#Pin to Kona
luxebeat · 2 years
Explore a rich tapestry of nature and culture on the island of Hawai‘i
Hilo, Hawai‘i has the distinction of being the wettest city in the U.S. with an average of 276 days of rain per year. I can personally attest to this fact, having recently been to the city and experiencing intermittent heavy squalls and downpours during my visit. The silver lining in all this “liquid sunshine,” however, were all the spectacular waterfalls that thundered down from the cliffs. I…
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apple-salad · 1 year
Petticoats for Farutetto JSK
AKA an attempt at putting the butt in Farutetto..if I can say that?
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Note: I will be referring to Farutetto as Faltetto in this post as MM has previously translated the dress name as such.
I'm honestly not really sure why I wrote this post, and I'm regretting it a little having finished writing it because the topic seems pointless, but if you like maximum poof, then maybe this niche blog topic is for you.
Related posts about farutetto/faltetto dress: Unboxing (2023 mist and navy), Mary Magdalene faltetto history (long), 1st coordinate post
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Mary Magdalene's stock photos for Faltetto picture it bustled with a highly raised back, but they really left it as an exercise for the reader when it comes to achieving this effect ourselves.
Bustle-able skirts are common enough in classic lolita, but we don't have a lot of lolita petticoat options that provide a historical-style rump. Not to mention that the bustle effect going on above is quite extreme.
Some petticoats that I can think of that have increased back volume are Sheglit's Victorian pannier, and some of Victorian Maiden's old petticoats.
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left: VM Hip Up Middle Tulle Pannier, right: VM Hip Up Pannier
The VM petticoats appear to be designed to be used with their bustle skirts, with a few extra tiers of hard tulle to help provide a slight volume to the outer skirt.
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Sheglit Long Bustle Pannier
Sheglit's is similar, with a large amount of tulle gathered near the hips for an Edwardian silhouette. I don't own this petticoat, but it might work with faltetto if the petticoat is wide enough to stuff more volume underneath.
For me, I think these types of petticoats weren't quite going to cut it... I needed huge back poof. Or at least needed to try...
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Here is faltetto without any petticoats. The dress itself has no additional volume built in, so it's pretty flat. The lining is as densely (or nearly) gathered as the outer chiffon, so you could argue it is giving a tiny bit of volume. But still, quite flat.
I have collected too many petticoats over the years and own about a million at this point, so note that the petticoats I am layering here are only a guide and should be achievable if you own 2 or 3 relatively poofy petticoats of your own.
I use a couple not very poofy petticoats as a base layer to help hold up the larger upper petticoat layers.
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Layer 1 is a Malco Modes 580 ("Zooey"), which is a light-poof petti.
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Layer 2: Just a deflated Mary Magdalene Pannier-skirt for a tiny bit more volume
You could probably use one decently poofy A-line or 1 quite poofy, slightly longer bell petti instead.
I layer a short bell shaped petticoat on top of these to give more volume to the upper portion of the skirt. A-line pettis tend to be quite bottom heavy and I think the delicate chiffon fabric of faltetto needs consistent support along its silhouette, or else it looks weird.
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Layer 3 is AP's "short organdy pannier"
These are the base layers. Next I add a back cushion to help hold up all the layers that will follow. It helps a lot in creating a "shelf" effect at the back.
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The cushion itself is made from kona cotton (scraps can also be used) with a pattern that I freehanded off of examples of edwardian back pads online. I don't think the exact shape matters that much--you could probably tie a literal tiny cushion to your hips. But the dimensions of this one are approximately this if you want to try it yourself:
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You can round off the sides into a kind of 3-oval shape, or cut out a smooth semicircle, I don't think it will make much of a difference for this purpose.
After trying this setup with the upper layers added and finding the bustle effect not jutting out enough, I decided to add an extra volume layer just to the back. I don't have anything purpose-made right now, so I made do with a deflated bell shaped petticoat folded in half (and folded again slightly around the edges to keep the total pinned width about 3/4 of the waist) and pinned to the cushion.
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The result so far is weird, but maybe it works...
The last actual petticoat layer is Angelic Pretty's "Long Organdy Pannier". I don't think AP makes these anymore, but they are a approx. 50cm long, gently bell-shaped petticoat designed for the longer dresses AP was releasing around 2016~2020. I find the longer length quite good for sweet-classic when the skirt of a JSK or OP is a little longer, or achieving a little more poof around the upper part of the skirt with certain longer classic pieces. It's not extremely poofy on its own, but I personally enjoy using it for various poof purposes.
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Layer 6 or so (?) (AP Long Organdy Pannier)
This final petticoat layer also helps smooth out the bustle silhouette, from the front to the raised back.
Finally, on top of all that a tiered underskirt is layered on top. Faltetto doesn't have any built in underskirt (just a lining, which is expected to be bustled up with the main fabric), so it's more attractive to add some ruffles to the back that are visible when the skirt is lifted. Unfortunately, at this point the petticoats are so wide that I don't seem to have any underskirt wide enough for the entire circumference of the poof.
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This is the result, but I actually wouldn't recommend positioning an underskirt like the above because the length of the underskirt didn't end up matching the length of the skirt, being quite a bit too short instead (and not really in a nice bustled looking way, in my opinion). In my initial worn photos, I instead fold the underskirt in half and pin it to the waistband of my petticoat (and then pin the underskirt up a little bit since doing this made it a bit too long), which kind of worked but also wasn't really a great solution. I might need to make my own super wide underskirt, or something...thoughts for another time.
Lastly, the dress can be added over top everything! And don't forget to bustle the dress. It's not an entirely intuitive process for first-timers, but there are loops on the back of the dress that you thread the bustle ties through and further tie into a knot. I might try to post a reel of this process eventually (and will update later if I do), but here are some pictures which muddily attempt to express how the bustle is tied:
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It was about at this point that I realized that this JSK had a minor factory defect, but thankfully it was easily and very quickly fixed.
And so, here is how the dress looks with all those layers underneath from different angles!
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From the front, it looks pretty much like a normal petticoat is being worn with it. I hope this is enough back poof, but what do you think...?
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And here are some extra photos of this coordinate to show the set up worn. I can tell that this arrangement might not be very sustainable for a full day, so I will probably be tweaking the petticoat arrangement further in the future.
Last note: As you might be able to tell, I don't own any hoop or wire petticoats, so I can't really give good advice or opinions on where they would fit in here. A hoop skirt that has a rump in its silhouette would be historically on point and probably work quite well, but you would likely have to make a custom one with shorter length. I really don't know enough about mid 19th century fashion to comment on this either, though. But maybe I might attempt it some day!
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karoiseka · 10 days
14) Telling
((Early-ish DT spoilers (right after 1st dungeon!), a bit of a sequel to this post of just screenshots. hehe. Attempted dialogue today, so, hope it flows ok!))
The morning light didn’t permeate the cabin, but that didn’t stop Alisaie from shaking Karo’s shoulder at what she thought was entirely too early an hour.  Grumbling, she rolled over, wiping the sleep from her eyes, dressing for the day without thinking about it before shuffling out the door.  The twins were already in a rousing discussion, entirely too chipper for how early it was, while Krile, Wuk Lamat and Erenville were still eating their breakfast.
“It’s about time you showed yourself!” Even though Alisaie was the one to wake her, the girl still had to rib Karo about not arising with the others.  Karo’s ears twitched along with her tail, but said not a word as Erenville silently handed her a steaming cup.  Inhaling, she could smell coffee and chocolate with the slightest nutty hint.  Smiling gratefully, she took a sip, sighing in contentment at the mix.
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“Are you feeling okay?  Do we need to delay our travel for today?”  Wuk Lamat was looking over at her with concern.  Karo shook her head.
“I’m fine, just a bit tired,” ears flickered again as the bard hid her face in her mug, taking another slow sip.
“Did you not sleep well?” the Third Promise was insistent that she found the root of the problem, much to Karo’s increasing discomfort.  “I can ask our hosts about better beds next time we come through!”
“No, no! It’s nothing like that!” Karo’s face was turning redder as she tried to wave off the scrutiny.
“She was out too late with Thancred,” Karo’s mug hit the table, followed by her head being buried in her arms as her tail lashed behind her, ears pinned back.  The smugness in Alisaie’s voice was only muffled by Alphinaud and Krile’s choked laughter.  It was entirely too early in the morning for this type of dragging by her “little siblings”.  
“Thancred!” Wuk Lamat had pushed away from the table in surprise, her voice almost loud enough for the entire little villa to hear.  “What was she doing with him?  Karo, what were you doing with him?  He’s traveling with Kona!”
“They’re engaged,” Karo’s neck almost cracked with how fast she lifted it off the table to stare at the speaker.
“WHAT?!” Three voices shouted at the same time, Alisaie and Wuk Lamat having chorused in unison as Karo stared in shock at Alphinaud’s very smug expression.
“What?  They haven’t exactly been keeping it secret with those necklaces the three of them are wearing,”  Karo’s head returned to her arms on the table, face aflame.  He was correct on that account, they had just been waiting until all the Scions were gathered for some reason to announce to everyone at the same time.  That hadn’t happened yet, but it turns out their friends were more observant than they figured on.
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Well, the rumors were going to fly now with how loud her companions were–Karo hoped that Thancred’s group had already headed out for the morning.  They most likely had with how early he liked to rise, and she knew he was the taskmaster of their little trio.  Urianger could get up early, but preferred to sleep in as he was just as much a night owl as Karo and G’raha.  She didn’t know about Kona, but guessing from his demeanor, he could probably choose either one depending on if he got caught up in a project late at night.
Tail still lashing behind her, Karo finally looked up, peering around at her companions to gauge reactions.  Alisaie had Alphinaud pinned to the cabin wall, berating him softly about not telling her, Wuk Lamat was sitting and staring at her a bit dumbfoundedly, but amused, and Erenville and Krile were unbothered, still drinking their own morning coffee.  The day could only get better at this point she supposed.
“Yes, that’s the way of it,” Karo finally said when Alisaie took a breath.  The exasperated look of affection from the younger girl she answered sheepishly.  “We were going to tell everyone, we just hadn’t the chance since we wanted to tell everyone together,” a quick shrug as she took another drink.
“I suppose at this point I should just take for granted that Shtola knows, probably Urianger as well,” the chatter had done what the coffee hadn’t.  Karo was now fully awake whether she wanted to be or not.
“Estinien probably still doesn’t know,” Alisaie was trying to keep at least some semblance of not being the only one of the Scions not to figure out the not-spoken “secret”.  Though a realization dawned on her as she turned to Krile.
“Did you know?” the Lalafell’s laughter rang out in the camp as she nodded an affirmative, and Alisaie’s shoulders dropped in defeat.  Muttering under her breath, she disappeared into the cabin, intent on getting packed up for the day instead of staying out where she could feel ridiculed.  A few moments longer, and conversation broke back out about the day’s activities and itinerary, much to Karo’s relief.  Grabbing a quick bite to eat, she finished her coffee as they finished packing up, getting moving before the whole morning had disappeared.
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khezupencil · 1 month
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A couple of cute cat boys! I’ve never drawn these two before so this is my first time drawing these ocs aside from making concepts of them on picrew. Kono and Kona. Kono (purple) is a seamster for the princess in my ou. She keeps him around not jjst for his expertise is designing and adjusting clothes, but because he’s very cute and pretty energetic.
Kona (green) is Kono’s twin brother. He’s a long haired cat. He’s pretty popular, both twins coming from a noble background out of the kingdom. While Kona doesn’t work directly for the princess, he’s still on good terms with her thanks to Kono. Kona’s nickname or common alias is Cranberry, he’s always tired, but don’t let that fool you because he’s pretty knowledgeable about the gossip on the streets.
If you like my art, you can check my pinned post for commission information :>
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viva-la-runaway · 3 months
Another late duel release because I was tired after work yesterday. Motive to draw died idk.
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Anyway, June 17th and 18th!
First, we have Camila, who is a lesbian! She grew up in Barcelona, Spain, with her grandparents. She enjoys going to concerts, studying geology, collecting pins, and watching obscure YouTube documentaries with Adalet and Rico. Camila joined the A.R.T when she was 18. She was kidnapped by the El Coco when she was little. Her parents had died, and her brother was a drunken mess over it, so he couldn't care for her, leading to her grandparents having to take custody of her. This led to behavior problems, which caused El Coco to kidnap her. She escaped but injured herself in the process, leaving her paralyzed. Her brother managed to find her before anything worse happened. She now works as a route planner/coms worker for Helga’s team and is the last member of the team to be featured in this challenge!
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Then we also have Reagan, who is pansexual! She grew up in Honolulu, Hawaii, with her moms. She enjoys swimming, dancing, yapping Helga’s ear off, and she loves her job! Reagan was taken to the foundation at the age of 18 after an encounter with a siren. Without her hearing aids, she was deaf and unaffected by the siren call. Her presence in the foundation skyrocketed after her assignment on what is commonly known as “The Backrooms.” Helga and a woman named Magnolia’s success on the assignment led to them gaining their own teams. On the other hand, Reagan earned a promotion as a recruiter after convincing Dima, who was also on the assignment, to stay with The A.R.T permanently. Reagan is responsible for the recruitment of many A.R.T members, such as Aria, Klaus, Barnaby, Kona, and other members of both Helga and Magnolia’s team.
Happy Pride month to all the lesbians and pansexuals!
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pastsplendors · 2 years
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sochicfinds · 1 year
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masterskona · 1 year
Today Master used me all day. I awaited his arrival eagerly- I showered, taking care to shave his slut everywhere. His slut pups holes were puffy from the week of edging He had ordered. The razer seemed to glide past the ever-slippery lips. I ached to feel the rough grip of His hands on my pulsing mound.
Climbing out, I took care to pin my ears up sturdily as Master had previously ordered- (it’s not becoming for a dumb pup to lose her ears as Master breeds it’s holes.). Then, I lubed my tail and slid it in, wagging my ass excitedly. Finally, I pulled the lacy blue lingerie and fishnets out to wrap up Masters toy properly.
I knelt at the door until Master came in and released me. Finally, everything was right in the world 💜🤤
Master ordered me to the bed where I gave him a tongue bath. My tongue slid over every inch of his skin- drinking in his sweet taste. Konapup loves to lick every nook- between the fingers… armpits… toes… groin… asshole… puppy relished each lick 👅 💦
Puppy loves when Master lets her clean his ass; having Master rub his ass across her tongue while she moans and licks trying to get deeper and deeper.
Master soon threw Kona up and commanded her to present while he mounted her to breed. Kona panted and begged for Masters knot but Master wanted to breed her ass.
Tongue killed out, drooling, eyes crossed, and panting, Kona was filled and plugged with Masters seed in her ass, his breeding bitch.
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thorraborinn · 2 years
dis anon: thank you for answering anyway! and for the info about homesteading. i have one last general questoin i think; is 'dis' ending like 'kona'? like is seidkona, seidis? or is there a difference in how that works?
In terms of the mechanics of making compound words, sort of, yeah. Generally when coining new words in Old Norse or Icelandic, the first component is put in the genitive case (see this post about genitive-based compounds), and the second component is left alone. That's how Vanadís is formed, from the genitive of vanir + dís, as well as a lot of words ending -dís in Modern Icelandic. By that pattern, a dís of seiðr would be a seiðsdís. However, there are so many names and some other words ending -dís already in Old Norse that are formed directly to the root of the word, like landdís, spádís, Halldís, Hjördís, Vigdís, etc, that you would probably expect that to override the typical pattern and give you seiðdís.
The meanings are not really the same though. The word kona means the same thing as 'woman' in English. The actual precise meaning of dís is much more difficult to pin down precisely, and you wouldn't really use it for, like, a regular human woman unless it's a understood as a sort of ceremonial, honorific, or poetic context. A dís is generally some kind of supernatural being. It's common in personal names, but that should probably be considered like how áss 'god', alfr 'elf', rögn/ragn '(holy) powers/gods', and other supernatural sorts of words end up in people's names. The English translation 'lady' is not so much literal as it is trying to convey that it's an honorific title.
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naturecoaster · 7 days
East Pasco Chamber Foundation Kicks off School Year by Giving Honors to 10 Student Citizens
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The East Pasco Chamber Foundation in partnership with the Greater East Pasco Chamber of Commerce recognized ten students from local Zephyrhills schools. This ceremony marks 27 years of celebrating student citizenship in the Zephyrhills. The students were honored as the Greater East Pasco Student Citizen of the Month for September. The ceremony took place at Chick-fil-A in Zephyrhills on September 18 at 8:00 am. Students are chosen by the teachers and administration of their individual schools for exemplary effort,achievement and contribution to their school, family, and community. The students receiving honors were: Sarai Nieves (8th grade, Academy of Spectrum Diversity); Daralis Robles (1st grade, Children’s Educational Services Elementary Campus ); Jason Jarman (6th grade, Children’s Educational Services Secondary Campus); Jase Kitchen (5th grade, Chester W. Taylor Elementary School); Anna Gomez-Marzano (1st grade, Heritage Academy); Angel Cruz (6th grade, Raymond B. Stewart Middle School); Justin Telman (Pre-K, West Zephyrhills Elementary School); Cheyenne Oney (5th grade, Woodland Elementary); Tiana Williams (6th grade, Zephyrhills Christian Academy); and Xavier Rodgriguez (12 th grade, Zephyrhills High School). East Pasco Chamber Foundation Honors 10 Student Citizens in September Sponsors and supporters of this year’s program are as follows: Chick-fil-A Zephyrhills, AdventHealthZephyrhills, Bahr's Propane Gas & A/C, Inc., Benedictine Sisters of Florida, BGE, Central Florida Tree &Debris, City of Zephyrhills - Government, IR Staffing, Jarrett Ford Dade City, Pasco-Hernando StateCollege, San Antonio Citizens Federal Credit Union, South Branch Ranch, Spivey Karate Dade City, Statewide Insurance, Suncoast Credit Union, Sunrise Rotary of Dade City, Vitis Realty, Pasco EducationFoundation, Pin Chasers East Pasco, Kona Ice Of Zephyrhills, Campus Gear, Pioneer Florida Museum andVillage, Beef 'O' Brady's - Dade City, Beef 'O' Brady's - Zephyrhills, Culver's, Jim Driscoll, and S&S RanchWedding and Entertainment Venue. If you are an area business and would like to support this impactful program, please contact Vicki Wiggins at the East Pasco Chamber of Commerce at 813-782-1913. Read the full article
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konaoceanadventure · 27 days
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Experience the thrill of whale watching in Kona, where you can see majestic humpback whales in their natural habitat. Between December and April, witness their acrobatic displays against stunning Hawaiian scenery. Enjoy expert insights, scenic views, and ample photo opportunities. A Kona tour offers a memorable adventure amidst natural beauty.
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konafatbikes · 3 months
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Explore the Big Island of Hawaii with exhilarating electric bike tours, ideal for discovering its diverse landscapes and cultural treasures. From the sunny shores of Kona Coast to volcanic wonders in Volcanoes National Park, lush Waipi'o Valley, charming Hilo, and scenic South Point, each ride offers unforgettable adventures in paradise.
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creations-by-chaosfay · 4 months
I'll have a pair of coasters and two pairs of placemats listed in my shop this weekend. After I finish sewing those this week, I'll focus on thr commissions. One is a mug rug and will take just a couple hours. Another is a FPP 18x18 inch crow miniquilt, and there will be a possible third with coasters. I'll be working on this in the morning, from about 6AM to 11AM.
Afternoons will be spent handquilting. I'll be getting that work done in the living room with the a/c blasting off. Tank top, shorts, and under several layers of batting and fabric because it'll be folded and rolled as I work.
Tomorrow, a trip to the fabric and quilt shop for batting in Star Story as well as fabric for the crow miniquilt. Hopefully these can be found at the fabric store. Less expensive, and my budget is very small. If I sell anything from my shop overnight, going to the quilt shop will be an option.
I find a lotta good stuff at the fabric store, such as one of fav designers (Tim Holtz), solids (Kona Solids) and most of my rainbow prints. Quilt shops have a better precut and extra wide backing selection though. I insist on extra wide backing because I loath pieced backing. Buy 4-6 yards, cut it up to make it wide rather than long? That's awkward and sometimes very expensive. Extra wide? 108 inches (3 yards) wide, no cutting up fabric to make it fit, just iron it smooth, tape it to the floor, and add the layers for basting. I end up cutting the backing a little shorter and save that excess for later.
Extra wide is usually around $22-$25/yard, and two to three yards is usually all I ever need. Standard width is $7-$15/yard.
If anyone fancies sending me fabric or gift cards for fabric, Joann Fabrics is ideal. Batting, fabric, sewing needles, books, sewing pins, and various other supplies. I use quilt shops for very high quality fabric and precuts, patterns, and extremely high quality thread. The thread is often waaaaaay outta by budget, but it's absolutely worth the cost.
Seeing as so many of you voted I spend the summer making low budget items and use jeweltones and rainbows. There will also be some finished quilt tops, and those will have the addon option of me turning these into completed quilts. Kinda like a commission. I'm hoping all these sell successfully, and before October. Get me closer to completing my ko-fi goal.
Speaking of which, I'm giving away two quilt tops if the goal is met by the end of June. Otherwise it's a single quilt if met by Halloween. I need my year to end on a high note with fewer debts, and fewer quilts left as well. Meeting the goal is my focus. When it's met, I'll be able to enjoy nice things, like gifting my husband an XBox Series X (he turns 50 in August), a tabletop quilting frame that will make it possible to machine quilt with a standard sewing machine, business cards for myself, a second pair of shoes (I have a single pair and they're white walking sneakers), paint the dining room and hutch (currently in our storage room), some nice watercolors, and possibly some new clothing for myself (my wardrobe gives me about ten days before I have to wash my clothes).
In the meantime, I'm seeing and taking necessary breaks. At some point, I may take a couple classes to learn how to make my own clothes. I can't self-teach this, videos and books aren't enough, so a class or two will be absolutely necessary. Maybe someone in the quilt guild can teach me? I'll find out in a few days! For now, finishing commissions and stocking the shop.
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antiquariusv · 6 months
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eobdtooluk-blog · 11 months
Lonsdor K518 Pro/K518 Series Update Hyundai & KIA Immobilizer (2023- )
Lonsdor K518 Pro/K518ISE/K518S updated Hyundai & KIA Immobilizer car models on Nov.14, 2023. Check the update details below and update your device online.
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Update Info:
Sonata (DN8) 2023-Smart key
Sonata Hybrid (DN8 HEV) 2023-Smart key
Kona (OS) 2022-Smart key
Kona Electric (OS EV) 2022-Smart key
Tucson (TL) 2021-Smart key
Tucson (NX4) 2023-Smart key
Tucson (NX4A) 2023-Smart key
Tucson Hybrid (NX4 HEV) 2022-Smart key
Santafe (TMA) 2023-Smart key
Santa Cruz (NX4A OB) 2023-Smart key
Santafe HYBRID (TM HEV) 2023-Smart key
VENUE (OX) 2023-Smart key
Veloster (JS) 2021-Smart key
Veloster N (JSN) 2022-Smart key
Cadenza (YG) 2021-Smart key
Carnival (KA4) 2022-Smart key
EV6 (CV) 2022-Smart key
Forte (BD) 2022-Smart key
K5DL3A) 2020-Smart key
Niro (DE EV) 2022-Smart key
Niro (DE HEV) 2022-Smart key
Niro (SG2 EV) 2023-Smart key
Niro (SG2 PHEV) 2023-Smart key
Rio (SC) 2023-Smart key
Seltos (SP2) 2020-Smart key
Sorento (MO4A) 2022Smart key
Sorento PHEV (MO4 HEV) 2022-Smart key
Soul (SK3) 2022-Smart key
Soul EV (SK3 EV) 2022-Smart key
Sportage (NO5) 2023-Smart key
Sportage (NQ5A) 2023-Smart key
Sportage (OL) 2022 Smart key
Sportage PHEV (NO5 HEV) 2023-Smart key
Stinger (CK) 2022 Smart key
Telluride (ON) 2020-Smart key
Q: Does K518 Pro support pin reading by OBD for these Hyundai & Kia models?
A: Support part, not all support. You'd better enter the "Read PIN code" function on the device menu to check.
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cruger2984 · 1 year
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[August 24 - Thursday of the Twentieth Week in Ordinary Time St. Bartholomew, apostle and martyr]
"I'll fly like a butterfly, fluttering gracefully in the air. So I can tell you how beautiful it is, fluttering away. The dazzling radiance guides us to the end of our path, let us spread these wings and fly forward. Ladies and gentlemen, bear witness!" -excerpt from 'Pin to Kona ~Chou yo Hana yo~'
Master the art of kabuki and his skin care routine as we celebrate the birthday of a former ex-kabuki performer and 'Madam Butterfly' himself - Shoma Hanamura! Let's master the art of make-up, enjoy butterfly watching and master some kabuki moves with him!
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