#Pizza Towerfall
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Madeline spaghetti family tree au getting wild when you remember Madeline’s other family members
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peenus-colada · 5 years
Thanks to an absolutely breathtaking pic from a very dirty friend whom I love, Imma tell you about my day :)
It went way better than my anxiety told me it would! I got some new clothes and books and a jewelry box and we went out for pizza and I only got misgendered like three times but it's whatever.
Also I got the videogame Towerfall: Ascension, and played it with my sister all damn day and it's the funnest fucking game if you've got someone to play with I really really really recommend it :D
And again, thanks for the pic, it made my heart stop for far lover than it should lol ❣️❣️❣️
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3.16.19 - Round 1!
What a tiring day!! Got up at 10 something and went straight to work. Cleaned the bathrooms, tidied, then cleaned the silver pilot. Then I came back inside and ate and sit for a little bit until dad told me (as I was about to get ready) that he changed his mind and that we could take the new pilot instead. So I went back outside and cleaned that. Then I came inside and finally ligo and got ready at like 1:20. I was still getting ready when Pj and Josh came. Ate a little bit and played a little smash while waiting for Ben and Simon to come. Left the house at around 2:40. We all rode in the black pilot and played smash on the way to Great Lakes Crossing. It was so busy! Didn’t play anything at Round 1. Pj, Josh, manang and I walked around the outlet. Got some bubble tea at Precise and then stopped by hot topic and a couple other stores. Pj and manang got stuff from TJ maxx and Marshalls. At TJ maxx I found PJ these colorful calvin kleins and he was so happy at what a good find I found. Met up with manong, ben, simon, and Marv and apparently our wait for bowling was extended. In the end we decided to just leave and go to Zap Zone. Stopped by Mcdonald’s outside of GLC for some McChickens, McDoubles, pop and fries, then made our way to Zap Zone in Taylor. There we played Glo-Golf. It was fun! From Josh, manang, PJ and I, Josh won. Ben won in Marvin’s group lol After that we got some pizza from Little Caesars and got home at 9 something. Si came over and we all ate and then played more smash, Towerfall, and Mario Kart. At 11:40 I already signed out of the day. I was so exhausted lol. Cleaned up and then just sat. Did the programs and then tidied a bit more. Now it’s 2:03 a.m. Huhuhuhuhuuu soooo tired. Hopefully tomorrow isn’t so long!! Had fun today.
Life, I’m lovin’ it, Bebet
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