#Piscola Chile
chaoticwomanlove · 1 year
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Last night having a blast😋, eating pizza and drinking piscola with friends😊
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canmargesimpson · 6 months
@imthursdaysyme you got me pregnant to the most beautiful idea and now I’m giving birth to it (that’s a weird analogy sorry) AND this is also to my Chilean friend @timefospookies BITCH I KNOW YOU AINT THAT LATINA BUT YOURE GETTING THERE
- he never really knew his father but he knew that he was a piece of shot that no one likes at all
- cut to years later when he is like hella famous and whatever, he does one of those like ethnicity tests and realizes he is 1/4 Chilean. And he’s like… “tf is Chile?”
- he gets home to lock himself in a his room to study about the weird skinny country on the south of america.
-Steve is kinda worried cuz he haven’t come out of the room for like hours ands it’s kinda suspicious
- out of no where Eddie decides that corroded coffin is making a South America tour, as an excuse to visit his some what home country.
- after going country through country they arrive to Chile, he has learned enough Spanish to get by, but little did he know that out of all of the latinoamericanos Chileans are one of the hardest to understand.
-he goes to museum and parks. He eat whatever he found on the street and learned about the basics of the culture
- the night of the concert arrives and he reveals on stage for the first time the reason behind touring
-“so I know it’s weird af to be here because this is actually…. Where I’m from?? A few moths ago I did an ethnicity test and turns out I’m from Chile? I mean it makes sence, I do have awfully dark humor and i am skinny and tall too”
- the crowd goes wild, everyone is shitting themselves rn. Lfter the concert terrier went crazy over the fact that one of greatest metal singer is Chilean.
-after that, his Instagram post got filled with Chilean shit and comments like “WACHITO RICO VEN PA CHILEEE” or “que chileno es este weon?? Si ni siquiera se puede tomar una piscola”
- at first he was scared, because he found out that Chileans can be quite…. Aggressive (I mean the entire country was banned from posting comments on Donald Trump’s Instagram for something)
- he then went to Viña Del Mar to make a comeback and learn some shit. He was now quite fluent in Spanish but you could still tell that he was American by the accent.
-he loved each and every comedian because they all poked at him for being “Chilean” and at the same time calling palta “avocado” or saying “hot dog” instead of “completo”
- after that he just more and more got to learn about the bizarre history behind Chile with Steve. And they loved it so much, since them, they bought a house and spend their vacations on Valdivia looking at the sea lions and Badurrias in the garden
- ALSO he was totally in love with Teletón, since it’s like a thing he never thought South America had, so every year he went to help disabled kids and adults and donating money.
- he comes back as much as posible, and trying to get to see everything from the flowered desert in the north to the glaciers in the south.
- he knew the people where cold but he actually found them quite nice since they all had that same weird sence of humor he did. They also had the same taste as he did, I mean he truly felt at home when he ate a Barros luco for the first time like that shit hit home.
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vannyqwea · 6 months
Chile será celoso, Pero de esos que te pegan a su cuerpo con gotita, que te hará bajarte al infierno si te lo cagas y tambien lo hará en las relaciones sexuales, le gustara el webeo en las plazas ( me refiero a darse beso hasta de 3), tomar vino o piscola, fumar hasta que escupa smog y irse en palida mientras lee un libro erotico que vale más que su sueldo mínimo para luego pegarse a la pantalla del pc leyendo el nuevo capitulo de one piece mientras escucha twice con sus calzoncillos de power Ranger y un gorro de pikachu, podra ser asi, pero si su pareja quiere terminar, nunca lo va a perseguir.
Lo otro México es un coqueto sin querer, amigable, simplemente le gusta llevarse con todos, aunque ciertos carboneros existan 👉🇦🇷 y este también 👉🇺🇸. Le desea todo lo bonito y dar a cambio de nada. Lo cual eso molesta a chile, no es la actitud en si que le molesta, es que el buenismo de esa manera siempre termina mal, tiene miedo que le hagan mucho daño, por eso el karma es el xD. Igual México siento que podría ser posible que no lo note por estar full enamorado y puede que México tenga más paciencia que chile, incluso por la diferencia de tamaños (quiero hacer un poco más a chile bajito por su superficie, la diferencia es mucha), Pero el que lleva la mayor hostilidad es chile, México lo entiende como que solo quiere protegerlo no ve nada malo en eso (cosa que hasta yo diría "este es mansito").
Si wn la característica de ser coqueto por México es un imán de navajazos para los weones que se relacionen con el, por parte de chile, creo que eso es lo que mas ama y le molesta de manera caprichosa a chile jajaja.
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revistapipazo · 5 months
Mp4 de la discordia
Mi gran amiga Dalila, me invitó al cumpleaños de su poniente esposo un Viernes. “Excelente” –pensé-.
El carrete prometía: Asado, copete, bailoteo y blá. Como andaba engrupiéndome a un minito, encontré la excusa perfecta para comérmelo seguir conociéndolo más y encontrar transporte gratis, así que lo invité.
“José Francisco, vamo a un cumple el Viernes?”
“En serio?”
“Sí poh, hueón. Si no, no te invito…”
“Ya!” –Entusiasmado el lagi.-
No sé qué chucha le encontraba al loco, porque detesto a la gente oscura, y éste, era casi negro . [No, mentira, pero moreno bien moreno]. Un cubano que vive hace como 20 años en Chile, alto, y bien rico. Nos conocimos en un carrete, nos amanecimos conversando, y desde ese momento, nos volvimos inseparables. Pensé que podría “haber algo piola” entre nosotros, porque la onda era mucha. Así que listo. Sólo quedaba dar el próximo paso.
El Viernes, me pasó a buscar a mi casa tipín 23:30 hrs. y partimos al cumple. La Dali vive en Macul, así que un hueón que me transportara era básico en caso de querer venirme a cualquier hora o lo que fuera. Llegamos al cumpleaños, y estaba realmente la raja. Yo –pa’ variar- no comí niuna hueá, y me dediqué a chupar como contratada. La Dali tenía un bartender que le hacía al arte de embriagarte con lo que se te parara la raja, y yo, muy pelotuda -como toda la vida-, me puse a mezclar ron, pisco, whisky, vodka, entre mojitos, whisky sour, piscolas, caipiroskas, roncolas y hueás. El punto, es que a las 2 am, estaba como zanja, pero digna en mi condición. José Francisco, muy moderado él, se tomó como 2 copetes porque estaba conduciendo. –Aunque le zapateaba el hocico por chupar como desesperado.-
Bailé hasta que las patas se me reventaron, y seguí chupando como mongólica. Sabía que la hueá no era gratis, y que tenía que llegar el momento en que debería “dar la cara” y aperrar como corresponde en estas situaciones de conveniencia. Ya me estaba entrando la ansiedad, porque José Francisco quería puro. Pero chucha, por más que intenté hacerlo, su piel reculiá me provocaba repulsión, y el entusiasmo se me iba a la mierda. Así que, a pura evasión con el socio.
José Francisco, estaba muy irritado porque no lo pescaba más que para bailar,  me puso los puntos sobre las íes y me llevó al patio:
“Ya poh, Iso, qué onda? Acaso no te gusto? Yo pensé que teníamos onda!”
“No, no es eso, es que igual… ando ultra ebria y ná que ver poh. Vamo a bailar?” –Corriéndome olímpicamente.-
“ARGH! Ven pa’cá!” –Me abrazaba y quería puro chantarme un beso el hueón.-
Yo, zorra que soy hábil, esquivaba su hueveo con cualquier excusa barata.
Como el copete carrete estaba la zorra, no me di ni cuenta cuando eran más de las 7 de la mañana y mi socio seguía insistiendo con la hueá. Así que la mejor manera de zafar, era hacerme la ofendida, que yo “no soy de esa clase de minas”, y “pensé que éramos buenos amigos”. Así que me despedí de todos los hueones que quedaban, me chanté mi mp4 y huí como caballo de carrera, camino a tomar cualquier hueá que me dejara en el metro, llena de serpentina, challa hasta en la raja, y una coronita de lo más ahueoná y pokemona que podría existir en la cabeza, haciendo DON ridículo. A los dos minutos, llega José Francisco:
“Ni cagando te voy a dejar sola.  Estai muy pasá. No te urjai, sólo te iré a dejar a tu casa, no te huevearé más.” -Sí oh!-
Al salir al aire, quedé como pico, ya ni modulaba.
“No, tengo un compromiso contigo, y te puede pasar cualquier hueá.” –Jugando sus últimas cartas, jurando que yo nací ayer.-
“Culiao, y tu auto?”
“Lo dejé estacionado, después lo vengo a buscar, pero te vas conmigo!” –Me ordenó el hijo de perra.-
Como no podía ser tan maricona con él, y realmente estaba como la pichula, dejé que se fuera conmigo, total, pico. El problema era de él, y en máximo una hora estaría en mi casa, sana, salva y fin.
Iba ebria y embalada escuchando a Daftcito Punkcito, sin darle ni pelota a este hueón. Todo el mundo me miraba con ganas de buitrear, y yo, ni ahí con los simios culiaos. Como el metro iba atestado de hueones que trabajan los Sábados –media novedá-, íbamos parados. Yo bailaba y cantaba feliz de la vida. José Francisco agarró papa,  me abrazaba, y yo, sencillamente me dejaba querer.
Transbordo a la línea 1 en Tobalaba. No sé realmente qué mierda me pasó, pero sentí unas ganas irresistibles de besar a este monito moreno, y lo dejé atrapado en la estación:
“Esperemos que suban todos los hueones y nos vamos solitos, ya?”
Que le dijeron a este otro… subieron todos los esclavos, y nos fuimos beso y beso en la escala mecánica culiá con Daft Punk de fondo, solos, cual parejita de pololis enamorados. Al llegar arriba, mi mp4 se silenció sin explicación alguna. Asumí que en el movimiento de soltar a José Francisco para que la escala no nos mandara a la chucha, los audífonos se soltaron, o en su defecto, la hueá se me había caído y la basura  se estaría haciendo pico en el borde traga-come-pica hueás. No lo tenía en ninguna parte. Era totalmente incomprensible el “Dónde quedó”, ya que no me lo robaron –estábamos solos-, y no estaba en ninguna parte. Al costado de la escala había una canaleta, y curá que andaba, asumí que estaba ahí. La hueá tenía como 25 cms. descubiertos y como 90 cms. sellados por una lámina de acero. Se me metió  en el seso que la hueá estaba ahí, y partí a pedir ayuda. Hablé con estos típicos hueones que están en los andenes, el que me mandó a hablar con los típicos hueones de chaquetas rojas. El loco me dijo que no se podía hacer nada, y que “en caso de encontrarse, tiene que venir a hablar con el Jefe de Estación mañana”.
Yo quería mi mp4 AHORA, así que exigí  en mi completa poca sanidad mental y mi ridícula estampa, que el Jefe se presentara ya. La mala raja de la mina que tuvo que lidiar conmigo, fue de antología. Era “Jefa” y se hizo acompañar de dos matones, en caso de que yo armara un escándalo. Mi lindo y conchesumadre acompañante, se desligó rápidamente de mí, y se alejó a un rincón a la chucha, para no comprometerse en ninguna hueá. Pico!
“Señorita, se lo robaron en el vagón”
“Culiá, cómo me lo van a robar en el vagón, si yo iba sola en la escala, escuchando música! No seai ahueoná, por la gran puta!”
“Entonces se lo sacó el caballero” –Aludiendo a que el negro me lo había derechamente, pelado.-
“Cómo se te ocurre, pelotuda!” –Aunque aún la pienso… Ahummmmm.-
“A verrrrrr!!!!!!! No me hable así, o vamos a tener que llamar a Carabineros! Mírese, así no se puede tratar con nadie, está ebria!” –Me grita la fea culiá.-
“Llama a los pacos poh, conchetumare! Y no me gritís, BASURA!!!!!!!”
En ese momento, me agarraron los pobres culiaos matones que la acompañaban, mientras la hueona le gritaba a José Francisco si “andaba conmigo”.
Al feo culiao no le quedó otra que acercarse, y yo, me puse a putear a destajo hasta que llegaron los pacos.
“Señorita, si no se calma, la vamos a tener que detener. Anda en evidente estado de ebriedad.”
“Llévenme, pero saquen mi hueááááááááááa!!!!!!!!!!!”
Tenía la tremenda cagá, y al final, los mandé a todos a la gran conchasumadre;  me fui gritando que “disfrutaran” de mi musiquita, y que se metieran mi mp4 en la raja, como si fuera la gran hueá.
Me dejaron ir no sé cómo, y lloré todo el resto de camino. A la media hora de llegar, suena mi citófono. Era José Francisco, que me dice:
“Por tu culpa, reculiá, me llevaron detenido a mí para declarar por tu show!”
“Ándate a la mierda, conchetumare” –Corté.-
Fin al divino romance.
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brookston · 8 months
Holidays 2.8
Air Force Day (Iran)
Boy Scouts Day
Call Everyone Dave Day (UK)
Camellia Day (Japan)
Colorism Awareness Day
Culture Day (Slovenia)
Day of Release (Elder Scrolls)
Devil’s Footprint Day (UK)
Gas Execution Day
Hold Onto Your Head Day
International Day of Prayer & Awareness Against Human Trafficking
International Septuagint Day
Kelp-Koli Death Day (Shamanism)
Kite Flying Day
Korean People’s Army Foundation Day (North Korea)
Laetitia Asteroid Day
Laugh and Get Rich Day
National Black Women Physicians Day
National Iowa Day
National No One Eats Alone Day
Nick Nolte Day
Opera Day
Prešeren Day (Day of Slovenian Culture; Slovenia)
Prison Service Day (Poland)
Propose Day
Rebel Day
Science Fiction Day
Smiles Are Contagious Day
Tako-ichi (Kite Fair; Tokyo, Japan)
Wear Orange Day
World Marriage Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Chocolate Cheesecake Day
International Scotch Day
National Girl Scout Cookie Day
National Molasses Bar Day
National Potato Lover’s Day
Piscola Day (Chile)
2nd Thursday in February
Giving Hearts Day. [2nd [Thursday]
Independence & Related Days
Byzantium Novum (Declared; 2010) [Unrecognized]
Ramadan Revolution Anniversary Day (Iraq)
New Year’s Days
Tet Holiday (Eve Eve; Vietnam)
Festivals Beginning February 8, 2024
Aachen Carnival (Aachen, Germany) [thru 2.14]
Bahian Carnival (Salvador, Brazil) [thru 2.13]
Bonn Carnival (Bonn, Germany) [thru 2.13]
Busójárás (Mohács Carnival; Mohács, Hungary) [thru 2.13]
Carriacou and Petite Martinique Carnival (Hillsborough, Grenada) [thru 2.13]
Carnival of Cádiz (Cádiz, Spain) [thru 2.18]
Carnival of Ivrea (Battle of the Oranges; Ivrea, Italy) [thru 2.13]
Carnival of Mazatlan (Mazatlan, Mexico) [thru 2.13]
Carnival of Monthey (Monthey, Switzerland) [thru 2.13]
Carnival of Solsona (Solsona, Spain) [thru 2.14]
Carnival of Vilanova i la Geltrú (Vilanova i la Geltrú, Spain) [thru 2.14]
Cologne Carnival (Cologne, Germany) [thru 2.14]
Düsseldorf Carnival (Düsseldorf, Germany) [thru 2.14]
Florida State Fair (Tampa, Florida) [thru 2.19]
Great Lakes Regional Dairy Conference (Mt. Pleasant, Michigan) [thru 2.9]
Ice Dance Music Fest (Appleton, Wisconsin) [thru 2.10]
Lucerne Carnival (Lucerne, Switzerland) [thru 2.12]
Mainz Carnival (Mainz, Germany) [thru 2.14]
Rabadan Carnival (Bellinzona, Switzerland) [thru 2.13]
San Antonio Stock Show & Rodeo (San Antonio, Texas) [thru 2.25]
Sitges Carnival (Sitges, Spain) [thru 2.14]
Warsaw Carnival (Warsaw, Poland) [thru 2.13]
Feast Days
Avoid Artichokes Day (Pastafarian)
Candle Spell for Springtime Wishes Day (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Cuthmann of Steyning (Christian; Saint)
Elffled of Whitby (Christian; Saint)
Elfleda (Christian; Virgin)
Fat Thursday [Thursday before Shrove Tuesday] (a.k.a. ... 
Feast of the Incappucciati (Italy)
Fettiger Donnerstag (a.k.a. Greasy Thursday; Germany)
Giovedi Grasso
Mad Thursday
Paczki Day (Poland)
Schmutziger Donnerstag (Dirty Thursday; Switzerland)
Weiberfastnach (Women’s Carnival; Germany)
Franz Marc (Artology)
Ganymede’s Day (Pagan)
George Dawe (Artology)
Gerolamo Emiliani (a.k.a. Jerome Emiliani; Christian; Saint)
Get Naked Day (Pastafarian)
Guercino (Artology)
Ha-Ri-Ku-Yo (a.k.a. Hard Kuyo or Festival for the Broken Needles, day of rest for needles; Japan)
Jerome Emiliani (Christian; Saint)
John Grisham (Writerism)
John of Matha, founder of the Order of Trinitarians (Christian; Saint)
Josephine Bakhita (Christian; Saint)
Jules Verne (Writerism)
Juventius of Pavia (Christian; Saint)
Kevin Koala (Muppetism)
Maha Shivaratri (Festival to Lord Shiva; Hinduism)
Meingold of Huy (Christian; Martyr)
Narvik Sun Pageant Day (Vinterfestuka; Norway)
Niceties (a.k.a. Nizier, of Besançon (Christian; Saint)
Nirvana Day (a.k.a. Parinirvana; Mahayana Buddhism)
Paula Modersohn-Becker (Artology)
Paul, Bishop of Verdun (Christian; Saint)
Praxiteles (Positivist; Saint)
The Prophet’s Ascension (a.k.a. ... 
Al Isra et Al Mirage (Djibouti)
Isra and Miraj (Kuwait)
Isra Mikraj (Brunei)
Isra’ Mi’raj Nabi Muhammed SAW (Indonesia)
Lailat al Miraj
Leilat al-Meiraj (Comoros)
Maha Shivaratri (South Africa, UK, US)
Miradji (Matotte)
The Prophet’s Ascension (West Bank and Gaza)
Star Festival (China; Everyday Wicca)
Stephen of Muret (a.k.a. Stephen of Grandmont; Christian; Saint)
Teletubbie Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Vartan (Christian; Saint) [Armenia]
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Butsumetsu (仏滅 Japan) [Unlucky all day.]
Very Unlucky Day (Grafton’s Manual of 1565) [9 of 60]
Aloha, Scooby-Doo! (WB Animated Film; 2005)
Andrew Bird & the Mysterious Production of Eggs, by Andrew Bird (Album; 2005)
Better Call Saul (TV Series; 2015)
Billion Dollar Boner (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1960)
Birth of a Nation (Racist Silent Film; 1915)
Blackbeard’s Ghost (Film; 1968)
The Black Mountain, by Augusta Holmes (Opera; 1895)
Boris Godunov, by Modest Mussorgsky (Opera; 1874)
The Cat Came Back (WB MM Cartoon; 1936)
Catwoman: Hunted (WB Animated Film; 2022)
Charley’s Aunt (Silent Film; 1925)
Collateral Damage (Film; 2002)
Come Back to the Five and Dime, Jimmy Dean (Broadway Play; 1982)
Disney California Adventure (Theme Park; 2001)
(Don’t Go Back To) Rockville, recorded by R.E.M. (Song; 1981)
Duel Controls or Put It in Second (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S6, Ep. 343; 1965)
The Early Bird and the Worm (Happy Harmonies Cartoon; 1936)
Flora, by Marco da Gagliano and Jacopo Peri (Opera; 1735) [1st Opera performed in US]
The Fog (Film; 1980)
Fortune Hunters (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1946)
The 42nd Parallel, by John Dos Passos (Novel; 1930)
Good Times (TV Series;1974)
Hamlet (Film; 1991)
The Harder They Come (Film; 1973)
Heaven Help Us (Film; 1985)
In Bruges (Film; 2008)
Katy Perry, by Katy Perry (Album; 2004)
Lambert the Sheepish Lion (Disney Cartoon; 1952)
L.A. Story (Film; 1991)
Legion (TV Series; 2017)
The Lego Movie 2: The Second Part (Animated Film; 2019)
The Magic Toyshop, by Angela Carter (Novel; 1967)
The Man Who Killed Hitler and Then the Bigfoot (Film; 2019)
Marquee Moon, by Television (Album; 1977)
A Message to Gracias (WB LT Cartoon; 1964)
Midnight Madness (Film; 1980)
Mischief (Film; 1985)
Nearlyweds (Famous/Fleischer Popeye Cartoon; 1957)
Needy, by Ariana Grande (Song; 2019)
Nobody Love, by Tori Kelly (Song; 2015)
Planet of the Apes (Film; 1968)
Radio Free Europe, recorded by R.E.M. (Song; 1981)
Razzberries, featuring Farmer Al Falfa (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1931)
The Robot (Betty Boop Cartoon; 1932)
Rosencrantz & Guildenstern Are Dead (Film; 1991)
She Was a Lady (a.k.a. The Saint Meets His Match or Angels of Doom), by Leslie Charteris (Novel; 1931) [Saint #8]
Stop in the Name of Love (Song; 1965)
Symphony No. 2 in E Minor, by Sergei Rachmaninoff (Symphony; 1908)
Taxi Driver (Film; 1976)
They Didn’t Pick Up Our Option or Show Down (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S6, Ep. 344; 1965)
Witness (Film; 1985)
Today’s Name Days
Hieronymus, Josefina, Josefine (Austria)
Jerko, Jeronim, Jozefina, Mladen (Croatia)
Milada (Czech Republic)
Corintha (Denmark)
Taalo, Tali, Talis, Talvo (Estonia)
Laina (Finland)
Jacqueline (France)
Elfrieda, Hieronymus (Germany)
Zacharias (Greece)
Aranka (Hungary)
Giacomina, Girolamo, Jacqueline (Italy)
Aldona, Anatols, Blazma (Latvia)
Daugvilė, Dromantas, Honorata, Saliamonas (Lithuania)
Åshild, Åsne (Norway)
Gniewomir, Gniewosz, Honorat, Jan, Ksenofont, Lucjusz, Paweł, Piotr, Salomon, Sebastian, Żaklina (Poland)
Teodor, Zaharia (Romania)
Maria (Russia)
Zoja (Slovakia)
Jerónimo, Josefina (Spain)
Dick, Rikard (Sweden)
Beula, Beulah, Clay, Clayton, Cleve, Cleveland, Clive, Clyde (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 39 of 2024; 327 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 4 of week 6 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Luis (Rowan) [Day 19 of 28]
Chinese: Month 12 (Yi-Chou), Day 29 (Ren-Yin)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 29 Shevat 5784
Islamic: 28 Rajab 1445
J Cal: 9 Grey; Twosday [9 of 30]
Julian: 26 January 2024
Moon: 3%: Waning Crescent
Positivist: 11 Homer (2nd Month) [Praxiteles)
Runic Half Month: Elhaz (Elk) [Day 15 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 50 of 89)
Zodiac: Capricorn (Day 18 of 28)
0 notes
brookstonalmanac · 8 months
Holidays 2.8
Air Force Day (Iran)
Boy Scouts Day
Call Everyone Dave Day (UK)
Camellia Day (Japan)
Colorism Awareness Day
Culture Day (Slovenia)
Day of Release (Elder Scrolls)
Devil’s Footprint Day (UK)
Gas Execution Day
Hold Onto Your Head Day
International Day of Prayer & Awareness Against Human Trafficking
International Septuagint Day
Kelp-Koli Death Day (Shamanism)
Kite Flying Day
Korean People’s Army Foundation Day (North Korea)
Laetitia Asteroid Day
Laugh and Get Rich Day
National Black Women Physicians Day
National Iowa Day
National No One Eats Alone Day
Nick Nolte Day
Opera Day
Prešeren Day (Day of Slovenian Culture; Slovenia)
Prison Service Day (Poland)
Propose Day
Rebel Day
Science Fiction Day
Smiles Are Contagious Day
Tako-ichi (Kite Fair; Tokyo, Japan)
Wear Orange Day
World Marriage Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Chocolate Cheesecake Day
International Scotch Day
National Girl Scout Cookie Day
National Molasses Bar Day
National Potato Lover’s Day
Piscola Day (Chile)
2nd Thursday in February
Giving Hearts Day. [2nd [Thursday]
Independence & Related Days
Byzantium Novum (Declared; 2010) [Unrecognized]
Ramadan Revolution Anniversary Day (Iraq)
New Year’s Days
Tet Holiday (Eve Eve; Vietnam)
Festivals Beginning February 8, 2024
Aachen Carnival (Aachen, Germany) [thru 2.14]
Bahian Carnival (Salvador, Brazil) [thru 2.13]
Bonn Carnival (Bonn, Germany) [thru 2.13]
Busójárás (Mohács Carnival; Mohács, Hungary) [thru 2.13]
Carriacou and Petite Martinique Carnival (Hillsborough, Grenada) [thru 2.13]
Carnival of Cádiz (Cádiz, Spain) [thru 2.18]
Carnival of Ivrea (Battle of the Oranges; Ivrea, Italy) [thru 2.13]
Carnival of Mazatlan (Mazatlan, Mexico) [thru 2.13]
Carnival of Monthey (Monthey, Switzerland) [thru 2.13]
Carnival of Solsona (Solsona, Spain) [thru 2.14]
Carnival of Vilanova i la Geltrú (Vilanova i la Geltrú, Spain) [thru 2.14]
Cologne Carnival (Cologne, Germany) [thru 2.14]
Düsseldorf Carnival (Düsseldorf, Germany) [thru 2.14]
Florida State Fair (Tampa, Florida) [thru 2.19]
Great Lakes Regional Dairy Conference (Mt. Pleasant, Michigan) [thru 2.9]
Ice Dance Music Fest (Appleton, Wisconsin) [thru 2.10]
Lucerne Carnival (Lucerne, Switzerland) [thru 2.12]
Mainz Carnival (Mainz, Germany) [thru 2.14]
Rabadan Carnival (Bellinzona, Switzerland) [thru 2.13]
San Antonio Stock Show & Rodeo (San Antonio, Texas) [thru 2.25]
Sitges Carnival (Sitges, Spain) [thru 2.14]
Warsaw Carnival (Warsaw, Poland) [thru 2.13]
Feast Days
Avoid Artichokes Day (Pastafarian)
Candle Spell for Springtime Wishes Day (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Cuthmann of Steyning (Christian; Saint)
Elffled of Whitby (Christian; Saint)
Elfleda (Christian; Virgin)
Fat Thursday [Thursday before Shrove Tuesday] (a.k.a. ... 
Feast of the Incappucciati (Italy)
Fettiger Donnerstag (a.k.a. Greasy Thursday; Germany)
Giovedi Grasso
Mad Thursday
Paczki Day (Poland)
Schmutziger Donnerstag (Dirty Thursday; Switzerland)
Weiberfastnach (Women’s Carnival; Germany)
Franz Marc (Artology)
Ganymede’s Day (Pagan)
George Dawe (Artology)
Gerolamo Emiliani (a.k.a. Jerome Emiliani; Christian; Saint)
Get Naked Day (Pastafarian)
Guercino (Artology)
Ha-Ri-Ku-Yo (a.k.a. Hard Kuyo or Festival for the Broken Needles, day of rest for needles; Japan)
Jerome Emiliani (Christian; Saint)
John Grisham (Writerism)
John of Matha, founder of the Order of Trinitarians (Christian; Saint)
Josephine Bakhita (Christian; Saint)
Jules Verne (Writerism)
Juventius of Pavia (Christian; Saint)
Kevin Koala (Muppetism)
Maha Shivaratri (Festival to Lord Shiva; Hinduism)
Meingold of Huy (Christian; Martyr)
Narvik Sun Pageant Day (Vinterfestuka; Norway)
Niceties (a.k.a. Nizier, of Besançon (Christian; Saint)
Nirvana Day (a.k.a. Parinirvana; Mahayana Buddhism)
Paula Modersohn-Becker (Artology)
Paul, Bishop of Verdun (Christian; Saint)
Praxiteles (Positivist; Saint)
The Prophet’s Ascension (a.k.a. ... 
Al Isra et Al Mirage (Djibouti)
Isra and Miraj (Kuwait)
Isra Mikraj (Brunei)
Isra’ Mi’raj Nabi Muhammed SAW (Indonesia)
Lailat al Miraj
Leilat al-Meiraj (Comoros)
Maha Shivaratri (South Africa, UK, US)
Miradji (Matotte)
The Prophet’s Ascension (West Bank and Gaza)
Star Festival (China; Everyday Wicca)
Stephen of Muret (a.k.a. Stephen of Grandmont; Christian; Saint)
Teletubbie Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Vartan (Christian; Saint) [Armenia]
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Butsumetsu (仏滅 Japan) [Unlucky all day.]
Very Unlucky Day (Grafton’s Manual of 1565) [9 of 60]
Aloha, Scooby-Doo! (WB Animated Film; 2005)
Andrew Bird & the Mysterious Production of Eggs, by Andrew Bird (Album; 2005)
Better Call Saul (TV Series; 2015)
Billion Dollar Boner (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1960)
Birth of a Nation (Racist Silent Film; 1915)
Blackbeard’s Ghost (Film; 1968)
The Black Mountain, by Augusta Holmes (Opera; 1895)
Boris Godunov, by Modest Mussorgsky (Opera; 1874)
The Cat Came Back (WB MM Cartoon; 1936)
Catwoman: Hunted (WB Animated Film; 2022)
Charley’s Aunt (Silent Film; 1925)
Collateral Damage (Film; 2002)
Come Back to the Five and Dime, Jimmy Dean (Broadway Play; 1982)
Disney California Adventure (Theme Park; 2001)
(Don’t Go Back To) Rockville, recorded by R.E.M. (Song; 1981)
Duel Controls or Put It in Second (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S6, Ep. 343; 1965)
The Early Bird and the Worm (Happy Harmonies Cartoon; 1936)
Flora, by Marco da Gagliano and Jacopo Peri (Opera; 1735) [1st Opera performed in US]
The Fog (Film; 1980)
Fortune Hunters (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1946)
The 42nd Parallel, by John Dos Passos (Novel; 1930)
Good Times (TV Series;1974)
Hamlet (Film; 1991)
The Harder They Come (Film; 1973)
Heaven Help Us (Film; 1985)
In Bruges (Film; 2008)
Katy Perry, by Katy Perry (Album; 2004)
Lambert the Sheepish Lion (Disney Cartoon; 1952)
L.A. Story (Film; 1991)
Legion (TV Series; 2017)
The Lego Movie 2: The Second Part (Animated Film; 2019)
The Magic Toyshop, by Angela Carter (Novel; 1967)
The Man Who Killed Hitler and Then the Bigfoot (Film; 2019)
Marquee Moon, by Television (Album; 1977)
A Message to Gracias (WB LT Cartoon; 1964)
Midnight Madness (Film; 1980)
Mischief (Film; 1985)
Nearlyweds (Famous/Fleischer Popeye Cartoon; 1957)
Needy, by Ariana Grande (Song; 2019)
Nobody Love, by Tori Kelly (Song; 2015)
Planet of the Apes (Film; 1968)
Radio Free Europe, recorded by R.E.M. (Song; 1981)
Razzberries, featuring Farmer Al Falfa (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1931)
The Robot (Betty Boop Cartoon; 1932)
Rosencrantz & Guildenstern Are Dead (Film; 1991)
She Was a Lady (a.k.a. The Saint Meets His Match or Angels of Doom), by Leslie Charteris (Novel; 1931) [Saint #8]
Stop in the Name of Love (Song; 1965)
Symphony No. 2 in E Minor, by Sergei Rachmaninoff (Symphony; 1908)
Taxi Driver (Film; 1976)
They Didn’t Pick Up Our Option or Show Down (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S6, Ep. 344; 1965)
Witness (Film; 1985)
Today’s Name Days
Hieronymus, Josefina, Josefine (Austria)
Jerko, Jeronim, Jozefina, Mladen (Croatia)
Milada (Czech Republic)
Corintha (Denmark)
Taalo, Tali, Talis, Talvo (Estonia)
Laina (Finland)
Jacqueline (France)
Elfrieda, Hieronymus (Germany)
Zacharias (Greece)
Aranka (Hungary)
Giacomina, Girolamo, Jacqueline (Italy)
Aldona, Anatols, Blazma (Latvia)
Daugvilė, Dromantas, Honorata, Saliamonas (Lithuania)
Åshild, Åsne (Norway)
Gniewomir, Gniewosz, Honorat, Jan, Ksenofont, Lucjusz, Paweł, Piotr, Salomon, Sebastian, Żaklina (Poland)
Teodor, Zaharia (Romania)
Maria (Russia)
Zoja (Slovakia)
Jerónimo, Josefina (Spain)
Dick, Rikard (Sweden)
Beula, Beulah, Clay, Clayton, Cleve, Cleveland, Clive, Clyde (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 39 of 2024; 327 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 4 of week 6 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Luis (Rowan) [Day 19 of 28]
Chinese: Month 12 (Yi-Chou), Day 29 (Ren-Yin)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 29 Shevat 5784
Islamic: 28 Rajab 1445
J Cal: 9 Grey; Twosday [9 of 30]
Julian: 26 January 2024
Moon: 3%: Waning Crescent
Positivist: 11 Homer (2nd Month) [Praxiteles)
Runic Half Month: Elhaz (Elk) [Day 15 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 50 of 89)
Zodiac: Capricorn (Day 18 of 28)
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nanaiapapachio · 3 years
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Nadie gringo entenderia esto, pero la piscola es maravillosa!!!
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japicidad · 2 years
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chaoticwomanlove · 3 years
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Enjoying life a little bit♡😋
Pizza🍕 y una piscola🍸🔥
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Mas colores
Menos dolores ✨
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cat-treasure · 5 years
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medejailoco · 5 years
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tasteatlas · 2 years
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COCKTAILS ANATOMY: Piscola 📍Chile 🇨🇱 ⭐ Rating: 4.2 💯 #17 worst-rated cocktail in the world . ➡ Submit your local food and tag #tasteatlas . #traditionalfood #golocal #traditional #eatlikealocal #piscola #cocktail #chile (at Chile) https://www.instagram.com/p/CfPjUYooAuJ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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quemalmomo · 7 years
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130 notes · View notes
brookston · 2 years
Holidays 2.8
Boy Scouts Day
Call Everyone Dave Day (UK)
Colorism Awareness Day
Culture Day (Slovenia)
Day of Release (Elder Scrolls)
Hold Onto Your Head Day
International Septuagint Day
Kite Flying Day
Laugh and Get Rich Day
National Iowa Day
National No One Eats Alone Day
Opera Day
Prešeren Day (Day of Slovenian Culture; Slovenia)
Propose Day
Rebel Day
Science Fiction Day
Smiles Are Contagious Day
Tako-ichi (Kite Fair; Tokyo, Japan)
Wear Orange Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
International Scotch Day
National Molasses Bar Day
National Potato Lover’s Day
Piscola Day (Chile)
2nd Wednesday in February
Love May Make the World Go ‘round, But Laughter Keeps Us From Getting Dizzy Day [Wednesday before 14th]
Independence Days
Byzantium Novum (Declared; 2010) [Unrecognized]
Feast Days
Avoid Artichokes Day (Pastafarian)
Cuthmann of Steyning (Christian; Saint)
Elffled of Whitby (Christian; Saint)
Gerolamo Emiliani (a.k.a. Jerome Emiliani; Christian; Saint)
Get Naked Day (Pastafarian)
Ha-Ri-Ku-Yo (a.k.a. Hard Kuyo or Festival for the Broken Needles, day of rest for needles; Japan)
John of Matha, founder of the Order of Trinitarians (Christian; Saint)
Josephine Bakhita (Christian; Saint)
Juventius of Pavia (Christian; Saint)
Kevin Koala (Muppetism)
Meingold of Huy (Christian; Saint)
Nirvana Day (a.k.a. Parinirvana; Mahayana Buddhism)
Paul, Bishop of Verdun (Christian; Saint)
Praxiteles (Positivist; Saint)
Stephen of Muret (a.k.a. Stephen of Grandmont; Christian; Saint)
Teletubbie Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint) 
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Shakku (赤口 Japan) [Bad luck all day, except at noon.]
Very Unlucky Day (Grafton’s Manual of 1565) [9 of 60]
Better Call Saul (TV Series; 2015)
Birth of a Nation (Racist Silent Film; 1915)
Blackbeard’s Ghost (Film; 1968)
Come Back to the Five and Dime, Jimmy Dean (Broadway Play; 1982)
(Don’t Go Back To) Rockville, recorded by R.E.M. (Song; 1981)
Flora, by Marco da Gagliano and Jacopo Peri (Opera; 1735) [1st Opera performed in US]
The Fog (Film; 1980)
Good Times (TV Series;1974)
Hamlet (Film; 1991)
The Harder They Come (Film; 1973)
Heaven Help Us (Film; 1985)
In Bruges (Film; 2008)
Katy Perry, by Katy Perry (Album; 2004)
Lambert the Sheepish Lion (Disney Cartoon; 1952)
L.A. Story (Film; 1991)
Legion (TV Series; 2017)
The Lego Movie 2: The Second Part (Animated Film; 2019)
The Man Who Killed Hitler and Then the Bigfoot (Film; 2019)
Marquee Moon, by Television (Album; 1977)
Midnight Madness (Film; 1980)
Mischief (Film; 1985)
Planet of the Apes (Film; 1968)
Radio Free Europe, recorded by R.E.M. (Song; 1981)
Rosencrantz & Guildenstern Are Dead (Film; 1991)
Stop in the Name of Love (Song; 1965)
Taxi Driver (Film; 1976)
Witness (Film; 1985)
Today’s Name Days
Hieronymus, Josefina, Josefine (Austria)
Jerko, Jeronim, Jozefina, Mladen (Croatia)
Milada (Czech Republic)
Corintha (Denmark)
Taalo, Tali, Talis, Talvo (Estonia)
Laina (Finland)
Jacqueline (France)
Elfrieda, Hieronymus (Germany)
Zacharias (Greece)
Aranka (Hungary)
Giacomina, Girolamo, Jacqueline (Italy)
Aldona, Anatols, Blazma (Latvia)
Daugvilė, Dromantas, Honorata, Saliamonas (Lithuania)
Åshild, Åsne (Norway)
Gniewomir, Gniewosz, Honorat, Jan, Ksenofont, Lucjusz, Paweł, Piotr, Salomon, Sebastian, Żaklina (Poland)
Teodor, Zaharia (Romania)
Maria (Russia)
Zoja (Slovakia)
Jerónimo, Josefina (Spain)
Dick, Rikard (Sweden)
Beula, Beulah, Clay, Clayton, Cleve, Cleveland, Clive, Clyde (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 39 of 2023; 326 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 3 of week 6 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Luis (Rowan) [Day 18 of 28]
Chinese: Month 1 (Jia-Yin), Day 18 (Ding-You)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 17 Shevat 5783
Islamic: 17 Rajab II 1444
J Cal: 9 Xin; Twosday [9 of 30]
Julian: 26 January 2023
Moon: 92%: Waning Gibbous
Positivist: 11 Homer (2nd Month) [Praxiteles)
Runic Half Month: Elhaz (Elk) [Day 15 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 50 of 90)
Zodiac: Aquarius (Day 19 of 30)
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brookstonalmanac · 2 years
Holidays 2.8
Boy Scouts Day
Call Everyone Dave Day (UK)
Colorism Awareness Day
Culture Day (Slovenia)
Day of Release (Elder Scrolls)
Hold Onto Your Head Day
International Septuagint Day
Kite Flying Day
Laugh and Get Rich Day
National Iowa Day
National No One Eats Alone Day
Opera Day
Prešeren Day (Day of Slovenian Culture; Slovenia)
Propose Day
Rebel Day
Science Fiction Day
Smiles Are Contagious Day
Tako-ichi (Kite Fair; Tokyo, Japan)
Wear Orange Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
International Scotch Day
National Molasses Bar Day
National Potato Lover’s Day
Piscola Day (Chile)
2nd Wednesday in February
Love May Make the World Go ‘round, But Laughter Keeps Us From Getting Dizzy Day [Wednesday before 14th]
Independence Days
Byzantium Novum (Declared; 2010) [Unrecognized]
Feast Days
Avoid Artichokes Day (Pastafarian)
Cuthmann of Steyning (Christian; Saint)
Elffled of Whitby (Christian; Saint)
Gerolamo Emiliani (a.k.a. Jerome Emiliani; Christian; Saint)
Get Naked Day (Pastafarian)
Ha-Ri-Ku-Yo (a.k.a. Hard Kuyo or Festival for the Broken Needles, day of rest for needles; Japan)
John of Matha, founder of the Order of Trinitarians (Christian; Saint)
Josephine Bakhita (Christian; Saint)
Juventius of Pavia (Christian; Saint)
Kevin Koala (Muppetism)
Meingold of Huy (Christian; Saint)
Nirvana Day (a.k.a. Parinirvana; Mahayana Buddhism)
Paul, Bishop of Verdun (Christian; Saint)
Praxiteles (Positivist; Saint)
Stephen of Muret (a.k.a. Stephen of Grandmont; Christian; Saint)
Teletubbie Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint) 
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Shakku (赤口 Japan) [Bad luck all day, except at noon.]
Very Unlucky Day (Grafton’s Manual of 1565) [9 of 60]
Better Call Saul (TV Series; 2015)
Birth of a Nation (Racist Silent Film; 1915)
Blackbeard’s Ghost (Film; 1968)
Come Back to the Five and Dime, Jimmy Dean (Broadway Play; 1982)
(Don’t Go Back To) Rockville, recorded by R.E.M. (Song; 1981)
Flora, by Marco da Gagliano and Jacopo Peri (Opera; 1735) [1st Opera performed in US]
The Fog (Film; 1980)
Good Times (TV Series;1974)
Hamlet (Film; 1991)
The Harder They Come (Film; 1973)
Heaven Help Us (Film; 1985)
In Bruges (Film; 2008)
Katy Perry, by Katy Perry (Album; 2004)
Lambert the Sheepish Lion (Disney Cartoon; 1952)
L.A. Story (Film; 1991)
Legion (TV Series; 2017)
The Lego Movie 2: The Second Part (Animated Film; 2019)
The Man Who Killed Hitler and Then the Bigfoot (Film; 2019)
Marquee Moon, by Television (Album; 1977)
Midnight Madness (Film; 1980)
Mischief (Film; 1985)
Planet of the Apes (Film; 1968)
Radio Free Europe, recorded by R.E.M. (Song; 1981)
Rosencrantz & Guildenstern Are Dead (Film; 1991)
Stop in the Name of Love (Song; 1965)
Taxi Driver (Film; 1976)
Witness (Film; 1985)
Today’s Name Days
Hieronymus, Josefina, Josefine (Austria)
Jerko, Jeronim, Jozefina, Mladen (Croatia)
Milada (Czech Republic)
Corintha (Denmark)
Taalo, Tali, Talis, Talvo (Estonia)
Laina (Finland)
Jacqueline (France)
Elfrieda, Hieronymus (Germany)
Zacharias (Greece)
Aranka (Hungary)
Giacomina, Girolamo, Jacqueline (Italy)
Aldona, Anatols, Blazma (Latvia)
Daugvilė, Dromantas, Honorata, Saliamonas (Lithuania)
Åshild, Åsne (Norway)
Gniewomir, Gniewosz, Honorat, Jan, Ksenofont, Lucjusz, Paweł, Piotr, Salomon, Sebastian, Żaklina (Poland)
Teodor, Zaharia (Romania)
Maria (Russia)
Zoja (Slovakia)
Jerónimo, Josefina (Spain)
Dick, Rikard (Sweden)
Beula, Beulah, Clay, Clayton, Cleve, Cleveland, Clive, Clyde (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 39 of 2023; 326 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 3 of week 6 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Luis (Rowan) [Day 18 of 28]
Chinese: Month 1 (Jia-Yin), Day 18 (Ding-You)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 17 Shevat 5783
Islamic: 17 Rajab II 1444
J Cal: 9 Xin; Twosday [9 of 30]
Julian: 26 January 2023
Moon: 92%: Waning Gibbous
Positivist: 11 Homer (2nd Month) [Praxiteles)
Runic Half Month: Elhaz (Elk) [Day 15 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 50 of 90)
Zodiac: Aquarius (Day 19 of 30)
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