#Piofiore yang
h20milk · 10 months
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xxsycamore · 7 months
Hi!! I hope you’re doing well! Is there any chance you could do prompt 16 for Yang or Nicola? It’s no worries if not! I’ve really enjoyed reading what you’ve done so far for the prompts ❤️❤️
Of course, of course! <3 I'm glad to hear that! Hope you enjoy what's yet to come as well! Thank you for joining!
[💋] 𝙵𝚎𝚎𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚋𝚘𝚕𝚍, 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚍𝚎𝚖𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚍 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚈𝚊𝚗𝚐 𝚔𝚒𝚜𝚜𝚎𝚜 𝚘𝚗 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚜𝚙𝚘𝚝…
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"Since when did you get so brave?"
It's a reasonable question. There used to be a time when you'd picture your head rolling off on the carpet at the brief thought of disrupting Yang while he's working on his desk.
But as your relationship progresses, Yang shows you nothing but interest every time you try to break the shackles of your circumspection, when you're bold and daring, knowing what you want and ready to take it.
He'd sometimes test you with that dangerous glare of his. If there's something more blood-freezing than his wicked grin it has to be this, when he's nothing but cold and calculating like that. But what if it's not just to mess with your head this time? What if he genuinely hates the idea of being distracted now, if he's serious when he-
You catch a glimpse of his upper lip curling before your senses are overtaken by him; your nose filling with his aroma, your sight blocked by his looming over figure and your lips - stolen in an almost rough kiss. You feel the way his tongue plays with you all the way to your toes. Did you sit in your lap in a further show of confidence or did he make you sit down? The details blur away as Yang gives you the kiss you demanded for. He is a genius, of course he has a solution for everything. Right now, he'll kiss you so thoroughly that by the end of it, you just won't have the energy to disrupt him again until he's done with his work.
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∎ Steal My Heart!! - xxsycamore’s 1500 followers celebration event | 💌 event masterlist
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"Your beauty never ever scared me..."
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I know they are toxic af, but I can't help to love these boys ♡
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pump4rd · 23 days
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Happy 6th anniversary, Piofiore no Banshou!
To celebrate I drew a humble collection of 6 husbands (w my headcanons ofc)
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Mr. Red Flag
Insane that I spent his entire route saying I hated him every time he did anything, yet he’s the first guy from Piofiore I drew LMAO.
He is really fun to draw, ngl.
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bubbleslender · 3 months
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dude made me realise I'm into tattoos
(picture found on Pinterest)
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mythicamagic · 1 year
Living Deliciously: Yang/Liliana Demon AU oneshot
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Summary: A wandering demon happens upon the revered Saint Liliana of Burlone, and becomes infatuated with the idea of bringing about her fall into damnation. Rated E.
Word count: 9,000+
Feel free to read this on Ao3
AN: This fic was heavily inspired by trashiigomi's Yanglili demon AU art, link: here
Please give them a follow: https://twitter.com/trashiigomi?s=20
Warnings: Smut. In keeping with Piofiore, there’s a lot of stuff that could be considered religious blasphemy in this fic, so don’t read if you’re sensitive to that kinda thing. Female Genital Mutilation is also mentioned but no instance of it is performed in this fic.
Many deities and angels alike thought themselves ‘above’ mankind. Above the needs and wants of the weak, needy and desperate. In this way, demons were closer to humans than either would care to admit. Demons didn’t bother to assert themselves as ‘above’ humans, for they lurked beneath. Instead of shrinking away from shame in fear of sin, they embraced it. Became it. 
As such, Yang had never cared for those who thought themselves too pure and good for the needs of the sullied. Eternity dragged on, and with it came no short amount of humans who were deemed 'holy figures', as if aspiring to be like those polished, unblemished beings in the heavens. Many humans would zealously recite scriptures and the ‘words of God.’
Yang snorted. As if such an indifferent being would bother to speak to them. 
Sometimes these self-important humans would speak of sin and devils, trying to guard themselves and their flock against such evils. 
Little do they know that the mere thought of me invites me into their good company. 
Yang drifted through the Burlone monastery during one endlessly long summer, glancing every so often at the solemn-faced worshippers as sweat clung to their brows. Even holy ground could provide little relief from sweltering heat.
Not one human could see him as he passed by as little more than a whisper of silk brushing their sides, but that suited his needs just fine. He'd heard tell of a juicy rumour and little would dissuade him from exploring the monastery until he found what he sought. 
Walking inside the adjoining cathedral, he took in the change in the air, glancing around the wide-open space. Occasional statues of holy figures stood resolute, carved out from stone inside the very walls. Yang slinked behind the shadows of large stone pillars lining the outside of the grand hall and inhaled, rooting through the various minds of people dutifully sitting in prayer. Many were troubled, susceptible to temptation. 
He loomed over one young man, clawed fingers curling over the back of the church pew. He'd make for an easy meal. A snack to indulge in before finding his true mark-
A commotion stilled his hand. Annoyed, Yang looked across the great marble hall to where a side door had opened. 
About ten nuns were flanking a woman in the centre of their gaggle. Common folk stood from their seats at the pews and hurried over, trying to touch or speak to the woman in white. 
Sunlight streaming in through nearby stained glass windows threw the woman in a myriad of colours as she stopped and clasped her hands, bowing her head to pray at the altar. She ignored everything else around her as the nuns kept people at bay. 
She was untouchable. In more ways than one. 
Golden eyes swept her from head to toe, noting where her gown was plastered to her form due to the heat. 
This was the juicy rumour he'd heard about. A Saint, beloved by all. Quiet, unassuming but worshipped for her function as a ‘Key Maiden’- some sort of archaic title the people of Burlone revered. 
Yang didn’t care about all that nonsense. He was enraptured for one reason alone:
The woman possessed the purest soul he'd ever seen in all his long years. 
Hunger climbed up his throat. Yang wet his lips, mouth feeling dry. A fall of thick blonde hair could be seen beneath her gossamer veil. 
Yes, he found the concept of worship a joke. He'd wanted to see this spectacle for himself just to laugh at it and maybe corrupt this 'Saint Liliana' to prove a point. He hadn't anticipated being so...intrigued by her appearance though.
She lifted her head, giving him a glimpse of dulled green eyes. They only livened when flicking up to the window longingly. He wondered what kind of obscene expressions he could draw out of her- if she'd be begging, wild or tearing up from lust with a little coaxing. 
His blood pumped faster at the thought. It went unacknowledged by him- but on a baser level, this was no longer a passing fancy. A fever burned in his flesh. He knew great pleasure would be attained in both the pursuit and meal of this woman. 
He was going to devour this 'Saint' Liliana, and he would enjoy every fucking minute of it. 
The easiest thing to do when trying to reach someone untouchable is to go through another. Someone close to her. 
Elena Croce seemed to fit this role perfectly. While devoted to the church, she was closer to Liliana than the other sisters in their company. More of a friend than a simpering worshiper. 
Yang had also happened to notice her friendly conversations with a young man named Leo inside the cathedral, and felt the simmering longing inside her heart that was so easily exploited. 
What a pity it would be for a virginal nun if that innocent crush was taken to new heights. 
"Hah- ah- Elena-! M-maybe we shouldn't be doing this-" 
"I need you so bad- please!" 
Golden eyes looked on with boredom as smoke drifted out from his pipe, leisurely surrounding the couple currently rutting like animals against a stone column. It was late at night; everyone else in the monastery having retired to bed. The more smoke filled their lungs, the more desperate their movements. They seemed blind to their own surroundings, having met in secret within the halls beneath the nun’s dormitories. Yang cut his gaze to the ceiling and pushed off from the column to grasp Leo's damp blonde hair and tug his head back. 
"Slow down," he purred silkily in the mortal's ear. "Savour it." 
Leo couldn't hear him of course but obeyed the command instinctively all the same. Good. If they were too hasty, things would be over before his little plan could come to fruition. 
A gasp reached Yang's hearing. His pointed ear twitched, and he turned to find a pair of wide green eyes staring at the couple in horror. 
I have you now. 
Yang grinned, immediately able to appear behind the Saint, who was dressed in nothing but her nightgown. He'd deliberately opened the door of her quarters to allow the breathy noises to reach her. Harsh slapping sounds of bodies meeting now overwhelmed the hall. 
"It's a depraved sight, isn't it?" he sighed with mock sympathy, leaning in close to her fall of buttery blonde hair while she hid behind the shadows of a column. "You'll find there's a kind of sweet poison to it though. The noises of those engaged in pleasure are almost stimulating. I'd wager you've never seen anything or anyone fuck in your life, little Saint. Do you feel an ache down here?" his tattooed hand slid around her waist to settle beneath her navel. Yang drank in the clean scent at her neck, feeling Liliana's breathing hitch. A fluttering heartbeat picked up like a nervous hummingbird, adrenaline pumping. Yang could feel the change overcoming her, arousal coaxing awake. Even her scent changed. Delicious.
"Is it building, tightening like a knot? Heh, that's only natural. Your walls are clenching around nothing because they seek to be filled. You want what Elena is feeling right now. A nice cock between your legs, pushing inside," fingers crept down between her thighs, claws catching on the material of her thin gown. "Give in to it. Touch yourself and sate the hunger. No one needs to know…" he chuckled, anticipating victory. This hadn't been difficult in the least. How boring. 
A cold hand grasped his wrist. 
Yang jolted. Saint Liliana twisted in his grip, eyes finding his own in the dark. 
"Who are you?" she breathed. "W-what… are you?" 
His face became blank with shock. She could see him? Hear him? 
Liliana quickly dropped his wrist when the sound of a door opening on the furthermost side of the hallway became apparent. She quickly forgot about him in favour of rushing forward, lowering her voice at the couple.
"Please stop!"
Elena jerked and pushed Leo away slightly. "S-saint Lili?!" 
Lili averted her gaze from their state of undress. "You'll be discovered if you continue!"
With that, she hurried down the hallway to intercept the priest that had entered, chatting quietly to him and fabricating a story about misplacing her old prayer book. The priest dutifully offered to look for it, not even arching a brow at the late hour. Elena and Leo took the opportunity to part ways, giving each other one last look before the boy was forced to slip away into the night, adjusting his clothes. 
Yang watched the whole thing with a dazed expression. No mortal had ever seen him without permission before. Never. In fact, he was certain it was pretty much unheard of. 
The interest he’d been harbouring before tripled, sharpening. His gaze zeroed in on his new prey. He wanted to know how she’d done it. He wanted to pry the woman apart until he understood every fragment and became bored with inspecting her shattered remains. 
Saint Liliana was soon chaperoned back to her room. She retired for the night with a convincing smile to the priest, and unlike before, Yang was able to enter her chambers. He peeled away from the shadows and stretched out in her bed while her back was turned, delighting in her startled gasp when she finally faced him. 
“W-why are you here?!” she put a hand over her heart, fumbling with a rosary and snatching it up as if it might protect her. 
“So that wasn’t a fluke, you can still see me,” sharp teeth flashed. “This will prove more entertaining than first imagined.”
His long, thin tail flicked out, whip-like and black with a pointed end resembling a soft arrowhead. No doubt it only served to disturb her, as she couldn’t stop staring at his dark horns that curled out from his skull like a ram.
Liliana inched closer to the door, eyeing it. “Please leave. I will recite the holy words of the bible to drive you out if need be- but I’d rather not resort to that.”
He snorted. “Oh please, anything but that drivel.” 
Before she could even blink- they were close- close enough for her to count his eyelashes and glimpse the tattoos on his skin as he brought a clawed hand up. Lili flinched but held still, breath whooshing in and out of her lungs quicker and quicker. 
“So you’re Saint Liliana,” black claws skimmed the delicate skin of her jaw in a light scrape. “How was such a title bestowed upon you?”
“I-I’m not quite a Saint yet. I’m still undergoing the selection process,” her knuckles turned milky white from the force of her grip on the rosary. 
He arched a brow and tipped his head to one side. If she was trying to dissuade his interest, it wasn’t working. “That so? Everyone already reveres you as one.”
Liliana pressed herself harder against the wall, shrinking away from his touch as much as humanly possible. “I'd like to refocus on the fact that I’m currently conversing with a- a demon, sir. How and why are you here?”
“I go where I please. The house of God is no exception. As for the why…” Yang trailed off, lips pulling back from his teeth to bare them at her in a feral grin “I got curious and decided to see what all the fuss was about. Many demons have been worked up into a frenzy after catching your scent. I figured you had to be something interesting."
She swallowed, pulse jumping when he leaned ever closer, bringing his nose to her hair. "Then your information was poor. I'm perfectly ordinary and I have nothing of note to offer you, Devil spawn." 
"Flattery will get you nowhere. You're mistaken though- there's plenty to gain from a woman like you,” Yang inhaled, taking in her fresh flowery scent. Ahh...no good. If he kept inhaling, he'd work up an appetite and ruin her too quickly.
"That's all you are, underneath your veil and fine robes. You're flesh and blood," he purred. "The animal urge to eat and drink is there- so what makes you exempt from pleasures of the flesh?" 
"T-that's what you're after? That's the reason you influenced Elena and Leo to act like that way?" 
"You think I had something to do with their tryst?" He blinked innocently. "Their passions simply overflowed." 
Liliana glared. "I know Elena- she'd never have given up her chastity like that. As for you wanting my- my body…I would rather bite my own tongue off and die than become your whore." 
His hand came to rest on her abdomen. He exerted a small amount of pressure, gliding his touch downward and heating his palm. The Saint-in-training wavered, he could see it. She shuddered slightly, registering the pleasure his touch elicited. 
"Heh, next time you wish to speak so bravely, make sure you stop trembling first. It dampens the believability of your words,” he chuckled.
Lili stiffened as though broken from a dream. She pushed his tattooed wrist aside, hurrying to her bedroom door. “Sister Sophia!” she shouted, throwing it open. The look she shot him over her shoulder was a touch victorious- hurried footsteps immediately answering her call.
Yang rolled his eyes. “Boring,” he drawled.
By the time Sister Sophia arrived, he was long gone. 
He observed her through the windows in confessionals, haunting her footsteps through prayer and following when she wandered outside into the garden. 
She had very little in the way of freedom. Every morning she was washed by five attendants, who would also dress and brush her hair, fixing some strands back with beads that clinked noisily together. They constantly shadowed her every move like tittering nannies, not allowing for a moment's peace until the sun sank from the sky and night set in once more. Every fibre of Saint Liliana's day was dedicated to serving others in one way or another; listening to confessions or doing missionary work.
His predatory nature noticed how tired she seemed. Liliana tried hard to keep her modest, calm mask in place. She never complained and accepted everything with an air of gentle grace. Only he picked up on her drained energy and lines etched beneath her eyes.
"You're here again, Asmodeus?" 
He found her that night sitting on her stone window-ledge, knees tucked up as she read a book. How sickeningly sweet, he thought. She looked like a lonely princess in a tower.
"Such colourful names you have for me, Saint. Wrong again, though. You won't find my name in any of your clean little books,” he drew closer, exhaling trailing smoke and lowering his pipe. “Call me Yang, if you want. I don't really care." 
"What I want is for you to leave me alone." 
“Boring. Can’t you say anything else?”
Colour finally blossomed in her cheeks. Good. He preferred that look on her rather than that placid, virginal mask. “I-I’m not here to entertain you!”
“Saint Liliana, is everything alright?”
The knocking outside her door startled them both. Yang wouldn’t claim he’d been paying attention to her but her gaggle of sisters seemed more protective than usual. 
“Y-yes, I’m fine- thank you. Please don’t worry,” Lili called, putting her book aside.
Yang arched a brow. She wasn’t chasing him out this time by crying for help? Maybe he’d been right and she was bored out of her skull. “I’ve watched you these past few days and seen how you navigate around the invisible pentacle of your prison,” he drew closer, leaning against the stone wall beside her and leaning down slightly. Red hair spilt off his shoulders to hang between them like a bloody curtain. “You yearn for more- I can smell it on you.”
Lili searched his gaze, bewildered. There was something underneath it though, something she didn’t care to admit to. She stood, as if seeking to brush him off again. “I shouldn’t even be speaking with you. I know demons to be as unkind as a plague on the people,” green eyes narrowed. “Make your offer, demon.”
Yang watched her in silence, tilting his head. 
She gestured to the world laying outside her window. “You’re going to offer me escape if I surrender my flesh to you, is that it? W-well it’s not going to happen,” Lili said firmly. “I’ve been raised for this my whole life. I’ve committed the decorum of a living Saint to memory. Above all else- my chastity is paramount. Why would I give you the one thing that Sainthood requires?”
He wrapped smirking lips around the edge of his kiseru, taking a languid drag. “Perhaps because you don’t truly want it?”
“That’s ridiculous.”
The demon drifted closer but Lili seemed determined to keep her distance, inching back whenever he advanced. “Is it? I wouldn’t be able to speak with you right now if you’d closed your heart to temptation. It’s still there, isn't it?” he crooned, exhaling a mist of smoky, spicy air. “The image of your friend and Leo squirming, clawing at each other like beasts. You dreamed of it last night and you’ll dream of it again.”
It was all too easy to appear closer- shoving her down on her bed and pinning the Saint beneath him. Clawed hands anchored flailing wrists to the sheets, his thin leathery tail wrapping around her thigh and spreading it slightly, allowing their lower halves to nestle even closer. She felt good beneath him. Just as good as any other woman. Her curves were always hidden by her loose, flowy robes but he could feel every inch of her now, her nightgown positively sinful. 
Lili fell still, panting slightly. He could feel her heartbeat hammering.
“And what of you?” she whispered.
Yang blinked, coming back to himself. “Mn?”
Tears collected in her eyes. “You just go around corrupting people for the fun of it?”
No one had ever thought to ask before. He found he didn’t have a good answer and lifted his shoulder in a shrug. “It’s entertaining, and I enjoy it.”
The woman was frightened, as she was wise to be- but as ever…Lili proved to be a little strange. She was paying attention, listening to every word and looking him in the eye. It almost encouraged him to keep speaking. Yang couldn’t claim to have felt that way before. Perhaps he just wanted to shock her with how perverse his words could be.
“I enjoy the deep darkness that lurks deep inside everyone- if you just have the patience to peel it back- it’s so very entertaining to witness. I enjoy women and sex, indulging in too much food, and engaging in brutal violence. All of it feels good, so why deny it?”
“Because it’s empty. Pleasure is devoid of meaning if you overindulge.”
How intriguing- she wasn’t dismissing pleasure as outright evil. Yang’s tail flicked lazily, tightening around her thigh. Black horns gleamed in the candlelight as he craned his neck down and pressed his lips to the pulse fluttering in her neck. He felt rather than saw Lili gasp against him.
“You won’t curse me and call my actions inherently wrong?” he muttered.
Lili lay still, gathering her bearings. Pretty nails curled into his powerful hands, willing him to release her despite their difference in strength. “I think earthly pleasures are normal to want, human even. Denying yourself altogether is unrealistic,” she murmured in a soft voice, as if confessing something she wasn’t supposed to. “However, gorging yourself on pleasure simply makes it a frivolous waste. You don’t appreciate any of it.”
Yang fell quiet. He pulled his lips away from her delicate flesh, skimming his nose down the column of her throat. Tiger-like eyes took in her everything. She wasn’t a bad sight to behold- chest softly heaving, cheeks flushed and lips parted enticingly. “I didn’t expect a Saint to speak like that to me…” he admitted. 
She was speaking almost realistically. The humour in chatting to zealous religious figures lay in their ridiculously rigid and outlandish worldviews. He supposed he should have suspected something was amiss with her the second she’d shielded Elena and kept her loss of virginity a secret from the rest of the church. 
Lili stared up at him, watchful, waiting. Yang felt something inside him stir. 
“I thought it was cold- Lili, you should close your window. You’ll catch your death of cold!”
The door swung open and Sister Sophia entered without so much as knocking. She bustled about, not sparring Yang a glance as he straddled Lili upon her bed. His lips tugged downwards. Perhaps he should kill the old wretch. 
Lili made a soft noise beneath him, sighing. Only that gentle sound saved Sophia’s life that night. 
“It’s hard to believe the selection process is drawing near, and so swiftly too,” Sister Sophia was muttering, reaching up to pull the old window shut. “Soon you’ll become a living Saint- and I won’t be able to chastise you like this anymore.”
Liliana’s gaze became saddened, and she shifted, sitting up. Yang stilled, somewhat taken aback when she walked straight through him to go comfort her minder. He could only watch, reduced to a silent witness and loathing it for the first time. 
“What must you do to become a living Saint?”
Liliana sighed, not bothering to turn her head and acknowledge his presence. She was in the greenhouse today, her minders lingering outside but giving them at least some privacy. She tended to a few of the roses with damaged stems, carefully splinting them with a kindness he could not understand. “I must recite holy scriptures. After that, my body will be bathed and examined for imperfections- and I will be locked within a holy tomb for three days and nights without food and minimal water. Lastly, I must successfully select the previous Key Maiden’s belongings out of a cluster of objects. If that happens, I will be cleansed of impurities…” her voice wavered before she soldiered on. “I’ll be modified and placed in the holy tower to live out my days in solitude, with the exception being Sundays; when I will hear out the prayers of believers. It will be forbidden for me to ever speak again.”
“Hell on earth,” Yang gave a wry snort, wrapping his claws around a stem to gently stroke the petals. Lili straightened to watch as a black tipped talon curved down, threatening to split the soft, yielding flora with the slightest pressure. He did not mar it however; stroking the bud lightly. Her eyes lingered longer than they should have.
“What do you mean by modified?” 
Broken from her trance, Lili looked up and met his curious gaze. She swallowed, a heaviness seeming to settle on her shoulders. “My body will be altered to ensure I cannot bear children or have intercourse.”
“I see. So you’ll be mutilated,” he leaned back against the windows of the stuffy greenhouse, staring at the caged plants and flowers before them. Humans were so bizarre. “That doesn’t bother you?”
He could see it. Her own words quietly disturbed her. This was it. This was the thing he’d been biding his time waiting for. A chink in her armour. 
Lili bowed her head. “I was raised at a humble church alongside other orphans before I was put forward for this position. If I drop out of this, another girl would just be selected. If I can spare them that fate…it's better for me to have to go through this than them.”
“Sickening,” he sneered, exposing sharp teeth. The weight of his displeasure seeped into the very air, sucking out the sunlight and replacing it with something cold. “So you’ll martyr yourself for them?” 
Lili jolted, the scent of copper catching his nose soon after. Yang was beside her in an instant, crouching- taking her by the wrist and pulling her frozen, bleeding finger away from the thorn and into the hot cavern of his mouth. Lili hesitated, breath stalling.
“Maybe I’ll take you by force,” his eyes captured hers, unwavering. “Have you ever stopped to consider that?”
She searched his face. Whatever she saw had her shaking her head and smiling grimly, which somewhat troubled Yang. “You won’t. For some reason, you want me to agree to it.”
"It would be preferable, if only because it would prove to you that yielding to temptation can be far more rewarding than self-imposed starvation.” Yang pulled his lips away from the wound, instead pressing his clawed thumb against it. Her wince was the only enjoyable thing he’d seen all day. He exerted just a little more pressure. “There’s fun to be had, flavours to be tasted, and a life left to live…yet you content yourself with the bland taste of Sacramental crumbs.”
Slit pupils searched her rounded human ones, seeking, prying for anything- one hiccup, just one to prey upon. 
Liliana’s lips thinned, straightening her back. 
A complicated mix of frustration and pride welled up inside him at that. She was so difficult. So tired yet quietly resolute. It wet his appetite something awful. His cock stirred, but he couldn't claim the hunger for her to be purely lust.
“I will leave you now, Saint Liliana,” he uttered.
A stab of surprise and alarm entered her gaze. Yang inwardly smirked. Well, well…was that disappointment he sensed?
Make that two enjoyable things he'd seen today. “But not indefinitely. We’ll meet again. On that day, you’ll find pleasure isn’t nearly so agonizing as a pointless life filled with boring silence.”
Lili smiled a brittle smile and touched his wrist as if parting from an old friend. She didn’t hate him despite his jeers, his constant shadowing of her footsteps and late-night torments. The thought was odd, as was her surreal sense of calm. She’d resigned herself to her fate completely. “I suppose it’s only natural I should see you again. You’re like a personification of my doubts.”
He sneered. “I’m not nearly anything so trivial.”
He captured her chin in hand, running a sharp thumb over her jaw and comparing it to petals. “Pressed flowers last hundreds of years on herbarium sheets, Lili. At a price: the flowers are flattened. Bled dry. Hidden away in a thick volume to sit on a lonely shelf instead of basking in the sunlight where they belong.”
He kept talking lowly, as if willing her to envision his words and succumb to suggestion. His pointed claw skimmed over kissable lips. “Personally, I’ve always preferred the flowers that bloom brightly- even if it's just once- compared with those unnaturally preserved.”
Liliana kept still in his hold. “Are you comparing me with flowers now, Yang? That’s surprisingly romantic of you.”
He blinked, and smiled cruelly. “I could call you the prettiest flower here, Lili- if you’d like.”
“I’m not in the mood to be fooled by you,” she sighed, a strange fondness in her eye. Yang didn’t understand it. He couldn’t understand a lot about this particular human. What he did know: was that it would be a monumental bore if this woman were to be silenced forevermore.
The fateful day of the ceremony finally arrived. Much like the day Lili could remember seeing a demon for the very first time- a stifling humidity choked the air. In this somnolent summer haze, Lili walked through the hushed town of Burlone, head bowed. A procession of key church figures and followers alike stretched out as far as the eye could see, guiding her. A crowd had formed, town bystanders occasionally throwing white flowers at her feet. Lili could sense Elena at her side, and Sister Sophia’s guiding presence at her back. She wasn’t alone. No…she was surrounded by so many people.
Liliana clasped her hands tighter, silently screaming. In that moment, under a sheer veil and the hot merciless sun beating down upon her, blazing the world behind her veil pure stark white- she felt the weight of all who had come before- and all the Key Maidens who would come after. Their ghosts remained with her long after she was shown into the underground tomb, her hands bound behind her back, the stone door pulled back into place, but not before she heard Sister Sophia mutter;
"By the Grace of God, let this child be reborn through this humble taste of martyrdom and guide us once more when she awakens as a living Saint, Amen."
She was then left in complete and utter silence and darkness. No sunlight or food. Only a small amount of water could be heard trickling down from the ceiling. She would have to fall to her knees and drink like an animal to slick any thirst. Lili swallowed thickly and fought not to slump into despair. It was cool within the tomb, not a sound stirring from outside. 
Many things passed through her weary mind as she lay in that lonely place meant for the dead. Guilt, for her heart not being fully committed to Sainthood. Fear, worry, and other such things.
One thing Lili didn’t expect to feel was regret. The image of a marked body slinking through the shadows of her room like a stalking tiger prowling through the jungle remained burned into the backs of her eyes. He kept her company during those long, passing hours. She could visualise him so clearly, her Devil. Hear him, smell him-
Lili’s nostrils flared, picking up a hint of spice. She sucked in the scent, coughing when it choked her lungs. Raising herself up groggily from the floor, Lili shifted as best she could considering her bound arms, gasping at the sight before her.
Instead of unrelenting darkness, a warm orange glow commanded the tomb. Red lanterns with golden tassels gently swayed alongside extravagant lace curtains. They parted to reveal what looked like a shrine. Sat upon a gilded chair within that warm, hazy vision, slightly obscured by the lazy trails of smoke from his signature kiseru; Yang awaited her. One leg was slung over the other, his expression more unreadable than ever before, deceptively apathetic. 
Lili dragged herself over on her knees, gazing at his decadent splendour. 
You came, she thought, torn between relief and frustration. More than anything else- the hunger, the thirst, the lack of sunlight- he was the test she feared most. Her life would’ve been so much easier if he’d never tempted her in the first place. 
Yang didn’t say anything for a moment, studying her as she did him. Finally, thin lips parted, removing the pipe from his mouth.
“Isn’t it ironic?” a tattooed hand drew forward. Ignoring her flinch, he bent down and took hold of her chin. “You’re kneeling in front of me as you do for your so-called God," he purred, silky words tinged with a patronising smile. “Why don’t you pray to me too while you’re at it, hm?”
Lili trembled in his hold. "Why are you here?" She breathed. Something in his eyes danced, sending a shot of heat down her spine. “I won’t give in to you. You being here makes no difference.”
Yang closed his lips over the end of his pipe, taking a hearty drag. Lili flinched as he exhaled, sending a flurry of smoke into her face. “The Lord detests lying lips, but he delights in people who are trustworthy’ is that not a quote from your tiresome little book?”
He could likely see her thought process quite clearly. He was the Devil offering food and drink while she fasted. A lantern to guide her in darkness. A body to warm her cold flesh. She’d do everything in her power to resist him. 
Perhaps he’d already won the second she’d slipped up that one summer night and allowed the fantasy of his head between her thighs to enter her mind. A sin, a secret she’d carried and confessed to no one, but remained buried in her heart.
Pure they called her. Was she really?
Lili’s gaze wavered, her knees aching from the punishing stone. 
Yang clicked his tongue. “Why continue this farce?”
“I told you, it’s so that no one else need do this.”
“You martyr yourself for strangers. What’s more, you don’t seem to understand the triviality of your sacrifice, Liliana.” He released her to study his pipe with an air of boredom. “Haven’t you ever wondered why Key Maidens are demanded so regularly? The last one to be called up was just last year. I had some brats do some snooping for me, you see. The last woman was-”
“Chole,” Lili straightened with a frown. “What does she have to do with this?”
“Everything~ you see, your church employing the grim tradition of genital mutilation can result in…sickness. The wound becomes infected. It happened to your precious Chole.”
Lili sat back on her heels. Disbelief settled over her shoulders. No, it couldn’t be true…
“T-they said she was sick but-”
“It was no common cold. She was killed by the very ones who claimed to worship her," Yang stated without a hint of sympathy. He leaned forward soundlessly from his seat, reaching out to cup her cheek in his palm, petting it gently as if she were a beast he’d tamed. His skin was a shock of warmth against her cool flesh. It cried out for more. His claws felt like smouldering knives hovering inches from her skin. “There is another form of worship you are yet to acquaint yourself with, Liliana,” he purred, fingers sliding into her hair. He curled buttery blonde strands around his knuckles, bringing them to his lips in the mockery of a princely kiss. 
“Please…stop,” she begged softly. “Sister Sophia would have told me about Chole. I’m sure- I’m sure it was unrelated.”
Yang’s expression became eerily blank. She got the feeling he was becoming unimpressed. “You know why I’m here,” he said evenly. “Do you expect me to behave like a gentleman?”
“No,” her eyes never wavered despite the need and despair battling inside. “I just- the others…”
He chuckled and sat back in his chair, picking up a goblet and taking a hearty drink. Lili watched, swallowing against the dryness of her mouth. “So if you didn’t have to worry about others becoming Key Maidens as a consequence of you dropping out, you’d accept me inside you?” Yang smiled over the rim of his cup, the golden hue of his eyes dancing. It was a smile of victory. They both knew it. When his hand travelled down her throat, she didn’t resist. “Your soul has grown sick with longing after denying yourself so long. It hungers. It festers...but you’ll never ask me to touch you of your own volition, will you?” He sighed, a grin slowly curling his mouth into a manic smile. “Oh well. I’ll happily take whatever I want either way,” he took another drink, knocking it back.
Hard lips crashed to hers, muffling the soft murmur of his name. Liquid flooded her mouth, and Lili squeaked with outrage. Firm hands clamped onto her cheeks, preventing escape. She had no choice but to gulp it down, feeling Yang’s tongue push it inside. She ripped her mouth free the moment he let go, coughing.
“There. Was that so terrible?”
“I hate you,” Lili hissed, feeling the alcohol drip down her chin, the rest flowing down to warm her stomach with a pleasant haze.
“You can’t lie to a liar, Liliana. If you’re going to try- do a more convincing job of it,” Yang leaned back, only to draw his knee up- pressing a foot against her stomach. “We can make this as painful or as pleasurable as you wish. What shall it be?”
Liliana glared, chest heaving. It seemed to amuse him to no end. 
“I suppose as a martyr, you’ll choose pain every time,” he mused, letting out a sigh and studying the cave ceiling impassively.
Lili closed her eyes briefly. She thought about her people, about Chole, about Sister Sophia and the worshippers. She remembered watching Chole be sealed away in late December when the air chilled their bones- the fear on her face, the resignation. How every moment after, she and the other prospective Key Maidens had walked with misery- until she'd been selected as the next lamb in line for the slaughter. As she remembered these things, Lili came to a very sad, and simple thought.
It would never end. Even if Yang didn't take her body today, it wouldn't make a difference. Someone else would still be chosen as a Key Maiden, years- or maybe even months down the line, if she got sick and died too like Chole.
“Yang,” she said softly, opening her eyes to look at him. Something in them seemed to catch and hold his interest. “I would like to- to offer you a deal.”
“Oh? I’m listening.”
On trembling legs, Lili shifted and pulled herself up, feeling his foot draw away as she stood. “You may have me: in every way you see fit, if you can guarantee the end of the Key Maiden practice.” Yang opened his mouth to reply, but Lili continued swiftly. “Do so in a way that does not kill anyone, and we have a deal.”
His teeth flashed in the lamplight like the glitter of silvery snakeskin. “My, my…I never predicted when I first saw you that Saint Liliana would ask me, a Devil- to essentially end her very religion.”
If it was what she had to do to keep other women safe from the same fate, Lili didn’t mourn the prospect. “I know it won’t solve everything,” she murmured. “I’m not that naïve. Other ways will probably be invented after this to achieve something similar. I just- I couldn’t live with myself if I didn’t try.”
Yang gazed at her steadily. His lips parted, eyebrows rising as if surprised. He then grew quiet, and it was the most unnerving silence Lili had ever experienced in his presence.
Suddenly, Lili felt herself being scooped up in something thin and leathery. It swept her up to Yang, dumping her right on his lap- and it was only when it withdrew that Liliana registered it as his tail. Sharp claws were then framing her face, tilting her chin up. Twin pairs of yellow, luminous moons swallowed her whole. If the Key Maiden process would mutilate her body, Lili shuddered to think what those eyes could do to her soul. His nose brushed hers almost affectionately.
And then firm, punishing lips claimed hers. Lili swallowed her squeak, squeezing her eyes shut. His kisses were hard and fierce. Those lips peeled back for teeth to lunge in, and Liliana squealed as he bit at her mouth, latching onto her bottom lip. It wasn’t kissing in the way she knew it. This was devouring.
Just as Lili thought this would be an awful experience, full of pain and discomfort- Yang parted her lips, pushing his tongue inside. It shouldn’t have felt good. For some reason however, Yang let up his attack on her lips, brushing his tongue against hers with skillful, encouraging brushes. She tasted copper- her own blood. Lili found herself tentatively responding, clumsy and awkward in execution, but Yang’s quiet groan sent a bolt of molten heat down to her core.
“Mn- Lili-” he purred between kisses, tangling a hand in her hair and curling it into a fist. He tugged at the tresses, eliciting a gasp as he plastered their bodies together.
She hadn’t meant to sound quite so breathless. That cruel mouth smirked as it pulled away to start mouthing hungrily at her neck, biting, nipping and kissing as it went, before Yang shamelessly buried his face in her chest and gathered her close.
Lili squealed- hearing a snap as her bonds were slashed- that tail flicking back into the darkness. She held on about his shoulders just to keep upright. The thin, flimsy material of her robe was suddenly gone too- slashed open across her torso by something quickly- his claws perhaps. She could only watch the white material pool around her waist, gasping louder the moment something hot and wet clamped around her breast.
Sharp teeth skimmed and scraped, coaxing the bud of her nipples to harden. He then sucked and flicked at the peaks with his tongue, a foreign pleasure building inside her at the sensation. It made Lili bold enough to hold his crown of red hair, finding the uneven strands feathery soft to the touch. She didn't realise she was keening, arching into his mouth like a taut bowstring- until he gave a muffled chuckle.
"How do you like it, Liliana? Are mortal pleasures worth damning yourself for?"
"N-no. That's not why I did this."
"I'm glad. If you gave in so easily it would be dull. Perhaps we should test how much you enjoy demonic pleasures now."
"What do you mea- agh!"
That infernal tail returned, sliding between their bodies to dip between her thighs beneath the tattered remains on her clothes. Lili twitched and jolted, trying to remain upright as she straddled Yang. It proved difficult when the whip-like curve of the tail brushed and probed at her bare sex, beginning to rub against it.
"Yang…" she growled.
"This is- surely inappropriate-"
His lips and teeth glided up to the spot behind her ear, teasing the shell. "Heh, it's just a tail. I could fuck you with far more obscene things if you'd like."
"N-no. It's fine-"
He gave an answering chuckle before grasping her ass, beginning to grind her more insistently against his lap. Lili shuddered, swallowing a moan as the tip of his devilish tail teased and rubbed at her clit while something hard began to nudge between her legs from the folds of Yang’s trousers.
Lili met his eye and wet her lips, darting her gaze away and back again. “Can- can I…?”
“Use your words.”
Long had she waited and wondered, imagining the extent of those marks on his hands. “Let me see all of you, too. If I am to be damned for this, we may as well do it properly.”
Yang tilted his head. “Mn? You want to play with me too?”
She couldn’t get any redder. Liliana gave a sigh, “if you must refer to it that way then-“
The smoke Lili assumed was from Yang’s extinguished pipe had continued to linger like a grey shroud, but suddenly it thickened. Lili blinked in surprise. It became hard to see- but she felt rather than saw the material under her hands evaporate into nothingness, leaving only warm bare flesh.
She sucked in a sharp breath when it dissipated, revealing a fully nude Yang beneath her. Sadly, her imagination hadn’t been able to conjure up anything close to the real thing. The tattoos branding his body travelled down the length of both arms, sprawling down one side of his torso and lovingly wrapping around his collarbone. It even continued down his thigh, stopping dangerously close to his-
Green eyes flicked away. She was unable to say anything uniquely quippy, only mumbling a small; “are you so lazy that you need magic to undress you?”
Yang chuckled, stroking his hands down her thighs. Those black claws trailed and bit down, drawing thin lines of blood. His mouth clamped onto her neck the moment she inhaled sharply, as if breathing in her pain and pleasure. That tail picked up from where it left off, teasing at her entrance, but as if bored with it, she felt pressure start to worm its way between the folds of her sex, nudging, inching in.
“Yang!” she exclaimed, digging her own nails into his shoulders.
He didn’t so much as flinch, humming an acknowledgment.
“Yang- you-!”
You can’t, she’d wanted to say. It was cruel, surely, to do this to her. To take her so impersonally as to spear her on his tail.
Liliana’s protests cut off the moment the tail slipped inside her wet folds. She gasped and clenched around it, eyes widening as an unholy noise ripped itself out of her lips. “Hnnnagh!”
It wasn’t anything like the fingers she’d used to pleasure herself with in stolen moments at midnight, nor was it like the pain she imagined a man’s cock would bring. It almost seemed to mould itself into the shape of her cunt, the tip stroking her virginal walls so lovingly she couldn’t help but clench hard around it.
“Do you like it better now?” Yang teased. “Do our devilish delights please the almighty Key Maiden?”
Lili couldn’t help but squirm with gritted teeth, bucking her hips against the leathery length of his tail. She tossed her head back and caught his eye- her own watery with need, rosy lips parted with a few strands of hair clinging to them. “Please,” she panted. “More, Yang…”
She was too lost in need to notice him stiffen beneath her. Teeth were then clamping down on her chest violently just as the thing filling her up undulated and writhed, canting her hips with the strength of it. Liliana cried out and dug her nails into Yang’s back as she held onto him, muffling sobs and sharp, keening noises into his shoulder. She could feel the circle of teeth digging into her chest- no- not her chest- it was branding itself directly over her heart. Another few squirms of the whip-like tail thrusting and licking inside her turned Lili’s mind to mush however- and she no longer cared what Yang did to her body. It thrust up and down, occasionally roving around like a seeking tongue and jostling her hips from side to side.
It was obscene. It was perfect. Evidence of her arousal slid down its black length, glistening in the light.
It wasn’t long before the fire he’d steadily coaxed awake in her veins lit brightly aflame, and Lili stiffened, crying out her rapture into the cave. A taunting echo of it played back to her several times over, damning in its sheer enjoyment.
Lili panted, feeling a dampness cover her body in a light sheen. She felt so hot. Yang’s strong back felt blisteringly warm beneath her hands.
Speaking of…
Coming down from her high, Lili blinked down at her demonic lover. She took in the state of her body with a kind of dazed acknowledgment.
It was no exaggeration to say she was covered in bite marks. Some were already raising with the purplish welts of bruises, others were angry red and slightly bleeding. Yang was busy smearing her crimson blood over the skin of her wrist, pressing his nose to it and inhaling like a man enamoured.
Or obsessed.
Tiger-like eyes slid open, and Lili’s cunt clenched around the slack tail still buried inside her. He wasn’t enamoured or obsessed, no. That would be too mortal. He was looking at her with some unnameable emotion, perhaps only known to demons.
With calm grace, his hand raised, fingers wrapping around her neck easily. “I’m going to take you now,” he said simply. “I did intend to play with you longer, but it’ll have to wait. Your blood is sweeter than a new-born lamb.”
The tail filling her was abruptly ripped free- and Lili cried out from the sudden loss rather than pain. It was replaced at first with bloody fingers touching at her folds, before a hard length pressed up against her.
“I-I-“ Lili quickly grabbed his face, cradling it between her hands and witnessing surprise flash within his golden depths. “You know I haven’t…before, so- so please-“
“You’d beg a demon to go easy on you?”
Lili bit her lip, squeaking when Yang joined her in the action and bit down onto her bottom lip with much more force, soon replacing the sting with the soft brush of his tongue and a lingering suck. “Don’t fret. I think I’m being plenty ‘nice’ already, don’t you? Heh, besides…I think you enjoy my brand of torment more than you can admit,” his tail was raised up to her mouth in offering, still sticky with evidence of her release. Liliana didn’t even question it as he teased it against her lips- her pink tongue poking out to taste herself.
His eyes darkened at the action. “A marvellously fast learner. You’ll do just fine…” he purred, leaning in and joining her in licking the length of his tail- before sealing their mouths together and kissing her hard.
His hips pushed up just as Yang brought hers down, pushing himself inside.
Lili’s cry as he took her maidenhead was muffled as Yang kissed her hungrily. He wrapped an arm more securely around her waist, waiting until he was fully locked inside before he began moving; thrusting up into her from below.
It quickly became overwhelming. Different from his tail certainly, but Lili couldn’t claim to hate it, far from it. She’d expected blood and pain, especially considering his appetite. Unlike everything she’d read and heard about from a few confessions however; this didn’t feel like a ruthless claiming. Yang rocked her hips against his with guiding motions of his hands upon her waist, showing her the rhythm until she was brave enough to move on her own. A surge of power shot through her veins when she watched how she straddled him- took him so well.
Something dark and hungry unfurled in her heart. It made her sink down and take even more of his cock, seeing stars behind her eyes at the feel of it.
When next they kissed: Liliana bit his lips. Yang purred in delight, bouncing her on his lap all the harder until wet noises graced her ears. The kind Elena and Leo had made; harsh, slapping sounds of bodies meeting. Yang shifted the angle and thrust up, hitting new depths inside her that sent Lili careening over the edge once more, screaming her release. The newfound appetite refused to be sated though- and she wound her fingers tight in red-wine hair and was back to bucking needily against him soon enough.
Yang’s eyes widened. A jagged smile split his lips- before he threw his head back. Broken, manic laughter filled the cave. It bounced ceaselessly across the dark cave’s walls in a vicious echo; a never-ending song that bespoke of demonic victory on hallowed ground.
None of church higher-ups could figure out how it had happened; How Liliana had entered the tomb a virgin but left it defiled. She wouldn’t speak a word about it to anyone.
Some in the community thought this was a divine blessing- that she’d been visited by a holy figure. Most branded her a deceitful whore that had thoughtlessly given her virginity away to a stranger. Either way, she was stripped of her rights to enter Sainthood and another woman was selected to take up the task of becoming the next ‘Key Maiden.’
As for what became of Liliana, she returned to her humble origins of Arca’s small local church, facing the disappointed faces of her peers and mother figure, Sister Sophia. A pregnant Elena returned with her, their reputations similarly stained. 
Weeks passed with little in the way of change, until the last day of summer. The moon loomed high and watchful that clear, still night. Rumour had it the next Key Maiden's test date was looming close on the horizon.
Lili startled awake, feeling arms supporting her weight. She was moving. 
Green eyes snapped up to the demon carrying her. “Y-yang,” she rasped, shifting in his arms. Tears stung her gaze. She hadn’t seen him since the tomb, and had assumed he’d discarded her after having his ‘fun.’
His obsidian horns caught the light of the moon, gleaming with a smooth shine. It was then Liliana realised they were outside on the church grounds, grass crunching softly beneath his feet as they passed the graveyard's tombstones. 
“Why are you crying? Is the sight of me so distressing?” he smiled down at her. 
Golden eyes looked just a little kinder right then, softer. Or perhaps it was simply the tears blurring her vision that made him appear so. 
Liliana buried her face in his chest, beating her fist against his shoulder. She shuddered, eventually wrapping her arms around his neck and clinging tight. “Damn you,” she whispered, choking on a sob. “You ruined me.”
“I liberated you. Have a little gratitude.”
“W-where are you taking me?”
“It’s boring not having you close by to torment, and I refuse to scuttle around a drafty church for the rest of your years. Don’t fret…where we’re going, you won’t have to worry about being ‘tainted’ or ‘ruined.’ It’ll become the norm.”
A fissure cracked open in the earth, steam hissing out. The green grass was scorched charcoal black as a large opening was created- the huge, yawning chasm of void-like darkness welcoming him home. Liliana's eyes widened, looking at the newly opened passageway that led down, down down into the depths of the earth...
“Will you not try to run?”
The thing she’d been raised for had been ruined. She had nothing else. Living for herself wasn’t a concept Lili had ever entertained- scarcely allowed to.
But this- experiencing pleasure in his arms? That was something she could do. It was selfish, indulgent and mindless, yet she'd never felt more at peace.
“It would be the wisest thing to do,” she murmured. Only…I can’t seem to get my legs to obey. 
Her fingers curled into his clothing, betraying her.
Yang noticed, lips twitching. The yellow moon looming behind his head almost seemed to give his horns a halo-like gleam. His fingers tangled in her hair and tugged, bringing their lips together in a claiming kiss.
She jolted in his arms and twisted to look over his shoulder, glimpsing Elena further away in her nightgown, cradling her new-born in her arms as she ran toward them.
Liliana opened her mouth to say something, but Yang’s stride didn’t falter, and he continued carrying her into the jaws of Hell, shadows falling over them. Before she was out of sight completely, Lili shot her what she hoped was a small, reassuring smile.
The lip of the earth slammed shut the moment they were swallowed inside the cavern, sealing Liliana away from the mortal plane. It didn’t matter how much Elena screamed and shouted for help, none would be able to save the former Saint that had surrendered herself to the whims of a Devil. 
In the weeks that followed, the cathedral and holy tower that had been erected to honour the Key Maiden figures became the victims of a sudden earthquake; toppling as if they were constructed by little more than building blocks. This perhaps would not be so strange; except the church leader's minds seemed to be compromised overnight.
They turned their attentions away from Key Maiden worship, abandoning it and leaving the practice to fade into obscurity, only mentioned in forgotten books of worship and old paintings. The people's faith latched onto something else, wanting, needing a figure of comfort to stave away the Devils.
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mewtwo24 · 1 year
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So like. Was anyone going to tell me THIS happened in Piofiore 1926 or was I just supposed to read through all the Alternativa routes on my own?????
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shiveringrodent · 4 months
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otomeheadcanonical · 2 years
Things I learned from the Piofiore blog that change my headcanon game(but they’re not really that surprising)*contains spoilers*
Yang likes spicy food and can cook really well.
Dante is practically useless at cooking and gets sick really easily.
Nicola is flawless at housework, but gets sick easily like Dante. (not as much tho)
Yang and Orlok actually know how to handle guns, they just choose not to.
Gilbert is equally useless at cooking like Dante, but doesn’t get as sick as him.
Yang caught a cold once and it was described as a “demonic disturbance”.  relatable 
Orlok can hold his liquor better than Yang (first off, who’s giving the baby alcohol?)
There is no embarrassed sprite/CG for Yang because it’s “useless”. Yang simply does not feel shy.
Nicola likes fish more than meat...*insert dirty joke*
EVERYONE IS EQUALLY JEALOUS/POSSESIVE, THERE IS NO NEED FOR RANKING. however, who’s more likely to kill the protag or others from their jealousy is up for debate.
Yang’s flower motif is oleander which symbolizes seduction and bewitching desire.*insert dirty joke*
Like Yang, Nicola also wakes up in a bad mood in the morning. Leo is terrified of waking him up.
Orlok’s mother and father were 26 years apart in age. If you know, you know
Emilio is actually kinda cruel, don’t be fooled by his sweet façade. He’s also around my height and that intimidates yet inspires me.
*side note before continuing: someone sent a letter to the blog about how yang was their favorite character from the get go and that Piofiore was their first otome game and the creator was slightly concerned for them*
Yang likes any alcohol that is strong.
Dante likes white wine.
Orlok doesn’t like alcohol, but he prefers strong liquor.(stop giving this baby alcohol!)
Yang’s tongue is actually sensitive to hot food because he wasn’t used to eating warm food as a child. 
Orlok is weak to tickling.
Orlok smells like soap.
Dante has a foot/leg fetish...
Orlok has a hand fetish *cries in vanilla*
Yang...likes ass. *cough sirmixalot cough*
Gilbert likes bitties.
Nicola likes the nape of the neck. *I kinda understand why there is so much vampire fics of him.*
For how physically weak he is, Dante actually has really good eyesight.
Yang’s eyesight is slightly better than Gilbert’s but worse than Nicola. *why the old men gotta be so blind*
Yang is a dog person mainly because they have more meat on them to eat than cats. *cries*
Nicola and Gilbert are dog people.
Orlok and Dante are cat people.
Yuan has tiny red dots under his eyes and his motif is a snake. *insert dirty joke I made on twitter* *also, i want more yuan content*
Yuan is the most powerful of all the sub characters in Piofiore 1926
Orlok is the most powerful person in the first game, but because the protag is his weakness, he can be defeated somewhat easily.
If Orlok and Yuan were to fight, either one has an equal chance of winning. 
If Yang and Orlok were to fight in the sequel, Yang might win by a little.
Henri can fight, but he chooses not to. He can kinda beat Dante’s ass by a lil bit.
In terms of creating art, the love interests are as ranked Gilbert > Nicola > Orlok > Dante > Yang=Henri
Dante makes boring art and Yang and Henri never had opportunities to create art so its not that they’re bad at it, they just...don’t.
Orlok doesn’t really have a sense for aesthetic.
Yuan initially took care of Yang because he thought they were similar. However Yang is capable of creating his own entertainment and Yuan admires that part of him so he kept Yang around for that. 
Nicola and Yang don’t get along at all. *but like, that’s obvious*
And that’s it for me. There’s some more but I only picked the ones that really interested me.
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collarximagines · 11 months
I usually don't like acrylic stands but....
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I just had to buy this Yang one!
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minaliluma · 2 years
Comedy gold with yang, Part 1
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xxsycamore · 7 months
Hili xxx (its me again😔🤭)
i would love if you do 🍰 with yang (piofiore) please!
I love your writings and thank you for organizing this event. 🥺🥺
Oh I love this!! You're welcome, hope you're having fun with it! <3
[🍰] 𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝚠𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚎𝚊𝚐𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚘 𝚖𝚊𝚔𝚎 𝚈𝚊𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚛𝚢 𝚊𝚗𝚘𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝙸𝚝𝚊𝚕𝚒𝚊𝚗 𝚍𝚎𝚜𝚜𝚎𝚛𝚝 𝚖𝚊𝚍𝚎 𝚋𝚢 𝚢𝚘𝚞…
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Yang's never been the type to fancy Italian cuisine. You could say it leaves a bad taste in his mouth, not unlike other aspects of the inevitable clash with this country's culture and people. But that's only in the figurative sense; otherwise, in the times you've witnessed him trying the food, he'd say it lacks spice, being a connoisseur of spicy food himself.
That being said you're not ready to give up so easily. In your attempts to find a new food for Yang to try, knowing that it's likely he will reject it again and Fei and Lan would end up gladly eating it instead, you remember about cannoncini.
By the time Yang is back home, you're already waiting for him with dessert before the main meal, promising that you only want him to sample it because you can't wait until later in the evening. He's looking at you with with a stare you can't quite put your finger on, perhaps he's just hungry?
Yang takes one of the sweet treats, casually taking a bite. You love how much he trusts food made by you. He gulps down his bite quickly, not the one to care much about savoring the taste of anything that's not meat, even in this situation.
"The way you ran to me with them just taken out of the oven... did you even try them?"
Oh no, you totally messed up somewhere, didn't you? Before you can open your mouth to say anything or perhaps grab the whole batch to take back to the kitchen, Yang lifts the pastry in his hand to your agape mouth and pushes it in. The vanilla cream inevitably smears on your lips, making a bit of a mess on the outside of your mouth, but Yang is never imprecise without a reason. Soon enough, you hear his chuckle as he leans in and licks the cream off of your lips.
"I don't hate it. In fact, you can make these more often if that entertains you."
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∎ Steal My Heart!! - xxsycamore’s 1500 followers celebration event | 💌 event masterlist
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otobabe · 1 year
discord pinned messages on hakuoki images pt 4 dramatic mantacore
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@hakuoukiss @confused-tofu @smugshiranui @marikamiya
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pump4rd · 5 months
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I listened to bodyswap drama CD, so it's basically... Yang doodle?
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crescencestudio · 2 years
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no bc the way everyone is down bad for nicola. i can’t stop laughing, but also they’re just like me fr.
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