#Pipwalker AU
julianobungus · 1 year
Hunter secretly creates a grimwalker, whose orthet is Phillip. He always loved his uncle, no matter what he did, and he wants to bring him back and teach him how to live right. But in the end, his friends find out about his new creation. They are surprised, they are worried about Hunter, but in the end they put up with it.
Little Phillip loves his cousin, his older brother very much. He does not remember his family, but his brother says that wild magic is to blame for everything and the boy believes. He likes to hear about his dad, what a great man he was. Aunt Lilith tells him interesting stories, Aunt Eda teaches him interesting tricks, he has a lot of funny uncles and aunts! They play so many interesting games with him! But their favorite game is very difficult! After this game, the butt and throat hurt very much! But uncles and aunts are very proud when Philip manages to win, so Philip tries very hard to do everything right!
I like the idea of Hunter having a warped view of familial love, considering the fact that Belos himself had one too. Addled by his own issues, Hunter is just continuing the cycle of abuse regardless if he means well.
It was also surprisingly easy to get enough people on board with the whole 'orgy' thing, just on account of how cute they find Philip to be. They just can't resist the grimwalker's sweetness - Lilith, Eda, Luz, Gus, and Hunter all run a train through the poor lad.
Hunter's been accused of doing all of this as some sick form of revenge, but he denies that vehemently. He really did miss his Uncle, and surmised that this was the best way to bring him back. Nothing can really excuse his treatment of Pip, however, especially with his continuing the 'wild magic' lie that the predecessor told him. But this is just what Hunter feels to be the perfect role model for a parent - he just wants his son uncle nephew to be as safe as possible.
Furthermore, and perhaps just as unhealthily, Hunter sees himself more and more to be the reborn version of Caleb, looking just like him and having taken up woodcarving; he holds to the tenuous belief that Pip and Uncle Belos are also one and the same.
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julianobungus · 1 year
Pipwalker au:
Has Philip ever gotten extremely mad over the pips due to his poor sleep schedule?
He literally screamed at two of them for arguing while he was making dinner. Said some pretty bad stuff too. That's when Caleb had to come in.
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julianobungus · 1 year
Pipwalker au:
Does Philip mess up while taking care of the Pipwalkers?
A few times. He might yell at them out of turn or forget to make enough dinner for them. A result of his poor sleep schedule. That's when Caleb needs to step in.
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julianobungus · 1 year
Not sure what exactly, but an idea i had for an 'ending' of the Pipwalker AU is Raine and the rest of the cast confronting 'Caleb' (and his goons and clients) to stop him from creating Pipwalkers for abusive purposes and commodification. Big fight, a few deaths.
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julianobungus · 1 year
So, I have spent the last hour reading through the Pipwalker au, and I have come up with this:
Thought this allllll out:
13+ year old - 6
9 - 10 years old - 4
5 - 8 year old - 4
2 - 4 year old - 3
1 and under - 1
Philip wakes up around 6am, and quickly gets the baby ready. (Even though he spends half the night caring for him).
He spends around an hour making breakfast for the younger groups, while the older ones make something for themselves. If one is sick, Philip cooks for that specific one.
Usually a big hassle in the mornings, but the little ones tend to be up early. Perhaps around 7:30. After all a fed and dressed, the kids over 5 go and get taught by the previous golden guards. Like school, but they learn how ACTUALLY survive on their own.
Meanwhile, Evelyn happily takes care of the toddlers, while Philip cleans, works, and cares for baba.
After the kids get home, it's a mess trying to help kids with there homework.
It's like real life, every pip gets upset or bursts into tears when Philip tries to help. It's not like Philip hurts them, it's fustration that gets him to raise his voice.
After he makes dinner (around 6) he puts the baby to bed (which the cot is in his room).
Around 7:00 to 7:30, it's the kids and toddlers turn. The little ones, they are reluctant to go to bed, but Philip always kisses them goodnight with a lullaby too. Some usually get up and ask for a cup of water or a cuddle, but Philip always gets all of them to sleep.
The preteens are a bit easier. But some of them have phones, and after catching a few up late at night, like 5am, he puts in the rule "all phones stay with me at night". He put his footdown. They usually go to bed at 8:30.
The teenagers all get their own rooms. Since, tennis being teens, need their privacy. Philip ALWAYS knocks before entering. He found out that the hard way.... But the teens usually go to bed at their own time, but the cut off is 11.
Philip usually passes out at 1am. And it repeats.
Waaah these are so cute!! Poor Philip though, he seems a bit stretched here. Who knows? Maybe Caleb can pitch in every once and a while. He's definitely gonna need more sleep at some point, the poor boy. But ohhh, he just loves them all so much, doesn't he?
Good job with this mate, this was seriously fun to read. Super adorable.
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julianobungus · 1 year
How many pipwalkers actually live with Philip in the afterlife? His house must be pretty big to house ALOT .
He has a big house, but he can't house all of them. Some of them room with Caleb and Evelyn, and the rest live with the GGs.
So something like:
Philip - 17
Caleb and Eve - 23
The former guards - 38.
At some point, I should also explain how this new world works.
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julianobungus · 1 year
Pipwalker au
Can the Pipwalkers who died get sick? If so, how does Caleb and Evelyn and Philip help them?
Yes, and thankfully the three co-parents and a handful of the golden guards are there to help!
Caleb and Evelyn are the most confident in looking after them, keeping them warm, keeping them in bed, feeding and cooking for them.
the youngest may be the worse affected, so the above is especially important for them.
Caleb is the helicopter parent who dotes over them. Evelyn otherwise still mothers them, albeit not as much.
Philip needs pointers from the two, since he's not exactly been well versed in even self-care in the past. But he gets the hang of it! He more or less coddles them and forces them to rest. He's a nightmare for the older Pips.
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julianobungus · 1 year
Do you have any fluff headcanons between Philip and the Pipwalkers?
Reads the younger one bedtime stories and makes their meals.
Looks after any one of them who get sick.
Lets the littler ones wear his oversized clothes, which just look adorable on them.
Lets any one of them vent and cry to him about their worries, fears, nightmares and woes.
Becomes their 'father', in a sense.
Lets one of the braid his long, fine hair.
Makes sure they're wrapped up nice and warm for the outside, since the world they inhabit is quite cold, or at least in that particular region.
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julianobungus · 1 year
Pipwalker au
What headcanons do you have between the real Philip and the Pipwalkers who have died? (Including the girl pipwalker)
Lets some of them stay at his house, while the rest stay at Evelyn and Caleb's. He wanted to take them all in, but his brother and Eve insisted that there would've been no room left.
Knits and stitches them new clothes, jackets, gloves and hats; works tirelessly to this end. It can get very cold where they live.
Sometimes he sees the Pipwalkers as something akin to his children, sometimes little brothers, sometimes nephews, or even some other fourth thing. What's consistently in his belief is that they're all family regardless.
Subconsciously thinks Philipa is the most sensitive, so he babies and coddles her. He makes her the most extravagant and pretty dresses for her to wear and show off.
Makes breakfast, lunch, and dinner for all of them at first, before deciding that he had to teach them how to cook and prepare meals for themselves. Now he cooks for a smaller number.
Sometimes a few of them share a bed with Philip. His resting place is surprisingly large, but even if it weren't he'd still let them in. He knows what loneliness at night feels like.
Helps then decide when their birthdays should be, deciding when they were created/born, or even just allowing a random day to be as such. For a few Pips, it's the day they came to this world.
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julianobungus · 1 year
Pipwalker AU
Actually, I meant that every dead pipwalker can have dead grimwalker as an older brother. But the idea that Hunter's madness has gone so far that he wants to create more Calebs for Pips is amazing.
Oh, whoops! Still, glad I came up with some more lore, hehe.
But I like the initial idea too! The Calebwalkers start subconsciously assigning themselves to a Pipwalker, they just wanna make sure these cute buttons are safe. It's certainly a familiar sight for Caleb and Philip, who joke about it together.
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julianobungus · 1 year
Pipwalker AU
It's so sad that this new guy doesn't know that we already have the pipwalker girl, and her name is Hilda.
By the way, I'm wondering if Luz and Amity found out about those saved pipwalkers who live with Camilla, Odalia and Vee
Oh, yeah. I remember Hilda, but I just didn't bring her up for some reason in case I made a continuity mistake. Lmao
But yes, Luz and Amity find out after joining the resistance, told by Raine of all people, and Luz is flabbergasted. She even goes to visit her mom and meet the Pips, and she's honestly so... touched? Her mother was doing this great thing this whole time. On the other hand, she's rather hurt and mad that she said nothing to her, and that her own mother didn't seem trust her with the knowledge.
Amity is equally surprised that her mother could be so... charitable? Nothing's changed between them, though, but who is this woman now??
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julianobungus · 1 year
Pipwalker AU
We have a bunch of grimwalkers whose ortet is Caleb, and a bunch of pipwalkers who are grimwalkers whose ortet is Philip. This means that every pipwalker can get a grimwalker as an older brother. Although I think at some point there will be more pipwalkers than grimwalkers
Oh, Hunter's definitely considered it! He wonders if he really wants every Pip to have a Caleb, but that would mean confronting his own state as a grimwalker (which he doesn't want to do - He's Caleb, after all! Not these things).
Still, he may not have much time, considering how closer his hidden enemies draw towards him.
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julianobungus · 1 year
Pipwalker AU
Judging by the fact that Phillip, Caleb and others are watching everything through the scrying potion, they are not in In Between realm.
Hm, perhaps. I was actually steering away from letting it be *just* within the In-Between, even if just subconsciously. So perhaps another world entirely? Since I privately headcanon the Human Realm and Demon Realm to be in the same universe, but are just located in different parts of the cosmos (literally different planets). Perhaps this 'afterlife' can be another world?
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julianobungus · 1 year
Pipwalker au
So, I know that grimwalkers are clones, but what if one clone went wrong? And instead of Philip, we had a Philipa? Yes! A girl pipwalker.
So 1. Who would take this adorable, cheeky girl in there family?
And 2. If she dies, What does the actual Philip do? Spoil her with love?
Cute!! I like to think one of the healthier units would take her in, like LiliDarius, Gwendolyne and Dell, or even Camila, Odalia, and Vee. She's too pure to be hurt. I'm leaning towards the former two, to be honest, since the latter already have their hands full.
And if she were to die, the first Philip would treat her just as kindly as the other Pips, but would definitely spoil her more than them. Philipa would just be too darn cute. He'd stitch together dresses for her.
(Also, I gotta plan out the cosmology of this whole place the scenario is occurring in, lmao).
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julianobungus · 1 year
Pipwalker AU Oh, I wish I could see the faces of Philip, Caleb, the Grimwalkers and Evelyn when they saw Hunter telling little Phil that their family died because of wild magic
Horror, revulsion, confusion, grief, and anger. The grimwalkers are a mix of confused, shocked, and angry - unsure why their 'brother' would lie about something like that. Evelyn and Caleb are also shocked and more heartbroken, especially Caleb (his heart aches for his 'son').
And Philip? He probably feels the worst. He feels responsible for this, and actually breaks down crying when he's alone, wishing he could reach out to his nephew and beg him to stop. He isolates himself from the others for a few days out of shame.
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julianobungus · 1 year
Pipwalker AU
Initially, I thought that witches could kill pipwalkers for galderstones. But now I have a better idea. Because, as the Collector said, toys break all the time. And the witches just go to Hunter to buy new ones. And the galderstones of broken toys are used to make new ones
Wooft. That's such a deliciously dark idea, I love it. Hunter/Caleb has no real qualms with recycling/reusing the cores of his creations, seeing them as being useful for the creation of their successors in a twisted, quasi-beautiful way. He literally just cuts the bodies open and harvest them like fruit. He doesn't let Philip know.
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