canyon Sand colour schemes, inspired by the natural habitats in which the twin-cylinder adventure bike moves around so easily, joined by the evocative Dakar Podium colour scheme, a tribute to the bike that took overall third - three leg wins - in the 2010 Dakar, the Aprilia RXV 4.5 ridden by Francisco “Chaleco” Lopez.
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All the new colours are combined with a brand new and aggressive red frame, which further emphasises the sportiness of Aprilia Tuareg, protagonist this year of an astonishing début in off-road competitions within the area of the “Back to Africa” project. In fact, in the version developed by Aprilia Racing in collaboration with GCorse, of the Guareschi brothers, Aprilia Tuareg is in the mix to take the Italian Motorally Championship and is fresh from a brilliant third place earned in the Transanatolia Rally during its absolute debut in a big international raid. The next step in the project is obviously the African desert - a destination that is already written in the name Tuareg. On the front mudguard the suspension travel is indicated, at the top of its class - 240 mm - placing the emphasis on the Aprilia Tuareg’s authentic off-road technical package. Last, but not least, in line with its penchant for abandoning the asphalt, for 2024, the range of accessories dedicated to Tuareg is expanded to include an air filter specifically developed for off-road use and on dusty roads, with filtering power that protects the engine from any dust being sucked into the intake.
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Aprilia Tuareg is already available at dealerships on the Aprilia network in the new Atreides Black and Canyon Sand colour schemes. It will be ready from October in the Dakar Podium colour scheme. APRILIA TUAREG MY 2024 is £10,600. All prices include VAT and On the Road Charges. For more Aprilia news check out our dedicated page Aprilia News or head to the official Aprilia website aprilia.com/en_EN/ Read the full article
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baliportalnews · 2 years
Hadirkan Pengalaman Berkendara ala Skuter Premium Sporty, Aprilia Indonesia Resmi Rilis SR-GT 200 di Bali
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BALIPORTALNEWS.COM, DENPASAR - Menuai perhatian luas sejak pertama kali dipamerkan pada ajang EICMA 2021 - pameran sepeda motor dan aksesori berskala internasional- di Milan, Italia dan dengan sukses diperkenalkan di Indonesia pada putaran kedua MotoGP Mandalika 2022, Aprilia SR-GT akhirnya resmi memasuki pasar Indonesia untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pelanggan atas kendaraan roda dua yang memberikan performa lebih, berkemampuan unggul, nyaman, dan lincah dikendarai, namun tetap memberi tampil stylish sekaligus sporty di jalanan. Marco Noto La Diega, Managing Director & Country CEO PT Piaggio Indonesia mengatakan, skuter premium sporty ini didesain untuk menghadirkan rangkaian teknologi terdepan yang memberikan keseruan dan kenyamanan dalam berkendara di berbagai medan jalan, mulai dari permukaan aspal, beton, jalan berbatu, hingga jalur tanah. Keunggulan tersebut merupakan buah dari desain yang terinspirasi oleh Enduro World, sehingga menjadikannya teman ideal untuk berpetualang di baik di jalur perkotaan maupun di jalur dengan kondisi tidak terduga. “Setiap brand di Piaggio Group selalu memiliki ciri khas, karakteristik, kepribadian dan alasan yang menjadikannya dapat diandalkan. Setiap brand menyuarakan kekhasan Italia dalam hal gaya, ekspresi, mewarisi sejarah yang kaya akan pencapaian dan tonggak sejarah, dan tentunya memiliki tren teknologi modern terkini," ungkapnya, pada Jumat (29/7/2022). Secara garis besar, lanjut Marco Noto La Diega, PT Piaggio Indonesia membawa empat brand luar biasa dari Piaggio Group, yang mana masing-masing mewakili karakter sebagai berikut: - Piaggio lekat dengan citra solusi mobilitas cerdas, yang senantiasa mengedepankan teknologi skuter canggih untuk berkendara di perkotaan dengan lebih praktis kontemporer, dan inovatif. - Vespa adalah ekspresi gaya hidup yang unik dan khas, di mana menjadi ikon mobilitas roda dua di dunia berkat keberhasilannya dalam menghadirkan desain dan semangat yang tak lekang oleh waktu. - Moto Guzzi didirikan pada tahun 1921 di Mandello del Lario, Italia, yang terkenal karena peran bersejarahnya dalam perkembangan manufaktur sepeda motor, unggul di medan balap, dan terdepan dalam inovasi kendaraan roda dua dari generasi ke generasi. Moto Guzzi juga memberi inspirasi semangat petualangan dan kebabasan, yang tertanam dalam semangat eksplorasi Italia yang otentik di setiap pergerakannya. - Aprilia merupakan brand sporty andalan Piaggio Group dengan warisan kuat di dunia balap yang telah memenangkan 294 Grand Prix sehingga menjadikannya pabrikan Eropa yang memegang rekor kemenangan terbanyak dalam sejarah kompetisi kendaran roda dua dan tentu dengan kemenangan lain di masa mendatang. Tidak hanya mengedepankan teknologi engineering Italia, Aprilia juga membawa desain khas Italia dengan menjadi brand dengan pencapaian balap terbaik dalam sejarah. Semangat sportif tersebut melahirkan kendaraan dinamis dan tradisi juara yang menjadi DNA-nya. Sorotan hari ini adalah Aprilia. Aprilia memiliki sejarah panjang yang hebat dalam balap motor, di mana dari pengalaman tersebut, merek tersebut terus mengembangkan produk-produk yang semakin baik dalam gaya, tampilan, dan juga mudah sekaligus menyenangkan untuk dikendarai. Sebagai brand kebanggan Italia, performa menakjubkan Aprilia di MotoGP membuktikan inovasi teknologi yang terus menerus ditingkatkan oleh para pembalap Aprilia yang kompetitif dan ambisius, yang juga nampak pada jajaran produk keluarga Aprilia. Dengan hadirnya rangkaian terkini produk Aprilia di Indonesia, seperti Aprilia 660 yakni Aprilia RS dan Aprilia Tuono di Indonesia, Aprilia telah menjadi game changer di segmen motor sport kelas menengah. Melalui sejarah panjang dan pengalaman DNA balap tersebut, PT Piaggio Indonesia akhirnya mengkonfirmasi awal dari tren baru skuter premium sporty di Indonesia, dengan menghadirkan Aprilia SR-GT 200. Kehadiran produk terbaru dari Aprilia bertujuan menggebrak pasar melalui desainnya yang menarik, menyenangkan untuk dikendarai, serta memberi pengalaman perjalanan yang seru, setiap hari, di mana saja. “Brand Aprilia selalu berupaya membawa aura dan semangat dari sirkuit MotoGP yang kompetitif dan bergengsi ke jalanan di Indonesia. Salah satunya dengan menghadirkan Aprilia SR-GT 200 sebagai produk terbaru dan paling luar biasa dari keluarga Aprilia yang tetap setia pada esensi brand Aprilia yaitu 'designed for racers, built for riders', namun tetap relevan untuk berkendara sehari-hari, sehingga dapat menjawab kebutuhan akan skuter matik premium yang unique, stylish, serta sporty,” tegas Marco. Kontrol sempurna untuk berkendara aktif Stang lebar berdesain terbuka pada Aprilia SR-GT menawarkan kontrol tertinggi, yang didukung oleh suspensi perjalanan panjang dan ground clearance yang ditingkatkan untuk memastikan segala rintangan dengan mudah diatasi saat berkendara di jalanan kota. Begitupun pada ban, dengan penampang melintang yang luas dan desain tapak “tangguh”, memungkinkan pengendara untuk bertualang di berbagai permukaan jalan, mulai dari aspal hingga bebatuan dan jalan tanah. Kemampuan ini ideal untuk berkendara di jalanan kota Indonesia, di mana mobilitas sehari-hari merupakan tantangan tersendiri dengan berbagai kondisi jalan yang berubah-ubah serta rutinitas monoton. Semua ini dipadukan dengan desain sporty khas Aprilia, mesin i-get terbaru lengkap dengan sistem Start & Stop untuk kinerja premium, serta kelengkapan berkendara yang mumpuni mencakup lampu LED penuh, dan instrumentasi LCD. Garis desain sporty dengan nuansa balap yang khas Ketangguhan Aprilia SR-GT langsung terlihat pada detail gayanya, dengan referensi kuat pada karakter balap motor sport Aprilia sekaligus tampilan premium yang sangat terlihat. Dari samping, Aprilia SR-GT terlihat langsing dan ramping, dengan overhang yang dikurangi dan garis-garis dinamis tegas yang menekankan karakter sporty-nya. Selain untuk menampung tangki, kolom tengah juga berfungsi untuk menghubungkan bagian depan dan belakang, memberikan SR-GT tampilan sepeda motor yang gesit. Selain itu, dengan fokus menghadirkan pengalaman berkendara yang menyenangkan, jok pengendara Aprilia SR-GT sedikit ditarik mundur, sehingga memberikan kesan ‘active and ready” dibandingkan skuter pada umumnya. Berlanjut pada bagian depan yang menonjol adalah klaster tiga lampu full LED, yang merupakan ciri khas dari motor-motor sport dari brand Aprilia, serta fairing ganda yang muncul di sisi pelindung. Ada pula penambahan kaca penahan angin dan stang lebar terbuka yang berkontribusi pada kemampuan kontrol total, terutama saat bermanuver dengan kecepatan rendah di lalu lintas kota. Laju tak terhentikan di kota dan perjalanan jauh Menyenangkan untuk dikendarai, Aprilia SR-GT dirancang untuk membuat setiap perjalanan sebagai sebuah sensasi yang seru dan menyenangkan untuk setiap pengendara. Pengembangan rangka dijalankan sepenuhnya oleh teknisi Aprilia dalam menciptakan sasis, jaminan laju dinamis yang presisi. Rangka dudukan ganda dalam tabung baja berkekuatan tinggi dipasangkan dengan suspensi jarak jauh baru yang dikembangkan khusus untuk model ini. Dengan sasisnya yang canggih, bobotnya hanya 148-kilogram saat tangki penuh serta pelek alloy ringan -berukuran 14 inci di depan dan 13 inci di belakang- dengan ban penampang lebar (110/ 80 dan 130/70), Aprilia SR-GT menawarkan lebih dari kelincahan dan kendali yang sangat baik saat berlalu lintas, tetapi juga stabil pada kecepatan yang lebih secara berkelanjutan. Sistem pengereman menggunakan cakram depan petal 260 mm, yang terasa lebih ringan dan lebih mampu membuang panas, sehingga menjadikan performa lebih baik. Sementara bagian belakang dilengkapi cakram 220 mm (berbentuk kelopak untuk versi Sport). Aprilia SR-GT juga tampil menonjol dengan ground clearance minimal 175 mm, pencapaian nilai yang belum pernah ada sebelumnya untuk segmen skuter premium. Hal ini memungkinkan pengendara dengan mudah mengatasi setiap gundukan di jalan dan turunan apapun. Semua karakteristik tersebut, bersama dengan ban "segala medan" yang memiliki tapak sedikit menonjol, membuat Aprilia SR-GT sangat fleksibel dan cocok untuk segala kondisi perjalanan. Mesin i-get generasi terbaru, untuk kinerja kelas atas Aprilia SR-GT juga menandai skuter premium sporty dengan tenaga dan efisiensi mesinnya. Berada dalam keluarga besar mesin i-get, dengan injeksi elektronik, empat katup dan pendingin cair, ini adalah produk terdepan dari pusat litbang Piaggio Group untuk mesin skuter. Bersama dengan silinder tunggal 174cc i-get, Aprilia SR-GT 200 menawarkan 13 Tenaga kW pada 8.500 rpm dan torsi 16,5 Nm pada 7000 rpm. Nilai referensi mutlak, yang memastikan elastisitas, tarikan yang cepat, dan pengendaraan yang mulus di segala kondisi jalan. Sementara itu, semua model di jajaran Aprilia SR-GT dilengkapi dengan sistem Start & Stop yang dikenal dengan RISS (Regulator Inverter Start & Stop System). Sistem ini menghilangkan starter tradisional, yang diganti dengan perangkat listrik tanpa sikat yang dipasang langsung di poros engkol.  Ini juga secara otomatis mematikan mesin 1 sampai 5 detik setelah skuter berhenti (tergantung pada apakah mesin telah mencapai suhu operasi yang benar atau tidak). Sedikit putaran throttle sudah cukup untuk menghidupkan kembali mesin secara instan, dalam keheningan total, karena tidak ada starter tradisional. Versi desain sporty dan berani turut dihadirkan Selain versi yang lebih kontemporer, Aprilia SR-GT juga menawarkan versi Sport, yang menawarkan grafis dan sentuhan akhir yang lebih berorientasi olahraga melalui tampilan tangguhnya. Aprilia SR-GT tersedia dalam tiga warna, Aprilia Black, Street Grey, dan Infinity Blue, masing-masing dipasangkan dengan foot peg, side, dan pegangan tangan penumpang berwarna abu-abu keperakan. Roda dan sadelnya tampil dalam balutan warna hitam dengan jahitan abu-abu. Sementara untuk versi Sport, hadir lebih dekat dengan corak khas motor sport Aprilia SR-GT ditawarkan dalam skema warna matte Street Gold, Iridium Grey dan Red Raceway. Semuanya berpadu dengan velg bercat merah dan sadel dua warna hitam dan abu-abu yang dilengkapi dengan jahitan merah. Foot pegs abu-abu keperakan menampilkan huruf Aprilia, sedangkan kolom tengah dan samping berwarna hitam matte, dengan pegangan penumpang yang serasi dengan motor tersebut. Sebuah 'a' besar untuk fitur Aprilia juga ditambahkan di sisi perisai. Untuk memperkenalkan lebih jauh Aprilia SR-GT ke pasar Tanah Air, PT Piaggio Indonesia menggelar Aprilia Experience pada 17 Juli 2022 di area Dome Senayan Park (Spark), Jakartauntuk umum. Aprilia experience menawarkan pecinta otomotif untuk langsung merasakan performa Aprilia SR-GT serta memamerkan nuansa balap dari jajaran produk Aprilia di Indonesia, serta accessories dan merchandise penuh gaya dari Aprilia. (aar/bpn) Read the full article
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metro-society · 7 years
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• VESPA • ELETTRICA กับ 70 ปีของการพัฒนาเครื่องยนต์ไฟฟ้ามาเป็นพรีเมียมสกู๊ตเตอร์ #VESPA #PiaggioGroup
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taurinorumteam · 9 years
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Presentazione dell'#apeway2015 all'Ambasciata d'Italia di Addis Abeba! Presentation of #apeway2015 at the Italian Embassy in Addis Ababa! #ilmondoalrallentatore #taurinorumteam #addisababa #ethiopia2015 #piaggio #piaggiogroup #apepiaggio (presso Italian Embassy Addis Ababa)
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mercimedia · 9 years
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[#Crossover] Celebrate two of Italy's most established symbols of style and creativity! The 40th anniversary of the foundation of Giorgio Armani and the 130th birthday of the Piaggio Group – Emporio Armani has designed a special version of the Vespa 946. More details: http://bit.ly/1Nlqfd4 https://youtu.be/ZlMlYIiL6QY #celebrate #italy #GiorgioArmani #Vespa946 #specialversion #Piaggiogroup #fashion #motorscooter #design #luxury #affordableluxury #mercimagazine #HK #international #motorcyclelover
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sbknews · 9 months
Moto Guzzi V7 Stone Corsa
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An emblem of the Italian motorcycle for almost seventy years, Moto Guzzi V7 continues to reinvent itself, maintaining its unmistakable features and an authenticity that make it unique. The most recent interpretation of the legendary V7, the new Moto Guzzi V7 Stone Corsa, was unveiled as a surprise during Moto Guzzi Open House 2023, capturing the attention of the thousands of fans who turned out in Mandello for the most eagerly awaited event by Guzzisti all over the world. Moto Guzzi V7 Stone Corsa represents a bold return to a classic sportiness. Its soft lines stand out straight away, flowing from the top fairing and the single-seater style saddle, both bringing to mind the exciting atmosphere of races from days gone by.
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Vibrations that emanate from authentic motorcycling, animated by genuine passion, and which have come back to life since 2019 in the Moto Guzzi Fast Endurance, the single-brand trophy that gives many riders the chance to race on the track, having fun astride their own V7 machines, highlighting its unexpected racing features. The new V7 Stone Corsa stands out with its brand new two-tone livery, also a tribute to the golden age of motorcycle racing. The metallic grey colour scheme is livened up by an aggressive red stripe that runs vertically along the top fairing, then continuing along the lower part of the fuel tank and on the side panels. Colour coded to match the body, the hard cover for the rear portion of the saddle is available as an accessory, making it a true single-seater in pure racing style.
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The equipment package also includes “bar end” rear-view mirrors, which give the V7 Stone Corsa an even sleeker and more dynamic profile, as well as the billet black anodised aluminium fuel cap. In line with the minimalist look, which is the distinctive trait of all V7 versions, the front fork has no bellows, whereas a plate on the handlebar riser identifies the special edition.
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Moto Guzzi V7 Stone was also unveiled at Open House 2023 in the new Verde Camo colour scheme, which will be available alongside the Rosso Rovente, Grigio Alluminio, Giallo Metallico, and Nero Ruvido colour schemes. For more Moto Guzzi news check out our dedicated page Moto Guzzi News or head to the official Moto Guzzi website motoguzzi.com/gb_EN/ Read the full article
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sbknews · 9 months
Aprilia RS 457, A New Chapter In The Aprilia RS Saga
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The Aprilia RS 457 seeks to become the new technological and stylistic benchmark for young motorcyclists worldwide, the new key to the Aprilia version of the sporting world. The RS 457 is a historic step for Aprilia and not only in technological terms. Indeed, Aprilia's new twin-cylinder sports bike appeals to new targets and markets to meet the growing worldwide demand for easy but fun, technologically and stylistically groundbreaking motorbikes targeting broad market segments.
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Michele Colaninno - Piaggio Group CEO “In recent years, the Aprilia brand has seen an intense burst of renewal, also supported by continued progress in the racing world. The recent introduction of the 660 family, with RS and Tuono first and Tuareg later, has expanded its target, creating a full and competitive range. We are now ready to take another step towards the future with an astonishing bike developed entirely in Noale, capable of stimulating and thrilling young people and opening up huge potential in new markets, near and far. It is a step closer to the globalisation of a brand that has always had the perfect combination of technology, fun, and looking to the future in its DNA.” The RS acronym represents Aprilia's take on sportiness. These motorbikes are designed to amaze, with innovations derived from a long and successful racing history that has shaped Aprilia's unique motorbike culture. Thus, Aprilia became the dream object of entire generations, indulging the passion of younger riders with extraordinary motorbikes. At the same time, it has been a leading player in the racing world, dominating the 2-stroke categories. After reaffirming its technological supremacy by winning SBK competitions, it has also risen to prominence in MotoGP. Now, Aprilia returns to its founding mission with a project for a new generation of motorcyclists, pooling the knowledge accumulated on tracks worldwide.
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Starting in 2020, the massive success of the Aprilia RS 660 (Europe's best-selling sports bike) has revolutionised the world of mid-range sports bikes, creating a new segment. The same winning formula is repeated with the Aprilia RS 457, which began as a completely new project, conceived and developed where all Aprilias are created, including MotoGP bikes. The new Aprilia is the ideal link between the first 125 engines and the RS 660. It completes the RS family that includes the powerful V4 superbikes and, at its most technologically advanced, the MotoGP-winning RS-GP. The Aprilia RS 457 speaks the language of younger riders, of people who want to start riding faired bikes, exploiting all of the company's expertise to design and build a true sports bike. This motorbike's strengths are its lightness, with the highest possible power-to-weight ratio for a bike you can ride with an A2 licence, ease of handling, and technological equipment. The RS 457 is designed to accompany motorcyclists as they progress on road and track. The ergonomics feature clip-on handlebars mounted above the upper steering plate, a road sports solution that provides the best compromise between sportiness and riding comfort.
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The new RS 457's styling follows the legendary RS range, the supersport bikes that made motorbike history, starting with the double front fairing through to the underbelly silencer, with a 2-in-1 exhaust. The full LED front headlamp incorporates the light signature typical of Aprilia's larger super sports bikes, while the front turn signals are integrated into the front headlamp's light signature. The dashboard uses an elegant and practical 5-inch TFT colour instrument cluster, while the handlebar controls are backlit. The Aprilia RS 457 is powered by a state-of-the-art, liquid-cooled parallel twin-cylinder engine, double camshaft timing and four valves per cylinder, delivering 35 kW of power, the maximum possible for a bike you can ride with an A2 license. Besides the pure power figure, there is also the motorbike's weight: 159 kg dry, rising to 175 wet. The Aprilia RS 457's power-to-weight ratio is simply unbeatable because the designers at Noale aimed for the maximum possible and achieved it. This figure was translated into pure performance during road development at Aprilia's Noale headquarters. The new engine is paired with a stiff frame. The aluminium frame makes the RS 457 unique for bikes in its segment. All of Aprilia's design expertise, honed over decades of victories on all the world's racetracks, goes into this solution. The crankcase functions as a load-bearing element, a solution borrowed from the RS 660, which ensures the low weight, dynamic qualities and riding pleasure that have made Aprilia famous.
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The ø41 mm fork features 120 mm travel and preload adjustability. Ditto for the monoshock, which works on the steel swingarm, adjustable in preload, for 130 mm wheel travel. The braking system features a 320 mm front disc with a ByBre radial-mount 4-piston caliper. At the rear, the ByBre caliper brakes a 220 mm steel disc. All this is assisted by a two-channel ABS system with dual map of use, on both wheels or only on the front. The 17-inch sports rims mount 110/70 tyres at the front and 150/60 at the rear, perfect sizes for excellent grip while maintaining agility, the true strength of the new Aprilia. The Aprilia RS 457’s electronic equipment is of a true sports bike, designed for a wide range of bikers and entirely faithful to Aprilia tradition. The Ride by Wire system – which Aprilia was the first to introduce both in MotoGP with the futuristic RS Cube and in production – manages the engine with three riding modes that intervene on power and torque delivery and traction control, adjustable to three levels and that can also be disabled. The quickshifter comes as an accessory Read the full article
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sbknews · 1 year
New Vespa Gtv, Vespa Style Has Never Been So Sporty
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New digital instrumentation, full led lights, and keyless system. Powered by a 300 HPE engine with more than 23 HP, the most powerful ever mounted on a VESPA From its début in 2006, Vespa Gtv has been the ambassador of the purest classicism in the Vespa family thanks to the use of the “faro basso” (low headlight), positioned on the front mudguard, and the exposed metallic tube handlebar, both reminiscent of the style of the most iconic models. In 2023, Vespa Gtv comes out in an entirely revolutionised version, maintaining the must-have similarities to the origins of the legend, but combining them with an ultra-modern technological equipment package and unprecedented sporty finishes. The result is an extraordinary combination of tradition and modernity, classicism and audacity, which come together in the most authentically sporty Vespa ever. The new Vespa Gtv is powered by the gritty 300 hpe (High Performance Engine) single-cylinder, with 4-valve timing, liquid cooling, and electronic injection. Accredited with power of 17.5 kW (23.8 HP), it is the highest performance engine every mounted on a Vespa.
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An authentic style, even sportier The new Vespa Gtv evolves under the sign of sportiness and includes the significant stylistic improvements introduced on the new Gts range, with even more painstakingly crafted finishes and a construction quality that rises to never before reached levels. The light clusters are now full LED, including the characteristic low headlight, whereas the new instrumentation maintains the elegant circular shape, but it is now entirely digital, a solutions that lets you take advantage of the features provided by the Vespa MIA connectivity system, available as an accessory. The instrumentation is connected to the handlebar using an original offset bracket and it is surrounded by an aggressive looking top fairing with reduced dimensions and a clear racing inspiration. handled by three horizontal slots, it is painted to match the body. The orange coloured top fairing, available as a separate accessory, gives Vespa Gtv an even bolder look. At the centre of the leg shield, the unmistakable “necktie” has sporty lateral slots and is enhanced by orange-edged decorations. The five-spoke wheel rim design is also new, painted matt black with orange graphics on the channel. Another distinctive element of the Vespa Gtv is the two-tone single-seater saddle with a racing look and the rear part that is installation ready for a rigid cover colour coded to match the body reminiscent of the typical fairings on competition Vespas. The cover is available as a separate accessory and is removable. In any case, seating is approved for two and it has plenty of comfortable seating room, characterised by a particular technical pattern and horizontal thermobonding, framed by contrasting orange stitching. The general look of the Vespa Gtv stands out for the matt black trim that characterises the low headlight and rear taillight assembly, the profile along the perimeter of the body, the passenger grab handle and footrests, the silencer cover, the rear view mirrors, the support, and the instrumentation frame. The new Vespa Gtv is available in the two colour schemes, Beige Avvolgente Opaco and Nero Convinto, with contrasting orange graphics on the front fairing and on the sides.
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Hi-tech equipment Vespa Gtv embraces technology and the vocation to travelling typical of the extremely recent evolution of the Vespa Gts family - the famous “Vespone”. Therefore, the ergonomics are perfect Vespa ergonomics, enhanced by its comfort and large body. The seating is natural and allows for total control of the vehicle and absolute comfort even over long distances. Convenience and practicality are highlighted by the introduction of the keyless system, which allows the ignition to be switched on without the need for a traditional key. On the back leg shield, the classic ignition key switch is replaced by a practical knob. To start the vehicle, simple press it and turn it to the ON position. The engine starts in the usual way, using the button located on the right hand controls block. The adoption of a new LCD instrumentation allows a thorough range of trip information to be displayed (maximum speed, average speed, current consumption, average consumption, range, and battery charge state), as well as all the notification relative to calls, messages and music, if the vehicle is connected to the smartphone using the VESPA MIA (available as a separate accessory). It comes standard with a USB port, located in the storage compartment in the leg back shield, whereas the spacious under-seat compartment has a mat. On the safety front, it comes standard with ASR electronic traction control and an ABS anti-lock braking system. For more Vespa News check out our dedicated page Vespa News or head to the official Vespa website vespa.com/en_EN/
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sbknews · 1 year
Disney and Vespa
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Two iconic brands meet in a limited edition collaboration that celebrates a very special anniversary: Vespa presents Disney Mickey Mouse Edition by Vespa. The two brands have always been in the zeitgeist thanks to an iconography made up of unmistakable shapes and colours, with Vespa valuing freedom and fun, shared with Disney's values of storytelling and escapism this makes for the perfect collaboration. The über-famous scooter recently became the very materialization of dreams in the fantastic adventures of Luca, Disney and Pixar's animation masterpiece. Today these two timeless icons come together on a special project for Disney100, with Vespa paying homage to this anniversary through a global collaboration of the two unique brands with a Disney Mickey Mouse Edition by Vespa. Vespa is more than just way of transportation, it is a way of life: the extension of a rider’s personality, of their history and journey. A wonderful travel companion that, in this special edition, sets the imagination free and encourages us to dream big.
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Michele Colaninno, Chief Executive of global strategy, product, marketing, and innovation of the Piaggio Group, commented on this collaboration as follows: “Dreams allow us to look to the future with optimism, even in complex times such as these. A timeless icon like Vespa could not fail to celebrate, on this very special occasion of Disney’s 100th Anniversary, an equally everlasting icon like Mickey Mouse, with a tribute to creativity, imagination, light-heartedness, and fun – the very values that have always anchored Vespa. Today, as then. This collaboration between Vespa and Disney represents the celebration of two historic companies that have a common dream: to allow everyone to express their imagination freely.” Claire Terry, Senior Vice President, Disney Consumer Products, Games & Publishing EMEA said, “Just like Mickey Mouse, Vespa is a cultural icon, evoking a sense of fun and adventure and together they form a wonderful combination, truly extending our timeless storytelling. We are incredibly excited to bring this version of the iconic scooter to our fans in our centenary year and bringing all of Mickey’s charm and personality to road trips wherever people want to go!”
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For this collaboration, the Vespa Primavera 50cc, 125cc and 150cc are coloured black, red, white and yellow: the same hues that have characterised Walt Disney’s most famous mouse for decades. The yellow wheels are reminiscent of Mickey Mouse’s shoes, while the black mirrors recall his unmistakable round ears. A graphic pattern outlining the character’ silhouette decorates both sides of the scooter as well as the front. Finally Mickey Mouse’s signature could not be missed, featured on both the saddle and the front shell. Disney Mickey Mouse Edition by Vespa comes with a matching helmet in the same stunning colours. For more Vespa News check out our dedicated page Vespa News or head to the official Vespa website vespa.com/en_EN/
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sbknews · 1 year
Aprilia RSV4 Factory and Tuono V4 Factory Speed White
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New special limited edition colour scheme for the most racing-oriented versions of the magnificent V4s from Noale unveiled at the GP of the Americas. Dominated by a white that enhances the design with built-in winglets, the Speed White livery will be available from may exclusively for a limited time. The flagship bikes of the Aprilia V4 range, the RSV4 Factory superbike and the Tuono V4 Factory hypernaked, début in the Speed White colour scheme, a new and exclusive colour option that will be available for a limited time only: from May through to the end of 2023.
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Dominated by a white that enhances the aerodynamic lines and its design with built-in winglets, the Speed White livery is combined with red wheel rims and adorned with the Aprilia inscription on the side and sport graphics inspired by the Aprilia RS-GP prototype playing a leading role in the 2023 MotoGP World Championship.
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It was the Aprilia Racing MotoGP riders themselves, Aleix Espargaró and Maverick Viñales, who unveiled the Speed White colour scheme for the first time to the general public on the weekend of the Grand Prix of the Americas in Texas. This genuinely great racing occasion highlighted the supersport soul of the livery that houses two extraordinary bikes, at the top of the superbike segment in terms of technology, performance, and design. The Speed White colour scheme joins the other two options for the Aprilia V4 Factory range – Time Attack and Ultra Dark – and will be available from May in Aprilia dealerships for a limited time. For more Aprilia news check out our dedicated page Aprilia News or head to the official Aprilia website aprilia.com/en_EN/
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sbknews · 1 year
Vespa 946 Celebrates With A Special Edition Dedicated To The Year Of The Rabbit
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Vespa 946 Celebrates Its Anniversary With A Special Edition Dedicated To The Year Of The Rabbit. This is the first collection of a series which will encompass 12 years. Limited and numbered, it will bring back the iconography of the lunar calendar. The beginning of a new lunar year brings us not only the enthusiasm of rebirth and the joy of spring, but also the iconography of a new animal for the horoscope to reference. January 22nd, 2023 welcomes the year of the rabbit, a symbol and omen of peacefulness, well-being and respect for the past. The Vespa 946 10° Anniversario, dedicated to the year of the rabbit, will be issued in a limited and numbered series of 1,000. This will be only the first stage of an important project that will span the next 12 years and which will see the introduction of a new annual edition each year, inspired by the lunar horoscope animal of that year.
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Since its debut in 2013, the Vespa 946 has established itself as the archetype of the Vespa of tomorrow, which interprets the values that have made Vespa a global icon while injecting it with a contemporary spirit and a forward facing attitude. It is an Italian-made masterpiece, which has now become a real collector's item, taking shape in a dedicated production line that is more like a haute couture atelier than anything else. This special version is issued in a reworking of the classic Vespa green, to symbolize the love of fun, light-heartedness, and nature typical of those born under this sign. The stylized silhouette of a rabbit peeps out on the body. All the details of the Vespa 946 10° Anniversario are made in a refined burnished finish with warm reflections, while the double-upholstered saddle is black with burnished stitching and is sewn by hand with needle and thread, as are the handgrips. Further details will be available on www.vespa.com starting from 22 January 2023. For more Vespa News check out our dedicated page Vespa News or head to the official Vespa website vespa.com/en_EN/
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sbknews · 2 years
The Highly Anticipated V100 Mandello has Finally Arrived
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Moto Guzzi celebrated its 100th anniversary in 2021 but, more than just a prestigious milestone, the company took this as a base on which to start building its next century of history. A future that is already mapped out and that will see Moto Guzzi continue to build magnificent motorcycles that are authentic and bold in character, dedicated to the Guzzisti and all those keen to belong to the Moto Guzzi family. Modern motorcycles brimming with charm that flaunt cutting-edge technology to guarantee both fun and safety and that are proudly 'made in Italy', at the factory in Mandello del Lario, which continues to be the epicentre of passion for Moto Guzzi. A legendary production site that will take on a brand-new guise thanks to an ambitious project to restructure, expand and develop it over the coming years, for a location open to all, in which the passion for the eagle brand is shared. A new industrial vision based on the concepts of environmental sustainability and an efficient use of resources carefully balancing tradition, engineering and design. One step towards 2121 has already been taken, a step that is more of a bold stride towards the future, given the reach of the new Moto Guzzi V100 Mandello. “100” as in the first century, was a period of passion, skill, innovation, and success, both sporting and commercial, which allowed for the building of some of the world most beautiful and best-loved motorcycles. “100” also refers to the second century that has just begun. The “100” indicates, as is Moto Guzzi tradition, the size of the new, more moder engine and the basis for a series of new generation motorcycles that will come to light in the coming years. Starting from a blank page and with real freedom of imagination, Moto Guzzi has come up with a bike that is very modern in its style and content, both innovative and unmistakable. It combines those traditional Moto Guzzi values of sport and travel in one single vehicle. And so it is that V100 Mandello opens a new chapter, in every respect, interpreting the sport-touring world in an innovative way and with fresh vision. The compact dimensions and dynamic sports riding typical of the best roadsters is combined with the comfort and protection of a touring bike, thanks to the technology and aerodynamic solutions it adopts. V100 Mandello stands out for its originality, eluding any kind of classification: not a compromise, but the ultimate synthesis of categories that, until now, were considered diametrically opposed. The two versions differ in terms of their graphics and content, and while Moto Guzzi V100 Mandello is packed with standard equipment, Moto Guzzi V100 Mandello S further raises the level of equipment and technology. Character and authenticity in an enduring design It is innovative not only in concept and technology, but also in its elegant, sporty design, which expresses simplicity and strength and is conceived to outlast passing trends. Like all Moto Guzzi, the design of the V100 Mandello showcases the engine, unique and inimitable, but the built-to-last style is far from nostalgic, giving the typical cornerstones of Moto Guzzi language a very modern twist. This is clear from the forms of the tank, which appear to be shaped directly by the muscular engine heads, the under-seat side panels, the slits of which are a direct reference to the legendary 1976 Le Mans 850, and the top fairing, a tribute to the 1981 Le Mans 850 III. Once again, Moto Guzzi proves to be one of few global manufacturers that need look no further than its own tradition for style inspiration. The challenge that Moto Guzzi Centro Stile designers faced was both complicated and fascinating. They set out to ensure the V100 Mandello remained as compact as possible, concealing all its technology within the narrow body and tasking these systems with ensuring rider protection and comfort, so as to transform the motorcycle into a real tourer. The identity of the new Moto Guzzi is immediately clear and unmistakable, however you look at it. Head-on, the DRL of the LED light cluster traces the outline of the eagle, while side-on, the fully visible engine design is an integral part of the bike's style, like a diamond nestled in a ring. The rear stands out for the design of the taillight unit, inspired by the afterburners of aircraft engines and similar to that successfully used on the V85 TT. One aspect that is immediately clear is the attention to detail, significant and sophisticated, in line with the reputation of the brand and the expectations of the demanding public to which it is dedicated. And the high level finishes don't stop with the body, every last centimetre of which is satisfying to look at and touch with your hands, but extend to the liquid-cooled engine, designed to be admired in its entirety. The very discreet positioning of the radiator and the absence of any visible rubber tubing, as well as painstaking work on the electronics system to conceal all wiring, enhance the sheer beauty of the mechanics.
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The revolutionary “compact block” twin V100 Mandello showcases many important technological innovations. It is the first motorcycle to offer adaptive aerodynamics, and the first motorcycle to adopt advanced electronic solutions such as the six-axis inertial platform, cornering ABS, semi-active suspension, and quick shift, to name just a few of the most significant features. It is also the first Moto Guzzi to début the new engine known as “compact block”, the technical characteristics of which are modern and sophisticated. The initial project goals were clear, to design a very modern engine in terms of its construction and performance, while respecting the traditional architecture of the 90° transverse V-twin, a one-of-a-kind, which guarantees inimitable torque delivery and sound. A compact, lightweight engine to obtain an agile, sporty chassis; powerful, with a bold character and rich in torque, it is designed to equip a series of models and be able to flank Moto Guzzi through the next decades of its life, in accordance with the increasingly strict anti-pollution regulations; in line with the needs of contemporary riders who seek excitement with every twist of the throttle but who are increasingly aware of fuel consumption and maintenance costs. This is why technicians opted for a brand new design, which does not share even one component with previous engines built in Mandello. A 90° transverse V-twin with liquid cooling and double overhead camshaft with finger followers controlled with a chain and four valves per cylinder. The effective engine capacity is 1042 cc, while the bore-stroke values are 96 x 72 mm. The new crankcase exploits wet sump lubrication, with a crank chamber that is separated from the oil pan by a reed valve. This system allows for a lower engine, thanks to a shallower oil pan, thereby saving on space and lowering the masses to the benefit of handling. In addition, reducing the lubricant in the crank chamber makes for less friction and, therefore, lower fuel consumption, while also contributing to limiting the dimensions. A real effort has been made to reduce inertia to a minimum (up to 50% less with respect to the previous 1200 8V engine), so as to reduce the weight and ensure a prompt response. A counter-rotating crankshaft does not serve to balance first order forces, which are already perfectly balanced thanks to the 90° architecture, but to reduce the overturning torque to the benefit of rideability, eliminating any unwanted reaction when accelerating or decelerating. The addition of this component has also allowed for a smaller, more lightweight crankshaft, benefiting overall compactness and performance. The external crankcases are designed to have a structural function, strengthening the frame by way of six fastening points. The rider footpegs are also affixed to the crankcases with the interposition of some rubber pads, the exceptional engine balance preventing any vibration. The brand new design has allowed for a truly compact engine, 103 mm shorter than the V85 TT small block and lighter than the 1200 8V, the last 'four valve' to be produced by Moto Guzzi. An important contribution is also made by the new hydraulic multi-plate wet clutch with anti-juddering system, more robust, reliable, compact and lightweight than the single-plate dry clutch adopted until now. Even the alternator adopts a new and more advantageous position, no longer placed frontally but inside the V of the cylinders.   The new twin also stands out from all the engines recently built in Mandello del Lario for its cylinder heads, which are rotated by 90°, a decision that increases legroom and rationalises the positioning of components in the intake and electronic injection systems. The two throttle bodies have shorter, straighter high turbulent ducts that can optimise the supply of air/fuel mix to the combustion chambers with clear benefits in terms of power, delivery and consumption, as well as the reduced emission of polluting gases. The adoption of a double overhead camshaft with finger followers allows for more aggressive valve lift laws, which benefits performance but also makes for ideal combustion, by eliminating any fuel waste. Contributing to this is the Ride-by-Wire electronic control, which ensures delicate throttle management without any kind of on-off effect when opening/closing. The new and more efficient powertrain is also significantly quieter than that of previous 1200 8V engines. Rotation of the cylinder heads has allowed for the design of an exhaust system with two curvy manifolds that merge into a dual-outlet exhaust tip. The manifolds have carefully designed protectors to deviate hot air flow away from the rider's legs. The six-speed gearbox exploits the patented technology of the first two gears with reduced free play, already used on the V85 TT, which eliminates any delay in shifting for smooth, rapid gear changes, but is totally new in that it is designed specifically for this engine. And the prompt response that low inertia and very rapid gear shifting affords has allowed for the quick shift to be introduced on a Moto Guzzi engine for the first time. This electronic device supports the rider when engaging the gear and up-shifting to ensure lightning-fast shifting without use of the clutch.  Performance is overtly sporty, with a maximum power of 115 HP at 8700 rpm and maximum torque of 105 Nm at 6750 rpm, with 82% already available at 3500 rpm and the limiter set at no fewer than  9500 rpm. Data that effectively showcases the character and power of the new engine, gutsy and with real drive already at low speeds, and able to offer a riding experience worthy of the Moto Guzzi name. That said, the modern design has also allowed for an engine with restrained consumption (4.7 l/100 km) and favourable maintenance costs, with a scheduled service interval of 12,000 km. The cardan final drive makes use of an aluminium single-sided swingarm now positioned on the left side. The transmission shaft outlet, now much lower, and the very high longitudinal development of the swingarm allow for full control of the lift effect when the throttle is first opened with no need to use reaction rods on the swingarm, for smooth riding in both acceleration and deceleration as with a chain drive but with all the advantages of the cardan (less maintenance and greater cleanliness). This system is unique in that there is only one universal joint on the swingarm pivot tilted by 6° in order to ensure the central area of the bike remains very narrow, reducing weight and benefiting ergonomics, and also for the fact that the bevel gear is positioned at 84° (and not 90° like all other Moto Guzzi), to allow the swingarm to accommodate a generous 190/55 tyre, mounted on a 6" rim, which once again highlights the sports attitude of the new Moto Guzzi.
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Chassis architecture: for sport and touring The sports attitude of V100 Mandello is not just down to the performance of the new engine, but also the qualities of the compact, easy to handle chassis that promises excitement through the turns and great stability over long distance, characterised by real feeling with the front wheel, which translates into fun and riding pleasure. Technical choices that are the result of a design culture for which the Piaggio Group motorcycle brands have always stood out. Such wonderful, fulfilling riding is essentially the result of optimum weight distribution and the lowering of masses, permitted by the architecture of the engine and the 17-litre fuel tank that extends under the seat. But it is also thanks to the particular layout of the steel tube frame that exploits the engine as a load-bearing element to achieve just the right rigidity to ensure stability and riding precision while also reducing the weight. A 1475 mm wheelbase and headstock angle of 24.7° translate into agility and sports attitude on winding routes.  And its touring attitude is boosted thanks to the significant comfort that the generous saddle, just 815 mm from the ground, and active, relaxed riding position afford. The adoption of a single variable-section aluminium handlebar is in line with the philosophy of the model, perfect for ensuring control during sports riding while also offering a higher and more relaxed riding position when touring. Two-person travel is at the base of the project, and the passenger can count on a large, well padded portion of saddle and practical grab handles, the seating position making for a pleasurable, relaxing ride. One ingenious addition is the case fastening system (available in the extensive dedicated accessories catalogue) that needs no additional support and leaves the overall aesthetic unchanged when not in use, thus saving on weight and minimising any lateral bulk. To affix cases, the user need simply lift the passenger seat and position the case hooks in the dedicated housing. The suspension and brakes also guarantee sports riding fun and control as well as safety and comfort over longer distances. Moto Guzzi V100 Mandello adopts a Kayaba 41 mm fork with adjustable rebound and spring preload. The shock is by the same manufacturer and can be adjusted in its rebound and spring preload via the practical manual control. Its sloped positioning has been studied and refined to offer progressive intervention and sensitivity when it comes to absorbing any bumps in the road surface. Moto Guzzi V100 Mandello S also makes use of the advanced Öhlins Smart EC 2.0 semi-active suspension system, which can read the asphalt and adapt bike setup accordingly, moment by moment. The ECU that governs the Öhlins Smart EC 2.0 suspension has access to all the bike's electronic systems, meaning it is able to recognise all riding phases and adapt calibration of the fork, shock absorber and steering damper hydraulics thanks to the development of an algorithm, the fruit of collaboration between Öhlins and Moto Guzzi. The system effectively adjusts the suspension hydraulics settings, moment by moment, to ensure the best possible setup in all conditions. In addition, its increased ability to mirror any unevenness in the road heightens the level of comfort and riding pleasure. The particular technology of the Smart EC 2.0 semi-active suspension system allows simple and customised calibration of the fork and shock absorbers with two operating modes, semi-active and manual, both of which can be selected using the buttons on the handlebar. Two maps, Comfort and Dynamic, adjust the suspension in different ways and select the semi-active contribution. The first is designed to offer maximum comfort while travelling and is also suitable for everyday riding, thanks to its greater ability to absorb imperfections in the road surface. The Dynamic mapping is designed to support sports riding on the road, ensuring very controlled bike behaviour, ideal for the kind of winding roads riders enjoy so much. In manual mode, on the other hand, the two maps offer two types of predefined calibration without semi-active assistance, in the same way that conventional multi-adjustable suspension systems operate. In both semi-active and manual mode, and within each of the two aforementioned logic maps, the user still has the possibility to fine tune suspension calibration based on personal taste and riding style. The OBTi (Objective Based Tuning Interface), visible on the colour TFT instrumentation of Moto Guzzi V100 Mandello S, makes for intuitive setting operations. The OBTi operating logic is based on the goals the rider wants to achieve during each riding phase: for example, greater support during braking if the rider wants more controlled bottoming of the NIX fork, or greater support in acceleration if they want more support from the TTX shock absorber when opening the throttle. Manual adjustment of the shock (via the practical manual control) and fork spring pre-load is also possible.  At the front, the Brembo braking system sees radial callipers act on a pair of 320 mm floating steel discs. The handlebar cylinder is also radial, as is that of the clutch (both have levers that are adjustable in their distance from the handlebar). The rear brake counts on a 280 mm disc served by a two-piston calliper. Both Moto Guzzi V100 Mandello versions are equipped with Pirelli Angel GT II tyres.
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The first in the world with adaptive aerodynamics Moto Guzzi technology contributes to increasing both comfort and air protection, with the world-first adoption of an adaptive aerodynamics system that automatically adjusts the position of deflectors on the sides of the litre tank depending on the speed and selected Riding Mode. A step into the future to make a technology as yet unexplored in the two-wheeled sector available to everyone, so as to contain the overall dimensions and offer protection and comfort only when needed and requested by the rider. The electronic-adjust top fairing and fully opened deflectors reduce air pressure on the rider by 22%, bringing V100 Mandello closer to the level of protection afforded by larger and decidedly less sporty touring models. This is the result of hundreds of hours spent on simulations using CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) calculation software and in the wind tunnel, as well as extensive fine tuning on the road of course. Read the full article
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sbknews · 6 years
New Post has been published on Superbike News
New Post has been published on http://superbike-news.co.uk/wordpress/piaggio-group-and-tracker-network-uk-work-to-help-customers-beat-winter-bike-thieves/
Piaggio Group And TRACKER Network UK Work To Help Customers Beat Winter Bike Thieves
Long dark nights present new opportunities for bike thieves, with thefts spiking in the winter months. Piaggio & C. S.p.A. (Piaggio Group) and its Piaggio, Vespa, Aprilia and Moto Guzzi retailers across the UK are helping buyers of all Piaggio Group products, including the Vespa GTS 300, Piaggio Beverly 300, Aprilia Tuono V4 1100 and Aprilia’s range of 125cc models protect their purchase with access to vehicle tracking units from the UK’s leading stolen vehicle recovery expert (SVR), TRACKER.
By partnering with TRACKER, Piaggio Group customers will benefit from the peace of mind that comes with its proven VHF technology. In combination with traditional security precautions, TRACKER contributes significantly to a robust defence against theft and ensures a greater chance of recovery should an owner become the victim of unscrupulous criminal activity.
A Piaggio customer in Esher, Surrey, recently learned first-hand of how effective the TRACKER device is when his Piaggio Beverly 300 was stolen from his driveway one evening. It was only when he received an alert from TRACKER that he realised his bike, worth over £5,000, was missing.
Commenting on the theft, the customer said: “I received a text from TRACKER to alert me to some unusual movement of my Piaggio scooter, which I thought was on my driveway. I opened the curtain only to discover that it was gone. I immediately called the police and TRACKER, and within one hour my bike was located half a mile away from my house. Although some of the modifications and accessories had been stolen from the bike, I was able to take it home with me that night. If I hadn’t had a TRACKER device fitted, there is no doubt that I would never have seen the bike again.”
Clive Wain, Head of Police Liaison at TRACKER, comments: “Unfortunately, bike theft escalates in autumn and winter, which means owners need to be extra vigilant. Our partnership with Piaggio and Vespa means new owners benefit from TRACKER’s stolen vehicle recovery systems. A tracking device won’t stop a scooter from being stolen, but it significantly increases the chances of police finding and recovering it.”
TRACKER’s technology allows a signal to be transmitted, received & tracked regardless of location.
Simon Greenacre, Marketing Communications Coordinator for Piaggio in the UK, said, “Hearing about a stolen motorcycle or scooter is always unpleasant news but, in this case, our partnership with TRACKER has demonstrated that it is possible to fight back against thieves and get a positive result. This example of how TRACKER’s leading technology can offer peace of mind and protection for our customers is important because working together is a key strategy in defeating the criminals.”
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mercimedia · 9 years
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[#Crossover] Celebrate two of Italy's most established symbols of style and creativity! The 40th anniversary of the foundation of Giorgio Armani and the 130th birthday of the Piaggio Group – Emporio Armani has designed a special version of the Vespa 946. More details: http://bit.ly/1Nlqfd4 https://youtu.be/ZlMlYIiL6QY #celebrate #italy #GiorgioArmani #Vespa946 #specialversion #Piaggiogroup #fashion #motorscooter #design #luxury #affordableluxury #mercimagazine #HK #international #motorcyclelover
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mercimedia · 9 years
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[#Crossover] Celebrate two of Italy's most established symbols of style and creativity! The 40th anniversary of the foundation of Giorgio Armani and the 130th birthday of the Piaggio Group – Emporio Armani has designed a special version of the Vespa 946. More details: http://bit.ly/1Nlqfd4 https://youtu.be/ZlMlYIiL6QY #celebrate #italy #GiorgioArmani #Vespa946 #specialversion #Piaggiogroup #fashion #motorscooter #design #luxury #affordableluxury #mercimagazine #HK #international #motorcyclelover
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mercimedia · 9 years
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[#Crossover] Celebrate two of Italy's most established symbols of style and creativity! The 40th anniversary of the foundation of Giorgio Armani and the 130th birthday of the Piaggio Group – Emporio Armani has designed a special version of the Vespa 946. More details: http://bit.ly/1Nlqfd4 https://youtu.be/ZlMlYIiL6QY #celebrate #italy #GiorgioArmani #Vespa946 #specialversion #Piaggiogroup #fashion #motorscooter #design #luxury #affordableluxury #mercimagazine #HK #international #motorcyclelover
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